16--Female Help Wanted 17--Male Help Wanted 21--Room & Board Wanted PFE EI IOC AEE OP LAL LAI I EIT OS NURSE aides required for summer em- Home . Cali Mrs, Morton 655-4931 or 655-4516, GIRL for sandwich ber. dy y shift, Ex- helpful, esse! Apply Mr. Campbell, Shop. 17--Male Help Wanted EXPERIENCED CARPENTERS BOOM and board wanted by business- man, central Oshawa preferred. Seven day week. 9 and 5 p.m, 26--Rooms For Rent FURNISHED comfortable, quiet home. Breakfast it desired. Park- Dial 728-0236. bi} in T 723-3474 PONTIAC INN -- see single or Top wages, permanent posi- 22--Offices, Stores, Storage double, ilege: parking, weekly or rightly, rate 9035. s Fr ates. 725-| 1 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale $2100. SEWER AND WATER, NHA ap- proved, 50' and up. Hurry, only four left, Terms. Call Mr. Yeo at 725-6544. . J. Bolahood Limited, John A. J. Ta hota SALE -- pogo MO gore le | es walk tion room, district. ment, $3500. or best offer. Dial 723-! 12, house, barn, creek. tion for the right man, CALL AFTER 7 P.M. TWO STO! 16' x 16', 728-0836. Oe oe es 1s' x 54° and 106 Olive A or Phone 725 - 0326 STOP WORRYING ABOUT DEBTS Pay them by giving Rawleigh Service in Durham County & Oshawa Easy to = Writ Rawleigh's, di "e. 310-M15, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. URGENTLY needed, Pog to | Home Improvements Oshawa a por get En coigedl pie lealnee This need not interfere with your present job. Full or part-time men. Salary, commission and bonus. No experience } . 19 Colborne Street '728-2061. MANUFACTURER Requires DRAFTSMAN Architectural Layout an d sheet metal experience prefer- red, but not essential. Should have at least 2 years drafting experience. Salary according to qualifications. Telephone Ajax 942-6500 ROWE BROS. CO. CANADA LTD. PRINTING Wanted -- High school Graduate to learn print- ing plant operation. Apprenticeship available to suitable @pplicant. Pleasant working conditions. All com- pony benefits and promising future. Telephone 723-2233 FOR APPOINTMENT YOUNG MAN TO LEARN GENERAL INSURANCE Must have grade 13 educe- tion or better, Pleasant ap- pearance; not over 25 years of age. Experience not neces- sary WRITE BOX 629 OSHAWA TIMES OPPORTUNITY We need two young men AAUTOMOTIVE CLERK YOUNG ALERT In Medical Center LAD active, abstainer, would share home in Ajax with Ajax WH 2-1247. Landsca, ing from bus, Poa ggg et YF same. Reasonable. Phone GRETA ih a ly 63 -- Large furnished New Offices. 211 Simcoe Street S. Available July 1963 Can be finished to suit Early Tenants. PHONE 725-5132 |iam be sty fet STREET, off Ritson south, 'ront furnished bed sitting foew' 728-9692. ROOMS FOR RENT redecorated, $10/ 1096 Queen's pe STREET EAST, » range, TE he! facilities, Rear hospital FURNISHED ROOM, lots of hot available, water. Close to south Gen-|"®4r rs. Telephone 728-2660. room. Tele-| = weekly. $5 or nightiy. Hotel {Oshawa "L4d, #7 Simcoe north King Street st. five in |e or high school. nag foot with services paid. | FOUB-ROOM bungalow, on land. Near Mosport. Resconante' ph price. Call Orono 4R6. WHY PAY RENT? Five room pegt cand vige 9 yo or Contre, ow tneee, owner will fall Onste Martin 738-9716, wit ioseph Bowes prolate. gh bath fm Nestleton, four- rooms 3 » drilled well, $7,400. with $ seen BUNGALOW -- five-room, full recrea- Lake Dy Down i en farm, a on miewad own sale. Sacrifice. Call Port Perry, sas. 2908 Fred Cook Marvin Nesbitt,/ TH OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 12, 1963. 2z '29 Automobiles For Se! le |29--Automobiles For Sele . 1064 MERCURY, hall-ton Pick-ap, | moors Bo rust on body. Fi PEUGEOT 403 A automobile A-1 condition. One owner.| sedan. 'with economical] NEVER sell you "70 Fang ie Benoa Real Estate| Call Nestleton, 986-4894. PRIVATE for sale or trade, room home to schools, eight- and main. street, nice district. Phone 723-2685, '¥ < 117 Bell Drive, Ranch style , three bedrooms, storms and screens, TV down NHA mortgage. Tele- mu -- Required For Oshawa's Leading Home and Auto Store. APPLY MANAGER SHELL HANDY ANDY ONE STOP AUTO SERVICE CENTRE LTD. 520 KING W. 728 - 9421 |23--W SUITE downtown weekly. room area. Television outlet, $10 Dial 723-7587. OF MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES AVAILABLE Approximately 1000 sq. ft. SERVICED BY ELEVATOR Ask for MR, T, L, WILSON TELEPHONE ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. NORTH 723-3474 27--Real Estate for Sale aluminum |ing antenna, Resale Bungalow Attached Garage $14,250 with Range a possession for this neor Grond- view street. Will consider as low as $1,000 down to responsible porty. PHONE BILL MILLAR 725-1186 ee a eae OBILE Super 88 sedan, one' Whitby, of Oshawa' on aol Highway. Call even- ings, Bowmanville NASSAU Street, six-room saan aes Wank, furnished or unfurnished. modern, $9000. Telephone rooklin 655-3457. $000 ie the ful dows peyment ca SS Doug Gower at S. D. Momsen bisel Tee [ier nt eRe eee HES JONES AVENUR -- iwobeteeee vin , better district, good location, Bait price a1 10,500 gy $1,000 down' |payment, 128-1548, RANCH STYLE bungalow, three bed- rooms, attached garage, landscaped lot, $12,900, terms, Mm.» 728-4723. PRIVATE two-storey house with could be made as opera LOTS FOR SALE "Choice wooded lots. Ap- ted To Rent COMPOSING ROOM APPRENTICE WANTED Position open for Bright Boy. Must have good ed- ucation, to learn typesett- ing and composing room work, Knowledge of type- writing essential. Apply at switch-board for appli- cations. No phone calls please, OSHAWA TIMES MECHANIC FIRST CLASS LICENSED Good opportunity for man with ability to take complete charge of MECHANICAL SHOP Apply Manchester Garage Highway 7 end 12 Manchester Call Port Perry TELEPHONE 985-7341 \gas jed monthly, 369 Drew Street, HIGH-SCHOOL teacher's ceo Qa adults) require 2 or 3 m home, preferably north-west area, for August 1 or earlier, Call 728-9143 anytime. FIVE-ROOM brick, $11,500. Good terms. 20 Admiral Road, Ajax, WH 2-1934 after 6 p.m. WHITBY CENTRAL -- oie chen two bedrooms, se to ping. Reasonable payments. gg hong Whitby 668-5338. WANTED TO RENT 3 bedroom house near school with or without option to buy for July Ist. peieenene 728-6791. Two required by couple err ug school-aged MOVING TO Three wood kitchen, piece large lot, storms and screens. $12,900, One Whitby 668-2758. WINNIPE: sell. bedroom brick anaes 'aly: four 6 per cent mortgage. Telephone 1% ocres, on well travelled road. Two with stream, Write or phone Mrs. Sadie Hamilton, Orono, Phone 1 R 16." Rug Brick Bungalow Modern five rooms, extra large recreation room, large landscaped lot. Dr, S. J. GUIDE REALTY ARBOR COURT in North West - 3 bedroom brick bun- galow with gorage. Large liv- child. 726-6221 ask for Mr. McBurney. pecan deh sccggd couple with one He child) month tw Oshawa or "viclally. Telephone 728-7020. THREE-BEDROOM house, with option)), to buy, if possible. Preferably in Cour- tice - East Oshawa limits area. Phone BUNGALOW -- 4 bedroo: room, $16,200 or will monthly, RANCH BUNGALOW, miles north of Whitby. bathroom, aluminum screens, near schools and shopping. $12,900, Dial owner, Brooklin 655-4859. m, recreation rent for $150 Northwest. Dial 728-0258. ing room with wall oreo for eose of furniture. Recrea- tion area partially finished 728-7902. YOUNG BUSINESS man _ requires) three-bedroom house, by July 1, in Oshawa or Whitby, gas heated. Tele- phone 728-9441, 9.30 to 5.30. bungalows 4 plece bath, full, basement Ww sem and lovely grounds. Mr. Perry, 725-0303, Realtor, 728-7377. . Ideal for V.L.A. Joseph Bosco GOVERNMENT employee needs by July 1, three - bedroom unfurnished house, St. John's Separate School area, Whitby, $85. to $100. monthly. Tele- phone Whitby 668-2889. 24--Houses For Rent pardghensl new, furnished, $115 ee hydro included. 238 Seven" Whitby. Inquire at Mrs. vate. mer's, 236 Lupin Drive A SIX-ROOM brick house, central, schools and. shopping, garage, monthly. T 725-1873. $90. LARGE seven-room house and acreage for lease, oil heating, immedi- ate possession, Six miles north of Osh- awa. 725-2911. DUPLEX, new three-bedroom living and dining rooms, on bus line, garage, choice accommodation, available July 1, Dial 728-3893. 25--Apartments TWO - BEDROOM apartment, $110. monthly, Near Shopping Centre. Avail- able July 1. Adults. Apply 330 Beuna Vista, Apt. 1. AVAILABLE July 1. Tworoom furnish- utilities 965 |, Chose to $90 DIVISION Street, three-room apart- refrigerator, rangette. Suitable business woman. 965 RICHMOND Street East, two-room fur- ent, = bath, suit- or between the ages of 18 to 25 to represent a tooae 18--Male or Female Help Wanted Canadian Steel Sg re | in direct sales field, Must have car and neat appear- 'ance. Full company bene- fits after trial period. Complete training pro- gramme. Our men know of this advertisement. WRITE BOX 836 OSHAWA TIMES IN OUR BUSINESS like any other, sales are the most important _ thing. Therefore, we supply a number of leads, pay top commissions and WANTED TAXI! DRIVERS Men or Women Apply MERCURY TAXI 14 Albert Street 725-4771 able for working couple. Close to North GM. Available July 1, Dial 725-2540. Shopping Centre. Automatic washing facilities. Apply 214 Cromwell Avenue. CLERICAL HELP Applications will be accept- ed for clerical positions with a local bank, Grade 12 education. or better. WANTED -- young reliable girl to share furnished with same. Pm. BEATTY AVENUE, 164, furnished two room self-contained, apartment, private entrance. TV outlet. Laundry facilities. Suitable for couple. Previous experience an asset but not essential. Please write view to for an inter- BOX 707 OSHAWA TIMES bonuses. We in return expect your valuable time in sincerity to work. you are a proven salesman, __look- ing for top dol-' lars. Give us a call. 728-3901 Students $65 per week A large international firm is selecting 4 moture and per- | sonable young man, 19-24, | for a summer training pro- | gone in sales promotion. will work os assistant | U.S. Industries Consumer Products (Canada) Ltd. requises Franchise Manager For Oshawa District In Stainless Steel Cookware, Fine China, Crystal Flot- ware, Bridal Hope Chest Ar- | ticles. | Write or Call A. F. Geraci Nigara Falls El 8-5737 611 Welland Avenue Niagara Falls, Ontario |THREE SIMCOE Street South, near Wentworth, second floor unfurnished gee |suit two adults, three |sereened verandah, kitchen 'vit steve stove' | and refrigerator, large four-piece bath- jroom, closed garage, utilities includ- jed. Immediate possession, $110 month- ty. Telephone 725-5662. TWO rooms and kitchenette, |refrigerator. Parking ce "avedable |347. LaSalle Avenue or 7354 768. apartment, kitchen sink and cupboards, stove and et ced Private bath. Telephone 7: Fcc SOON spare igeitory _ room, heavy wiring cupboards, TV. outlet, Teniay ta facilities. Parking, Phone 726-8796 after 6 p.m. BOWMANVILLE two-bedroom apart- ment, Mag bos entrance, newly decorat- ed, $60. Central. Apply 63 King gchong RESIDENTIAL district, self-contained unfurnished basement apartment, |drapes, washer, dryer, TV antenna, |Suit business people. 725-7928. |CARGE 'self - contained, three - oe | apartment, FL sgn floor, phd centra Front and back entrance. it Fs, conveniences, cee Telephone two new building. All to south G. mie. No children, 723-4893. ROOM basement apartment with private bath, private entrance and driveway. Laundry facilities, heat and water supplied. Available July 15th close to south G. M. Phone after 6 p.m. 728-3216, SCHOFIELD-AKER 4 ROOM COTTAGE ON CREEK. Only $7,700 asking pricve with terms for this win- terized comfortable littl e home. City conveniences in the country atmosphere of Cedar Valley, North Oshawa. SEVEN. ROOM BRICK two- storey plus 2 sunrooms located on King St. W. Ideal location for someone who loves an older home located in a quiet setting of lovely pine trees, and for one who enjoys gard- ening. Walking distance to ing Centre. Will sell quickly. Call now for an ap- pointment to inspect. Clear property. THOMAS ST. -- JUST RE- DUCED--5 room brick bunga- low only 6 years old located on a tree lined street. 3 large bright bedrooms and real good size living room. Modern kit- chen and bath. rir gen storms and screens. Age oo home on a quiet street. Clear property, open to offers, 2 -- 18 SUITE APARTMENT BUILDINGS located on Simcoe St. N. Each building having ments. Gross $56 for each building -- $18,000 annually -- operating cost $5600.00 Buildings in good shape inside and out. For further informa- ort ga Bill McFeeters 723- EXECUTIVE HOME--For the large family that wants every- thing in a home, Eight lovely rooms including a large fam- ily room on the main floor. Four large bedrooms, 4-pc. bathroom -- and a 2-pc. on main floor, Stone fireplace, well decorated, and extras too numerous to mention. Located in Beau Valley where the streets have hard surfac- ed roads, curbs, and under- ground wiring. For the best value in town, call us. Trades accepted. LISTINGS OUR SALES ARE RUNNING HIGH AND OUR LISTINGS ARE LOW. WE NEED YOUR HOME TO-DAY. FOR THIS ACTIVE MARKET. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR SMALL AND LARGE PROPERTIES. CALL US FOR ACTION. 723-2265 - Open 9 to9 Sat. 9 to 5. REG, AKER 725-0201 MARGARET HALL 723-1358 STEVE MACKO 728-5868 PAULINE BEAL 725-0239 BILL McFETERS 725-1726 KEN MORRIS 623-5406 (Bowmanville) 360 King St. W. Free Parking in basement. Forced air oil Ss, $9,500 4 room brick bunge- low with low taxes. Centrally located. $1,000 down with balance on one open mort- gage. AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE TRIPLEX neor North G.M. and not too many steps fo downtown, 3 seporate aport- ments with 2 bedrooms, liv- ing room, dining room kit- chen and 3 pc. bath each. Hot woter oil heating. All cpartments hove been steadi- ly rented to satisfied custo- mers. The price has been re- duced and vendor will give good terms on one open mort- goge. BEAU VALLEY -- Ultra mod- ern 5% room bungalow with car. port. Many extras includ- ing twindows and screens. Built in Vacu-flo, built In stove and oven, 'hood. ex- houst fan, dishwasher and garbage disposal unit. Rotor T.V. Aerial with outlets In every room. Finished rec room with bar, 6% N.H.A. mortgage. NORTH EAST AREA -- @ spotless 5 room 1% storey home, new F. H. A. furnace. Attractive living room and modern kitchen. 4 pc. bath- room. Taxes only $123. For good inexpensive living, see this one. BUILDING LOT on Tennyson Ave. 52 x 117 ft. Full price $3,500. $12,500, Full Price -- 3 bedroom split level. Large picture window, finished rec- reation room, walk-out bese- ment to patio, This home is only 4 yeors old and can be bought with a low down pay- ment. NEAR KING ST, EAST -- 3 bedroom ranch bungalow with attached garage. Two bathrooms, Built in stove and oven-in kitchen. Full base- ment. Large patio in back and well landscaped. 5. ROOM BRICK BUNGA- LOW on a quiet street. F.A. oil heating, gleaming hard- wood and tile floors. Good garage with cement floor and room for a garden in back yord. Carries for $85.00 per month, $12,600 FULL PRICE for three bedroom brick bunga- low on quiet street close to schools, store and bus. L- shaped living and dining room. 6% mortgage. Immed- iate possession. RESTAURANT-- Year round money maker, completely equipped. Seats 70, located in a. busy Shopping "Plaza in a thriving community. Due to illness, owner will sacrifice. Excellent opportunity for partnership. Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. For full particulars call 723-1121 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. CADILLAC SOUTH, 3 room self con- tained wi apartment, suit 'nished bvahiar J couple, four doors from ~ manent work if desired. No experience needed oS we train you fully if selected. You must be able to begin at once. S@me travel is optional. Neotness, politeness ond a ore essen- tiol, Ti supplied. to our local manager; per- | 20--Room and Board |ROOM AND BOARD for gentieman duly 12, 2139. $500 18 the full down payment on this bungalow located in the country. Call Doug Gower at §. D. Hyman Real Es- tate. 728-6286. boa: gle » lunichés S008 meals, Telephone 726-2433, 0 OR EE gentlemen, willing to share, $14 for, tive dayas' $16 for This is a chonce in a life- time for the right young man. Call our moanoger for full details, He will arrange an interview immediately. Tele- phone. 728 - 744] 9 A.M. TO 2 P.M. Want Ads holdathe key to Extra Cash | WHITBY CLASSIFIED fOR RENT -- Apartment, two com- oletely furnished . bed-sitting a specialty. Mrs. DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, deenes| alteracions, slip covers, drapes, Fitting Toms 668-2372, | rooms, = and kitchen, built- in cupboards, and stove. supplied. Apply 231 Palace Street. AKING, alterations, drapes, sewing. Reasonable rates, . Jebert, Whitby shed apartment, pri- DRIVEWAY gravel, sand and fill cement gravel,| We deliver. Call Eric! Branton, 668-2660. SEPTIC tanks « cleaned, , prompt "service! on calls, Walter Ward, | Street West, Whithy 668-2563. -| LARGE modern »|ed, 204 Chestnut) "retedroom apartment, in sixp! imming pool includ. 708 Dunlop Street wen Whitby. Dial 668-8560. : WANTED -- anytime except \Talephons 064-2308. Cleaning woman. Cali Friday or Saturday. rd | SM CO} ye STREET Rigid -- central room, laundry suitable one locatior and pon "tecttitins, lady.. Telephone 728-4646. Governor Mansions Luxury BEFORE YOU BUY BE SURE YOU TRY "DOWNSVI EW PARK" Oshawa's fastest growing medium priced subdivision. The: sub- division which is design controlled for your prétection. All pre- paid services ---- buy a house or a lot -- 42 ldts have been sold in the first year of development which proves that for the best value in Oshawo, for a central location on curved streets and rolling terrain (formerly Downsview Golf course) close to schools you too will choose 'Downsview CALL EXCLU Park" by Holshawa, SIVE AGENT Lloyd Metcalf Real Estate Limited 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidoires--12 cu. ft. Pressurized Hallwoys Storage Locker in Suites Laundry room on each floor | Vanity in. bathrooms A Few Choice Locations Available Immediate Possession TELEPHONE: 9 A.M, to 9 P.M. Schofield-Aker Limited 723-2265 J. A. SHERIFF REAL ESTATE COUNTRY LIVING WITH CITY LUXURY ' We are proud to be able to offer this beautiful ranch style brick bungalow for your inspection. Very, very seldom does a home of this colibre come on the morket. modern kitchen, dining room, fireplace and 4-piece bathroom, Consisting of 3 bedrooms, large living room with natural stone it is one of the cleanest homes we have ever been privileged to list for sale. Situated just out- side Oshawa City Limits West on a well landscaped lot 77 x 220, drive, garage, all aluminum storms and storm doors, brand new it offers among some of its ma wall-to-wall broadioom in the igi! laundry chute and vanity in outstanding home has 1241 o ft. of livi iny extros items such os, paved room, dining room and hall, throom, friq and stove. This area. Basement absolutely dry and spotless. Taxes only $282.00. Listed for sole at $16,900, This property is clear and any reasonable offer will be considered. Let us show this to you now. Call Newt Hod- gson or Jack Sheriff for appointment. 25 ONTARIO STREET PHONE 728-1673 ising recto --. 738.8749 FOR SALE OR RENT Eight room house, suitable for large family or excellent location for small industry, spacious parking area, Apply 154 BRUCE STREET apartments. Owner must sell. $7,900, full price. 728-5770, The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before. You Buy Give Bill A Try' Se: ie ane 7 aes te vm oe Lhd at .-A. SERVI Ritson Road and es 723-4733 and 723-7712 New Telephone Numbers 668-5871 and 668-5872 BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY bed BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS = 607.KING ST. -- OSHAWA "> oe we Gust East of Wilton Road) ~« 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 COUNTRY SETTING IN CITY IDEAL INVESTMENT FOR RETIRED COUPLE BUNGALOW 5Y%room, recently decorat- ed. 3 ocres property. 9 fruit trees also other trees, Stream ond pond, Lorge bom. Dial 728-3003 THE NEW LOOK: ELECTRICALLY HEATED ATTACHED GARAGE Custom built, two storey bh aye all the extras, in- for a beauti- rie aw. #35 900 down to one N.H.A, mortgage, Immediote possession, Ask for Bill Millor ot 725-1186, Co-Op No. 155 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LIMITED 67 KING STREET EAST OSHAWA JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST. &. Office Hrs, (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) MORTGAGES ARRANGED, BOUGHT & SOLD JARVIS STREET $11,900. full price. One and a half storey, 6 room brick, in spotless condition. Many extras, aluminum sunroom, garage, 4 pc. bath with shower doors, nicely land- scaped grounds, low taxes. Excellent terms. Ask for Mr. Yeo ot 725-6544, $7,600. 5 room bungelow in north eost section of town. Close to schools and bus. Home in condition. Excellent terms for the working man. for Mr. Yeo at 725- WE LIST ONLY TO SELL LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $10,600. FULL PRICE $1,500. DOWN Three bedroom home with go- rage. Located near North, G.M. Plant. Payment only $70.00 per month. Coll Bill Johnston 728-1066 or 728- 5123. $11,300. $13,00. DOWN Semi detached resale -- 3 bedroom, brick bungalow cor- ried for only $87.00 per month, Including taxes. Hol- lywood kitchen and large liv- ing room. Call Ed Drumm, right now ot 728-5123 or 535- 9345. ESTATE SALE 788 SUMMERVILLE ST. $18,500 Located in one of Oshawa's choicest areas. Consisting of three bedrooms, one with wall to wall broadloom, roomy kit- chen with cupboards galore 'and exhaust fan. You will en- joy the charming living room with huge picture window, two tile bathroms, expensive carport with two built-in brick tool storage units, Beautiful TV tower, etc. For more in- formation phone "Bill" Hor- ner at 728-5123. or 728- 2236, '" FERNHILL BLVD. $1500 DOWN Eight yeor old brick, 3 bed- room bungalow in good resi- dential area. Close to all schools and shopping. Call Bill Johnston, now at 728- 1066 or 728-5123. $11,500. Lovely 3 bedroom bungalow with recreation room, situated on the shores of Lake Ontar- io. Large lot and completely fenced. Only $1900 down. Call Bill Johnston now ef 728-1066 or 728-5123. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Oshewa, Ontario OPEN EVENINGS Oshawa's Service Centre Chrysler-Dodge-Plymouth-Vallant® Dodge And Fargo Trucks Chryco Parts and Accessories ~ SMITH SPORTS 353 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-7341 'a A a Seaway cylinder: engine. Motors - LIMITED 200 DUNDAS STREET WEST TELEPHONE WHITBY 668-5893 THE HOME OF NEW AND RENEWED CARS 1962 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2 DOOR HARDTOP, flawless, two tone white maculate matching 'interior. Equipped with @ vs and todlo, ete. ar) ond blue, with im- 1962 PONTIAC PARISIENNE TWO DOOR HARDTOP, one owner, Beautifully % tone brown. Equipped with automatic, radio, end economical "8 finished In two $2995. 1962. RAMBLER CLASSIC 400 1961 PONTIAC 1960 ZEPHYR 28--Real Estate Wanted 1960 FALCON PRIVATE party will pay cash home or lot on tween Whitby 'and Whitby 668-: for Ce 2 be Telephone 2 DOOR SEDAN. a ae for many 29---Automobiles For Sale 1999 BDERL ¢ CORSAIR, sedan fully inside amd rustfree body. weer ia must sell, wh ae | trade. Cali after 5 a 52 Warren avenue. 1959 CHEVROLET, four ton dump truck, 1958 Mercury, 700, both trucks have reconditioned motors, A-1 tires. Apply 216 Park Road North. 190 PEUGEOT a, 6 cae ¢ owner, clean, somcenionl. $1,000 jarest offer. 1957 CHVEROLET Bel Air, two door hardtop, six standard, radio, clean condition. 725-4533 after 4 p.m. KEITH PETERS Realtor 728-7328 103 King St. East $10,900 Open to on offer on the down payment on_ this 10 year old 1% storey brick home. The owner has been transferred and must sell, this is your opportunity to get a real buy, If you like a large lot this house has one, if you like a quiet street this home is on one. There is also a finished rec. room in the basement. Gliddon Street -- $10,900 full price for this 2% storey brick home over-looking: a park, asphalt driveway into the garage, lovely back yard. Hurry for this one os they sell fast in this area and this one is priced right. Spacious 2 bedroom bungalow in the Wilson Rd. district, good condition and must be sold. Asking $10,900 with $2,000 down. Home of Distinction -- This beautiful brick and stone home has 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, attached garage, extra large lot and an except- ional suburban location with a terrific view. Only $16,900, with. $2500 down. 90 Acre Farm about 9 miles from Oshawa. 70 acres good workable land, good barn and poor house. Inspect this at your convenience. excellent engine, $725. Road 1957 FORD coach, good tires, new paint, new clutch, reed Variety Store, 372 Wilson -- CHEVROLET B agar a automatic, two-door coach, wes" take over balance. Telephone v-8, seed condition, Price $1,095. 668-8019. 1958 METEOR convertible automatic! Dial be CHEVROLET ¥-ton pone truck radio, mileag e. foesian or 485 Howard street. con ene 1957 FORD, Thunder- motor, 2-tone deluxe 19538 VOLKSWAGEN cen cians. new Paint job, royal blue metallic finish, mecha ically good, $695 or offer. Tele. phone 725-8540. 1955 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, fully eq ped, one owner, excellent peanilios. Dial 725-7480. 1962 M. G. got ele 9,000 miles, seat belts, radio, » Must sell $1700 or make offer, cash 4 terms. After 7.30 125-6245. ~~ TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. $ ALL CASH $ For Clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-8001 - 668-8101 1962 Chrysler | Saratoga Two door hardtop power steering, power brakes, radio, whitewalls, wheel discs, back up lights, padded dash, etc. Driven by local business executive since new. Demonstration by appointment. Telephone 728-7311 Ask for Mr. Shaughnessy Between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. 1961 ZEPHYR anical condition. less. police cruiser. sion or that is sound. Seaway LIMITED 200 DUNDAS STREET WEST TELEPHONE WHITBY 668-5893 Your authorized dealer for Ford's Family of Fine ° Products. Sivacatton lies $2298. : "4 TWO DOOR SEDAN finished In Corinthion white with motching interior. The economy car of the yeor, $1495. = POs, DOOR Ss. Finished in two-tone white end. sed. Ge $1095. °: : with spottess Interior. Ready " $1295, © = FOUR DOOR SEDAN, immaculote one owner. In excellent meche $1 395. 1961 ECONELINE PICK-UP ........ $1395 1961 VOLKSWAGEN VAN ....... $1195: 1961 RENAULT CONVERTIBLE .... $1095 1959 FORDS AND METEORS from .. 1958 CHEVROLET SEDAN ........ $1095 1958 RAMBLER 4-DOOR SEDAN ...° MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Our Four Point Policy For Customer Protection 1. A written guarantee is furnish- ed with each car 5 years old and $1195 $945 ; 2. The name and address of the _ former owner of any car sold by. Us is available upon request. 3. We do not sell at retail any car- previously used as a taxi cab or We do not sell at retail any car. that has suffered a major colli- not mechanically Motors (Continued on Page 9)