i 5 \ % tofu ae ee ves : LP CLIPS A PP es Ren Dy tee eer we Merry "ss * < ¥ ' , sila TCE re UT UW or Se oe Se a a a i i i i a ee i ee ek i a i ee ¥ 2 i ere he said, 'They 4 The broker said the 5 pacco for tobacc-jcourts," commented Men-|thelr greenhouses, They w 't U.S. S ar Prices TB. 208 SNA Teh Wotnelen: Mer 28, 198 Tobacco Board Deus ign rata? del Green, Toronto lawyer rep-|growing rapidly and his clients be called freelancers. ug creases have been due nt the right to grow * ® to users en! inven F eiihee (aah, Sinaia . "We have given them con-|resenting the frestenoens thoes corgi they orl bBCe0 ch exiting farms." Continue To Rise sel ahead of sorts, H oe turned| The 10 freelancers were ex- , . E. Har ' ve Quigley's Open [zm "tt see, Cim | Rejects Tem |sertgn ot ve tere ued ae marketing requ ented Jo mowing, Heenes blines, tobacco board lawyer, sid ey i tye US are conten Mere, st le Meslibod ' 38), : ft th rm. , 'ithe. board "saw 5 5. eco ge oro gary pp Pel Gr wers to eeolloatinas Pay Peder See ee New provin-|session of fully equipped to-|depart from regulations," ing ees tee ee falling-off in demand, Beac es que Ronnie Simcoe, third base 0 red for one hour behind closed|cial legislation has strength-/bacco farms, ' : pi gps ow Tuesday. they're|'" the third quarter of the year. ap ag Seed Ler ny Op. TILLSONBURG, Ont. (CP)--| doors. ened the co-operative's growing] 'My clients are A. ny SOVIETS SEEK OIL going to keep ba gold' tp. T ® ht Nick M: ck (189), Billy id 'he Ontario Flue-Cured To-| "My instructions are to pro-jand marketing controls. in the province me Sev lek Wi qromectors ain" Metever, & Wker Said, there} Guatemala's population esti+ ere g (447) any Price (id) bacco Growers Marketing|ceed car's woe eng the Bo =H nes ~ bs ance gre the Gouin to|staking out claims in Norway's|is no shortage of Renard and no mated at ng bet is about indy (62) to reject|peal van nahn tala n| thi rd f ing li-\Spitsbergen area, danger of one developing. per cent illiterate, The "revamped" Beaches|Andy Anderson, pitcher (6-2)|Board voted Tuesday eyagar Bhar yg a sen s they have inithis board for growing ' tions by 10 freelance to-jusual course Major Fastball ewings|and Bev Smith (5-2). n-yapplical seedling: ainto action tonight on three dif- ferent fronts. Beaches loop, one : of the long established senior ae 'Yoops in the province, has a "hew lbok for the 1963 season. Hamilton has joined the "ag od to form a Poepreelig rr .d0ining the original league are "Oshawa fer yor -- "pions, Seven-Up psy, replac- ine Eddie Blacks and jRangalt Metals. Dependable Cater- : pe, j 'enn | have folded. From the Am- LLLEE j A sp Food Stores bitious' City are Merchants, Ms and Alexanians. j ig ; ~ Tonight at Alexandra Park at Yi : : ; Located at - "8.00 p.m. Hamilton. Quigley's ' ; ake on Oshawa Tony's. ie teres | A \¥ | f | | 1150 - Puts Education (| fF * | SIMCOE "Before Hockey, | y | | | STREET, NORTH For His Sons is he "VANCOUVER (CP) -- Dick Papa Harper, an Edmonton business. 'aman, has strong views on edu- 3 igs 5 : cation for hockey players. The -- s ' . *"sesult may be another recruit Ff mS for Canada's 1964 Olympic .. Sitting = wi ev. a amet | Bauer, the priest who is at the TENC é Reg. Price 2 tins 31c--SAVE 10c i itish Columbi: k = ; "halting the tonne, Harper said: iC o 15-FL- ROAD, SOUTH That's why I have always : oy t , eet 01 TINS OSHA WA "wanted my boys to get an edu. vation." pay Win cance CE CASE OF 24 TINS $3.39 -- SAVE $8 * ' : coming here. He was seeing that son Terry, who played 20 games Reed 'on defence for Montreal Cana- ) ' 2 eS ' ARAM diens of the National Hockey IMC FANC "b A&P FANCY QUALITY Reg. Price 2 tins 25c--SAVE de League last season, was enroll ' 4 LL9 ing in the UBC summer school. Tr aye a 3 20-Fl- '-He was also inquiring about - \ arrangements to have Brian, sie a, \ 01 TINS € zanother hockey . playing son, 2 } come to UBC to get a college ua "education, -. Brian played junior hockey A&P CHOICE QUALITY WHOLE Reg. Price 2 tins 880--SAVE be CASE OF 24 TINS $2.64 te SAVE 96 STREET, NORTH slast season with Regina Pats : rand he's Canadiens' property 15-FL- C WHITBY urioneee O1 TINS CHOICE CREAM STYLE Reg. Price 2 tins 31e--SAVE 10c _. "I would have to write Frank Snission to use, Brian' fad CASE OF 24 TINS $3.96 -- SAVE 24c cathe 8 P $sion . e bess) Siete Me , O1 TINS C | OPEN THURSDAY Soho piste sunier bosiey te Be and FRIDAY Until onton. Asked which of th CASE OF ites thes 1¢ the est, he replied SAVE 10c E 24 TINS $3.39 -- SAVE 33c : 9 ) MM with fatherly tact: + "Mike's the smartest, a " tpickhamiier," bar Gayest an sy, A&P FANCY QUALITY Reg. Price tin 21¢--SAVE 6¢ *good, Mike, Terry and Brian." ' ce, |My \ APPLE SAUCE 5®%99: ice ' Have P ble CASE OF 24 TINS $4.75 -- SAVE 29¢ Fi ST, LOUIS = ~ -- ORANGE or LEMON SACH 'Football League owners, still i inspempimcies es mua 9 res é Sensi "being scandal, mee CHIFFON AéP Handles Only Meats Purchased From Federally Inspected Packing Houses secetae en CAKE oe ee "Canada's Finest Quality Red Brand Steer Beef" meeting since Commissioner] Soamid Peal ueeen on So POINT SIRLOIN ROAST aul Hornung and Alex arras, and fined five Detroit Eis tor pe rer bet OVEN FRESH PIE... AS ONLY BONELESS RUMP ROAST ib in e . en 4 wo-day WA aeee constitutional Jane Parken CAN aAKE w BONELESS famenament to increase the ros] || TANS WEEK FEATURING . . « mown STGAK ROAST , A proposed rule change aimed ; i, Preventing the "deense] | RHUBARB PIE 2° FULL SLICE, BONELESS ; from scoring on a penalty # " -toomn in ite a Se offensive LARGE 24-02 PIE ; % ROUND STEAK 3 : its own end zone; . Whether Pottsville was un. , ROUND STEAK fairly deprived of the 1925 e, * MINCED ROU s @hampionship which was ce awarded to Chicago Cardinals-- 4 "how of St. Louis--on grounds it ' CHOICE QUALITY, SKINLESS, SLICED "played an exhibition game in ' 'the home territory of anoth 'elub without permission. 4 Reg. Price each 59¢ -- SAVE 10c FRESHLY GROUN D Ib ¢ ' At least one betting investiga. P sales a involving President sink pak ® ar He timore Conse peas Wee SUPER-RIGHT BRAND, PURE, SKINLESS Fon ged Rozelle cracked PEACH own on Hornung, Karras and y PORK the Detroit club, he said com. ee md ss c (ALL MEAT) Pletion of the Rosenbloom inves- figation could be expected. soon. i 4 elle's report said Rosen- . as oo Bloom had denied allegations of | each C ALL BEEF ckage Tonk iy ye gt di (ge during ¢ C eig' years ago. ' : 1-lb pa Rosenbloom clstn dt - G quals who made the cheney Reg. Price each 65¢ -- SAVE 10c HAMBUR \ Harper had two reasons for | had repudiated or withdrawn the allegati i signed 'elena, ao © Jane Parker, Old Fashioned Reg. Price loaf 250--SAVE 4e . Mice eee | eres PO gs ea DQ mivaith | comme cake =3s. | SIDE BACON 57: POTATO SALAD' SCHNEIDER'S, VAC PAC LOS ANGELES (AP)--World Jane Parker, Cocoanut Marshmallow kuna ale Gains POLISH SAUSAGE Ib rey € hess champi dian o' Ruma wil cme inte] || LAAYER CAKE = 59 t-tb . tii: Patgray Caches] |] "ee Paes Vai o> cine 4 5 s to : | Ib "Er rmyenr ee] | MACAROON CUPS = 29 || SIDE PORK ev ne rnca » 4 of the famed cellist and presj- i COOKED AND BREADED, HEADLESS AND DRESSED dient of the foundation sponsor- THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY ITD. FRESH, LEAN, yiad pe Agri me said Tues- SLI Ib ¢ y night s as received a ca- é ble from the Soviet Chess Fed- i 000 STORES - SID E PORK CED gration confirming Petrosian AsP MEANS DEPENDABILITY end'two other Russian grand thasters will compete. ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH She said it will be the first r~ Ume since 1982 that' a' world ZN 'chess champion has played a United States match. The tour- fament will offer a ellver tro- phy and $10,000 in prizes. SATURDAY, MAY 25th, 1963