Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 May 1963, p. 21

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ss ; 3 a eee samme oe te : : i » S09 Diners enn 8.9 : ici rane SAP YS A Me om gg * rey ee ae ene A Wine ner ate Stat Ua ° " oe , ' me eT ews Yow Ole ON Wwe a - 27--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Mey 24, 1963 i> 23-----Wanted To Rent 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale = ECONOMY home, brick, two apart|Lor FOR SALE -- 103° frontage by KLIN -- six-room " ZADELE with reer asa, Whuchy|menis, Private "bathrooms, Oat eels beet Eau Pe Block south ot ea eremns, 'Only steps, 0|27--Real Estate for Sole |27--Real Estate for Sele' = J * | le Girne or four pecrelephone ea8see2. (tances, centrally locked, to oteling distance East. Five mingles, waip.|schools and shopping, Brooklin 6°S-lwarrey, 707 Burne Street West, thres|PRIVATE sale -- pay 725. lic, separate or high school. $49 per| '0. brick bungalow, decorated] close to town and foot with services paid. : sell completely with vanity, landscaped, fenced -- payment. 725-2342, Gordan.Osborne Se a other improve' A i petvate. Asking $13,000 with #200 42™2- bungalow, good tion pg NSURANCE, REAL ESTATE ae ae y 668-5038, for cash, No agents. ' DIAL 668-5431 Here's Your Chance EIGHT mils apartment lling. Ope: To own a delightful three- accept house as Pr ye lianane-y bedroom brick home for less [Phone 725-8613. no ae than it costs to rent. Feotures include large lot with ranch style fencing, divided base- ment, breakfast nook, 'orge living-dining room. Close to GM South Plant and shop- ping, faces playground ideal for children; one block from public and separate schools, churches. Owner has left city and must sell diately. Will accept: $600 cash. 6% > . NHA mortgage. Private. 728- ' LLOYD REALTY ---- GRANBVIE : ACRES GARDEN AND fortable 2 For your new "KASSINGER" =). 17--Male Help Wanted rber required im "s Barber Shop, : 17--Male Help Wanted 17--Male Help Wanted mainten: man, | MAN or young man wanted for men's some ssary, tore. Good prospect for right Seve esprineetacenny, ia, PO wea Gn pou Su Dasa Tine. D meat cutter (butch-/SALESMEN WANTED = gpporuunlty , nowamaker, Abi Mee ee aecatcempied, sary and comme) PRACTICAL MEAT ' with » group insur. dipeodahrdny syuinan a tho lon, "acon inal' if'pergunen| CUTTING INSTITUTE pM Seguin, Singe' aeviea, [ny "$1000 IN A MONTH 1S NOT Seeing Ontarie pithy cme TOO MUCH for the mon we want |jRGENTLY NEEDED -- twenty sales- fer Oshewe area. Over 30, Take short auto trips. Write R, 0. Swal- low, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum man to sell Go., Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Oshawa and wns thas "itty Texas. Sate eet nls reste OFFSET PRESSMAN miles, This need not interfere with Full URGENT your present job. or part-time EXPERIENCED men, Salary, commission On jJarger offset equipment. No experience , P. Nellis, 19 Colborne Street East. Dial 726-2061. Excellent future for right per- son. State experience, age, SALES TRAINEE. Newly formed Ca- salary. References. Apply nadian subsidiary of international cor- poration has immediate opening for man to be ained for HAINES FRONTIER PRINTING LIMITED SARNIA, ONTARIO open Two. M ap a by June 1 in Oshawa ose References if d 7293, contre. Substantial , §1X-ROOM two-storey brick, all conven a jences, near school, north e ae 728-653". exchange for four or five-room | WHITBY -- three-bed: brick cours wwe tareesh Joo mace i low in same district, Write Box 706, galow, pes to schools and jab neg Oshawa or vicinity, Telephone 728-7020, alee re large lot, nev lenge garage, 5 per ce 100-ACRE farm, frontage on way|interest. Whithy 668-4530. RESPONSIBLE tenant s«three- 4 pects we Bedroom home, June 16 on. Oshawa- Bort hg ad DIVISION STREET, 34--Private sale. Whitby area. Upkeep of property as : : $12,000. Down, $1600. Rea- sured, Phone collect, Willowdale BA 5- PRIVATE SALE -- e-room house,| sonable terms, Eight-room brick home, 9905 or write Box 614, , ' Apartment upstairs. Nine miles|garage, two bathrooms, fenced yard. THREE-BEDROOM house, Oshawa or North Oshawa. One acre of land. Mod- 725-6179, vicinity, on or before. duly 1. Phone -3996., Announces as of Moy 21 All jluates working. All classes ae ' Doy evening students now Bey re char tor this highly paid trade for classes starting after May 21, 723. -7 Now Phone HO 1-7545 24--Houses For Rent PRACTICAL MEAT CUTTING |p, a | See J. Ralph at 210 ale ve, 8 oo Tau Roaa 8 HUE ue |Whiiby, afternoon of Saturday, MAY 2.|Bon sm Zion, close io acho ASKRK TORONTO LADY pensioner will share bungalow| price | $1275. Terms if desired. Dial SALESMAN room, television, nice grounds, with CENTRAL PARK SOUTH pangerirn ty King, REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY titers seatone "Kintield," Code' 416,[Ricdees" "Michen three', bedrooms, 438-3127. | FOR LARGE RETAIL COMPANY. STORE TREES -- 3 BEDROOM BRICK on Cochrane St., Whitby neor separate and public school. Walkout basement, recreation room. Full price $13,700 with reasonable down payment. 5% mortgage. 4 bedroom stucco older style home on Green St., Whitby. Garage, large lot. Full price $10,900, A family home for $2000 down payment. ern conveniences, $5,900. Terms. 725-| S1GHT-ROOM brick home in eof wn. Solina with 14% acres of land ible TWO adjoining lots on Street, | for jon; near store, school and near Wilson, Close school, quiet street.|church. Apply to Walter Parrinder, RR .|Price very Feasonnbis: No dealers./1, Hampton, Ontario. Phone 263-2346. T h 725-0219. | | NEW DUPLEX for $700 DOWN $700 details of past employment to Box 806, Oshawa Times. ~UPHOLSTERER WANTED General' upholsterer for small shop in Ajax area for up- holstering repairs etc. finished recreation room , landscaped. Six rooms, all decorated, 15-6279, | modern_hollywood style kit- tor -- Wx 3 FJ ml gas chen. Three 'bedrooms, ol 723- "| good size. Forced oil heating platoons -| unit, Located off Stevenson Road. Call: Bill Millar, 725- : 5 1186. W. T. Lomson Reel LIST WITH LLOYD HOUSE ~~ 25--Apartments 101 ORAYDON ROAD -- One-bedroom apartment, in modern apartment build- ing, balcony, heat, hot water included. Parking, laundry facilities. Whitby 668-3092, Apply Apt, 5 ,atefr 5 p.m. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, central,. low taxes, oil, fenced yard, paved driveway, close to school, church, bus. Vacant.| Com iookt' branch. Manager's position. Full stich Bh Bch BRS DRIVER ab dy Gaunse hy SALESMAN REQUIRED EXPERIENCED PREFERRED GROUP INSURANCE 'i PENSION PLAN BROWNS BREAD LTD. FOR INTERVIEW Phone 728-2691 ~~ BODY MAN -- Experienced, flat or hourly rate, plus driving allowance, UXBRIDGE COLLISION Uxbridge -- UL 2-3239 ~FWO EXPERIENCED ROLLING MACHINE OPERATORS Required for Local Plant. WRITE BOX 315, _OSHAWA TIMES YOUNG MAN Aged 17 to 18. who wishes to make a career of selling Profit Sharing Plan Hospitalization Paid Vacation. Best working conditions. Agnew 'i Surpass SHOE STORE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Three Mechanics | and Two Apprentices Must have tools, used to working on foreign and American cars, good wages and working con- ditions. WRITE BOX 610 | | | | Telephone 942-0535 BRAKE MECHANIC REQUIRED LICENCED MECHANIC Must be experienced in brake and front-end work. All company benefits, Includ- ing pension plan, hospitaliz- atiod®™ vacation with pay and bonus. Excellent working con- ditions, Telephone for ap- pointment. FIRESTONE STORE OSHAWA 725-6566 UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Summer employment, To as- sist Fuller Brush in handling of business while permanent staff are on vacotion. :nter- views ot TILDEN OFFICE 14 ALBERT ST. OSHAWA, ONT. SALESMEN WANTED SALES OPPORTUNITY Cosh in on ever increasing demand for Fuller' products. Be your own boss. Territories in Oshawa - Whitby orea. Sales experiences not ne- cessory, training supplied. Interviews ot TILDEN OFFICE 14 ALBERT ST. OSHAWA from 10:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. OPERATION Qualifications: Age 22 to 30 years, good appearance, Pre- vious sales experience prefer- red. All company benefits avail- able including paid vacations, bonus, pension plan, An ex cellent opportunity for advan- cement with leading manu- facturer depending upon abil- ity. Call for appointment. W. FERTILE Firestone Stores 190 KING ST. E. OSHAWA 725-6566 CHURCH STREET, 164 -- two bed-|Teleph rooms, uhfurnished, very central. One|por, 50 ft. or two children welcome, Laundry facil-/pean Avenue. Price $3300. Telephone Telephone 723-4844. ities, utilities included, $70. monthly.| 793-9363, Dial 728-6015. eS ce KING STREET EAST -- four. heated jand bath, | June 1. Telephone 723-1801. |THREE-ROOM newly decorated apart-| jose to apartment, parking space. Available |ment, private entrance and bath, r h, rear 4 |Diat 7 rent, Close to General poe LOOKING FOR Dial 728-2226: \SIMCOE STREET SOUTH -- near) Wentworth, second floor, unfurnished | | apartment, suit two adults, three large rooms, screened verandah, kitchen} with stove and refrigerator, large four- ties e bathroom, closed garage, utili-/ |$110 monthly, Telephone 725-5662. |BACHELOR apartment for rent \1, |frigerator. See Caretaker, Apartment 1,| Tool Makers Die Makers Wanted $2.68 PER HOUR FOR FIRST CLASS JOURNEYMAN Work week 50 hours.. Time and one half over 40. hours. Night shift bonus 8c per hour. TELEPHONE Mr. E. Garlichs Nights -- 725-2130 Days - 725-6523 FABRICATED METALS AND STAMPING LTD. SALESMEN TO SELL REAL ESTATE Previous Sales . background, but not necessarily in the Real Estate Field. Ambition ments. Must have a fairly late model car. We pay top Write commissions. or tele- [OR apartment # June | furnished, including stove and: re-| Marina Apartments, 261 Simcoe South.| COLBORNE EAST -- three rooms, self contained, and stove, hi t refrigerator | downtown. Apply for information at 137, Simcoe Street North. Dial 725-3366. | THREE-ROOM. furnished apartment,| | private bath, close to North GM. Work- ing couple preferred. Available June 1. Telephone 725-2540. | MONTRAVE AVE. 213° TWO BEDROOM | | THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartmen private bathroom, private entrance ani garage. East of city limits. Available June 1. Adults. Telephone 728-6115. seeciirota Bibnadtacsna | TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. Cen. tral. Suit gentleman. Telephone 728-6844) evenings. | THREE-ROOM apartment, furnished or| Pye brake private bath and entrance,'/------- antenna. Block from South GM. One child welcome. 728-0079 after 4. JARVIS Street, 302, two room furnish-| ed Apt.,. $45. Apply after 5 p.m. | TWO ROOMS and bath, unfurnished, Central location, private entrance.) Ene Joseph Bosco Realtor. Dial 728- 7377, | BLOOR Street West and Park Road ess private three room apartment, per month. 728-5123. APARTMENT In modern apartment builld- | ing. Stove and refrigerator, | automatic wosher-and dryer free. $90 MONTHLY APPLY APARTMENT 1 Telephone : (728-7273 a Governor Mansions Apartments = | rool |. $8500. _ semen | TWO-BEDROOM "house on large lot. TOOM,| Close to South General Motors. private entrance) ¢, fh. Telephone 723-219. . Lot 50' x 133', A RESALE? Here ARE THREE GOOD BUYS: Off Grandview with attached garage, built-in range units. $1,000 down. On Shakes- peare Avenue, bungalow with basement apartment. $1,000 down. Minden Street, only $11,800 for this ranch bung- alow. $1,000 down. i, HURRY! CALL BILL MILLAR 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LIMITED George Blyleven REALTOR CALL 623-5300 Oshawa very close to Catho-. lic school and Church very clean and nicely decorated 3 bedroom bungalow with recreation room. Priced at $13,500 with $2500.- down. Maple Grove on paved road and close to highway. 3 bed- room brick veneer bungalow Lot can be extended for V.L.A. Asking price $13,000. Twin Lake close to Have- lock 90 miles from Oshawa well kept summer cottage with safe beach for children, Asking price $3500.-Terms. Two bedroom bungalow with attoched garage 'on well landscdped lot. Asking price OPEN "x 40 ft. approximately, on|-------- 'D. BRYCK bungalow with large recreation| North district, $6,500. schools, shopping, etc. 728-8749, | | ' 313 Brock St. S. Estate Ltd, REALTOR Whitby Plaza Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, Whitby 668-5868 Toronto EM 3-9603 FAIRVIEW DRIVE An exclusive beautiful north- west section of Whitby, of- fers a lovely 3-bedroom brick bungalow with an extra over- size, attached gorage, big kitchen, living room. over- looking huge landscaped bock yard. House is neot as o pin, all re-decorated, cer- amic tiled : bathroom with vanity. Completely finished 37' recreation room with a 2-pc. washroom, This will not last long, call to-day for an appointment to view. Call Millie Bilida 668-2167 Residential Acreages Trout Streams Farms Lots Commercial Business FOR SALE NEWCASTLE BEACH 4 bedroom Summer Cottage on Lake Ontario. Large double fireplace, Large living room and dining room. Three piece bathroom. Hot and cold running water. Hydro. On paved road. Completely furnished with electric stove, refrigerator. Nice wide sandy beach, Good lot and good well, BOWMAN AND GIBSON 145 Brock St. S. 668-5823 ae W. MCQUAY ___ Evenings Coll 668-2315 _ THEN CALL YOUR MOVER FOUR BEDROOMS $11,300.00 Large family home. with gar- age, oi! heating, modern bath, Taxes $207.00 year. Monthly payments just $65. Hurry call Irwin Cruikshanks now at 728-5123 or 728- 5205. SUBURBAN LIVING $8400. FULL PRICE $1000.00 DOWN Off Townline North, situaped oh on a large lot with loads trees. Very cozy bungalow with garage--corries for $75 per month. Taxes only $113. yearly. Don't delay on this one--see it tonite by calling Ed, Drumm at 728-5123 or 725-9345. $10,900.00 FULL PRICE $2,000.00 DOWN EAST END Six room home with two bath- rooms, Very quiet street. Ideal for large family. Call Ed Drumm right now at 728- 5123 or 725-9345. $12,500. 3 bedroom bungalow on large lot in the North West near St. Christopher's. Reasonable down payment. Call Bill John- ston. 8-1066. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario Open evenings bedroom house with gl in sunroom. All conven- jences, plus many extros. Ex- cellent garden with well kept raspberry and strawberry pot- ches, fruit trees, etc., on cod paved road. Con be Bought for the price of a oe City bungolow. $15- 00 with terms. SECLUDED BUNGALOW ON 2 ACRES -- Just a step from Hwy. 12 above Brooklin. 3 bedroom brick bungalow with lorge living room and lovely kitchen, is very. well kept and only about 2 yeors old. School bus picks the children up ot the Highway. Asking $15,000 with terms. CAESAREA COTTAGE Finish- 1 block from plenty of shade trees. Priced ot $6000. Moke offer. WELL PLANNED BUNGA- LOW -- With 3 bedrooms, nice living room, finished re- creation room and good work orea in basement. Nicely landscaped and fenced. $82. corries principal, interest and taxes. We have a number of cot- tages at various other loco- tions on Scugog Lake-- Contact D. H. ANDREWS BROOKLIN PHONE 655-3195 J. A. WILLOUGHBY AND SONS LTD. 46 Eglinton Ave. E. Toronto 12. HOME in this choice East End location. Give us a call,» Your present home accepted »« as a trade, CARL OLSEN": REALTOR ae HOLIDAY SPECIALS $ 4,500.00--4 room bungalow, $500 downpayment. $ 5,900.00--2 bedroom no basement, $300 down. $ 6,700.00--2z0 acres good garden land; $1,000 down, $13,500.00---Income home, rentals $135. plus living quarters. 12,900.00--Butcher Shop, rake offer. $M,900.00--Spotless 2 storey near town $13,450.00--Finucane Street, with carport. $13,500.00--Income home, rentals $135.00 plus living quarters. 299. King St. W. 723-1133'* METCALF ~ Real Estate Limited 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 "BELLA VISTA" 4 More living space for your house Dollar thon in ony;; comparable subdivision... Bronze Medallion wiring. Your choice of deep lots or short lots, close to ALE", schools, transportation. Visit © us this week-end and COM-"> PARE. East of Harmony Rd. | and south of King Street. |. GUELPH STREET © Extra lorge 5¥2 room burke ® golow, beautifully kept up, . well lon , di "dl portially finished basement, <: extra washroom, close te:* separate, public and high'* schools, See this value today, © Asking $13,500 with small down payment, Balance on One open mortgage. BEATRICE STREET Choice north end ge -- 1 storey home, living . room 23'6", Professionally landscaped lot," paved drive, 'plus Fed mary more features. You'll ® ike this at only $13,900, Reasonable down payment. + OSHAWA BLVD. S. eo '3 nt lot. A real buy with low-down: 4 payment, Try us an offer, : OPEN EVENINGS TILL NIN& DIAL 728-4678 .;* Joe Maga Ken . $e Jack Osborne Lloyd Metcalf. ;; John Kemp Dick Borriage* GUIDE REALTY" COUNTRY RANCHER los OSHAWA TIMES | Ask for J, D. Dodge. ond good health are require- | phone | cated just outside the city. ., Enjoy a spacious bright home; with bracing air and lots of sunshine. Three large -beding rooms, extra large living» roorn with fireplace, dining'>! peel ee -- = itchen. tra rge 38 tied oth, with: vanity. Atos tached garage and covered. * patio. Full basement. Thise: home has just come on the: market so arrange to see it soon. we BELVEDERE AVENUE -- 3... bedroom ranch bungalow with' enclosed breezeway and at+° tached garage. 4-pc. tiled" = bath with vanity and 2-pc. washroom off master bed- room. Built-in stove and oven in kitchen, Large patio ifn back and nicely landscaped yard. $11,500. FULL PRICE for this 3 bedroom brick bunga- low in excellent © condition with private drive and gar= age. Property clear and owner will hold one mortgage at $80. per month. s STONE AND RANCH BUN- GALOW with breezeway and garage. 2 stone fireplaces. 40 x 13 ft. rec. room. Located in North-East area and priced at only $17,900. FAMILY TYPE BRICK BUN- GALOW only 5 years old, 3 bedrooms, living room and large kitchen. Tiled bath with coloured fixtures, all city services. Lovely garden. Garage with private paved drive. Price $13,000. with 6% Mortgage. LOW DOWN PAYMENT -- Spotless 4 room home. just minutes from Oshawa. New furnace and low -taxes. Cars ries for $60. pér month. On 1 acre of land.. Full price $7,500. 7 ROOM HOME -- with ex- tra large bedrooms; Very well decorated. Located in good residential district. _ Ideal place for large family: Priced at $11,900. NORTH WEST DISTRICT -- _ Triplex in good . condition. Close to bus, schools and shopping. One mortgage with good terms. Separate meters. Only $2,000, down, aan PRICED AT $12,900. 6 room brick bungalow 3 years old with Hollywood kitchen, 4-pc. tiled bathroom and big living room with dining area. Pier= son windows. Basement has 2 large rooms. Large fenced back yard. : Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m For full particulars call 723-1121 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED . Realtors, 16. Simcoe St. S. Adult: Building | Electric Heat | Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidaires--12 cu. ft. Pressurized Hallways Storage Locker in Suites Laundry room on each floor Vanity in bathrooms SEE THE TWO BEAUTIFUL "DREAM" MODELS IN BEAU VALLEY Oshawa's Loveliest Residential Area HOURS 6 TO 9 P.M. Schofield-Aker.' LIMITED George Koornneef 723-2859 Sally Wallace 725-6297 Arthur Weinberger 723-7244 Ossie Martin 728-9714 Joseph Bosco 728-4353 JOSEPH BOSCO Realtor 728-7377 BILL McF Ike Perry 725-0303 Schofield-Aker 360 King St. W., Oshawa Telephone 723-2265 18--Male or Female Help Wanted AGE NO BARRIER, Self - starters. Sales help for. heating and appliance division, Experience an asset. If you do not wish to earn at least $100 per week, please do not answer this ad. Call Whitby 668-2387, Mt. St. John. "AUTO SERVICE" in the Classified | section is the place for you to adver: tise if you fix cars, | NEED EXTRA CASH? | Eorn Extra Money Working Part-Time in and Around Oshawa. GOOD COMMISSIONS WRITE BOX 803 | OSA TIMED WANTED TAXI DRIVERS Men or Women Apply MERCURY TAXI! MEMO: To Successful Salesmen In the Oshawa Area! We havea limited number of lucrative sales positions.open to who have proven their selling ability. If for ony reasgn you ore dissatisfied coreer solesmen who are already well established . ... A Few Choice Locations Available | Immediate Possession | TELEPHONE: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Schofield-Aker Limited 723-2265 |26--Rooms For Rent OSHAWA MOTEL on No, 2 Highway,| '% mile east of Oshawa. Weekly rates,| $20 and up. Telephone 723-9761. OSHAWA MOTEL, King Street Ba st. |Weekly rates, rooms, heated, tele- vision, $15, and $17.50. Telephone 723- ---- |9761. | ADELAIDE STREET EAST -- Clean,| |furnished bedroom, Also two furnished) |rooms with private bath. Refrigerator,| stove, $15 weekly. Telephone 723-7797. | BEDROOM, furnished, in "home. |Gentleman preferred. 3205. KING Street West, 378. upstairs, one |partly furnished bedroom. Close to | shopping | centre. Apply above | 14 Albert Street 725-4771. |WONDERLAND PARK Motor Court, ie Ad |Kingston Road East, cabins. All con- $1 1,595.00 THE COMPACT $595.00 Down veniences, including showers and heat. | 20--Room and Board ____|Weekly rates starting at $15. 723-7424 : in $14.0 | ; Everything from A. to Z. normally found in $14,000. EULALIE, 239 -- Furnished room for|NEAR NORTH GFNERAL MOTORS -- ' x to $20,000. houses now available at only $11,595. Luxury | | | COUNTRY ESTATES Relax on. your own Country Estate. 10 acres of scenic beauty, close to Downtown Oshawa. Priced at $3,200. The developer hos retained an architect to prepare C.M.H.C. approved plans to suit your every requirement. RETREAT ACREAGE Winding creeks through wooded areas is an invitation for years of family enjoyment. Fish ponds and woterfalls make for scenic settings to a number of quiet retreats chosen for your inspection. To inspect the above properties contact Howard Forder,' phone 725-3568. Evenings Brooklin 655-3853. with' your present: position . . . if your future is limited... if you are tired of @ position thot keeps you on the road... if your full copobilities ore not being utilized . . in the Oshawa orea --- then, this is an excellent opportunity for . and you reside | you. Fora personal interview ot your own convenience write: P.O. BOX 393 OSHAWA, ONTARIO WHITBY CLASSIFIED DRIVEWAY gravel, cement gravel, FOR RENT -- Three-room apertment.| gafid: and fil. We deliver. Call Eric|refrigerator, stove and kitchen suite. Branton, 668-2660. 'Apply 233 Palace Street Whitby. Tele-| Te | , FOR RENT: Large three room apart- phone Oshawa 725-4302. ment. Telephone Whitby 668-4864. THRFE room apartment, unfurnished, bath, stove ond re- rivate entrance, Frigerator. Whitby 668-5012; evenings, en 6 3 068-8346 DRESSMAKING, 360 KING ST. W. 723-2265 OPEN HOUSE A. R. JEFFERY CONSTRUCTION LTD. PRESENTS in adult home.) Telephone 725- 'North Shore Realty Company Ltd., 112 Simcoe Street North TWO bedroom house, close to town.| |Adults preferred, $90 "monthly. Brock) | Street South. Available July 1. Call be- tween 6 and 9 p.m., 668-8133. Oshawa drapes,| rates.) Whitby R INVITATION TO ELEGANCE IN LIVING Over 2,000 sq: ft. of Quality Built, Artistically decor- ated, and Tastefully furnished, Model home awaiting your inspection, built by Peter Johansen Ltd. Furni- ture by Holden Brothers, drapes by Wards, and ac- cessories by Lords of Oshawa. . SITUATED IN BEAUTIFUL & RESTRICTED ~ ANSLEY COURT (West on Rossland Rd, just east of Oshawa Creek) OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND OPEN DAILY STARTING FRIDAY FROM 1 P.M. TO 9 P.M, YOU Available in private Adults, Whitby, Near garage; schools, Posses- and stores. Ii sion.. Dial Oshawa 725-3731. |LOT FOR SALE -- 103° frontage by 120', Landscaped, one biock south off King Street East. Five minutes' walk- ling distance from bus, churches, pub-| lic, separate or high school. $49 per |frontage foot with services paid. 728- | 6537. |BRICK house and lot in village, five |bedrooms, good well, near store and | post office. Also extra lots. To be seen by appointment only, Telephone, Man- ila 5R-12. | WHITBY -- 117 Bell Drive. Ranch style EXCLUSIVE AGENT preferred but rag Cgc ncrgg tr beaten 3 1B Comte Street | mm Taitby. ni [Fem eat Wianae wet 270 HES Shaipemueman. Mees if desired. Frivatelquiet, attractive comfortable -- room a, ntral. Telephone 728-1773. | ; . FOR unt, private bath and entrance.| i954 PONTT "7 ae Close' to. bus stop, parking. 291 Bruce with $595, down to one first mortgage, and monthly Central, location, parking. All conven-|tion, good body "sad tires, must' sell North, GM, Telephone 72-3663. ~ ROOM, "$8. weekly, 'suitable for two payments of only $98.00 which includes principal, | re ie |DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses,| packed, good meals. Telephone ed " ph rmen g : y .|ed room, near GM. for gentleman. Dial! rations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting | 75 -op THREE 'willing | 728-3258. ae A. 1,000 sa. ft. of living orea O. Tile in Kitchen FISH ERMEN and B. Brick Veneer . Sliding glass windows {tained apartment, main floor, $55. CAMPERS | Aceny 200 Brock Street South, telephone ATT! wy es 1 ROOM, 30 x 12, suitable for storage or ATTRACTIVELY E Pete ng ine Bo kitchen cupboards light repair shop. No cars. Low rent.| FURNISHED ROOMS 4 1 ranges, televisions, refrigerators. Wil) | ae spk desided ananassae reserve your boating Or Comp | buy, 'sell or trade. Open all day. 215 ing equipment. , FOR RENT: Three room apartment,/ ----_---- stove, refrigerator, laundry facilities,| J. Stainless Steel sink 668-3591 . Plastic track in windows ponte piles ragibae Hk SEPTiC Uaks cisned. prompt service) Corner John and Simcoe | ' oe aha side pay cot teumt Ge Se ee et Suit any business |27--Real Estate for Sale a ap BROOKLIN -- Six-room, two-storey) N. Hardwood in Living room, bedrooms Z. Shower in bath FOR SALE | two-sto cid Cae ak ae TUNE -UP 725-0081 or 725-9544 |surches' Clean and adjust points, SUITE cabin trailers. raat Friday at 4:00 P.M. a years free supply of 2 cycle $4.50 plus parts, 4 saudades WANTED cycle $5.50 plus parts. OFFICES AVAILABLE Approximately 1000 sq. ft. east of Ritson Road. WILDE RENTAL | witpe RENTAL EXCLUSIVE AGENT Service andSales | service & SALES TELEPHONE <= Self-contained rt-| A ge as ous all Neel! Garoseun. tars: i. teat Apply South, Whitby. | ) reasonable FOR RENT -- Furnished three-room|rates. ELGIN BAST, 29 -- Room and board|Street. 725-0217. | fences. Call 668-3242 |$125, Dial 722.0068 or call at 591 Gar-| ceraum Street, 32, room ond board) S77 interest and taxes. ATTENTION fc RR be gern ag lig EACH HOME CONTAINS a specialty, Mrs. Toms 668-2372. to share:-$i4 for five days; $16 for! FOR RENT: One 1. seven. T "700.3306. mo oe atgta noaterseoine, pte C. AllN.H.A, fees included _ |space. Apply 160 William Street East. D. Cho OF cl f bri ie, . Steel Medicine Cabinet 22--Offices, Stores, Storage ~~ ere + GHCIGR Gt Gteur OF AUG! "Factory built Mahogany Reservations now being oc- |GOOLD's Second Hand Furniture, cepted, a small deposit will | everything for cottages, floor coverings Telephone 728-4420 after / p.m. GARAGE -- Must have lock and ce-| home. G. Furnace guaranteed for . Banana oil on hardwood Dundas east, Whitby. Telephone 663-5481 ment floor for furniture storage, want- Call bemien Sand 7 pm, 10 years floors WE RENT sey ee | 32 pm), God ee . Stipled living room ceiling Canoes, car-tops, motors, pn aad Parking. STORE Me ae . Cement Laundry |ubs . Lawns graded with top soil L. Light fixtures ee: Power tools, ond {Street West, Whitby 668-2563. $64 wots at M. Siding or brick at front . Batt insulation in walls x trailers. . juar . and ceiling | g ROTARY MOWER Telephone lose. Divuten bemamans, sew feriaces PLUS boat trailers, outboard motors, A . and boots. 20th = century spark plugs, carborator, throt- ae RCHUS 49 on of the first Sites purenaaers tle controls, sharpen blade. OF MODERN Ae sctalag A conta AIR-CONDITIONED Don't waste any more money in rent, come and see y ors~,trailers Fi ar ut denne. * |OUTBOARD MOTORS us this week-end on Wolfe Street --- Just 2 blocks Resa : astepniingninason SERVICED BY ELEVATOR eee ( LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD.) ob hil os ee LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. Lead | Whitby 668-3226 40 KING ST. EAST Dial 728-4678 | 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL 728-4678 4 ee be |storms and screens, TV antenna, Low payment. mortgage. Tele- |sSon "abso 668-3226 (Continued on Page 20) ' a = >

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