@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 25, 1963 ! Beaaget : Proviewe:: Jechertne | --2. emer ae , «oy, @, MITH Phone PROGRESS IN JET PROPULSION Oshewe PORT 728-7341 Helium boils are J. J. Glassey and J. S. » tn tee Shaw. of all elements. VISIT SMITH SPORTS - BOOTH AT THE WHITBY TRADE FAIR- CRESTLINE BOATS JOHNSON OUTBOARDS TEE NEE BOAT TRAILERS LIFE JACKETS, SKI BELTS WATER SKIS and MARINE EQUIPMENT WILL BE ON DISPLAY coOIDpD ~*~ minus 452 de- nd ear Previews Explanation Is Given Previes of progress is a dramatic, educational, non-com- mercial stage show written pri- marily as a high school assem- bly program, and is offered without charge by General Motors of Canada. In addition to the Canadian unit of Previews there are seven units operating 'n vari- ous parts of the United States, and 14 units are in use through- out the rest of the world. Dur- ing the past 11 years, more than 18 million children and adults have seen this presenta- tion. The theme of the show is that today's material progress is the result of work by scientists and engineers, and that many oppor- tunities await the student in the exciting fields of science and engineering. By using original: demonstra- tions in the fascinating field of popular science to develop this theme, it is felt that young people are entertained, enlight- ened, and inspired. The sequence of experiments is as follows: Polymer Chemistry. A_ rela- tively new and exciting field of chemistry which holds great promise for the future. It is demonstrated by three 2xperi- ments: in just 60 seconds, syn- thetic rubber literally jumps out of the pop bottle in which it is manufactured; a raw egg is bounced off a _ polyurethane foam plastic cake, made right on stage in just two minutes; and two metal discs are miracu- lously held together by a single drop of a new, miracle ad- hesive, after only 35 seconds. Ground Effect Machine, Dem- onstrates that in the' vehicle of tomorrow, a cushion of air may replace wheels. Sunmobile. A model car that illustrates one possible method of using sunshine as a power source. This model actually runs on sunhine. 1 Fuel Cell. A method for ¢on- verting the chemical energy of fuel directly into electrical ener- gy without the usual _ inter- mediate steps of fire, steam, * turbine jand generator. Suitcase with a mind of its own. A -"'misbehaving" suit- case illustrates scientific princi- ples essential to space travel. Exploding Wire. A small piece of equipment. shows that stor- ing energy over a relatively "long period, and discharging it instantly, may enable us. to obtain enprmous 'peak power outputs. , Jet propulsion. Hero invented the first jet engine, the airplane, ¥ - (aeolepele) (7) aboupt 2,200 capable version of 2,200 years OPEN EVENINGS years ago. Previews presents a/|of jet propulsion. Tat Ra tn tof neg = Directly ahead a bright future looms... in which virtually all _ burdensome chores will be eliminated, in which more will be produced with less effort, in which all can enjoy more of life's good things, ®@ @ @©.4@ New business in this community means Here's what you can do: give your full greater prosperity for all of us. That's support to local business, industry, to why we have made the project of bring- your Chamber of Commerce, and other ing new business home our No. 1 concern. organizations working to improve our But it's a tremendous job and we need community. : your help. ra Whithy Chamber of Commerce eee. eee ee