Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Jun 1963, p. 23

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 12,1963 23 ' 7 E L E VI S I O N L O G a ae ee Ce : TAS, MM CAPITAN, WE ARE WHAT WRETCHED LUCK! LESS THAN FANWHTLE, A COSTA GRANDE TORPEDO BOAT PATIENTLY {) NEWS IN BRIEF CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto E Ane, WA iunacine To mace Bareey AMM | AWUNDRED AMLes Frou smuceLeRs AWAFTS BEIND THE NEAREST ISLAND, vine Sieker WGR-TV Channel 2--Bulfalo | WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo ----} "J i | 'or bourione ierueere HALIFAX, (CP) | Edmund We Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester ' Ba hy - i] Boyd of Dalhousie University's poo - J T t CKVR-TV Channel! 3---Barrie : f : SABOTAGED! French department will head a ay 7s. Sennen borane aebeit group of Canadians who will live in Japan for three or four weeks this summer. The group, aged between 16 and 35, are taking part in a cultural ex- change program directed by the International Living Associ- oS 7 4--Popeye's Playhouse , 6-3--Scarlett Hill aa sane ado 2--B'wana Don : | 4--Secret Storm i--Famiy Theatre ae aM 4:30 P.M, 9--Kiddo 7--My Little Margie | 11--Annie Oakley 8--Early Show 2--Bachelor Father 9--Professor's Hideaway 6-3--Razzle Dazzle | 10:00 A.M. 7~Jungle Jay Show 4--Five O'clock Show | {i--Albert Steed Show 6--I love Lucy 5:30 P.M | 9--Kiddo Cartoons 4--Edge of Night ation, an organization with of- 9--Professor's Hideaway | 7--Girl Talk | 'Cart 7--Early Show +-Calendar -- Harry re aa | ; | ~ fices in 47 countries. Meany $2-Say When THURSDAY EVE, = TREAT IN GAN 1 J finn : FEWER FARM SHEEP 2--Huckleberry Hound 10:30 oe j 5:00 P.M. | 7 Z PRL Ea : QUEBEC (CP)--Nearly half $--Bullwinkle 9--Morning Magazine | ,__ ' the sheep . yaleare 16 Quebec" " Na y. Hunch |'1-Family Theatre 3 : BP shedding by homnt| Pec a GALE! province have gone out of busi- prey Affai Sostudio. Party @2--Raszle Dazzle } ; PANCAKE ness since 1956, says Dr. Ernest 3--Provincial | f 3 "aria ae H , : | | : sue.) AM, OO ee er MAKE-UP was® THERE WiLL BE ASTORY ABOLIT ] [yOu MUST THINIC m] Mercier, deputy agriculture 6:15 2M. | 3-Salvation Army | 9_ professor's Hideaway ? IT IN "THE PAPER/A BiG SEMI YOU PROBABLY HEARD ABOU minister. He offered financial 6-Up And Coming 11:00 A.M. =| 7--Karly | Show ~ OVER WAS INVOLVED AND THAT'S and technical aid to farmers in- 11--Destination 6--Gamble for a Throne Ea Als : WERE SIAC ie DMAKEA , | terested in raising sheep, saying~ 6:30 P.M. 9--Professor's Cartoons 3--Yogi Bear , { " : i 11-9-8-3-2--News; Weather| 8-2--Price Is Right 2-Huckleberry Hound 3 . S as OF IT/ / WHERE HER = WZ ' the province imports $15,000,000 Sports | 6:00 : = (77 |worth of wool annually. © King Featares Syndicate, Ine, 1968. World rights reserved, .M, JANE ARDEN 7--Jane Wyman Show | . 4--The McCoys Hi t--Femiy 'Thestre | >--Romper Hoom | Metro News MAIL GOES NORTH ? i | 730 A.M, | 3--Highway Pa =e, - , Beers Bomiuy | $-onr House Ser Sefer RESOLUTE BAY, N.W-T, 7:00 P.M #-2--Concentration 6:15 P.M. }(CP)--Nordair Limited which Sb | Fete and: Gladys a ear flies in mail here every second 4--Hennesey 12:00 NOON | 11-9-8-4-3-2--Newss Wea | week on a Post Office contract, 3--The ee li--Storytime With Bill ther, Sports / y rT SS 3 4 says Resolute Bay is the most ne ed aye | kawrence | nee ores WS iAisRdar ae baat - d g \ as ) .\ northerly community in the 1--News, Weather | 8-2--Your First 'ean Wastes Z world with regular mail serv- 2:30 PLM. _pimpression | 9-6--News | CROSSWORD ice. This Arctic outpost is 2,250 oe cena aa ee ea Y 'air. miles north of Montreal. i 7: M. 7--Wagon Trzin 4--News %Leave It To Beaver (Provincial 'Atatea 3--F eiare ed Gale Highway' Patrol | . Kec ie * bon gga PATRIOTIC BRIDGE 7:45 P.M «Speaker of the Seat basterson "¢ Aigaiture __ATIKOKAN, Ont. (CP)--res- emer House Cheeae | reese 16. Biblical -\idents of this small community, 3:00 Pld. 12:30 P.M. 2Divorce Court | 5. Units DOWN oe 100 miles west of Fort William, 11--87th Precine 9--Kicdo 'i 7:15 P.M. } tail Cough, to tain rubbed their eyes in disbelief --My T 2-- 'r'ruth or News: Weat 1 . ' - ve Eargeye : 6-3 ay aires Bone chiscaiences 1 ieee weaibee prin attract 17. Has- WHAT DID YOU v7 ik b one morfing. The local --. $--Have Gun Will Travel) 7~Valher nows Best | y "Rifleman 9. Graph attention tened LEARN "TODAY IN 4 de chamber of commerce hac , SCHOOLF $ J] 2 painted the bridge in the centre gis 4 of town red, white and blue for a local paint-up, clean-up cam. paign. FIGHT 'SKEETERS 'Going My Way 'Search For Te B-Wide Country 10. Ventured . Numerous BRANDON, Man, (CP) -- Brandon is fighting its annual ¥ di 7--Ozzie and Harriet ry Dobie "Gitte morrow 6LOn The scene (| so22, Reddish- . Scotch war with mosquitoes in the ponds and ditches of the city's ° 3--Noonday Report } a, ti alder tree ie 9:00 P.M, 12:45 P.M. * brown _ Hid away, y feoterday's Answer outskirts. The fighters are the j"skeeter skooters," a division ti--Surfside Six 4--Guiding Light ' ne hair-tint jof the local health unit. Their 7--Naked City 4--As he World furns | 7--yjy Three Sone 18. Polite 9:30 Pio. 7--General Hospital 2--Squad Car 6. Am. abbr. 7--Our Man Higgins | ¢--Meet the Ai:lere 8:30 P.M, 15. pete ra educator 22. "Your Show UE YanPyke! 2" Mid-day Matinee |Special a 7.Goad majesty" 84. To swindle 10:00 P.M. 1:30 P.M. T--Leave It To Beaver 17. Turkestan 8. Lees, equivalent 85. Peer Gynt's 1i--The P.M. Show 9--People In Conflict 9:00 P.M. | salt lake in wine 23, Dance step mother &2--Eleventh Hour 7--Afternoon Show | Q--tecy Show ®.Mandarin 25.Expanded 88, Hewing MICKEY MOUSE 9--Movie ul ne | ree asmoney: 20,Waterproof 29. Youn, 6-2--Perry Como Show 1:00 P.M. ; 13. A positive y aritente ed 6-3--Ben Casey {1--Mid-Day Matinee | 7--Donna Reed | electrode ts : Bare weapons are "skeeter bombs" 6-3---Newsmagazine 2:00 P.M. | 6-3--Playdate | address: tea 27. Not many IE Same : 4-Steel Hour ouitheatrs 4--Twilight Zone abbr. and packs loaded with DDT sl. 4--Julie and Caro! at 9--Burns and Allen 6-3--The Defenders 14, "Little 5. County in 21, Profes- 81, Notion Carnegie Hal 8~Divorce Court 4--Perry Mason | Women" Oklahoma sional: "3 Zz + VAs 7 Te ' ' ; 10:30 P.M, ha pen served 9:30 P.M. Gr and two to three per cent diesel $--News -- Sports 6--Muffin And His Mr. Luck 19. Light LL 1] La fuel. 6-3--Explorations Friends 9--Jack Paar Show overcoat 11:00 P.M. 4--Password §-2-- Hazel 22. oe . sl b Seeliooens arin vensnonannnetie ----____-- a REDUCE RAIL FARES 11-8-7-6-4-3-2--News 2:15 P.M --McHale's Navy | ship 1S | oe Weather! Sports | g_Nursery School 10:00 P.M. 24. Ventilated |, WINNIPEG (CP)--In an ef. ®--Pierre Berton Hour ihe Pat bhew 25. Girl' -- for to promote travel to 11:15 P.M. 2:30 P.M. Ne hbie Wittens V Gute WY northern Manitoba, the CNR 6--Viewpoint li--It's A Great Life Show ae name La 'a T --t 7 , t 11:20 P.M, | _8-Home Cooking 7--Premiere With Fred 26. Trudge has reduced fares and included 14--Late Show 6-3--Trans - Canada Jour Astaire 27. Best theals in fares of sleeping car i {EMaietter's tous "| ST Allred Bitebooce quality passengers. Return fare from 6@--Night Metro Party 4---The Nurses merchan- Winnipeg to Churchill now is $88.50 and includes lower berth and 10 meals. Formerly the 11:30 P.M. 2--The Doctors 3--The Untouchables price was $98.60 without meals. Dat Wate nave over oa 8 $-2--Tonight Show 1l--Bugs Bunny 9--News ny Bay a One SASKATOON (CP) --The 6--Midnight Zone 8-6-3-2--Loretta Young U--Randy Dandy 115 P.M. 80. One of : ; | ( t é Saskatchewan travel bureau has 1i--Norm Marshall 3:00 P.M, 10:30 P.M. ~ , bed For A Day 11:00 P.M. 29. Goddess of THURSDAY | (roel the 'True |11487.6.4.3-2--News voleanoes: LIST AMENITIES oHere# Looking At | ¢--viewpotat Ryukyu st - ; ' published a booklet giving lo- T--Rocket Ship 1 $2--You Don't 8a 11:20 P.M, Islands : " yes > cations of 'campsites in the 4--College of the Air} 7--Who Do You MSY lea - Joe 88, Arab 4 p ' A one province ot listing facilites mand Certs asp - |. Adtetee Se ee eater au garment Kes Bee iy, ae by such as ktchens, fireplaces, The Cap Wl octee dauiatre 11:30 P.M. 86. Apple juice : 2 \ : a : ea water and playground equip. : .M. li--Jack Kingston Sh 87. Cabs 7 --eartO0 1 aga 'nner Fiat Club iiate soy 39, Near: poet, ment available at each site SAVED 50 WAGES 1l--Romper Room 8-2--The Match Game 6--News In Sport , oe | EDMONTON (CP)--Alberta's mongers --_-------- Is . |$1,300,000 electronic bain 723-4634 the CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 230 KING ST. WEST | sitive protic tne sates HOME OF THE FINEST SELECTION OF QUALITY, THOROUGHLY RECONDITIONED ; [made to have the computer "GOODWILL"' Used Cars in Oshawa -- Drop in Today and Select LOW - COST iting Sven asa The Car of Your Choice for Holiday Driving G.M.A.C. Terms |? erie: | ai LONDON (CP) -- Clairvoyant Maurice Woodruff pregigted at et ¢ ar AND THE BARON HAS ENOUGH R DONT MEDDLS, MISTER / THE BARON RUNWING Mis OHV AWGCOM! |Christmas that the winner 2f TOGETHER YOU TWO Suan ee BUT, WHICH ry MRED GUNS TO MAKE HiS OLD HERE, PROM THAT COACH BRINGING HIS SPECIAL |the Epsom Derby would have ce. ¥--Educational Show- OF THE. WORLD'S WEALTHY-- THE, 1S THE. SPANISH CLAIM TO THIS LAND ; ee ie ene 'a five-letter name and come REMAINING SMALL, CHANGE IS RICHEST ? : |from across a short stretch of water. The winner was Relke from France. TEMPTING EVE MOVED TEMPLECOMBE,. En g land (CP)--Lifesize statues of Adam and Eve used to be the centre- piece of Count Guy de Pelet's estate in Somerset. Then a thief stole Adam one night and now Eve has been put into stor- age "to put her out of tempta- tion's way." STALK IN SILENCE EDINBURGH (CP)--Gliders pepse * -o Santen y | will be used in the latest at- ; ONT BVER |tempt to find out if there really yy i Aided THEY payee Te COOKIE. y |is a Loch Ness monster, Search. JAR! : SCATTERED AMONG THE ROCKEFELLER: BUL'. MOOSE 4.. 3; THE KENNEDYS, AND PAUL ANKA #7 =) AND THEIR GIRL FRIENDS AWAIT THE DECISION ASTO WHICH 1S THE RICHEST-- LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER PSS 6-7 MUGGS AND SKEETER THE ABSENT-, ra A TRANSFER TO OAKVIEW) (piiNeeD CONDUCTOR ! | ers will be able to scan the loch a any noise. SALLY'S SALLIES WASN'T = z ALMOST FORGOT..GIVE ME 2 MS Werks rekte meerved DONALD DUCK ie Fontares Sy patente, ine. tim oat? | Cust ae oie ORDERS, ORDERS, ) @ DON'T DO THAT! 21g / | STOP SUCH SWEET MOMENTS. ORDERS /! THAT'S SURE GOOD TO GET ' | 7 BUT RECENTLY IT ALLS GET free Day AWAY FROM IT - H i ALLI 1S IRRITATE YOU, LON6!! LL |! . | : Au /! r CS Sot ty "Everytime I wear a new one, they take up a collection for & wedding present." King Penturse Syndicate, Inc, 100i. World teghis reserved. | BANQUETS PHONE 723-4641 | GENOSHA HOTEL reed QUICK~I NBEO iat ARS ELMO-- Yl | HE'S MADE A COLLAR }" f Glas A HAIRCUT ( BUT ELMO, HERE, 'ulcer 24. __¢ IT's & DEAL AND A HALF TODAY, BRA 4 ARR. | Cc AND I'M IN --~ 1S NEXT YOU TAKE 2 JUST SITTING THERE Macs, anoy MIGENT ep bein uraags we : : | A ADIAN AND FRAN NUGENT HAVE E LARRY, FRAN ARRIVED IN MONTREAL=++ eS yy oe A CLEANERS Odourless. Cleaning Shirt Specialists @ Pick-up and Delivery A HURRY ee, MY TURN AND LETTING ' . FORA ~ é " People Go) : a QUARTER ) fi? s WL; HEADING NORTH i , TO Mac !NN/S HUNTING ES @ Same Day Service LOPGE» ' Vaults on Premises PHONE 728-5141 299 BLOOR w. LARHY BRANNON

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