Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Jun 1963, p. 21

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SG UIT ens inge OO Sa sesso iggch gene -34--Lost and Found t Border Collie, , Diack and # $2,000,000 Fund SS » _ viet Bloor Street, Monday, June 10. Telephone 725-4850. fore 4 p.m. small female, telephone be- Whitby 668-2502. _ 36--Legal Remains NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF MODENA JOYNT, DECEASED All persons having claims against the estate of the said MODENA JOYNT, late of the City of Oshawa, in the Coun- ty of Ontario, Widow, deceas- ed, who died on or about the 12th day of April, A.D. 1963, are required to file with the undersigned solici- tors for the administratrix, full particulars in writing of such claims, on or before the 27th day of June, A.D. 1963, after which date the admin- istratrix will proceed to dis- tribute the said estate, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which she shal! then have notice. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this 3rd day of June, A.D, 1963. CREIGHTON, DRYNAN & MURDOCH, 5 Simcoe Street North, OSHAWA, Ontario. Solicitor herein for the administratrix Dorothy Modena Daniel. MONTREAL (CP)--A special $2,000,000 -a- year job security fund established for Canada's 100,000 non - operating railway employees has been lying idle since it came into being Jan. 1! because the railways and un-| ions can't agree on how to spend it. Observers now expect the whole problem will be dumped into the lap of a federal arbi- trator, possibly within a month, to try to get a satisfactory solu-| tion. There has been no official comment from either the rail- ways or the unions on talk about the fund, but a joint committee that has been studying the ques- tion for almost a year is re- ported to have made little or no progress on any major points. If no agreement is reached by |July 1, either side can ask for |an arbitrator to rule on the dis- pute. As the deadline nears, both railways and unions are re- ported stiffening in their resist-| ance to the other side's position,| |REPORT WAS ORIGIN The fund grew out of a unani- mous report by a federal con- ciliation board under Mr. Jus- tice F. Craig Munroe of the | British Columbia Supreme Court jthat studied the contract de- }mands of the 15 CLC-affiliated junions bargaining for: the non- TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until July 5, 1963 for supplying the schools of T.S.A. of South Darlington with types of fuels listed. (1) Fuel oil opprox. gallon- oge 70,000. (2) Stove Oil approx. gallon- oge 4500. (3) Stoker Coal approx, ton- nage 12. (4) Stove Coal approx. ton- nage 16. M, J. Hobbs, Sec. Treas. Enniskillen, Ont. Unspent The fund is made up by each of the sevén railways involved paying into separate accounts the equivalent of one cent for each hour worked by its employ- ees, effective last Jan, 1. It was envisaged when the plan was drawn up that it would |be used to help long-time em- ployees facing layoff, although the length of service needed is one of the points still up in the air. LISTS RAILWAYS The railways involved are the CNR; CPR; Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo; Ontario Northland; Algoma Central and Hudson Bay; Midland of Manitoba; and the Sydney and Louisburg divi- sion of the Cumberland, The conciliation board recom- mended that the fund's re- sources be used 'for one or more of the following pur- poses:"" . Severance pay to employees |laid off permanently; Supplementary unemployment benefits to employees laid off subject to recall; Retraining programs; Relocation of employees; And any other "related pur- poses" the joint committee de- cided on. The stumbling block in rail- way-union talks on the problem is reported to be that the rail- ways want the fund used as sev- operating workers last summer. It was hailed at that time by }one high union official as man's janswer to automation. erance pay while the unions want is as supplementary un- employment benefits. IN GERMANY Curbs O ers) -- A proposed law 'to| restrict press freedom in West/an annoying, n Press Meet Opposition BONN, West Germany (Reut- tions it becomes clear that the/ ewed as and| press is primarily vi dangerous OBITUARIES MRS, ROBERT M. STARR The death of Mrs, Robert M. Starr, 41 Roosevelt avenue, Ajax, occurred early today at the Oshawa General, Hospital after a short illness. She was 26 years old. | Formerly Dianne -- Kaireen Greenlaw, she was born in Pick- ering, June 25, 1936, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Green- law. She graduated from the Whitby High School and had been employed at General! Motors of Canala, Oshawa. mer Minister of Labor in the |Diefenbaker government, and) |Mrs. Starr. On Oct, ried Dr, Whitby. | For nine years Mrs. Starr) taught skating at the: Rotary Figure Skating Club in Whitby. She was herself a member of that club. Mrs. Starr was a} member of the Church of the Holy Trinity, Anglican, in Ajax. Besides her husband, Mrs. Starr is survived by a_ son, Robert John Michael Starr. She also leaves her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Greenlaw of Whitby, a brother, John 10, 1959, she mar-| Robert M. Starr in of Whitby. The late Mrs. Starr is rest- Funeral Home Highway 2, Pickering. The funeral service will be held in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Ajax, Satur- day, June 22, at 2 p.m. Inter- ment will be in Oshawa Union Cemetery. | FUNERAL OF WILLIAM SOROCHAN The memorial service for Wil- liam Sorochan who died Monday June 17, at the Oshawa General Hospital, in his 72nd year, was 10 a.m. ed the service. J. Zambonelli, Tomchuk, G. Sorochan. MRS. ERNEST A. RIDLEY BELLEVILLE -- In ill health M. Blow, M. Kirtley and W. of the Hon. Michael Starr, for-|Alta Gas w CD Sug Can Malt Charles Greenlaw of Oshawa,|< and a sister, Janice Greenlaw ¢ ing at the William E. Sherrinic c held in the Armstrong Funeral|c Chapel Wednesday, June 19, atle Rev. P. Zaparyniuk conduct- D Pallbearers were J. McCue, Don TO | Rn eee BO cs Soult nay ernie arts teak dim ches sale a has vim ae aed eee ae see tate atin ie i aie ante THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, June 20,1963 39 Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings TORONTO 11 A.M, STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--June 20 (Quotations in cents unless marked $. Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale.) 11 Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge INDUSTRIALS 430 765 400 400 425 250 860 255 390 t Stock Abitibi +M% Abit pr $45 44% 45 $24% 24% 24% Alta Dist 285 «(275 «(285 Alg Cen Algoma Alumini Ai Arg B pr Arg C P pr Arg 260pr Ashdown B Atlan Ace 817% 17% 17% 470 «470 «470 68 $73 72 72 $554 55% 55% $55% 55% 5S54-- % 335 «335 335 Atl Sugar Auto El > Bank Mont Bank NS Bath P A Bell Phone Brazil BA Oil BC Forest BC Pow Burns Cabol Cal Pow Can Cem --% 1 200 718 C Collieries C Colli pr Frbks A 225 C Hydro 500 C Imp Bk C 936 ci 200 C Ind Rts 4840 CPR 4155 Cdn Pet pr 100 Cdn Salt 100 250 15% 15% + % 0 40 30% 30% 1% 1% + % 20 Cap Bldg Clairtone Clairtoret Col Cell * Con M 8 Con Paper Con Gas Lau Lau Leland Levy Levy 2 LobCo LobCo B impso! Slater Steel 2580 $10 Slat Steel pr 200 $19% 19% 194% --¥% St Pav Steel Can Tamblyn Tr Can PL 1629 Trans-Mt Trans PPL Turnbull Vic G Tr Walk GW xd 225 Wat Equip 100 WCoast Tr 9 |WCoast vt Westeel W Pacific Weston A 11 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge 21 1 21% 22 Stock F 6% F 13 Bales 100 $21 2100 $22 200 36% 1245 $17% pr 400 A 500 250 9% 133: 105 $107 105 200 80 «680 225 $12 300 340 382 320 135 250 2036 8485, 1472 75 $13% 13 4+ % 225 $10%X 1650 $20% 225 Ye2Ve8 10% 0% 0%--% 775 100 90. 490 490 --5 914% 14% U4K%--% $14 «614 O14 100 $13 225 $18% 16% 18% 255 $18% 18% 184--% 08 --* 10 +% % WM+h 150 3 «3 9% OILS 258 255 255 +4 $3% 23% B% 17 127 127 «+ 300 405 --15 395 --0 225 440 5 +3 22 '780 --2 +3 215 740 750 445 22 228 6228 $12% 12% 12% $11% 11% 11% $12 12 12 % Headway 11 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge $28% 28% 28% 55% 554-- 6% b4--% 2 2 5% 13% 11 Nef Sales Bigh Low a.m. Ch'ge 500 MY 14% M% 1000 13% 13% 10% ie MM ome | 300 (300 Stock Nor-Acme Norlartic Nirlex Normetal N Coldstrm N = Orchan + %/Orenada Pax Int ii Ne* Bales High Low a.m, Ch"ge Bales 215 510 505 505 --I5 100 405 405 405 --5 100 225 1000 Braitorne Brunswk Buff Ank Camp Chib Discov Stock Hollinger Hud Bay J Waite Jacobus Jellicoe Jonsmith Jowsey Keeley-F Kenville Kerr Ald L Dufault © Shore Latin Am Leiteh Lorado Lyndhst -- Lynx Majtrans Marcon Martin Mattgmi Mcintyre McKen Mentor Min Corp Multi-M +i --% of: Dyno CN Inca € Silica hester Chib-Kay Chib M Coniagas Con-Key C Mogul C Mosher $2332 PErES +34 = be "ge - = s 225 3% 30% 200 135 135 135 --2 145 140 140 --I0 8% 8% M+ 6% 6% 6%--1 6 5% thi ih 7 ™% 66 66 005 800 805 +5 851% 51% SI + % 28% 28% 28% --1i4/Stai 2 2 2 $15% 16% Ibh--% 20 2D ww T 6 1144 16 --3 6 6 6 225 31 sae 33° Mie : EpeGsegetds ali pgSysugSe-uebsseggeyecgsties s¥ostgens8s oxeScsessryecgeties ty geddtatcent? - peSsoguclea as Murray M Nat Exp New Bid N Harri New, Hoseo 1000 Newnor 2500 New Rouyn 5000 N Senator New Taku Nickel MS BSssese sBog3ez bile bognleth. 560 500 H of Lakes 6000 1500 -& # Feature For Feature, Your Best Buys Unbelieveably Low Priced "Zelco" Zeller's own quality brand is your assurance of Canada's top power mower values! Every feature Zelco tested for powerful dependable perfor- mance, every model Zeller thrift priced. Buy now, Charge-It. ZELCO pig V4 --% .|for the past three weeks, Mrs. ro Germany in time of crisis is|untrustworthy institution Emest A. Ridley, 282 Ann facing strong opposition from|The draft fails to take into are ab @ fi Ly ON Hil AE NN adit e, CITY OF OSHAWA PARKS, PROPERTY, AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Sealed Tenders plointy mark- ed as to contents, will be re- ceived at the office of the City Clerk, Civic Administra- tion Building, Oshawe, On- torio, until 5:00 P.M. D.S.T. Friday, June 28th, for the following: Re-Roof Shingle portion . of Jubilee Pavilion. «© 48 Jibs Sp ore ot the office of the under- signed. The lowest or ony tender not mecessarily accepted. W. J. Crompton, Purchasing Agent. virtually all newspapers and/account the fact that the press press organizations in the coun-jis an essential element (of try. |democracy to be defended) in destag (lower house), would) |modify the federal constitution giving the government wide powers of censorship in times) of national or regional emer-) gency caused by foreign . or jdomestic threats. or natural disasters, | The draft law says article V jaf the constitution, guarantee- jing freedom of speech and the |press, could be "restricted be- lyond the otherwise permissible limit" in the event of foreign The proposed law, currently|times of crisis." | under discussion in the Bun-| The council agreed, however, that in the event of threats from abroad "certain restric- tions on the freedom of informa- tion may become necessary."' But, it said, such restrictions should not apply to freedom in expressing editonial opinions. The executive board of the German Journalists' iederation resolved that in cases of in- tennal danger and catastrophes "any restriction on freedom of the press and of opinion should be opposed." In the wake of the criticism, ior Minister Hermann threats and internal danger. The German Press Council, luntary self-regulatory body \a street, died in Belleville Gen- She was in her 86th year. Daughter of the late Mr. and born in the city and lived in Belleville all her life. She was a member of Bridge took an active part in the work of the Front Road Church, where she was a member of the Women's Auxiliary. She was also a member of the Women's) Predeceased by her husband, she is survived by two daugh- ters, Mrs. Morley Rorabeck (Lorna) and Mrs. Hugh Sullivan eral Hospital Monday, June 17. be Mrs. John A. Berkeley, hse was z 1 street|1 United Church and formerly |{ I Bronze pr Int Nickel Int Util Inter PL Institute. Sens Gs Kelly D A (Lafarge LOn Cem Lont C pr Inland C pr inland Gas In SI P Inv Syn A J 100 250 250 250 250 $11% M% 11% lau Finn 250 $14% 4% 14% --1 (Betty), both of Belleville, and five sons, Arnold, Harry, and Roy, all of this city, and Clare of Oshawa. P S, ned government and press ppb si in a umanimous|commission to draft a law set- jresolution whiich said: ting up a self-regulating press From the proposed regula-| body. Also surviving are two bro- thers, Dr. G. H. Berkeley of St. Catharines and G. J. Berkeley of Smiths Falls. There are 10 grandchildren. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS 'Market Boosted VIRUS ISOLATED MONTREAL (CP)--A veteri- nary research team has _ suc- By Tax Decision IN THE ESTATE OF BES- | SIE FLORENCE DUDLEY, | TORONTO (CP) -- Industrial)a gain of 1.55 to 640.55 for the| Dt. Alfred Cherrier, veterinar. DECEASED ALL persons having claims against the estate of the said BESSIE FLORENCE DUD- LEY, late of the Town cf Whitby in the County of Ontario, Housemaid Jeceas- ed, who died on or about the 3rd day of January, A.D. 1963, are required to file with the undersigned solici- tors for the administrator, full particulars in writing or such claims, on or before the 27th day of June, A.D. 1963, after which date the adminisrator will proceed to distribtute the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, this. 3rd, day of June, A.D, 1963. CREIGHTON, DRYNAN & MURDOCH, 5 Simcoe Street North, OSHAWA, Ontario. Solicitors herein for the administrator Thomas Kelso Creighton. prices pulled through with an| session. Golds were down .20 to unparalleled recovery -- show-| 87.69, base metals gained 1.56 ing an index climb of 1.55 points| to 211.43 and western ils ad- at the close after recording a| vanced 1.95 to 119.18. Final vol- deficit of 9.95 at 2 p.m.--during| ume was 6,009,000 shares com- fairly heav} trading on the! pared with 5,603,000 Tuesday. stock market Wednesday. Senior base metals followed a | A temporary withdrawal of! pattern similar to that of indus- |the 30-per-cent take-over tax to|trials during the day but | be imposed on foreign investors| changes were held in a more | buying large blocks of Canadian| modest range. | - term of the federal) Falconbridge, off %4 earlier, |budget which was tabled last|was up 4: to 62 and Interna announced by Fi-jtional Nickel, down 154 at 2 p.m. nance Minister Walter Gordon| rose % to 67% at the close. |Wednesday afternoon, and was|Noranda, which sustained a credited with the remarkable|drop of % at mid-day, closed about-face. |unchanged at 36%. Denison was | The original tax levy was! ahead %. |blamed earlier in the day for| Several speculatives were ac- |the sharp decline sustained by) tive throughout the sessi n but major industrials before the fi-| price changes were mostly. less {nance minister's announcement.|than five cents among those Some of the chief issues in-| showing heavy turnover. |volved in the one-half hour re-| Cusco dropped 2% cents to 39 cuperation were Algoma Steel, cents on a volume of more than up %4 to 57% after dropping to/ 1,000,000 shares and Tribag rose 55 at 2 p.m., Bell Telephone, four cents after trading 144,000 up \% to 56 after a low of 54%) shares. Seagrams, un-| -- Round the Clock READY TO BUY jand Distillers - | changed at 4% after an ear- - lier dip to 52%. South African Delegation Sparks Protest |Canada Pipe Lines, up 1% and! Du Pont, up %. The five major banking stocks PROSPECTS Read all showed losses in a % to % range at mid-afternoon but at 3:30 p.m. Toronto-Dominion was} up 1% to 64 for the largest re-| covery of two points, Montreal) Other issues which were down a point or more at 2 p.m, and} GENEVA (Reuters)--The del- egations of African, Arab and |showed advances at the close) jincluded Moore, up %, Trans-| Soviet bloc countries walked out of the International Labor Or- Times Want Ads DEPARTMENT OF and Imperial Bank of Com- merce were ahead % each, | Royal was up % and Nova Sco. |tia edged ahead \%. On index, industrials pulled ahead 11.50 after 2 p.m. to post HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO NOTICE TO SUPPLIERS OF STRAW SUPPLY CONTRACT NO. SA-63-1842 Seporate sealed Tenders marked 'Supply Contract SA-63-1842" will be received by the District Engineer, Department of Highwoys, 138 Hope Street, Box 129, o'clock Noon, E.S.T. Port Hope, Ontario until 12:00 TUESDAY, JULY 2nd, 1963 Specifications, Information to: Bidders, Tender forms and enve lopes may be obtained by calling. ot or by mail addressed to the District Engineer ot the above mentioned address. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. fer Tha. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO, |ganization conference Tuesday jin protest against the presence jof a South African delegation. | The walkout left the 108-na- lits members. It came after a heated five- hour debate during which the African countries rejected an appeal by ILO Director-General |David Morse, an. American, to jsave the conference from col- lapse. The walkout came minutes before the conference elected |Erik Dreyer of Denmark as its |new president . | He succeeded Joseph Johnson jof Nigeria, who resigned in sym- |pathy with 32 African countries |protesting South Africa's apar- jtheid (racial separation) laws | The conference adjourned un- til today and it was not known how long it would be able to | proceed without the necessary two-thirds quorum. tion conference with only half ceeded in isolating the horse flu virus that caused an epidemic last month at Richelieu Race | Track, it was reported Monday. ian at the Richelieu and Blue} | Bonnets tracks, said an experi- ;Mmental horse vaccine has been | made with the virus at the Uni- versity of Montreal and it is} hoped that it will be ready for) use in the fall. New Birth Control W Decaita Wilshire Yan Can Acad Uran 6000 $15% 15% 15% 295 275 = lot --4 193 +3 3 Measure On Sale (Not exactly as shown) THRIFTY, Reg. 49.88. 2 cycle 2.5 h.p. Power Prod- ucts Engine. 19" blade and deck recoil starter. 6" wheels, sturdy steel con- struction. Exceptional low price. LONDON (AP)--A new oral contraceptive for women claimed by its makers to be the best in the world--goes on sale Pd the first time in Britain Fri- ay. A spokesman for British Drug Houses Limited sail today the pill gives complete fertility con- trol with minimum side effects. The tablets, marketed under the name Volidan, are to be taken every dav for 20 davs a month. A month's supply -- bought across a drug store counter costs 10 shillings ($1.50). They can also be pre- scribed by doctors under the state health service for women| to whom childbearing may be| detrimental to health. ' CLEANERS and LAUNDERERS OSHAWA ~ PORT HOPE WHITBY - COBOURG BOWMANVILLE - SCARBORO Curtains, Drapes, Blankets, Rugs OSHAWA'S ONLY UNIONIZED SHOP 723-4631 50 MILL 7.77 CHARGE IT. NO DOWN PAYMENT--1.25 WEEKLY TWO CONVENIENT STORES TO SERVE YOU IN OSHAWA DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE S. 723-2294 SHOPPING CENTRE PATIO SHOP 723-2209 LE 100 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA ELECTRIC HEATING offers the custom-comfort of room-by-room temperature control. FLAMELESS electric heat is gentle and quiet--clean as sunlight. No new home should be without it. For complete information contact your mel qualified electric heating contractor or: your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PHONE 723-4624

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