Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 May 1963, p. 7

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errant, ogee Sens quent ee peng reer ep a marc FOS VO ke CSU eb Mais. y. ec I Ae aa EXCHANGE VOWS Mr. and Mrs. Donald Har- ris Weir are seen signing the register after their recent marriage in Christ Memorial Church. The bride is the for- mer Judith Elaine Evans, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Allan Scott Evans, Oshawa, and Mr, Weir is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Claude Vaugh- an Weir, Toronto, The cere- mony was performed by the Venerable H., D. Cleverdon. Talk On Mission Work In BC. Heard By Simcoe Street UCW Mrs, Angus MacLean, leader,|bers of Group 2 were in charge| 'Treasures of Hymns'? and opened the May meeting ofjfor the remainder of the meet.| brief Unit 11 of Simcoe Street United ing AdAde ae ees ' ? ' eaten 00 ote Hepes (omen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, May 25,1963 7 Re-Elects Mrs. Mrs, B, J, Salmers was in- stalled for a second term as president of Sunset Heights Home and School Association Mrs. Nick Lakas, a vice. president of the Oshawa and District Home and School Coun- cil Jed in the installation cere- monies with the sweating in of officers as follows: President, Mrs, B, J, Sak mers; recording secretary, | |Mrs, John McLaughlin; corre- sponding secretary, Mrs, Wil- liam Graper; treasurer, Mrs, W. J, Howard; executive mem- bers, Mrs, Stanley Jackson, Mrs, H, N. Cook, Mrs. J. A, Keenan, Mrs. W. J. Maloren- ko, Mrs, J. J, Norwick, Mrs, John McLaughlin thank- ed Mrs, Lakas for coming to Sunset Heights arid installing \its officers and presented her |with a small gift. | It was announced that the jannual field day will be held jon Thursday, May 30, weather |permitting, Mrs, George Flint- off and Mrs, W. J. Howard were named co-conveners of ithis event, Biographies Of The regular monthly meeting of the WCTU was held recently in the ladies' parlor 'of Simcoe |Street United Church with the ipresident,/Mrs, Clayton Lee pre- |siding, Mrs, Charles Langtield ;was in charge of the worship jservice and her theme was biographies of leading hymn writers were given by Frank Cook and Mrs, | Mrs, Church Women, with six visi-) Mrs. Jules Perrault gave the! rioyd Pegg, The hymn, "Blest tors and 30 members present. devotionals, the theme being/Be the Tie That Binds", writ- The Reverend John P,\The Call of Christ." She was/ten. by John Fawcett, was de- Romeril, minister of Courtice assisted by Mrs. Norman Win-| scribed by Mrs. Cook as one of United Church, spoke to the} group and showed colored slides} During the social hour . an| of his work as a marine mis-/anniversary cake was served to| sionary on the British Columbia/.ommemorate the 39th anni-| coast, There his parishioners) made their living as loggers,| fishermen and miners. This area is fast becoming an aerial) mission, Mr. Romeril -- was) introduced by Miss Mary! ter. versary of the Harvey - Hun Group, Wales and thanked by Mrs.) [: Norman Winter, | Mrs, P. N. Perry gave the| treasurer's report, Miss Beat-| rice Potten reported on get-well cards and Miss Muriel Oke re- 46 hospital calls, 36 se calls and six books read since the last meeting. It was requested that the mite- boxes and July and August en- velopes be brought in at the June meeting, which will be in} s WIFE PRESERVER Morale-booster for a sick room is a gay floral-printed the form of a poteluck supper, |Sheet put om top of the blankets Mrs, Allan Forbes and mem-|instead of a regular bedspread. {the most commonly used of all Christian songs, John Fawcett was born on January 17, 1739, Lidget Green, Yorkshire, +|England, and was ordained as a Baptist minister, and soon ob- .| tained a small church at Wains. gate in Yorkshire. Here he remained for the rest of his life, serving his people with great fidelity, In 1772 he was called to become the pas- tor of a famous Baptist church in London. He accepted the call, preached his farewell sermon, and had already placed his household goods upon wagons, when the love and tears of his people gathered around him prevailed, and he found it im. possible to leave them, and within a week, while the mem- ory of this affecting scene was fresh upon him, that he wrote this hymn of Christian fellow. ship, "Blest Be the Tie that Binds". Mrs, Lloyd Pegg spoke about George Matheson, who: wrote | the hymn, "O Love That Will | Not Let Me Go". George Mathe. son was one of the most re- markable men that have ever i} lived, on account of the great '| work he did in spite of the ter- rible handicap of blindness, He was born in Glasgow, Scotland, on March 27, 1842. ;} When he was a boy he had '| partial vision, but his eyesight '| gradually failed. From his grad. ;juation on, he was entirely de- pendent upon others. Upon com. }| pleting his theological course he =| became assistant pastor to the +} mitting his sermons to memory, the open Bible before him, and ,| looking straight at the audience, -}many went away with no idea that they had been listening to ja blind preacher, | Dr. Matheson wrote many ,) books, all of them character. ized by deep spiritual insight .} and mental vigor, Of his hymns |'O Love That Will Not Let Me | Go" is by far the most famous, Home And School Association Presented At WCTU Meeting famous Dr. Macduff. Dr, Mathe: | +}son was in the habit of com.| B. J. Salmers Mrs, E, J. James and Mrs, Clifford Leddy were asked to co-convene the annual Grade 8 graduation Loma Mrs, George Flintoff gave a brief report on the recent home and school convention held in Toronto, The junior choir, under the direction of Mr, George Hiem- stra, sang five selections. Mrs. W. J, Howard thanked Mr, Hiemstra and the choir. Mrs. B, J, Salmers thanked the retiring executive, mem: bers and staff for their co-op- eration during her year in of. fice, | Mrs. Salmers presented the the and lick, with a cheque to school, from the Home School Association, won by Mrs, Jack Mountenay"s class and the senior room prize was won by Mr, George Hiem- stra's room, Refreshments were provided and served by mothers from Mrs. P. J, McLean's and Mr. |Larry Pieurko's classes, Hymn Writers. of work I ever did in my life'. It was written in fifteen min- utes, and he made no correction | or changes in it afterwards, The appropriate and striking tune | written for it was produced by the composer at the same rate of speed, Mrs. Fred Williams sang a solo, "If I Have Wound- ed Any Soul Today". Mrs, Lang- field closed with prayer, \principal, Mr, lloyd Weider-| The junior room prize was)! Sse otdrantaoiand ad dhedioten deteoeli ote OO SE Wey 2 oan HONEYMOON | Prior to a honeynoon trip to Virginia, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Arthur Selby were married recently in Simcoe Street Pentecostal Church. The bride is the former Caro- 'Pot Luck Supper | To Complete Season The May meeting of the Ist) Oshawa Scout. Gro Ladies' Auxiliary was h on\ Tues: day evening, May 21, ! form of a Pot Luck supper.|Six- te Two new members, M ¥\David Williamson. IN VIRGINIA lyn Grace Gordon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall F, Gordon, Oshawa, and Mr, Selby is the son of Mrs, Olive Selby, Whitby. --Ireland Studio Auxiliary Attends wt be held in the Westmount cha area on Saturday, June 1. On Saturday, June 8, a spe- cial Leaders' Appreciation Din- ner will be held in honor of the Donna G. Oldham Feted By Friends Prior To Marriage Miss Donna Gail Oldham, Brooklin, was honored at many receptions prior to her mar- riage to Mr. Neil Irwin Bur- roughs, Brooklin, today. Mrs, Andrew Davidson, Brook- lin, mother of the bride, was hostess at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter. Assisting was Mrs, James R, Carnwith, Receiving with the hostess were Mrs.. Clarence Burroughs, mother of the prospective bride- room; Miss Donna Oldham, rs, Andrew Davidson and Mrs. Clarence Burroughs. In charge at the door was Miss Joan Oldham, Pouring tea were Mrs, John Blair and Mrs, Harold Mow- bray. Serving were Miss Grace Lighile, Miss Linda Oldham and Miss Barbara Roe, In charge of the gifts were Miss Hazel Saunders and Mrs. Donald Wright. , Mrs, Fred Davidson, Oshawa, presented the bride-elect with an electric fry-pan, electric steam iron, ironing board and cover, Mrs. William Medland, Brook- lin, was hostess at a miscellane- ous shower, A personal shower was given by Mrs. Donald, Wright and Miss Hazel Saunders at the home of Mrs, Harold Dennis, Brooklin, The bride-to-be was honored at a linen shower given by.Mrs. Morley. Smalley and Mrs, Chester Oldham at the home of the former, A community shower was given by the Sunshine group of Brooklin United Church at, the home of the bride's mother. Miss Oldham was presented with a tangerine shade swivel chair, USED AS MEDICINE Rhubarb, or pieplant, was used in China for medicinal leaders of this group, in the Seout Hall, Gibbons street. | The evening concluded with a social hour of games. Prizes) were won by Mrs, Roy Me-| Hugh, Mrs, Andrew Belko, Mrs. | Allan Cox, Mrs, Alexander Pol-| punposes as early as 2700 BC. GRADUATES Miss Barbara: J. McLaugh- lin, daughter of Mrs, R. Roy McLaughlin, Ottawa, and the late Mr, McLaughlin, gradu- ated Wednesday from the Ot- tawa Civic Hospital of Nurs- mer student of OCVI will be attending Queen's University, Kingston, in the. fall to com- plete her Nursing Science De- gree. Van's Studio Ltd. TO CLEAN STRAW Clean decorative wicker bas. kets used for serving food with thick foam magle with detergent and very little water, Rub gent- \ly with a small brush, taking off any residue with a damp cloth. Rinse by wiping with a damp cloth, | Electrolysis Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair. Over 15 Years' Experience No baby sitter, no cor fare Mr. Bernard Experienced Hair Stylist Of Leading Toronto Salons FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS lock, Mrs. Earl Linton and Mrs. | i) MARIE MUKDUFF will be in Oshawa et the Genoshe Hotel, Moy 27, 28, 29 | PHONE 723-4641 for eppointment on these detes | MONDAY ing. Miss McLaughlin, a for- |Bet CLUB CALENDAR . ' Retarded Children's Assoc. Centre Street UCW Hast Unit Southmead Park Aux, Sunshine Unit Pleasant Mon. Aft. Club Past Matrons' Club, OF: IODE (Prince Philip Ch.) IODE (Golden Jubliee Ch.) Cae Cha 18th Scout Aux. Oshawa Lionettes 20th Scout Mothers' Aux, 10th Scout Mothers' Aux, Calvary Bay YWMc Arvilla McGregor Aux, First Baptist a Sigma Phi Dorcas Group Nellie Dearborn Unit St, Matthew's WA WEDNESDAY Eastview Park Aux. THURSDAY Calvary Baptist WMS Christ Church Eve, Guild | | | © WEDDING PORTRAITS © WEDDING ALBUMS Droland. Studio 21 ATHOL ST. WEST ' 723-3680 | | | members were present. McHugh and Mrs, Keith Buz- cithiepiiammmaasanel -------------- zell, and a former member, Minutes of the last meeting were approved, many sick and shut-ins will be remembered by cards, Mrs, Harold Parrott re- ported on the mission work and thanked the members for the shower of useful gifts that will go into the bale for a mission field. : Mrs, Lawrance Muldrew gave the treasurer's report, and Mrs. Frank Cook read the minutes, Mrs. Langfield reminded the } members of the Provincial Con- vention to be held at Peterbor- ough May 28, 29, 30. Mrs, Law. rance Muldrew gave the nom- inating committee's report and the slate of officers and super- intendents of departments are as follows for 1963-1964; Past president, Mrs. Charles Langfield; president, Mrs, Clay- ton Lee; Ist vice-president, Mrs. Howard Brown; 2nd vice-presi- dent, Mrs, A, E. Henley; re. cording secretary, Mrs, Frank Cooke; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Harold Parrott; treasurer, Mrs. Lawrence Muldrew; pian- ist, Mrs, Lloyd Pegg; press sec- retary, Mrs. Clayton Lee. Superintendents of Depart. ments--Evangelistic and Chris- tian stewardship, Mrs, Welling. ton Trainer; peace and inter- national relations, Mrs. A. E. Henley; flower mission, Mrs. Charles Langfield; publicity and social meetings, Mrs, Harry Mellow, Mrs, Glenn Henry temperance in Sunday Schools, Mrs, Howard Brown; medal contest, Mrs. Charles Lang- field; world and Canadian mis. sions, Mrs, Harold Parrott; scrapbooks and posters, Mrs. Orlin Lint, Mrs, Clayton Lee. SOCIAL NOTICE Mrs. Ronald Elismore, were |welcomed, | During the business meeting it was decided to resume the weekly euchres in September with Mrs, Frank Gravelle and Mrs, Gordon Varnum conven- ing the first two, on September 6 and 13, The regular meetings will be resumed in September with an- other pot luck supper to be held on Tuesday, September 17, The October meeting will combine the annual meeting and the 25th anniversary of the auxiliary, It is hoped all former members of the auxiliary will be in attend- ance, It was announced that the Queen Scout ceremony will be held at RMVI on Stevenson road north on Friday evening, May 31, Everyone interested in scouting will be welcome. The annual Scout - Guide Church Parade to be held on Sunday, June 9, at Camp Samac, The Annual Cuboree and Camporee will be held at Camp Samac this weekend, May 25 and 26, The public is invited to come out and see scouting in action, The First Oshawa paper drive CURIOUS BEAVER A Peterborough policeman was surprised to see a beaver sampling the sights and sounds of the city on a recent Satur- day night, Frightened by un- familiar surroundings, the beaver hid under a verandah where he was rescued by two Lands. and Forests conservation officers, One theory is that the beaver was planning to stay overnight to see where all the beaver on the backs of the nickels went on Sunday morn- ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Carl Austin Ritchie. announce the engage- jment of their eldest daughter, iCarol Ann, to Mr, Joseph Drew McKay, son of Dr, and Mrs, Wilson G, McKay, all of Osh- awa, The marriage is to take |place on Saturday, June 22 at 13.00 p.m, in Harmony United Church, : ing. HOUSEHOLD HINT A dampened sponge on your drainboard can save you min- utes; just squeeze it when your fingers are sticky or greasy in- stead of washing every. time, when you're busy around the kitchen, : vital and varied. Site of | SAIL WHITE EMPRESS _ON DOWN TO LONDON TOWN | London,..the pulse of a nation, Cosmopolitan, noble deeds and rousing,' robust living. Walk your way through history in Old London town. Fly your Super DC-8 Empress NEWEST, SHIPS TO LARGEST -- EUROPE! With Empress of Canada and Empress of England, Canadian Pacific has the newest and largest ships on the St. Lawrence route to Europe. And, with Empress of Britain, offers unsurpassed ocean travel. Among the fabulous features: Unlimited deck space, from Toronto to Lisbon, then to London by fast connection, Or stopover for a few days in sunny Lisbon, Just $31.20 more than flying direct to London. Food and service fit for royalty. See your Travel Agent or any Canadian Pacific office. jit was written at Innellan, when | '| he was alone in the manse, on} s| the evening of June 6, 1882, At) "| that time he was enduring much }| mental suffering, and the hymn was the beautiful product of it It was a genuine inspiration. He called it "the quickest bit DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. JAMIESON DRUGS 241 KING ST, EAST 725-1169 MITCHELL'S DRUGS LTD. 9 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 723-3431 TAMBLYN DRUG STORE SHOPPING CENTRE 728-5101 'gala parties, swimming pools, first-run movies, nurseries, gourmet meals, even a hostess to cater to your every whim! See your Travel Agent or any Canadian Pacific office. $244 Ronald W. 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