(Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM JOHN MALLEY Relatives And Friends Gather At Reception To Honor Couple On Golden Anniversary Mr, and Mrs. William Malley, life-long residents of Clarke Township, celebrated their gol- den wedding anniversary recent- ly at a reception held in the Oddfellow's Hall, Orono, follow- ed by dancing in the evening. Mrs. Malley wore a two-tone mauve silk dress with a cor- sage of golden roses, The grooms boutonniere was a white carnation with gold tint- ed tips. Over 250 relatives, friends and neighhors were present to offer best wishes: The guest book was attend- ed by Mrs. Walter Murphy and Miss Patricia Iiardy. Pouring tea during the after- noon and evening were Mrs. H. W. Hardy, Mrs, Albert Har- ris, Mrs. Lawrence Harris, Mrs. Herbert Smith, Mrs. Charles Taylor, Mrs. William UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES Malley, Jr.; Mrs. Cecil Malley, Mrs. William Miller, Mrs. Ar- thur Allen, Mrs. Theodore Hil- ton. Refreshments were served by the Rebekah Lodge of Orono and Mrs, Gerald Skitch of Osh- awa made the wedding cake. The hall was beautifully decor- ated by Mrs. William Sibeon and Mrs, Raymond Gilchrist. The address, written by Mrs. Gordon Moffatt, was read by Mrs. Walter Murphy. The music for dancing was supplied by Mr, Robert Kindness, Cecil O'Reil- ly, Mrs. James Richardson and MYRTLE W.I. The May meeting of Myrtle Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs, Walter Bul- ley with 14 members and eight visitors present. The president, Mrs. A. C. McCulloch, welcomed those present at the Special Grand- mothers meeting, which includ- ed 13 grandmothers, two be- ing great-grandmothers. THE MOTTO "There is a kind of mellow sweetness In a good thing growing old" was commented on by Mrs. Leo Amell who was convener for the evening. Roll call was answered by a "Memory of your grand- mother", Members accepted an invita- tion to meet with Brougham Women's Institute on Tuesday afternoon, June 11. "Belts and Buttonholes" and "Copper Tooling'? were the two short courses selected for this year. The Institute 1s holding a Garden Tea at the home of Mrs. Eric Green, on Wednesday af- ternoon, June 19, from 3.00 to 5.00 p.m. Mrs. Amell gave two read- ings on "Grandmothers" and "In Grandma's Day'. A contest on 'Articles and Sayings used in Grandmothers Plants were presented to the, dmother with: the nearest| the youngest grandchild, Mrs. Oscar Downey, (great - grand- child); the farthest from home, *\Mrs. Charles Wilson, Stirling; the oldest present, Mrs, Frank GRADUATES Miss Gail Curry, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Curry, Richmond street east, receiv- 'ed her diploma during the graduation exercises of the School of Nursing, Oshawa General Hospital, on Friday, June 7. Booth; the most buttons on her dress, Mrs. Malcolm Cryder- man; most grandchildren, Mrs. James Cooper, Refreshments were served by Mrs. Bulley, Mrs. Rodd and Mrs. Parrott and a social half) hour enjoyed by all. HOUSEHOLD HINT Delicate fabrics that can't stand starch can be stiffened with granulated sugar dissolved in hot water. Benjamin , PLAN HOUSE PAINTING NOWI. Want Wide Color Selection? Want Sturdy Protection? Want Quality and Economy? : We recommend Moore's House Paint a 4 !Moore® - SUPER WHITE HOUSE PAINT MOORGARD LATEX HOUSE PAINT 34 KING ST. WEST ASK FOR ADVICE AT EDGAR'S THE "DO-IT-YOURSELF STORE" DECOR CENTRE PHONE 723-7351 Day"? was won by Mrs. Ivan} Rodd. | Mr. Lloyd Ransberry. Mr, Har- old Ransberry called for the square dances. Mr. and Mrs. Malley are members of Orono United Church and Mrs. Malley also belong to Unit 2, United Church Women, who presented the cou- ple with two gold cups and sau- cers, They also received yel- low carnations from Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Hooey; a coffee table from Mr. and Mrs, Thom- as- Hardy and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McArthur; an apron from Mrs, E, Jones; a coffee table from Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Mal- ley and family. Several of their friends, relatives and neighbors presented them with a kitchen suite and a wallet containing money. Mr. .and Mrs. Malley were married June 2, 1913, by the Rey. R. A. Whattam, and were attended by Mrs. John Tam- blyn, the former Nellie Mar- tin; and the late Mr. Albert Harris, all from Clarke Town- ship, Guests attended from Pon- gran birthday, Mrs, Robert Hedge; |typool, Bethany, Tyrone, Lind- say, Millbrook, Bowmanville, Orillia, Scarborough, West Hill, Oshawa, Toronto, Hyland Creek, Kitchener, Ajax, Port Hope, Whitby, Brampton, Streetsville, Kirby, Bridgeport and Orono, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, June 13,1963 7 UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES ALBERT STREET UCW The monthly meeting of the UCW was held at Albert Sireet Church, This being the last meeting before vacation, it was in the form of a pot luck supper. Mrs. James Scott, the presi- dent, presided over the business meeting. Mrs. Clayton Lee read the minutes. Mrs. Lawson Parks gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Wilbur Downs read ite correspondence and the follow- ing committees gave their re. ports: Mrs. George Ford, sick members committee; Mrs. Law- son Parks reported for the manse; Mrs. Samuel Gibbs, catering; Mrs. Alex Maracle, flower convener; supply com- mittee, Mrs. Jack Lowry and Mrs. Arthur Allman reported on the strawberry social which will be held at 2.30, June 25. Unit 4 was in charge of the devotional period and the guest speaker was Mr. Harold McNeil who is the director of Simcoe Hall, also-the probation officer of the Juvenile Court. Mr. Mc- Neil gave the background which led to the welfare work, nursery and school at Simcoe Hall, He also showed pictures of all the activities, the Golden Age group, therapy, _ handicraft, cooking classes, and helping the children who are hard of hear- ing and having difficulty with their speech, Mrs. Gibbs thanked Mr. Mc- Neil. The devotion period was ar- ranged by Mrs. Eric Cooper who read a poem, "Golden Mo- ments and Opportunity'. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Leo Gray. A duet, '"Sav- iour Like A Shepherd Lead Us' was sung by Miss Genie Yourkevitch and Mrs, Murray Burgess accompanied at ' the piano by Mrs. C. A. Naylor. The next meeting will be held September 2 with Unit 5 in charge of the worship service. A. BERT STREEE UCW No. 5 A pot luck dinner was held by Unit 5 of Albert Street UCW ON Tuesday noon in the Sunday School Room bringing the meet- ings to a close for the summer months. 'Mrs. Albert Larke ask- ed the blessing. The devotional period was ar- ranged by Mrs. Ernest Jones who read with a poem entitled 'Designs For A Home". The scripture was read by Mrs. Frank Cooper. Mrs. William Grandy) and Mrs. Gordon Shemilt sang a duet "God Will Take Care of You'. Mrs. Jones took as her theme "Guidance'"'. Mrs. Clayton Lee, unit leader, opened the business meeting. The minutes and roll call were given by Mrs. Clarence Ellis. Mrs. Mervyn Allen gave the treasurer's report. Members were reminded of the bus trip to Niagara Falls on June 20, Bus leaving the church a' 8.00 A.M. Final plans were made for the Strawberry Festival on June 25, at 230 p.m., at the church. Birthday wishes were sung for Mrs. Reginald Pike. Mrs. Clayton Lee gave talent mone to the members to work w during the summer. : Mrs. Fred Coleman and Mrs. A. Roote are to visit shut-ins. Articles were brought in by the members for the Supply Suitcase in charge of Mrs. Reg- inald Pike. The last chapter of "On Asia's Rim for the Bible study period was the "History of Hong Kong" taken by Mrs. Albert Larke. Mrs. Clayton Lee closed the meeting. CALVARY BWF Calvary Business Women's Fellowship met at the home of PLAN JULY WEDDING Miss Ruth Mina Goheen, Bowmanville, and Mr, Eddie Joseph Solski, Oshawa, have chosen July 20 for their wed- ding day. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Goheen, Bowman- ville, and her fiance is the son of Mrs, Andrew Sul, 'Bowmanville, and the late Mr. Walter Solski. The cere- mony will take place at 3 o'clock in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville. ance Miss Phyllis Sprostak was in charge of the meeting. Two testamonies were given by Mrs. George Hurren and Mrs. Dean Bickle. The speaker was intro- duced by Miss Sprostak, in the person of Mrs. Lloyd Akin, who took as her topic for the evening "Citizenship" with the Text "Occupy Till I Come". Miss Sprostak thanked the Mrs, William Messant recently. With a good number in attend- speaker. The closing meeting will be held June 18 at 6.30 p.m., in the Sandlewood Restaurant. The speaker will be Mrs, William Niven Aitken. FOUND GRAVES The Imperial Order Daught- ers of the Empire sent comforts to Canadian troops during the Boer War and later located graves of the fallen. 2 FIRST Two-Door Sed Loy SECOND PRIZES | Each onea Marconi 19" Portable = Television Ne baby sitter, no car fare Mr. Bernard Experienced Hair Styiist Of Leading Toronto Salons FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS 725-6854 MAPLE CLEANERS 504 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA |] Cash & Carry -- 4 Hr. Service | 1 8 Hour Service Free Pick-Up and Delivery "Your Family's Friend" PHONE 725-0643 CONT CROWN DIAMOND PAINT EST $1 PRIZES Each one a'6S3 Meteor an and 230 wonderful Proctor-Silex appliances plus 350 gallons China White Enamel 35 prizes: Solaray Auto- matic Double Bed Electric retail value $18.70 ea. : Mary Proctor Blanket, retail value 4-slice Toaster, retail 8.95 value $33.95 ea, aisha 100 prizes: Silex Toaster-Broiler, retail value $17.80 ea, Ton grown Diamond China White Super Porcelain Enamel, retail value $13.25 ea. ENTER TODAY! SEE YOUR CROWN DIAMOND PAINT DEALER FOR CONTEST INFORMATION THE CROWN DIAMOND PAINT COMPANY LIMITED | Crown Diamond Paints Are Sold By: ; Ernie Cay Lumber Co. Ltd. 53 Albert St, Oshawa, Ont. 725-2561 SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ver- meulen, Bowmanville, announce Mrs. J. P, Tukker, Wierden, Holland. The .ma: is to take place on duturdey, July 18, 1963, at 2.30 p.m. in Em- manuel Reformed Church, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. John P, Goheen, Bowmanville, wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Ruth Mina, to Mr. Eddie Joseph Solski, Oshawa, son of Mrs, Andréw Sul, Bow- manville, and the late Mr. Wal- ter Solski. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, Ju 20, 1963, at 3.00 p.m. in St. John's Anglican Church, Bow- manville. '. "7 ENGAGEMENT F manville Baptist Church. ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Perey Dartford, Ontario, wish nounce the a daughter, Maj May, Donald Glen Green, son of and 'Mrs. Norman Gree" Blackstock. The marriage take place on Saturday, 13, 1063, at 3.00 p.m. in ford United Church, Hf SE sts IS TOUGH CUSTOMER" | A bull moose in the me f season is one of the most dangerous animals, V "-E=9OS- OO Let's Go! . . .Bring the Family to the Oshawa Flying Club "FLYORAMA™ at Oshawa Municipal Airport SATURDAY, JUNE 15: @ FLYING ACTIVITIES START AT 12:30 P.M. @ @ SEE World War | 'Vintage' Aircraft--Avro 504K and the famous Sapwith "'Snipe". @ SEE R.C.A-F. "Red Knight" Jet Aerobatics , @ SEE Skydiving, Glidin g by Professionals @ SEER.C.A.F. Aircraft display. @ SEE latest model aircraft and equipment @ SEE a collection of home built aircraft 5 "----~" Sapworth "SNIPE" -- Sponsored by: M. via Stevenson's to airport: @ Every % hour 9:00 a.m. to closing. GATES OPEN 10a Rd. direct 11:00 SPECIAL BUS SERVICE BY P.U.C. @ From King St. and Simcoe @ every 10. minutes beginning a.m, to closing. @ from Simcoe St. and Ross- land Rd. direct to airport beginning every Y2-hour beginning 11 a.m. to closing. As parking facilities are limited you are urged t t i Bring @ stool of chair for additional comport. oie he REGISTER H you the 50 45-minute rides for two on a TCA Viscount AT may win one of T.C.A. ADMISSION: ADULTS $ 1 STUDENTS 50c¢ CHILDREN under 12 with Parents OSHAWA FLYING b Royal Canadi Assisted by: a Flying Clubs Assoc., R.C.A.F. ASSOCIATION and Oshawa Chamber of Commerce. FREE CLUB No. 420 WING VvvvvvvvvvvvvVvvvvvvvvvvvy $2.99 VALUES ALSO AVAILABLE b IN MOST STORES in LADIES' SLEEVELESS ¢ EACH Buy 'em by Three's! for $5.88 q Beautiful cotton sanforized T-shirts and blouses. You can't own enough of these versatile cotton blouses. In your favourite fashions with style variations unlimited. LOOK FOR YOUR WOOLWORTH AD EVERY DAY re