pana ee ee a ce ees Pe ye SS ia pay ae sede aie ee r) Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-8474 THE OSHAWA T > IMES, Mondey, May 27,1963 7 Honeymoon In Jackson-Sworik St. George's Ukrainian Catho- lic Church was the setting last Saturday for the marriage of Miss Donna Maria Sworik, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mi- chael Sworik, and Mr. John Richard Jackson, son of Mr. "UNITED IN MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. James G. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C: Gorman pose after their mar- J. Cunningham, Oshawa, and riage recently in St. Gregory Mr. Gorman is the son of Mr. the Great Roman Catholic Victor Gorman, Oshawa, and Church. The bride is the for- the late Mrs, Gorman. mer Elva Ann Cunningham, --Aldsworth Photography and Mrs. Jack Jackson, all of Oshawa. The ceremony, was performed by the Reverend J. C. Perey: ma. The organist was Mrs. Jean Booth with Mr. Walter Mozewsky, Toronto, as _ solo- ist. The choir under the direc- tion of Mr. Stanley Mozewsky. jsang during the ceremony. | Given in marriage by her; father, the bride wore an orig-| inal gown of silk peau de faille.| The bodice was styled with long sheath sleeves and a scal-| seed pearls. The bell skirt was) scalloped wn the hemline and| bordered with appliques of lace! and pearl encrusted butterfly) bows. A~--detachable overskirt _|which formed into a cathedral] train was repeated with lace| and pearls. / pearls held her bouffant veil ot! French tulle ° illusion. She} carried a formal bouquet of| pale cream shade Joanna Hill roses and stephanotis centered by a cascade of white: sweet- heart roses and ivy. Miss Joan Starr, maid of honor, wore a gown of rose-| berry organza over apricot taf-| feta. The matron of honor, Mrs.| Chris Damoff, wore an olive green silk dress embroidered; with small beads and a short) sleeveless jacket with a scoop} neckline, Her ensemble was completed by a pillbox head-) dress, matching accessories and a corsage of yellow sweet- heart roses and feathered car-| nations. The bridesmaids, the Misses} Gloria Sworik, sister of the} bride, Judy Gorycki, Ruth Ann Deboski, Patricia Hraynyk and} Miami Follows Marriage Vows Judy Sworik were in apricot shade silk organza over taffeta. The maid of honor and the were styled with scoop neck- lines, short sleeves, drapea bodices and bell skirts. Their headdresses were crowns of small flowers and they carried crescent bouquets of feathered carnations, stephanotis, fuji chrysanthemums and lestra hib- bert roses. Miss Diane Zakarow and Miss Gail Jackson were flower girls. They wore long dresses of Roseberry organza over apricot headdresses and white baskets with a crescent of white flowers and stream- ers. The best man was Anthony Chernick with Mr, Gary~ Jack- jloped neckline adorned with)son, brother of the brigegroom,| © Robert Gow, Larry THompson,| ~ Alan Pallister and ichael Jackson as ushers. Master Mi- chael Mozewsky was the ring bearer. The reception was held in) St. Gregory's auditorium with double crown Of|/Mr, Michael Starr as master)---- of ceremonies. The bride's mo- ther received in a spray aqua chiffon dress, organza floral hat and matching acces- sories. The bridegroom's =a ther chose a beige embossed lace dress with matching coat! and white accessories. They both wore orchid corsages. The bride was vvearing a Gratto pink boucle suit, pink! petal hat, black accessories and an orchid corsage when the bridal couple left on a honey- moon trip to Miami; Florida. On their return they will reside! in Oshawa, | Out of town guests were from Toronto, London, Ontario; | Montreal, St. Catherines, King-| ston, Hamilton, Ajax, Whitby, Scarborough, Bowmanville, Ash- burn, Ottawa, Port Hope, Bur- lington, Lachine, Quebec; North Bay and Pickering. | His "HONEYMOON IN QUEBEC Prior to a honeymoon in bride is the daughter of Mr, Quebec City, Miss Marie Ann and Mrs. Frank A. Davis, } Oshawa, and Mr. Leddy is the Davis and Mr, Paul D. Leddy coy of Mr. and Mrs, Cyril I. | were married in Holy Cross [eddy, Bowmanville. | Roman Catholic Church. The a --Photo by, Bneya | Awards Presented To Explorers At Final Meeti The Explorers of Southmin-|liss, Mrs, Royce Whitakker and ster United Church held their|Mrs, C, R. Chambers. closing Explorer expedition re-| Mrs. Nelson reviewed the cently. Chief Explorer Annjyear and spoke of their special Hutcheon led the group in the| activities. opening ceremony. The Reverend Porter present. The worship services was con- ed stars to Judy Flieler, Helen ducted by Explorers Wendy Bar-| Flieler, Barbara Golding, Susan teaux, ann Hutcheon and Evelyn Brown, Judy Webster, Mary Cornelius, Chief Councillor. Ellen Christenson, Susan Ris. ui f amass ynk, Barbara McLeish, Linda Mrs. Graham Nelson welcom-|Rocamond and Barbara Reid. ed the mothers and guests who oN were the Reverend and Mrs,|_ Mrs. Nelson presented sub- John Porter, Mrs. Gary Bay. scriptions of World Friends to f i Sif ""|Ann Hutcheon, Beverly. Kirk- ham, Wendy Barteaux, Evelyn SOCIAL NOTICES |cermetus ont ary elieee ENGAGEMENT we oe Explorer Councillor Mrs. The engagement 3 announc- Lars Christenson led the group ed of Lynda Gail Young, only in a game, followed by an ad- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-| jective story supervised by Mrs. liam Russell Young, to Ronald) Nelson. Bruce Hickey, son of Mr. and Refreshments were served by Mrs, Michael Hickey, all of| the Explorers and the closing Osh Th ee 4 ceremony was conducted by shawa. The marriage is tO Chief Explorer Ann Hutcheon. take place on Saturday, June 29 at 3.00 p.m. in Albert Street United Church. RECEPTION Mr, and Mrs. William John Malley, Orono, will be happy to receive their relatives and friends at Oddfellows Hall Orono, on Saturday, \June 1,| 1963, from 2.00 to 4.00 and 7.00| to 9.00 p.m., on the occasion of] their 50th wedding anniversary. | | | partment Store Union. Of Season | MOTH PROOFING | ODOR PROOFING MILDEW PROOFING on EVERYTHING We Clean ! PERSONALS The Misses Ruth. and Gene- vieve Lackie of London, Miss Versa Woods, Galt, and Mr. Herbert Jobb, Acton, attended the funeral of their uncle, Mr. Fred Morris, last Friday. Also present was Mrs. H. J. Jobb, Listowel. Mr. and Mrs, Keith Krantz,| Riverside drive, and Mr. David Studd, Oakville, attended the Convocation at the University of Toronto when Miss Judith Ann Krantz received her diploma in) Dental Hygiene. | Mrs. Frank Vennor, Gladstone} avenue, and Mrs. Howard Gra-| ham, Johnston avenue, spent the weeked in Niagara Falls where they attended the conven- tion of the Retail Wholesale De- GIVE FREEDOM BERN, Switzerlad (Reutérs) Switzerland's all-male elector- late voted Sunday to give the government freedom to choose |whether this neutral nation should accept nuclear weapons. A socialist - backed' "'initiative" jcalling on voters to rule that ed by the faculty of pharmacy. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pollitt and daughter Ardyth, and Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson attend- ed the graduation of their son, Mr. George Pollitt from Water- loo University, Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Branch attended the graduation -exer- cises at the University of To- ronto on Friday when their son, Mr. Walter John Branch, re- ceived his Bachelor of Science| degree in Pharmacy, In the eve- ning the guests were entertain- | Prior to her recent marriage, Mrs. Robert Simpson, the for- mer Eleanor Elizabeth Burdge, was entertained by friends. Mrs. Robert Kirk and Mrs. Barclay Bateman were co-host- {esses at a miscellaneous show- jer, Mrs. A. J. Brady and Mrs, David Livingston were also co- hostesses at a _ miscellaneous shower assisted by Mrs. Vio- letta Burge and Mrs. Roy Fow- ler. Mrs, Shirley Robinson was hostess at a _ miscellaneous shower. Present were co-work- ers of the bride-elect who:is on ithe government must go to the nation for approval if it decides to acquire atomic armaments was massively rejected, 450,488 |to 273,355. Electrolysis Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair. Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa et the Genosha Hotel, Moy 27, 28, 29 PHONE 723-4641 for appointment on these dotes the staff of Loblaw Groceteria. bridesmaids' floor length gowns| | with matching Be they carried) ? Patricia Ann is the three- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McAvoy, College avenue, Her grandparents are Oshawa Pilot Cl Mrs. J. W. Edwards As President Members of the Pilot Club of Oshawa were honored recently to have as their guest, the newly-elected Lieutenant Gov- ernor of District 17, Miss Lu- cille Bascom of the Pilot Club of North Toronto, who spent many years in Whitby. Following dinner, which was prepared and served by mem- bers of the publicity committee, Miss Bascom conducted the in- stallation service for the incom- ing officers of the Oshawa Club. Mrs, Jack Edwards was rein- § stated as president for a second |term. Others installed included: First vice-president, Mrs. Russell Flutter; second vice- president, Miss Beth Miller; treasurer, Miss Muriel Wilson; secretary, Miss Mary MacLean; directors, Miss Beverly Storie, Miss Winnifred Causley, Mrs. ¢ Leslie Gorrie. At the conclusion of the instal- lation, members proceeded to the Golden Age Club where, with the assistance of Sergeant Norman, Smyth of the Oshawa Police Force Traffic Squad, a program entitled 'The Lost Art) of Walking" was presented, | Designed especially for, presentation to Senior Citizens by the Ontario Department of Transport, the program consist- ed of a series of comedy slides of modern life and modern cars, and a commentary stressing safe walking practices and ex- plaining many of the problems of both the pedestrian and the motorist in the modern traffic} scene, Sergeant Smyth stated that) statistics prove that 30_per cent of all pedestrians killed in traf- fic are 65 years of age and over, | yet the same age group make| up only nine per cent of our total population. Seventy per) cent of al] killed in traffic over the age of 65 are men -- 30 pat cent women. The months from iSergeant Smyth. 'At corners = jcascade of red roses and white + |pearls and sequins , |Spencer, and Miss Elaine Bour- _|geau, as id _|sleeves enhanced by matching ' loverskirts of organza trimmed _|matching headdresses were of Cucinato-Bawden Vows Exchange In Holy Cross The marriage was performed in Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church recently when Miss Es- ther Veronica Bawden, Osh- awa, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Harold J. Bawden, Belleville, became the bride of Germano Cucinato, Oshawa, son of Mrs. Mario Cucinato, Italy, and the late Mr. Cucinato. The ceremony was perform- ed by the Right Reverend Phil- ip Coffey with Mrs. Gary Booth as organist and soloist. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a full- length gown, of white lace and tulle over taffeta. The lace bodice featured a square scal- loped neckline studded with and lily- point sleeves and the bouffant skirt was of tulle over taffeta. Her Mantilla veil was held by pearl clips and she carried a carnations. The maid of honor was Miss Sharon Moloney and Miss Mary brid They GETS DIPLOMA Miss Judith Ann Krantz, HOUSEHOLD BINT Spend a little exira time you'll save freezer storage and can find them quickly. and quality of foods as time. Going This Summer e Caribbean @ Hawell ry fouth 'bacing or anywhere See us without optigation. Four Seasons Travel | 720-6201 24-Hour Service -- ting foods away after you > and reparation time later, Wash and trim fresh vegetables, package foods for quantities that you'll use, organize cans on shelves so you All this saves storage ice as daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Keith Krantz, Riverside drive south, received her diploma in Dental Hygiene from the University of Toronto in Con- vocation Hall last Friday. --Photo by LeRoy Toll = rw ST. S. OSHAWA » a gy ee 4 Ur, Services| Delivery wore French blue organza sheath dresses featuring scal- loped necklines and. short with Chantilly lace. Their organza trimmed with seed | Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Mc- } Avoy and Mr. and Mrs. Peter | Holowaty, all of Oshawa. | --Aldsworth Photography | ub Re-Elects yl MRS. J. W. EDWARDS October through May have the greatest number of fatalities among senior citizens. "There are many things to distract a driver,' continued some drivers forget to signal, or often change their mind at the last moment, When walking at night people are asked to wear aS many light objects as possible as white reflects light." Mr. Harold McNeil of Simcoe "|pearls -and illusion veiling and "PATRICIA ANN | they carried bouquets of yellow chrysanthemums, carnations and roses. Miss Monica Baw- den, sister of the bride, was flower girl. She wore a frock of pale yellow silk organza with a full skirt and the bodice featuring smocked inserts and "Your venue Friend" 7 PHONE 725-0643 . a SATIN SHOES . 9.99 END CONFERENCE OXFORD, England (AP) -- Trade union leaders from Brit- ain, the United States and Can- ada wound up a conference Sun-; day determined to work for) more fringe benefits such as) paid vacations, pensions and) DYED FREE TO MATCH medical services. They agreed,| any color, All sizes too, that unions should press] TAMMY Fashion Shoes for benefits to be made trans- ferable when an employee changes jobs. This, they said in a conference statement, would assist mobility of labor in an} era of rapid technical change.) 79 SIMCOE N. 728-2491. short sleeves, Her headdress was formed of white flowers and she carried a nosegay of; white chrysanthemums center-| ed with yellow roses. Mr. Remo Morellato was the best man with Mr. Mario Biz- zitto and Mr. John Loes as ushers, The reception was held at the Grandview Golf Club. Re- ceiving, the bride's mother wore a blue and white brocad- ed dress featuring a waistline |bow of powder blue organza, pink accessories and a corsage of pink roses. Mrs. Hugo Son- zogni, sister of the bridegroom, assisted, wearing a copen blue ensemble, white accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. When the bridal couple left on their honeymoon to Niagara Falls and the Eastern States, the bride was wearing an ensem- ble of pink organza over floral designed material, three-quar- ter coat with a picture frame neckline, white accessories and a corsage of white gardenias. Mr. and Mrs. Cucinato will be residing at 176 Olive avenue, Oshawa. BUYS WIFE ACCRA, Ghana (AP)--United States Peace Corps volunteer Dan Carmody handed over £25 ($70) to his future father-in-law Saturday and became officially engaged to a Ghanaian girl. In traditional betrothal ceremony Carmody also presented his bride-to-be, 23 - year - old Grace \l We are very pleased to announce ff | i Miss Olga Nass | Returns to Anthony & Mario's MISS OLGA NASS Back from 8-Month Stay in Germany i il ela Ney rio's, During her s' in rmany, Miss Nass developed new and exciting techniques in hair styling that are sure to please our clientele, Pian to yisit us soon. ling by ANTHONY & MARIO | HUNTING? 4 VISIT US IN braemor ia gardens Hall thanked Sergeant Smyth and the Pilot Club. Abenaa Oparebea Dei, with a 728-9651 | OSHAWA'S MOST ring and a Bible. He is white gerne omg of ye. aie CONVENIENT COMMUNITY and his fiancee is a Negro. | Ibraemor Let's Have a Party | Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, Silver Candelabra. Silver Tea Service. Punch Bowls. COFFEE URNS 25, 30, 44, 55, 75 Cup Sizes. Sargeant's Rentals | | | Phone 725-3338 Dramatic Beauty Distinctive Simpl * for FU @ WEDDING PORTRAITS COLD STORAGE PROTECTION STORAGE 4 CENTRES to serve you @ 434 Simcoe @ 249 King @ 16 Bond @ 688 Hortop 728-5133 your RS @ WEDDING ALBUMS PICKWICK 21 ATHOL ST. WEST 723-3680 "Expert work -- Courteous, Prompt Service -- Personal Care" CLEANERS truly a wonderful buy for only REPAIRS est prices! Il -°' .17 Bond St. East 2nd Floor Phone: #28-1261 '*KIne Practical Economy Broken lenses repaired. frames replaced while you wait, Low- % @ NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED icity ALL 44 ONE LOW P 65 Other Styles, Shapes and Colors to Choose From Here is a frame for the Canadian Lady, be she young or old, Miss or Mrs. The "Isabella" with its simple, clear, upsweep shape, and French carved temples, gaily trimmed with matching stones for that costume effect, is the choice for all occasions. Available in Flaky Blue, Luscious Mink and Marbleized Black. Complete with the lenses you need, it is $11.95, We Fill All Occulists, P.S.1, and: Optometrists Prescriptions. U.S. Trademark Registered OPTICIANS--OVER 3,000,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Hours: 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. Daily Open Wed. 'Til 12 Noon The Isabella RICE $1135 "~Complete with Frames, Lenses and Case. BIFOCALS $47.35 Complete with Frames, Lenses and Case. Prescription Sunglasses: Re Same rice -------------- BRANCHES IN MANY PRINCIPAL CITIES OF CANADA AND U.S.--FOUNDED IN 1904 ) | 'has a secret softening agent to keep | 28 KING ST, E. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 Royal Lipstick Special White Case $1.28 Requier Valve $3.00 DuBarry Roy: dewy--available 'in a wide selection of gorgeous colours keyed to fashion and complexions | ga raens Stevenson Rd. N., just South ef R. $. MeLeughlin High School! | 4 KNOWLEDGE IS POWER IN THE SAME WAY THAT A WATERFALL IS POWER: IF IT.1S MADE USE OF!--but first you must acquire knowledge! Practical business knowledge ll} and skills will be yours when | you enroll in the | SUMMER SCHOOL . | CLASSES ot the j | OSHAWA BUSINESS { | COLLEGE =. commencing 4 | Tuesday, July 2, 1963" |] Class Hours 9:00 to 1:00 p.m. ,, Afternoons free for employ- |] ment, recreation or additional practice, 4 DIAL 725-3375. JUNIOR TYPEWRITING CLASSES le + 10 to High School' 4 al Lipstick open | s vel, Hours 9:00 te 11:00 a.m. Typewriting plus a choice of one of the following: Grommar, wen || ing, Elementary, Bookkeeping. Tuition $20 per month, ; || FULL SUMMER SESSION 9:00 |} a.m. to 1:00 Choice Five 5 to young of age up lips Su "+ Tuition $35 per ENROLMENT IS VERY LIMITED Use Coupon to obtein FREE Literature. NAME .......-000% ADDRESS .......%++ ee ed 723-4621 FREE DELIVERY | ee ee P.M, AGE ....GRADE....