10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 21, 1963 THREE YEARS OLD TODAY Celebrating his third birth- day today is Timothy Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Cramp, Gibbons street, Osh- awa. He is the -grandson of | Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Cramp and great-grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cramp, all of Montreal. --Photo by Hornsby Victoria, B.C. National IODE The National Chapter of Can- | pal Chapter of Victoria, B.C.| |will welcome the members on|an undershirt. And if you boss Plans To Welcome) behait of the ch jtoria, B.C. Mrs. apters in Vie-| J. W. Robert-) Provincial President of} Nova Scotia, will reply on be-} half of the many members at-| ANN LANDERS No Real Executive Goes Half-Dressed LANDERS--for TUES, 21 Dear Ann Landers woman arrives at her job in an office without an underslip she is considered a cheap trollop. Yet a great many men, who are otherwise impeccably dressed, come to work without under- shirts. Isn't this exactly the same thing? My boss is a man in his 40's. He is handsome, a smart dres- ser and has excellent taste--in all areas except this one. The first thing he does when he comes to the office is shed his suit coat, There he sits, greet- ing important people from all over the world, both men and May Baie | 4 '/women--with no undershirt. To ;|make matters worse, he wears expensive white silk shirts' that aiyou can see right through. I've mentioned this to a few colleagues and they look at me as if I have lost my marbles. What is your opinion?--POOR BUT REFINED Dear P BUT R: Most men's shirts are made of oxford cloth or cotton, These fabrics are not transparent, so from an esthetic point of view an undershirt is not essential. Silk shirts, however, call for does not know it let's hope he reads this and takes the hint. Dear Ann Landers: Many or- ganizations are interested in the blind, and other handicapped groups, but few people are in- terested in the deaf. Perhaps it is because deaf people do not use crutches or have dogs to lead them, They look like every- one else. I was saddened by a recent column in. which a_ reader wrote, 'Many states have no laws to protect the public against crippled, half - blind, senile, and deaf drivers." Ob- viously, the writer has no un- derstanding of deaf drivers, You may be interested to know that the United States government spent many thou- sands of dollars in February, 1962, to gather outstanding au- thorities in the field of educa- tion, social welfare and religion for the purpose of examining the status of deaf drivers. Safety experts as well as rep- resentatives of insurance com- panies were invited, It was established that the ac- cidental rate for deaf drivers is lower than the accident rate for drivers with, hearing. Dea drivers are more careful be- cause they realize they must be especially alert. They must see what they cannot hear. I hope you will print this and set ad ida straight.--REV. Pilearned I -- INTERATIONAL | {) Dear Father: Thank you for| * #!! drug stores everywhere, writing. I am delighted to set the record straight. Dear Ann Landers: Ours was a "must marriage." But my husband and I are deeply in love and it has made no differ- ence in our feelings for each other. We had planned to be married in May, but when I was pregnant we changed the date to February. The baby was born 74% months after we were married. Our daughter is now three weeks old. What will I tell her when she is old enough to ask questions? I would hate for her to feel she was not wanted or |that we had to hurry and |marry because she was on the jway. | Please tell me how to handle this question when it comes up. It has been on my mind for sev- eral months.--WORRIED AND UPSET Dear W and U: Everyday I get at least one letter from jsomeone who asks this ques- tion, I will tell you what I have told others. By the time your daughter is old enough to talk the calendar will be forgotten, That is unless you bring it up, which I hope you will not. | Celebrate your wedding anni- Nedved any time you want to, It's strictly your own business. "Tired, Run-down Women, | want to regain your youthful looks? | Look in mirror! Has run-down condition, due to | Iron deficiency, made you look haggard, old? Want to feel better, regain your youthful looks? Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Their blood-building iron is often needed, to regain energy, vim, Also Improves appetite, which helps to fill out any hollows that may make you appear oid. Contains vitamin By, calcium, phosphorus, Introductory size costs little, Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets today help restore vitality, feel younger, For sale | UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES purchased and will be available; Graduation dinner was dis-,will attend the Toronto outing at the annual field day at Har-|cussed and will be held at Har-jon' May 28 visiting museums mony, May 31, mony United Church at a later-|and historical places under the Mrs. Roland Fleming andjdate. Mrs. Kenneth Whiley|supervision of Mr, Rupert Har- HARMONY H The Harmony Home and School Association opened the meeting with Mrs, William Temple presiding. Mrs. Stew- art Mackie read the minutes. School uniforms have been AND § Mrs, Ronald Murray were re-jand Grade 8 mothers wilh super-|rison. The meeting closed presentatives at the annua livise this program. Mrs. Ron-jrefreshments served by convention held at the Royallald Murray gave the treasur-|Roland Fleming and Grady 7 York Hotel, Toronto, April 17,\er's annual report. Grades 7-8\mothers, gates who were in attendance was heard, MOTH PROOFING ODOR PROOFING | AND | | MILDEW | on EVERYTHING We Clean ! knowledge of improvements in the association among 600 dele- ae B DY # PRICES! | No Matter . Whether It's | PROOFING | | COLD STORAGE ff). PROTECTION | (( Ny GARMENT STORAGE 4 CENTRES to serve you @ 434 Simcoe @ 249 King @ 16 Bond @ 688 Hortop 728-5133 Furniture, Appliances, HI-FI, TV, Radios, ete. # You Don't Buy It At Bad Boy's YOU PAY TOO MUCH!! "Expert work -- Courteous, Prompt Service -- Personal Care" PICKWICK | APPLIANCES Open Nightly (Except Saturday) 'Til 9:30 KING ST. E, AT TOWNLINE 728-4658 BAD BOY sx CLEANERS ada, IODE will hold its 63rd|tending from across the Domi-|[ntercession of the Order will annual meeting in the Empress|nion. be held in The Cathedral Church| Hotel, Victoria, British Colum-| Oy sunday, May 25, the na-|of Christ, Victoria, B.C. and this bia, May 25-May 20, 1963. ltional president will' place alwill be conducted by the Most Mrs, Peter L .Robinson, na-|wreath on the Cenotaph at 1.45|Reverend H. E. tional president, will preside| during the general sessions, Sexton, DD, p.m. At 7.30 p.m. a Service. of Archbishop of British Columbia. commencing Monday, May 27. | The official opening cere- monies will take place on Satur. day, May 25, at 8.30 p.m. in the} Crystal Ballroom of the Empress Hotel, Victoria, F All members and their friends| are invited to attend the open-| ing ceremonies and reception, | which will follow. Greetings will be brought from the Province of British Columbia by the Hon- orable W. A .C, Bennett, LL.D.,| Premier of the Province, and Alderman Austin I. Curtis, who! will represent His Worship the| Mayor, and the City of Victoria. | On this occasion the national| president, Mrs .Peter L. Robin-| son, will address the assembled| members. Mrs. R. R. Shortreed, | Provincial President of British | Columbia, will extend the offi- cial welcome, and Mrs. Peter W. Bell, Regent of the Munici-| TOP MAN TO LEASE A MAJOR OIL COMPANY SERVICE STATION If you feel that you are a capable businessman we offer: * Paid Training Course @ Financial Assistance if necessary WANTED @ Independence in Your Own Business. @ Opportunity to Market a Product with Public Acceptance WRITE TO BOX. NO. 849 GIVING EDUCATION, AGE, ETC. INVESTMENT AVAILABLE, 4 GRAVITY WARM AIR FURNACE FREE 1 FULL YEAR CALL 728-944] FORCED CORNER OF ATHOL & CELINA STS, WARM AIR FURNACE - HOT WATER HEATING FREE INSTALLATION! SH 0 RGAS Lid. FU have SHORGAS (Serving Oshawa and Area over 25 Years) CONVERT YOUR RNACE TO NATURAL GAS @ NO CASH OUTLAY... YEAR! and bumers are suitable for oll the benefits of quiet, trouble-free heat . . RENTAL FREE *plus the fuel you use NO RENTAL CHARGES FOR ONE Whatever type of heating you now have you can convert to Ges! Install o Gas Conversion Burner now (most furnaces conversion to Gas) . . . enjoy comfortable, low cost and . you pay only for the fuel used. AFTER 1 YEAR FREE YOU PAY ONLY 95 A MONTH ON YOUR GAS BILL SERVICE! seeaiiaaeinaal A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Starfire is specially built for those who want sports-car adventure--with fine-car luxury. Starfire's sportiness starts with its contoured rear window and racy styling. And Starfire's luxury shows in lavishly appointed inte- riors with bucket seats and sheared nylon carpeting... with the convenience of power steering and power 'brakes. There's more! Starfire's Sports Console, with Hydra-Matic T-stick control and tachometer, puts you in command of the smooth, responsive power of the high- spirited 345-hp Starfire engine. Satisfy your yen for sports-car excitement and fine-car luxury. Drive the fa- mous sport-equipped luxury car...Starfire by Oldsmobile. co TAKE THE EASY STEP UP TO OLDSMOBILE AND STEP OUT IN STYLE TODAY! Cid=mnohile VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED QUALITY OLDSMOBILE DEALER ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. PHONE 728-9441 [40 bed. We, Oshawa, Ont. Phone 725-6501 HARRY DONALD LIMITED Whitby, Ont. Phone: 668-3304, 668-3305, 668-3306