Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 May 1963, p. 12

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WP OTS am pire ceceart penne tir termonap nb * -- a MOHAWK RACEWAY RESULTS Reantipey Ses Hinges nee oe ~ ae *+| Brampton Frams|scs rere cos ary ras ccoy" oar pee! "Wite Will N Ch Wins Tournament |stit out on Deroy to "te tn Fight Pl FO game it was so-[oreo. in. Pact real Credit Thuy. ot GTIGS ne = st man aes Meaty 28) oRoNTO (CP) -- Joolm year. ig. AYETS, rou Brampton de-|Hlis stick did not strike the D Pool 9,036, QUINELLA ON 4 AND 1 FAYD #81.i0 ont Castator hadificial, 9.902.90 2.10| Also: Larry Dillard and J (Porky) Dostal of Brantford ; comes : on finished with a 10-game total CARRY BACK GOING BACK Cut Game Short" * e 2Render 240 2 3-Sh lley, Alexander 2.20) -- 1 Mile trot. 4 of 2,852 to win the O'Con- Jet Traffic Ruling Tie hn SOE EDT, | al QaRalg Sate "lamiag ct Sn ln 'Open vepin bowling toupee tee oe AE) of Std FRONT-END Also: Mr. Storm Signal. iMy' Grandsen, F'stone 7.30 4.2 ° "\nament for men which ended free-for-all between.' f : ik Boy W., Reid 646 470 here Saturday. -- | second and third nomination a johnnie R., Palmer € perhaps to compe- f Punaide. exh wh, Winners, ma, 1000 Time 319.98; om! 8 *"| Dostal's score won him the|tition after six months in retire- wine ly night to an Ontario ALIGNMENT jfées, but we weren't aware Of|4year-clds and up. Sockey Club Limited said Setur-|the 'fact until a few days ago --o° Claiming all #1900, Purse aise: Vital Pleory a oy y Bett, Choer|g9.900 first place prize money,|ment, Jack Price, owner and/Lacrosse Association Se-lk- day the decision to bar Amefi-|that he had not authorized the|sixe c., cox 6.50 3.90 3.60 with a comfortable margin over|trainer of Carry Back, told Bob|nior game. For can-owned Jet Traffic from the|original payment." Ttormy Atom, Filion 430 3.50] RIGHYH RACF -- 1 Mile pace|Rudy Stengel of Kitchener, who/Maisel, sports editor of the Bal- The : 104th running "of the Queen's| Jet 'Traffic had been origit-|Time 9011s: OH a SL EDE. (Saree $100, es wmtinished second with a 2.797 to|timore oan he will take the ding here Saturday, i D.D. ON 6 AND 5 PAID $23.80 ny Creed, Lockhart 6.70 3.29 3.9/'. ¢ Won 91,1). rse 'atoga during the ALL CARS Plate _ classi¢ yiially, nominated by Frank R.) tit Svea! Wal, 'Mise Sar Crlet,| tee fe Long's Prince, Filion 3.99260 Third place and $500 went to\facing meet there July 29-Aug. Jet Ladnapag owned by Russell ghee eg age 3 sold|Penny Hal. Time 2061-5, Off at 10m hc age nn rate. Pe ' of Dallas, Tex.,|him to Warner Jones of . ; . e score 5 the St. A at yor Ar Goshen, N,¥., in the fall of 1980 THIRD RACE -- 1 Mile pace. Sear A total of 1,170 bowlers from TO MEET KIDD bench for most of the evening] JOHN BEAN PHONE 1%-mile race, open -to/$10,000 to Firestone at the|s. B 20 3.30/27 P Seteaan heed three-year-olds. |Keeneland, N.J., summer sales bnay Harvere." Kingston, 40 So : S22 pao|fitst 170 of these qualifying for| meet Le coraetition in areata |t@t of seconds both benches "Visualiner" club ruled at a directors' that the colt was ineligible|P@id by Conklin Nov. 30, 1961, Brady Seat Holyrood : *| fought. ra Fo its owner had not au-|@8 4 deputy for Jones. "We! sourrm race -- 1 Mile pace. 3- - 4,153 | SP ORTS BRIEFS peng og Ra eral es Unable to restore ordr, offi- it : yg Seobes, Purge $000 (8) t|across Canada took part in the| | LONDON (Reuters) -- British] sng the visiting players finally| 3 clashed 728-6221 on July 25, 1 Time 2091-5, Off at 834 EDT. ' ; tae $30\prize money. six-mile competition in Torontolsnntied as about a dozen fans thorized the entry, made nearly didn't find out until recently|year-clds:and up. Winners in 1963 pre- "| clals jocked not to pla the re- ferred. Claiming all $2500, Purse #800 ies MONEY UNCLAIMED |Ye2!Batty finished sixth be-| Sais decitied not, to pe mail Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service June 15 would not be altered. Conklin of Brantford, the colt's Napoleon Hanover, Goldie Frisco, and)§-A ee MeKini 2.50 Tony Molenski of Ottawa, who w, aol odds to win the $50,000-/and Jones re-sold the horse, for} /%2-4: ie Bl Dia Avtar ase ase Gas week-long tournament, with the|10-mile champion Mel Batty will wih at hal heal , 1961, tor Mooney said the $25 fee was|poctor Joyce, Chockovotte Guy, and| "me, 20715. Of at 1097 EDT. cams dia bated Oe ta Oe and the players milled and SPECIAL ieesdietilie se a ca or ll lipo 1 hind Kidd, the winner in the six-| 2 two yeams ago. four months and five da f ' f '. ys after|4-Gov'nor B'win, Feagan 3.60 2.50 2.40 L stand as a St. Catharines vic- terview "that, "a, funtamentai|zet, ToMtic hd: been sold to Sua Son Lockhart Sg ammed Luc reports that #1 ekets oa Caah| ame broken. J wacsinatng ina $30, due 4 oe Soult, "Hghiand Glen, aod " Busy Wins InFerno' Derby May i still paverett tae KANSAS CITY. (AP)--Chiefs 1ay fed Brampton's attack with On » Brother. aid off. Also uncashed are $25|is the nickname chosen Satur-|two goals each'and singles went The rules of racing tn to Dec. 15, 1962, and the third fiekets, worth $2,465, on Never day by owner Lamar Hunt for|to Wayne Thompson, Jim Mc- OF OSHAWA tio Gas that entries or nomi-| sytiscripti f $100 M FIFTH RACE -- 1 3-16 Mi ~ * : tro must be made in writ- ais your hs ye ph year-olds and up. Winners in 1963 pre- vou nae (CP) -- Jammed/Bend, who ran second, and 193/Kansas City's new pro football/Clure, Mike Finegan and Gordi §34 RITSON RD. S. 7 ing and signed either by thelscripiion fee is due two days|(@) em Parse, $500 ag Pi a a owned by/tickets, good for $894, on the fa-|team, winners of the American/ Thompson. owner, his agent or a depaty oll before the race at the suburban|?Denny's Counsel, Coke 4.00 2.90 2:20 Ed 5 ot Pain ge Wi vored Candy Spots, At Ken-|Football League championship| Wally Thorne led St. Cathar. the agent, We found that this| Woodbine track. Glen Teddy 'Brows = aéelin Saturday's $11,995 Inferno| WAY 'racks, winking pari-mu-llast season at Dallas. " ' 3 ad-aine: Bae Hoes NO ACTION POSSIBLE | Also; Grattan' Bear, Brother Jim,/Handicap stakes at Greenwood. ACCEPTED FEES Mooney said "there is nothing|*™* Stormy Boy ©. Lanson Farm's Tres Suave "Mooney added that "we didjthe jockey club can do" about] sixrm RACE -- 1 Mile pace. s-year|finished third, less than a accept from Mr. Firestone the|the ineligibility of Jet Traffic, olds and up. Claiming all $10,000, Purse/length behind the winner. ----|""There is nothing we would like| Wingy City, Waples 5.30 3.00 2.50) Bob-Teek Farms' Viva Lal. to see more than to have this) ---------------- /Zaca enhanced his Queen's : horse run at the meeting." Plate hopes when he closed ee a : US. Golfers Conklin was not available for| Sonny Creed Wins' rapidly to overtake Larkin Ma- ; ae i " comment but his secretary, | loney's Swerve in the Dublin Ko M y i . Rally To Win is. je, cin't's'Ss| Mohawk Handicap|ts%s™ 'ee '=e HAIR STYLING unto itself." W. M. Mitchell's Big Brown Roth "There is nothing we can do| CAMPBELLVILLE,, Ont. " ' egos ie a er up about it_at the moment. It is|\(CP) -- Sonny Creed and his Eyes and Bill Beasley's Holy Vhewe up to Mr. Firestone. But we prem - driver Clarence Lock- races respectively et up 2L0cations 4 164 WILSON AD.S Y, Scotland (AP)jhoping the jockey club will re-jhart shot from fourth place to a bg yee' pee scind its decision for the good|first, three-eights of a mile|dally double of $23.30. ce ore i ee oe * ited States' leading ama- oor 'abe, wath the Walkerjof racing in Canada and Amer-jfrom home, to win the featured| Cup safely in hand again, turned|ica.' lopen handicap at Mohawk their sights today on the British} Jet Traffic has earned $93, pd apd Saturday night. amateur title--and the bookles/in purses since Firestone seme final night crowd of : ' ray a a " Tie 28 BOAC/TCA The bookies, legal in England] The colt started 12.times in| six- year-old gelding, as the sec- and willing to accept a bet on 1962 and won _-- Ia seveniond favorite and ben it icky installed thejoutings this year he has won/pace the mile in 2:06.2. Sonny) : rnb yA oom paper as the|two, including the $25,000 Bay|Creed, returned $6.70, $3.30 and Sh hts a wee nien to beat in the amateur at Shore Mile at Aqueduct March/$2.50 after defeating So Long's| | St. Andrews June 3-9 after their|27 in the fast time of 1:34.5. |Prince, paying $3.90 and $2.60 d triumph in the| Firestone told sports editor|and Armbor Express, paying E pe this § Walker Cup Saturday. [Milt Dunnell of the Toronto|§2.50. to uro Usa mer The U.S. has won the Walker|5*@r in a telephone interview; Keith Waples, one of Can- ) Cup 18 of 19 times since it was|ffom Palm Beach Friday thatjada's better drivers, posted inaugurated in 1922. They had he would proceed with Jet Traf-|three victories over the eve- to overcome a 6-3 first-day def-|fic's training on the assumption|ning, his last giving him the in- icit to keep possession this year.|the horse would be allowed to -- driving award at Mo- The U.S. swept the four scotch|7U" in the Queen's Plate. haw yes- 1.4 foursomes Saturday to take the lead and nailed down the vic- tory by winning five of the eight remaining singles. The final U:S. victory margin was 12-8 4 with four matches halved dur- ing the two days of competition. "They got right down to the ped job with a tremendous determi- nation," former British amateur a, king Eddie Hamilton wrote in ela joes the Scottish Sunday Express. 5 f { Much of the difference came on the 15th and 16th holes of the par-72, 7,025 - yard Turnberry; If ch k course. The 16th was particu- : you Call C ec larly troublesome to the British- ee ie any six of "aha yes-boxes, chances are we can make you a Personal Loan So let ACOUSTICON ne | ee been steadily employed ae | . . : yourself HEARING AID te a : Bi for at least two years? fs] Do you have » bank account' CLINIC " : oe : 20... | | | Do you own any real estate? { Gh he hii ike ee : '0 when you : i 28 fot E oo] TCA (*highte 'those Do you have s satistattory oe have any other savings : : sche urope each week. in 4? 'pe as bonds or life insurance? =~ Go how y borrowing recor Pe ieeratee Bent it Hele e-Royes re. jet, or lant jet- Britannia at today's lowest fares, dies : Go as you please -- First Class or CLIP HERE Economy .. . either wa: en, { oe cabin" service tnd courtanas cf Yes-Boxes are The Toronto-Deminion Bank's latest contribution to tet peat Hea con gy volt agg Says H. E. Meyers, ' he the art of making banking easier. They help to list some of the informa. tigate sad tien Weal cores Gite tion we need to know about you. And they help us to process your loan Pk ia tare. 0 be 0 fe ee ee a ee ¥, more quickly and conveniently. Here's what to do if you'd like a loan for -- pie Snot a an t aN some worthwhile purpose. Go through the Yes-Boxes you see above. If : U ice * : ar) ° : * oa aan peihions a ee? you can check at least six, then clip the coupon and take it along to one a Wolidey in Rome. .: juste fow fot hours sway rn a seas of our branches,/ Have a friendly chat with the people there. a cnmenwes i % (Since you'll have a lot maa of thenecessaxy details, ST oe. " i cy, there'll bea minimum of jigeageee formalities.) You'll find Nines : ; WAS. 1-9 P.M. Pe . ' that Yes- Boxes make life 7 easier in so many ways. : fies saeasath. Given Hon: If your t TV is acting up, get another the Yes-Box Se TAKES GOOD CARE OF YOU Wad, Moy 32, 1068 way. Example: you can borrow the QEmEmmmy price of a new set, $250 : i and repay just $11.65 monthly for 2 years. Need a new stove or refriger- ILLIA, Chomploin Hotel, | ' a ae oye ag ator? The $400 eal? you'll probably want for a new one : = HRS, 1-9 P.M. can be yours for just$18.47 monthly over 2years. Sis oma Sat vod 90 Rent HUNTSVILLE, Empire Hotel, }} : And if your car sense tells you it's time to trade, borrow what you need "waren =| When day is done --_ tra Tee Bank. (Any amount to t your requirements any repayment schedule up to 8 years.) Talk your needs OSHAWA, Genoshe Hotel, H { 2 Thu. Mey 30, 1963 and you are away from home-- over with the friendly people at The Toronto-Dominion. HRS. 1-9 P.M. 1 | . In fact, A ; ik RAC return by Long Distance act, call in right now, they'll be expecting you a ed hetring oid "The Spectro" i fre Os Oe te | ft 1- TORONTO-DOMINION PAG DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE disc ona pioan se | Where people make the difference a 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY 668-3304 . TRY IT... There ie no sien 'BELL , --= G.B. MILES, Manage: W.R, SINGLETON, Manager Lae King & Sirncoe Sts. 566 King Street East BOOK THROUGH OF TORONTO. Long Distance Area Codes speed your eal iE. ERWIN, Manager H.J, HISCOX, Manager | MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE The hi n of your n 67 Richmond $e. W. | Re rn NATE vou Wines ton South Oshawa 532 Simeoe South Whitby 22 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA 723-9441 BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION QNLY BOAC ANO TCA FLY DIRECT FROM TORONTO TO GAITAMB Teronte 1, Ont. DH. 2

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