* | traditional white hat will be left. beg when 18-year-old Deanne . mith goes on a Ranger scoutt-: hi i THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 12, 1963 9 rley spurrier mes toms, | ss When the bridal couple left | Bride Of Lenord H. Jarvis | wearing a dress and jacket of| NEWS IN BRIEF' shrimp pink linen, matching hat, \ pen goodwill trip to the; performed the marriage cere. Mr. Bruce 'Spurrier, and Mr.| carnation corsage. | SASKATOON (CP) -- Women| mony recently in West Hill] Raymond Wilson as ushers. On their return from a honey- | received 197 of the 869 degrees |S" s bag copies = " s pong e stew recipe to Lenord Herbert Jarvis, Oshawa, | Grace Presb iP l M M J yterian Church! Pensylvania, Mr. and Mrs. Jar- |vocation of the University ot | £ took Shirley Ann Spurrier, West | 1121" pout Union, When receiy.| Vis made their home at 285 Mon.| Saskatchewan, 'Three women---|Me's learning to cook it too, + rier is the daughter of Mr. and|ing, the bride's mother wore a| cote Sask., Yvone Margaret Mrs. Leslie Spurrier, West Hill,)Pale pink linen dress, three- Psseady , , SERVE CANADA | Rose Forsman of Strasbourg, ft Coribbeon @ Hewell of Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Jarvis,/sories and a corsage of deep) --won most distinguished h 3 tate "oe oo Oshawa. pink rose buds and carnations. of the Empire, founded in 1900, | 9 or: stinguishe ed ed by Mr, William Squires with|a blue lace dress with jacket,|philanthropic women's hacaaad see Te eee Four Seasons Travel Miss Eleanor Rich as soloist. |white accessories and a corsage tion. of pink rose buds and pag | | the reception, the bride was| The Reverend W. A. Beecroft|man with the bride's brother,|black accessories and a white) EARNED DEGREES United States this summer. But' United Church, West Hill, when] The reception was held injmoon trip to New York and| |at the 52nd annual spring con.) he American Girl Scouts, ina: Hill as his bride. Miss Spur- jtrave avenue, Oshawa, |Barbara Jean Gordon of Wat- Going This Summer and the bridegroom is the son|quarter coat, dark pink acces. | The Imperial Order Daughters' |Sask., and Sandra Mavis Toews pre See us without optigation. The wedding music was play-| The bridegroom's mother chose/is a_ patriotic, non- sectarian | / CALGARY (CP) -- Calgary's |) 24-Hour Service -- 728-628 SVEN S eee See ee Given in marriage by her| father, the bride wore a full- length gown of silk faille e| hanced by self bows on the! bodice and waistline and a cha-| pel train. A crown of small| -\flowers and pearls held her| "| shoulder-length bouffant veil "| and she carried a crescent bou- "\quet of yellow rose buds, yel-} 4\low and white shasta daisies) and baby chrysanthemums, The matron of honor, Mrs. W. | | Metcalfe, wore a street- length) | gown on the lines of the bride's and carried a crescent bouquet | of yellow and white shasta dais. ies and baby chrysanthemums. | The flower girls were the Misses | Kathy and Jackie Dove and| Karen and Brenda Pierson. |They wore frocks of organdy| over taffeta in green and yellow and carried baskets of rose buds, shasta daisies and baby chrysanthemums in yellow and white. Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service I-D-A- DRUG STORES SAVINGS THIS WEEK Ban Lotion Deodorant 1.25 size 89c TAN & GUARD 1.17 "6-12" REPELLENT LOTION 78¢ wine aexom'swromner jac;| ALBERTO VO5 HAIR SPRAY 1.78 'sory an autoreve ane nas TON] HOME PERMANENT 1,69 BROMO SELTZER 99¢ aon ee ae h squeeze bottle 1.25 size squeeze bottle 89 size 1.89 size Simcoe, He is the great- grandson of Mr. and Mrs. George Welch, Toronto, and Mrs. M. M. Harris, Barrow- In-Furnace, Lancashire, Eng- land. --Ireland Studio Posing at six months old, Michael Richard is the son Mr. and Mr.s Michael Lee, Patricia avenue. His | grandparents are Mr, and | Mrs. C. W. Read, Oshawa, } and Mr. and Mrs: R, H. Lee, "Women From nen Canada and Mrs. Stephen Remego Sr., all of Oshawa. Heather was seven months old at the time of this picture. --Aldsworth Photography little girl is daughter of Stehen Rem- This happy Heather Dawn, Mr. and Mrs. ego, Wood street. She is the granddaughter of Mr, and Mrs. William Davis and Mr. SHAS Gentle, Regular, Super | worked in the Canadian govern- | ment's Indian services. Another delegate with inter- 1,09 size Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cam- enzuli, Courtice, are the proud parents of James Al- fred, who was seven months old at the time of this pic- Promote International Peace Sponsored by the Voice of| Women in Canada, a mission of 25 wmen from Canada and the United States will be spending a month touring Britain and Europe with the aim of sponsor- ing a special "year", such as the recent Geophysical Year, for the promotion of interna- tional peace. Making their first stop in London in Mid-June, the} | party wifl undertake a | pean tour which will take in Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm, Moscow, East and West Berlin, Warsaw and Prague. It will then return to London, and some members of the party will visit Edinburgh, Liverpool and Birmingham be- fore returning to Canda by air. This tour is being organized by the Voice of Women in Can. 4 ada and the International Liai- son Committee. While in Eng- land, the party will be guests of the Women's Liaison Committee for Peace Groups. LED BY CANADIAN The delegation will be led by Mrs. Helen Tucker, of Port Cre- dit, Ontario, a lecturer at the University of Toronto. She is a member of the Council of Chris- tians and Jews, has led |}UNESCO cultural missions to Mexico and Japan, and travel missions to Jamaica and| Africa. ture. He is the only grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Camenzuli, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klimezak, all of Osh- awa. --Photo by Hornsby LODGES AND SOCIETIES Other Candian women in tie | | party include Mrs. David Smith, | jfrom Saskatchewan; Mrs. Joy | Kennedy, of Toronto; Mrs. Mar- LTB No. 55 The regular meeting of LTB No. 55 was held in the Orange Temple. DDGM Sister Elda Howard acted as Deputy Mis- tress in the absence of Brother Leo Keeler. The lodge was opened by Sis- On July 14 there is to be a garet. Ashdown of Toronto, the picnic at the home in Rich-| national treasurer of the Voice! mond Hill and a band from!of Women of Canada. dere and -- ny DESCENDANT OF CHIEF and will supply the entertain An interesting Candian dele- a diaws Were won by Sis gate will be Mrs. Ethel Brant ter Annie Fowler and Sister Su. Monture, also of Toronto, grand. daughter of the Chieftain of the Six Nations Indians, Jcseph Brant. She was born and edu- cated on the Iroquois Reserva. tion at Brantford and _ is regarded as the greatest living authority on Indian culture and! |ests in common with Mrs. Mon- ture is Mrs. Florence Hill, of Oshweken, Ontario, who is a Mohawk of the Six Nations an) the Grand River and a gradu- ate of Brantford Collegiate, Her husband is supervising princi- pal of the Six Nations Indian Fair and former district direct- jor of the Six Nations Associa-| tion. BUEHLERSs Tender EATN AC TRUE-TRIM BEEF 12 KING E, -- 723-3633 Save With These Weekend | Meat Specials! SHANKLESS SMOKED PICNICS C 39 Bonelss Rump & Round STEAK made in Canada "MARATHON" GOLF BALLS 2 for 88c IMPORTED SUNGLASSES 2.99 KODAK FILM VP-120, VP-127, or VP-620 2 for 99¢ TRANSISTOR BATTERY Tle EL PRODUCTO CIGARS 4Tc KOTEX 12's 4Tc "SYLVANIA" FLASHBULBS 1.19 BRECK HAIR SET MIST 1.49 GILLETTE RIGHT GUARD 2 for 1.49 PHILISHAVE "SPEEDFLEX" 29.95 PAPERMATE CAPRI 2.49 SUNBEAM "SHAVEMASTER" 21.95 PEPSODENT TOOTHPASTE 59c CREST TOOTHPASTE 6ic These SPECIAL PRICES From June 10-15 4.98 volue "Eveready" No. 216 89c size pock ef § 12's all types Sle M2 or AG-1 12's 89c size 79¢ for 1,89 for 34.95 value Pen & Pocket Mote Note Book reg. 27.95 with trade in 69c size 69c - Be off Protects for Hours Tans Perfectly Exclusive silicone ingredient Dure- Sil, Keeps Bronztan protection en your skin... even ofter swin- ming. Bronzton promotes, @ beautiful even ton without burme Ing. @ Clear Liquid... doesn't show @ Nogreasy oils... sand won't stick @ Non-drying... prevents peeling soo |Father's Day SOLO BOB PINS SUNDAY, JUNE 16 BLACK or BLONDE 1.29 For control of eam 7, Aphids, soft bodied sucking insects, thrips and leaf hoppers. Kills 3 host of garden insects by fumes and contact, Spares beneficial insects, Economical--one ounce makes two gallons of spray. Ieee Oe 5 9¢ When you need --------~ | "HOME-NURSING" HOUSEHOLD HINT To crack pecans, pour boiling Call a V.0.N, Nurse water over them and let them 725-2211 stand for ten minutes. Dry and " i f crack them carefully and the Home Mions cor ld meat should come out whole. ter Rachel Coombes in the ab- san n Spencer. sence of the Chaplain Sister Alice Shortt. The sick members report finds Brother Leo Keeler, Sis- ter Annie Toms and Sister Viet Reaton all home from the hospital. ROAST 79 FREEZER SPECIAL BEEF : HIND QUARTER 59 Look What 1.00 Will Buy! 2 lb. Lamb Chops "°""" 2 lb. Side Pork *" | 3 lb. Veal Paities | 3 Ib. Bologna'... > BY THE PIECE ANY OF THE ABOVE FOR 1,00 HIP OF BEEF 59° Approx. 60 Ibs. this gives you rump roast, round steak roosts, or slices, stew or minced beef -- cut and wrapped free, SAIL INTO HIS HEART Od Spice THE FINEST GROOMING PRODUCTS FOR MEN ane | 1086.25 8s Your face looks better and feels better with BARBASOL Brushless SHAVE CREAM 43c 63c 98c Aerosol Can 79c 98c Plastic Travel Set Shaving Mug Gift Set. Gift Set. SPECIAL After Shave Lotion. Deluxe Plastic 1.37 OVER 500 STORES IN ONTARIO TO SERVE YOU © McCORDICK'S ° 360 WILSON RD. S. 725-8711 MITCHELL'S 9 SIMCOE ST. N. 723-3431 and calm 'speak nerves, This effec tive scientific formula containing 5 time-tested ingredients goes. to work quickly to speed blessed relief from nervousness, When work or 'worry make you feel upset, nervous, irritable, get on-the-spot relief with new REPOZ tablets. This bene- ficial formula helps you relax -- day amt night! Why suffer an- other day? Ask your druggist for REPOZ now-- you'll be glad you did! Satis- u faction guar- anteed or your money back, EXPORT "A" 20's 25's EXPORT PLAIN _, 69 SME He AND COLORS NO OTHER © ARGES SINGLE VISION 11.95 Complete with Frames, Lenses and Case. Give your eyes a lift! Re- place your worn out, old- fashioned, out-moded glosses with KING'S LATEST STYLES. Choose from the most modern aluminum, gold color combination and highly styled Zyl frames. 4%-oz. - 1.50 | 2.98 JAMIESON'S 241 KING ST. EAST 725-1169 KARN'S 28 KING ST: EAST 723-4621 Save on the carton LAW'S 1204 WECKER DRIVE 725-3525 POWELL'S 35/2 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-4734 TENDER BLADE STEAKS ». 59° SKINLESS WIENERS 1.95 99° LB, REPAIRS Broken lenses Frames repaired, placed while you wait prices! NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED WE FILL ALL PSI, OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRES- CRIPTIONS AT THE SAME LOW. PRICES. BIFOCALS 17.95 Complete with Frames, Lenses end Cose, duplicated frames re Lowest S-LB. BOX Opticians Over 3,000,000 Satisfied Customers Prescription Sunglasses at same low price. SLICED COOKED HAM HOURS: MON. TO SAT. " 9 AM. - 5 P.M, My PPvteed gtlvearg WED. TILL 12 NOON NATIONAL BRANDS BRANCHES IN MANY PRINCIPAL CITIES OF CANADA AND U.S. 17 Bond St. E. .2nd Floor Phone 728-1261 Oshawa