« FETS: THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Mey 24,1963. land; Mr. and Mrs. T. N. 8 dering : Thomas, Wallaceburg; Mr. and egg 4 ' a LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE PERSONALS Thertul, eg a oe ' Clifford Brown, Mr. an Ts. : : Dr. ead Mic Walter Loucks, Mr. and Mrs. Z TAKE NOTICE THAT: Ir. s. John Brock,|residence of Mr. Dryan's|Dale Nagy, Mr. and Mrs, Rob- g 1. The C il of The Co: ion of the City of Osh intends to idewalks on the streets rf ¢ Hee: Ser 5 . e Council o! rporati : 4 ot uae po Foagengay Song ord eb ae ' se ontea, ais 5: shown below, os a local imp and ead i ean or setugeg las'James Brock, from Queen's| Mrs. Georgina Jenks and Mr.| Gjadys Patterson, Mr. and. Mrs, a on the work: seviaaten. cosy University, Kingston, when he|@%d Mrs. Harold Jenks of Ot-/R. 1 Gendron, Toronto; Mrs. é oe received his Bachelor of Sci-|tawa visited Mr. and Mrs.| Percy Nichols, Mr. William City's Owner's Cost Owner's Annual ence with honors last week. Charles Smith, Jones avenue, at/ Nichols, Bobcaygeon, Mr. and ns ah ne Fiew To Side Width --Totol Share Per Ft. Fige. Rote Per Ph. Pigs the weekend. . f ks, Hi tha. f m, Mr, and Mrs. George A. ; spied psi isemnenen get Centre St. _$. Limit King St. West N. Limit Athol St. West West | 5' $ 3,076.73 $ 0.00 $ 10,075 $ 1.369 ©. Pearce, Brantford, formerly of} Attending the 'Patterson-| Mr. and Mrs. John Colver of j Je Oshawa, recently attended the|Schoenau wedding were Mr.|London, England, = Mri: ; 7 \King St. vr -y hl Maes 'one Convocation of Ryerson Insti-/ 4nd Mrs. H. T. Berry, Mr. and| Mr. Colver's aunt, Mrs. J. A. } 1, Sheet 19, . j Z tute of Techology, ion Plog at ow tami Schoendorf, Flint,| Moore, Bruce street, sg = : ; |. Plan 335 Queen St. South 11.8 44,582.24 421.23 28.713 3.901 which. time their daughter, Mi ichigan; -Mr. 'and Mrs, Stan-|days prior to motoring to San " ° : fi . 60' W. Limit Catharine Gencuey. ley Ainsworth, Windsor, On-|/Francisco where they plan to ' 3 a ee victons he ™ North 11.5° 8,210.04 0.00 28.713 3.903 © gtiduated. , -- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Russ,| reside. The mag oo rie ey br Men. s a 16.00" W. of W. tit } ' rantford; the Reverend and|New York last Wednesday an : OF \King St. W. Limit Onterio St. .90' W. . Lim PP ig Mas ig Py rriage,|Mrs. Norman Russ, .Lynden;|motored to"Oshawa; a_ return : ra McMillan Dr. North 11.5' 33,113.22 0.00 28.713 3.901 ee . Donal eith McGregor,|the Reverend and Mrs. L. J.| visit for Mr. Colver who was s ' the former Carol Anne Cope-|Kirchhofer, Fisherville; Mr. and|employed by General Motors INCOMING RETIRING PRESIDENTS 2. The estimated cost of the work is $88,982.23, The special assessment is to be paid in ten equal pnnuol instalments. © re entertained by Mrs.|Mrs. Raymond Schoenau, Wel-|here in 1956. ' 3. Application will be made by the Corporation to The Ontario Municipal Board for it approval of the of the: 'ay Crouse, Mrs. Gerald Shan- At this month's meeting of elected and installed _presi- said work and any owner may, within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice, file with the City Clerk ™ graw, Mrs. Reginald Norris, ; Queen Elizabeth Home and dent. She succeeds Mrs. Car- his objection to the said work being undertaken, e ' ; 4 Mrs. Jack Francis, Mrs. Jack [ INI | S GROUPS, Al J XILIARIES School Association, Mrs. son Heard who has completed 4. The said Board may approve of the said work being undertaken, but before doing so, it may appoint @ time ond place Copeland, Mrs. William Winters Leonard Haigh, left, was a successful term of office. when any objection to the said work will be considered, ; ice i sin, F " ' ones Crome CENTRE STREET UCW {Street United Church, met in | DATED at Oshawa this 24th day of Mey, 1963 L. R. BARRAND, Clerk, City of Oshawa. Mrs. James W. Smith of Ajax} Mrs. Fred Graham presided|the ladies' parlors on May 21|\Morrison, presided for the busi-|group, for arranging the re- ' ie = ¢ eee | * RL EET > * aah held @ trousseau tea in honor of/for the monthly meeting of the|for dessert. ness portion of the meeting. It/freshments. her daughter, Miss Roberta M.|United Church Women of Centre|, Miss' Leah' Garrow sangj\was decided to open our. fall Smith. Mrs. Charles Smith,|Street United Church. "God's Garden," accompanied|activities in September with a ; : i a Montreal, grandmother of the| Mrs. William Dearborn led injat the piano by Mrs. George|pot luck supper. i * bride, assisted the hostess in re-|the devotions, giving a missioff?Fleming. Miss Barbara. Morrison, ceiving. Pouring tea in the after-|ary message, and a reading on The worship service was ar-|daughter of the president, enter-| noon and evening were Mrs,/caravaning in'Korea. - ranged by Mrs. D. F. Wilson|tained with slides on her trip to Harrison Caulfield and Mrs.| Mrs. Dean Peel called the and Mrs. David Pollock, the| Bermuda. | William Schramm, Terrebonne|roll and read the minutes. Mrs. theme being 'The Glory of| On behalf of the Unit, Mrs.| Heights, P.Q., the bride's aunts;/William Dearborn gave th e| Springtime." |Morrison thanked Mrs, ' Walter} and Mrs. Robert C. Bennet,|treasurer's report. Mrs. Earl) The president, Mrs. A. D.|Yohnson and members of her} Oshawa. Assisting were Miss|\James gave a report on flow- e | Sandra Smith, Miss Linda Ben-jers sent to the sick and be: | | ] net, Mrs. Gunther, Neissar, Miss|reaved. Judy: Pedeson and Miss Linda| It was decided that the turkey Barrett, the bride's attendants.|supper would be held on Satur- VY H ] I Others who honored the bride|day, October 5. Only 300 tick-| our e p % were: Mrs, R. C. Bennet, Mrs.\ets will be sold. Jack Brown and Mrs. Garnet} The West Unit is holding J ; Fralick, all of whom gave mis-|strawberry super at the cellaneous showers; Mrs, Har-|church, June 26. ° | rison Caulfield gave a personal] Refreshthents were served by) a % . | shower. Guests attended these|/Evelyn Goodwin Unit in charge. events from Whitby, Dunbarton,|charge. . woe by the Pi Aj Seieek., By Montreal and) que HELPING HAND UNIT * Th mb of The Help-| 5 Ineteommee " Mr, and Mrs, R. C. Squires|ing Hand Unit, (Ucw), simese| Prince Phillip Chapter of the I0DE | : : a oe 'Supermarket of Chicago, Illinois, have been guests this week of Mr. and On Their Annual in Your rs. G. H. Haaemans "nvine : vine road, Mr. and Mrs. Squires re- cently returned from a_ four. bh month stay in Hawaii and are j } making plans for an 88-day, # around the world cruise. - Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Drynan spent an enjoyable weekend with Mr. Drynan's mother, Mrs. vee on J. H. Drynan, at her home in Strathroy. Saturday, May 18, } t ee SATURDAY, MAY 25th years of family occupancy of f 7 a the Drynan home, the original) if Automatic ij] © WEDDING PORTRAITS This is your opportunity to help the IODE to raise Defrost LADIES e@ WEDDING ALBUMS | funds for their many charitable projects. Ne baby sitter, no cor fore } --by-- Mr. Bernard } ° | : Experienced Hair Stylist Droland. Studio When the IODE tagger approaches you, please be POR HOME. APPOINTMENTS . 21 ATHOL ST. WEST if ° generous with your donation. 725-6854 | 723-3680 | Saves on Fresh Food Shopping Storage Trips Space BUY A NEW FLEGTRIG REFRIGERATOR" OR FREEZER WOW! fiawnanven roees NOW'S THE TIME TO BUY A TWO-TEMPERATURE REFRIGERATOR WITH A THIS OFFER GOOD ON ANY OF THESE TRUE ZERO-ZONE FREEZER SECTION... from a wide choice of FAMOUS BRANDS . leading makes! This is today's most wanted refrigerator, pro- Beatty » Belwood + Co-op Viscoun@ viding controlled freezer temperatures for both the safe ¢oronado » Eaton's Viking + Firestont. storage of frozen foods, juices, ice cream and the sub-zero Frigidaire » General Electric » General' temperatures required for the fast-freezing of fresh meats, Freezer . Gibson - Gilson « Kelvinator. poultry, fruits and vegetables. Leonard - McClary-Easy » Moffat - Onward NOW'S THE TIME TO BUY A MODERN HOME FREEZER... chest-type Philco « RCA Whirlpool - Roy - Simpson's, or upright . . . and treat yourself to the modern way of _Coldspot - Simpsons-Sears - Westinghous@: "putting down" summer's fruits and vegetables quickly, easily. Wood's - And other fine makes i" oe BUY EITHER UNIT NOW ... . AND GET THIS GLAMOROUS MEDALLION v* "a HAIRDRYER . .. COMPLETE WITH TRAVEL CASE (a $29.95 valve) ' -- teen ABSOLUTELY FREE! A Complete Travelling Beauty Salon + Dries Nail Polish * Perfumes Hair + Contains Large Unbreakable Make-up Mirror é U i? ro In Smart, Lightweight Oyster-white Travel Case y *xONLY TWO-TEMPERATURE REFRIGERATORS WITH . as TRUE ZERO-ZONE FREEZER SECTIONS QUALIFY. LIVE BETTER ELECTRICA LLY. * aa 1) OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ATT'S PILSENER SD ehiglae | =. . (sthe WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION FIRST CHOICE BEER ~/leen> BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ~~ of so many people a "oe AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC SYSTEM 00H UN TY A ASE OF REAL GOOD DREMRING BEER alii 3 PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION °