Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 May 1963, p. 5

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2S ISSaRS YEE aan SSRar Masanspahagene Patera SNe N NCE . ' were three classrooms SOR 1 Aa Roman cnmnniien Se a ait , ee ed | SENIOR LACROSSE | Brooklin To Host Tel. 668-3703 Port-Credit Tonight | Manager: Rae Hopkins : FIRST COMPOSITE SCHOOL | CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY, May 27 {on the Ontario Sr. Lacrosse|Bruce, Ken and Glenn Lotton, the Brooklin Sr.;/Don Vipond, Don Craggs and St. Andrew's Presbyterian| season for tt n Church Explorers team as they play host to Port}Bob Carnegie back from last ne Ou Whitby Baptist Church Ex-|Credit Sailors. Game time is year's team. | WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West By CLIFF GORDON ' The curtain will rise tonight Barrie, Larry Ferguson, Dor| Special guests attending the official opening of the new vocational wing at the Ander- | gon Street High School were left to right, Mayor Stanley Martin, town of Whitby, Reeve John Goodwin, Township of Whitby, T. O, W. Fowler, de- partment of education, Dr, M. B. Dymond Minister of Health, province of Ontario and former labor minister and present member of parliament for Ontario Riding, Michae} Starr, Demonstrating the new drafting apparatus in the shop wing one of Anderson's stu- dents works diligently at the board amidst a throng of spectators. (centre), W. A. lord George Dobson Industrial Arts Department, Los. Angeles State College, California, right is Apthur Robertson, chairman of the ceremony. ' --Oshawa Times Photo ,Cy Coombes, Rock Batley, Don| JERMYN ON BENCH Fines To School Wing Opening Third Scout and Cubs Ladies; There should be plenty of ri- the 1963 season will be Tank Auxiliary jvalry between the two teams, Stevens, Bob Stickle, Murray St. John's Anglican Church Ruth|as both clubs have players on Jackson, Gary -Curtis, Grant auditorium, vide an adequate work force)tion -- obsolescence and Status support it." ' Nonsense." night, when almost 1,000 peo-| 'By the end of the twentiet? He closed his speech with WA |their roster that the other-club|Hefferman and _ possibly aj ple gathered to witness the offi-;century, one half the work peference to the latter terms. Vimy Ridge LOBA No. 639 | would like to have. jcouple of other big name play-| Anderson High cial opening of the school's new/force will be engaged in jobs! 4 Vocational program be. was filled te capacity, Friday/to Magistrate Harry W. Jermyn, recently appointed deputy mag- istrate for Ontario County, now in his first week sitting on the bench to take charge of courts in the area, Thursday afternoon levied fines totalling $95 in Whit. by Traffic Court. | Cpl. James Barter, Whitby Police Department traffic court officer officially 'welcomed His |Worship to the traffic court In Traffic Court tal $95 fined $10 and costs on a speed- ing charge. Harold "'Oatsy" Phillips was placed on suspended sentence and ordered to stay out of Whit- by for that year when he plead. ed guilty before His Worship to charges of being intoxicated in a public place and having liquor o a place other than in his resi- ence, bench on behalf of his col-| leagues. | McLean, 125 DEATHS Six Men Draw Stiff Terms In Rape Case TORONTO (CP) -- Six men convicted a week ago on charges of raping a 14-year-old Toronto girl were sentenced Friday to penitentiary terms ranging from three to seven years. Ralph Mete, 20, received seven years; Guerino Molinaro, 22, five years; and Alfredo Fo gia, 28, Frank Benincasa, 21, and a brother, Dino Benincasa, 18, were sentenced to three years. All five are from Tor. onto. ; A cousin of the Benincasa brothers, Francesco Benincasa, 24, of Uxbridge, Ont., received five years. Walter John Hickory street, 'Whitby, was fined $10 and costs on a charge of having liquor in a place other By THE CANADIAN PRESS Montreal--H. Arthur Condie, Mother's Auxiliary {much interested in two fellows | releasing at this time. "This work force will require /a practice or two with the!to the aid of the local team. three shops in operation. we dealing with the type of|that lead to conflict in val- Guides of Canada 'on Glenn Lofton the smooth,| They include, Women Unit No. 4 St. Catharines last year in the|Vipond, Brooklin; Joe Otten. 38 INSTRUCTIONAL AREAS rooms and one room each for "Public education must give) Several other noted guests a greater emphasis to occupa-|were in attendance at the offi- tional education at the secon-\cial opening ceremony and ex-) dary schoo] level, jtended their greetings to An- United Church) scoring with a total of 69 scor-|brite' Men's Wear, Whitby; than in his residence. | particularly well-known in curl- Women Unit No. 9 ling points. |Lorne McCoy, Brooklin; Marine Ajax, Pickering, Whitby Asso-; The Brooklin team is basically | Storage, Brooklin; Gordon Cook, ciation for Retarded Children|the same team as last year, Brooklin; Royal Hotel, Whitby; Whitby Baptist Women's Society|with possibly four or five|Spruce Villa Hotel, Whitby; Ronald Frederick Cooper, 178) ing circles and for his associa. | Severn avenue, Oshawa, was| tion for more than 30 years with |fined $30 and costs on a speed-|the Canadian curling champion. We must achieve a proper balance between the liberal arts! and the applied arts. derson High. Town of Whitby Mayor, Stan | ley Martin, told the audience) for Christian Service |replacements and there are a|Cashway Lumber Company,|ing charge. His Worship reduced couple more yet to come. Brooklin, |the charge to speeding from one WEDNESDAY, May 29 Back between the pipes will; With so many merchants and/of careless driving. Fourth Troop Scouts and Cubs} The Brooklin team was very|ers which the local team is not| Castle Chapter Sr, Group iwho have lined up with the; The Brooklin team have a St. Andrew's Presbyterian | Port Credit team. They are Red new set up in their sponsorship Church Young Women's WA | Crawford and Bob Hanna. this year as they have 11 men 'a ° / Co i sg wing. uaa unknown today. comes eens when a ir TUESDAY, May 28 | The latter even came out to) or mpanys who have come Ork commence individuals who have both the :onger fits the students for. the Whitby Baptist Church CGIT | Brooklin team this year. | We would at this time like to wing during the ~ Page mind and. body educated to Jobs that are available. Faith Baptist Church Sr. YP | On the other side of the led-|list the sponsors who are help- August, 1962 ge el le there/function as a co-ordinated| By status nonsense I mean Red Cross work room ger we know that the Port|ing keep the name Brooklin on week in April this year |whole," said Dr. Dobson. the development of attitudes Whitby District Association Girl!Credit team have had its eye|the lacrosse map. : Bob Heron, ddition of the new wing|@ducation, he brought these ves between the university prep- st. Mark's United Church/fleet . footed, forward on the|Brooklin; Bramley Motor Sales, be te aon Wich School makes| Points to light, Hiei os gg and vocation- . Women Unit No. 1 is Brooklin team. Lotton finished| Oshawa; Mitchell Bros, Lum. it a first composite sec-| g¢CUPATIONAL jal e . St. Mark's United Church| second only to Gary Moore of|ber Company, Brooklin; Luther ondary school. |EDUCATION NOTED GUESTS , St. Mark's The school now bond he in-| etructional areas: class- rooms, six shops, four Velence! laboratories, three commercial ert, brary, music, diversified occupations, clothing and food) 1 ome ~v must include two! i x instruction. EmAaMan qaeseeane clude have the addition to the school.' Club ' _ |the best goalie in Sr, Lacrosse|behind this team it is sure to There is also @ double and) iy. 'bret of these is to de-| The addiion, he said, cost St. Andrew's Presbyterian|in Ontario at the present time,|be a big success. {more than the price of the orig-|. Children of the Church | He has been a tower of strength | secondary educa-\that the town was fortunate to|Red Cross Sr. Citizens Social| be Pat Baker, who is rated as| sports minded men in this area single gymnasium. jvelop in every youth an un- han sear ea Guest speaker a Mg x derstanding of the role of in-|/?4! building, ing Reg i | sy industrial|{ustry and technology in our He said we need engineers Dobson M9 of Los Angeles culture, ,|but we need 10 times as many arte goog ie Beles) The Canadian of 1963 whojtechnicians, and obsolescence 7 ii "" 'an ' e of auto-|10e5 not have this understand./and status nonsense must never . eve © 5 jing of the role of business, in-/happen to this school. Others who will see action' Cleveland Purse mation and space flight," said) 4.0, : i a # ry and technology in this) John Goodwin, reeve of the Dr. Dobson, "an age of excit |gociety, is not fully educated,"|Township of Whitby, congratu.| e sal , with the Brooklin team will b , ee | TORONTO (CP) -- Two Tor- ree See Saal om : jlated the building committee "The second ' |onto-owned Queen's Plate can. |didates, Windfields Far m's : i N |House of Commons and Gar- | FS di , new industrial processes. important ele-jand the architects for the mag- ni piel age 8 ae SERIOUS UNEMPLOYMENT ment of the balanced secondary nificent job they had done with . Herman nd ated Guan. PROBLEM jSchool program," he continued,|the vocational wing. ed to his home in Holland after|gary, spent a few days visiting tively in the Eganville Purse b "We live in an age of new oc-| {5 Perparation for occupa- Spe CEES visiting at the 'home of his|at the home of Mr, and Mrs. f ee eat a canteens teat ae both -|tions DEPARTMENT GREETINGS daughter and son-in-law, Mr.| William Hearn, Cochrane street, fore 7,251 at Greenwood Friday, Greetings were /brought for and Mrs. John Buisman, 907 on her return from a vacation was third workers and at the same time|for college and university we|the Department of Education by| Greenwood Wee at | a serious unemployment prob:|too often develop school pro-|T. O. W. Fowler on behalf of/past several months, North Carolina, New York and was also won b Wi ds' | Jem brought on by the new/srams that neglect the educa-|the minister and 0 fficials upon Noire. dauuhter : Boston, ie a hae ho inate! technology." tional needs of the majority of|the completion of the wing. Nancy, daughter of Mr, and runner, Oshawa II, Oshawa II's THURSDAY, May 30 © Whitby Baptist Church Cubs |Salvation Army Women's Home League to the Brooklin team and helped . |them to the Eastern Canada Sr, | Oshawa 1] Wins finals two years in 'a row. Mulekon has return-; Mrs, Sharon Clarke, of Cal- finish first and second respec- shortage of properly trained| "In our zeal to prepare youth| crescent for {¢'/spent visiting in Washington.| "The Cleveland Purse Friday L. and M. Stable's Laf'n Bid "We live in an age of explod- high schoo! students He said that school after Mrs, T. Solomon is celebrating) Whitby Baptist Church CGIT ing bombs, exploding popula-/ At best, only two out of 1jschool is going through pro-|HeT 12th birthday Monday, May tion and exploding know-|ipupils now in elementary |cesses to improve facilities for oo oye of a A. | ledge," the speaker added. schoo! will finish a four-year/the new educational progress. | hee hey Pace veyed "Technical and _ scientific|college or university program. Minister of Health, for the)" ; Ppy returns and Explorers held .their an- nual banquet in the Sunday only previous win was in Eng. and, | Brian Cook, 370 Adelaide ave-| |nue, Oshawa was fined a total of $20 on charges of failing to bring his vehicle to a full stop at a stop sign and improper passing. Howard Leslie Smith, 542 |Mary street east, Whitby, was ship, Tokyo--Dr, Yuzo Tazaki, 64, ties; of cancer, Toronto--Dr, Henry Roberts Conway, 69, of Brantford, a den- tist for the federal department of health and welfare responsi. ble for dental services to south- ern Ontario Indians for the last. The girl and her boy friend, Attilo Porcelli, 17, testified that they accepted a ride from a church dance with the six last October, They were driven to a wooded area off Highway 27 where the attack occurred. SALMON WAS KILLER BALLINGHAM, Scotland (AP) one of Japan's cancer authori- Police said Thursday that fishe erman George H, Nichools ap- parently was drowned by a 19- pound salmon. When they re- covered the body of Nichools, 66, he still had a death grip on his fishing rod and at the end of 13 years. |fined $15 and costs on a charge of passing within an intersec. tion, Ross Penny, a Bell Cab em- ployee was fined $10 and costs! for driving an unsafe vehicle. John Henricus Visser, 115} Johnston street, Whitby was] SCUGOG CLEANERS & Shirt Launderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery Daily PHONE 668-434 School hall. Mrs. Ken Cullen presided, Grace was sung and toasts were presented by CGIT FREE Have your furnace cleaned free knowledge is exploding even| How the other eight fare in province of Ontario, Dr. M. B of the day, faster than population. T heithe changing world depends on Dymond, addressed the audi ge 's, the worship period was winter, if you and guaranteed trouble-free all | FREE Lean of spreader or sprayer with a purchase of fertilizer or L Gerry Robichaud of W | ' earth's population will double/a large degree, on the voca-jence next. Ont,, is a house out of his! men by te Expert. | | by the year 2000 but the storeitional programs offered by this) He brought greetings from) sister and brother-in-law, Mr.| Mrs. Frank Swakhammer of of human knowledge has ,dou-| and other high schools. his department on the splendid and Mrs. Gerard Mainguy, Duf-| Oshawa First Baptist Church : port | in the last 10 years, he) RE IS WORK achievement of the vocational/ferin street. was guest speaker. She gave said. FUTU! jwing. an interesti " Dr. Dobson described the; The future is dark indeed for ye ee of the needs of the, Terry, son of Mr. and Mrs./ Indian ye agh By a ongoing igchnology|the high school graduate who|time and the challenge of the|/. Pagyersrel nig ge his sev-|troduced by Mrs. Harold Craw- would bring to education. , jenters the world of work with-ifyture the federal government) &nl Ros _. : "i the. occa-|forthy Hostesses were members The effective citizen of t0- out occupational preparation.|stepped in and helped us. (Do-|$!0" oH entertained the follow-lof the WSCS, Sn " -- ia \The unemployment rate of the|minion - Provincial Technical|ine | friends: Ply yan, ss 6 eee creer Dr Dol is dangerously high." and Vocational Assistance Act.) ene ye rian and Robby es SS acMillan attend- express ideas. Dr. Dobson told the audience,' 4 time will come when ty aa man, ice and Ginajed as a delegate the Canadian He must be able to under-'«the citizens of this area, thel won't be satisfactory or econ- ira and Steven MacDon- eng Coscennen held at the \ - See Racine worta| 02! board, administration) omical to use our schools for * Frit hak Gace hs eve and faculty have shown a mea-|onjy six or eight hours and this gee and her} J é |. The many friends of Christine i of tomorrow, and be prepared | sure of real leadership in| hoyld be brought to our atten-|Steffler, 121 Athol street, are baer range ." Reet atl ' to enjoy a happy and satisty-\oming to grips with many of " : i jtion. ® sorry to learn that she is con- j i i ing | ee, in harmony with pther|thece problems. Former 'tabee_ winetit, Wi-lhuel to Wer'tene eet Oe cage in conjunction with] ee In this facility, I see evidence chae! Starr, also attending the|ness. Her companions of St. "ee MOST PROFITABLE of the most important ingredient official ceremony addressed the' John's School and friends wish! Mr. and Mrs. C. Stephensan| "Society is in the process ofMeeded for a successful voca-|audience her a prompt recovery. spent the holiday weekend in| y pr I b y | developing school programs -- 'ional program. Only 30 per cent of the jobs Sigh Brenda «Ann: be |Toronto as the guests of Mr. such as the one here at Ander-. I am referring to community|that are now available are for is 'colebrati * Wt olmage| and Mrs, Walter Stephenson, | son Street High School -- that| support. : ose unskilled and in five years v onde Me 4 esata omic Mis, Patricds | will not only be most profitable! But when a community is not/only five per cent of the Jobs ani seni x f s he er wien ihre childven Vi oxley and her) for the student but the wisest|kept aware of what is happen- will be. sitia,| BOhODI and Glande oul h hae al Shock fn ia vian, Jane and use of the taxpayer's education|ing in education, it loses in-| 'The country", he said, has\y birthda mds wish her a rT i : England _ arrived dollar," he said. \terest -- and the schools lose built over 480 new schools and|"#PPY jay, | bag _ 0 visit with her par- "This modern, complex and|support. : additions such as we have here} Mrs, R. H. MacCarl, Wel-| ons ne -_ Lage Ernest Ste-| fantastic development we call) Lose community support and at Anderson. : } lington street, is opening her|next' si ing street, for card industry and technology can'you open the door to the worst) The Anderson High choir un-|pome Tuesday, May 28 reel fants ux Pe Thursday a} only continue if we can pro-lenemies of vocational educa-\der the direction of Keith Nor-|the members 'of St. WM lly gathering was arreage? ad ; Mark's/on th i . {man entertained the audience) United Church Women Unit No.!ley's birtidey. of Mrs, Mox. with five extremely well per-!4 for their monthi ting. | BROCK Evenins Shows Start 7 and 9 p.m. | formed vocal numbers, | The Y moesrs) Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Shermet| WHITBY LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9:05 jgtoup sang a selection from) Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stein-jspent the holi red [Bali Hi and a well known num-(field spent the holiday weekend ing in hviee. ay toe visit, TENNESSEE WILLIAMS' GREAT FIRST COMEDY! Rose" unified fuel oll from W Oil Co, DIAL 725-1212 SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN HOME DELIVERY 668-9056 Terrace Restaurant 120 Brock St. N., Whitby Family Monuments Created To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS, LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 ber, Moon River. in Owen Sound as the guests of t i | | After the official ceremony in|their daughter and sonindaw,| J. i. Wicks oe os |the auditorium the public tour-/Mr. and Mrs. .V Morrisson and| last Sunday at the home. of r Jed the school and viewed sev-/also visited Mr. and Mrs. Al-|Mr. and Mrs Robert E. Ste-\ Ve feral of the shops in operation |!an Smith. vens, 114 Chestnut street west.'¢ Special acknowledgements Mrs. Willie H lacettnnetclaiy Ualesntatacienioacletierasgees aie |were made to the architects)... Billy ane earn and het firm, S. B. Coon and Son, To- @ leaving Sunday ronto; general contractor Kon rhe Malton Airport to visit] ' - btOr, *|Mrs, Hearn's "ae : |vey Construction Co., Mark-|nire' -- ae =, and) Gertrude C, Evans, a widow, | ham; Electrical Work, Vickery gary. "|was a regular passenger in a taxicab driven by Michae! IBlectric Contracting Ltd., Whit-| : by; Plumbing and Heating,| Mrs. Ann Batherson, 319 Cen-| Varallo. She died May 4 at the/{ George Hamers Ltd., Whitby/tre street north, underwent sur-|28e Of 90. Her will disclosed and Furnishings, Brunswick of)gery at the \jax, Pickering) Thursday she left $1,000 to Canada Ltd., Fashions in Lin.|General Hospital following an| Varallo as "the taxicab driver ng, Whitby, MacDonald Sales,,accident sustained in Detroit, Who has served me for many Toronto and Central Scientific|Michigan. Her friends -_ years." Needless to say this| il Co. Litd,, Toronto. her m speedy recovery. was Varallo's largest tip. Moths, heat, humidity or thieves cannot reach your precious furs or cloth $1,000 TIP LARGEST PHILADELPHIA (AP)--Mrs garments in our cool vaults! Full insurance on your val Phone us now 668-2345 Whitby Cleaners Ltd, 150 Colborne E. Whitby "LOIS NETTLETON j JOHN McGIVER ADDED TREATS--Cartoon -- Adventure oa purchase "White insecticide. COMPLETE GARDEN SUPPLIES SALES & SERVICE Sportsmans Corner | 103 Byron St. S., Whitby PH. 668-4511 FREEMAN'S FORMAL WEAR RENTALS Now At see | USS s | MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOP | 129 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY Suits Tailored to Measure by e WM. H _LEISHMAN e@ HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN e@ TIP TOP TAILORS FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 BROCK ST. N. . ithe line was the salmon, still hooked, SUNDAY 9:15 AM.--Broadcast 9:45 A.M.--Bible School with a Class for You. 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship 7:00 P.M.---Gospel Service of Sermon and Song. SERVICES PASTOR'S SERMON: "Jesus Is Coming Again" WEDNESDAY EVENING 8:00 P.M. Prayer, Praise and Bible Study Whitby hurches Let's All GoTo Church This Sunday EMMANUEL REFORMED REV. GERRIT REZELMAN THIRD CONCESSION WEST OF HIGHWAY 12 10:30 ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 2 P.M. DUTCH SERVICE 7 P.M. ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOME 9:45 A.M.--Su School 11:00 A.M.--Morning 11:00 A.M.--Worship 7:00 P.M.--Evangelistic Service Choir singing at both services, PENTECOSTAL WHITBY 37 BROCK ST. N. Rev. Maxwell Case, Pastor ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron & st, John Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A,, Minister Mrs, BP, N. Spratt, Organist Nursery (Infant Core) Beginners' Closses Junior Congregation. 945 A.M.--Church School 11:00 A.M.--Pre-Communion Service ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Rev, J..M, Smith, B.A., B.D, Rev. A. M Butler, BA Mrs. J. Beaton, A.R.C.T. 11:00 A.M.--" Christian Brotherhood - Fiction or Fect?"* SUNBAY SCHOOL 9:45 AM. Juniors, Intermediates, Seniors 11:00 A.M. Nursery Kindergarten, Primary WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) ' Minister: REV, JOHN McLEOD Organist: f Mrs. W, E.. Summers, A.T.C.M. 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship 7:00 P.M.--Evening Worship Bible School meets ot 9:45 a.m. with classes for all a Baptists Young Peoples Union meeting at 8:15 p.m. Junior Congregation All Young People are cordially invited to attend,

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