Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 May 1963, p. 23

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wt a ve ing oy yy we © ARK, « DEATHS T CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Set ep iomgaae sele sr aBtonge ogantecbhyooe 32--Articies tor Sale TEEN SIZE 14 'blue Sarana uit, Fully lined, in condition. oy 2 oN cairn -eipaahiagptna 32--Articles for Sale week gy citi ayer et 34--Lost and Found et ee a ete ye rah. Th baat, a did THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, May 24, 1963 2b 'elephone AlmWAY vacuum cleaner and Airway three-brush polisher, almost new. Tele- Phone 728-3121. CONNORS -- Frank ant Janet (nee Backwell) announce the are birth of a son, 8 lbs. on on Thurs- day, oy 23, 1963, at Oshawa General) Hospital. A brother for Todd. A special thanks to Dr. McLean and Dr. MacKay. Tuesday, May 21, 1963, weight ounces at Oshawa General Hovpltal, RICHARDS, John Mark In Oshawa Genefal Hospital Thursday, May 23, 1963, John Mark Richards, be- loved son of the late William and Mary Richards, loving brother of Mrs, Helen Westlake, Richards of Oshawa, in his 62nd year. The McIntosh Anderson Funeral Home. 7 \bs-\vice in the chapel on Saturday, May 25, at 2 p.m, Interment Mount Lawn Cemete! Bowmanville, late Mr. Richards is tery. 32--Articles For Sale 32--Articles For Sale HEAD ie crogd driving pleasure better car you'll find offertd Ay BICYCLE, CCM, sidewalk, like TRADE-IN bargains. Summer cottage pose | Th suite, red, $25. Tricycle, blue, large, good 28-6090, $10, Dial 7: WHITE enamel Gurney combination gas and wood stove, good condition. t offer. Telephone 725-4285 or apply 161 * Mu Street. WATER softener economy, two years Old, Good condition, $150," Also, alum: i storms ») 875. Make offer or trade, Telephone 728-5738 after 6 p.m. Charles C. resting at Ser- .» On Thursday, 12.45 a. May 16, 1963 at Oshawa General Hospi- tal. Many thanks to staff of 4th floor) and Dr. Volmer. IN MEMORIAM pasatichdatedlt shaved Esicrnt enna TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, du- 6 tab good walnut quality, $35; chesterfield chairs, $5; chrome kitchen set, $17; refrigerator, heavy duty range, dining room suites. All slasted in price, Wil- son Furniture, 20 Church Street. on in 'the Oshawa Times Classified section. Selection is wide ond bonne high, Check "Autos for Sale" 4 x 4's, seven and eight feat long, hardwood, for fence posts, cents each, 725-9202, ask pa Nick, ORGAN, Electronic combination spinet or chord organ, 13 bass foot pedals, powerful amplifier, 14 tubes, 12" spe: Jed and jack for additional speakers, instrument panel, Vibrato, etc. Complete with bench and music, Only 4 months old. Moving, must sell. $525 cash. 725-4812; after 8 p.m., 728-2507. three hundred new. and used. We mn HOBBS -- Donald and Susan wish to announce the birth of a daughter on May 21, 1963, at Oshawa General Hospi- Granddaughter of Fire Chief and Sle, Ray Hobbs, Oshawa and Mr, and Mrs, Frank Caldwell of Woodstock, N.B. ete poy -- To ef and Laurine)__<s, (nee Kelso) a daughter, born Monday,| May 20, 1963" at St. nitty Hospital, | Fir: for Mr. and Mrs, W. ty Kelso, Guelph nt Mr. and Mrs. B. C, MoAllister, Oshawa, WALKER -- Bob and Amy are happy) | to announce the arrival of a son, 6 lbs. 9 o7s., on May 21, 1963, at Oshawa) General Hospital. A brother for Jane) Pie 'in inw, DODD -- In loving a in our mem iy missed by son ef daugh- Betty. DODD -- In loving memory of a dear mother and memory dear mother, Jessie G. Dodd, who pass- ed away May 23, 1! Those we love we never lose For always they will be Loved, remembered, eure? sell, rent, Pgs Hamilton Office CABIN cruiser, 16° eee duty Tee- Nee trailer and 25 hp Johnson motor. Sell . 728-3297. Brock South, Whitby. of our nae aIBCH piano, $118; twin con- tinental beds, nearly new, . more washing machine, $55. One pair budgies and cage, $7 'and other house- hold items. Telephone evenings except Friday 728-7749. FLOOR coverings at clear out prices, bright cheerful patterns for spring. while they last 23 cents per foot, Vinyl clear outs, Sandran, Armstrong, Quak- ie Forecast, slashed to $1.19 sq. yard. ~. # Dodd, who passed away Tay 2. | tthe depth of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we love so well. --Sadly ng by son Grant, .39 per ft, Hurry down for tent selection in town. Wilson Furni- ture, 2 | Church Street. PIANO -- - Looking for a ; small | piano in the new Swedish Walnut finish, Call in daugh- and see our latest arrival, the: Mason Glen- and Kathryn. | --- John. and Millie (nee jna, Guy an Laurie. and Risch Henry Herbert 'model. Rea- sonably priced, smart looking, good -|94" x $7" also three windows and/q ak- | pi DOMINION hot water furnace, with oi) burner, complete with 7 radiators and) Pi: ood gars Apply 203 Gibbon Street after 5, this) B. F. GOODRIOW Stores -- Tires, Bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. ENJOY summer camping with tents, sleeping bags, ground sheets, lanterns, stoves, picnic jugs, coolers, Best prices in Fadel Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond ALMOST new set of Americana Ency- el agen complete with book case. the payments. Telephone ed ye 5 p.m. call collect To- Yonto 922-727 LOST -- Man's dark grey fedora, vicin- ity of 219 Olive Avenue. Polish Hall. Finder please call at 300 High Street, Whitby, Apt. 8. nail --- Saturday lady's silver plated » black band, Vicinity of Oshawa Tir es. Telephone 728-6537. LOST -- Blue Brooklin Saturday, aig 18. Brooklin 655-3148 after 6 p.m. LOST one pair of child's glasses, .Sun- fey, May 12 with pink, silver frame. Telephone 725-8003. HOUNDS (two) last Phage nor pnd even- ing ing hg Line North, east of Black, Mri ane GFNERAL Electric 40" heavy duty range, excellent condition. Ideal * cottage, $29. Wayne BOAT, hia" 14 ft. cedar stri fibre glass, in excellent condition, $163. Simcoe North. BOAT TRAILER, home made, $35. Py poe motor, $100. Telephone ille 623-5531, SeiaaNG furniture or be ire onl ra bei Brooklin 655-3415. LOST: Blue budgie with pant and on leg. oe of Airport. Telephone We'll buy it for top cash Cal Blake's we 'and Apollanoes NEW! \ WINDOW aw triple storms. Apply 188 Alma Street. LLoyD baby carriage, very good con dition, light brown with white interior. Apply 895 King East. Telephone 725-9438) aes eedarstrip ue Otaco trailer, |} BOA' fairly~"g itchen No wife should be witheat this marvei. LOST: May 14, vicinity of 237 Street, Court boy's bicycles" iexpete size, maroon with bred bicycle licence 2924, Telephone 725-1663, ore, slagciar 26" size, light, carrier. Good R ble, Apply 169/T Winona Avenue after 6 p.m. days or gs, The Car mic Co., 723-3688. RUG, living room approximately 10x11 ft., almost new, variegated design. Cost! $200. Selling % price, 723-1328, FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, 7 cubic ft., $40. T 723-266: DOUBLE bed and spring, blond finish, good condition, $20. Also floor length wedding gown, size 10, complete with in| Vou Reasonable. 728-9298. offer feeb Dial' 7289708 atver, 5) #000 o'clock. BEAUTIFUL Singer Zig-Zag in desk like console, slightly used. This one makes hundreds of fancy stitches, but- tonholes, sews on buttons, Will sell for $48.88 or payments of $6.80. Write Box 718 Oshawa Times. STUDENTS A super value, approxi lll Dundas Street West. >| seeceennessenenanesie aetna BUY AND SELL, good used furniture and appliances. One location only. Pretty's Furniture, 444 Simcoe Street Sonth. 723-3271, BOAT, used, 14° cedar strip round bot- tom, with deck. Reasonable. See it at SHOPSMITH, wood working hii includes saw, jointer, lathe, drill shaper, router, sander, quick set, dato, Value $500. Sale $350, Dial 725-7559. BURN'S 234 Water Street North, Port Pen; Ontario. ring, retail value $175, wilt fas on offer. Telephone 728-5638. 33--Market Basket 36--Legal NOTICE The Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate Schools for the CITY OF OSHAWA Take notice that the above- mentioned Board on the 15th 36-~degol = 35--Legel 'and grey budgie gia id pi NOTICE ie Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate Schools for the Cl OSHAWA it the above- intioned Board on the 15th lay of Moy 1963 passed lumber 21 to outh- orize the borrowing of money pA --, ond 7 Hogi Bes ie ntures in incipa! amount of $390, S00. 1. The money is to be bor- rowed forthe Purpose ™ In the Matter of the Bank- ruptcy of JOSEPH GALKA and EVERETTE STEPHENS, DUNK trading at the City® of Oshawa, in the County~ of Ontario, in the Province of Ontario, under the trade name of GENERAL WOOD PRODUCTS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF FIRST MEETING ie. is anu given thot EV- there Stepens "DUNK ne quippine room sc : purchase of -two 'odditionel' school sites. 2. The amount to be yl rowed is $390, 000 and security therefore shell b be hing said debentures which shall ding ut the City of Osh- awa, in the County of Ont- orio, in the Province of Ont- ario, under the trade name of ERAL WOOD PRODUCTS, filed on assignment for the genre art fh cade 198 on ti tl oO i gs mee credit iit held on the 30th day of May, 1963, at Frag hour. of 236 day of May 1963 passed By- law Number 22 to authorize the borrowing of money by the issue and sale of its de- bentures in va yeovest a- mount of $90, 1, The money oy to be bor- rowed for the purpose of building and equipping a 4-classroom unit. to Holy Cross School to be named Annex Number 2. 2. The amount to be bor- rowed is $90,000 and the security therefor shall be the said debentures which shall be a charge upon the school house property and premises and any other real or personal property vested in the said Board and upon the separate school rates. 3. The debentures are to be dated June Ist, 1963, are in denominations of $1,000 each and are repayable in varying instalments of princi- pol on June Ist in each of the years 1964- (983 both inclusive. The debentures ma- turing in the years 1964 - 1973 'ocfusive shall bear interest ot the rate of five and one half percentum (5%%) per-annum and the debentures maturing in the years 1974-1983. both in- clusive shall bear interest at the rate of five and three- quarters percentum (534%) per annum with the aggregate amount of principal and in- terest payable in each year of the currency of the deben- tures varying between $8,- 090 and $7,150, FRANK E, SHINE Secretary-Treasurer NORGE Refdigerator, 1950, crib mat- tress 24" x 52", wooden high chair. All in good condition, 524 Marion Street. UPRIGHT deep freeze and combination refrigerator, twin doors; will sell or trade on refrigerator. "retina Tele: phone Port Perry 985-22) FIVE bridesmaids aaa different colors and sizes, 9-12. Worn once. Whitby 668-4527 Thursday or Friday afternoon or evening, ENTERPRISE Sailboat, 14-ft. long, fibre glass hull, mahogany deck, Ex- cellent condition. Telephone 725-5655. What's My Line? Buying and selling used fur- niture and appliances, For your needs phone, o'clock in the afternoon, in the Corvair Room at the osha Hotel, in the City of ~ baer in the Province of, rio, DATED at Toronto, Onto: this 21st day of May, 1968, JOSEPH GUTMANN, C.A, 160 Bay Street, Suite 410, Toronto 1, Ontario, Trustee. -COMING EVENTS MUSICAL Presented by Westmount United Ohurch * Junior Choir SATURDAY, MAY 25 _ | AT 7:30 P.M. Westmount United Church Auditorium Admission 75c¢, Children 25¢ BAZAAR & TEA will be held on Saturday, May 25 at Ukrainian Pre: ian Church, Simcoe nbn +. Everyone Welcome Auspices EARLY Hybrid Tomatoes, 2,000. in flats, for sale. Contact Eckel Florist, Brooklin. 34--Lost and Found LOST: Budgie, yellow and green, answers to "Peter". Reward. Missing May 22. Telephone 728-8916. |\36--Legal be a charge upon the school house property and premises any other real or person- Ley vested in the said Bors and upon the separate school rates. 3. The debentures ore to be dated June Ist, 1963, are in denomination of $1, 060 each and are repayable in varying instalments of principal on June Ist in each of yeors 1964-1983 both inclu- sive, The debentures mat ing in the years 1964-1973 both inclusive shall beor interest ot the rote of fi ond one half perce (5% %) per annum and WHITE Galipeau) are happy to announce the birth of a' daughter, premature, Lisa Marie Janet, on May 23, 1963 at Osh-) awa Genera! Hospital. WILLIAMS -- A brand new 1963 model unveiled at Oshawa General by! Production Manager Laurie, assisted by Technical Consultant Dr. J. mi Spragge with acknowledgments Keith for basic engineering and eciging! idea, This unique, *one-of-a-series de- signs dubbed Corey Lee, is a follow-up) with major differences in the fluid con-| ped ner to ee ergs! is a ynn, and may 'ast of models ac- rding Prod popD -- In loving memory of our bis " eee |dear mother and grandmother, Mrs, A. WIMBAUER -- Frank and Violet (nee|H. Dodd, who passed away May 23, Powers) are happy to announce the | 1959. birth of their son, Monday May 20,| God gave me a wonderful mother, _ weight 6 Ibs. 7 ozs. A brother for| Her memory will never grow ; Franzi and Teresa. Thanks to Dr.) He Resse her smile out of sun- Manitius and Dr. Rogers. | | He groove her heart of pure gold, SON, Daughter, Twins or Triplets, you! ed a new star in Heaven, will want to tell the whole town about! re beautiful light to shine latest arrival in your home. An-| So out of this world of sorrow ts are accepted until 9.00/ He chose that dear mother of mine. mn for Publication the same day for) Be missed by daughter, Norma, (only $1.50, Just telephone 723-3492, son-in-law, Howard, grandchildren Lee {Anne, Gail and Graht. | A life linked with my own, BELL, Lorne 0. And day by day I miss her more At his residence, Rama Twp., OM) As 1 walk through life alone. Sunday, May 19, 1963, Lorne Bell, - --Sadly missed by husband, Arthur. RIMAR MEMORIALS Hamilton, Brother of Clara (Mrs,| MONUMENTS ON DISPLAY Charles Russell) of Richmond Hill, Eileen of Toronto, Alice (Mrs. Howard IN OUR SHOWROOM Complete Monument and Farndale) and William J., of Oshawa,| Inscription Service Muriel (Mrs. Cecil Riley) of Ajax 152 SIMCOE SOUTH Susie (Mrs, Ross Raine) and Alfred S| Phone 723-1002 MEMORIALS drey (Mrs, Orville Lawton) of Man- illa. Funeral was held at Doolittle Bro- Canadion Makes and Imports MARBLE and GRANITE thers Funeral Home, Orillia, on Tues- day, May 21, Interment Longford Mills Designing, Carving, Lettering Installation, Repairs Open Evenings Until 9 Oshawa Monument Company 1435 King Street Eost Telephone 728-3111 | LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE lar base: for asp curb and . bs on cud taeda ; be jally assess « part o the cost upon the land abutting dire ESTIMATED Owner's Cost Owner's Annual Per Ft. Ftge. Rate Per Ft, Fige. tone quality. Other pianos with bench eee tice ne ee meme, "enelincluded from $499, Wilson and Lee, passed away. May. 23, 1959. Ltd,, 87 Simeoe Street North. 725-4706. Happy and smiling, always content,|AWNINGS, canvas, Prompt service, Loved and respected wherever she ve estimates. Chair, table rentals, went, |Cieve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, Always thoughtful, willing and ae |TYPEWRITERS, office model, new These are the memories our Mom! portable, adding machine, electric cal- left behind. |culator, jer, chequewriter, car Sadly, missed and lovingly remem-) \seale, Snap for quick sale. 723-4434, by her daughters and sons-in-| Custom-Made DRAPERY |Clarence and grandsons Nelson and] | Gordie. Hundreds of homes in Oshawa and District have added charm and distinction to their interiors with drapery in the latest designs in a variety of fabrics, styled by -- M. And C. Drapery and 'Dry Goods Store For your decorating needs Call us today. 723-7827 74 Celina Street, Oshawa IN MEMORIAM PARROTT -- In loving memory of a dear sister, Ethel (Stuttaford) Parrott who passed away May 24, 1961. Oh how patient in thy suffering, When no hand could give thee ease. God, the helper of the helpless, Saw thy pain and gave thee peace. --Sadly missed by sisters, Ruth. Pearl and brother Gordon. CARD OF THANKS PASCOE -- We would like to thank our relatives, friends and neighbors for their cards, gifts, flowers ond calls or in any way helped make our 40th wed- ding anniversary a very happy occa- sion, --Elsie and Cecil Pascoe. WILSON -- I would like to thank the sarees and ated of Wo Mth floor of eb. awa care we received cate gd my y recent con con- finment. A epcial thanks to Dr. --Mrs. Violet Wilson: Portable TV Time ELECTROHOME R.C.A, VICTOR ADMIRAL Prices Start ot Store will be closed at 12 noon on Saturdays during June, July, August: PARKWAY | TELEVISION |__918 Simcoe N., 723-3043 _| | ALL. persons having claims | | NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF HAROLD H. HENRY deceased. Valley Creek Furniture | UNPAINTED FURNITURE | against the estate of the said 728-4401 or call at the store Harold H. Henry, late of the BARGAINS __ 16% Bond W. City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Barber, deceased, the rate of five and AWNINGS | quarters percentum (5% "DO IT YOURSELF" per annum with who died on or about the 2nd day of November, 1962, are required to file proof of the some with the . under- signed solicitors for the Ex- ecutors of the éstate of the said deceased on or before the 31st day of May, 1963, atter which date the said executors will proceed to dis- tribute the said estate, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which they shall then have DATED at Oshawa this 8th. day of May, 1963. rer, total DRYNAN & 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for Harold Booth and George K. Drynan, Executors of. the said Estate. DODD -- In loving 'memory of my dear wife, Jessie, who passed away |May 23, 1959. I have lost my soul's companion, gote amount of princ ond interest payable in yeor of the a of the debentures varying en $34,132.50 and $32,310.00 FRANK E, SHINE Secretary-T! Round the Clock READY TO BUY PROSPECTS Read Times Want Ads OUR SPECIALTY ALSO DOORS WINDOWS, GRILLS. ALUMINUM SIDING, RAILINGS. Call us ---- No Obligation HOME ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 160 WILSON RD. SOUTH 723-2619 SPECIAL BAMBOO DRAPERIES WIDTH LENGTH in, 84 in, 2.98 4.69 449 6.98 5.98 8.98 7.49 11.49 8.98 13.98 . Pair 10.49 15.49 in. Poir 11.98 17.49 ROLL UP SHADES CAFE CURTAINS RELIABLE Furniture -- Interiors 96 King Street East 723-7928 Downtown Oshawa 12.76 16.88 18,88 26.88 8.88 27.88 , Students desks .. Chest of Drawers i Cabinet .. Lasse Desk .. Lorge Bookcose .. Double Wardrobe ... WILSON FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST, HELE, Jean In Oshawa General Hospital Thursday, May , Jean Walker, beloved wife of Thomas T. Hele and loving mother of Mrs. Wm. Lander (Lynne) and Patricia, sister of Wm. Walker, aot Perry, John of Sarnia, Mrs. New- ton. Ric Mrs. Stanley Ward, Mrs. Edward March, George and Thomas Walker of Oshawa. The late Mrs. Hele is resting at McIntosh Anderson Fu- neral Home. Service in the chapel Sat- urday, May 25 at 3.30 p.m. aaaicrsnid Mount Lawn Cemetery. kreinian Presbyterion todies' Club (Continuea on Page 22) FILTER QUEEN Used Guaranteed Models from $50. FILTREX POLISHERS WARNING Imitation filters will damage your machine. Look for Filter Queen printed on every filter. 12 - $1.50 -- 30 - $3.50 Free delivery Oshawa area. Filter Queen Sales 323 King Street W. Dial 728-7552 . Pair . Pair in. Pair LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PH@NE SERVICE 728-6555 TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends on granular bose on the streets as shown below, as @ local imp work as utter, end asphalt on the ee City's Share Width Total Te ASPHALT PAVEMENT Name of Street From 34.75' €. of W. Limit Lot 4, Plan 764 Oshawa Blvd. North Brentwood Ave. D'Arey St. Eestlaewn St. Gatineau St. & Lisgar Ave. Glenbrae St. Glenbrook Sr. Glenforest St. Gorevale Cres. Hillsdale Ave. Jane Ave. Juliane Dr. Linden Court Linden St. MacKenzie Ave. Melrose St. Nelson St. Oriole St. Oshewe Blvd. N. Oshewe Biyd.. N. Popler St. Thorncliffe St. Verdun Rd. Windermere Ave. Windermere Ct, Wolfe St, $ 77.64 1,910.49 1,108.66 1,963.73 191.44 465.23 $ 2.773 2.061 2.779 3,333.35 2,739,68 3,610.13 4,981.97 601.70 1,107.11 1,203.37 1,359.81 2,960.31 6,089.08 4,861.63 1,901.33 382.66 481.35 4,067.41 3,604.97 1,022.87 5,270.78 6,546.36 3,176.91 1,708.79 3,871.24 1,179.30 1,732.86 2,815.90 28' 32' 28' 28' N. Limit Plen 774 W. Limit Plen 772 $. Limit Lot 17, Plan 745 2.762 2.779 2,792 2.784 2.747 2.758 2.765 2.777 3.114 2.793 2.767 2.769 2.086 2.773 2.763 2.774 2.782 2.778 2.882 2.775 3.121 2.774 Thornclitfe St. S. Limit Lot 10, Plan 742 eg "unt Plan 688 OR SMALL.BOYS... OR.ANYTHING WITH A CASCADE 40 YOU NEED NEVER _ RUN OUT OF HOT WATER AGAIN It's electric. It's safe. It's dependable, It's low cost. As your needs increase, so does Cascade 0's output. It can produce hot water . electrically SIX TIMES AS FAST AS NORMAL USE DEMANDS! And no matter how much hot water you use, you save with Hydro's low rates. Cascade 40 is flameless, clean, silent, ibe agit yr enaap hy he vy approved Cascade 40 Electric wae Heating Appliance installed in -- OR DOGS... 28' 28' Jane Ave, S. Limit Lot 81, Plan 688 9.00' S. of N. Limit Lot 4, Plan 755 Gorevele Cres. W. Limit Plan 688 19.00' N. of N. Limit Adelaide Ave. East Taylor Ave. 144,52 879.07 260.16 2,106.45 446.96 227.24 103.35 135.57 1,248.09 2,687.99 263.98 1,674.74 2,172.61 Jane Ave. Hillsdgle Ave. hawé Blvd. North E. Limit Plan 688 W. Limit Lot 55, Plan 770 N. Limit of Street S. Limit Lot 10, Plan M-48 28° 28' then read about this new approved water heatin appliance 28° (20° i Taylor Ave. 28 62.49' W. of W. Limit Eastlawn St. Willowdale Ave. N. Limit Plan 776 3.00' N. of N. Limit Willowdale Ave. 10.03' S. of N. Limit Lot 18, Plan 755 N. Limit Plan 757 21.00' N. of S. Limit Lot 22, Plan M-34 N. Limit Lot 33, Plan M-39 Olive Ave. 12.00' E. of E. Limit Lobredor Dr. Gatineau St. Nelson St, GRANULAR S. Limit Lot 14, Plan 745 S. Limit Lot 1, Plan 755 N. Limit Plan 776 23.24' W. of E. Limit Lot 165, Plan 308 Olive Ave. Eastiown St. 26.40' '. of S. Limit Lot 6, Plan M-52 S. Limit ine 776 N. Limit Lot 18, Plan 720 23.24' W. of E. Limit Lot 165, Plan 308 N. Limit Lot 19, Plan 772 S. Limit Lot 11, Plan M-34 S. Limit Lot 39, Plan M-39 S. Limit Plan 209 Gotineau St. E. Limit of Court W. Limit Lot 12, Plan 776 BASE WITH CONCRETE CURB & 14' 14 16' 1. 28° | 444.59 875.88 637.62 86.78 150,11 GUTTER 209.92 137.71 937.01 1,555.54 9,479.40 28' 28' (20° in Court) 78° APPROVED The new Cascade 40 Water Heating Appliance is an APPROVED PRODUCT developed through the yes: research and resources of Ontario Hydro and electrical manufacturers. 894.96 504.37 3,225.89 4,702.82 17,881.84 N. Limit Lot 15, Plan 745 N. Limit Block B, Plan 755 S. Limit Plan 776 E. Limit Lot 23, Plan 755 S$. Limit Plan 209 GRANULAR BASE W. Limit of Street F (30' Red. Turnaround) 28' 28' @ Hillerest Dr. 4,814.52 2,240.37 5.395 0.750 8.00' E. of £. scone Grierson St. 9.00' S. of S. Limit" Rossiand Rd, East Dieppe Ave. Grete St. Minto St, For details, call your hydro OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 100 SIMCOE S., OSHAWA PHONE 723-4624 Minto St. S. Limit Lot 392, Plan 146 7,276.57 40,327.02 7,198.75 23,159.00 7.989 7.229 1.111 1.006 2. The etimated cost of the work is $150,238.86. The special assessment is to be paid in ten equal annual instalments. 3. Application will be made by the Corporation to The Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertoking of the seid work and anyowner may, within | twenty-one deys after the first publication of this notice, file with the City Clerk his objection to the said work being undertaken. 4. The vs Poa may approve of the said work being undertaken, but before doing so, it mey appoint « time and place when any objection to the said work will | be consi , DATED et Oshawa this 24th dey of Mey, 1963. L. R. BARRAND, Clerk, City of Oshewe.

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