Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Jun 1963, p. 14

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|30--Automébiles w iad |LA : Auto 0 Wreckers want jears for wrecking. ge oT pices paid. Wentworth 1 1181. "100 CARS: Wann Se o New Car? "Sell your used car'-to "Ted" Tolk "Cash" to the New © Cor Deoler and SAVE" | TED CAMPIN MOTORS. 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 27---Real Estate'for Sale © TAUNTON Road Kast, one-year-old, three bedroom brick bungalow, large fot. Only $2,500 down. Call Charied Nay- Jor at 723-1123, evenings 728-2857. Carl Olen, Realtor,'299 King Street West. - 29---Automobiles For Sale 1961 RAMBLER, 6 low mileage, One owner. Grey finish; with a white top. A beautiful car, $1595. Whitby 668-4552. 1955 TRIUMPR sportscar " motor, | \wixe wheels, overdrive $600. After 1| pam, Whitby 668-8324. TELEVISION I7-inch se ag 40-inch electric. range, boy's racer | » {Bew. Apply 73 Sherwood "Avenue. 1952 CHEVROLET, good motor. for Darts. Best offer. Dial, 668-2997. 'es. jon, el "Telephone to ot '3\--Automobile Repair. inst CMEVROLAT A sain, oa HOUSTON'S 'GARAGE ao dear} ond SERVICE--STATION _ $2,750. Whitby) BRAKE SPECIALISTS, cOM- | PLETE BRAKE . SERVICE MOTOR: TUNE-UP AND "GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST WEST _723-7822 WHITBY WESTERN TIRE + ALL MAKE SERVICE CENTRE Remonufactured' engines from $151 exchange, EASY TERMS |27--Real Estate For Sale |27--~Real Estate for Saie {27---Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale | FOUR-ROOM bungalow, on one acre of ATHOL Street East, 336: Lovely tw two|100-ACRE sara, frontage 03 Highway |e DING LOTS, 100° x 150°, 2% 'land, Near Mosport. Reasonable price.|storey brick dwelling, nicely dervated|12, house, ba » creek, Tilness fore: $\ml 5 east of Newcastle, Telephone Call Orono 4R6, with modern kitchen and bathroom, fire-| saiy. acrific all Port Perry, 985-2985, sn ne ve. 6% per 7 eat buliding,|PIA0® garage and paved drive. HAST END -- three-bedroom brick poedge log S "Na oath aoe jbungalow, four years old, aluminum down payment.(°My.. Call Mr Weinberger '|storms, screens, partially finished ree- j Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377 reation room, Fenced yard. Nicely |PRIVATE 'sale on Central Park Boule 7m bale: Conteal Pack Wouth,| etree eee sale on Central Park Boul e-| PRIVA ale: Centra r ee ry | 25--Apartments |vard South, six-room bungalow, three! lelght doors from new Boys' Club. Five ONE-STOREY rege in lee ie four ow pastsieatocieatiniee |bedrooms, garage, finished rec. room,|room bungalow, easily converted to raging jel yath ; oe: rilled well, ~" | THREE-ROOM apartment, private Bath, |two piece bath. downstairs. Close to|/four bedroom home. Has one of Osh- ee : w care ie Bibigc Cook central. 299 Simcoe South, Apartm: 3.\schools and shopping 725-2622. jawa's finest recreation 1eoms, Many pb arvin Nesbitt, : pmo eS [ARGE bedroom and kitche: ge | SIMCOE Sireet South, three "Bedroom | ext ras, Dia} 725-3338. ARTHUR Street, 332, re room and boara| VAR refrigerator. ght be- brick bungalow, large kitchen, partly) ~ : P lor gentlemen, single beds, lunches\hing Oshawa oy t Stari: s| |finished recreation room, new forced air i packed, good meals Telephone 7; 728- 2433. Street. | ofl furnace, nice fenced iat, Oniy $11,900 On Gibbon Street Call Bob Johnston at FWo or THREE "gentlemen, "willing | MODERN two-bedroom apartment, liv- jwith terms. ; - 725-9568. Carl Olsen, $16 foring room, tile bath, hall, kitchen,| 723-1133; evenings 5 m oi and refrigerator, television out.| Realtor, 299 King Street West, Oshawa, Rec reation Roo Caretaker, Marina|LORING Avenue, close to public, high ' Apartments, 281 fe ag eB Two Fireplaces For $1,500 down, you can move into this custom built home of clay brick, stone front. Only 11 months, old, 21--Room & Board Wanted ys artments. 281 Simcoe Street South./and separate schools, 5-year-old, three- $1000 DOWN PEEP EINE a room bungalow in immaculate condi- G@ BANKER requires room and) | BOWMAN VILLE rs One-bedroom apart tion, fenced lot, paved drive, 6 per cent) board. Phone Toronto - Dominion Bank,|ment ,central '007. |NHA mortgage, Asking $12,900 with low King and Simcoe Branch, Mr. Scott,| Telephone 725-6007 __.-_------- |}down payment. Call Henry Stinson at Dial 725-1188 from 9-5. | FURNISHED two - room apartment,| 793.1133, evenings 725-0243. Carl Olsen, LIKE NEW 3 BEDROOM One owner brick bungalow in top condition, Priced to sell quickly for $12,600. 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 4, 1963 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 13) COUNTRY. SETTING IN CITY IDEAL INVESTMENT FOR RETIRED COUPLE BUNGALOW 514 room, recently decorat-° ed. 3 acres property. 9 fruit trees olso other trees. Stream_ and pond, Large barn. o>. _Dial 728-3003 _ METCALF ° FEAL gilly LIMITED. Kina St 'DIAL 728. 4678 LASALLE AVENUE Looking for.'a 2 bpedroom.: bungalow. close to... towne « Nearly trew forced: air .fure nace, poved drive; good, siz-" ed' rooms; fully landscdped. Only $10,600.00 " with °$3,000,00 'down: PORT PERRY RANCHER Nearly new .3° bedroom bun; galow completely decorated" ond. :landscaped on paved moin street, very large 4iv- ig room -and: dining. room, 2 washrooms .on. main floor, double. sink vanity, colored fixtures, finished - recreation room, close..to. public' and high schools. Total rice parcel Full co-operation $13,506.00: modest .. down guaranteed by the -industrial payment required. 6% most zoning commissioner. Will gage. develop, build-and lease to : suit purchaser. Thickson' Rd. South only short... block from . highway No» 2. 6 -room -rug brick "fanch style bungalow with attached garage. One -year old, fully decorated, immedi- L. §. Snelgrove REALTORS - 43 PARK RD. S. 725-8761 723-9810. 20----Room and Boa d . BOARD, home Gifford Street. king.| aoe ¥ -- 117 Bell Drive. Ranch style » three bedrooms, -aluminum and screens, TV antenna. Low NHA mortgage. Tele- Parking. Lit Cleaning, banga sto. down payment. phone 728-2604. WHITBY -- six-room brick bungalow, Owner transferred, must sell. Private, 668-3664. PARK RD. S. $5, 900. full price with $900 'down, for the handy man, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, livingroom and bathroom, full size base- ment with. oil furnace, easy Poyments.. - ECQNOMY HOME $5,500 fuill price with $1,000 down, 4°rooms and bath on main floor, 1 room finished "on second floor, clean and tidy home, suitoble for older couple, nice gorden, central .. location, easy payments. BROOKLIN Clean ond-fnodern 2 bedroom bungalow, 3 piece bath, full size basement with furnace, good size lot with nice gar- den; "asking $8,500 with $1,000 down, _ oo RITSON RD. N. . Attractive 2. bedroom bunga- low, completely modern, oil furnace, storms and screens, TV tower, good size lot with large garage--15 x 38 ft. full price $10,900. with $2,000 down,- balance one mortgage f 'SUMMER COTTAGE peven, Telephone 728-3396. Pr AC | hardtop. tay mile | 668-8567 . 1959 'CHEVROLET teedibor I Biscayne, two-to1e, Good 'condition.: New tires,! $950. Must' sell: 728- 5536 alter 4. | 1961 CHEVROLET, ~ Bdoor, exeeliént | condition, 4 new tires, private sale. Will accept good used car for trade in. Also, wusieg to finance. Dial Han 0294 after, 5 p.m SELL scenic two acre lots, Pickering township, $2000 each. Terms 'or, ex- change for city property Taranto. HU 8-0937, Mr. Macinne: Lot FOR SALE -- 103" frontage by 129". Landscaped, one. block south off King Street East, Five minutes' walk- 'jing distance from' bus, churches,' pub- lic, separate or high school. $49 per trontage foot basel services paid, 728- N NEWCASTLF one bedroom -apart- ment, all conveniences, heated monthly. Telephone Bowmanville. 623- SLanarowe Avenue 40 x 113 ft lol, sewer, water and gas alréady in, on vaved. street.. For further information telephone 725-0834 between 5 and | oe p.m, PONTIAC station | wagon, n, good a coi-| aiton. -Telephone Whitby 668-3246, me | i955° FORD V8, 'door, standard. P: $150. Apply Huron Street after 5 pm. 1955 PONTIAC sedan, new motor, body Al. Telephone 728-5747. For quick sale, $375. Paul J. Bolahood fT. 20 Bond West, Oshawe 728-4171 "Here is your. opportunity ----=- Fully. equipped grill the heart of .Whitby. Would -be ideal for cocktail Jounge, | . property. includes 2 'upper floors of, two 4-room apart- ments, For: full information Please contact the office. |1955 PONTIAC: 4 'door, black, radio, new tires, mechanically good. $400 or 149 Brock St, N. 668-8791 beat offer. 723- 9913. Se i962 CORVAIR Monza i 4i/32--Articles for Sale throughout. Trade considered. Private.) ou GUNS: ee After 6 telephone. 728-4819. } 1961 FORD" tustom, Big Gone, Dover - Telephone Oshawa, 725-8189 white with red interior, six'seylinder, " standard shift, radio. One Tocay owne *, | AIR "conditioner, Frigidaife, like few, }20.000 original: miles, Cash, 'trade or | Feasonable Telephone 728-5688 jterms, Nicols Motor Sales Ltd., tele-| DRILI press, 4 inch with % | hp motor, phone Whitby 668-8001 | flodr model, new condition, $100. Tele 1954 DODGE sedan, Custom Royal Vi, | Phone svete automatic, radio, good condition, $250.;~-- Trade accepted. Phoné 723-2281. | 1961 "CHEVRULI T ~BelAir, al atomatic,| |two door | | ANTIQU run. (ning good rextorsble condition. Parts for '27-'28 Chevrolet, Model T Ford,} ' ry $3,500 tull price, $1,500 |19" wire wheels Chevrolet, glass, dis:| |tributor, generators; starters, for '32 to) down, nice loestion on Scugog Island, ' |'s8 Ford, Telepjione after 6, 725-8503 | 1925 'TERRAPLANE sedan, big 'model, AST URGEON LAKE /Al condition, perfect restoring: Tele-| . re hone 723-7841 after 6 p.m. - We-have. @ good selection © (951, CHEVROLET sedan, cottages, some in the finest mechanically sound. Must " Adcation" with * sand. beach, "'restricted oreo, canal system, with two Telephone | one acre, in buildings. SAVE $100 NOW ON Clairtone Stereos AT PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 Simcoe N. 723-3043 Store will be closed at 12 on Saturdoys during : July, _ August. 'Industrial Site in Whitby --- 19 gcres will sell. part or FOR RENT le for office or store. location. Approxi- 1,000 sq. ft. on floor, Basement 600 Suitob Excell mately GRENFELL STREET Close to' shopping. .centre, small two. bedroom -pungatow:: : on o large 60' x" 125' lot, ." double garage, ¢lean decor." ated; -house oil heated, Ask- 'ing -$9,000.00° with $2,000:.,- down ofd clear home; owner will sell with easy - 'terms, "at 69 0. t n a main + aq. ft, 3 YEAR LEASE Apply Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce SIMCOE AND ATHOL STS 23---Wanted To Rent transferred. One NHA 6 per ee | 9277 mortgage Mortgage approximately oe 300, § PONTIAC INN -- 20.900, - aie ars room semi-detached brick double. * talavinion single °° | bungalow. 6 years old. $1,500 down and | parking, weekly or pightly BOARDING HOME required immedi-|close to GM north plant. Apply 302 Jar-| Realtor, 299 King Street West. ately by the month for three children,|Vis Street after 5 p.m - ANNIS Street, five room, one and & all needs supplied. Write Box 720, Osh- joi! heated, large lot. Listed at $9,500 awa Times with terms. Call Wes. Elliott at 723-1133, evenings 728-0581. Carl Olsen, Realtor, ; ~|ment, private entrance, newly decor-|MeLAUGHLIN Bivd. -- Six room. two Seer eee ee oe ated, $60, Central. Apply 63 King West,| storey home in excellent location,) close elty limits, Telephone 725-6120. Apartment 7, Telephone 623-2440. }to all schools and transportation, Ask- HALF OF STORE for Henry Stinson at 723-1133, evenings Z Y z a kitchen sink and cupboards. Park Plara, Whitby 'Telephone 668-2582 | aP see bath, Garage available. Dial| 725-0243. Carl Olsen, Realtor, 299 King | SEMI-DETACH ED oe 1709 sis achat : SUITE |soUTH END -- One" bedroom apart-|JONES AVENUE -- tworbedroom brick NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE |ment, equipped kitchen, laundry facill- jeanne better district, good location, OF MODERN 'ties, paved parking, TV outlet. Avail-|Full price $10,500 with $1,000 down AiRe CONDITIONED lable July 1, $80, monthly, Telephone |Payment. 728-7245 : E | | 725-5808 FIVE room bungalow, oll heat, paved Brand new . bungalow, over 2. driveway, fenced yard, close to school] | 30 feet, complete- OFFICE AVA i | THREE-ROOM upstairs "apartment, "un- square et, comple t {church and bus. Low down payment is Approximately 1000 sq, ft, | furnished. Apply 630 Albert Stree Telephone Wet tats ly decorated throughout. Mo SERVICED BY ELEVATOR 26--Rooms For Rent [see in omash, poekees (On. ILSO . ingle | ee Pe Ask for MR. T. L, WILSON jIN Canadian home, large clean. s gle | 728-6068 CALL BILL MILLAR Rarnipnad. Soom, _ HIGEY, CaCoen le | RAVINE lot with large trees and creek,! TELEPHONE |Gentlemen preferred, private entrance. | ¢°) lot wi Ld . North. Serviced by water, $3,200 cash. | 1 'FURNISHED room near hospital and 798.1077 habe 186 North Genera] Motors. Kitchen privil - facilities, suit lady | THREE ACRES of land with four-bed-| jor gentleman, Cail after 5 p.m. 1 | $10,900 low dows 'payment. Mr./ | WONDERLAND PARK Motor Court, Perry 0303, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, Kingston Road East, cabins, All con-) 728.7377 793-742: REALTOR |Weekly rates starting at $15. 723-7424. |p yaiy condition, close to schools, low | WONDERLAND PARK Motor Court,!down payment. Easy terms. George ' - ) Kingston Road Fast. cabins. All con-|Koornneef, Joseph Bosco, Realtor} BOWMANVILLE eekly rat : 15, 723-7424 : 623-3393 Weekly rates starting at $15. 723-7424./INCOME HOME -- Present income.| ; TWO SINGLE furnished rooms, light/$135 monthly, plus free apartment for| 250 Acre farm. Barns 30 x housekeeping. Private entrance ¢ home ,with bathroom and cil furnace. Stream 'originates on property with good pond Millbrook.. Excellent Value at ote possession. Priced to sell only ~$18,000. $5,000. 4t..a -reasonable-'down pay- down ment, May be' seen at any $, 4 and 2, preferably in the country, LF ot half storey home in spotless condition, a0. ne te A '. 4 22---Offices, Stores, Storage | now LE iwo bedroom apart. | 299 King Street West pa ceil "ai Biais| ROWE STREET, 76 -- Three-room| ine $11,800 with only $2,000 down, Call Street West | dern kitchen Immediate $7 weekly. Telephone 723-1359 x 680', Located on Wilson Road| W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE 7 7 sees and lenny $00, |room bungalow, northeast of Oshawa, veniences, including showers and heat |FIVE-ROOM bungalow with garage,| 177 CHURCH ST. venierces, including showers and heat.| 728-7377 Park-/ owner. Garage. Near King Street and} ing, central, Reasonable. Apply 80, 30 x 50, silo, 9 room sites. Gravel pit. Located near | : time, Please contact . the Rooms, privileges rates "795. take over payments of only $80.16 per " }month. Includes principal, taxes and in |terest. Immaculate condition, Decor fur- ated throughout. Storms and screens. High! Near schools and shopping plaza. Pri-| be-| vate. 668-3687 evenings LOT, 50 ft. x 140 ft, ; SWITZER DRIVE Preferred north Alocation, 2 bedroom - 'bungalow? immacu- fate inside ond out for only 96) downtown, lovely area, tt aoe down; | | ofter, Dial 728-2951? \Centre Street 'early possession. Sally allace, 725. | \i93 - -- i m 798.7377 36 PONTIAC, two door. new "paint, | | <iMCOE NORTH Spacious room, |6297. Joseph Bosco, Realtor. 728-7377 with sofe water for harbor, standard, overdrive transmission, = Buy your point directly from jsuitable for gentleman or lady, In| WHITBY: Sacrifice price, $9,800. Own- \tires, 1959 Pontiac V8 engine, dual ex- the manufacturer, {young couple's home. Telephone 728-/er Call L.'s Snelardve Co. Gd. |haust. Best offer. 723-9414. bas 723-9810 Gr 725-8761 1807 "DODGE, 9x cylinder, automatic, Economy Interior $2.80 . y 3,000 miles, e: reg A esas $800 or . y z [beat offer. Dia} 723-1 jOne coat white oe $5.50 Aes 28--Real Estate. Wanted | i955 METEOR ia : "aia. vB, | Other finishes similorly priced, : sis = -------- | drive, four ba carburetor, complete-| | Two or three. light housekeeping, 200 -Acres near Masport. office for four or five room | ly equipped. Scchuniealy perfect. Tele-| PARROT nished or unfurnished, near 50,000 a good landscaped, good loc |phone Schoo! and Hospital. Telephone gravel deposit wner anxi- Will a area Pre | 55; . > ly 798.88) ; jm phan a | 955 i paMORE $8, two door sedan.| jtween 5 - 6 p.m. only. 728-6214 ous to sell. Asking $20,000. Lease. ferred. Tels . 3562. : | #ood motor. Will accept reasonable| Paint Company Sell, Rent, Trade -or Grocery store - modern approximately, | RELIABLE couple, one child, urgently need two to three-bedroom house, with- in 10 miles of awa Reasonable: Bowmanville 623 REFINED busine gentleman desires| furnished room breakfast optional Write Box 826 Oshawa Times RESPONSIB LE couple with one child) r three-bedroom nouse in} y. Telephone 728-7020. jon | ph ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS | Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. | NORTH |27--Real Estate For Sale | puple wishes to rent, PRIVATF sale 120 Holly Court two. or three-|Grandview Gardens, six-room brick h option to buy. If}bungalow with three bedrooms after » must be available by 'July 1,/5.30. Telephone 728-838 } 1063. Bost references, Write Box 746, /Hi903-- FOR SALF -- @ Stevenson! ation aaciiestel Road North, $16,000 eash. Telephone) THREF bedroom home, in Oshawa by) 725-0304 | uly Good references. Telephone wo} pt PRIVATE two-storey house with two! 7as-es0 after 5, Mr. Dan Seiith, kitchens, could be, made as separate| apartments. Owner sell 24--Houses For Rent full price. 728-5770. NEAR 401 EAST, three miles from|MONTRAVE AVENUE -- Fiveroom Oshawa, seven-room farm house, oiljbungalow, all 'conveniences, oi) fur-; furnace, chicken barn electrically|/nace, only $6500. cash or terms. W. Me- wired, three acres garden, 351 King|Auley, Realtor, 28 Prince Street, 7%3-| East |2512 or 698-5765. | LOVELY 61X-ROOM brick" bu | | | small house in Can supply refer 3 p.m WANTED TO RENT Oshawa or Whitby ences Dial 728-7164 after must | waiTey CENTBAL -- "= two-bedroom | partly furnished, attached garage. nice; home, recreation room, large, garage loration. One child welcome. Vacant|Close to schools, churches and shop- June 10. Rent $95. monthly, Apply 478 ping Reasonable payments. Private. Park Road South Whitby 668-5338 THREF-BEDROOM 'house with ga-| rage. Available July 1, with option to j buy: Apply 321 King Street East, JOHN A. J oa = BOLAHOOD NASSAU STREET, 62 house, oil furnace. Telephone 725.219 BUNGALOW "gaodern, threebed-| REALTORS LTD. iNSURANCE 167 Simeoe St. S. Oftice Hrs. (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) living room and. dinette area! attached carport base j MORTGAGES ARRANGED, BOUGHT & SOLD HOUSE AND STORE A chonce to change future and get in business for yourself. Phone now to see this eight room. brick home with lorge store walk freezer and show window ng only $12,900. with 500 down. Call Mr, Rat ffe at 725-6544, NORTH-WEST rancher, suitoble for looking for a better average home. Rug brick, attached garage, 3 spacious bedrooms. two baths, rec. room finished in maho gany. Owner must sell. Ask- ing $17,000. Call Mr, Ran- kine at 725-6544, LOTS OPEN TO TFFER Wilson and Bloor Street -- 53 x 94--only $2,500. with $1,000 down. Wecker Dr. Scuogag 30 x 113 2,100. with $1,000 Call now,' Mr, Apple- 725-6544 of 723- SOUTHEND three-bedroom home,| 1 heated, available July 1, $105.| monthly. 'One year lease. Dial 728-4507| DUPLEX. new three-hedrqom living and dining roams, on bus line, garage, choice accommodation, available July 1. Dial 728-3893, | ALBERT STREET house. Available after 4 p.m. 728-414 your Four-bedroom | July 1. Telephone FP nar pene 3-ROOM walkout basement apartment, Private entrance bath. Located Lake Vista area. Hy and water sup. Working 'couple only Dial 8 A. a $ c THREE men roon aundry wiring, TV Telephone 723 self contained ties, heavy Available June ae A reo those fn than ONE and bedroom _unfurni shed Apply two apartments, | r Available 498 Sir dial 728-39 private en-| ted couple or f partment THREE-ROOM. apartment trance and bath. P: with one baby. Dial Governor Mansions Luxury Be Apartments aap t Building sates ¢ Heat Fiesta Ranges Whot ires--12 cu. ft. f Pressurized. Hallways rage Locker in Suites Loundr y room on each ond RURAL LOT you have been asking 77' x 177' on highway ct Columbus. Only minutes to Oshawa. First $1,200. tokes it. Call Mr. Ronkine r ot 725-6544. en ay in bathrooms : $550 DOWN $550 A Few Choice N.H.A. RESALE Locations Available Miusle Bo rae poe 'glia Lovely room bunge- mmediate Possession with aluminum storms = ve and screens and doors. Han- TECEPHONE: over kitchen, full basement, 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. $10,900, with | Ww: vacant mecrigage ut Schofield-Aker ona NIEA Limited | 632% payable $69 monthly. 723-2265 WHITBY CLASSIFIED by at 725-6544 or 723-3398. Viking, 2 ovens, very} DRESSMAKING, WE LIST ONLY TO SELL Price $90. Dial aftereé genera sewing, Reasonable rates.) ~ European Mrs. §S. Jebert, Whitby) 668-3745 | two rooms { Apply 300LD'S Second Hand Furniture,! ord od everything for cottages, floor coverings, ranges, televisions, refrigerators. Wii) si buy, sell_or trade. Open all day. 215) tanks cleaned, prompt service] Dundas E., Whitby. Telephone 668-5481. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut|pRivEWAY gravel, cement Street West, Whitby 668-2569 goad cad BUS We. denves, DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses,| Branton, 666-2660 altera.ions, slip covers, drapes. Fitting) TWO furnished rooms for rent, kitchen, | a' specialty. Mrs. Toms 668-2372. sitting room, bedroom, private me | - ' t RVON Cosmetics offers excellent earn- acces Wnitn chia! . imme ing opportunity for rural housewives,| working in your own community. Write| FOR RENT: Four room. apartment in| PO Box 512, Oshawa private home. Adults only. Bowmar and| Gibson. Dial 668-5823 sniences, wash-| LARGE "apartment "in| vate balconies, close to|modern sixplex, swimming pool in is, Whitby 668-5212, Osh-| cluded. 708 Duniop Street West, Whitby. | Dial 668- r or brick low, alterations, drapes, BTOVE, electric, good condition. Pm, 668 4636. APARTMENT, ground floor, ahd™ ath nt June 20th. Asti Street South door, Whitby, 668-8302 SEPTIC on "Talis two bedroom , NEW Dean Avenue one 723-9363. Price $3,300. _ KEITH PETERS Realtor, 728-7328 103 King St. E. Price $10,900 Meadowvole a nice quiet street This 1% store brick home has a very large pie shape lot with a smoli taxable frontage of 42', 3 good bedrooms and a ftin- ished rec room. Call Earle Allen ot 725-7782 for on in- spection, Look! $12,000.00 full price $2,000.00 to one mortgage ot 6%. 3 bedrooms, large living room and good sized kitchen, Large lot wel! land- scaped. Call Bob Johnson 728-2548 N.H.A $808.00 DOWN $12,950.00. 3 bedroom brick bungalow. Price includes built-in stove and oven, hollywood kitchen, fully decorated, sodded front lown, tiled bath with vanity This choice location is close to separate ond public schools, shopping facilities ond bus service. For inspec- tion call Ron Drapak 725. 5253 -- Location bungalow 15 minutes drive from. Oshawa on County road, 12 ccre lot Asking only $8,000.00 with reasonable down payment Call Joe Crawford 623-3672 Seven room year old This 3 bed- Medium priced 5 home in Whitby room home is in excellent condition and owner anxious to move to Toronto so ca! for an inspection riow Ronald Hetherington 623-3637. ROXBOROUGH ST older type home rote. apartment Struction, garage Make an offer. Call Tierney 725-5207. --- Good with sepa brick con- nice. lot. .clande We need suburban property of oll types. If contemplating a move Please call 725 4162 Tele-| full price 100 Acres with good river frontage: near Little Britain. Barn 30°x 80, 2 car: garage and' workshop, $8,500 Terms 155 Acre farm near Tyrone 5. bedroom home, "pce, bath. Born 36 x. 80;. pond. Asking $24,000.00---Terms: 75 Acre Farm:near Bowman- ville. Excetlent brick house and barns, 2 silos. Valuatle road frontage. Excellent /in- vestment at only $32,000.00. -- Terms . 50 Acre Tree Farm near En- niskidlen. 25 Acres in Christ- mas trees, balafice pine bush, Widow's sacrifice ot $3;900: © 10 Acre park with large stream winding throught' pro- perty This uncfsual 'property is only 3 miles-from Bowman-. ville. Asking $7,000. $2,000. down: 6 Acres with stream,' 7 room home, born. Bowmanville 4 miles, $14,000, Terms 2 Actes Blackstock. price. 40 Acre: Chyistrnas Tree Farm, 25,060 trees lan nted, . Blackstock area $6000 Terms. Will trade on summer cottage PORTVIEW. Beach Scugog. 2 bedroom with 4-pce. bath,. furnace, garage, boathouse. Lot -70 x 150. Only $7,000: -- $2,000. down with house Eost'-of $3,000,. full Lake cottage Lake Ontario -- Newcastle Beach, 4 bedroom surmimer home. Double stone fire- place, bathroom: Large Lot. Fully furnished, price only $8,500.00 $2,500.00 down Call 623-3393 After Hours Call Jack Ricard 623-3154 Joe Barnoski.. ,2202 Clarke Andy McGill 1407 Orono Keith Jackson. ;... 885-4358 Port Hope CARL OLSEN REALTOR NORTH -- 723-1133 CLOSE TO ROSSLAND RD. -- Exceptionally well- built haar new brick 3 bedroom burigalow with two car garoge plus beautifully finished basement containing an extra large bed- room with oak floors, a finished family room, kitchenette and a 2 piece bath. Main floor has beautiful living room, modern kitchen, 3 bright bedrooms, tiled bathroom with vanity and. many extras in this home. First time offered for sale. A bargain at $16,900. Owner leaving city. Phone Henry Stinson - evenings 725-0243. 723-1133, LLOYD REALTY List With Lieyd Then Call Your Mover WANT YOUR HOUSE SOLD? specialize in Resale Homes Yq Million dotiars in April sold Over ore members of Photo M.L.S. need your home Call now for action today 728-5123 Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario NORTHWEST Five room bungalow, beautiful large kitchen and bathroom. Decorated, other feattires. sodded, carport and many PRICE $15,875.00 DOWN $2,275.00 JAMES O'MALLEY CONST. LTD. 723-7122 grill and junch room, featur-, ing upper living 'quarters and apartment, terms - 'to. suit . purchaser, Centraily: located ".ample parking space. Please phone or contact this office to inspect. | Paul J. Bolohood, Realtor i 728-4171, Oshawa Mrs Non Zillon, representative | * 728-1097 Phone' -enytime } "Members of the.Oshawa and District Real Estote 'Board. GUIDE REALTY GLENWOOD -CRES "3 bedroom -split'-leve!l in: this superior. location has Jorge living..room. with storie' fire- place and family size dining room. Large kitchen. Expens- ive' broadioom' throughout- Attached garage and paved .drive. Beautifully landscaped and hedged lot with patio. Priced at $22,900. with con- venient financing. Owner wit cerry on one mortgage. SYLVIA STREET-~7 room, 4 bedroom, 114 "storey brick Large family' kitchen. -4-pé. bathroom. Aluminum storms ond seréens. Many. extras: Priced ot $11,900. SEVEN APARTMENTS 4-cor garage on large lot 82 x 199 on King Street East. Centro!. Property clear. Sub- stantial down payment. re- quired 5.ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW only 2-blocks to.school, Three | -| good sized bedrooms and 4- pc. tiled both. Fenced back yard and recreation room 12 x 34. Full price $12,800 4. BEDROOM . HOME WHITBY Ideal for large 'family, very large fot. This -property must be sold "os the owner has been trans- ferred. 8 SUITE APARTMENT BUILDING -- All apart- ments on lease. Hot water oi! heated, only. one block from south G.M. Large lot 100 x 177 with plenty of poved parking space. Good investment property, MINDEN STREET -- One of the better bungalows in this district. No, 1 clay brick; L- ving and dining Ma N.H.A. ' Mort- gage Lane fully landscaped lot 3 BEDROOM BRICK BUN- GALOW in excellent 'condi- tion with private drive and garage. Property clear and owner will hold one mortgage at $80. per month. Full price $11,500. BUY V.L.A. Just off King Street East on Harmony Rd 1% storey home on a half acre lot with garage and summer cabin. Give us a call to inspect. $13,000. FULL PRICE N.HA resale, six yeor old brick bungalow with finished recreation room, playroom, tiled and finshed in mahog- any: Broadloom in living room. halls and master bed- room. Carries. for $84. per month, Principal, Interest and Taxes. INVESTMENT OPPORTUN- ITY -- 13% ocres of level land in the city of Oshawa situated next to an exclusive well planned = subdivision. Owner very anxious to sell, Give us an offer with IN the Open daily 9 am For full particulars Coll 723-1121 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors to 9 p.m, & 16 Simcoe St Oahi $8500.00," Asking $2,000. down, Suitable terms for balance con be arranged os this is a: clear home. Operi Evenings Till Nine Dial 728.4678 J6e Maga Lhoyd Metcalf John Kemp Dick Barriage Ken Haine' Jock, Osborne HIGHWAY PROPERTY on King St. W, Lovely 7 room brick - 2 storey family home situated on a beautiful treed lot. Frontege of 60 feét and depth of 275. Walking dis- tance to Shopping Centre, eosy access to South Plant via Stevenson's. Road, Only $3500 'down. 'ond balance open mortggae. MARY ST. CLOSE TO ROSS- LAND. Are you looking for someone to' help jn. paying for a home. This' well con- structed home hos 5 rooms on the main floor arid a three room apartment on the 2nd floor. The apartment' rents for $75.-per. month, Decor- _ ated. and well. maintained. Call'us for more information, or better still. why not in- spect. to-day. $5000 down "and $100" per month carry. ' WHITBY---Only three yeors old and in immaculate condi- tion. The purchaser will not 'reve to 'spend a. 'dime to move in. Six rooms, bigger than overage, close to schools in one of the choicest areas. This is o ¢éal buy at $17 200. Call: to-day, mey be lote. EXECUTIVE HOME. For the family that wants every- thing in a home. Eight love- ly rooms including a large family room on the main floor. Stone fireplace, well de- corated, ond extras too numerous to mention. Lo- cated in Beau Valtey where the streets have hard sur- faced roads, curbs, and he derground wiring. For best value in town coll us, Trades accepted. CHOICE BUILDING Lot on quiet Bowmanville St. neor public school and supermar- kets. Fully serviced gnd pav- ed road. Only. $2900. Phone Ken Morris 'ot: 623-5406 Bowmanville, + ~ LISTINGS OUR' SALES ARE RUNNING HIGH AND OUR LISTINGS "ARE LOW. WE NEED YOUR HOME TO-DAY FOR THIS ACTIVE MARKET, WE HAVE BUYERS FOR SMALL AND LARGE PROPERTIES. CALL US FOR ACTION. GRANDVIEW VILLAGE A KASSINGER QUALITY BUILT. HOME FOR DOWN PAYMENTS OF $930 AND UP. BIG, SPACIOUS, AND MODERN AS 1963. '(DREAM KITCHENS, VANITIES IN BATHROOM, ETC. THEY ARE GOING FAST. WE WILL. SHOW YOU MODELS. CALL TO-DAY. 723 2265 - Open 9 to 9« Sat. 9 to 5 STEVE MACKO PAULINE BEAL 725-6239 KEN MORRIS 623-5406 (Bowmanville) BILL McFEETERS 725.1726 REG. AKER 725-0201 360 King St, W, Free Parking 728-5868 will es 'SCHOFIELD-AKER to-morrow Ay | } |- { | iat | | Al | m4 29--Automobiles 'For Sale | 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, blue, lent condition. Teleplione 728-9095 steering, pdéwer. brake: $1,000. 'Telephone oi. 1556. | 1968 BUICK Hardtop, a automatic Power| 1 cOndition, 190 PLYMOUTH, (61.000 Yniles, winter driven once. 725-6719. i934 CHEVROLET sedan, A-l e Seats like new, $250, Deal ofidition, $300 or best offer. Apply 15 Mill Street, 1956 MERCURY four-door automatic, Power steering. power brake: |A-1_conditibn, $790: 'Telephone {668-5154 after 6 p.m. 1954 FORD, coach, needs 1 otherwise excellent conditfon. mileage, $265. Dial 725-7292 after 8 p.m, isé2 VAUXHALL Victor deluxe sedan, radio, wheel dis mileage. Telephone 725-5713 radio, |.¢ 728-1415. PLYMOUTE. "Telephone Whit gker panel, Low » new condition, tow 1958 CHEVROLET Impala an ~ perfect condition. Telephone 4 and 5 p.m i960 FORD Falcon, | tion, One owner $1275. telephone 728-0983. 192 CHEVROLET BelAir" four- radio, etc., excellent condition. $1995. Dial 725-8132. rice "GENERAL REPAIRS. ; |! ALL. MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A, SERVICE Ritson Road ond King 723-4733 and 723-7712 1963 GALAXIE "FAIRLANE or FALCON SEE JACK LEES NEW and USED CARS SEAWAY MOTORS | 200 DUNDAS WHITBY 668- 5893 BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.----- OSHAWA Just East of Wilsor'Road) 723-4494 Res. 725- 5574 : KELLY. DISNEY USED CARS 409 BROCK ST. §. WHITBY--668-4291 Cars bought and sold Liens paic off Trade up or down Alway Top Quality SALES and SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa 728-0921 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 Bibs Albert St SPECIALS AT ACKERMAN'S 1960 FORD Four Door Se- dan, standard, six cylinder. 1955 Oldsmobile Four Door Sedan, Standard. ACKERMAN'S BOWMANVILLE _Dial 623-5756 Oshawa"s 'Service Centre for Chrysler-Dodge-Plymouth-Valiant Dodge And Fargo Trucks Chryco Parts and Accessories SMITH SPORTS 353 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-7341 | { / | H | | | [ offer, 1 ----- | ines ACADIAN, | Whitby, 668-8061. | Call Newcastle 4106. A 725-18 between} 1958 BUT | ped. Pri oor, | 723-3182. 1957 \tion, After 7 p.m. telephone 7 728-0826, i9s6 CHEVROLET BelAir convertible and) power brakes, radio, heater, new top. v8, u@matic, autumn gold metallic, 2,000 miles. Must sell, 723-7970. PARTS for 1955 Buick Special, motor} guarantee rear end assembly, etc. Dial 723-9424 1962 PONTIAC convertible, 327 engine, ¢ream, 1010 Dundas Street recently } $000 miles, excellent) e, falio, e 'excel-| condition, radio, $2,100 or best offer.' | ; METEOR, two door, good " pondi- black finish, radio and heater. automatic, power steering real gem. 728-5179. 1961 CHEVROLET deluxe, four door! automatic. 6 cylinder, clean 728-5179 Accept trade and finance. 3 PONTIAC Strato Chief, four door,| radio, whitewalls, washers, overhauled. Will fully power equipped. Call a "clock. OLDSMOBILF. 52 in excellent eondi-| $125. Telephone 728-9970. After 3 p.m. -door hardtop, fully equip- le. Phone after 4 p.m., VOLKSWAGEN, sunroof, rs, 2 extra snow tires, wind. One of the best ns e Whitby ports. Motor body good condition. Apply 552 Bloor Street East. 1957 | PLYMOUTH V8, jnew, fob, ro; --| teal i961 paraiae. red, four-d | automatic, | Dial 368-8020 or apply Dr., 1960 AUSTIN Healey 3000, in good c dition, one family car. borough | Driv |i960 BUICK, | walls, radio, tr pow: tires, $100 down. | 728-6094. ibis VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, new paint bh blue metallic finish, mechan- - $695. Telepho radio, Whitby. hard top, black, white. | with back seat speaker, | low mileage, excellent condition. Apply 244 Arthur Street. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" T New Telephone Numbers 668-5871 and 668-5872 BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY | 1 | | ae | | a e 30--Aut ted Wanted to buy. Late model 2 bel Motor | MeCULLOUGH LUMBER Cal NICOLS MOTORS LTD. CLARE MeCULLOUGH | 728-4688 a $ ALL CASH $ For Clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid. off. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-8001 - 668-8101 |29--Automobiles For Sale station | wagon, er 5 Telephone hi | $2100 or best offer, 363 Rosedale Apply 793 Be cot new tires, very! | } ' East, Whitby after | 1051 NELSON ST, (728-3622 BOATS, MOTORS ON DISPLAY Grew Cruisers, Traveler Ma- son, C. and Larson Boots. Evinrude, Volvo-Pento and O.M.C. 88 Motors. Open Until 8 P.M, MARINE Storage & Supply Ltd. Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 ~ BOAT SPECIAL _ 14 ft, Fibreglass 1963. 28 H.P. electric motor and Scott trailer. Complete unit, $1,465. OSHAWA MARINE AND SERVICE Open Until 8 p.m. evn pe _ 6 w Loc __1180 siecor ht" N 778-0031 eo Custom Built Furniture PICNIC TABLES B.C. Cedar, § to 6 ft. with attached benches, Pre-Cut $16 Assembled $19 LAWN FURNITURE Kitchen Cabinets Boat Repairs Anything In Wood R And M. Custom Woodcraft Telephone 725-9 SPECIAL BAMBOO DRAPERIES WIDTH LENGTH in. 84 in, 2.98 4.49 5.98 7.49 8.98 in. Poir . Pair . Pair in. Pair in. Pair in. Pair 10.49 in. Poir ° 11.98 ROLL UP SHADES CAFE CURTAINS RELIABLE Furniture -- Interiors 96 King Street Eost 723-792. Downtown Oshawa i i Z | flat bottom, General | | TRAILERS Two Silverline Camping Trailers Fully Licensed For 1963 Original Price . Save On Sale Now Steeps 6 Persons Can Be Seen At SPENCE'S Noytn Plaza Ajax (just dff Ajax Cloverleaf) 942-6440 Custom and Ready-Made DRAPERIES Most Reasonable Prices Drapery Fabrics Regular Price per yard $1.98 SPECIAL NOW 79% We _ install drapery tracks at a Nominal Fee M. And C. Drapery and Dry Goods Store For your decorating needs Coll us today 723-7827 74 Celina Street, Oshawa

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