'@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 25, 1963 Ontario County Created In 1854 South Ontario County resi- dents who carve out their liveli- hood from an industrial econo- my will gain a new insight into their fellow worker to the north -- the farmer -- at the Trade Fair in Whitby Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. When the County of Ontario was created in January of 1854 it was designed for a rural and agricultural society. Only in the last few decades has rapid ur- banization spewed across the south Ontario County. At first administration was financed by property taxes. To- day money comes mainly from taxes on income and business. STARTED THROUGH CHAMBER Through the efforts of the Whitby Industrial Commission, Chamber of Commerce and many agricultural organizations. im the County, this unique Trade Fair got its start. Emphasis at the three-day fair will be on industry and! @griculture in Ontario County, with much of it going to indus- trial progress. During the County's ear y @ays few realized the giant part- i/mover in separating Ontario mers would someday hold a jo mt! Fair at Whitby. Ontario County is wedged be- | tween Durham and Victoria on the east, York and Simcoe on the west and the rock-ribbed | Muskoka on the north. Its south- | ern shores are washed by Lake | Ontario. CHAMPLAIN FIRST VISITOR Samuel Champlain, the French governor and explorer, was the first white man to visit the County, | Along with Carson and other | Recollect Missionaries in. 1615, | Champlain ascended the Oita- | awa River, crossed to Lake Nipissing and decended th e| French River to Georgian Bay. | Later travel to Lake Huron | was made through Whitby and/| Reach Townships and then! through the Rouge Rivers in Pickering Township to the Ho:- Jand River and Lake Simcoe. FIRST ONTARIO SCHOOL The first school in the prov- ince was established at French. | man's Bay in Pickering Town-| ship in 1669-1670 by Fenelon and Trouve, Sulpic'zn Missionaries | who wintered there and gather- | ed the Indians into a school. In 1778 Ontario County was | formed part of the District of Nassau. It became part of the Home District in 1798 and the first registry office Niagara. The first white settler in the County was Benjamin Wilson. | He settled in East Whi thy, east! me For Their Fine Work in - Business in Generol was) of the Oshawa harbor in 1778. In 1801 the first "Town meet- ing for choosing the officers and other regular for the Towns of Whitby and Picker- ing" was held, In these early days there were County Lieutenants with power to appoint Justices of the Peace and Militia Officers. On the 14th of March in 1882, the Governor General's procla- : mation forming the Provisional County of Ontario was issued and Whitby named as the Coun- ty Town. The reeves and deputies met in a brick schcclhouse in Port Whitby on May 3 of 1852 to organize the provisional coun- ty. The proclamation dissolved the union of the counties and erected Ontario into. an _ inde- pendent county as of Decembe: 30, 1853. In January of 1854, On- tario Was a separate corpora- tion. PERRY PRIME MOVER Peter Perry was the prime from her sister counties. Perry also gave much time and energy to other projects iwhich he considered would im- |prove the settlements. His pet was the centre road. This road was to run from Whitby to the north end of the | county. He never lived to see the separation or the building of the road, Salute to the Trade Fair Board ond Chamber of Commerce on this Great Industrial Exhibition DANDY CLEANERS 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU HAMILTON OFFICE EQUIPMENT 137 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY Whitby Trade Fair IN WHITBY 668-5849 to the Promoting Industry and in the Whitby Area. TRADE FAIR FEATURES WED., JUNE 26th 1 P.M. OFFICIAL OPENING CEREMONIES Features Preview of Progress; Showing Daily; Presented By General Motors Products Of Canada Ltd. See this Scientific Presentation See the great Industrial Presentation. Product Produced In The County of Ontario See St. John Ambulance Presenting; Rescue; and Many aspecis of Life Saving See A great presentation of Arms and Equipment in Defence of the Nation. See The Massive Tank See the Display. By Conservation. See how waste lands become Parks and Centres of Recreation See Miss Ontario County Crowned Queen of the County BY MR. SHERMAN SCOTT -- WARDEN OF ONTARIO COUNTY \ THURS., JUNE 27th OPEN 12 NOON TILL 9 P.M. See the many Products Presented for Your inspec- tion. Packaging Material By Dupont; Cartons By Bathurst; Plastics for every Use. Product by Dun- lop. Communication Product by Andrews Anten- na; Electronics By Crovan: Textiles for the Home: Sanitation Materials. Cosmetics by Alberto-Culver of Canada Ltd. Radiation of The Finest; Showcases by W. J. Anderson Co. Garden & Landscaping by