Oe -- i late Mr. Jack Bolton, j i » i children Pett Wii Gelge: obtained its chapter November} St. John the Evangelist Mixed Bowling League held its annual parish hall. Seated at the head table were: Rev.. Father L, J, Austin, Mrs, R, Sandrelli, President and Mr. Sandrelli, Mrs. F. Canzi, treas- urer, and Mr. Canzi who pre- sented trophies, Father S. Coates and Mrs. R. T. Hughes, secretary. ; | Following dinner and presen- | tation of trophies the election of 'new officers for 1963-64 was an- | nounced as follows: President Bill.Goverdé, secre- |tary Mrs. Jos. Corrigan, treas- lurer Mrs. R, T. Hughes. | The league championship tro- phy was presented to the Me- Felts with L. Bedard, Captain, T. Lesage, M. Hughes, F. Otten- | brite, E. Dochuk and E. Seman- ski. Runners-up in the first series were: The Witnits with J. Mc- Carroll Captain, E. Pitts, § Taylor, E, Bedard, A. Taylor and H. Forbes. FOURTH GENERATION OF WHITBY The infant is shown seated on the lap of her great-grand- mother, Mrs. William Roach, 78, 314 Colborne street east with her are her grandmoth Runners-up in second ser; Ron gman oe as Colborne street east and her rived five weeks the fourth generation of a - Whitby family gece Sir well-known sta, ------} Councillor William' BaVidson, of June 17 ' Cancer B "AUXILIARIES = ;said Thursday that motion FAMILY ARRIVES Will St t Police Give Retarded 'ile er, Mrs. Burton Smith, 301 This --Oshawa Times Photo | |session of Towrtouncil ask- will canvass door to door in an Children $550 Cheque "3" reach our sincere gratitude for this' won- Said Ed Robson, derful effort. the branch i Last year some $3,000 was . . e : Plans were discussed tortie collected, This money was dis. bjective of $4,000," } resident of Ajax, Pickering and Whitby|Constable Ernest Shepperdson p 0 Retarded Children's Association! Whitby Police, Bill Martin and held its monthly meeting Tues-|James Corner, firemen, who day, May 28 at Aldon School,| presented the association, with a ret . cheque for $550 which _ » : : 3 "Lez .|result of the Benefit ockey od the 'meeting. ani/'we a erad| Game held in. Whitby Arena in resentati rdm Whitby| March Pol : Fire vs President McLean on_ behalf a Fire Department, Poco gs ks Barter, andiof the members expressed his WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Stanlick| St. John the Evnagelist CWL) ance and gain knowledge to heip : and Miss Margaret Stanlick|instead of its regular monthly'the local retarded youngsters to Onteno fdlh aging Fall aag ifter a i i «| become useful citizens. : 5 e society, have. returned home Lo. Ar|meeting are holding a pot luck will talk on the relationship ow og Fup i vrsited| Supper at the parish hall Tues- yg ety is Pd a rosa of the Canadian Cancer So. oa ir eat Mee Ormsby for-\day, June 4, at 7.30 p.m. In-[OP'4 cosine wicited idon school ciety to the research program." be ° . England! vited t M F. Morgan|Wednesd Satay peri', He urged citizens of Whitby merly of Southport, 4 -- vite guest 1 rf. . Morg |Wednesday, May a and in- and all others iitevented 45. at (Mrs. Ormsby is the daughter/first president of CWL when it|structed pe gn the tend the meeting, where they ; may ask questions and receive 5, 1930 will be present and will|telephone switchboard provided) return journey the Stanlicks\unveil a copy of the charter|by Bell Telephone Company. et oe ree ta on te Hen pg will be hung in the par- an a e City, ellowstone|; ; I; 7 Park and Yorkion in which areal" "#! in a ic od ag the they visted with friends. Mrs, Richard Seko, Dovedale *" he drive is celebrating her birth-| The children attended as Attending the Baptist Mis-\day Monday, June 3. Her| guests the local Carnival hel d sionary Convention in Simcoe|friends wish her many happy| Wednesday under the auspices this week were: Mrs. J. Mc-ireturns of the day. of the Ajax Lions Club. Trans- Leod, Mrs. E. Pogson, Mrs. D. portation was provided and also Adams; Mrs. K. Cullen, Mrs; Mrs. Jeanne Hughes, Byron|Lionettes assisted. D, Wilson, Mrs. A. Wigston,|street south will be spending 8 CWL Mrs. E. MacMillan, Mrs. R,jthe next 10 days in Boston ST. JOHN'S CWL i i M. -.| Mass, _-- and Miss M. Camer-/? executive meeting was held gist, has performed a worth- : William Shearer, Byron street Wednesday evening, May 29 in while service for bird lovers in The United Church Women of|north, is celebrating his birth-\the Church Committee room his latest book, "THE LIFE OF Almonds afternoon group cater-|day today, best wishes are of-' Father L. J. Austin opened|THE BIRDS" (Random House ed for the reception of the/fered to William for a happy the meeting with prayer. Fifteen|of Canada Ltd.) by presenting Puckrin - Yates wedding in the! birthday. executive members were pres- in a one ve ge yt church hall ¥ ih : ent. manner the basic facts of the Knights of Columbus Council Mrs. J. King, membership) biology of birds, including many Mr. and Mrs, Loyal Pogue,| #895 are acting as hosts to the| onvener, advised that during) discovered only recently. 206 High street were guests at/first annual District No. 4 bowl:/the month of May, "'Member.| This book is a "must for the the Brown-Pogue wedding in|ing tournament to be held Sun- ship Month", paid up members/tayman, fascinated by bird Aurora last Saturday afternoon. day, June 2 at Oshawa Shop-|increased to 132 life yet mystified by many of enkig & LW ne te Mrs. K, Finnegan, spiritualjthe more important aspects of ing the United Church Confer-|Councils participating will be we apart Sairrioe iotec (uae porn psec ence held in Kingston this week.|Oshawa, Cobourg, Peterbor- 12 hours at Ontario Hospital.|book for bird enthusiasts who Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Powel! U8, Lindsay and Whitby. She expressed hope we more/wish to supplement their field of Columbus are celebrating) Following the tour members to visit at ntario/observations with an under: their 50th wedding anniversary| banquet oil " eo, 3 Hospital Wednesday -- standing of the genetic and en- Sunday, June 2. For the occa-/John the Evangel(st parish hali/ iS. O'Hagan thanked the|vironmental reasons why sion open house will be held|at 6.30 p.m. Brot Tomes ladies who canvassed for the/birds behave as they do. for friends and relatives at the\Smyth is banquet chairman. ag oo hota a : Dr. Welty is well qualified home of their daughter and son- i tis nll id th - eiuited 31 'NB for this exacting job. He was in-law Mr. and Mrs. A. McKen-- The following ladies termin- dente aah wr fein tae cards|, member of the Wisconsin zie also of Columbus. ated their house card parties) eb pe% Y State Board for the Preserva- ; season with an evening out to 2d medals. tion of Scientific Areas, 1951-58, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Conni- dinner and theatre. Beforgdin. Mrs. G. Spent two and has remained on the board bear, Brooklin, are leaving to- ner they were entertaingd at/hours at Immunization as a consultant, He was vice- day for Scotland from Malton the home of Mrs. D. Kernphan, | Clinic. : |president of the Wisconsin Aca- Airport. They will also visit] Bayview drive in honor of Mrs.| Mrs. T. Hughes, Girl Guide demy of Sciences; and is a members of the family In Eng-| Joan Collinson on the oc asion| Convener, thanked the CWL for| professor of Zoology and chair- land. of her birthday and also to wish the very successful Mother and man of the Department of bon voyage to Mrs. Pat Wil-/Daughter banquet; she also re-|Biology at Beloit College. cox who will be vacationing in ported that 400 roses were sold Dr. Welty covers the essen- sh the church doors for Mother's|tials of every aspect of bird will appear in the_ SS. Delegates to the 10th Annual Conference and Meeting of the Ontario Association presented their reports. Thé association is hoping to establish a sheltered workhop in the near future and as dele- gates were grateful for the op- portunity to attend this Confer- tient welfare and education |o- cally, nine per cent administra- tion costs and five percent Campaign expenditures. Mr. Davidson the campaign chairman said, that a mass meeting will be held June 12, at 8 p.m. in the council chan- bers 'Speakers"', lanes, said Roy W. De. Dr, Joel Carl Welty, a dis- Mrs, Elmer Harris is attend- Carter the ; ie estes McBrien, Brook- in left Friday, May 31, from|° Malton Airport to spend a few | England righ tgs Baia weeks abroad wh a /Mrs. David Kernohan, Mrs. ai Fine toe : po sone ime. in England| Wilcox, Mrs. K, Edwards, Mrs.|, Tuesday, June {, a pot luck| niques of _nest-buiiding _and i | Supper will be held at the parish) ----------- and Scotland. A eg Meg ol Cenc hal, Mrs, F. Morgan, first pres | Fi Miss Marlene Sweigard isjlon, Mrs. M. Stubbings, Mrs beg Serie Ko anne ive Infants celebrating her 20th birthday|J. Fertile and Mrs. J.Forget.| wit) be present and she will un. 4 Monday, June 3. For the occa.) Brenda Ann Reid, daughter vei! a copy of the charter re. Baptised At sion her friend Malcolm Ran-jof Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Reed cently framed to be hung in the dail, student at Robert Wes.|is celebrating her second birth- parish hall i Almonds United Jeyan Univesity, Rochester,|day Tuesday, June 4, Her" Mrs R. Mackey and Mrs, P New York will be visiting at/grandparents Mr. and Mrs:/Kaiger, bazaar conveners, asked, The Sacrament of Baptism| the Sweigard's residence for|John Reader wish her a happy the ladies to try and make|was administered by the Minis-| the weekend. birthday. Christmas decorations for the|ter Rev. F. J. Reed on Family! -- special booth at the bazaar. Day at Almonds United) , we kd eke Church, BROCK Evening Shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Me guy rage Ag The following children were| warrey SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 Home "ictus eld us ouaie baptaed, Conia ne Han jmeeting Thursday evening at|'¢" i ; ; the Citadel with Mrs. E. Mac.|#erman Huxter. William An- F f Mr. and Mrs.| |Donald and her group in charge| 'Mn. son o ; jin the form of 'Spiritual Paul Tran, Jeffery David INight". Lorne, son of Mr. and Herbert! The regular devotional period Tran. David Kenneth, son of |was in charge of the grou Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Gib-! Mrs, Captain Edward © Reed) 800. Christie Walter, son of Mr chaired the business meeting, |and Mrs. B. Feagan : Two representatives,-Mrs. E.| Several new members were Archer and Mrs. L, Brooks,|received-into the Church, iy oe appointed to attend) _--------H--_---- the Salvation Army Home ' , |League:Camp at Roblin Lake in|'"@ 8toup to cater for a wed:| |mid-June. ding in July. Salvation Army 6th Pack of) The meeting closed with pray.) Brownies will hold its mothers rT and refreshments were! and daughters banquet Monday, served by the group in charge | June 10 with Home League Mrs, J. Kentner and her group members catering; also .ar-,will be in charge of next week's} /Tangements were discussed for! meeting. u RY ne nate Reape Trophies Presented At Mixed League Dinner banquet and presentation at the| Townsend, M, Bibeau, B, Ed. annual picnic Yo be held tri " | r Pi | ty#uted as follows: 57 percent d jon wit aporer Sfye snprnaion to. research, 29 percent to pa- "Life Of Birds" __ DEATHS Superb Book St. John The Evangelist CWL tinguished American ornitholo-| life. This starts with the tech-| bird " phtyacage Seige ir tN LER LE ETO BEE |were: Flashpans with J, Corri- gan Captain, A. Sandrelli, S. wards and J. Veitenheimer. Play-off championship trophy was presented to the Me-Felts. Junior championship trophy was won by the Jokers. Team mem- bers are: M. Carter, S$. Schatz- mann, B. Robinson, S. Hughes, C. Hendriks and J. Townsend. Twenty-three miniature tro- phies were also presented to: A. Veitenheimer, M. Forbes, B. Kehoe, M. Bibeau, L. Chizen, J. |Seymour, M. Canzi, A. Nettle, B, Dochuk, D. Pascos, B. Steff. | ler, M, McCarroll, K. Seminsky, | E. O'Leary, B. Carthew, Father L.. J, Austin, J. Smyth, B, Go- | verde, T. Hughes, L. Seymour, | T. Carthew, M, Kolsteren and R. | | Bibeau. | | A special presentation was |made to Father Austin by Mrs. Sandrelli, president. Ladies' high average: A. San- \drelli 231. Men's high | J. AcCarroll 21 ~ Sandréjli s high triple flat: roll 791. Ladies' hig : F, Schatzmann 336. \Men's| high single flat: E. § } 345. Ladies' high triple with /handicap: L. Bronishensi 858. Men's high triple with handi- cap: H. Forbes 846, Ladies' high single with handicap: S. Taylor 365. Men's high single with han. dicap: B. Edwards 349. Following the presentations the bowlers enjoyed an evening of dancing to a five-piece or-| |chestra with J. Azzopardi as| tri GRANDPA'S BOY Borg, 130 Byron street north and the grandson of Joseph Borg, Whitby and Mr. an Mrs. Joseph Bonello, of Malta. --Mary's Studio Photo Little Raymond Paul Borg, six months, is truly Grand Pa's Boy. Raymond is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred [chest | New Zealand leader. Spot dance prizes were . awarded to lucky winners. ; Planning For 3 New Currency > people suggest that the solution THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, June 1, 1963 . § TORONTO (CP) -- Chambers of Commerce need to make themselves understood by indi- vidual people, W, B.C, Bur- arines Standard, said Friday. Speaking to the Ontario Chamber of Commerce after be- ing elected its president, Mr. Burgoyne commented that ev- ery president seems to have a theme for his year of office and his would be "communications, a field in which I have a part." "The degree of our success or failure," he said, "will rest upon the effectiveness of our communications and I think In more realistic vein, some) '| x | would be to call the new unit a| SOUTHERN | |"quid," the colloquial term| | widely used for the present| | there is quite a little room for |improvement. "It is not enough for our or- |ganizations to possess views. IThese views must be stated and junderstood, and understood not jonly by the experts concerned \but by the individual commun- jity citizen as well. SAYS WORK NEEDED | "We must not restrict our- jselves to recommending change; we must vigorously work for achievement of a cli- mate of change." FREE and guaranteed trouble-free all winter, if you purchase Rose" unified fuel oll from Western oil C "DIAL 725-1212 Hove your furnace cleaned free |! "White f) t 'Public Relations Key For Chambers The Sudbury. and Dists Chamber, in a submission «re ferred to the board of goyne, publisher of the St. Cath- rob gh oy ario Economic velop' Guaranteed Loans Act, - The Sudbury body alieslive that present are adequate to any need that if a business has been sre- fused capital funds by sources there are grave as to its soundness and future. doubt The Sudbury chamber also said there is a real hazard the act could become subject to political influence. ' USE HOVERCRAFT : A commercial hovercraft service is planned for sightseers on the River Thames in London, { | | FREEMAN'S FORMAL WEAR RENTALS Now At cee Rirves MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOP 129 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY Suits Tailored to Measure by eo WM, H _LEISHMAN e HOUSE OF HOBB @ TIP TOP TAILORS ss | FRIED CHICKEN HOME DELIVERY | , AUCKLAND (CP)--The New Zealand government decision to| m{ \convert to decimal! coinage within four years has let loose | ' }, |a spate of ideas for pames for | | |the new currency, (| | f| Proponents of "pound,"\the| F |present unit, and "'dollar' 'are ' A matched by nationalists who} if hy want a typical New Zealand} name. So far the most favored local) : ; » 4\names_ are//"'zeal"' | a " : New -Zéaland, : "tui" (native birds) and "fern" (a fern spray is much used by sports teams as a national) : 3 badge). | | : , A surprising amount of sup- 4 ; se = |port has been given to a sugges- u : tion the new main unit called ee : _ja "nash" after Walter Nash, former prime minister, long-| | NURSING GRADUATE {lime finance minister, and now Jo Ann _ Louise McDonald, | Bot Rea. ro yt a has daughter of Mr. an Mrs. E. L.| given the 'honor to "masow® |MeDonald of Winnipeg, Manl-iaer H, G,-R. Mason, another toba, is graduating as a regi- ede H | stered nurse from the Hotel roleran "Labor polkicien, | who ;Dieu Hospital, Kingston, today. | $e 668-9056 Terrace Restaurant 120 Brock St. N., Whitby FREE |} Lean of spreader or sprayer with @ purchase of fertilizer or I insecticide. COMPLETE GARDEN SUPPLIES SALES & SERVICE Sportsmans Corner 103 Byron St. S., Whitby PH, 668-4511 | STAFFORD BROS, | LTD. | H Family Monuments ( rected To e Individual Requirements MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 hdmidity or thieves cannot reach your precious furs Who Will Be Miss Town of Whitby and Miss County '] of Ontario | Miss McDonald is the niece of the adoption of decimal coinage, Miss E. Bandel and Mrs. A, L. i i ; : ; *™|long before the idea received Heffering, both of Whitby. __|general support, By THE CANADIAN PRESS Cherbourg -- Admiral Andre Lemonnier, 67, who led the Free 'French naval forces in the Al- : lied landing in southern France of migra-|in August, 1944. | |tion throughout the world. He) Niagara-on - the-Lake, Ont,--| |writes in a crisp, lively sty 1e|Mrs. Grace MacLellan Camp- pad bell, 68, Canadian novelist, after jwhich does not get bedded|, long illness. | down with too much technical! Washington--Democratic Rep-| terminology. Despite the length| resentative Francis E. Walter of of this book -- 589 pages, sevgl Pennsylvania, 69; of leukemia. eral of which are profusely illus: New York--Songwriter Alfred) trated -- it is hard to. put the/B. Koppell, 65, who composed) book down without finishing it|the ditty Popeye the Sailorman.| at one sitting. Dr. Welty de-| Montreal -- E. D. Bent, 57,/ scribes the birds, their struc-| chief engineer of the wire and| ure, physiology, behavior, re-|cable division of Northern Elec-} production, numbers, geogra-|tric Company Limited. pie diateibations, ecology, and) NASON Will It Be You y! The story flows with a nat: SCUGOG BETTER HURRY ural, style that holds the read-| CLEANER ers attention throughout, He! & Shirt peber meal Entry Deadline JUNE 15th, 1963 jmating to the patterns tod in detail about the new in.) thik dukes & nen Dei |struments and techniques of! ick-up Hivery Deity Observation introduced in re-| PHONE 668-4341 cent years, including radar| studies of migration, color-band- ing, mist-netting, sound spectro. gram analysis of songs and/ Calls, high-speed stroboscopic photography, aerial Surveys, | chromatography, and radio ac.| TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE RE AMBULANCE SERVICE tive tracers. Some of the more important) jchapters have to do with the! |new discoveries made by these! }and other means. This book sup- plies a long felt need for such a beang but simplified study of ife. Here are some of the fascin- ating subjects to be found: Birds as Flying Machines, Kinds of Birds, Muscles, Having been advised by the local company providing Ambulance service that the service would be discontinued on June 7th, 1963 unless a subsidy of $5,000.00 was paid, your Council was in a predicament because no such amount had | been provided for in the Budget. : At the time the initial request for assistance wes made there was no hority in the Municipal Act for Council ta subsidize Ambulance services but there was authority in the Public Health Act for the Health Unit to make such en ar« t. This situation wes rectified ot the Session of the Provincial Legis! just luded, by on 4 to the Municipal Act. the Young, The Ecology of Birds, the Geography of Birds, | Flight, Migration and Orienta-| tion, | This book is directed to- wards the general student and not towards the specialist. Most! of the chapters can be read and) understood by an_ interested reader without special prepara. tion -- this is why the book is} an invaluable aid to the lay- man. Notes from over 8,000) separate books and articles! have been used in the prepara- tion of this excellent book. Your Council being ever mindful of the citizens welfare did not wish them to be without the services of an embulence. Mr. William E. Sherrin, No. 2 Highway, 2.8 miles west of Whitby Town kindly came to Council's assistance end the following letter has been received by the Town Clerk. Dear Sir: | shall be pleased to offer the full protection of our Ambulance Service, to the Town of Whitby, on ao twenty-four hour basis. We have good equip- ment, and years of experience, with a reputation for kindness and courtesy. Our close distance to the Town can assure prompt service. Progress to- day, and the seriousness of accidents often de- mands that protection be readily available. FOUR DROWN TICONDEROGA, N.Y. (AP) A father.and his three children! drowned Friday when a motor- boat carrying seven persons| overturned on a pond near ms Yours truly, Wm. E, Sherrin. In case Ambulaneé Service is not available in Town cit- izens are requested to call the Whitby Police Department er coll Ajax 942.3610, Adirondack Mountain commu-| nity. Police identified the dead! as Astuart Sturtevant, 28, of Ticonderoga, and his children,\f. Steven, 8 Kevin, 7,-and Susan 6 | Troopers said two other adults| and a boy swam to shore W. S. Met'n, Mayer Town of Whitby, ee | or cloth garments in our cool vaults! Full insurance on your valuation |) Phone us now 668-2345 Whitby Cleaners Ltd. | 150 Colborne E. Whitby CLEAN AS A WHISTLE AS SLICK AS A PIN 1S WHAT FOLKS CLAIM WHO HAVE CALLE! ING ~ 2 ww, "-- 58.8 701"137 BROCK $1.5 257 | FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH | 419 BROCK ST. N. REV. DELOSS SCOTT,PASTOR SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 A.M.--Broadcast 9:45 A.M.--Bible School with a Class for You, 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship -- Requirements of the new pastor. 12:00 NOON--Communion Service. 7:00 P.M.---Believers Baptism. WEDNESDAY. EVENING 8:00 P.M, Prayer, Praise and Bible Study Let's All GoTo Church This Sunday EMMANUEL REFORMED REV, GERRIT REZELMAN THIRD CONCESSION WEST OF HIGHWAY 12 10:80 . ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL Ramer i DUTCH SERVICE 7PM ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOME ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. M. Smith, B.A. B.D, Rey. A. M Butler, BA Mrs. J, Beaton, A.R.C.T. 11 A.M, "DEDICATION TO MISSION" SUNUAY SCHOOL a 9:45 AM Juniors. Intermediates 11.90 AM Nursery Kindergarten, Primary Seniors Junior Congregation 11:00 A(M.--Morning - .--Worship Choir siriging at both services, PENTECOSTAL WHITBY 307 BROCK ST. N. Rev. Maxwell Case, Pastor ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN & St. John McClure, 6.A,, - Minister Mra. P. N. Spratt, Organist Corner Byron Rey. W. J. § Nursery (Intant Care) Beginners' Classes Junior Congregation. 945 A.M--Church School 11:00 AM.--The Sacrament of The Lord's Supper WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West ot Centre) Minister: REV, JOHN MeLEQD ~ Organist: Mrs, W. E. Summers, A.T.C.M 11:00 AM.--"The Burning Heart" Communion Service and <k Reception of New Members. 7:00 P.M--"'Why Jesus Appecls 'o Men Bible School meets of 9:45 am. with classes for all ages Boptists Young Peoples Union . meeting ot 8:15 p.m All Young People are cordially: inylted to attend, x 7