Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Jun 1963, p. 25

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A 16--Female Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted |17--Mele Help Wanted 23--Wanted To Rent --_(27--Reel Estete For Sale _|27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Reol Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 13, 1963. 25> CuEr for Man preferred. Apply in person to Plaza Lansdowne Shopping Cen- tre, RR 1, Oshawa 728-2171. |W: AAA1 Texas Oil Company needs man over 30 as traveling rite R. W. Swallow, Pres., forth 1, Texas. representative. South- -lwestern Petroleum Co., Box 789, Fort EXPERIENCED -- Waitress required.| na Victory Grill, 50 Simcoe Street Warrnees. full time, apply in person "a Restaurant, 7 Simeoe Street Nerth. EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS Top wages, permanent posi- tion for the right mon. CALL AFTER 7 P.M. 725 - 0326 STOP WORRYING ABOUT DEBTS Pay them by giving Rawleigh Service in Durhom County & Oshawa Easy to he Writ tee F.310-M15, Rawlei el Montreal. 400 ence, hav years or older. "Call Pickering 942-6557 AJAX MANUFACTURER | Requires DRAFTSMAN Architectural Leyout and sheet metal experierce prefer- red, but not essential. Should have at least 2 years-drafting experience. Salary according te quelificetions. Telephone Ajax 942-6500 ROWE BROS. CO. CANADA LTD. | | }. COMPOSING ROOM APPRENTICE WANTED Position open for Bright' joy. Must have good ed- ucation, to learn typesett- ing and composing room work. Knowledge of type- writing essential, Apply at switch-board for appli- cations. No phone calls please, OSHAWA TIMES MECHANIC FIRST CLASS LICENSED Good opportunity for man with ability to toke complete charge of MECHANICAL SHOP Apply Manchester Garage Highway 7 end 12 Manchester Call Port Perry TELEPHONE 985-7341 Students $65 per week A large international firm is selecting 4 moture and per- sonable young mon, 19-24, for @ summer training pro- gramme in sales promotion. You will work as assistant to our local manager; per- manent work if desired. No experience needed as we train you fully if selected. You must be able to begin ot once. Some travel is optional. Neatness, politeness ond a positive attitude are essen- tial, Transportation supplied. This is a chonce in a life- time for the right young man. Call our manager for full details, He will arrange on interview immediately. Tele- phone. 728 - 744] 9 A.M. TO2 P.M. SHIPPER For Building Supply Yard Experience Preferred McCullough Lumber 1270 Simcoe N. For Appointment 8 A.M. to 5 P.M, PHONE 728-4688 Att. Clare McCullough PRINTING Wanted -- High school | Graduate to learn print- ing plant operation. Apprenticeship available to suitable applicant. Pleasant working conditions. All com- pany benefits and promising future. Telephone 723-2233 FOR APPOINTMENT YOUNG MAN TO LEARN GENERAL INSURANCE Must have grade 13 educa- tion or better, Pleasant ap- pearance; not over 25 years of age. Experience not neces- sary WRITE BOX 629 OSHAWA TIMES ~ OPPORTUNITY We need two young men between the ages of 18 to 25 to represent large Canadian Steel Company in direct sales field. Must have car and neat appear- ance, Full company bene- fits after trial period. Complete training pro- gramme, Our men know | of this advertisement. WRITE BOX 836 OSHAWA TIMES $310.58 Is whet M.H. earned with our firm last week. J.M. earned $296.75. Most of our sales personnel have earned in excess of $150.00 for the post week, No man on our sales force will earn less than $8,000 for the year. IF YOU ARE NOT LAZY IF YOU LIKE MEETING THE PUBLIC IF YOU WANT YEAR 'ROUND EARNINGS. IF YOU WANT TO SELL A CANADIAN MANUFAC- TURED PRODUCT We can offer you a SALARIED AND COMMISSION POSITION EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY "We will fully train you in the Art of Salesmanship. Call today and arrange an interview, DUMONT ALUMINUM 333 Simcoe South 728-1651 WHITBY CLASSIFIED WANTED for an electronic firm is Ajax, an experienced stock keeper. poner had nigra couple with one child requires two or three. Telephone 942-2120 for | ag ein} Pog ignition aad carbure-| specialists, Mu: ave licence. Thane calles Pe » Max Welss, EXPERIENCED WINDOW CLEANERS REQUIRED FOR OSHAWA AREA TOP WAGES Local Foreman's position open to right mon, after training period. Write: Attention Manager giving your local telephone number, or if in Toronto tele- oe farm, vlonie aaelon sere in . Brick, must sell,. Ful dow: it $750. screens. 4 m payment second Dial 668-8740. BUNGALOW. three storms, 24--Houses For Rent HOUSE, new, furnished, bee agro gas and hydro included. Brive, Whitby. Inquire at on Ve mer's, 236 Lupin Drive Whitby. $90. LARGE seven-room house and Fo ype od for lease, oil heating, immedi-| gs ot oy rd miles north of Osh- Resale Bungalow Attached Garage : $14, 250 with Range re PLEX, new aaa Siaseas living and dining rooms, on bus line, garage, choice accommodation, available July 1, Dial 728-3893, 25--Apartments #0. diat, ion for this aS buy. neor Grand- view street. Will consider as low as $1,000 down to responsible porty. PHONE BILL MILLAR 725-1186 Two > BEDROOM tment, $1 . Avail- monthly, Near Shopping Cent; able July A Adults. Apply "00 Beuna Vista, Apt. vane er 4 1, E iworenm fereiss. furnish- "eg <p er 00 'Drew: Streets 758132. rasa. '238 DEARBORN AVENUE, Three room upstairs apartment, unfurnished, pri- $55 monthly. 655-3532. phone Federated Building Maintenance Company Limited 100 University. Avenue Toronto Phone 362-3648 18--Male or Female Help Wanted | WANTED | TAXI DRIVERS Men or Women Apply MERCURY TAXI 14 Albert Street 725- 477\ | EXPERIENCED | © HAIR STYLIST Required with top wage guorantee. APPLY VINCENT OF ROME BEAUTY SALON Whitby 668-8591 ~ CANVASSERS Needed for Food Freezer Service. Good commis- sions. Call 725-9403 or come in for personal in- terview. 11. Ontario St. Room 9 Fri. and Sat. 9-11 CLERICAL. | HELP Applications will be accept- ed for clerical positions with a local bank. Grade 12 education or better. Previous experience an asset but not essential. for an_ inter- Please write iew to BOX 707 OSHAWA TIMES U.S. Industries Consumer Products (Canada) Ltd. requires Franchise Manager For Oshawa District In Stainless Steel Cookware, Fine » China, Crystal Flat- ware, Bridal Hope Chest Ar- ticles. Write or Call A. F. Geraci ~ | BOWMANVILLE | close to south __|GADILLAC SOUTH, 3 room self con- jand refrigerator, large four-piece bath- |room, \'y- Telephone 725-5662. ble for nurses. ment, $45. Adults. Tel p.m. OF noon 725-1700, BLOOR STREET WEST 21, Three room unfurnished apartment, for couple with one child or no children $65 monthly. Dial 728-5 vate bath and entrance. DIVISION STREET 134, 4 room yea lephone after RAVINE ROAD, 2 yyeancen apartme refrigerator, stove, washer and 'ane 728-5574. RIOHMOND Street East, three-room COUNTRY SETTING IN. CITY "DEAL INVESTMENT FOR RETIRED COUPLE BUNGALOW S5Yaroom, recently decorat- ed. 3 acres property. 9 fruit trees also other trees. Stream and pond. Large barn, Dial 728-3003 furnished apartment. Private bath. Available eg me Working couple only. Close to North GM. Dial 725-2540. THREE WOOM sell" contained apart ment, private entrance, built in ecup- boards. T.V, antenna, reasonable, apply 593 Ritson road north after 6 p.m. BEATTY AVENUE, 164, furnished two room self-contained, apartment, aerate entrance. TV outlet. Laundry facili Suitable for couple. two-bed mente private entrance, new! $60. Central. Apply 63 West, Apartment 7. Telephone THREE ROOM basement with private bath, private entrance a driveway. Laundry facilities, heat and water supplied. Available July 15th G. M. Phone after 6 p.m. decurat. ig Street 629-2440. apart 728-3316, tained unfurnished suit working couple, four doors from bus stop. Available July 12. Telephone 725- 2139. apartment, $500 18 the full down payment on this bungalow lecated in the country. Call Doug Gower at S. D. Hyman Real Es- tate. 728-6286. SIMCOE Street South, near Wentworth, second floor unfurnished apartment, suit two adults, three large rooms, screened verandah, kitchen with stove closed garage, utilities includ- ed. Immediate possession. $110 month- Governor Mansions Luxury Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidaires--12 cu. ft. Pressurized Hallways Storage Locker in Suites Laundry room on each ' { floor , Vanity in bathrooms A Few Choice Locations Available Immediate Possession TELEPHONE: 9 A.M, to 9 P.M, . Schofield-Aker Limited 723-2265 26--Rooms For Rent FURNISHED room, comfortable, in quiet home. Breakfast if desired. Park- ing available. Dial 728-0236. PONTIAC INN -- Rooms, single or double, television privileges. Free toa weekly or nightly rates. 725. LADY P Nigara Falls El 8-5737 611 Welland Avenue | Niagara Falls, Ontario | ATTENTION ALL SALESMEN FOR PEOPLE'S FOOD | FREEZER SERVICE | @ Pleasant working conditions. @ Top commissions, Group insurance, @ We train you. @ 5 Day. Reasonable Hours. PERSONAL INTERVIEWS | 11 Ontario St. Room 9 Fri. and Sat. 9-11 Call Now 728-9403 '20--Room and Board _--| |ROOM AND BOARD ¢ for gentleman, jonly, Lunches packed if desired, very central. Apply 296 King street east. | ARTHUR Street, 332, room and board |for gentlemen, single beds, lunches packed, good meals. Telephone 728-2433, |TWO OR THREE gentlemen, willing 416 for EXPANSION SALE Used 9 x 9 Tourist Tents 9 x 12 Tourist Tents . Used Motors 5 H.P. as is . $32 7a H.P. SCOTT 1959 $150 25 HP. Electric 62 Gole ........ $495. 48 H.P. ELECTRIC 62 Gale . oe SPECIAL 1963 A. Frame boat trailers complete with winch, hub caps, signal lights, 500 Ibs. capacity $149, 700 Lb. Tilt Tongue WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1415 Dundas St. WHITBY 668-3226 550 $199 4 ing ROOM FOR RENT: Furnis suitable for gentleman. Available Satur- Board if desired. Tele. DRESSMAKING, ing, central. altera.ions, DRIVEWAY gravel, sand and fill. (668-2660. jay, June 15, Phone 668-3976. WANTED: Riders. To commute. . Down. town Toronto. -- at 7.15 or 7.30, Telephone 668-4363. FOR RENT: kine yes Private bathrooms. "ares alter ns, drape nable TWO-room unfurnished apartment, | pri! vate entrance private bathroom, park- Available now. Business girl preferred. 701 Dundas Street West,|. - Whitby, 668-4401 aftr 6 j anor the "variety store" of the Class. ied Section--"Miscellaneous for Sale" eel It's loaded with wonderful offers, AVON Cosmetics offers excellent earn- opportuni! housewives, | working in your own community. Write | ity for rural x 512, Oshawa. DRESSMAKING: Suits, "coats, "dresses,| slip covers, drapes. Fittin specialty, Mrs, Toms 668-23 cei 72. hed room, apartments, . sounds, |22--Offices, Stores, Storage Baby welcome. Available now. Tele- Phone 668-2900 or 668-4426, FOR RENT: Lage furnished room, central, Suit one or two girls or gentle. man. Telephone Whitby 669-5176, a rates. S. Jebert, Whitby ment gravel, We deliver. Call Eric! |to share, $14 for five das; seven, Telephone 728-3396. 21--Room & Board Wanted BOOM and board wanted by groom man,-central Oshawa preferred, day week. Telephone 723-3474 between 9 and 5 p.m. TWO STORES for rent, 18° x 54° and 16° x 16', 106 Olive Avenue or Phone) 728-0836. : | SUITE OF MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES AVAILABLE Approximately 1000 sq, ft. SERVICED BY ELEVATOR Ask for MR. T. L; WILSON TELEPHONE 123-3474 H-SCHOOL teacher's family (3 adults) require 2 or 3 home, preferably north-west area, for August 1 or earlier. Call 728-9143 anytime. on calls. Street West, Whitby 668-2563. LARGE . two-bedroom spartnent, |e, Benes Savet Wak wai. SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service| WANTED TO RENT 3 bedroom Chestnut/near school with or without option to Walter Ward, 204 house buy for July' ist. Telephone 728-6791 ia|TWO BEDROOM house or apartment achool-aged| required by couple with one child. Immediate --~| Parking available. Close to south Gen- 2660, active, abstainer, would share home in Ajax with aoe Reasonable. Phone | Ajax WH 2-124 GRETA rata eo - Large f furnished | housekeeping room, refrigerator, range, ERAS dry facilities, near hospital FURNISHED ROOM, lots of hot water, eral Motors. Telephone 728. [MITCHELL STREET. o off Ritson south, Front furnished bed sitting room. Tele- | phone 728-9692. ROOMS FOR RENT "redecorated, | $10 weekly. coe north |EULALIE | AVENUE, Furnished room |suitable for gentleman or lady. Ab- stainer, Parking. Bus stop at door. Telephone 723-2875, CELINA STREET, Clean housekeep-) ing room in quiet home. Central. Suit gentleman. Telephone 723-9225. WHITBY, 406 Dundas Street West, one large clean, completely furnished bed- sitting room, private entrance, parking, kitchen, washing and bathroom utilities included. Suitable for one or two. Call after 4 p.m., 668-8077. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. NORTH |27--Real | Estate | For ca LAKE front property on Stone two adjoining lots, 3 ft. x 330 ig Suit. raat. $2,250 each, FOR SALE -- OR RENT Eight room house, suitable for large family or excellent location for small industry, spacious parking areo. able for home or Terms. Telephone 72 Apply 154 BRUCE STREET OPPORTUNITY IDEAL INVESTMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT 1 HOUR FROM OSHAWA 325. acres-en bloc or part, ideal location for a year eround motel, golf course, family resort, club, etc. Fishing and hunting, skiing, etc. beautiful scenic 9 mile view - Property borders on hwy. ond woter. Large mo- dern home ideal for nursing home or club house. Barn with hydro and running wa- ter. An opportunity for a group or syndicate to pui- chese for development. BOX 628 OSHAWA TIMES '| WALTER FRANK REALTOR 177 Church St. Bowmanville 623-3393 185 Acre farm, 2 miles Bow- manville. Good Stone house with all conveniences. Lorge Berns. $32,000 -- Terms. 155 Acre farm. Good frame home with bathroom, barn, pond. Near Tyrone, $24,000 -- Terms. 95 Acre farm. Excellent soil. Large barn, House is in need of repair. Located at Tyrone, $15,500 -- Terms. 120 Acre. Lakeshore farm near Newcastle, Excellent- Soil. $23,000. Terms. 75 Acres Newtonville area. 6 room house, born. garden land. $11,000 -- $2,000 down. 10 Acres market gorden land, 1 mile Bowmanville. $3,500 -- full price. 3 Bedroom brick, 2 storey central, Bowmanville loca- tion, $13,500 -- Terms, 3 Bedroom brick on South- way Drive, Bowmanville, $12- 000 -- Terms. 4 Bedroom brick with attach- oi poet. Very central, $12- 000 -- Terms. Modern_2 bedroom bungalow. Very clean. Newcastle, $7,- 000 full price. Orono -- | acre with 3 bed- room e, double attached . Only $9,000 -- $2,- down, Call 623-3393 After Hours Call: Jack Richard Joe Barnoski McGill Andy Keith Jackson 885-4358 CARL OLSEN Realtor 723-1133 CHOICE NORTH END LO- CATION ----- A smort new six reom ranch bungalow with double attached garage, just nearing completion. Lovely big kitchen, large living and dining room, 3 spacious bed- rooms, bathroom with colour- ed fixtures, tiled walls and built-in vanity. This beautiful home is priced at under $20,000. with N.H.A. financ- ing. Call Henry Stinson at 723-1133, evenings 725- 0243. est TO SHOPPING CEN- TRE -- For only $1,600. down you can be the proud owner of this 1% storey, 4 bedroom home. Oil heated and just completely redecor- ated both inside and out. A real buy at only $10,300. Call Wes Elliott at 723- 1133, evenings 728-0581. TAUNTON RD. EAST -- One year old, 3 bedroom brick ranch bungalow on a large lot 73 x 238. Complete with built-in oven and stove, and TV Tower, A lovely modern home in the country can be yours for just $2,500. down and the balance on N.H.A. Call Charles Naylor at 723- 1133, evenings 728-2857. 86 QUEBEC ST. -- Just listed this spacious 2 bedroom brick and stone bungalow with leaded bay window, garage and private drive. Central location on a quiet dead end street, close to shopping, etc, Ideal. for couple. Ask- ing only $12,700. with $2, 800. down. Call Bob Johns- ton at 723-1133, evenings 725-9568. JUST REDUCED -- A terrific buy can be had on this 14- storey brick home close to the O.C.V.I. L-shaped living and dining room with fire- place and broadloom, modern kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bathroorr downstairs, one bedroom on second floor with raom for two more. Recrea- tion room, 2 car garage on a lovely deep lot. Call Henry Stinson at 723-1133, even- ings 725-0243. RENT FREE PLUS INCOME ~---- Nine room centrally lo- cated, wide paved drive, deep lot. Owners 4 room a- partment completely modern- ized with tile, cupboards, twindow, etc. ond balance currently earning $225.00 monthly. Only $3,000, down and carries for $175 month- ly. Call Bob Johnston at 723- 1133, evenings 725-9568. GRANDVIEW VILLAGE--For information re new homes in this orea, give us a call. 299 KING ST. WEST Open until 9:00 p.m. 723-1133 METCALF Real Estate Limited LOTS FOR SALE "Choice wooded lots. Ap- proximately 1% acres; on well travelled road. Two with stream. Write or e Mrs. sath Hamilton, 0, Phone 1 R 16." 27--Real Estate for Sale . (Rat Greene See oe. [and Near 2 ban agg BE yr tg es Maerort Ajax. WH 2-1934 after 6 p.m. 40 King St. East Dial 728-4678 MR. EXECUTIVE !! Stop your searching right now! --- Here is the master- piece you have been looking for. This beautiful home wos custom built for the owner just 7. years ago and architect to provide the acme in living comfort. First floor comprises a large modern kitchen with built-in stove pie oven, plus o lovely break- fast nook, spacious dining room with french doors lead- ing to @ secluded patio. 27' living room with naturel morble fireplace ond birch nelling gives the den a mey e. Upstoirs gives the new owner 4 very siry bedrooms with one full bathroom plus an extra washroom. This ideal family WHITBY $3600 down buys lovely 4 bedroom tri-level, large living room, and dining area, with broadioom, na- tural fireplace, 2 kitch- ens, 2 bathrooms, finish- ed recreation room, at- tached garage. Can be used as 3 bedroom home, with income apartment. CALL OWNERS 668-5640 home is completely decorot- ed, broadioom throughout, living eony dining room and halls. -This excellent family is set upon a béauti- fully landscaped lot, on Glen- wood Crescent in Oshowo's No, 1 residenital area and just waiting for your personal inspection. DOWNSVIEW PARK ON _ JULIANA DRIVE Newly comaleted 5% room rancher with attachéd gar- al plus covered patio. includes all storms, screens, storm door, exhaust fan, vanity, sodded frent etc. All this on a 60 ft, prepaid serviced' lot. Sell- ie rice price a 900. with $4,- This is a choice home .% : choice location. See this today, NEW HOMES -- $595 DOWN Your new home awgits you in Greenwood Heights. Build or move into your own. 3 bed- room brick home. Prices start - @s low es $11,595. -- one N.H.LA, moron for balance. pe tedey for full particu- lers. Is open for your inspection. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Ken Hann Jack Osborne John Kemp L. Metcalf Dick Borriege oe Meee JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Realtors Ltd. Insurance 167 Simcoe St. S. Office Hrs. (9 a.m, to 9 p.m.) MORTGAGES ARRANGED, BOUGHT and SOLD INCOME HOME North-east Area, close to King, 2 apartments, 8 rooms, garage. Brick home of excellent appear- ance, Presently rented. Asking $13,500 with $2,- 000 down. Call Mr, Ran- kine at 725-6544, RETIRED? Cute as a button, this small, neat bungalow, has basement, oil furnace, bathroom, tiled kitchen. Aluminum siding elimin- ates painting problems. Full price $6,500. Terms arranged, Call Mr. Ran- kine a 725-6544. WE LIST ONLY TO SELL GUIDE REALTY JUST LISTED -- 3 bedroom brick bungalow with large living room, large Hollywood kitchen with plenty of cup- boards. Hardwood and tile floors, Nicely landsca and fenced lot, Full price BTS Soe. BREATHING SPACE -- Brick rancher at Zion, Just minutes out of the city to suburban comfort. Bright, suinny home --3 bedrooms --- good cup- boards -- fm '@ppoint- ments, Longs lot. An ideal home for young fomily. $12,500. We feel sure you will like what you see when you inspect this six room brick home in Oshowa's North West. Three bedrooms upstairs with 4 piece modern bath with vanity. Large liv- ing room, nice dining room, well plonoed kitchen with plenty o iIt-in cupboards. This home hos recently been remodelled and has just come on the market. DUPLEX -- On Church St. 4 room apartment down, 4 room apartment up. Full basement, ol! heating, Private drive. Asking $12,900. full price. BROOKLIN -- 6 room ranch bungalow. N.H.A. resale, Let us show you this immacu- late three bedroom home which cérries for only $83.60 per month, Interest, Principal ond taxes. $1,000, DCWN -- 10 room duplex at Columbus. Allow- ing you five rooms for your family with private entrance plus an equap amount for in- come. Only six miles from Oshawa. SEMI-DUPLEX only 3 years old. Complete in every de- toil, Aluminum storms and screens. Large rooms. Reason- able down payment. - On Windsor street. PORT PERRY--7 room brick family home _ overlooking Lake Scugog. Living room with fireplace, dining room and large kitchen on first floor. 3 bedrooms and closed in sun room on second floor. 3-pe. bath. On a large lot with shade trees, close to stores, churches. and schools. BEAUTIFUL RANCH BUN- GALOW in North Oshawa de- signed for the growing fam- ily, Four spacious bedrooms and attached gamge. 14 x 20 ft. living room with nat- ural stone fireplace, separate dining room. 12 x 17 ultra modern family kitchen. 4 pc. tiled and vanity bath. Con- venient financing, owner will carry the mortgage. SUBURBAN CUSTOM BUILT --6 room brick bungalow with attached garage. 1,320 sq. ft. of luxury living at its best, all the extras with well landscaped large lot, must be sold. Owner transferred, priced at only $18,900. with down, WASAGA BEACH -- 5 mod- ern 2 bedroom housekeeping cabins, all conveniences, fully furnished. 128 ft. beach with safe swimming for children. Good fishing. Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. For full particulars call 723-1121 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. SCHOFIELD-AKER CLOSE TO DONEVAN HIGH SCHOOL -- Are you looking for a 5 room brick bungalow in one of Oshawa's finest de- velopments? See this immo- culate 3 bedroom, living room, and kitchen with a large eating Grea, Home is only 7 years old and well landseoped. Don't miss this pois with monthly payments of $78 including: Taxes. 'Call to-day, NORTH. END. -- Full price $16,400, One yeor old six room m ranch low with attached garens: attractive stone front and large overhang. Landscaped. Hollywood kitchen, three bed- rooms, colored bathroom fix- tures and built-in vanity. Livi room with built-in bookshelves, N.H.A. mort- gage. Immediate possession, Down payment $2,600, $13,800 -- FOR YOUR IN- SPECTION a 5 room split level and attached garage. Modem with all the fine features of a home including walk-out to a stone patio from the living room, Large living room and _ kitchen. Three nice sized bedrooms for a growing family. The home of many extras, com- pletely landscaped and de- corated. Fenced for privacy, You will like this one as $86 per month will carry in- cluding toxes, plus your down payment, Call to-day. SERVICE STATION AND GROCERY BUSINESS located just off Simcoe St. N. Pro- fitably operated by present Owner for post 17 years. 'Owners would accept rea- sonable down payment or take a home in on a trade. Poor: health reason for sell- ing. For further details call Bill McFeeters at 723-2265, INCOME HOME OPPORTU- NITY -- $11,900 is the full price for this attractive home in the North end. Presently rented for $115 for the main floor and $60 for the base- ment apartment. If you want someone to help you pay for your home, don't miss this Opportunity. Call now. GRANDVIEW VILLAGE A KASSINGER QUALITY BUILT HOME FOR DOWN PAYMENTS OF $929. AND UP. BIG. SPACIOUS, AND MODERN AS 1963, DREAM KITCHENS, VANITIES BATHROOM, ETC, THEY ARE GOING FAST. WE WILL SHOW YOU MODELS. CALL TO-DAY, LISTINGS OUR SALES ARE RUNNING HIGH AND OUR LISTINGS ARE LOW. WE NEED YOUR HOME TO-DAY FOR THIS ACTIVE MARKET. WE HAVE BUYERS. FOR SMALL AND LARGE PROPERTIES. CALL US FOR ACTION. 723-2265 -- Open 9 to 9 -- Sot. 9 to 5. MARGARET HALL 723-1358 STEVE MACKO 728-5868 PAULINE BEAL 725-0239 BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 REG. AKER 725-0201 KEN MORRIS 623-5406 (Bowmanville) 360 King St. W. Free Parking dl a fu full' pete 1008 gaa a shece moat io, Ie distance ssa, a ee Se Brookiis) Irontave foot with services cee J. A. SHERIFF REAL ESTATE COUNTRY LIVING WITH CITY LUXURY Lees eres, to bette to etter: Eis. Deane Sa brick bungalow for your inspection. Very, very seldom does home of this colibre come on the morket rooms, large modern kitchen, ae t natural stone fireplace and 4 piece Fi cleanest homes we have been privileged to list le. Situated ©: just outside Oshawa City Limits West on @ well landscaped 77 x 200, it offers among some of its mony extras items su os, paved drive, garage, all pe So orm and storm brand new wall-to-woll brogdioom in the living room, room and hall, laundry chute ond Ba a 'a0 logy stove. This outstanding home hes 124 . ft. of i Listed for sale at 316% 900. This property. ry clear and : sonable offer will be considered, Let us show this to now. _ Basement absolutely dry ond spotless. Toxes oly 282.00. Call Newt Hodgson or Jack Sheriff for appointment. 25 ONTARIO STREET PHONE 728-1673 FOR SALE WHITBY AREA Large Industrial site with approximatel one and one-half acres land, large 50 x 5 ft. cement block building with 8 inch con- crete floor. FOR PARTICULARS BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. TELEPHONE 668-5871 J. J. VAN HERWERDEN Realtor :: 741 KING STREET E., OSHAWA TEL. 723-4471 10 ACRES LOTS WITH STREAM Exceptionally nice 10 ecres Lots, with excellent trout streom, . close to Oshawa; one lot with barn. You never sew a more « beoutiful spot so close by. Ask for information. 300 Acres Form, 274 acres workable, 2 barns, brick house with bathroom, creek ond 2 ponds, Full price $27,000 with low down payment. Dairy farm 212 Aeres, Open' milk contract. Buildings ond born! in excellent shape, Along Loke Ontario in Newcastle district. , Ask for information. DESPERATE OWNER HAS TO SELL Clapboerd Bungalow with sufficient frontage for five good size lots. 4 rooms with 3 room basement apartment, in new- bungalew-crea. House with bothroom and oil furnace. Full price only $12,000 with attractive terms, ACREAGE, 28 acres, very close to Oshawa, with plon for 34 houses, Full price $13,000 with Terms, WE URGENTLY NE€D LISTINGS FOR FAFMS AND HOUSES ~ x0 COUNTRY ESTATES 20 wooded acres with ever flowing creek. Just off Highway 12. Scenic setting for Architect designed year round cottage. Asking $4,000 with terms. 10 acre scenic suburban estate. 41 miles from Oshowe $3200. with terms. UXBRIDGE AREA New cottage. Three bedrooms et Udora on Scenic Pefferlaw River $3500 with: terms. For further information Call Howard Forder 725-3568 Evenings Dial Brooklin 655-3853 NORTH SHORE REALTY LTD. 112 Simcoe Street North KEITH PETERS . REALTOR -- 728-7328 103 KING ST, EAST NEW SPLIT LAE -- Spacious 4 bedroom home with full din- ing room and 2 baths. This includes on attached "Tes window" Glass, valance boxes, colored bath fray mahogany trim, brick and stone exterior, sodded lawn, This beautiful de- sign is built on a large lot and taxes are very reasonable. Full price of $16,900 with $2,500 down. Call Ron 725-5253. Seldom do we have a home as appealing in design and oppeor- ance, with-all the ottributes of comfortable Foch From the con- opied front entrance, roomy hall and closet, through the living - room with dining area and the three bedrooms, this home 'jis im- maculate. To make your inspection more amazing, the stairs ot the right leads to a recreation room which fully serves the pur- pose. Call Ronald Hetherington 623-3637, 40 ACRE FARM--Good buildings, 1. acre mon made lake paved road, 18 miles from Oshawa, school bus service at tar. Will accept trade on suitable house os port payment. Joe Crawford 623-3672, EAST END LOCATION, Beautiful 2 storey brick home with attached gorage, 4 beflrooms, dining room, living room and lat- est design in kitchen, 2 baths, fireplace and finished rec room, also finished patio, broadioom in living and dining rooms and stairs. Close to separate and public schools, completely decoret- ed and landscaped, prepaid services, will sell or trade. Call Bob Johnson 728-2548. Here is 0 home for the poeple that like a country atmosphere, a two car gorage, lorge lot 106' x 166' the rear yord is en- closed with 42" link fence, there are two fireplaces of notural stone, a sunken living room 19' 6 x 15' 4, stone planter and bookcase between living room and dining room, large ceramic 7 tiled bathroom with vanity, decorated throughout over 1200 square feet of living area. This home is located just north of Oshowo. For an appointment to see call Earle Allen 725-7782. Triplex--tive rent free plus an income in this nearly new build- ing, good condition ond spacious. If vee in @ good invest- ment pr Mrs. Tiemey ot 725-5207. FARMERS, SPORTSMEN and SPECULATORS JUST LISTED--6 forms in the Workworth-Castleton orea, 4. .¢ in one block and 2 nearby--110 acres, 9 room house, bam, 2 ,,. 'springs. $3500 down, ' 100 aores, 9 room house, bathroom, modern kitchen, born steel. stanchions, 2 springs, $5,000 down. 50 acre farm 7 room house, barn. Good value et $8, 000.00-- ~ Terms. 78 acre farm, 7 room house, spring creek, $5000.00--$1500 == wn, ae 89 acres, some workable, no buildings, $4500. 00--$10D0 ~ down, a 45 ocres, about 35 workable, $3500.00--$1000 down. Please call Keith Peters 725-4162. lerge (Continued on Page 26)

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