Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 May 1963, p. 25

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US. Astronent Tells Of Crisis CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP)--Astronaut Gordon Cooper said he tried at first to be in- different to a green light that flashed on in his Faith 7 cap- sule, signalling trouble with his re-entry guidance system during his 22-orbit mission. "I saw the light on on and I thought maybe at first I'd just ignore it,"' the astronaut told a press conference Sunday, But he decided not to be too optim- istic since the green light indi- cated--erroneously as it turned out--that he might be coming out of orbit prematurely. | "Tl was afraid it wouldn't go away," he said, The light was the first sign of 'trouble with his automatic pilot, But he succeeded in guiding the capsule by manual control into the Pacific Thursday, about) five miles from the aircraft car- Ch rier Kearsarge. He pinned down the source of} "fireflies" that previous astro-| nauts had seen around their spacecraft in orbit. | They come peroxide jets that control spacecraft's position, appar- Europe Ideas rom drogen | ©" ! hy the| vers ace ently small icicles of discharged water frozen in space. SEES GAIN Asked if he thought his flight completed Project Mercury, Cooper replied that it was his personal opinion that great gain Sukarno Made President For Life JAKARTA, Indonesia (Reut-) ers) --- President Sukarno was made lifetime president of this Southeast Asian nation Monday in the wake of anti-Chinese riot- ing and charges there were) vould come from another ex-(Plans to overthrow him. tended Mercury flight. But Dr. Robert C. Seamans, associate administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space} Administration; said it is unm likely another Mercury manned mission will be conducted, In his Oklahoma drawl, the 36-year-old Cooper told, orbit by orbit, how he Performed his var- ious experiments, made phot- graphs of celestial phenomena and also, much as any other sightseer presented with a spec- tacular view, took snapshops of the magnificent Himalayas. He saw the heart of Red ina, He nearly saw his own home, hidden by trees, in Hous- ton, Tex. VIEW CLEAR In India, he said, "I noted that I saw individual roads and . and then I saw some little villages, individual vil- lages, and I noted that where the houses were scattered out I could see individual houses. "T saw also at about this point |some trucks on a road and not |too long after that a train with In Packaging |smoke coming out of it, going T ' | "In ple area I saw a boat) 0! iv. ti To Get rial |going down « sivar creating a} DUESSELDORF, West Ger- many (CP) -- Supermarket shelves in Canada will take on a new look in the next few months, reflecting ideas picked) up in Europe by 15 touring Ca-| nadian packaging men, A plastic bag now being tried out in Paris is a milk container may silence forever the pre- dawn clatter of the milkman's glass bottles. The plastic milk bag was among the innovations that the members of the Packaging As- sociation. of Cunada saw in Duesseldorf, where they spent five days at the triennial Inter- pack, the world's biggest pack- aging trade fair. They are on a) . tour that ends May 25. Some Canadians discovered new European packaging mate- rials they may be able to use in Canada. "We all learned a lot at Inter- pack," said tour chairman E. H. Gibson of Montreal, executive vice-president of Bathurst Con- tainers Ltd. "We've been impressed with the Europeans' imaginative use of design and color in such areas as gaily-colored carry- home shopping bags. We also liked the way plastic is used here in ways new to us for maximum display impact." Bahamas Island's | Self Rule By 1964 | LONDON (Reuters)--Britain} has agreed to grant internal) self-rule to its Bahamas Islands resort colony under a new con- stitution hoped to be adopted by Jan. 1, 1964. A communique issued Monday at the close of a three-week con- stitutional conference here said it is proposed to give the sub- tropical archipelago and_ its 107,000 inhabitants a ministerial system of internal self-govern- ment with a two-house legisla- ture by the beginning of next year. The 700 islands and 2,000 rocks making up the colony stretch from the western Atlan- tic Ocean off the coast of Florida down to Cuba and the edge of the Caribbean. |. What causes goiter? lated to diet? A. Simple (endemic) goiter is an enl of the thyroid gland due of iodine. That's why we use iodized salt... to deficiency of iodine. Toxic goiter overcome any A ae = TWO KINDS OF GOITER His tallation as president) for life capped the career of the 61-year-old former rebel leader who has headed the nation since he and his nationalist sup- porters proclaimed its independ. ence in 1945, four years before) it actually won freedom from | Holland. | The ceremonies surrounding Sukarno's investiture were held in strife-torn Bandung, West Java, scene of much of the anti-/ Chinese violence which began 11) days ago. | Sukarno told thousands of per-| sons crowded into Bandung city) square he will lead the nation| to Indonesian socialism. CAN'T ACHIEVE JUSTICE On the Chinese situation, Su-) karno said a 'just and prosper- ous. society" could not be achieved with "terrorism and the burning of houses and cars." Sukarno said Sunday the riots were planned by counter-revolu- tionaries trying to overthrow him and the government, The riots were sparked by. dwn a track... factions who opposed his -policy of friendship with Communist | fHE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Moy 21, 1963 25 China, he told a nation-wide ra- dio audience. Seven persons have been re- ported killed, dozens more in- jured and hundreds of Chinese- owned homes, stores and care were stoned and burned in the rioting, -- Sukarno, formally elected president when Indonesia be- came independent in 1949, has become virtually an absolute er of the land, SEEK BOYCOTT JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) The South African Congress of Trade Unions has appealed to the International Labor Organi- zation to expel South Africa. The congress,represents 51 trade unions. It also called on ILO members from 106 coun- tries to boycott the South Afri- can delegation to the 47th inter- ibe held in Geneva. FRONT-END ALIGNMENT ALL CARS JOH ne EAN "Visualiner"' SPECIAL 95 PHONE 728-6221 for eppointment Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service GENERAL ENERAL TIRE OF OSHAWA 534 RITSON RD. S. 728-6221 national labor conference due to Effective Wed. May 22, 1963 the following changes will. be made. in.one way street _ Street Victoria St. Ontario St. Albert St. Celina St. Between King St. & Bond St. King St. & Bund St. King St. & Olive Ave. King St. & Olive Ave. operation: Will Become One Way Northbound One Way Southbound © One Way Northbound One Way Southbound ALD. J. G. BRADY, Chairman Traffic and Public Safety Committee, City of Oshewe. | He had no difficulty sleeping) jin space, save one, He awoke! once to find his. arms in weight-| lessness hanging in the cockpit in front of him, Pickets Parade | Against NATO | 'Council Talks | OTTAWA (CP) -- About 200) pickets representing the Cana-| dian Peace Congress and the Youth Committee for Nuclear Disarmament paraded on Par- \liament Hill Monday to demon- jstrate against the NATO coun- cil meeting here this week. | Led by Congress Chairman Dr. James Endicott of Toronto, | jthe marchers bore placards ob-) \jecting to the stationing of nu-) jclear arms or missiles on Cana-| ldian soil and distributed pam-| | phlets. Dr. Endicott said his follow- ers came to Ottawa in two char- tered buses and 30 cars from Quebec, Montreal, Toronto, Wel- land, Windsor and the Lake- head. A one - man counter-demon- stration was staged by Pat Walsh of Ottawa, marching back and forth with a bilingual) sandwich board reading: "Free-| dom fighters support NATO--| Yotan rampart contre le com- munisme." | | | Stawice CLEANERS and LAUNDERERS OSHAWA - PORT HOPE WHITBY ~ COBOURG BOWMANVILLE - SCARBORO Curtains, Drapes, Blankets, Rugs OSHAWA'S ONLY UNIONIZED SHOP 723-4631 . 50 MILL Ie goiter in any way s largement to inadequate intake ne paren is a condition which results len of « send l problem which must be dealt with by a physician. It should be remembered that the term "goiter" does not in itself mean disease, but rather enlargement or a tissue change involving the thyroid gland. ASIAN FLU Oh ible to contract Asian flu as the of taking the vaceine? For how long is @ person protected by day's medicine is that so much cure costs so littl, ¢ Send P.O. Bi Toronto, Ontario. Karn DAuGgAs OPEN EVERY FRI @ FREE DELIVERY ®@ 723-4621 M VACCINE Asian flu vaccine? questions te Science Editors, ox 97, Termine! "A", DAY 'TIL 9 P.M. A. Trees, blue sky, «» gold, coral or bl TWO-WAY B. Beach, balcony, rayon is one side . . 11 to 17. SUMMER SCENES ON POLISHED COTTON ! flowers, cool water... all gested in this lovely print. It's a sun-dress with a swoosh- ing skirt and square cut neckline . . stole for evenings. In colours that do wonders for a tan ue, sizes 9 to 17. each 10.98 GLAMOUR IN A REVERSIBLE SHIFT ! patio, terrace . . DEPTS, 241 and 541 . it's glamorous wherever you wear it! Luscious ripe fruit on linen-weave . the other clear bold colours in a smooth cotton. It buttons at the shoulders, has skirt slite and a tie for the waist. Choose turquoise or pink, sizas each 10.98 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, 'Dan River' Checks ... Fashion's Summer Bonus! are sug- (NOT SKETCHED) . has a matching A bonus because they're so 'easy-care'. . . be relied upon to keep you cool, resist creasing even on the stickiest days! each 10.98 A.. Multi-Gores lend flattery to the skirt. Sleeve- free and scooped at the neckline, tiny buttons to the waist. Small dots and checks in blue, green or pink, sizes 34 to 44. B. Sun-Dress and Jacket in woven checks with self trim at the scooped neckline and jacket. Blue, pink, green, black--all with white, sizes 14% to 24/2. Sun - or - Shower COURIER COATS In Classic Combed Cotton One of the most enduringly popular of all casual topcoats ... the all-weather Balmacaan . . . thrift-priced for 'buy now' savings! Shell of combed cotton is lined with muted cotton plaid. Styled with such traditional fea- tures as raglan shoulders, fly front and sleeve tabs. A coat you will wear time and. time again... on rainy days or fine! Orders yours today . . . in beige, putty or navy. Sizes 8 to 18. EATON Special Price, each 9.95 | EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 744 PHONE 725-7373 can PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S TELEPHONE ORDER SERVICE OPEN MONDAY to SATURDAY 8.30am to 6pm. F

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