Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jun 1963, p. 27

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eS yee ne in ace: nett ets 22--Offices, Stores, Storage 25--Apartments 127---Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale 7--Reol Estate for Sale _| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 3, 1963 @ WALY OF STORE for rent at Blair Park Plaza, Whitby. Telephone 668-2562 hind Oshawa. Cleaning, Street. LARGE bedroom and kitchen, range and refrigerator. Parking. Right be- 2 «Charl s FOUR-ROOM bungalow, on one acre of land. Near Mosport. Reasonable price. Call Orono 4R6. New Offices In Medical Center 211 Simcoe Street S. Can be ng a to suit Early Tenants. PHONE 725-5132 let, adults only. BOWMANVIL: Te Available July 1963 |; : Padang by 2 7h -- plant. nt Apply 302 Jar- ment, private room, tile bath, hall, kitchen, pr it and refrigerator, es out- EIGHT-SUITE d ATHOL Street East, 336: Lovely two storey brick dwelling, nicely decorated with modern kitchen and bathroom, fire- Loser get garage and paved drive. 6% per liv-/Owner must sell for health reasons.) 'ccept house Will 2 as down payment. by appointment ie Call Mr. Weinberger 723-7244. Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377. No agents, 725-5513. larina ie Simcoe Street South. PRIVATE sale on Central Park Boule- vard South, six-room bungalow, three apart- ment job ag Scone, $60 monthly. 'elephone Mees garage, finished rec. room, two ge ath downstairs, Close to 725-2622. vis Street after 5 p.m . i gp egg ad PRIVATE Sale: Centrs: Park South,| eight doors from new Boys' Club. Five room bungalow, easily converted to four, bedroom home. Has one of Osh- awa's finest recreation rooms. Many extras. Dial 725-3338. »| JONES avenue -- two-bedroom bungalow, noe, district, good ioeation| 6 price $1! | rong with $1,000 down payment. 728-7245. a edi sale -- 120 Holly Court, brick oe farm, frontage oa Lage med 12, house, barn, creek. Illness forces sale. Sacrifice. Call Port Perry, 985-2985, it gage LOTS, 100° x 150', 2% Sra wed of Newcastle. Telephone} 1 oo SALE -- 103° by neers: one block off ist, Five walk- 29--Automobiles For Sale 29--Automobiles For Sale. EAST END -- three-bedroom brick bungalow. four years old, im storms, screens, partially finished rec- reatioy room. Fenced yard. Nicely decorated. 723-3340, PRIVATE SALE -- Five-year-old three- brick rec! patio, barbecue and built-in wall unit § one bedroom, Ni decorated. to publie and separate ONE-STOREY house in Nestieton, four- rooms with bath; garage, drilled well, $7,400, with $1,000, down, Fred Cook|i Real cain 79 Se Marvin § Nesbitt,! Ro; Nestleton, 966-4894. WHITBY -- 117 Bail Drive. Ranch style three bedrooms, -aluminum} bungalow with three bec:voms after Telephone 728-8381. entrance, newly decor- ated, $60, Central Apply 63 ot West, SUITE OF MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES AVAILABLE Approximately 1000 sq. ft. SERVICED BY ELEVATOR Ask for MR. T, L. WILSON TELEPHONE 723-3474 SPACE FOR RENT Suitable for office or store. Excelent location. Approxi- mately 1,000 sq. ft. on main floor. Basement 600 sq. ft. 3 YEAR LEASE Apply Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce SIMCOE AND ATHOL STS. Private bath. Garage agen es 1789. SOUTH END -- One able July 1. THREE room, rare FIVE room bangilow, oil heat, rere cveway, fenced yard, close to school and . iad down payment. aaeeT peal kitehen sink and See equi kitchen, laundry facili- ts lac! hg paved parking, TV outlet. Avail- $80. monthly, Telephone) 799. THREE-ROOM upstairs Dg mee si uD» furnished, Apply 630 Albeit Street, Co i cag a wan » laundry fa 5, heavy dui per » "Tv outlet, Available June 15, Telephone 723-3937. pete wand For Rent RNISHED very fone na availsble. Gutet LOT, in Oshawa, 'with two small ofpaildings. $4,500. Telephone 728-6068. RAVINE lot heen large trees and creek, 66' x 680', Located on Wilson Road pg i Serviced by water. $3,200 cash. wae ACRES of land with four-bed- room heast Perry, 725-0303, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 798-7377. FIVE-ROOM bungalow with garage, lovely condition, close to schools, low down payment. Easy terms. George yg joseph §=Bosco, Realtor, <p aghen INCOME HOME -- Present income, aay sT., Se siked room, nicely furnished, son, Parking pte North GM. Dial FURNISHED nals room Suitable for poe a Apply 180 Bruce Street or He canadian home, large clean. single furnished 'valle Closet to canty possession. Sally Wallace, 725- 6297, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. 728-7377. WHITBY: Sacrifice price, $9,800, Own- er transferred. Ohne NHA 6 per cent mortgage, Mortgage approximately $8,300. Six room eager brick pecsogpetl 6 years old. $1,500 down and rooms, nicely over onth. ~ gr 87 weekly. T 1359. terest, Immaculate condition. ated WONDERLAND PARK ne otor Gourt, Kingston Road East, cabins, All con veniences, including "showers and heat.| V2! Weekly rates starting at $15. 723-7424. WONDERLAND PARK Motor Court, Kingston Road East, cabins. All _con- and heat. torms and screens. Near wea and shopping plaza. Pri- vate, 668-3687 evenings. 2 SACRES -- cattle, mac i ing milking machines, six miles east of Oshawa on 401 Highway. Call after Weekly rates starting at $15. 723-7424. 23--Waented To Rent Two SINGLE | tarmehed rooms, on Logg couple, one child, urgently need two to house, with- iz 10 miles po pala Reasonable. REFINED Tanne, "poatisoas desires rivate ing, central, Reasonable. 'Apply %6 Centre Street. SIMCOE NORTH -- Spacious room, suitable for gentleman or lady. In young couple's home. Telephone 728- 9277. furnished Write Box ims, "Oshawa Times. paar Aaah enon couple with one child Pirmhgenenat seeds nd single or Free 125- PONTIAC INN -- Rooms, double, television privileges. parking, weekly or nightly rates. wa or or vicinity. 728-7020. WANTED TO RENT small house in corre or Whitby. Can supply refer- . Dial 728-7164 after 5 p.m. RESPORGIBLE couple wishes to rent, in vicinity of Whitby, two or are: bedroom house, with option to buy. nee must be available by July i Best of references. Write Box 746, Saws Times. TWO or three. chew housekeeping, fur- nished unfurni: tener near High METCALF REAL ESTATE --o 40 King St. DIAL 738. 1678 NEAR ST, JOSEPH'S Separate schools and close to public schools, extra large 5 room, 1% storey, garage, paved drive, good sized lot, extra bathroom, walk-out b, School and tween 5 - 6 p.m. only, 728: 8214. ATTRACTIVELY laid ED ROOMS Habl in private home. THREF bedroom home, in Oshawa by July 1. Good references, Telephone 725-0523 after 5, Mr. Dan Smith. DUNLOP MANAGER with edult family wishes to rent 3 bedroom house within 10 miles of Whitby for sev- eral months at least. Excel- lent references. Telephone Mr. Woodward Whitby 668-3361 9 A.M. Until 4 P.M. Weekdays. 24--Houses For ee ROOM house ga- rage. Available hy A 1, with po to buy. Apply Street East, NASSAU STREET, @2 -- Five-room house, oil furnace, Telephone 725-2198. SOUTHEND -- .three-bedroom home, oil ge ne July 1, $105. ar lease. Dial 728-4507. a new th Cai between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. NORTH 27--Real. Estate For Sale wt. See this today. Asking $13,900.00. HARMONY HEIGHTS Immaculate is the word on this 5% room bungalow -- lot beautifully landscaped, poved drive, storms, screens, well decorated -- aluminum awnings, etc. Asking only $13,500.00. GUELPH STREET LOT, 30 ft. x 140 ft., approximately, on Dean Avenue. Price $3,300. Tele- phone 723-9363. 5% extra large room bungo- low, beautifully decorated, immaculate shape, extra Harry Millen REAL ESTATE 9 Bagot Street 728-1679 INCOME HOME On Ontorio Street, brick house, fourteen rooms ail furnished for light house- keeping, alf rented. New fumace ond heavy duty w ing 200 omp service. ble gorage, annual income $4,400 ond a four roomed apertment for owner or to rent, substanticl down pay- ment. Call Syd Goodfellow, 723-7335. living and dining rooms, on bus line, garage, on available July: Par oe mea RAVINE ROAD -- two-bedroom apart- ment, refrigerator and stove, washer and dryer. Dial 728-5574. FOUR-ROOM upper duplex, stove, re- frigerator, TV antenna, location. Adalts only. i monthly. Apply 7 Patricia Avenue. FURNISHED two-room clean apart- ment. Private kitchen with water. re- frigerator and stove. $10 weekly. Apply 146 Division Street after 4 p.m. UNFURNISHED two-room apartment, private entrance and bath. Suitable for couple. $58 monthly. References. 725-8352. ONE and | two bedroom apartments, June and Suly 1. Apply 498 Simcoe North Apartment 1, or dial 728-3945. THREE-ROOM apartment, private en- trance and bath. Preferred couple or with one baby. Dial 728-9558. TWO BEDROOM On Gibbon Street Recreation Room Two Fireplaces For $1,500 dowf, you can move into this custom built home of clay brick, stone front. Only 11 months old. $1000 DOWN LIKE NEW 3 BEDROOM One owner brick bungalow in top condition. Priced to sell quickly for $12,600. SEMI-DETACHED NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE $630 DOWN Brand new bungalow, over 1130 square feet, complete- ly decorated throughout. Mo- dern kitchen. Immediate possession. APARTMENT Unfurnished. Available July Ist, Adults only, Apply Apt. 2 15 GIBBONS ST. Governor Mansions Luxury Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidoires--12 cu. ft. Pressurized Hallways Storage Locker in Suites Laundry room on each floor Vanity in bathrooms A Few Choice Locations Available Immediate Possession TELEPHONE: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Schofield-Aker Limited CALL BILL MILLAR | W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE 725-1186 Keith Peters Realtor 728-7328 103 King St. E. 4 BEDROOM splitlevel slight- ly out of town, situated on large lot with 2 bathrooms, coloured fixtures and tiled. Mahogany trim, twindow win- dow, sodded front lawn. Ask- ing $16,900. with terms. This home must be seen. EAST END LOCATION for this immaculate 6 room home about 5 years old with finished 24 ft. family room double glazed _windows, paved drive. Asking $15,900 with very reasonable down poyment. $7,950. FULL PRICE --$65. per month, 1 mortgage, 6 room brick, 2 kitchens, near- ly new forced air with oil furnace $1250. DOWN -- Make an offer. We need your home or va- 723-2265 cont lond to sell. Call 728- 7328 or 725-4162. WHITBY CLASSIFIED STOVE, electric, Viking, 2 ovens, very good was Price $90. Dials after § P.m., APARTMENT, ground floor, two rooms) """* = oath, vacant June 20th. Apply 110 Street South door, Whitby, or dial) SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut) Wongs Street West, Whitby 668-2563. DRESSMAKING, alterations, Reasonable 8. Jebert, drapes, rates. Whitby, LARGE two bedroom ~ apartment - jmodern sixplex, swimming cluded. 708 Dunlop Street West, Whitby, Dial 668-8560. MODERN « one and four bedroom suites, DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, alteradions, slip covers, drapes. Fitting) a specialty. Mrs. Toms 668-2372. D WAY gravel, cement gravel, eand and fill. We deliver. Call Eric 'Branton, 068-2660. ing. Close to public net: Whit! |668-5212; ad Magar 4 located. Available immediate- Apply 840 Dun washer, dryer, park- Oshawa 725-3090. FOR RENT -- One unfurnished room, das East. shower and stool in basement, lot is good sized and well landscoped and fenced. This is a real gem at $13,500. with reasonable down pay- ment. 10 ACRE LOTS Just east of Oshawa for only $4500.00 with $1,000.00 down. Also many other lots in Oshawa to choose from. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Joe Maga Ken Hann Jack Osborne Lloyd Metcalf John Kemp Dick Barriage RANCH BUNGALOW $12,900 In Brookiin Six rooms, tiled bath- room, aluminum stoms, and screens, Only steps to schools and shop- storms and screens, TV antenna. Low down ne. NHA mortgage, Tele- phone WHITBY -- aca brick alow: schools, stores and bus service. C; 728-9828. HOUSE FOR SALF -- 63 Stevenson| Road North, $16,000 cash. Telephone 725-0304. PRIVATE two-storey house with two) kitchens, could be made as separate) irtme: Owner must sell, $7,900, ing bus, lic, separate or high school. per jnesene foot with services paid. 728- PRIVATE SALE -- "¢ wice aes ve. five-room brick bungalow, $1700. ---- 725-1632. inch style bungalow,. lural patel Hrenecs: new iendhoons,| large kitchen, tg Lae ge, many other Lot 77 x Just Joutside Oshawa cliy limits, $16,900 or offer, Sheriff Realtor, 728-1673. | apa nts, full price, 728-5770, 28--Real Estate Wanted MONTRAVE AVENUE -- Fi oil fur Owner transferred, must sell. Private. 668-3664. SELL scenic two acre lots, Pi all nace, only $6500. cash or terms. W. Mo Auley, Realtor, 28 Prince Street, 723- 2512 or 668-5765. WILL pay cash for four or five room' brick bungalow, landscaped, good loca-| tion in Oshawa, northwest area. pre- ferred. Telephone 728-3562, township, each. ge be rd ex- change for city. property Toron 8-0937, Mr. Macinnes. two. . HU! sewer, water and gas already in, on F informa' GLADSTONE Avenue 40' x 113 ft lot, ¢r|29-----Automobiles For Sale ition vaved 5 and 7 p.m, street. 7 WHITBY CENTRAL -- home, recreation room, large, garage. Close w schools, churches and shop- ping. Reasonable payments. Private. Whitby 668-5338. ing. Dial Brooklin 655-4859, GUIDE REALTY EMERSON AVE. Property vocant -- move right into this beautiful three bed- room bungalow on a nicely landscaped lot in an excel- lent residential area. Neor schools and bus, Fenced lot. Priced at $13,500. PORT PERRY -- Seven room brick family home containing living room, dining room and large kitchen on first floor. 3 good bedrooms with large closets, 3-pc. bath and closed in' sun porch on the second floor. Situated on a large lot with shade trees overlooking Lake Scugog. Private drive and garage. Handy to down- town, churches and_ schools. Call today to see this well kept home, JUST LISTED -- On Arling- ton Ave. 2 storey red brick 6 room home with garage. Living room, dining room and kitchen with plenty of cup- boards downstairs. Upstairs 3 excellent bedrooms and 4-pc. tiled bath with vanity. This home has recently been mod- ernized and has many at- tractive features. Priced at $12,500 LA SALLE AVE. 3 bedroom brick bungalow with stone front. Large living room and fomily size kitchen. Garage and private drive. Ciose to school and shopping. Early possession can be arranged. Priced at $13,000. CAESAREA-- fully furnished cottage including electric stove and refrigerator. Enjoy the summer at the lake, close enough to commute daily. Full price $2,900. NORTH EAST AREA--Large 7 room stone and brick ranch bungalow with breezeway and garage. 2 stone firepl 4 BEDROOM FAMILY HOME This 7 room house is designed for the comfort of a large family. The ground floor has a large, bright living and din- ing room, with beautifully cabineted 19' x 12' modern kitchen. Second floor has 4 lovely bedrooms and a 4- piece bath. Attached is a 3- room,with bath, apartment for extra income. Home is situated on a spacious 86' x 120' fully landscaped ot. Full Price $22,500 - Full price $22,500. Sub- stantial down payment. Private sale. Call MO 8- 8031 or apply 134 Byron St. N., Whitby, after 5 p.m. $1500 DOWN MYERS ST. modern 5 room, 3 bedroom bungalow, 6 years old, forced air oil heating, aluminum combination windows and doors, landscaped and fenced. Best value in City. $150 MONTHLY PLUS 4 room apartment for your- self, 10 room 2¥2 storey brick with double garage -- QUEBEC ST. New hot water furnace. excellent condition throughout. Fully occupied. Asking $18,500 with attract- ive terms. FOR A BETTER BUY BETTER SEE R. VICKERY REALTOR 728-9571 46 King W. Gerry Barrow . Steve Lehan Bert Peyton R, Vickery Open evenings to 9 P.M. and 40 x 13 ft. rec. room, Price reduced to $17,900 for quick sale. Owner is anxious to sell so give us an offer, Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, For full particulars call 723-1121 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. CARL REALTOR room with 2 piece both. Main floor hos extras in this home. First time evenings 725-0243. LOND: We need your home Oshawa, OLSEN 723-1133 NORTH -- CLOSE TO ROSSLAND RD. -- Exceptionally well- built, nearly new brick 3 bedroom bungalow with two car garage plus. beautifully finished basement containing an extra large bed- oak floors, a finished family room, kitchenette ond a beautiful living room, modern kitchen, 3 bright bedrooms, tiled bathroom with vanity and many offered for sale. A bargain at $16,900, Owner leaving city. Phone Henry Stinson - 723-1133, REALTY -- List With Lloyd Then Call Your Mover WANT YOUR HOUSE SOLD? We specialize in Resale Homes We sold over % Million dollars in April We are members of Photo M.L.S. Call now for action today 728-5123 Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street North Ontario other features. PRICE $1 NORTHWEST Five room. bungalow, beautiful large kitchen and bathroom. Decorated, sodded, carport and many 5,875.00 DOWN $2,275.00 JAMES O'MALLEY CONST. LTD. 723-7122 J. A. SHERIFF wall to wall broadioom in living room, paved drive, gorage, and Just off Simcoe Street North, rooms, on lot 76 x 113. Close Ask for Mr. Hodgson. drive. home. bor, gorage, $10,500 Street 1. Telephone 668-8508, 25 ONTARIO STREET COUNTRY LIVING WITH CITY LUXURY Just outside Oshawa City Limits West. 6 room brick ranch bungalow. Lot size 77 x 200. This home is absolutely spotless. Some of the mony extras include notural stone fireplace, new uminum windows and doors, laundry chute and vanity in both of living area. Taxes only $282. Cleor property. You must inspect this one. NORTH OSHAWA 1% storey home, carport, 3 bed- Asking $10,900. Corries for $65 monthly principal and interesi. 4-BEDROOM BUNGALOW -- REDUCED Close: to shopping centre. This 7 year old brick bungalow hos a large family size kitchen. Reduced price of $13,900 includes mony extras such as.aluminum windows and doors, in living room, tiled 4 pc, bath with vanity, fenced yord, paved 1265 sa. ft. of living area and spotiess. A real family V.L.A. APPROVED 2 bedroom bungalow on 3% ocre of excellent garden soil on poved road in East Whitby Twp. 28 ft. TV aeriol with rotor. REAL ESTATE room, dining room and hall, ol- others. House has 1241] sq. ft. Listed at $16,900 with terms. to schools, shopping ond bus. Twindow recreation room with SCHOFIELD-AKER WILSON ROAD N.--Owner moving from City and Is an- xious to sell his 5 room bun- golow. Three spacious bed- with a large living rebm ond wr -- kit- eating ese wis 000 down wa monthly payments of ap- ie el $90 will carry including taxes. You will like this. Call us to-day. " NORTH END -- Full price $16,400. One yeor old six room modern ranch bungo- low with attached garage, ---- stone front ond rge overhang. Landscaped. Noltwwocd kitchen, three bed- rooms, colored pathroom fix- tures and built-in vonity. Liv- ing room with built-in oook- shelves. N.H.A. mortgage. Immediate possession. Down poyment $2600. SPLIT-LEVEL 6 ROOM de- sign with garage. Large liv- ing room and dining room, with sloping ceiling. Large Youngstown kitchen. Three lovely sized bedrooms, color- ed 4 pc, modern bothroom, all clothes closets with slid- ing doors. This home is tastefully decorated, beauti- fully landstoped and fenced lot, walk-out patio, rockeries, flower beds, and rose bushes. All this, and many other ex- tras, for only $13,800. GRANDVIEW VILLAGE A KASSINGER QUALITY BUILT HOME FOR DOWN PAYMENTS OF $930 AND UP. BIG, SPACIOUS, AND Toxes $136. Full price PHONE 728-1673 MODERN AS 1963, DREAM KITCHENS, VANITIES IN BATHROOM, ETC.. THEY ARE GOING FAST. WE WILL SHOW YOU MODELS. CALL TO-DAY. THE BEST: ALWAYS COSTS MORE -- If you're looking for the best in a home, you will want to see this out- standing value packed, six room, ranch style, bunga- low, located on a beautifully landscaped lot in one of Whitby's nicer residential areas. Attached garage, clay brick, crystal glass windows, shaped living and dining room, are just a few of the special extras you will find in this outstanding property. If you would like to own a home you would be proud to show your friends, call now. Full price $17, 200. LISTINGS OUR SALES ARE RUNNING HIGH AND OUR LISTINGS ARE LOW, WE NEED YOUR HOME TO-DAY FOR THIS ACTIVE MARKET, WE HAVE BUYERS FOR SMALL AND LARGE PROPERTIES. CALL US FOR ACTION. 723-2265 - Open 9 to 9 - Sot. 9 to 5 PAULINE BEAL 725.0239 STEVE MACKO 728-5868 KEN MORRIS 623-5406 (Bowmanville) BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 REG. AKER 725-0201 1961 RAMBLER, automatic, 6-cylinder| low mileage. One owner. Grey. finis! COUNTRY SETTING IN CITY IDEAL INVESTMENT FOR RETIRED COUPLE BUNGALOW 5% room, recently decorat- ed. 3 acres property. 9 fruit trees also other trees. Stream and pond. Large barn. Dial 728-3003 Lloyd Realty LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $11,900 HORTOP STREET 3 bedroom and dining room as well. Close to St, Joseph's. Call Bill Johnson at 728- 1066 or 728-5123. "MAKE AN OFFER" with a white top. A beautiful car, $1595. Whitby 668-4552, 1956 PONTIAC station wagon, good con- dition, Telephone Whitby 668-3246. 1965 FORD V8, 4-door, standard. Price! $150. Apply Huron Street after 5 p.m. lect restoring. Tel phone 723-7841 ae 6 p.m. . 1951 CHEVROLET my in, good body, mechanically lust sell, Best' offer. Dial Yonsei » jatie, tion, or best offer. Dia! 7 1955 METEOR Niagara sedan, over- drive, four barrel carburetor, complete- ly equipped, Mechanically perfect. Tele- Phone 668-5985. 1955 OLDSMOBILE 88, two door sedan. motor, Will accept reasonable offer, Call Whitby, 668-8061. i962 ACADIAN, 6,000 miles, excellent jcondition, radio, $2,100 or best offer. Call Neweastle 4106. 1953 METEOR, two ee tion, black finish, radio After 7 p.m. telephone 1056 CHEVROLET BelAir couvertibis V8, automatic, power steering and power brakes, radio, heater, new top. A real gem. 728-5179 1961 CHEVROLET deluxe, four dodr automatic. 6 cylinder, new tires, very clean. Accept trade - and finance. 728-5179, a bestee: 1963 PONTIAC Strato Chief, four door, autmatic, radio, whitewalls, hag el autumn gold metallic, 2,000 miles. Must! STEVENSONS RD. N. Very close to St. Christopher's and McLaughlin Schools. Large 3 bedroom bungalow with extra bedroom in base- ment. Owner transferred. Call Bill Johnson now at 728-1066 or728-5123. $11,500 6% N.H.A. RESALE 3 bedroom split level home with large custom built rec- reation room. Large fenced lot with patio. Don't miss this value packed home. Call or 728-5123. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD, 101 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO OPEN EVENINGS sell. 723-7970, 1954 PONTIAC two-door, bea eT reliable FE aien $99. ONE OWNER 19% DODG push but- fon drive. Immaculate condition Mek be seen. 1023 Byron "Seren South, Whitby. peed FORD Galaxie, 500, four door, twe- tone yellow and white with chrome fender skirts, automatic, A-1 condition, $1,800. Make offer. After 6.30 p.m. tele- Phone 728-7953, 1968 VOLKSWAGEN ya wi 1500 series, $300 down reepo! party. Can be seen Cullen's 's Esso Gerv- ice Station, Brock Street North, Whitby. 1935 TERRAPLANE sedan, big model, Al sey perf USED 1962 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE With 6 cylinder engine, ou- tometic transmission and white wall tires. $2495 1962 BUICK LA SABRE 2 dr. hardtop, fully power ipped. Sold and serviced 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, blue, radio, exeel- lent condition. Telephone 728-9096 . 1958 BUICK hardtop, a steering, power bees 5 $1,000. Telephone 7: 140 PLYMOUTH, aoe "mics winter Silvan enos. Seats like new. $250. Dial tion, 1962 PONTIAC station wagon, all power equipment, 19,000 miles. Best offer over) $2,500. Telephone 723-3227. GORDON OSBORNE INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE 218 Dundas St. E., Whitby Dial 668-5431 WHITE CLAPBOARD AND TREES White Clapboard and trees--- on 114 ft. frontage lot in town of Whitby. This custom built three bedroom home with beautiful shade trees and surrounding green hedge looks real nice with the crisp 1959 THUNDERBIRD Fully electric powered acces- sories, Excellent condition, PRICE $2300 PRIVATE PHONE 723-1374 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 blue awnings and the gl ing white paint. Why not in- spect for that retirement home! Full price $17,300. The amount of down payment will talk here. 401 FRANCES STREET WHITBY 401 Frances Street, Whitby -- on large lot with three bedrooms, living room with open fireplace, dining room, bright kitchen, garage. A good location for schools, churches, and shopping. Full price $16,500 with terms, THREE LARGE BEDROOMS 0,900 Three large bedrooms $10,- 900 -- Whitby -- Semi- detached home in fine con- dition. Many playmates in area, Taxes low and interest only . Down ° payment $2,000 and monthly pay- ment including taxes only $82.50. LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER COUNTRY LIVING SPECIALS AT ACKERMAN'S 1960 FORD Four Door Se- dan, standard, six cylinder. 1955 Oldsmobile Four .Door Sedan, Standard. ACKERMAN'S BOWMANVILLE 'Dial 623-5756 1951 SUPER MODIFIED M.G. G.M.C. engine, full race cam, polished and ported head, balanced and polished crank- shoft, triple carburetion, Ford transmission and final drive, new tires, body like new, never raced, can. be seen ot KEMP MOTORS Baseline, West, Whitby No phone calls please $8,400 FULL PRICE $1,000 DOWN 5 minutes to Oshawa, five room bungalow with large garage. Very beoutiful lorge. lot loaded with trees. Call Ed. Drumm without delay at 725-9345 or 728-5123, OSHAWA BLYD. N, $1500 DOWN Seven room, duplex, four room apartment, plus three room apartment. Two bath- rooms, cil heating, large lot ond central to town, Hurry call Irwin Cruikshanks at 728-5205 or 728-5123. PORT HOPE . DOWN $900 DOWN 3 bedroom frame dungalow. Large kitchen ond 'ving room, oil heating, garage, large landscaped lot, call "Bill" Horner ot 728-5123, TOP LOCATION $14,500 Ranch brick bungalow. Fin- ished recreation room with bar and three piece bath in basement. Large landscaped lot with closed patio. Extra large kitchen and three bed- rooms. One 514% mort- gage with monthly _ poy- ments of $89, including taxes. Hurry call Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 or 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa Ontario at 360 King St. W. Free Porking The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" New Telephone Numbers 668-5871 and 668-5872 BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY oe ee ad WANT TO BEA HAPPIER DRIVER? BUY A NEW CAR NOW WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED xx xx rs bate! aad xx: q eee. : pel L. i i LOAN THE BANK OF by us. $3095 1961 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDAN 6 cylinder with automatic, radio, and white walls. Truly a fine automobile. $2195 1961 CORVAIR 700 DELUXE SEDAN With eutometic, radio and white walls, This is on ex- Ceptional automobile. $1695 1960 CHEVROLET BELAIR 2-DOOR 6 cylinder with automatic, redio, positrection, an im- meculete low mileage auto- mobile. $1995 1960 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN V-8 motor with automatic and radio. $1895 1960 CORVAIR 700 DELUXE SEDAN with gutometic end radio, A very cleon outomobile. $1495 1959 CHEVROLET DELUXE 2-DOOR Standard transmission with radio, Reconditioned _ and ready to go. $1395 1959 G.M.C. PICKUP Long box, step-side médel. $995 H. DICK: PONTIAC-BUICK {TD. COODWILL CARS FEATURING OUR NEW 12,000 M 12 MON" WARRANTY; LE A 1962 PONTIAC 2 DOOR HARDTOP. V-8 engine, outomatic, cus: tom radio, fully equipped.'. In new cor condition. $2795 1961 RAMBLER CLASSIC SEDAN 1961 PONTIAC 4 DOOR HARDTOP 6 cylinder. with i custom radio, royel master: tires, sold and serviced by uf," $2395 1961 BUICK LE SABRE 4- DR. HARDTOF Fully power equipped. Like" @ new car in every respect. - $2695 1960 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF COACH: With eutomatic and radio. . A shorp clean cor. $1795 1960 FALCON DELUXE SEDAN °* An economy car with ston dord transmission. $1395 1960 PONTIAC 4 DOOR HARDTOP 6 cylinder with automatic end redic. A' hard to get model. $1995 1959 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN Standard Transmission with new motor, $1495 1959 MERCURY PICKUP Wideside Model. $995 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Only Sharp Cars Advertised 1006 BROCK STREET SOUTH WHITBY 668 - 4911 NOVA SCOTIA Open Evenings » (Continued on Page 28)

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