di " * FeO OI OT Rt ' ' JACQUELINE This bright-eyed little girl Mrs. William Wasylyk, Osh- is Jacqueline Elaine, daugh- awa. . Jacqueline was six ter of Mr, and Mrs. Anthony months old at the time of Kowal, Cloverdale street. Her this picture. grandparents are Mr. and --Aldsworth . Photography Home Decorations Topic Of Interest At Doubles' Club Many spring decorating ideas were presented to members of Northminster Come-Double Club at their regular meeting held in the lower hall of the church re- cently, Mrs, Lilla Tillson of To- ronto, spoke on "Decoration in the Modern Home" and illus- trated her remarks with samp- les of decorating materials for every room in the house. Mrs, Tillson is associated with a wall- paper firm and is a frequent guest speaker on TV and radio, as well as lecturing from coast to coast in Canada. She showed that 'Buy Canadian", when ap- plied to wallpaper, makes good sense in both economy and beau. + |ty, and many new and interest- ing ideas in co-ordinating wall coverings with drapery and rugs were presented, Mrs, Tillson gave a practical demonstration on applying wall paper, and then showed some colored slides which pictured rooms decorated with some of the materials which had been shown pre- viously. The meeting opened with a] worship service led by Mr. and) Mrs. George Perkin, assisted by Mr. Roy Weldon at the piano. Mr. Mervin Perkin, club presi- dent, introduced Mr. Walter Mit- tler, a member of the Toast- master's Club, who spoke on be- half of the Civic Auditorium Committee and answered ques- tions regarding this proposed project. During the busines meeting, presided over by the presidents, Both graduates of Queen's University, Kingston, Miss Marlene Alice Graham, and Mr, Thomas Clarence Burnett have chosen Saturday, June 15, as their wedding date. The ceremony is to be per- formed in Orono United PLAN JUNE WEDDING Church. The bride - elect, daughter of Mr. Edward FE. Graham, Orono, and Mrs, graduated in physics last week and her fiance, son of Mr, and Mrs. T. Clayton Burnett, Oshawa, graduated in Chemi- cal Engineering last year, was announced that a, crib and play pen had been ordered 'for the church nursery, which is Club. It was decided to erect a} project. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Weldon and} lof the arrangements for the \evening. Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Perkin, it| AID NIGERIANS DARTMOUTH, N.S. Dartmouth school books soon be helping students iGraham, is the wife of a teacher im Kan books for pupils there, |Rotary Club in co - 'with other: groups. (CP) -- will in looked after by the Come-Double|Northern Nige ria. Margaret who graduated from platform in the chapel as a club/high school here in 1940 and now 0, Refreshments were served by|Northern Nigeria, appealed for Some \their group who were in charge|3, 000 books were sent by the operation write. When you pop back with| ANN LANDERS Well, Dear Readers What Do You Think? Dear Ann Landers: Why do you. persist in calling people Toots, Lamb-Chop, Bub, Petunia Buster Honey-Bun and countless other equally undignified names? Surely you must be aware that some people who write to you are older than you are and therefore entitled to respect. How do you think a 70-year-old grandmother feels when you refer to her as Toots? Recently my father-in-law wrote to you and he did not sign his name, I recognized his letter because I happened to know his problem. I admit the situation he described sounded like that of a much younger man, but he is a gentleman 68 years of age. In your reply to him you called him Buddy Boy. Your advice is excellent but your sarcasm and smartealeck approach to your correspondents is abit much.--TO THE POINT. Dear Point: Thank you for your letter. It is not the. first "Look, Buttercup," or "Listen, Bub," my husband gets such a bang out of it he can't stop laughing. Buster and Doll set him off, too, but nothing does it like Buddy Boy! Reading your. column every day is almost the same as having a personal chat with you. Your wisdom and wit are a priceless combination. - With- out being unkind you scale peo- ple down to size with just the right phrase. And who of us doesn't need it now and then? Don't ever lose that refresh- ing straight-from-the - shoulder humor which your readers dearly love. --N.C. BOOSTER. Dear Booster: Thanks Doll. And please give my regards to Buddy Boy Dear Ann Landers: I am a retired insurance man who has a good wife, a nice family and I'm strictly a mind-my-own bus- iness type. Three weeks ago I received a telephone call from a man who THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 22, 1963 said, 'You had better stop see- ing my wife or you'll be in serious trouble." I asked his name but he wouldn't tell me. I invited him to come to my home and talk to me but he re. fused. I am completely innocent and have nothing to hide. I even offered to go see him but he wouldn't tell me where he lived or where he worked, Last week he called again with the same message. Yester- aye ihale sha .FOLLOW THE TROTS MONTREAL (CP) -- Maur nd Desjardins, publicity diree tor. for Richelieu Park, say! women are getting to be keer students of harness raci! ladies' night, attendance per cent. "Women have be he says. "They até Near en in their just like they ing. " day, I received a third call-- this one was angrier and I sus- pect he had been drinking. I phoned the telephone company and asked them to trace the call but they said it was impossible. Please tell me what to do, I am deeply concerned. -- NOT) GUILTY Dear Not Guilty: The man sounds like a crack-pot who picked your name out of the| phone book. Ask the telephone} company to change your num- ber. They will be happy to do so when you explain the circum. stances. 282 King W. 728-958) | RUG CLEANING letter I have received offering this criticism, The next letter deals with the same subject. I) hope you will read it. | Dear Ann Landers: Your col-| umn is like a breath of tresh| air! I especially enjoy your) down-to-earth, unpretentious, | old-shoe attitude toward all who} SATIN SHOES 9.99 DYED FREE TO MATCH any color, All sizes TAMMY Fashion Shoes 79 SIMCOE N. 728-2491 2 LOCATIONS EXCLUSIVE Jats i aad hope 72 364 WILSON PND.< RETIRING: BUSINESS Clearing Large Stock of Television and Stereo EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD! ALL NEW MERCHANDISE CARRIES FULL FACTORY WARRANTY The large stock of Television, Hi-Fi, Rae, and Records will be ces of through John Meagher announces his retirement from the Television Business and wishes to thank his many friends and customers for their patronage over the years, this sale, commencing Thursday Morning, May 23rd, RCA VICTOR TELEVISION Model No. 23-T-401. Trim, compact table model with "New Vista Special' chassis. THE RCA "GALAXIE" 9 Tubes, music power output. 40- 15,000 frequency response. Two 8" and two 3%" speakers. Album space; FM stereo optional extra. In Walnut finish. Dimensions: Height 304%" (with legs, op- RCA AUTOMATIC width 3156", RECORD PLAYERS .. 99.95 tional extra), depth 1534", TAPE RECORDERS Clearout en: ---99. 00 from... RCA VICTOR "DEBUTANTE" STEREO Another example of fine wood, Victorcraft contemporary styling. FM or AM radio with provision for adapting to FM Stereo Radio. Automatic frequency control. Perfor- monce proved "Dual" record changer, with Ronette cortridge, diamond stylus. Two 10' and two 312" speak- ers. 24 watts peok music power output. 289.00 INCLUDING $50.00 PACKAGE Re RCA_YVICTOR STEREO RECORDS. SMALL APPLIANCES RECORD PLAYERS TAPE RECORDERS VACUUM CLEANERS FLOOR POLISHERS TOASTERS IRONS COFFEE MAKERS RAZORS CLOCKS RADIOS Clearout Priced Manufacturer's List 259.95 Manutacturer's Suggested List Price |] from $359.95 CLEAROUT SPECIAL 980-00 Fy x SALE PRICE INCLUDING $50.00 PACKAGE FREE 1 8 y RCA VICTOR STEREO RECORDS. -- ener SAVINGS ON RCA VICTOR TELEVISION and STEREO These Savings Will Apply Until All Stock Is Sold... Also On ELECTROHOME and ZENITH MEAGHER'S 5 KING ST. WEST ----- 723-3425 RCA VICTOR PORTABLE TV .. 179.00 Manufacturer's Suggested List 369.95 Clearout Priced SALE PRICE from . Clear-Out Of RECORDS 45 rpm -- Stereo LP's . : . all the finest in RCA Victor, Decca, Columbia, Ete. 5% ESCOUNT ON ALL RECORDS HOOVER Constellation Vacuum Cleaners @ The cleaner that floats on air © Tools for every type of cleaning @ One nozzle for rugs and bare floors SALE PRICE 9 49.88