Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Jun 1963, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, June 22, 196319 st Summary Of Stock Market Activity By The Canadian Press Orono UCW Readies For Nibble Way To General Meet Lighter Weight ORONO -- Unit one of the} "'otume for the week was LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Persons CHOOSE WINTERMEYER |0rono UCW held its June meet- f = io aoe a, j . Pal mae who eat one big meal a day are| KITCHENER (CP)--A nomi. rod ---- home of Mrs. R. liable to be fatter than "'nibbl-|nation meeting Friday night poo Trtlional wes ain ers" who stagger their food in-| took six minutes to choose John Airs, H. Allen selecting us bor take, the annual meeting of the| Wintermeyer, leader of the On. hort e "Love." Unit oder pnd Nutrition Society of Canada was|tario Liberal party, to contest R. Chapman : dealt with the Bis. 82 "told Friday. Dr. J. A. F. Stev- -- hie in ~ nent ~ ahd a 3 'os Pg ny enson, head of the department) vincial election. e electio n ; ' of physiology at the University will be Mr, Wintermeyer's third et, ae ae H php od Cop Gee ear 136 M4 aw GN Cap Bw 1125 Mu a' ui ee ee, Tee his second as party leader.|\7 yrs M. Staples on June 20. Tr Can PL $202 830% 26% 28% --1% 30% 214 Sree Bt 17% 17 Th he 1% 14 Accra so at his experiments in controlling) He has been the riding's mem- An excellent treasurer's report Shell Oil 39988 $1814 16% 1% -- Ft ad 13% sie i Kk 250i Tt the diets of rats. | ber since 1955. was given by Mrs. H. Best. A Pow Corp 810% 9% = fo il aa ne os CAPSULE NEWS This Week------_-- Stock Sales High Pd Cisse Clone Oh'ge nigh L Lew Stock Sales Siew igh Le Low Close Ch'ge wight Lew Gen Bake Gen Dynam bg by 449 to 250 the Toronto -- this week, Issues = $13% 134 134+% 4 85 $109 107% 107%4-- % 111 gd too $27" n" 7 --% aie A_ wts 995 --105 12 ] ~ +% 26% GMC $76 1 79% 6 3% rig shares, 2 ™ #712 «+44 nm 65 2 po aii one E WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS By The Canadian Press ... ... .-00 ------This Week: 1968 Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low -BExesetes is ++ (988g. inf 'eo os pik ge Pe pm spayed ++ + oe ee med e a] ze OILS =, Ss we "_ASSURES SUPPORT VISITS RUSSIA TORONTO (CP)--Dr. J. R. Mutchmor, moderator of the United Church of Canada, said . Friday Pope Paul VI can be as- "sured ofy 'general support." Commenting on the Pope's elec- tion, Dr. Mutchmor said: "Christian unity and worl peace are top objects of the MANCHESTER, England (AP)--Sir Bernard Lovell, di- rector of the Manchester Uni- versity radio astronomy station at Jodrell Bank, which has tracked American and Soviet space shots, will begin a three- 4 week visit to Russia Tuesday. FIND JETS thank you card was read which had been received from Mrs, E. Gilbank. Mrs, F. Lycett gave a sum- mary of chapter 4 Word and the. Way" with "The Love of God." Mrs. N. Bairstow, who re- cently returned from "Four Seasons Retreat" where Mrs. Wilkinson was leader, brought N Davies Triad Ahchor Medal Renville Tribag Sil Miller 2% 0% 3 20 180 160 171 % 6 8 299 262 «277 MINES poies0 39% 25 620 be] eed $22% 22 22 pd 105 105 iss 6 6 644: Sis 13% 14+ % 1 -- $13% 134 134 +1% 26 o = t i 2 Zz FEE $ Hi uu Seghsease geecotresucescgee.t Lsibt sts 5 = aSsees8e 32 Lr nae ~ Christian church. The late Pope| GRAFENAU, Germany (AP) ighlights that experi- . John XXIII did much to streng-| Bavarian frontier police have patil te ee '" then and support these great/found the wreckage of two Industrials Imp life causes." |Czechoslovak jet fighters close) UNIT TWO Gas Tob |to the Czech border. Search is} Unit 2 of the UCW held its Aad B Imp Tob NAMED TO FORD POST | still going on for a third fighter,| meeting Tuesday at the home Abacon 1316 145 115 148 420 800 118 oh rag OAKVILLE, Ont. (CP)--David|also believed to have crashed/Mrs, Lina Cobbledick, with 19 Abitibi 6839 845% 44 HM 1% 6 OK D. Willock, manager, public re.|Friday. Bavarian border auth-|members and two visitors pres- Abitibi pr MS $254 2 3 --% M4 UA Inland ¢ ' Jations services, Ford Motorljorities said they had _beenlent, Ackland a ee ee ee Inland Gas pr 435 s19% Company of Canada Limited|alerted by Prague that the three) The leader, Mrs. M. J. Ackland pr 350 $24% 24% 24% 2% 22 7935 Fs i. : +h+ s* 5 pusBavysdegsBeuongsscascgago5 regauaxiss $"3 zotst8Soge52= § gbstg~8,88hoe8 ' " 2 S&. Rik: sucteSsz~ uy Berg ssteetlgicdecdegesdateceis Se, beeSauey s 2 = a pugelte 5 Be g Pp 8573 290 275 280 -8 290 235 Im cy," os % Black Bay has been appointed assistant di-| Russian-built planes were Over-/Tamblyn, opened the meeting vent oe a gees hd 2. 2S Ed ee Bouzan A Broul Reef rector of public relations of that| due. with the call to worship 'One jm the cen eb 2 eee ; reel i Min 7) or gan iPioned eg hrigg Pepto MINERS KILLED Step at a Time. pita Gas 9691 831-29 -- 9H BT Int TM 63 Buff "Ank ord of Canada in after TAIPEI, Formosa (AP)--Thir- Mrs, Hilda Wood gave a re- Alta Gas pr 145$110 109 110 +2 110 107% : 8886 2 Buff RL serving as associate and assist- lteen miners were killed in an port on the bale of used cloth- Alte GB pr 7558108 «108 = 108 108% 106 260 260 --20 ant editor of Weekend Maga.) explosion Friday at.a coal mine ing that was packed at the alta G wts 7679 900 815 850 --80 975 1750 Inter PL 3799 Cable zine, Montreal. lat Pingchi in north Formosa.|chureh. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn re- Alta Nat 5660 $19 18% 18% --% 19 17% s _ oy 265 150 Cadamet |Five others were critically in- ported sending several cards Alg Cen 565 $22% 22% 2% --% WM 19 33 PLANS SOVIET STUDIES |jured, Of the 19 miners in the|@nd read a message of thanks rewitegy _ ~ Psa aealied ney 'deieslaee'¢ (CP) -- Carleton| ine only-one escaped unhurt, |ffom Mrs. Meredith Linton. The reser anne lh jak we 21% versity announced Friday it} visits to the sick and shut-ins lumii , plans to offer an undergraduate | CHARGE SPYING numbered 48. An 1 ee =o ™ pee aR | > grag ang eee Pl PEKING (homers) -- Com-| Mrs. W. Malley neeked es 5 sty Bu Ba ae leading to a bachelor of|munist Chinese Air Force com-/group for their gift on their arts degree with honors.|mander Gen. Liu Ya-Lou has/golden wedding anniversary and oe eA wn Meh tk me Mh B88 = a * 3 bgt biLigict Zseest8cs. Ss = S2seentecs.s S3ySs ghée isiselail ro = $s = F se - i Sehecegcsisses S = s L > Lgbes & Sueessighs Rc esa8ayege 3858 ss8ceua gobs cabsyecy - > soliSg.gubsyesesss = a fae FS ri - Courses in the language, litera- ture, history, geography and po- litical system of the Soviet Un- ion will be offered. RAISE ANIMAL FEES OTTAWA (CP) -- Farmers must pay higher fees for recov- ery of animals which wander on defence department property and are impounded, it is an. nounced in the Canada Gazette. A defence department official said the step was taken because of a rise in the maintenance costs of pounds operated on de- fence installations across' the country. MADE BOMBS OTTAWA (CP)--A 17-year-old high school student Friday pleaded guilty in magistrate's court to making four bombs, one of which exploded in a high school locker May 27. Claude Verner, described by Vice-Principal M. M. Boyd as having an overly-scientific mind was remanded one week for sen- tence. PLAN BUILDING VANCOUVER (CP) -- Plans for a four-storey building for Pacific Press Ltd. to house the separate publishing and joint printing operations of The Sun and The Province were an- nounced Friday. The project will cost an estimated $7,000,000 before equipment is installed. In its initial state there will be 27 units of printing presses with plans for expansion to 42 units. MAKE PEACE? TORONTO (CP) -- The Tor- onto Labor Council indicates it has made peace with the Royal| York Hotel by planning a hearty meal in the hotel's lush dining rooms on Labor Day. It will be the first time the council's La- bor Day dinner has been held in the hotel since a 1961-62 strike by members of the Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders' International Union| (CLC). OFFICIAL TO RETIRE TORONTO (CP)--George A. Pearson, superintendent of On- tario elementary education for 11 years, will retire at the end of August and Gordon L. Duffin will be promoted as his succes. sor in September, Education Minister William Davis an. nounced Friday, said the Nationalist Chinese plane shot down over east China Wednesday was on a spying mission, the New China news agency reported today. (Accord- ing to the Nationalists, the air- craft, an American-built Lock- heed naval patrol bomber, was carrying food packages on a "mercy mission.") CARRIES LAST RANSOM WASHINGTON (AP)--A ship carrying the last shipment of ransom for Cuban Bay of Pigs captives sails from Philadel- phia Sunday. The Red Cross announced Friday in Washing- ton that when the cargo of the S.S. Maximus is delivered, it will bring to $49,300,905 the value of medical supplies and foodstuffs exacted by Cuban Premier Fidel Castro for the release of 1,113 prisoners. RESCIND RED BAN LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The University of California regents| voted 15 to 2 Friday to rescind the ban on Communist speakers on their university campuses. The ban has-been in effect since 1951. Friday's action followed a long ign by ts. fac. invited them to her home for the July meeting. Mr. Long was the guest speaker and gave a talk on his week at Conference. A short question period followed. UNIT THREE Unit 3, United Church Women, met at the home of Mrs, Everett Stapleton on Tuesday, with 15 ladies present. The leader, Mrs. Tyrrell, opened the meeting with a call to worship. Mrs. Rainey read two poems, "The Garden" and "Garden Thoughts." Hymn "Blest be the Tie that Binds" was sung and Mrs. Sherwin gave the devotion- al message. The minutes of the May meeting were read and the treasurer, Mrs. Woodyard, gave the report. Collections for May totalled $18.75 and from the Tulip Tea $65.30; expenses $8.36, leaving a balance of $56.94. Mr. R, E. Logan gave a re- port from Conference, which he attended in Kingston, bring- ing much interesting and help- ful information. He also read a letter from Mrs. Weatherhead, ident of the United Church ulty members and others to eliminate what had become one of the most controversial rules since loyalty oaths were made a requirement. ALLOWED TO LEAVE PRETORIA, South Africa (Reuters)\--Two men detainel under .the government's "no trial" bill have been granted exit permits on condition that they leave South Africa for good, an interior department spokesman said Friday. MEET ADJOURNS GENEVA (Reuters)--The 17- nation disarmament conference adjourned Friday until July 30 to clear the stage for next month's American - British-Rus- sian talks in Moscow on the nu- clear test-ban issue which has deadlocked the Geneva talks. ALLOW APPLAUSE COVENTRY, England (Reu- ters) -- Applause, traditionally taboo in church, will be allowed for an experimental 12 months in Coventry Cathedral, it was announced Friday. The authori- ties of Britain's most modern cathedral -- it was consecrated only last year--have decided to allow the applause for certain music and drama performances Women, a member of the Supreme Council. UNIT FIVE On Tuesday evening Unit 5 held their meeting at the home of Mrs. McGee with 12 mem- bers and two visitors present. Etta Irwin opened the meet- ing with a prayer, followed by a devotional by Isabel Challice, the theme being on our needs and thoughts of religion. Rene Gibson read a poem on how wild flowers came into be- ing. gm Irwin announced plans or the General meeting June 20, at the home of Mrs. M. Staples. Collection was taken and dedicated. Mrs. McGee showed slides San Francisco and other parts of California, and some of Ontario. REDS SEE PRESSURE LONDON (Reuters) -- Oppo- sition Labor Party Leader Har- old Wilson says Russian lead- ers told him if West Germany was included in a NATO nuclear force 'they would be under in- tolerable pressure from Com- munist China for nuclear arms." He made the comment in an article in The Daily Her- Arg B pr Argus 250 ry Sane 52 52%--% pr 370 $52% 52% 52%--% Argus 260 pr 220 $52% 52% 524%4--% Arg C pr Ash Temple Atlan Ac pfd Atl Sugar Atl Sug A Atl Sug pr Atlas Steel agaqasagaganaaa epseeseee2 e ay ceeetenad $389 < % % 11356 $9% 9% 1070 $16 ios a -- % 16 --% 8% 700 $7% 400. $23 2500° $17% 17, 1™% $23: 23% + Ye ++u% 15 $101% 101% 101% --1% 13 30 3760 3760 3760 x i) 475 480 --15 " 410 % sd 5530 $685 66% 67% --1 apd had pag Pilg) eg 00 355% 54% 55% % 275 $12% 12 12 --% $364 35% 35% --1% $56% 544 55% -- % 90 1068 $90 688 13600 $59% 58 59 --2% 1235 $60% 59% 941 9% 77% 1% 672 415 410 415 192 $31% 29% 31% +1 $11% 11% 11% 5S $20% 20 2 M5 $20% ms Prana 22% 23 23% $17 «16% 16%4--% Sieh Th Th+% 100 $7 7 7 315 306 30 --5 Bag SEUEEESS sek = it 163 $108 = 107% 1 = $15% ed 3% +% es +2 uae) 108503 es a aoe +% 260 $: 37: 1912 -- % 410 830 "uM o--l% - +% a? ---% 750 700 45 sora hag Sag iia % 100 $18% 18% 18% -- +7 --l% +2 47 23 42 6234 121 132 4000 40 38 13917 218 201 1279 18 #15 «17 «+1 5% 4% SH +1 BSHSsuysosSesbses S & ergs 14 1 fs 11% 12 . "a 2" Th + 27 4 Te iy 16% + % "u 2 HM 1 12 % 10 ---3 12% 12% 12% 9 8 8 --Il 16% 4% 16.+% 20% 18% 18% --1% 6% 6 64+ % i * sergacdiusseSeragsccebiesess8ce, bm PCS OA OSs Hf 3 Setae e seeglenlsite BSgytty Ss 1 oh tgauork th SreR nbBeeeBeisocteent : grees i sf. 28Beng ed otGagtdssnSSesayticn * gb oxi osBsnstbeeostey Bs > Peni | = }=4 a B%e 74 gee S38 Fe ag235 338 F = t sabasygssg bub bel etts 8 $ 3 geeks 3 a eo Fy Fort i! a Seogehys.veaSsrtsenysuger Lt Sz.c.igs. Bee Fogackedy.g. B8G--.Rasse Luis obese L § 8 t-} c i$ c} + Tictgacduledieddiiveests Sete. Bocas +11 Fe oe > aust o ghBBiseecSzns, © slgysen-steesy eiyyeseagdes bilsisey subse S8e8euk ha hate ade 3 $s SSgeuties Suasa os gesssusé sizes gscesece' Begs p08 ~ eo sbi sutsastsé i @ es.58 PSubSdans, Sus oudeSeaterey BSiuasaed te.8ere oe = staged in the Anglican cathe-|ald on his recent visit to Russia ACCEPTS SUGGESTION | 9.ai id aaa tis. talks wih Premier able (CP)--Prime Minis. : | Khrushchev. ter Pearson accepted as a "very) PUNISHMENT IS SECRET good Dieses" a proposall GLASGOW (Reuters) -- Rob.| TIGHTEN BERLIN WAIA. Friday that Indian affairs be in.|ert Chew, headmaster of Gor-| BERLIN (AP) -- Communist * eet cluded on the agenda of the fed-| donstoun School, said Friday|East Germany today pro- y $9% 8% 8%--% eral - provincial conference) any disciplinary action taken/ claimed a prohibited area on its ao oe es oe es 1205 $27% scheduled for this fall. Mr.| over a forbidden drink of cherry| side of the wall dividing Berlin. MS 4665 $2 it seal ee in" Pearson told Frank Howard|brandy by Prince Charles would) Only East Germans possessing g ao) oa 7? Be Silknit 40 $32 Me a7 soweey 18 eae at 110 (NDP --Skeena) in the Com.) not be publicly disclosed. "It is) special passes will be allowed Son G 30 $108% 108 108% ct tag im 29% hy Saree mons that he hopes the confer-! an internal affair of the school," |into the area. All foreigners, Con nr egg Sou a Ss 675 680 ' % ence will be in the early au-| said Chew in a telephone inter-| civil and military, are prohib- fa OR tle tak te ee eo $20 18% 30 bene ne ie ae gaa tumn. | view from Gordonstoun. lited from entering it. BS sae ae ae a4 0 425 435 460 380 ae wee Me HOW WE CAN PAY YOU | ae : ce Bout 8°, 10° = 12° 7 Interest Paid Monthly 50 $53 (50% 53 +1 ae $29 2 2 --% 3110 $17% 16% 174 -- % vs $100% 100% 100% -- % 130 120 130 +10 We offer you a big 8% to 12% interest, paid monthly on your short term funds. The actual rate of interest you earn depends on the amount of money you deposit. How can we 2. bod 9% 94 "yu Th n is simple We in fi H 1 6170 $214 20 20%4--% --, $22% ae 214 --1% this sc a ete ge -- 4286 $41%. 36% 40 --2 356% 64 564 -- 4 probably the safest of all consumer loans. The average rate of our loans is 22%. This ay 128" $28 on 27% seem high, but actually it is 2% less than the rates charged by other finance companies. Loans E to K 25 $30% 30% aM are made only to home owners, and only to those who have substantial equity in their homes. gt Pe FR Ti cs eg | U Fuel B ar bah ie oh -- These home owners must also enjoy first class credit rating, and have steady employment. Our 400 Rite Ph PL hak as ; Vanadium 200 so =6 losses in the past five years have averaged less than one-quarter of one per cent). The presdent 2 i 325. $7% 7% ™m%+% Vendomat of HBC, Robert A. Jones, has been serving = $10% 10% 0% =i the building trades since 1930, Our assets HAMILTON BUILDING CREDITS LIMITED 27 $62" a 43 % are now in excess of $1,000,000. And your | 113 Ferguson Avenue North, Hamilton, Ontario. 18% --1% % money is not tied up for long periods of 70 $103 102% ag ~--%% 2200 49 «646 1 EQgUEGGE Edqet]le Sgtates" ySSEssetee Suzy Sas 25d peuababtstee gtzyler Bex Sr = 38 3 2" eget 3 g a z a Fs 3 a Base = obey o S & e8he_s58 ex =e pete 8 s sBie.8ud's Sus = aA - 835 gulale ateatgs gach vehSe 72 7 450 $67 64% 65 70 $544 54% 54% --2% 6555 $14% 13% 144 800 255 250 255 13845 $55%4 52% 54 10215 $20% 18% Tez Tamblyn 2 --% 2100 Sim 50% 5lA+ % 6% 69% --. HI EY "ge ify 21% 18% 19 Suptest pr ae Switson 2828845 i~] g els aH ie i i=) guiged? 19 133. --% 15496 $15% 14% 14% -- --1 30502 $18% 17% 184%--% 125 $23% 234 34+ %& LSRaE S . r 400 5 " 4250 80 a Please send me your revised brochure offering 8%, A 6? «67 9 WCoa: 3 30 2 2 sais, 180 time. Withdrawals are paid on demand, , 19% end 12% interest. OST3 000 70 had "aii 10 ros > with yp ressced ae to date of withdrawal. For U 51$58% 38% 58% 60% 45% W Copper a 40 1 65 an 30 0 Unisphere | = = in ing @ higher i tn ea 8% 8 00 Merrill 1 . Oils a4 or mail coupon for revised 'SODRESS .. ie : iso 3 W Pocitie* 2780 alt itm 18 --% 39 on Many It will be ogg to you promptly, | city § wy : ase Ae fe a sya : Westfair 32 M14 41% 414 + % si3% is% 15% -- and without obligation. Frueh $6 8032 $19%4 17% 18% --1% Ore 9 8 &&% * oe 609103 102% Weston B 20 822% 21 21 --i% 2 Moneta 4200 75 74 74 +2 10 $106%4 406%4 on 0 +3 M " "4 @ -3

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