THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 25,1963 17 29--Automobiles For Sole |29--Automobiles For Sale. , series One owner. Original mileage. con- radio, dition, A bargain. 725-2316, 1960 PONTIAC convertible A-1 'cee o best offer. Apply 791 Simcoe South./ phone Stu, anytime, ee joss BUICK ' 'patocaatic! » V8 fully eg power brakes, 1956 MONARCH, custom, standard fully 'Veg tanamision new ast al, $85. Tele: tion. Low mileage, $425. Dial 725-2879.|phone 723-1246. 1949 CHEVROLET four-door, one owner) 1959 CHEVROLET Bel ae four door car, excellent sedan, rear speak- Apply 593 Ritson Road North after 6\er, 55-200 Goin aay nn Oe .m, = $1,425. Telephone 725-9612. 1958 CHEVROLET two-door, radio,|i9s2 PONTIAC four door sedan, radio,| windshield washers, Lia ag Be owned. | good body, in penfect condition. bong sell, trade accepted, hone, 728: ($60 1 Farewell Avenue, Oshawa after 5 . p.m. ea 1962 PONTIAC two-door hardtop, Paris-| 1955 bh gig sedan, 6 standard, fenne, 327 gy inch V8, automatic,|radio, $195 or offer. Telephone} fully pply Russ's City Ser- vice, Park Road fsaath and Cordova un- til 9 p.m. ss CONVERTIBLE 1962 Ford galaxie V8 automatic, power brakes, steering. Low mileage. Telephone 728-9354. NEVER sell your car until you see 29--Automobiles For Sale based ene ace Sto gad 88 sedan. One Rent Street North, 27--Real Estate For Sale LAKE SCUGOG -- house, barn, se and about 20 acres of choice sun |Rear risks, ali city conveniences, roads. Will sell property by desired, $15,000. for --_ sale, or con- sider Feeees: private lackstock 27--Real Estate For Sale GAVE the 11 per cent sales tax on this 27--Real Estate for Sale $500 IS THE full down payment on this located in the Call Doug Gower at 6. D. Hyman Ltd.,| 728-6286. 27--Real Estate For Sale THREE-BEDROOM ranch-style brick and stone front L fenced, aluminum storms and screens, $12,000.6 per cent NHA mortgage. Terms arranged, 728-0126. 1464 Evan- geline Drive. hai NHA BUNGALOW for sale in Whitby.|bathroom. For informat iom call Six rooms, attached garage. Must|725-0193. sell, owner being transferred. Dial) gj. 668-2318 ine ACRE farm, frontage o. Highway 12, house, barn, creek. Illness forces sale. Sacrifice. Call Port Perry, 985-2985, | ;, DOWNTOWN modern eight-suite apart- ment house, laundry room, three-car 27--Real Estate For Sule je MORES -- biz miles east of Oshawa : 2 Spell pL Bowman:| en. -- vane HOUSE with 5 acres garden land. down payment. % Crawford, 'ea-b072s Keith Peters Reaktor. FouR-BOOm vanselow- on one acre of Near Mosport. Reasonable price. Call Orono 4R6. ete FE rage nga 9 had anger: frontage foot with services paid, Ts. hen Howard "Siitors, » if| Whitby. home with attached deck, $16,600. with terms. agli haw neef, 723-2859, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. 1955 BUICK, two door, ha new! 728-7377. rdtop, transmission, radio, signals, discs. $350] McLAUGHLIN boulevard six - room brick home, floors, tiled | baad hee RR A ES Te RS $9,400.--NABSAU STREET, near King, home, low down pay- Ike Perry, Bosco. Realtor. 728-7377 GUIDE REALTY. 723-1121 AINSLEY DISTRICT -- Your opportunity to own a lovely brick and. stone bungalow in one of Oshawa's finest resi- dential districts, Features ¢@ large living. room, with nat- ural sicne fireplace, good sized kitchen, 3 bedrooms and a 4-pc. tiled bathroom. Extras include broadloom, a well finished recreation room, i PRIVATE two-storey house with two could be made as apartments. Owner must sell. $7,900, full price, 728-5770. RAVINE lot, 60 ft. frontage by 255 ft. on Oshawa Creek, city water. Price $3,200. Dial 728-9545. OWE-STOREY house in Nestieton, four- rooms with bath; garage, drilled well, $7,400. with $1,000. down. Fred Cook Real Call Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton, 5 NASSAU Street, six-room stucco house, or € iow down Gower at 8. D Hyman Léd., na bd pited SALE -- 103° pace og one block south Saf King Sureet East. Five minutes' walk- ing distance from: bus, churches, pub- lic, separate or high school. $49 per ial aiilGank 200 one 725-0303, Joseph able, vate 6537 : OME JOHN A. J. BUNGALOW -- Five-room with bath and kitchen, separate double garage, 250 ft. lot frontage on Kingston Road BOLAHOOD Highway. $1000. down. Dial Dunbarton) q 839-3987. BOWMANVILLE -- attractive, two- bedroom bungalow, living room, 16%"x SPOTLESS three-bedroom brick CALL 728-5123 | anna art & sovo shee en con uf AH & 728-4717. 1960 960 PONTIAC, two door hardtop, @ cy inder, Saale a $1635. 1 Must 'at Telephone or I modern, 655-3457. { SAVE THE NEW 11 per cent tax on a new home. Only two model homes left. Now available at $800 down and one i gle sa Joseph Bosco, Realtor. 728- REALTORS LTD, INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST. S. Office Hrs. (9 A.M. to 9 P.M.) 1958 PONTIAC Strato Chief, 6 cylinder, radio, coach, Nels Hyland, 1750 Danforth Avenue,| good Telephone ber gd Tel 725-7792. evade 1961 PONTIAC Laurentian station wagon, ra rag Oe cr Repu radio. $1995. Telephone 725-8: i958 PONTIAC an convertible terms. Ike Perry, 725-0303, Ji Bisco, Realtor, 728-7377. lephone Toronto, aainey = 117 Bell Drive. Ranch style' bungalow, thre» bedrooms, storms and screens, TV antenna. Low! down payment. NHA mortgage. Tele- phone 728-2604. inne car parts, all kinds; used tires, jall sizes, wheels. 509 Bloor Street East, lor telephone 723-2281. bunga- low, just off Wilson Road. Owner will consider trade on farm. $13,500. with loseph LOT -- 100 ft. frontage by 100 ft, deep. We specialize in Resale Homes LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD. Gordon Osborne \ BROKER DIAL 668-5431 ANDERSON ST., WHITBY near high school. This solid brick three bedroom bunga- low is being offered at bar- gain price for cash, Hot wa- ter heating, stone fireplace, recreation room, garage. Full price $13,900. Less for cash SEPARATE SCHOOL AND CHURCH only a few steps oway from this three bedroom brick bun- gclow in Whitby. Large fenced lot, garage, excellent condition. Full price $12,800 with gi down payment. Balance only $82.00 monthly including taxes. A REAL BUY HERE in @ better Whitby home. Corner of Frances Street and Gilbert Street: 84 ft. front- age, fireplace, dining room and three large bedrooms, Asking price $16,500. spect and moke offer. In- L. S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD., REALTORS 723-9810 --- 725-8761 43 Park Rd. South EAST OSHAWA Very clean and modern, 2- bedroom bungalow with 3 extre building lots, family size kitchen and living room, 4-piece tiled bath, full size divided basement, recreation reom started, hot water -by oil heating, storms and screens; TV antenna, garage, complete for $11,900. with $3,400. down. 15 ACRE FARM Niee garden soil, spacious 9 reom brick house, -modern kitehen, hot and cold water, 3 plece bath, school bus at gcte, located in Blackstock area, and asking only $10,- 000. with $2,000. down and one open mortgage. WILSON RD. NORTH Spacious ranch bungalow of 5 rooms, lovely family size kitchen, living room and 3 good size bedrooms, mahog- any trim, oak and tile floors, ° extra high walk-out basement, atteched garage, full asking price $13,900. with terms. WHITBY STORE Just a few years old, located in shopping plaza, good clean store, inspection invited. COTTAGE BARGAIN $4,000. full price, located 6n south shore of Rice Loke, water front lot, good swim- ming and fishing, 2 bed- rooms, large kitchen and liv- ing room combined, 'wash room, water on tap, boat house and boat, terms ar- ranged. LINDSAY Nearly new, 3 bedroom cot- toge, furnished and decor- ated, water front lot, modern kitehen, water. on top, bath- room, full price $6,500. with terms, a SCHOFIELD- AKER | | | Call-L.'S, Snelgrove Co. Ltd.| 723-9810 or 725-8761 | $900. DOWN | Dial Caesarea 996-4410 after 5 p.m. OSHAWA BLVD. Clean 5 room --. ope § paved drive, woter oi furnace, asking only $8,500. with easy terms. Vacont. Call Mr. Appleby at 725- 6544 or 723-3398. NORTH EAST 6 room 2 storey brick, in spotless condition, Many ex- tras. New oluminum sunroom, hordwood and tile floors, 4 METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. East Dial 728-4678 HIGHLAND AVE. $12,500.00 -- 6 room 2 storey home in a good quiet location, situated on a nice piece bath, gorage, nicely landscaped grounds, Priced to sell ot $11,900. with good terms. Ask for Mr. Yeo ot 725-6544. THIS 1S IT Asking only $7,500. for this four room home complete with hardwood floors. Good shade 'trees in back rare: Will take low down poy ment. Phone Mr. Ratcliffe ot 725-6544. ONE OWNER HOME Fancy brick, 1% storey, 3 bedrooms, oi] furnace, spot- less home. Paved drive and gorage. $1,000. down, $75 monthly. Full price $11,000. Why pay rent? Call Mr. Ran- kine at 725-6544. WE LIST ONLY TO SELL $7,700.00 $7700.00 -- 12 YEAR OLD 4 roém bungalow located in a quiet setting of green lawns, healthy cedars and a babbling brook. Home is comprised of 20' living room, large mod- ern kitchen, 2 bedrooms and 3-pe. bath, Ideal for retired couple living on ao marginal income. Taxes only $98.98. INCOME HOME OPPORTUN- ITY -- $11,900 is the full price for this attractive home in the North End. Presently rented for $115 for the main floor and $60 for the base- ment apartment. If you want someone to help you pay for your home, don't miss this opportunity. Call now. 6 ROOM BRICK RANCH BUNGALOW with 2 car ga- rage located in Beau Valley. Lot size 60 x 144. Features include Hollywood kitchen -- walk-out through sliding doors to patio, 4-pc. ceramic tiled bath with large vanity-- 3 good size bedrooms -- well planned Rec area in base- ment has extro flue for fire- place. Give us a call now be- fore prices go up becouse of the ADDED 11% Sales Tax on building materials. SERVICE. STATION AND GROCERY BUSINESS located just off Simcoe St. N. Profit- ably operated by present owner for. post 17 years. Owners would accept reason- able down payment or take a home 'in on. a trade. Poor health reason for selling. For further details call Bill Mc- Feeters of Schofield - Aker Ltd, at 723-2265. LISTINGS -- LISTINGS WE ARE RUNNING LOW ON LISTINGS AND URGENTLY NEED YOUR HOME NOW. ARE YOU THINKING OF SELLING? WE HAVE WAITING CASH AND TERM BUYERS. CALL US TO-DAY. 723-2265 Open 9 to 9-- Sat. 9 to 5. STEVE MACKO 728-5868 PAULINE BEAL 725-0239 BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 REG. AKER 725-0201 MARGARET HALL 723-1358 KEN. MORRIS 623-5406 (Bowmanville) 360 King St. Free Parking THREE BEDROOMS -- ONE LEFT poy folks just one left ot the old price of only $14,350.00 for a room with car- 0 Located in the north-west cute this home is availoble for. $1780.00 down. _ immediate . possession at only TREED BUILDING LOTS Cheese wisely the location for your new home. We hove a limited number of lots available on wooded ravine in Hillsdale Terrece. Guaronteed "'Al"' for building -- terms available. ~ WILSON REALTOR 39 PRINCE STREET PHONE 725-6588 landscaped lot. Close to schools, portation, $11,800.00 with $800.00 down - 4 bedroom home close to north General Motors --o very handy location -- this home is in lovely condi- tion newly decoroted. RAVINE LOT Juliana Drive in beautiful Downsview Park for only" $4,750.00 -- builders' terms. 2 Colonial bungalow in Bella Vista Gardens and at a sov- ings of $600.00 - no tax on these homes ready to be oc- cupied. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Jack Osborne John Kemp Dick Barriage Lloyd. Metcalf Joe Mago Ken Henn churches and trans- -- NEED A WORKSHOP? An opportunity to operate a small business from your home. Zoned for light manu- facturing, two cor cement block garage and five room bungalow. Offered ot $14,- 000" with $2,500 down pay- ment, EVERYTHING! Grocery, fruit and vegetable morkeét averaging $2500 to $3000 weekly turnover and specializing in European Foods. A real buy et $5000 cash and includes all fixturés, lorge apartment, store and basement leased until 1967. We urge you to investigate this little gold mine with un- limited possibilities, WHITBY Five year old five room brick bungalow osking $13,500 and corries for $90.84 prin- cipol, interest ond toxes. Vendor will consider trade on large home, preferably in Oshawa. Call Tom Huzor ot 728- 9474 or 728-5422 evenings. PAUL RISTOW REALTOR Financial Trade Bldg. 187 King St. E. LOCATION MEANS . LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER MAPLE GROVE 5 ACRE LOT $11,500. FULL PRICE Requiring only $1500 down, 3 acres tillable land with 1 acre of bush, plus lawns. Full basement -- forced air oil heat, modern kitchen. One mortgage carries for $70.00 per month. Better not delay seeing this home of value. Call Ed Drumm at 725-9345 or 728-5123. BRICK BUNGALOW $11,900 ' Five year old, three bedroom home, close to separate and public schools. Bus stop at door, Modern kitchen with breakfast nook. Extra large living room. Monthly pay- ments $92.00. including taxes on one six percent mort- gage. Down payment $1900. or offer. Hurry, call Irwin Cruikshanks at 728-5205 or 728-5123. OAKES AVE. $2,000. DOWN Five room brick bungalow with recreation room, garage and paved drive. Nicely land- ps ed lot with hedge, shrubs and trees. Monthl ments $75.00. Hurry at' Irwin Cruikshanks now at 728- 5205 or 728-5123. 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW and tiled laundry room, at- tached garage, paved drive, and a nicely landscaped yard. $5,000. down, and the bal- ance on one open mortgage. HERE 1s A GEM ona wooded rovine lot in a restricted lot. Modern brick split level home custom built for present own- er just 4 years ago. Situated on a beautiful property, over- looking a wooded creek area. Attractive entry halls leads to living room with stone fire- place, dining room and ultra- modern family kitchen. Fam- ily room opens to outside patio, nicely finished recrea- tion room, 3 generous bed- rooms, 4-pc. tiled luxury bath and a 2-pe, powder room, At- tached garage and. paved drive. May we have the op- portunity of showing you this home just recently listed with us. A VERY SPECIAL INCOME BARGAIN -- Owner has in- structed us to sell at his Bargain Price of $11,900. 3 plex within walking distance to downtown. In splendid re- pair with new heating system. Has 3 kitchens with stoves and refrigerators and some furniture included. Owner oc- cupies a desirable 3 room suite--the second floor rents for $75.00 and the third floor for $60. per month. Ex- cellent financing -- one open mortgage ot 6%. If interest- ed in an excellent investment see this property today. 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW on large lot with attached ga- rage and paved drive, located in North East Oshawa. Large kitchen and living room and 4-pc. tiled bath. 3 room base- ment apartment with 3-pc. private bath rents for $70. per month. SEVEN APARTMENTS--with 4-cor garage on large lot 82 x 199 on King St. East. Cen- tral, Property clear. Substan- tial down poyment required, 8 SUITE APARTMENT BUILDING -- All apartments on lease. Hot water oil heat- ing, only one block from south G.M. Large lot with plenty of paved parking space. Good investment pro- perty. $12,800. FULL PRICE -- 5 room brick bungalow with fenced back yard and recrea- tion room 12 x 34, 3 good sized bedrooms and. 4-pc. tiled bath. Only 2 blocks from schools. DIVISION STREET -- neor Adelaide -- 6 room home with three large bedrooms, family size kitchen, separate dining room and large living room. Forced air oil heating and garage. Listed at $10,- 500. with terms. BROOKLIN 6 room ranch bungalow, N.H.A, re- sale. Let us show you this immaculate three bedroom home which carries for only $83.60 per month, Principal, Interest and Taxes. NEAR SEVENTH DAY AD- VENTIST CHURCH -- 2 5- room brick, 2-year-old bun- galow with many extras. Din- ing area with large picture window, aluminum -- storms and screens, 4-pc. tiled bath and vanity. Fenced yard and large patio. Carries for $69. per month. 3 BEDROOM 1% Storey home locates only one block from King St. East. Close to bus, schools and shopping. Very attractive living and dining rooms, large kitchen with lots of cupboards, over- looking a nicely landscaped back yard. Excellent terms. INVESTMENT OPPORTUN- ITY -- Two parcels of land on Ritson Rd. N, 13% acres FIVE-ROOM Reasonable. 725-4640. two-bedroom home, oil j, furnace, hardwood and tile floors, extra} stool. Close a schools, churches, bus. | 1958 HILLMAN Minx, body and interior jlike new, mechanic: imate offer. Days, 7: 125-5697. fully. powered ally perfect, $595. or|/Highest offer. Bowmanville Must sell. 623-3289. 25-5891; after 5 p.m.,/> attached garage and stone 9714. Joseph Bosco, Realtor. 728-7377. $12,500. full price with terms. Weinberger, Realtor. 728-7377. Joseph Bosco, 7377. $18,800. with terms. Mr. Martin, 728-) 3950.--DOWN. Income home, close al downtown, Excellent income with free apartment for owner. age cn el 725-6297, } FOR SALE 3 COTTAGES SCUGOG All conveniences of home, 20 min. drive from Oshawa. Lake frontage, Terms can be arranged, to inspect Phone Bil) Millar 725-1186. RESALE ON ELGIN GOOD BRICK HOME $1500 DOWN Close to Mary Street and schools, very well kept home. Top terms for the balance. $8,000 FULL PRICE ON DIVISION ST. Two To Choose From $1,000 Down, HURRY PHONE BILL MILLAR 725- 1186 W. T. Lamson Real Estote Ltd. 67 King St. East, Oshawa KEITH PETERS REALTOR 728-7328 103 KING ST. EAST Huron St. $2,000.00 Down on this brick, one and a holf storey home 'in very good condition, $75.00 monthly. Please call Rolande Tierney 725-5207 for furth- er information. Five year old bungalow, pav- ed drive, fenced yard, patio, hedged front, gos stove and dryer included. $12,900. full price, call Joe Crawford 623-3672. Apple Hill -- two to choose from each home hos their own special features, both have fireplaces, one a rec. room the other a 3 room .~ opt. This is an_ excellent family area with both sep- arate and public schools. Call Earle Allen 725-7782. 4 Bedroom brick, separate dining room, good street, 1 block from school, low taxes, moderate heating costs. Don't miss seeing this home. Call » Ronald Hetherington 623-3637. 5 Room brick bungalow, well decorated and _ landscaped. $12,000.00 full price $2,000.00 down to one mort- goge. Don't miss this Peer Johnson 728- FERNHILL DISTRICT. Com- pact brick bungalow in good condition, nicely landscaped lot, make an offer. Call Ron Dropok 725-5253. ALBERT ST. Spacious income type home completely mod- ernized with large ultra- modern kitchen, beautiful hardwood and tile floors, Must be seen 728-7328. SAVE THE NEW 11 per cent tax wal ies MERCURY two-door, hardtop, au- this executive ranch bungalow with) tomatic, Z| oy eal 4500 |1963 VEO SAVE the new il per cent sales tax/new, WW washers, discs, undercoated, on this NHA bungalow in the Eastend,| $2450. Also '55 Pontiac, $160. 23 Albany Arthur until 5 p.m. 723-7244. Joseph Bosco, power brakes and (Jobn). steering, after 6 p,m. 1961 3) CHEVROLET, Bel Air, a coach. Low Take over balance. Telephone be tir Dark 6,700 miles, Must sell. Dial 725-2570. miles, Jack Lees. Biscayne, bran d)2647. i961 CORVAIR, |Many extras, Top condition. four-door, automatic. jal 725- 1959 EDSEL, All Foreign STATHAM B.-A. S| Ritson Roa _723-4733 and 723-7712 GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE condition, original owner, 723-2794 after 5 p.m. 4-door sedan, 835 Mary Street, "$975. Call SPO PA Make Cars ERVICE d and King 314 PA\ T CASH ID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. DODD MOTOR SALES Liens paid off. RK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 TILDEN CAR AN RENTALS (All Makes CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. For Clean down. D TRUCK | | NICOLS and Models) 512 BROC 668-8001 $ ALL CASH $ cars we deol up or Liens paid off. MOTORS LTD. K ST. N., WHITBY - 668-8101 for Oshawa's Service Centre Chrysler-Dodge-Plymouth-Valiant Dodge And Fargo Trucks Chryco Parts and Accessories SMITH SPORTS 353 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-7341 BUYING A CAR? H CUSTOM one WAS $2295. STRATO-CHIE 1962 Rambler Now $1995 1959 Pontiac Clean. WAS $1495. Reduced $1295 1959 Chevrolet TRY WELLMAN'S OPEN TILL 10 P.M. O iday S HTP, One metic. Ful $3095 owner F Radio Very CONVERT! driven, 41 $3195 "Where Quality And Price Go-Together"' TOP DOLLAR FOR TRADES ale' 1962 Pontiac owner V-8 auto- ly powered. WAS Now $2895 1959 Cadillac BLE. Executive ,000 miles. WAS Now $2695 28--Real Estate Wanted WANTED, three bedroom house. Osh- awa or north area with low down pay-- ment, Write Boy 832 Oshawa Times. or best offer. Dial 668- 29--Automobiles For Sale 1954 METEOR sedan delivery, rebuilt motor, good condition. Ph dey take trade KELLY DISNEY USED CARS 409 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY--668-4291 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always Top Quality VOLVO SALES and SERVICE BISCAYNE One Owner 6 cyl- inder, automatic. Radio. "Like New". WAS $1495. Reduced $1388 1959 Volkswagen One owner up to 40 m.p.g. WAS $995. Now $795 1957 Chevrolet BEL AIR. Finished in gleam- ing black, V-8 automatic and radio, WAS $1095. Now $895 1955 Chevrolet DELUXE, Radio 5 new tires Above average. WAS $695. Now $495 1955 Pontiac: HARDTOP. Finished in Aut- umn Yellow and Frost White 5 new tires's. "Sharp" -- SOLD -- WAS $695 Now $595 1952 'Chevrolet DELUXE. Neat as o pin. Loaded with extra's. Now $450 1959 Chevrolet BEL AIR V-8 Automatic, radio, Top value. WAS $1495 Reduced $1388 1958 Pontiac DELUXE Radio 6 cylinder standard. Very clean. WAS $1095 To Clear $895 1955 Chevrolet DELUXE 6 cylinder standerd transmission. Very cléan. WAS $ 1955 Buick HARDTOP "Once In A Lifetime Buy" WAS $495 Now $145 1955 Pontiac SEDAN V8 Standard Trans- mission 'Best Buy In Town" WAS $595 Now $295 1954 Plymouth CONVERTIBLE. One owne radio, new tires "lmeneculate'® WAS $795 Reduced $550 MANY MORE MODELS 595. Reduced $395. cellent motor, tires. vee offer. Dial "705-3746. 1961 CHEVROLET, wagon, 6 cylinder, clean condition. 725-5682. Biscayne, automatie, Low mileage. Blue, ex- Must sell, station | good Dial 1956 PONTIAC two door hardivn. v4, Lodged brakes and 1952 PONTIAC coach, motor overhaul-|>e ed, good tires, excellent transportation. | 1 hy 728-8144. 1955 METEOR, Bue 9 v4. 728-4052 after 5.30. BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Uust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 belts. Reasonable, i aL os tH i dg' 1963 FORD Galaxie 500 four door, Uh dual _ trans equipped, whitewalls, wheel discs, Seat 125-4537 after Guaranteed Used Volkswagens 1960 Volkswagen Deluxe 1959 Custom and Deluxe 1958 Custom and Deluxe 1957 Custom and Deluxe 1956 Custom and Deluxe 1953 Custom These cars ore guoranteed under the Official Volks- wagen Warranty Plan. Many have radios ond other extros. Cash - Trade - Terms COME IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION SABYAN Motor Sales Ltd. AUTHORIZED VOLKSWAGEN DEALER 354 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa Phone 723-3461 K.O. ROY W. NICHOLS USED CARS 1962 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE 2 door, 6 cylinder, auto- matic, custom radio. Seat belts, whitewall tires, wheel discs, washers, A. good clean one. : 1961 CHEVROLET SEDAN 6 cylinder, standard. A real sharp one owner cor with low original mileage. 1961 CORVAIR 700 SEDAN Standard 3 speed tronsmis- sion, custom radio, new tires This cor is in immaculate condition. Local one owner. 1960 CHEVROLET IMPALA Convertible 6 cylinder, auto- matic, custom radio, whitewall tires, discs and washers. Electrically operated top, etc. Owned and driven by a local lady. 1959 CHEVROLET 2 DOOR WAGON 6 cylinder, stondard trans- mission, custom radio, power steering, two tone blue and white, 1958 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF Dependable CARS For Your Holidays 1963 CHEVROLET * IMPALA CONVERTIBLE Automatic and radio. $3495). 1961 PONTIAC STATION WAGON for the camping season. $2195 1961 N.S.U: 60 miles per gal. $495 "1961 LARK STATION WAGON one-owner. $1695. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN. Custom $995 1960 LARK V-8 SEDAN Vinyl Interior $1195. 1959 AUSTIN SEDAN New paint, new tires, radio, $795. 1958 METEOR SEDAN ie Rebuilt Motor, New Pains. $1095. 1957 CHEVROLET SEDAN Deluxe Medel $995 A 1956 BUICK HARDTOP $695 1956 PONTIAC COACH Automatic $795 1956 DODGE COACF New paint, $495 1952 FARGO HALF.TON PICK-UP Rebuilt Moter, new paint. $275 Make offer on any of the following units. 1955 PLYMOUTH Sedan 1955 BUICK Sedan 1955 CHEVROLET Seden 1954 FORD Sedan i Radio, autématic, power steering, power brakes. ; JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd, S. and 19% acres. Owner anx- fous to sell and will sell sep- crately. Give us an offer. SEMI-DUPLEX on Windsor St. only 3 years old, Com- Sedan, 8 cylinder, autome- tic transmission, radio, wheel discs. In sharp twe tone. 1958 CHEVROLET IN STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM FOR A BETTER BUY SEE PORT HOPE OPEN TO AL OFFERS Good 6 room frame bunga- low, oil heated, nicely decor-- 1953 CHEVROLET Convertible . 1952 METEOR Coach WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT -- Three room, bovine apartment, Main floor, $55. A SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service pion calls. Walter Ward, 204 estnut| tained ply 209 Brock Street South. MO e477, Street West, Whitby 668-2563. DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, 5, dresses, ated, large size family room, private drive with garage, plete with aluminum storms ond screens. All large rooms. Oshawa 728-0921 (2 from which to choose) 1952 CHRYSLER Sedan For sare -- = One unfurtished room, landscaped lot with de landscaped lt "with "garden KEN MURRAY -- ED. WELLMAN "Bill" Horner at 728-5123 or 728-2236: FOR SALE OR RENT Both 8 cylinder automatic, both in above average condi- tion, Reasonable down payment. altera.ions, slip. cavers, drapes, Fitting Toms 668-2372. The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy FOR RENT -- Three room apartments. One newly decorated. Private bath- rooms, Large grounds. Baby welcome |918 Centre Street South. Telephone 668-4426, | "dy. je Agar mee "Dundas Street Batis specialty. Mrs. Apartment One, Telephone 668-8505. -- FOR RENT Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. NAGY | | iFor full particulars call 723-1121) We have a fine sslection of Boating and Camping Equipment WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES , 1415 DUNDAS EAST ' > WHITBY 668-3226 FOR RENT -- Three rooms, self con- tained. Available July 1. 107 Keith) Street. Telephone | 668-4379 after 5. 30, Smort Business People Sing the Praises of Oshawa Times Classitied Ads, 479 FERNHILL 8 year old 5 room bungalow. $110, monthly lease required. Call "Bill" Horner 728-5123 or 728-2236. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario, = Open Evenings -- Irene Brown Steve Englert * Jean Peacock Lloyd Corson Leon Manitius Dick Young Tony Siblock Lucas Peacock Steve Zurbo Roy Flintoff GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St, S$, Give Bill A Try'? New Telephone Numbers 668-5871 and 668-5872 BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST, N., WHITBY 100 NONQ LTD. AUTHORIZED DEALER RAMBLER - HILLMAN UON RD: Wellman Motors 728-7351 good used cars to choose from. All carrying Roy W. Nichols ntee. ROY W. NICHOLS COURTICE, ONTARIO 728-6208 MOTOR SALES Studebaker Mercedes-Benz Sales and Service 484 King Street West 728-5178 (Continued em Page 18) | K