THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, June 7, 1963 17 29---Automobiles For Sale " \GeFomele Hel Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted 17--Male Help Wanted (23--Wanted To Rent omer For Rent for constru WANTED -- | ray painter he \Gor & men bo 6 "ont at Tey Ee bl) ae Poe an, | SAUREMES WANTED | om Sgt aS unfurnished|ing room with sink wwe handwriting to ' for 7, Osh- |Top wages to right man, all benefits. rtation lied, salary and commis No. 21 8 Only aualitied need apply, 725-1053. porta supp. -|central. Apply 23 Aton "Greet East. ced, day _snifi Te greets Ss) AUTOMOBILE BODY MAN 25-0748 for With some experience. twa Times, Whitby. ™ Guiei|? \aRT TIME he help required to do ge wal office routine. Must at type, Five veek, Call Canadian CED caai-waiiess rs aie d for ey days. No Saturday or $1.05 per hour. Apply ne wim 'Street East between 9 - 6 p.m. tee Victory vieenr "vic Merl -- Waitress JUNIOR TYPIST For general office work. Shorthond required. Perman- ent position. Reply in own hand writing stoting age and experience, to BOX 712 OSHAWA TIMES Full time employment. 20 minute drive from Oshawa Apply in person GRAHAM'S GARAGE Haydon, Ontario Dial Hampton _ 263- 63-2233 | LOT, 50 ft, x i40 ft., approximately, on Dean Avenue. Price $3,300. Tele- hone 723-9363. $2100. SEWER AND WATER, NHA ap- proved, 50' and up. Hurry, only four left, Terms, Call Mr. Yeo at desist' John A, J. Bolahood Limited. ts wah 'Power Best In 17--Male Help Wanted DRIVER for dry cleaning store. Must) For be experienced route man. Truck sup-| plied. Commission to start. Telephone Whitby 668-2582. | SERVICE STATION ATTENDANTS Required. Part time and full time employment for energetic young men. Experience not necessary. Apply IMPERIAL OIL SERVICE STATION Highway 401 at Waverly Road, Bowmanville from 9 am. to 6 p.m. Equipped". Oshawa", Must have grade 13 educa- tion or better, Pleasant ap- pearance; not. over 25 years of age. Experience not neces- 1959 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR TW (e) --Radio--Auto- matic. "A Good Clean Car" /4 room, 1960 ENVOY STATION WA- GON -- One Owner, Roomy Economy Wagon", EATON'S IN OSHAWA Require a young man 1958 ee, tee Radio 'Good Con 1956 CHEVROLET. "COACH --Radio. 4 ROOM COTTAGE ON CREEK -- Only $7,700 ask- ing price with terms for this modern winterized comfort- able little home. City conven- iences in the country atmos- phere of Cedar Valley, North Oshawa, EX PANSION PROGRAMME We need salesmen, sales- ladies and Crew Managers to bolster our existing sales staff, You will be represent- ing one of Ontario's finest Food Services, | Top commissions, group in- surance, etc. We train you, ~| under 20 to train for dis- |72°%%* | play and window trim- | ming. | ONE and |furnished or two bedroom § apartments,| unfurnished. Available June and July 1. Apply 498 Simcoe | North Apartment 1, or dial _728- 3945, | SIMCOE 'STREET NORTH -- - central] |location, bed - sitting room, laundry) jana parking facilities, suitable one) lady. Telephone 728-4646 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH-- Unfurnish- TON CO; LID, ed three rooms and bath, main floor in| qT; EA jeurees: laundry fapilities, large gar-| |den, parking space, ;$78 month, Avail- OSHAWA jable July 1. Telephone 725-5746. } SHOPPING CENTRE 1953 CHEVROLET ot --Radio $135.00 1955 OLDSMOBILE TWO DOOR HARD TOP $245.00 1955 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $225.00 HERE IT |S Men with cars to call on Some Artistic Ability Preferred. Apply Personnel Office MARY ST. -- One and one half storey brick home in ex- cellent condition, Large com- bination living room and din- ing area, large kitchen, and three good size bedrooms, This won't last long. EXECUTIVE HOME -- Re- duced $5,000, The owner is away from Oshawa and this most unusual Executive home is available for a family that requires a lot of living space. local farms to sell new pro- dict, $1.65 per hour plus commission. Excellent opport- unity. Telephone collect Chotham, Ont. EL 4-4997 After 5 p.m. $310.58 le whet M.H. earned with our firm last week. J.M. earned $296.75. Most of our sales personnel have earned in excess of $150.00 for the | MODERN two-bedroom apartment, live} ing room, tile bath, hall, kitchen,) stove and refrigerator, television out- let, adults only, Caretaker. Marina| | Apartments. 281 Simcoe Street South. | INTERVIEWS FROM | 9 until 12 Friday and |18----Male or Female |BOWMANVILLE, two bedroom apart~ private entrance, newly decor-} Saturday | ment, | Help Wanted | ated, $60, Central. Apply 63 King West,| -PEQELE'S F000, | --~WanreD frie te | apartment, kitchen sink and cupboards, Room 9, 11 Ontario Street TAXI DRIVERS 728-9403 / Men or Women | Apply RCURY TAXI JUNIOR | ,.MERCURY : INSPECTOR I ng gore Adults. Apply 330 Beuna FOR AN HONEST DEAL SEE TED TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA 299 KING ST, WEST 723-1133 Private bath, Garage available Dial | 723-1789. | DIVISION - ADELAIDE -- Available Qust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 Holly Court, Street East. Five minutes' walk- sixroom br iek/27---Real Estate For Sale sion, vacation with pay, roar, insur- bungalow, better district, good jocation, ment, $3500. or best otter. Dial 72 723-2158, accept good used car for trade in. Also Seguin, Singer Sewing Machine Com-/ment, close to transportation. Immed- FURNISHED "sing single room, $1,000 Parking six miles east 12, house, barn, creek, Illness ee 1953 VOLKSWAGEN For Building Supply Yard |Oshawa or vicinity. Telephone 728:7020!|room, nicely furnished, for single Per-|PRivATE two-storey house with two!" - ee ¥ Central "Park South, rooms with bath: garage, drilled well, ly 1, Good references, Telephone i a ed dri: 6% July Mr. place, garage and pav rive. per for 3 Demenanabion pave Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377. : "RANCH BUNGALOW | micum. siding, Fire Place, enge Mv, YOUNG BUSINESS man ean NORTH a Bi ion ae i . OSHAWA BLVD. -- Look only See Oshawa or Whitby, gas, "heated. 'rele--27---Real Estate For Sale $11,900. Good Terms .- COMPOSING : -- STYLE 'ieebea:| SIX rooms, tiled bath- madera kitchen. tle) -- Motor Sales Ltd. MOTOR SALES LTD, |800. tanGE 'seven-room "house and) rooms, attached garage, landscaped lot. Telephone = Autbortend hood Limited. 'olkswagen Deoler awa, Dial 725-2911. three to schools and shop- For further information call 728-9868. | phone 728-2604. 655-4859, Asking only $9,900. with reasonable AGE 17 TO 18 WANTED to north GM. Available June 15. For\room brick bungalow, good PART TIME WHITBY CENTRAL -- two-bedroom - ; } aluminum storms and sereens, Terms coreer in selling. |house, oil furnace, Telephone 725-2198. sunk Weare REALTOR 723-1 133 SPECIALS ucation, to learn typesett- | Now vacant. Centrally located. For fur-|mortgage. 601 Newman Crescent, Whitby 668-5338 PAID VACATIONS |DUPLEX, new three-bedroom living| FIVE-ROOM brick, two bedroom! new, cottage 18' x to 35, writing essential. Apply | Apply: [i aeat 728- $093, carport, Large lot com- |8-0937, Mr. Maclnnes. Cor Condition Vehicle at | | FOUR-ROOM bungalow, on one acre of} =< .hiess_ windows, insulated | 4 $8,300. Six room 'semi-letached brick) please, SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Deer Bay. Other models $2,-. | this fine home located in re -- 25--Apartments _ bedrooms, garage, finished rec. room,| R ETERIA terest. Immaculate condition. Decor-| your holidays then see this tes f° schools, shopping, etc. ions: Highway 28 north ° 'MODERN two-bedroom apartment in| | nin ac 1959 OLDSMOBILE SUPER WANTED neat { Dial _723-4892. IN CITY left. on Township road to |fier, included, Working couple or two! Peterborough. TO BUY general clerical knowledge, | |46 Fairbanks Street, upstairs, available| home, completely duplexed, salary and all fringe bene- | sary récently decorot- |ment, three rooms, refrigerator, range,| Resale bungalow on Annapolis. transportation, shopping and hone calls please. galow with many extras. Ma ; | FOUR-ROOM upper duplex, stove, re-| Dial 728- -3003 | and screens. 4 pce. tiled bath Revole bungalow.on Gibbon. siti 600, V-8 Engine -- Automa- , |AGNES STREET, 143 -- Three clean, OSHAWA, Ontario mortgage corries for $69, per Diol Bill Millar 725-1186, downtown, oil heated, gar- couple. $58 monthly. References. 1 i 725-0243, bungalow in a good location, hes eye room and large modern kit+ nice deep at 723-1133, evenings 728- BROOKLIN -- 3. bedroom PHONE 728-1679 bath. Yard fenced. Full lots on the ridges, 6 miles field stone and brick two Down, home with 21 ft. living room eA poets 4 ing room, separate dining hi i ins Three good sized bedrooms | July' 1, $70, monthly, main floor, four Borwoome,.expentive. twin room on first floor. Second "Choice wooded lots. Ap- 725-4771 for responsible tenants. 723-4495. Hot water oil heating and quires substantial down pay- Mrs. Sodie Hamilton, Orono, 27----Real Estate for Sale payments of only $75. includ- Two 5 qand hardwood floors, fenced yard, Port Perry 985-2901 |sont perry = Good large six. ' F ny. 334 Ritson Road South down payment. Call Mr. Appleby at home, recreation room, large, garage. ESTATE SALE -- Beautiful |serr scenic two acre lots, Pickering) 1961 PONTIAC FOUR DOOR seine edie' WHITBY: Sacrifi , $9,800. 0 Used Cor Price." [AUTO SERVICE" in the Classified) and, Near Mosport, Reasonable price.| pletely landscaped. Many IT acrifice price, wn ip Pri 1960 CHEVROLET SEDAN bungalow. § years old. $1,500 down and _ 500 down payment, a choice northwest district OSHAWA TIMES IS ARGE self - contained three - room|two piece bath . downstairs. Close to) 600 up. $ eS ated throughout. Storms and screens. one. | Peterborough, 20 miles to Call Bob Johnston at 723- ~~ Shopping Centre new building, all conveniences, close to} CARL OLSEN "88" TWO DOOR HARDTOP ' GENERAL INSURANCE |SHARBOT Street, 270, basement apart-| model cottage. Bowes and layout work on barn IDEAL INVESTMENT FOR | working girls, 728-6016. OR SEE and farm background are de- GUIDE REALTY . July 1, Adults preferred) Phone i Resale separate entrances and met- | bout fits. Send us. details abou WRITE BOX 629 od, 5 ccs bua, 9. test |dehumidifier. Private entrance. Cen- Recreation room, 3 bedroom. schools. 'Asking price $15,- Dining area with large picture frigerator, TV antenna, good location.) lar People The Ped a P teat i iy. Fished Including Fireplace, 3 bed- i | and vanity, Partly finishe 146 TYLER CRES, -- Eight tic, Power Stedrind oad unfurnished rooms, heayy duty wiring,| | l television outlet, sink and cupboards, 'SCHOFIELD- AKER | third floor, $50, Adults. | as i -- month. W. T. LAMSON oge. A real buy at only schools and bus service, three CHOICE EAST END LOCA- letely decorated, chen with dining area. Rec- REAL ESTATE lot. $1,500. down, one 2857. brick bungalow with garage, $19,300. NORTH END price $11,700. north of Oshawa. $1,000, storey complete with breeze- I | t api aa a ore ee with Wieplene,: lame, separa t® room with doors leading to: - loth los- |rooms 'and shower bath, Also second| ws, rugs ond drapes pig noc kag > meng gees floor has 4 large bedrooms proximately 112 acres, on EXECUTIVE HOME -- For paved drive. Asking $15,- ment, Call Loreen Kellett. Phone 1:R 16.! 27--Real Estate For Sale -- 103° trontage ie Capen ce high alkanl 9G ea ee BUNGALOW -- five-room, full "Feeren. ance, Persons FRONT furnished room, $7 ver Full price $10,500 with willing to finance. Dial 725-0294 after pany, 14-16 Ontario Street. iate possession. Telephone 725-4856. fortable available. og hn RESPONSIBLE couple with one child/home. Dial 728-3350. of Oshawa on 401 Highway. Call after|LOT, one acre, in Oshawa, with tWo| sale, Sacrifice. Call Port Perry, 985- Experienced Preferred ee ee een Ge ae tl el gee 9d bord ing a th, $7,400, with $1,000. down. Fred Cook| Thoroughly reconditioned and ences. Dial 728-7164 after 5 p.m. PONTIAC INN -- Rooms, single or|full price. 728-5770. room bungalow, easily convened 'to Nactlaten. senanes guaranteed. 1270 § N RESPONSIBLE couple wishes to rent, double, eon ha res four Bedroom heete. Has ene of Osl- . i imcoe N. in vicinity of Whitby, two or three-| parking, weekly or nightly rates. 725-65 . geo Located on Wilson Road| its best jextras. Dial 725-3338. Street, five-room brick bungalow, $1700. q FOR APPOINTMENT eee eaeba" sratatie so. gue * pon rear Vari Bg North. Serviced by water. $3,200 cash, ¢xtras. Dia ach 1963. Best of references. Write Box 746, T T WHITBY -- six-room brick bungalow. Ti : ATHOL Street East, 336: Lovely two red, must sell. Private. Our stock includes mos Att. Clore McCullough eink storey brick dwelling, nicely decorated): PRIVATE SALE A) aid cesta models from 1956 to 196l, AUTOMOBILE 795-6523 after 5, Mr. Dan Smith, Available in private home, cent mortgage. Shown by appointment} Manchester 2 Acre treed lot, THREE-BEDROOM house, with option Call between 5 and 7 p.m. only, Call Mr. 7244, cor of your choice, They ore New Oil Furnace. OPEN EVENINGS three-bedroom house, by Jul: $12,900 space sie oar |%4-ACRE lot for sale in Taunton area, : ing interest, principal and taxes. Four- : Immediate Px ion |RANCH STYLE bungalow, fia ' and hardwood floors, ced yan ¢ schools, '0 inspect asi or acreage for lease, oil heating, immedi-| $12,900, terms, After 5 p.m., 728 '128-4722. room, diuminum stoms, ROOM 1271 SIMCOE NORTH |MODERN five-room house, close lanes and screens, TV antenna, Low Dial Brooklin room family home, large lot, located --_ 723-3461 725-6544 or 723-3308, John A. J. Bola- who will not be returning to Es telephone 728-6594. hooc, Hollywood kitchen, four - plece 'DEER. BAY REACH | Positi for Bright Aah AID cba 9 arranged on down payment if neces. Close to schools, churches and shop- PROFIT SHARING PLAN i __| ing and composing room semi « split - level bungalow. |SELE, scenic two acre tots, Pickering! STATION WAGON. Automa- Required for weekends. Ex. | BEST WORKING CONDITIONS | and dining rooms, on bus line, garage.|$11,500, Good terms, 20 Admiral Road. two bed iting at switch-board for appli- (To SER : i te. M8 APPLY MR. OGDEN a AGNEW SURPASS section is the place for you to adver-|Cail Orono 4R6. | walls including wide front- extras. Only your imme- |¢r transferred. One per cen PRIVATE sale on Central Park Boule-| take over payments of only $80.18 per| (mmaculate Condition - If apartment, ground floor, very central. [schools and shopping 725-2622. | |Near schools and shopping plaza. Pri- Burleigh Falls, turn left ot 1133, evenings 725-9568. "The |ment, three rooms, bath, unfurnished, | ' equipment and metal roofing REALTOR 723-1 133 RETIRED COUPLE 725-5063, | 5) lawn. ers, four rooms up with bath, T, -- 2 yourself which we will hold | i ' JUST OFF KING S trees also other trees. Stream OSHAWA TIMES |tral.. Telephone after 6 p.m, 728-1950.| Nascte euolee on Fertil agri mel gl + Faas a eibaauaes Adults only. $75 monthly. Apply' 77 Limited tly fintebed | coms recreation room. Fenced yar room, 21% storey home, Brokes. Ree. Save" Huns |UNFURNISHED two-room apartment, an 9,500. with $2,000 down. N.H.A, RESALE -- 51% REAL ESTATE LTD. 2 bi bedrooms with plenty of clo- TION -- New six room bun- reation room partially fin- | N.H.A. mortgage for bal- breezeway and paved drive. 10 ACRE LOTS -- We have Set in amongst many silver EXECUTIVE HOME -- On way and goragé. A_ real i '001 family size kit- Visualize a home with large dining room, iy st patio. ereaj (4 well "gppointad LOTS FOR SALE room: | throughout, and then call us ets. 4-pce. bath and 2-pce. | | floor, three s and bath. Private roug! and four piece bathroom. well travelled road. Two the family that wants every- 900. housekeep- Rm SA! -- 12 , Fetrigarntor and|12Y. Landscaped, one block south Ard ally» EH weekly. Use ho Hap cell porag os ese Drick|tion room, Lake dis : aeons oa © JONES AVENUE -- two-bedroom 5 position only, Apply in person, Mr. L.|ELDERLY lady eauitad small apart-|of kitchen for or cooking. Dial Dial 728-7120. frontare foot with services paid. re 2 5ACRES ---cattle, machinery, includ- Payment, 728-7245. ow 100-ACRE farm, frontage oa Highway|5 p.m, R : two or ¢ nouse in|) a -- Ligh 7 p.m. small buildings. $4,500. SHIPPE a re ee P 28-6068. ONE-STOREY house in Nestieton, four- could M '6 Il h i b Oshawa or Whitby. Can supply refer-North OM. Dial 720-07 apartments, Owner must sell. $7,900,/eight doors from new Boys' Club. Real he Call, Marvin Mogae: cCullou umber on E . FF Os| RAVINE lot with large trees and creek.) Vr, Dine" creation rooms. Many|PRIVATE SALE -- 37i Elizabeth| Economical transportation at down, T . must be 728-1077. Many more to Lege' PHONE 728-4688 choose | vin Ostawa by| FURNISHED ROOMS THREF bedroom home, in Oshawa by U with modern kitchen and bathroom, fi Cone sen Then phy Weinberger 723- 8 ' room home, white olu- to buy, if possible. Preferably in Cour- SALESMAN tice - East Oshawa limits area. Phone 82 PARK RD, Required. Experienced prefer- ein bungal i potless condition. SABYAN room ung. jow in & BRAMLEY. 24--Houses For Rent SON, Doky 1 ere Pewee Nene Mr, Yeo at 725-6544, John A, J. Bola- ate possession, Six miles north of Ost! Terry -- 117 Bell Drive, Ranch style and screens. Only steps APPRENTICE YOUNG MAN |buses and schools. Basement reserved./down payment. NHA mortgage. Tele- ping. on Bigelow, just north of Queen Street. '6° EE-BEDROOM brick house, close] MOVING to Winnipeg. Must sell! Five- a irae CARL OLSEN etnies SUNSHINE school and wishes to make a STREET, 62 -- Fi bathroom, divided basement, large lot, | | NASSAU ve-room iKawarhos Boy. Must have good ed- |SIX-ROOM bungalow, all conveniences.| sary. Full price $12,900. On @ per cent Sie Hasioaatle Gaprema Pivals. | HOSPITALIZATION ther information telephone 725-1785. Whitby, Ont. $3,570 special this weekend. i | work, Knowledge of type- with attached garage and change for city property Toronto. HU| tic Transmission, "A New perienced preferred, Age 17 9 y | |choice accommodation, available July) ajax, WH 2-193 after 6 p.m. | Vane borer i ' ' mortgage, M rigage approximately cations. No phone calls SHOE STORES tise if you fix cars age point. Superb view of diote attention will reserve <s LOBLAW vard South, six-room bungalow, three| _ _ ; ; ; itn th. Includ " 1, t d you ire a reliable car for | immediate possession. Direct- in the immediate vicinity mon neludes principa: axes and in- | Front and back entrance. Dial 725- 9101, | | ; DRAFTSMAN | YOUNG MAN COUNTRY SETTING | vate, 668-3687 evenings | |South General Motors, No children, Highwoy 36, 5 miles, then Nee Re a | PHONE NOW i ted, Realtors, |$55 monthly. Heat, hydro, dehumidi-| Cocks Limited, Sales quotation estimating, | UNFURNISHED three-room -- BUNGALOW ROWE ST. ----- Good income finite assets. Renumeration - Bungalow on Foir- WINDSOR Street, 188, basement apart-| Recreation Room, 3 bedrooms. paved drive. Close to all completely confidential, No year old, 5 room brick bun- | and pond, Large barn. | ic n window, aluminum -- storms Immediate Possession. 723-1133, evenings 728- TON PICK UP -- Mileage |Patricia Avenue, eee ; Recreation room. SIMCOE STREET SOUTH and large patio. 6% N.H.A. good condition, close to dreds of Dotlars". private entrance and bath. Suitable for Call Henry Stinson at 723- mortgage. Large modern este i iinalacheanssbits set space, 4 pce. tiled bath- galow with carport, comp- ished. BAGOT STREET ance. Call Charles Naylor All large rooms, 4 pce. tiled a good selection of 10 acre birch trees is this beautiful King St. East, 2 storey. brick ahd y. family home with large liv- rooms ,modern kitchen and chen with loads of cupboards. Cachan and tworpiecs Wolk: | lentrances. Quiet refined neighborhood) to see the rest. with finished recreation room. : - Immediate possession. Re- with stream. Write or phone thing in a home, Eight love- | able July 1. pest week. No man on our sales force will earn less than $8,000 for the year. IF YOU ARE NOT LAZY IF YOU LIKE MEETING THE PUBLIC IF YOU WANT YEAR 'ROUND EARNINGS. IF YOU WANT. TO SELL A CANADIAN MANUFAC- TURED PRODUCT We can offer you a SALARIED AND COMMISSION POSITION EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY CITY OF OSHAWA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT To examine and report on the construction and pro- gress of assigned contracts, i.e, roads, sewers, side- walks, curb and gutter, etc. Must have experience and ability to become completely familiar with plans and specifications for assigned projects to see that work conforms to plans and speci- fications Report daily on progress of work, labor, equipment ond materials used. Enforce appropriate safety measures required by Provin- cial legislation. Required to have Rodman experience. Educetion equivalent to full U.S. Industries Consumer Products (Canada) Ltd. requires Franchise Manager For Oshawa District In Stainless Steel Cookware, Fine China, Crystal Flot- ware, Bridal Hope Chest Ar- ticles. Write or Call A. F. Geraci Nigara Falls El 8-5737 611 Welland Avenue Niagara Falls, Ontario BEDROOM and | | Vista, , Apt. 1, jfloor, Suit two gentlemen, jnear north General Motors. | facilities. 725-2052. |TWO-BEDROOM furnished apartment, ample parking. Available July 1. Central Park Blvd. North 725-5302. WANTED -- young For particulars, call 728-1232. MODERN TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT with stove and refrigerator available July 1. Adults | only, | y Apt. 2 Wenuey GIBBONS STREET 109 109 Craydon Rd. | sitting room on third TV_ outlet, Parking} Telephone reliable girl share furnished apartment with same. | after 3 p.m. ly rooms including a large family room on the main floor. Four lorge bedrooms, 4 pc. bathroom:- and a -2 pc. on main floor. Stone fire- place, well decorated, and extras too numerous to men- tion. Located in Beau Valley where the. streets have hard surfaced roads, curbs, and underground wiring. For the best value in town call us. Trades accepted. GRANDVIEW VILLAGE A _KASSINGER QUALITY BUILT HOME FOR DOWN PAYMENTS OF $930 AND UP. BIG, SPACIOUS, AND MODERN AS 1963. OREAM KITCHENS, VANITIES IN BATHROOM, ETC. THEY ARE GOING FAST. WE WILL 5 ACRES OF GOOD LEVEL LAND -- Clean 4 room bun- galow. Near - schools and Shurch: GENERAL STORE and .gas- oline station on Highway. A real good money maker. Im- mediate possession. PRICE REDUCED for quick sale on a relatively. new eight - apartment building with a gross income over $7,000. per year. Owner's health compels him to relin- quish ownership. If you are looking for income or invest- ment property that will poy for itself in a few years, let us show you this one OPEN TO OFFERS -- An at- tractive 5 room stone and brick bungalow only 3 years old located in North East Telephone 723-3770 For appointment to see ~ CARL OLSEN REALTOR 723-1133 DAIRY FARM -- Beautifully located ten miles. from Osh- awa with milk contract, nine roomed house, grounds land- scaped, Good barns, tie up 34 head and room for fifty head of cattle. Can be pur- chased in its entirety. For further information call Charles Naylor 723-1133, evenings 728-2857. INVESTMENT PROPERTY ---- On Highway 35 and 115, excellent location for motel or restaurant. PRIVATE SALE Five room brick 362 Leslie Street. hardwood floors, oil heat, paved drive, garage. Telephone 728 - 8505 |29-----Automobiles For Sale KELLY DISNEY -- USED. CARS 409 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY--668-4291 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or.down Always Top Quality BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN Dependable USED CARS 1959 Oldsmobile "88" Four Door $1395 1958 EDSEL Four Door, Automatic, V-8, $795 1957 FORD MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 SPECIALS AT ACKERMAN'S 1960 FORD Four Door Se- dan, standard, six cylinder, 1955 Oldsmobile Four Door Sedan, Standard. ACKERMAN"S BOWMANVILLE Dial 623-5756 Whitby $80 One Bedroom SHOW YOU MODELS. CALL TO-DAY. 723-2265 - Open 9 to 9 - Oshawa. Paved drive, fin-. | ished room in basement with | If you are interested in a built-in dresser and clothes good beef farm, give us a t. 9 to 5. closets. 4-pc. tiled vanity call, i; if ion, STEVE MACKO HE Bes cal elise ua Me Charles Noylor -- 723-1133 | | | 728-5868 6% N.H.A. Mortgage. | PAULINE BEAL 725-0239 Evenings 728-2857 299 KING ST. WEST KEN MORRIS .. 623-5406 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 723- 1133 high school including spe- cial trades courses Applications will be received Two door, six cylinder. Only $695 1956 Meteor Rideau Four Door Only $595 1955 Meteor Rideau Four Door Only $450 30 Other Cars To Choose From 20--Room and Board the Art of Salesmanship. ROOM and board for gentlemen only | y until 5:00 p.m., June 14th, Lunches packed if desired, very cen- Call ages Pore Hol on 1963. . | tral Apply 296 King Street East. : |ARTHUR Street, 332, room and board Apply, giving complete per- jfor gentlemen, single beds, lunches D MONT | sonal data, qualifications, U experience, present salary, Laps | packed, good meals. Telephone 728-2433,| ALUMINUM cals. Te Apartment willing| 333 Simcoe South We will fully train you in Personnel Officer Civic Administration Building Oshawa, Ontario Chrysler Sales And Service SMITH '22--Offic , Stores, St ene | on eran Road, ney Five room bungalow, beautiful large kitchen and ot only $15,600.00. |TWO OR THREE gentlemen, + ' (Bowmanville) | $16 for) In small good apartment For full particulars cal! 723-1121 728-165] lHALF OF ¢ 8T ; fort rent at Blair| 20 St. Clair Ave. West | bathroom, Decorated, sodded, carport and many CHARTERED | other features. A godd brick 11 room Dup- lex on Drew Street where [seven Telephone 720 S006¢" | rte excel ert comaltion | Hing MR 7350004 GUIDE REALTY LIMITE! | i Rien |21--Room & Board Wanted | Cau loon, T eeiae 360 King St. W. Free Parking Realtors, 16 "simece By me | -- MBICAIE Real Estate Limited WHITBY CLASSIFIED Diet 728-4678 i - Park Plaza, Whitby. Telephone 668-2562) EXPANSION Be ae aie ta Oa SUITE T COMPANY we OF MODERN | TRUST COMPAI PRICE $15,875.00 Bhp rating oS SALE | enna Me Man DOWN $2,275.00 ; income can be ow, JAMES O'MALLEY CONST. LTD. | Serctyeo%er "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" equipped for rr housekeeping. Furnished, private en- | gaa su36, Parking, $8 weekly. Wnitoy | SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service! on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby 668-2563. [YOUNG BANKER Tequres. room, an a ee seen ee Dial 728-4678 Value in this body shop TWO rooms, one AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES AVAILABLE | Aion. 942.7889 Wa. Ht, Governor King and Simcoe Branch, Mr. Scott. | | iam Ashtead Mrs. Fleming, Apartment 2 ~ NORTHWEST ~ ond service station with a built up Rural trade priced Approximately 1000 sq. ft. SERVICED BY ELEVATOR 9 x 12 Tourist Tents .. $32 Used Motors Ask for MR. T. L. WILSON TELEPHONE 123-3474 DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, altera.ions, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a specialty, Mrs. Toms 668-2372, DRIVEWAY gravel, cement gravel, sand and fill. We deliver. Call Eric Branton, 668-2660. Mansions Luxury 723-7122 Charlie Island Rice Lake L ive cheaper in this 1% storey home located on Wilson Rd. South with 2 room apartment now rent- ed and reasonably priced New Telephone Numbers 668-5871 and 668-5872 BILL WHITTICK - MOTORS LTD. SPORTS ot $12,800.00, U can own this 4 bedroom home with finished vecrea- tion room and newly de- corated for only $12,500 DRESSMAKING, alterations, drapes, genera! sewing. Reasonable rates. European. Mrs. S. Jebert, Whitby 648-3745, LARGE two bedroom apartment in| SPACE FOR RENT $550 |Sinded, 708" Dunlop Street Woe Phi | Dial 668-8560. Suitable for office or store. MODERN one and four bedroom suites, Excellent location. Approxi- Storage Locker in Suites all conveniences, washer, dryer, park-| mately 1,000 sq. ft. on Laundry room on each jag. Close to public School. Whitby,|) main floor, Basement 600 | floor |FOR RENT -- One unfurnished Foom,| 7 Vanity in bathrooms A Few Choice Locations Available |centrally located. Available immediate.| / ly, Apply 840 Dundas Street East.} Immediate Possession TELEPHONE: Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ronges Frigidaires--12 cu. ft, Pressurized Hallways 7% HP. SCOTT 1959 $150 353 King Street West 25 H.P. Electric 62 Gale .. $495. 48 HP. ELECTRIC 62 Gale ..... Large waterfront lot, beautifully treed, finest sand AG ERED ol tee WHITEY, beach on lake, excellent Pickerel, Muskie and Bass Chava eee Fishing. Good boating and water skiing. Trent Canal with $1500.00 down -- system. Custom built cottages to your' own specifi- canteally located, Oshawa's Service Centre cations. for xtra value in this 6 room bree jugaion cues Chrysler-Dodge-Plymouth-Valiant bok = hellvwend Kitchon = Dodge And Fargo Trucks sodded front lawn an . rwhich is 49" 17 | Chryco Parts and Accessories 353 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-7341 Jack Osborne John Kemp Dick Barriage ows Metcalf lot which is 45' x 175' PETERBOROUGH RIVERSIDE 2-5488 Joe Maga en Hann ' SPECIAL 1963 A. Frame boot trailers complete with winch, hub caps, signal lights, 500 Ibs. capacity $149, 700 Lb. Tilt Tongue WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1415 Dundas St. WHITBY 668-3226 Exclusive Area Only 9 Lots sink 3 VEAR LEASE Priced to suit your budget. See Model Cottage on Property Now and price reduced to $13,- 600.00 with only $930.00 down. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Apartment 1. Telephone 668-8505. Apply ed Whitey s0ea. Telepmaes| Canadian Imperial LORT: wire Dalred verre mal Bac Bank of Commerce 9 AM. to 9 PM. CALL ARCHIE CAMPBELL Inclited to wander centre of town. SIMCOE AND ATHOL STS. Telephone 668-5764. Reward S i lwO-ceot ustatuiahed apartment; ot | Schofield-Aker binges oll me bauuven, A 23--Wanted 'To Rent J Limited ; RISHOR BARN ES DIETRICH LTD. Be pte, ol Duna Sues Wott shone Sauer at ise | Whitby, ee8-400) atte 6 p.m * Joption to buy, Telephone 10-1550 723-2265 | (Continued on Page 18)