Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 May 1963, p. 8

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\ferred to the Pearson-Kennedy agreement at Hyannis Port, Mass,, earlier this month, they said also that interference with Great Lakes shipping is recely- ing the attention of all con- cerned and that 'arrangements are being made for further meetings aimed at full resolu- tion of the present situation." Jodoin said he was satisfied with this first meeting, He planned to remain in Washing- ton until Friday "on other union business" which he would not describe. MacEachen returned immediately to Ottawa. The conference opened at 11:45 a.m, EDT, after a picture- taking session. It continued at a working luncheon and ended at 3:55 p.m. Meany broke away at 2 p.m, to attend to other AFL-/nadian SIU and its clash with CIO business, ithe CLC - supported Canadian MacEachen, talking to report-|Maritime Union, which has the ers later, said he was satisfied Upper Lakes labor contract. that the meeting was useful. He said one or two more meetings may take place in June with the four main participants attend- ing. He said Meany spoke frankly at the meeting and that his attitude was helpful. The minister refused to say exactly what position Meany took. Before the conference opened Meany told a reporter he didn't know too much about the lakes problem and could not speculate beg solution might be availa- 2. MacEachen said the most im- portant thing now is to get the Norris commission report with its findings arising from a lengthy investigation of the Ca- @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, May 22, 1963 -- _ |38 Tobacco Many Guards Around Bam Fires Spring NATO Meeting During Year 5 eu socio. | LONDON, Ont. (CP)--A total iabor leaders of Canada and the of 38 tobacco barn fires were ronic. re 39 miles ofjmal luncheon for the men_ at/of ' United States held a four-hour : a | jreported during the 1962-63 On-| \onrerence Tuesday aimed at wiring and 30 tons of TV and|Government, House Thursday. \tario flue-cured tobacco season, ending laber violence hamper- fadio lighting and power equip-, External Affairs Minister) an increase from 18 the previ- ing Canadian shipping on. the ment alone. 'Paul Martin has invited the|ous season, Inspector Robert| ¢ reat Lakes, They described BRIEFINGS SET iministers, permanent NAT 0) Kate haa ee the talks as constructive and The' official report on the|delegates and the senior offic-|™\* cd rotary age Y-l\said further meetings are +f | During April, as sales at the thas | i i | of the secretariat to join an i Ha planned "aimed at full resolu- \NATO conference will be given/ers * |tobacco co-operative's auction| io or the present situation." at twice-dail ress briefings--|aerial tour of the St. Lawrence] changes were drawing to a ; § : scheduled nf Pech een pd 1|\Seaway and Niagara Falls on| ose with more than 23°000.000 hy epee Psicggd goa Al-| to 1:30 p.m, and 6:30 to 6:45)Saturday, On the same day, the! nounds of leaf still unsold, theré lan MacKac 3 Pc ; 10+) p.m, EDT--and Secretary-Gen-/RCMP will give a special Per- were several barn fires a week,| mentum wth ged yt dab eral Dirk Stikker will give ajformance of its famed musical dded. justifies further mee' ings, ex- closing press conference'Friday|tide at the force's barracks in) Mr, Kaufman, based in Lon- evening. |Suburban Rockcliffe. : |don, is one of three inspectors Prime Minister Pearson will This is the first time a NATO) investigating tobacco barn fires be host to the delegates and|ministerial conference has been|in the Tillsonburg, Woodstock More Talks Planned In Lake Labor Rift pected to take place after the| Both Prime Minister Pearson Norris commission report on the and President Kennedy have Great Lakes labor battle is|called on the labor chieftains to completed, He said target date| work strenuously to end the for this report is June 1, strife believing those who own Meeting with MacKachen 4nd sail the ships should be free were U.S. Labor Secretary Wil-\to0 go about their lawful busi- jlard Wirtz, Claude Jodoin, Ca-ness without impediment. ov bye ge a ed In their first round of talks, ent, and George Meany, AFL-| i i CIO president. Present also wailuavirhaecer cities we -- George Haythorne, Canadian and CLC "affirm the purpose deputy labor minister, jand desire to reach satisfactory | At the centre of the lakes)settlement of the current situa- trouble is a struggle between|tion." : Hal Banks' Seafarers Interna-| In a brief statement that re- tional Union of Canada and Up- Sommerer per Lakes Shipping Company of| Toronto. The SIU, supported by |the American SIU and other OTTAWA (CP)--The spring, ministerial conference of the NATO. council opens... today...on. Parliament Hill, adding yet an- other attraction for rubber- necked tourists. But unlike the capital's other current attractions--the session of Parliament, the Canadian tu- lip festival and the Sparks Street mall--very little of the NATO gathering will be on pub- lic view. Parliament Hill is swarming with red-coated mounties and army provost corps men, who boats moored at a_ marina, causing damage estimated at between $75,000 and $100,000. are maintaining a tight wall of security. This is particularly so around the historic West Block, where the NATO ministers are meeting behind closed doors for their wives at a black-tie ban-jheld in Canada since 1951. At and Brantford areas last month. | quet at the Chateau Laurier Ho-|t tel tonight and Governor-Gen-|cided to invite Greece and Tur-|May 12 fire at eral Vanier will give an infor-|key to join the alliance hat meeting here, it was de- which destroved He also is investigating a| St. Williams 25 nleacnre|ma' oriain." No conclusion has been'sympathetic labor groups, has reached on this. fire, he said but!picketed and boycotted it is possible it "was not of nor-|Lakes ships, delaying the com- Upper pany's freighters in U.S. ports.| the next three days. But visiting personalities such as State Secretary Dean Rusk) and 'Defence Minister Robert! McNamara of the United States, | Foreign Secretary Lord Home) of Britain and French Foreign} Minister Maurice Couve de Mur-| ville will be centres of attrac- tion as they go in and out of the West Block. The West Block was built in 1866 and.has just undergone a $6,000,000 renovation. Some of the renovation work was done specially for the NATO conference, including such things as the sealing off of| corridors to the NATO council] chamber and offices of the va- rious delegations. ARE 200 DELEGATES There are. some 200 official delegates representing the NATO countries: Belgium, Can- ada,-, Denmark, France, Ger- many, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States. In addition, there are more than 200 persons on delegation staffs and a 150-member NATO secretariat. Perhaps the biggest press eorps ever assembled for one event in Ottawa.is reporting the conference. More than 1,100 per. sons have been accredited to the West Block's press area, in- cluding 550 working newspaper, radio and television reporters and cameramen. +e Among the press accredited are correspondents from Japan, Bulgaria, Hungary, Russia and the United Arab Republic. Some $1,500,000 worth of equipment has been installed in the building, much of it elec- Heart Patched Successfully In Operation NEW YORK (CP) -- Heather Brettschneider lived a normal life for more than 22 years with a hole in her, heart. | But there was always a fear that her condition would dete- riorate and her life might be cut short. Today, the young dental as- sistant from Toronto and Mont- real can look forward to a nor- mal life without that fear--her| heart has been patched success-| fully. Mrs. Brettschneider unde r- went heart surgery in Mount Sinai Hospital last week and a team of 18 doctors and techni- eians spent 11 hours correcting a ventricular septal defect--a hole about the size of a quarter between the two lower cham- bers of her heart. A spokesman for Dr. Robert S. Litwak, former associate pro- fessor of surgery at the Univer- Sity of Miami, Fla. and Mrs. Brettschneider's surgeon, said Tuesday the young woman is doing 'very well" and probably will be able to leave hospital in about a week. HUSBAND TELLS STORY The woman's husband, Lane Brettschneider, a New York floor - covering salesman, told the story of her operation in an interview here. Brettschneider said he and the former Heath Shulman were! married two years ago after meeting while attending the Un- iversity of Miami. His wife was born in Toronto, lived in Mont- real for seyen years and then returned to Toronto where her mother still lives. Doctors detected the heart de- fect when Heather was an in- fant. That was six years before the heart-lung machine discov- ery began lessening the risk in open-heart surgery. A decision to operate on Hea- ther was put off as doctors found no signs of lung damage and heart enlargement, but a New York cardiologist recom- mended surgery this year. Mrs. Brettschneider entered hospital May 5, underwent the lengthy operation May 14, and this week was able to leave the cardiac intensive-care unit for a regular hospital room. ADVANCED JARI-RATE SPRINGS ARE THE "BEST BUY' THIS WEEK END AT REDsW SPECIALLY SELECTED VALUE CHECK'D ROUND, SIRLOIN, T-BONE STEAKS * You Save Twice With Trim end Price! FINEST FOR FLAVOR---MILD SEASONED TREND SAUSAGE SPECIALLY GROUND FOR MEAT LOAF -- EXTRA LEAN GROUND CHUC FOR ECONOMY! ALWAYS TENDER - FRESH SLICED PORK LIVER RUGGED LADDER-TYPE FRAMES alii CABS DESIGNED FOR \ COMFORT, CONVENIENCE, LONG LIFE tay oo us. 59° u, 29° i) TRUCK-BUILT ENGINES BONUS BUY! GEM MARGARINE BONUS BUY! -- YOU SAVE 12c! -- FANCY QUALITY AYLMER CORN #3 = 47: NABOB COFFEE «: « 69: BONUS BUY! -- YOU SAVE 11c! -- ENTER OUR "CANADIAN HOLIDAY CONTEST" White Swan TISSUE 4 ~ 47: KAM Luncheon Meat 2°* 83: KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes * 29: BONUS BUY! -- YOU SAVE 4c PALM GARDEN NO, 1 TOMATOES 239: NEW CROP NO. 1 ONIONS 2 ins, 29° u, 49° FLAVORFUL & NUTRICIOUS u, Ile MUSHROOMS 4 ron. 29° 1-LB. PKGS, GAS OR DIESEL POWER 1-LB. BAG 4 CAB TYPES TO DO ANY JOB ATRA VALUE N EVERY GMC! : ¢ SELECTION OF © TRANSMISSIONS WIDE 12-02. TINS REAR AXLES SINGLE OR TANDEM TO MEET EVERY ROAD-LOAD FEATURE---SAVE 4c--BRIGHT'S FANCY H 48-02. Tomato Juice se FEATURE--SAVE 14c!--LOTION MILD s s 8c OFF Vel Liquid GIANT SIZE FEATURE!--SAVE 3c!--SMART'S FANCY 20-02. Apple Sauce TINS FEATURE--SAVE 10c!--DEL MONTE 1S-02. Fancy Peas bars SAVE 16c--DEEP BROWNED Libby's Beans 29° 73° 39 49° 99° STEERING DESIGNED FOR EASIER HANDLING CABS--GMC 105" CONVENTIONAL GMC cabs are reinforced by a husky sub-frame. This con- struction cuts flex and twist- ing to give you longer cab life and a better ride. BRAKES -- HYDRAULIC WITH VACUUM BOOSTER All GMC brake systems are matched to truck size and needs for sure, safe braking action under all conditions. FRAME--LADDER TYPE New GMC ladder type frames give maximum rigidity for road work with needed flexibility for off road pound- ing. And now you get lower weight with more strength. | 14-02. CELLO TUBES BRAKES JOB-SUITED TO EVERY TASK OD COE 20-02. TINS Wid iii GARDEN FRESH NO, } CABBAGE REFRESHING & JUICY TRANSMISSIONS--4 -SPEED SYNCHRO- MESH STANDARD -ENGINES--292 CU. IN.6 STANDARD Reliability, economy are yours in every great GMC powerhouse. There are 3 durable in-line engines, 4 robust V8s, 4 exclusive GMC V-6s, the mighty 702 V-12 and 3 great diesels--all tops in power. SAVE 3c!--BIRDS EYE FROZEN No matter what your . requirements you Orange Juice can count on GMC for the transmission to do your job best. GMC gives you 23 trans- missions plus 5 auxil- iaries--a fullmeasure of engine torque on every job. SAVE 15e--BURNS CANNED Whole Chicken SUPREME PURE Black Pepper AUNT MARY'S Sliced Bread SUNSPUN Ice Cream FRESH DAILY---WESTON OR SUNBEAM Cinnamon Buns ,)'to'a" exe. SAVE 10c!----PURE VAN KIRK Chocolate Buds 3-LB, 4-0Z. TIN 4-02, CAN 24-02 LOAF 'ale PINT Be BRICK FASHION STRIPES @ GREEN @ Rose eco Me BLUE $ FROM Y2T0 60 TON BUILT FOR EVERY TOUGH JOB Midthl pitiless 3l¢ 59° LB. CELLO VARI-RATE SPRINGS ALL ROUND Adaptable GMC Vari-Rate suspensions give you top load control plus the best ride in the business. Your GMC dealer has the full story on the best working, longest lasting trucks in the country. THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED 266 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. copper wiring leading out of a Phone: 723-4364 transformer station. It shorted the lines and knocked the bird BE SURE TO WATCH "THE TOMMY AMBROSE SHOW" unconstious. ITHEATRE" ON CFTO TV, CHECK LOCAL LisTINGS#¢ SAVE 30c!--MAPLE LEAF Midget Hams SAVE 20c!--MAPLE LEAF Picnics 1¥a-LB, TIN 1.49 1Y%4-LB, 1.29 UE IN EVERY GMC G-15638 THERE'S EXTRA VAL NEST WAS SHOCKER FORT WILLIAM, Ont. (CR) A nesting sparrow survived a 22,000 volt shock and disrupted power in the area for 40 min- utes. The bird mistook a piece of copper wire for a nest straw and dropped it onto heavy bare PONTIAC-BUICK LTD. 103 Dundas East, Whitby, Ont. Phone: 668-5846 CBC NETWORK AND "THE DICK POWELL DUFFY'S MARKET 948 SIMCOE STREET NORTH MAPLE GROVE MARKET MAPLE GROVE, ONTARIO SPROULE'S CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL BROWN'S MARKETERIA AND "OUR MAN HIGGINS' ON THE BROOKLIN, ONTARIO R TIME AND CHANNEL,

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