i Eth OS Gaiden THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturday, June 8, 1963 17 ary Of Stock Mark Shy Investors Push -- Prices To New High dustrials drop; nearly two| CPR, Consumers' Gas and points, most oe posted firm|Union Gas were all active and advances with Royal jumping|higher among utilities. Papers, approached Cana:|j1,, led by a healthy gain in Great arkets with caution! "Royal climbed 2% on_ the|Lakes, were on the upside. and reservayon this week--shy:| week and others rose in a % to| Motors and liquors were ing away heavy buying but/3, range, mixed to higher and activity in showing enough interest in a few) Steels and Construction issues|food stocks was dull and fea-| blue chip issues to push prices were steady to fractionally|tureless. to a new level. lower despite encouraging news| Activity in base metals fell off All the industrial index!in both industries. -- sharply this week when recent at Toronto--a compilation of 20/ One report noted that con-|heavy trading among specula- issues selected as market trend|struction contract awards for|tive issues almost came to a indicators--showed a drop of/the first five months of the year] standstill. : about two points during the|were well above the same pe-| On index at Toronto, indus- week, all-time highs were re-jriod last year and another|trials dropped 2.01 to 645.95, corded in early sessions. showed that steel production| golds slipped 1.20 to 86.10, base On Monday, a new top oOfjrate is near capacity. However,|metals eased 1.60 to 213.40 and $48.71 materialized. After a/Dominion Bridge was off a|western oils fell 1.71 to 122.84. slight dip on Tuesday, an all-|point and Dominion Foundries} Volume at Toronto was about time high of 650.14 was reached|and Steel eased % among los-|12,209,000 shares worth about on Wednesday, some 31 points| ers, - $38,500,000 compared with 15,- more than the record of March 206,968 shares worth $41,663,953 13, 1962, Ensuing drops totalling) VOLUME DOWN last week. 3.63 during Thursday and Fri-| In other main list groups, re-| On index at Montreal, indus- day left the mark at 645.95. fining oils showed a dominance trials slipped 1.0 to 129.2, utili- Banks, often regarded as re-|of minus sides and featured|ties dropped 0.1 to 123.5, banks liable market indicators, gener-|much lower volume than in re-jrose 0.4 to 130.7, composite ally defied index movements| cent weeks. Shell Oil and Inter-|climbed 0.9 to 128.3 and papers this week. |provincial Pipe Line each eased/advanced 1,2 to 112.7. In early sessions when record|a point or more and Texaco} Volumes at Montreal: Indus- were being set, the five major Canada slipped %. Trans-Can-|trials 1,389,846 shares compared issues on the Toronto market re-'ada Pipe Lines on the other|with 1,278,708 last week; mines} mained steady to slightly|hand, hit a new 1963 high dur-/1,751,079 shares compared with higher, But on Friday, when in-|ing the week. '2,116,782. | Norris Report Stel Plant | 0 UlOSse; Delayed Week 1400 Jobless By ROBERT RICE jannis Port meeting last month: BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) -- The : \It has also been th ic of top-|third argest steel plant in the i ao ecco Lee odor meetings in' Ottewe coa| Buffalo area will close within $0 Great Lakes labor strife has| Washington involving Mr. Mac-d@ys with a loss of 1.400 jobs been delayed by the mechanical|Eachen and U.S. Labor Secre-| and a $10,000,000 annual payroll, problem of printing enough cop-|tary Willard Wirtz, as well as| its owners said Friday. ies to meet the expected de-|President Claude Jodoin of the| The job-loss will cut sharply id Fri |Canadian Labor Congress andjinto the area's non-farm em. mand, sources said Friday. AFL-CIO President ¢ ployment, which stood at 41% of : sti: / residen eorge ' " » ad jal Te sores 0 his peven-montn| Meany. ; i eo aes I investigation of violence and| Once the Noctis report isi scien hae ne -hom disruption in the lake shipping|2¥2!/able, Mr. MacEachen will| Corporation announced in New fisruption in the lake shippingiseck to reopen his. discussions| York City. it would close its sabi de P with Mr. Wirtz and the top la-|Wickwire Spencer steel plant in massive document. bor leaders of Canada and the|the nearby town of Tonawanda Since several thousand copies|United States. because the plant: had been los. will be needed, it has been de-| The report is also expected to|ing money "year after year." It cided to print the report, rathercontain recommendations in-|produces principally wire and than mimeograph it in smaller volving legislative action in| wire products. quantity. | Parliament. For this reason, the) The plant has been severely This means the report may} Norris report will move quickly| squeezed between foreign com- not be made public for at least|into the cabinet for early riggs adit and rising labor and a@ week--possibly longer. jand possible priority action in| material costs, the company Labor Minister MacEachen|the Commons. said. ; "iim Tighten Control On US. Markets sometime this week. This tar-| By JACK LEFLER get has been wiped out now by| the decision to print the report} for wide distribution. | NEW. YORK (AP)--A. second move to tighten control of the vast securities industry high- The report is believed to in- volve more than 250,000 words-- lighted United States business and financial developments this about three times the size of an| week ordinary novel. | High-level efforts to resolve a! It was made by the Securities and Exchange Commissoin in long and bitter struggle on the recommendations to Congress lakes have been suspended pending publication of the re- port. for drastic legislation. The first set of proposals came out last April. ) er A < = < Weekly Summ -- 1962 Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low 650$13% 13 13%4--% 13% 885 10% 0% | This Week------ 1963 Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low 125 339% 39% 39% --1 50950 50 BO C1 11935 5% Sh Se--% ty Fra By The Canadian Press Declines outnumbered advances by 424 to 279 on the Toronto Stock change this week. Issues un- changed totalled 195. Volume for the week was 12,200,843 shares, down from week's 15,206,968, Total sales for the year to date are 367,787,025, (Quotations in cents unless marked $). WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS By The Canadian Pre --------This Week 1963 Sales High Low Close Ch'ge High Low INDUSTRIALS 4022 $324 30% 32 +1 $18% 17% 17% --1% $30 «28% «29% +1 Ur M+ 20% 21% + % i Btock Zellers Zellers pr Zenith = H i its OY 2 51 48 5% 355 | opledaligyadig ughelldctus § By GARY COOPER Canadian Press Staff Writer : 5 = 1s: = a & CeRS Soe 5 Baka dian s§a52 at se Seeshs sesusoesgcuszeg. iF Stock Bose a pPRoREaTEE SESS ee eNEags i 32% 20% 30 CPR Shell Oi Alumini Con Gas BC Pow teBensss $25 $21% OILs S140 25% 20% 16% 11% 23 2 59 54 MINES 3734 kid 63 11% 9% 16% 13 7 4% SHES _CRoREH BEesssR. F 8 Lith + FE = B82 ° 8. 474 +7% 2544 +6 6 +4 4% --1 55 ee S 3 ei = 5 ce Se e = = ++ - s Atlin Ruf Aumaque Aunor Bankeno Bankfield Barex Barnat Bary Expl Base Metal Baska 3 Eeestdsge 5 05: 10921 $15% 14% 14% 6% 6% 64+ % 6% --l 9 --1 5 a S 8 --5 8 8 --55 18% 16% 6 6 35 72 1 +% +4 stare, beLbb L $$ 190200 167900 2 - SBSEREuac8 gezhse "4 --3 Majtrans 5% --i% 3 I L 525 $16% $6 8. s83_s¢ goredd_se l Lb Lis gosseeasye geeebcbbeesbizoss csp. pwicsaszestiussigeragsccu SE, SeneSBaz. be B-Duq Belcher Bethim Bac 3338 Industrials Beveon Bibis Bidcop Black Bay Bouzan Braiorne Broul Reef Brunswick Buff Ank Buff RL eee eRe eegeitoaze ABgcs 1, eushouuls A and B 3553 155 130 150 6691 $45% 45 85 $254 25% 500 375 375 . 375 300 $25 5 600 265 19450 260 40 60 21700 «87 75 80 20217 $31% 31% 31% 40$109 109 109 130$108 108 910 Abacon Abitibi Abitibi pr Ackland Ackland pr Alta Dist Alta Dist Alta Dis w Alta Gas Alta Gas pr Alta GB pr Alta G wis Alta Pa af 3 : 38 gee 58638 + = 3 Bt 17 2 4 vt _% li, oe f Inv Syn A 278 i 58 5B 4 foc imei it fs aica PS 100 'Somers 1950 $6% 644 6% --% 1550 275 255 --i5 12206 330 20 2 10 350 $11% 11% 11K +% 2900 6 661 6 --1 6825 96% 6% 64--% 4135 230 225 225 815, 175 $10 10 10 Lt N 9413 $17 16% 2850 $7% 6% +9 pt 3 o * > é 33 gees éh bby e288 HsestrgeBds cesses Cable Cadamet Camp Chib Camp RL C Tungsten Australia Astoria Dyno Malart N_ Inca Nwest Candore Can-Erin Captain Cassiar Cent Pat Cent Pore Cheskirk Chester Chib-Kay Chib M Chimo Chrom ¥ 270 33 88 530 4 £ 3 2 ty # e i ses B36 be Li++ ul bf Kelvinator aa8 seas C C c ¢ C Bigs =5 1515 $ 74 30$105 105 Argus 2416 $12% 12 Arg B pr 677 $53 2% 5 Argus 250 pr 850 852% 51% 52 Argus 260 pr 195 $53 52% 2%4--% Arg C pr 6914 $9% 9% 9% Ash Temple 1295 $16 16 16 Atlan Acc 4 20% 2% Atlan Ace pfd 22% 23 Atl Sugar $17% 17 17% -- Atl Sug A 875 $23% 23% 23% % Atl Sug pr 25 $1024 102% 102% Atlas Steel 389 3760 3760 3760 Autofab B 13800 50 45 49 Bank Mont 6712 368% 68% 68% Bank NS 1464 $74% 74 4% Bartaco Bath Pow Bath 'Pow A Beatty Beav Lumber Bel] Phone Bow Valley Bowater 5 pr Bow 5% pr Bow-M pr Bowater Brazil Br Tank Br Tank pr Bright B CForest BA Oil BC Pack B BC Pow BC S Anthes B 1% 14% Pf % 4% 80 50 340 «240 295. 235 11% 9% 85 66 39-32% 18% 16% 19 15% 22 20 26% 16% s+ x) Labatt Lafarge t es 238 = ans oe = saateundiy 6. = : er. 2800 $11% 11% 11%--% 3250 136 133 135 --1 ents i, +2% --% Au wee "s eBScekyon8 LL, t nnd ss 16% 22% 100 3765 3450 170 35 4 e $8532 " So8S. Syo 3 3 a. + - 23% 22% 20% a : Coch Will "78 Coin Lake 19% 13% °C Met" gies Coniagas - + Con-Key tine ne Cc Beliek St y C Beta G 33¥6 320%6 Con © Cad 33% 31% C Discov' 10% 8% C Fen 19% 13% * 23° «(19 25 19% a Me S € dabed 38 PEL ers a % apaBSsuoxera Bede 8 Ish g olat phe Sx i 210 215 865 $20% 20% 20%+4+ % 5 55 5 55 12% 20% 56 3 5 Ss = wr 3 37% 57% eZ Ge. 8,088 32% 32% 3 %e--% 385 $19% 18% 19% +% 1475 = ad hg % ye U%+ % 280 85 B% +1% 27% Ye 35 $9 (9H Oe 2065 $13% 13% 134--% 140 $1084 108% 108% +2% 2068 $144 14 14% 80$109 108 108 --1 230 145 145 145 +5 1200 305 00 305 w®s24 B80 Sees 258 3S, Loeb M Maclaren 2 eg aul . Bee 83 1 = 5 Con 'Negus Con. Nichol C Northid C Persh Con Que C Rambl C Re dPop C Regcourt C Sanorm C Shawkey Cop Corp Cop-Man Coulee Courvan Cowich Craigmt Crestaur Croinor Crowpat Daering eheS38oF Ba > - S ee *2E78E 4 ebedic? $°2 seh, 8gage at 2198 11% 10 7700 (8% 5% 39 15% 13 31% SSy 898 { FES saquctess=segeeeses & LE ess 2 14% 1% 3 10500 136244 20500 $2532 11100 6812 3600 Seep SER PRET is 2 9 +7 1$ 12 Be * oe [+++ Pa + + 8 S"ss "sy - - Fs § 214 $30% 30% 280 $8% 8% ==} 1075 $13% 13 50 $9 865 H S38 sGxouel a siged 2Eses Build Prod Burns Burrard A BSS~F8e42F8 8 33 Ssu8 S - a 3 2 117 108 108 --9 $17% 16% 164 --% 1% 14% 16%+ % 13 9% lL +1% lL 83 1 Uh+% 6% 16% 16% se * 8595 35% A 1535 $15% 15% 15% + %& 100 $155 155% 155% -- % 23 $B Bb Bb +h% 860 $28% 27 23% + % 100 $19% 19% 19% -- 322 $16 6 Cabol 35 7 59 75 Cal Pow 8547 $23% 22% 22% C Bread A 445 $52 Cal Pow 5 pr 65$104 Can Cem pr 267 $29% CD Sugar 1349 $27% Can Foils A 110 $41% Fndry 2010 $23% Can Malt 355 $89 C Pack A $61% $6; 4 879% $96 HH a tached = Seuted,soudeybusbest 2 3 2 oSSe49- ee (i Filte! A poll.showed that they con- sidered business to be surpris- ingly good with prospects of get- ting better. The second half of this year, they believe, will be better than the first. Most of those surveyed expected capital spending to increase. Steel production dipped last week by 0.7 per cent to 2,608,000 tons as orders tapéred off, Out- put is headed for a downturn and May slump 10 to 20 per % 16 35% 3% % 9020 $20% 19% 20% + % 110 $50% 50% 50% % % 8% 8% + % 25 525 27% 24% 4 O tS 3756 $13% 13% 135%--% 220 $38 7% 8 +% 186 $202% 20 20 +% F 3595 410 375 410 +35 A oe oe ae a ae S > snd H a a] 41% 41% +% ys ; 3 B4--% 2 23 4% 87% 8844 -- 68 8 61% 61% 595 59% --~ BY Bh-- % 6 6 +h 507 $554 55 55 --% 205 $134% 13% 13% 13% 70 $14% 144 14%+% 8815 $10% 9% 10% + % 24243 $11% 11 l%4--%* pr 775 $53% 52% 534+ % 52% 53 Can Brew Bpr 755 $53 10% lW%+% 240 20 +5 i 9% Lea 600 525 % 20% BGrores a.sigsd abe Ah LLbib Lu wBsesstssusk eigzentce,sosceies & o~g8seu i gStbys ase --15 i Re MARRED BY VIOLENCE The dispute between the Sea- farers' International Union of Canada (Ind.) and the Canadian Labor Congress has been marred by violence, strife and disruptions to shipping. & + i") . s323 5 ge tubehy i an "cf i 5 3 or 500 8% --%* 202 C Br Alum A 526 $10% 140 CBAL A wts 1100 240 Sealgede It has reached the point now where the Canadian government is concerned about the effect of the shipping disruptions on The newest attack on what an investigation revealed as 'grave abuses" was directed primarily at the far-flung over- in which cent in July, the industry pub- lication Iron Age said. It attri- buted the easing of orders in part to optimism that a labor agreement will be reached with- 420 235 901 $13% 230 20 --5 138% 13% +% B8tees Ssanteahc. B8snu8 ser Bs 8860 .8asau8E etssc8.58 .u8Sy Basses bs HE trade between Canada and the page ipl ae 4 United States and also on the|Some 15,000, ericans own historic principle of freedom of|$100,000,000,000 of stock. the seas. | It is intended to provide The lake fight was discussed| greater protection for investors by Prime Minister Pearson and|in stocks that are not listed on President Kennedy at their Hy-|the New York, American and regional exchanges Key proposals would: ' 1. Bring 4,200 t Stock Market whose eka are dak eeactne: . counter, mainly in telephone Eases Friday transactions between buyer and seller and securities dealers, un- TORONTO (CP) -- with the exception of a few strong finan- der the same rules of full dis- cial issues, the stock market closure of financial facts as ap- ply to listed stocks. eased considerably during light activity Friday. 2. Make more stringent the standards for brokerage firms and individuals entering the se- One of the chief industrial| 'Urities business. losers was Distillers Seagrams, dropping 7/8. Industrial Accept- ance fell %4, Walker-Gooderham 3. Require all broker-dealers registered with the S.E.C. to be- dipped 4% and Algoma, Alumin- ium and Interprovincial Pipe come members of the self-polic- Pipe Line all slipped 14. ing agency of the unlisted' se- curities market. This organiza- tion is the National Association A general rise among finan- cial issues included Royal Bank up 1%, National Trust ahead of Securities Dealers. SUPPORT PROPOSALS 13/8 and Bank of Montreal, Nov Scotia and Toronto-Dominion, These proposals received gen- eral approval and support from all ahead in a % to % range. On index, industrials slipped financial leaders, although 1.93 to 645.95, golds fell .17 to spokesmen for the banking and insurance industries doubted that additional regulation was 86.10 base metals dipped 1.07 to 213.40 and western oils declined .36 to 122.84. Final volume was needed in their areas. Meanwhile the business pic- 2,495,000 shares compared with 2,705,000 Thursday. ture looked sparkling to mem- UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY bers of the National Association Interest Paid Monthly who buy products for industry. If you are an individual investor, corporate officer or institutional executive seeking the highest return available on your short term funds, we offer a series of attractive plans designed to provide maximum safety of principal, while your money earns above aver- age interest rates. Secured by collat- eral (in ratio of 6 to 5) readily ac- cepted by major fi compani Withdrawals paid on demand, with interest paid to date of withdrawal. For free brochure fill in and mail coupon. out threat of a strike, Sales of new cars in May ex- ceeded 700,000, a record for the month. It was the first time there have been two 700,000-car sales months in succession Trading Light In Bond Market By THE CANADIAN PRESS Trading was light on Cana- dian bond markets this week es prices drifted fractionally lower. The 91-day treasury bills av- eraged 3.28 per cent compared with 3.19 per cent last week and the 182-day bills at 3.39 per ceni compared with 3.30 per cent. Day-to-day money remained freely available at 2 per cent On the short-term market the Government of Canada 3-per- cent 1965 issue closed at 99.15 and the Canada 34-per-cent 1966 issue at 98.25. Long - term government and provincial securities showed de. clines of % to % on the week. The Canada 4%-per-cent 1983 was quoted at 94% and the re- cent Ontario Hydro five-per- cent issue at 9714 E E® + +L 36 $5454 1280 $37% 37 437 $16% 16% 14042 $18% 17% 66 34 37% 164+ % 18% -- % L sggg2s Sees gees, 38 : FE C-Ind Gas cI. CIL_pr Cc Mare CPR Cdn Pet pr Cdn Tire Cdn Tire A Can Util C Vickers CWN CWN C Westing Cap Bidg Chat-Gai Chrysler Clairtone Clairtn wts Col Cell Conduits Cons Baks Con Bidg Con Bidg pr Con Bidg w Con M §& Con Con § 8 i Esoghi se Fyardiss 3y,°8 gs. 164% 3% 83% 83% 2147 475. 440 450 810 64022 $32% 30% 32 +1 3687 $11% 11% 11% 334 $3 35% 4% --2% 26% 27% -- % | a > i= < S = e *& { a 38 he : bose §e g8ty fae Bees; | FETE 3 = FS High-Bell Hollinger Howey Hu dBay v Fy *-@ & 2 Ye 450: $174 17% 74+ %& 29 20% 4+1% 335 340 --10 15% 16 71 73% +35% 4237 38% 7% 7h --% 1800 365 335 335 --15 3378 $74 ™ MH-- 350 $9% 7 ee 3 as 2 4 1300 350 425 $16 1541 $75 Hr i PET sSas8g spoohese Hist izenze S286 3882 oh epbbts L oe hy if® tage webSesisstyekseates ga8l bugs ne8estys 3 Paper Gas Con Gas A Con Gas B Copp Clark Corby 24% 24h + % 107% 07% 107 «(107 8 8 185% 18% 18m 18% + % 42011 $25 75 $108 125 $108 425 $8 915 $18% aa se 700 680 690 2300 330 315 315 16576 25 14500 26 2% 26 24801 16 Bt) PG i 10% 10% % 10 21% 22' a SESER FoypeBeeue c8S8Reus 38g 555 $10% 1299 $10 31771 $21% 1 1340 $22! Kirk Min Kirk Town ---% = Kopan i : s g8_ 588 " Saygebdecs ghoSEs Labrador 1835 Suptest pr 60 $101 101 Gwitson 550120 115 120 a 4 = , 11500 L Osu 5170 $13 L Shore La Luz Lameque Langis Latin Am Leitch Lencourt Lib Iron LL Las Lorado Louvict Lyndhst Lynx Macassa Macdon MacLeod Madsen Magnet Malartic Maneast U Man Bar Manoka MS Maralgo Marboy Marchant Marcon' Maritime Martin Matatch Mattgmi Maybrun McIntyre McKen McMar MeWat Mentor Merrill Meta Midrim Min Corp Min Ore Moneta Mt Wright Multi M » Murray 18% 18% 9 Nama Cr 8818 $19% 19% 19% " Nealon 3838 $:! TwoZ 710 $21% 21 205 280 280 1011 $51% 50% 5 Texaco C pr 73 $91 = 91 Th Cdn Gen 2125 38% 7% Tor-Dom Bk 4394 $64% 64 Tor Iron A 12% Tor Star pr 62% Towers 2 $14% 13% 14% 4+ % 200 260 9255 255 § 13169 354% 5 100 $190 8415 321% 20% 20% --1 160 $119 118 118% +3% 355 $144% 13% 138%-- % 2569 $12% 12% 12% 4 % 450 R40 825 BAD 420 $h6le 65 65 % 260 260 280 15 $9 9 9 os $50% 50% 50% 4+ % 15% 15% -- % 18% 18% + 22% 22% 4% % D+ & 41% 422 --% E to K 'Tamblyn Tancord Texaco C 4885 $12% 12% 124--% 16106 $15% 15% 15% -- Ltn 360 36% +1% 32 +4 1368 1 hh -- 19% lome 54700 31 HB Oil G 11433 137 135 22000 8 7 % ee 1274 $19% 19% pera 5133 134 150 13% 624 350 365 "4 Landa 368 365 rss) Point 41500 17% f jal 13109 05 Midcon Mill City Murphy Nat, Pete N Cont N Davies Northeal NC Oils 1 59% 60 00 8% 57875 10 3000 5% 2218 320 14900 21 1989 85 2940 27 6100 4% 900 777 1700 80 15813 $13% 15 315 900 $13% 13% 19% 244% 5 $42 2 8 8 64+2 130 $10% 10% 1 30 25412 29% 12465 $14% 14% 2750 $7% 7 1335 $12% 350 $22% 290 $8 554 39% 22581 $22% 15% 13 4% 13% 42 «439 11% 9% 30. 21% 15% 14% ™ 6% 4% 11% 23% i0 10 9 22% 18% 7340 $43 19000 4% 1120 19 8% 2350 «8% 9333 1B 119650 104 8000 7% 13766 39% 3 62900 68 4000 13626 3336 2511 19200 30080 21600 15100 11600 63 12500 8600 36 5296 $16% 16% 16% 24274 9 8% 8%--% 12700 «82 79 +2 22067 52 --3 3100 21 22100 118 26300 «14 9700 14 1000 14% 110004 12367 40 5600 24 460 4410 165 145 155 C Wstates 0-4 4 4 W Decalta N Harri 15750 74 7 7 'Windfall New Hosco 30200 157 148 Il --8 Yen Can Easy Wash pr 300 1% Eddy Match 220 $38 Exquisite 400 $814 Exquisite pr 600 $10% Exquis A wts 600 175 163 Falcon 8570. $66 63% 3820 $21% 20% 2 Un Ace 2 pr Un Gas S * aie 8% 8% 8% 80 6810 815 --10 8 $52% 51% 524--% a7 23 3 --1 --1% Besse Vanadium Vendomat Vie G Tr Vv Dare pr Vulean Wainwr Walk GW Webb Knp WCoast Tr WCoast VT Westeel Fed Grain Fibre Fleet Mfg Fleetwood Ford US Ford Cda Foundtn Fraser Freiman § Freiman pr 21.8105 Frosst 625 $20% Gat 5 pr 35 $103 6a 2330 430 430 1680 $14% 14% S28seeousses 25 Uran & & sseée SS 5 14% 14% -- % 13% 14 13 HAMILTON BUILDING CREDITS LIMITED T to Z. 113 Ferguson Avenue North, Hemilton, Onterio. 9109 88 83 83 5156 157 152 152. --2_ =i 8265 $12% 11% ll*+ % 72093 41 3 39 +1 150 +20 bo 4 17 +1 2 1 8 82 8 2850 95 425 495 475 21466 130 120 124 +4 57075 39% HB aes 7 th Pleose send me your revised brochure offering 8%, 10% and 12% interest. OST1 NAME . ADDRESS cry 13% 13%+% 4% 44---% 4 4 38. 40 23% 34--% 455 55 . Nello New Alger New Ath New Cal Newconex Neonex wts i Goldvue 3909 150 128 25359 144 139 00 7 15 11900 12 «(13 5300 2372 $13% 12% 300 $92 2 650 S$11% 10% 139 48% & § B%-- 6061 $20% 19% 19% -- %& 0B 644 3% BH-- hil 10% twa 6230525 465 A 200 350 350 «50