THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Junc 11, 1963 Old Country Club Members Gather At General Meeting Approximately fifty members of the Oshawa and District Old Country Club met at the YWCA, recently for their annual gener- al meeting. The chairman, Mr. Leonard Riley, opened the meet- ing and welcoming all em- bers. ' Secretary, Mrs. A. Haylock, read the minutes followed by treasurer, Mr. David. Boakes, i|who presented a financial re- port and read_ the _finan- cial statement. Mrs. George Holtom, building fund chair- man gave her report. Mr. Jo- seph Finch, entertainment chair- man, gave a short resume on functions held during the past year and reported that several hall bookings had been made for functions in the new season. Mr. David Boakes reporting on' the whist group, mention- ed that a duplicating machine had been purchased from this project, and presented the ma- chine to the club. The whist group will be or- ANN LANDERS -- Time And Places Even For Children Dear Ann Landers: My brother and his wife haye an only child who is 10 years old going on 18--if you know what I mean. They take the girl }everywhere, claiming she is very mature and fits in with adults beautifully. She is ma- ture for her age, Ann, but she is still a 10-year-old child. Some of their friends have simply stopped inviting. them over because they insist on bringing the girl. It is not so easy for a relative, however. Last week we had a dinner party. Since it was on a school night we felt certain they'd leave the youngster at home, but they did not. The evening was ruined by the child's pres- ence. Her mother insisted she give several readings and the guests were bored stiff. them and it was wonderful-- until the boy's mother opened her mouth. The .first moment she and I were alone she shouted: "How can you call yourself a mother when you don't do one thing for your daughter? She came to this town practically naked and barefoot. We pay the rent, buy the groceries. and clothe the baby. You have much more money than we do yet you don't do anything for them." I left without saying a word. I've never been so hurt. Should I write and explain that we aren't millionaires and that we do all we can? I am sick over this.--S. J. ) Dear S. J.: Don't write--and don't get into a contest with that dingbat to see who can 7 more for the children. If ys son-in-law has a good pt he should be paying his rent, buying his own gro and clothing his own HOUSEHOLD HINT ' we A hot water bottle stored full of air to keep it £ sticking together. Just t ov up and screw on the cap. # on being the cradle .of Europe's oldest democracy. I, as a loyal Swiss, feel that such statements reflect poorly on all of us. It is too bad this ambassador of ill-will does not keep herself hidden in the mountains where she can do no harm.--HEIDI Dear Heidi:. Many Swiss wrote to complain about the poor impression 'Swiss Mrs," had projected. No group should be judged by the behavior of one individual. And I agree emphatically that we should not judge the Swiss by this one. Dear Ann Landers: Our daughter was married two years ago to a nice boy. It took us a year to pay off the debts from her wedding. We also helped furnish their apart- MARRIED Married recently in Cedar- dale United Church were Miss Margaret Eleanor Hoy, Osh- awa, and Mr. Ralph Ernest Hanna, Toronto. The bride is RECENTLY --Ireland Stu |Group Mrs. aa 3 |ported on the groups affiliation |with the Overseas Womens As- |sociation, [fourteen members | : + |travelling to the United King-| ganized by Mr. Alex Air and Mr. George Day next season. bership chairman, reported that at the annual general meeting |last year the total membership |was 175 families this year the llist stood at 195 families. Mr. |George Day reporting on be- half of the ladies group stated ithat at the group's last meeting,| © the daughter of Mr: and Mrs. |on Monday, June 10, at Simcoe Earl Hoy, Oshawa, and Mr. |Hall, a-pot-luck supper will be Hanna is the son of Mr. afd |held. Mr. Day also spoke of a Mrs. Ernest Hanna, Havelock. |donation from the ladies group dio lof $100.00 to be given to the Cer- ----~lebral Palsy Association. Mr. A. D. McGillivray, mem- The Chairman of the Ladies George Day, re- and mentioned that would be }dom this summer. Mr. James McNab, a building ifund trustee, and retiring vice-| chairman, tendered his _resig-| jnation as a trustee as he and) his family will be leaving Osh-| Oakes Avenue, were honored on lawa in the near future. Mr. Ar-|the occasion of their 25th wed- |thur Watts was nominated. |Riley, presented Mr. Leonard McNab The chairman, Mr. |}with a plate glass mirror as a token of appreciation from the | club. | lis as follows: chairman, |Leonard Riley; Mr. David Boakes; The election of new officers Mr. vice-chairman, secretary, /Mrs. Joseph Finch; treasurer, Mrs. S. Wilkinson; building lfund, Mrs. T. Veenhof; mem- |bership, Mrs. George Holtom; entertainments, Mr. Joseph Finch; and ladies group repre- | | sentative; Mrs. George Day. WELCOMES VISITORS | VANCOUVER (CP) -- Mrs.) MR, AND MRS. KEI .* TH CLARKE Couple Marks 25th Anniversa At Surprise Party By Family Mr. and Mrs. Keith Clarke,| ding aniversary, at a surprise party held at Woodview Park Clubhouse. The hosts were their daughter, Mrs. Douglas Taylor (Dorothy), Mr. Taylor, and their son, Robert. Mrs. Clarke is the former Ev- elyn Cowle, daughter of Mr. Theodore Cowle, Oshawa, and the late Mrs. Cowle, and Mr. Clarke, formerly of Hampton, is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Clarke. The honored couple was married on June 2, 1938, in the Salvation Army Cita- del by Major Lorimer. | The reception table was cent: | wedding cake which was pro- vided by their children. Pour- ing tea was Mrs. Leslie Cole with Mrs. Douglas Taylor, Miss Betty Arnold; Miss Beverley Smith, Alliston; and Mrs, Alan} - Cole serving. Among the many guests pre- sent was their bridesmaid of 25 years ago, Mrs, Melville Arn- old,, the former Evelyn Clarke, and Mr, Fred Cowle, who per- formed the duties of best man, Mr. and Mrs, Clarke were presented with many gifts, flow- ers and cards from relatives and friends. Following the reception the evening was spent in dancing. | Out of town guests were from | red with a bouquet of red roses, | Hampton, Bowmanville, Peter-| white tapers and a three tier! borough, Alliston and Markham, After they left we decided this was the last straw. Shall we not invite them in the future and risk a breach in the fam- jily? Or shall we tell them they cannot bring the girl to our jadult parties? -- ENOUGH IS ENOUGH | Dear Enough: Tell them -- |which is what you should have | done ages ago. Perhaps these parents don't jrealize that adults resent the |intrusion of a 10-year-old, More. over it's not good for the child. These overly mature kids can |turn out to be obnoxious little |characters if they've been the jcentre of attraction too often jand too long. Dear Ann Landers: As a Swiss I am compelled to com-} his home town so they moved. ment, Since they had a darling baby girl a year after and again we helped all we could, Six months ago our son-in-law was offered a good position in Last week, I went to visit ;|ment on the letter written by a compatriot of mine. I cannot| decide whether she is ignorant} |of the common usage of the English language or if she truly | believes that a woman who does manual work cannot: be} classified as a lady. | The latter assumption would! seem unlikely from an individ- © WEDDING PORTRAITS e@ WEDDING ALBUMS onby Greland. Studio 21 ATHOL ST. " dad ual those country prides itself! 7:30 O'Neill Collegiate & THE Lillian Mac Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING presents its Annual Recital Friday, June 14th ADMISSION 50¢ P.M. Vocational Institute Theresa Galloway has her own way of welcoming tourists. If a visitor's car is overparked, she puts a nickel in the meter and leaves a "welcome to Van- |couver" note. a EXCHANGE VOWS Davidson, Brooklin, and the The marriage was perform- ed in Brooklin United Church recently when Miss Donna Gail Oldham became the bride of Mr. Neil Irwin Bur- late Mr, Nathan Oldham, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Bur- | roughs, Brooklin. --Photo by Stannett, Whitby roughs. The bride is - the daughter of Mrs. Andrew LODGES AND SOCIETIES SUNBEAM CHAPTER OES The regular meeting of Sun- beam Chapter was held in the Masonic Temple, with Sister Cora Lyons .W. Matron presi- ding, assisted by Brother Wil- iam Henderson W. Patron, | Sister Thelma Beerthugen in- troduced Sister Edna Anderson P.G.M. from Bowmanville she was accorded Grand Honors. Sister Jean Gow of (Toronto) Grand Trustee, was welcomed. | The following PDDGM's were introduced; Sisters Ann Creigh- ton; Mattie Ford, Meta Moore, Agnes Kemlo, Elizabeth Mc- Neil. Presiding officers were pre- sent from Whitby, Port Perry, Pickering, Queen Esther, York, West Hill, Deliorah, Fairbanks. Sunbeam own Past officers were; Sisters Martha Dunlop, Bert Wright, Marianne Girard, Meta Moore, Agnes Kemlo, Nance M.CLeese, Chola Brown, Laura Stewart, Alberta Wood, Mabel Alpin, Dorothy Haley, Bros, Frank Train, W. Hender- son. Visitors were present from: Toronto, Markham, Whitby, Fi- delity, Blue Ray, Pickering, Bowmanville, North Battleford. | Sister Jean Scott read the jsick members report, Invita-| tions were accepted for Septem-| /ber 10 Durhan; June 13 Blue! Ray. Donation was given to the Cancer Fund. | Sister Edna Anderson gave farewell. CARPET C ANY 282 King W. 728-9581 BROADLOOM pd hs : | 9 « Shades ___4a oir es : _ "SAVE 19¢ } 4 I fr t t 1 a con. Ei par! pow ecu des q Fo get pla nor mo ct el] o s } c , > Primrose Brand » Nylon Tricot ; ' > Full Footlets. 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After you park, 54 interesting. shops (including a major department store) await you. You'll find everything your family needs among these well-laid-out shops: high-grade merchandise and specially-priced bargains. Enjoy OC's complete one-stop shopping, service trades, covered mall and fashion selection. Make it a habit. It's a good one. DAs oe ee eo Rn, og bl Drapes custom-tailored to suit your decor... call to-doy, ask about home service . . . Free estimates. @ BROADLOOM @ BAMBOO @ SLIP COVERS @ UPHOLSTERING HOWARD'S Dnaporios. 926 Simcoe North 725-3144 "the interesting place to shop" WOOLWORTH AD EVERY DAY HOW TO GET THERE, FROM HIGHWAY 401' EASTBOUND -- Exit at Thickson Road, take North or South Side Road @ast to Stevenson Road, then north on Stevenson Road, FROM HIGHWAY 401 WESTBOUND -- Exit at Park Road, north on Park Road to Elmgrove Avenue, west on Elmgrova, RSSs Ovsgrpdwssee