Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 May 1963, p. 23

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scape rahe Sree yer TR pe ain a agen, a ee SQ PF PE GSO THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, May 16, 1963 23 27--Real Estate For Sale am ae ranged. Per information all PRIVATE SALE, 971 Elizabeth Street, 28--Real Estate Wanted TO RENT with option to house, small barn with a win in , area Welie oe » for acre: with lake frontage wr and accessible on northern lake, "After 8 evenings, eal 27--Real Estate for Sale JONES AVENUE -- two - bedroom rick bungalow. Good. condition and lo- cation, $10,500, Less for cash. Low down payment, Private sale. 728-7245. DIVISION STREET, 354--Private sale. Ful price $12,000, Down, $1600. Rea- sonable terms. Eight-room brick hoine, garage, two bathrooms, fenced yard. Telephone 725-6179. 25 ACRES, choice market garden land, large house, hydro, bathroom, hard and soft water on tap, pressure pump in basement. Good well, good y hen house with electric clock, near Lake Scugog, 2% miles north of Cae- sarea, Also large summer lots close to Ww. £E. estieton, RR 1, Phone Blackstock 966-4427. or TRI-PLEX 27--Real Estate For Sale LOT FOR SALE -- 103' frontage 120', Landscoped, one block south off King Street yen ee minutes -- ing rom bus, pul lic, separate or high school, $49 per frontage foot with services paid, 728-653". PRIVATE SALE 5 ROOM BRICK 362 LESLIE STREET Hardwood floors» oi! heat, poved drive, garage. PHONE 728-8505 SACRIFICE MUST MOVE 27----Real Estate for Sale LOT 60 ft. x 225 ft., on Oshawa Creek. $2,800, Telephone 728-9545. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $700 DOWN Six room bungalow with all decorating completed. Three bedrooms, Hollywood _ style kitchen, beautiful big living room, it now, Coll Bill Millor, 725-1186, W. T. Lamson Reol Estote Ltd. /_ 25--Apartments SEVEN rooms, Two-storey home, close |27--Real Estate For Sale FWO ADJOINING lols, 60 x 240 ft. Street, fixed be used | northea: » outside 4 e sa hove Wey It lsoar soeal. Prise INK orks wher § full| p.m, 728-1966. <a METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED, 40 KING ST. E, DIAL 728-4678 SUTHERLAND AVE. Immaculate 2 bedroom bug- alow, top location. If desired builder will convert dining room into a third bedroom at 17--Mele Help VVanted BARBER WANTED, pedmanent posi tion, Apply 5 Celina Strect 17--Male Help Wanted _ MEN WANTED with automobile to boys Monday, May 20, 9 to|to ""Yme| 12 Boon. Good basic pay, plus commis-|for two families, Extra sion. Telephone 725-4473, | » taxes $179, Asking only $8,900 Po) ~- -- ---- seen, Phone Bill peanerenemmpea enemas | price, Must be Fabel ning as sales ae a aera cliffe at 725-6544 lor ing supply yard, | to |= ag pes References required, Reply, stating| NEPIGON 'Street, 343, education. Box 642, Oshawa Times, bungalow, oil heated. Modern through neuen out, garage, Telephone 728-7130 after + gered GOLF COURSE maintenance man, some experience necessary, Must have| g. Machine "Com-|°#F. Telephone Pickering 942-6501, LIFE GUARD, male, 18 years or over, nity |Gualitied .Must have pool experience, -|first aid, Must have car. Telephone Pickering 942-6557, neni 20--Room and Board ROOM and board for gentleman, day @hift preferred, Near North Geneal 27--Real Estate for Sale FOUR-ROOM bungalow, on one acre of land, Near Mosport. Reasonable price, Call Orono 4R6, PRIVATE -- Lot for sale, 100' x 214', new subdivision, x Rosslawn Ave- nue, $1700, 725-3341. BRICK BUNGALOW, five years old, modern three rooms, 'finished ree: reation room, spacious lot, near shop- ping and bus, Price $13,700; down payment $1500, Apply. 1106 Cloverdale, 728-6302, FOR QUICK SALE -- low down pay.) m and ent, five-room brick garage. Centrally located. Vacant now. 725-8188, brick and storms and natural 6 p.m, NEAR THE HOSPITAL -- Modern two- d upper ed, parking space, One child welcome. Bea sala LP ON MARY STREET -- 'Two-room upper share bath, kitchen partly furnished, gas range; parking space, adults, $55, Telephone 725-1042, partment, MODERN three Singer bedroom pany, 14-16 Ontario Street. stone bungalow, aluminum SHINGLERS Experienced sub - comtractors new work, TORONTO RU 3-1138 "OFFSET PRESSMAN | URGENT EXPERIENCED On laroer offset equipment. Excellent future for rigket per- son, State experience, age, salary. References. Apjly * HAINES FRONTIER * PRINTING LIMITED __SARNIA, ONTARIO We Need Help We need one or two fulll or part-time men to help rneet the demands for ONTARIO AUTOMOBILE. ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS. Pleasant, dignified, good paying work. experience necessary. But a car is. For full infior- mation write GROUP SUPERVISOR 1200 BELVEDERE ST,. OSHAWA "BIG PAYOFFS NO LAYOFFS Young and vigorous Canadiati Company hiring men to age 35 FULL TIME or PART TIME for its Sales Researcly Pivision. Experience in sales not required. Cor is neces sory, but no out-of-town ove ernight. Salary and commission com mensurate with ability. Investigate NOW how even part-timers earn a 4-figure income with us just in the summer, For interview, see Mr. Dan Langton, Room 5, 52% North Simcoe, from 1 pi 5S LEARN MEAT CUTTING 20 men needed for class; in Oshawa and pecs dn Dis- trict doy or evening. Being formed offering practical training in the highly paid field of meot cutting, mer- chandising and self-serve, Act now. PRACTICAL MEAT CUTTING AND RETAIL SCHOOL Please write 1425 DANFORTH AVE, TORONTO, ONTARIO. ----HOward 1-7545 _ $90 A WEEK Selery guoranteed while en- rolled in our thirteen week ~ professional training plan. We guorantee success even if you have no previous sales experience. Car supplied. ~A young man 2] - 27 will be chosen to assist the local ~menoger of the Canadion Universal Home Study pro- gram. Must have good op- pearonce and be oble to socialize, There is a good opportunity for promotion, After your thirteen week training you may qualify for your own ex- clusive fronchise For full details and to or- range on interview phone be- fore 5:30. 723-464] EXT. 518 Motors. Telephone 725-0312. NFAR South board for two to share, Single gentlemen, Apply 131 Albert Street, 728-4061, for gentlemen, single beds, jadult home, Private, Telephone | 3350, |SIMCOE AND ROSSLAND area, large junches | room, television, good meals, packed, gentlemen, private bath, trance, quiet home, laundry, parking.| TAUNTON ROAD EAST -- iwo.bed. Apply 708 Carnegie Avenie, 1 WILL ROOM and board a pre-school child in my own home (motherless pre- ferred), with loving care, Telephone 728-7245, 'al Motors, room and willing beds, parking, lunches e 728-4763. mM for gentleman, in clean home, single room, five-day week. | 7o¢. Three minute walk from four corners. | -. ARTHUR Street, 332, room and board lunches packed, good meals, Telephone 728-2433, ROOM, board if desired, parking space, lelose to stores and shopping, Clean, $80, » heat, » water inc! |, Available June 15, Telephone 723-9681, : WESTMOUNT STREET, 65 -- Warm, dry, self-contained basement apartment, range, refrigerator, tele- vision outlet, parking space, Suitable y Tenge couple, $60 monthly. Apply 6, no increose in cost, paved drive, beautifully landscaped. Asking price $12,000. Clear home ---- mortgage con be orronged with good repay- ment terms. CHURCH SITE Ideally situated --- consists of 2.10 ocres for only $11,- 000 with $2,000 down. TRADE Client will exchange his mo- dern 4 bedroom suburbon bungolow with 2 fireploces and finished recreation room, paved drive etc, for o lorge old family type of home in Whitby or Oshawo, NORTH OSHAWA -- _ One-bedroom, in apartment building, stove, refrigera- tor, Bk washing facilities, Telephone PARK ROAD SOUTH, 468 three. room furnished apartment, Adults only, $60 monthly, Apply above after 6 ¥ THRE}ROOM -- basement . moderm furniture, Private bath and en- trance, TV outlet, Suitable for two Hurses or working couple, close to hos- pital, Telephone after 5 p.m. 725-6124. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment. Suit quiet gentleman or lady. Telephone 728-6844 between 12 a.m, and 6 p.m. 728. en: OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE room main floor apartment, self-con- tained. No 22----Offices, Stores, Storage | 759 between 11 and SUITE OF MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES AVAILABLE |t Approximately 1000 sq SERVICED BY ELEVATOR Ask for MR: T. L. WILSON TELEPHONE 723-3474 ft, to one child, 723. Diol 728-4678 John Kemp -- Dick Barriage Joe Mago Lloyd Metcalf a, OSHAWA CITY limits. Self-contained| two rooms with kitchenette. Utilities | included, $65 monthly. Working couple! CARL OLSEN REALTOR SUNSET HEIGHTS -- Close to , three bedroom semi-split bungalow with at+ tached garage ond carport. Lovely treed lot, Just reduced to $14,000. A real buy. GRIERSON ST, -- Three bed- room two storey home with ottached groage, broadioom treughent, lorge lot. Only $13,900. with $2,000 down, MARY ST, ---- Close to the Collegiate, three bedroom, one and a half storey home with 2 car garage. Broad- loom in living and dining room, natural fireplace, re- creation room, Listed ot $15- 900. 28 ROSSLAND RD. WEST - Six room, two storey brick Ken Honn Jack Osborne preferred. Near bus stop, 723-2781 be. fore 7 p.m, i FURNISHED two-room apartment also/ |single room, Private entrance, park.| jing, ee Reasonable, Apply 96 Cen- treet, DOWNTOWN -- Three rooms and| bath, modern, _ self-contained, apart. ment in new butlding, $80 monthly, | Telephone 725-1212, |KING and Gibbon, spacious two-bed-| pee pagel nee June 1,/ | 8 only, Call Mr, Bolah | 6544 or 725-8933, ey HERE IT IS! $11,900 with $600 em | NHA resale, Six rooms, aluminum| storms and screens, two aluminum | doors, four-piece ceramic bath, full) basement, vacant possession, one easy OWNER MOVING TO VANCOUVER Buy this beautiful planned three bedroom bungalow with mony outstanding fea- tures, yard backs on meadow land, $11,750. Good terms. 10 ACRES: ON BEAUTIFUL CREEK There are just three of these lovely lots. Ideal home sites. Neor well travelled road. 23--Wanted To Rent TWO. or three-bedroom house by lable faniily | phone 725-8160. es ore FURNISHFD two rooms, privale SPONSIBLE couple with one child)7" '0 rooms, private en-| preci ; i use in trance, free parking, central. 96 Centre! Telephone 728-7020, | Street or telephone 725-0953, jrequires two or three-bedroom no Oshawa or Vicinity COUPLE Wishes to rent two or three- on a two-year lease, | * L Located| Y8te entrance, Telephone 728-2359, lin Whitby. Best of references, 'Write! WONDERLAND PARK Motor jbedroom home, Should be available August 1. Box 633, Oshawa Times. A QUIET responsible couple with two| children requires a small! four-room apartment in Osh-/ ONTARIO STREFT, 37 | school-age house or Jawa, Near Shopping Centre |ferred. Write Box 638, Oshawa Times./nished light hou I JULY 1 -- Middle-aged couple quires one or two bedroom apartment OSHAWA MOTEL, main floor preferred, or duplex, Easy walking distance | furnished. |General Motors North plant. | Box 646, Oshawa Times COUPLE with two children would to rent house, References. Mr, C, J: ---- «+ gon, 125 Byng Avenue. Telephone 728- 5645, |BELL 'Telephone assistant sales man-| ger requires two or three bedroom a jhouse or duplex or a two japartment in Oshawa, Please call 728- | 5111 before 5 p.m. Possession June 1, Tele- 26--Rooms For Rent Reply to 9761 mortgage for the balance. Will be glad| to show you through anytime. Cali now, ine |Mr. Jack Appleby at 725-6544 or 723-3398 reli-| With a scenic creek at batk, GENUINE RANCH BUNGALOW 3 bedrooms, lovely living room with fireplace, very at- tractive kitchen. Vanity in bathroom. Large summer family room, glassed to catch morning and afternoon sun, Very large lot on secluded Brooklin street. $12,750. Terms. | NICELY furnished, clean light , keeping room, 'Pope Laundry facilities, Kingston Road East, cabins, | Yeniences, including showers Weekly rates Starting at $15, 150 ACRE STOCK FARM Modern 8 roomed house, all conveniences. Finished recre- ation room, 3 bedrooms. Very good barn, ond other build- ings. Spring fed creek sup- plying large pond. Small cedar bush for shelter, $36,- 000 with terms. CONTACT 'D. H. ANDREWS BROOKLIN Pre-/until 9 p.m. for clean comfortably fur-| isekeeping room, down. i. | "King Street Eas t.| rates, rooms, heated, tele.| $15, and $17.50. Telephone 723.| ATTRACTIVELY | FURNISHED ROOMS | -| Available. in private home, | Call between 5 and 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD, re-| town. $10 week Un: | Weekly to vision, like en: 24--Houses For Rent TWO-BEDROOM house, suitable cen 5 couple, self-contained, oil heat, tral, Telephone 725-3968, WINTERIZED two-room cottage, part- ly furnished, clean, redecorated, Adu! nly, Telephone 728-8125, | THREE-BEDROOM brick veneer bun-|bungaiow, galow, modern conveniences, loom, TV aerial, large wooded lot, miles west of Brooklin. $75 or monthly. Brooklin 655-4709, broad-| $10,500, Reasonable down pa NORTH tor 27---Real Estate For Sale WHITBY -- $3,000 down. One 6 per cent NHA mortgage, Five-room brick bun: | #alow, newly decorted. 668-5234, TELEPHONE 655-3195 A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS.LTD. 46 EGLINTON AVE. E. TORONTO 12 rh Whitb y| JONES Avenue, two - bedroom" brick| g00d condition and location, . yment. Less red for cash, No agents, 728-7245. 235--Apartments Governor Mansions Luxury Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidaires--12 cu. ft. Pressurized Hallways Storage Locker in Suites Loundry room on eoch floor Vanity in bathrooms A Few Choice Locations Available immediate Possession TELEPHONE: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M, field-Aker Limited 723-2265 e t Scho ____ Model Homes -In | Brookside Acres Oshawa's Prestige Area The Glenfield--two storey and the Summerset--a , long, low Rancher, will be open for your admiration | by appointment, telephone 725-9991, The beauty of these homes will thrill the most discriminating buyer, while the location, Oshowao's most desirable, will assure you of sound investment protection. | We will build to your specifications, but lots are limited, : | Inquiries invited. Telephone 725-9991 | Roth Construction Company J. J. VAN HERWERDEN, REALTOR 741 KING ST. E., OSHAWA TEL. 723-4471 home, olf heated, nice lot. Only $11,900, with $2,000, down, balance on first mort- gage. HORTOP ST. -- Five room bungalow, oil heated, recrea- tion room, Large lot 66 by 176. Priced at $10,500 with $1,000, down. GRANDVIEW VILLAGE -- For your new "Kassinger" home in this choice loca- tion, give us a call. Your pre- sent home accepted os a trode. After 6:00 p.m: call Wesley Elliott .. 728-0581 Charles Navior .. 728-2857 Henry Stinson .. 725-0243 299 King St. W. 723-1133 GUIDE REALTY. LIMITED COUNTRY RANCHER lo- cated just ouside the City-- enjoy a spacious, bright home with bracing air and lots of sunshine. Three large bed- rooms, extra large living room with fireplace, dining room and efficient modern kitchen, extra large 4-pc. tiled bath with vanity. Attached garage and covered patio, Full base- ment ---plenty of room for recreation room. Laundry tubs, forced air oil heat, This home has just come on the market so arrange to see it soon, CONNAUGHT NEAR MARY STS. -- 7 room -- 2 storey brick family home with 20 ft, living room with fireplace, dining room and family room overlooking the rear garden which has a bird sanctuary and lovely trees and shrubs. Large modem kitchen with built-in breakfast nook and lots of cupboards. Upstairs has 3 large bedrooms. There are two bathrooms, also a 2- pe. washroom. F.H.A. Oil heating, attractively decor- ated and broadloomed. Owner leaving the city and must sell. See this home and make an offer, 5 SUITE APARTMENT BUIL- DING -- all units rented in- cluding stove and fridges. Good income property in a very desirable location. Owner will accept bungalow as down payment. $8,300 FULL PRICE for this 5 room stucco bungalow spot- lessly clean in the College Hts, area, Good basement with, oil heating. Large hedged lot and poved drive. 4-pc. bathroom. Taxes only $120. POOL ROOM WITH NO COMPETITION -- Old estab- lished business with 5 large tables and all chattels. Reas- 6 TIMES 10 ACRES OF FREEDOM WHITBY CLASSIFIED 8 minutes drive from Oshawa, with the best stream for brown trout; the rapids rustle, the birds are singing. Room for the pony. One lot hos a good bern. A joyful spot for your kids, a wonderful retreat from strenuous life. For freedom loving people, AVON Cosmetics offers excellent earn.) DRF'SiiMAKING, ing opportunity for rural housewives, sewing. Reasonable in your own community. Write Mrs, § PO Boe $12, Oshaw FOR RENT: Seif suitable Gas heated Phone 6:30 p.m. F@m RENT: June 1 Two bedroom FOR RENT -- Three-bedroom, brick a 9 ge I South| bungalow, 920 Bayview Avenue, Whit. monthly Centre Street ped ied. and refigeatod suppl cated in modern tripl from. and evenings ATTENTION FISHERMEN and ~-CAMPERS Reservotions now being oc- cepted, a small deposit will reserve your booting or comp- ing equipment. WE RENT Cances, cor-tops, motors, boots, troilers, tents, tent trailers, ete. Garden and lawn equipment. Power tools, ond box troilers, FOR SALE Used tents, new ond used boot trailers, outboord motors, end boots, 20th century cobin trailers. WANTED Boots, motors ,troilers to be sold on consignment. WILDE RENTAL 'Service and Sales 1415 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3226 for » low rental, June 1, central 668-076 daytime or 668-3714 after | by. ex. Four sorke| Teiephane Bowmanville 623-2444, downtown. Telephone 668-4158 LADY 'will do ironing at home. Rea alterations, rates. Jebert, Whitby 668-3745. Sarteant, FOR 'RENT: Bachelor apartment, all *"convetilences, parking, Apply to Box couple or single person. g14, (whawa Times, Whitby SALESLADY wanted for drag store y Jury and Lovell, Whitby Plaza. RIDERS wanted to Scarborough Tele. FOR (SENT phone 668-8647. m Appl ent, Telephone 658-4864 Amailable June 1. $95 sonable . prices. Telephone 668.8427 ~ time FOR RENT $55 and two-bedroom apartment, Close to downtown. Telephone 668-4560 pply Jack Muilli-| | ROTO-4iMing done. A gan, Brooklin. 655-4996. DRESSM_AKING: Suits, coats, dresses. ip covers, drapes, Fittin, alterations, @ speciatt FOR RIENT: One bedroom tained ay yartment, sli Mrs. Toms 668-2372. main floor, ch NA -- | GOOLD'S Second Hand Furniture, everything for cottages, Noor coverings, ranges, fellevisions, refrigerators jbuy, sell wr trade, Open all day. | Dundas eae?, Whitby, Telephone 663. Stove, refrigerator, 3591 see esa SE CITES j {SEPTIC ta ks cleaned, prompt service Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut on calls, Street West, Whitby 668-2563, WE CAN DELIVER TO YOU... Crushed grave! (mulch), pi | run grovel, stone, sand and | . top soil, All sold by weight. } CALL 668-3524 Sawdions' (Whitby) Limited 2:44 Brock St. § Fuels agd Builders' Supplies Whitby, ., \ general European Large three-room apart- ~ One-bedroom apartment,/ self-con-| Apply 208 Brock Street South, telephone 668-4977. | 5481 | \FOR REN'®: Three room apartment.| te laundry facilities, ) |$75_month@y. Parking. Adults. Whitby,/ t teria the spot they ore dreaming of. Ask for information. DAIRY-FARM -- Over 200 Acres. Open milk contract, Excel- | lent farm and buildings, Full price $49,000. Included 70 head of cattle, $64,000, Terms. | 4 CITY LOTS -- All service paid for, each 53 x 100 feet. Sac- rifice price $7,000 -- total WE URGENTLY NEED LISTINGS FOR FARMS, HOUSES ANO LOTS. WHITBY PROPERTIES COCHRANE ST. -- Attroctive old English style, 3 bedroom bungalow, with L shaped living end dining room -- 23' beauti- fully finished reg room with parquet floor and mohogany wells Ratio in the beck -- Ask for Margoret Hall for further in- formation, any | } ANDERSON ST. -- 1% storey frome Rouse in excellent condi ton -- breakfest room off kitchen, full sized dining room -- goroge -- extra large lot -- $2,000 will buy. HALLET ST. --~ 3 bedroom bungalow with etteched gorage --- in excellent condition -- built on a 62" lot. HENRY ST, -- Custom-built: 3-bedroom bungolow with carport --~ 20° living réom with fireploce -- 66' lot -- will sell or ex- change for form. $35.) will! 25 CENTRE ST, -- 7 room split level brick bungalow, with etteched gorage ---- |. shaped living and dining room with stone log burn- ing fireplace, extras include washer and dryer, garbage disposal, 1,400 Sq. Ft. of living space -- built on o quiet residential area, 5 Plex apartment building, oll rented 4-Two bedroom apts. and 1-One bedroom apt. Recreation room, laundry room -- indivi- duol thermostats -- Ask for Audrey Moore for porticulors. COLD SPRINGS LOT -- extra large lot $2,500. EVENINGS CALL Margoret Hall 723-1358 Audrey Moore . . Phyllis McRobbie, Bowmonville .. 623-7159 OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE j218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 668-5853 668-4088 onable rent on 5 year lease. We have full _ porticulors. Give us a call. DIVISION STREET near Ad- elaide --- 6 room home with three large bedrooms, family size kitchen, separate 'dining room and large living room. Forced air oil heating and garage. Listed at $10,500 with terms, FRENCH STREET a good little 3 bedroom five-room home has just come on the market at $8,900. This home is in good repair with basement and furnace. Mod- ern kitchen and large living room, Close to North G.M, and within walking distance of downtown. RESTAURANT -- year round money maker with no opposi- tion, Completely equipped and seats 70, Located in a busy shopping ploza in a thriving community near Oshawa. $5,500 FULL PRICE--nearly new cottage and contents, only 94 miles from Oshawa on Monk Lake includes 100. ft. of private beach, good floating dock and sail boat. Cottage size 21 x 26, Europ- ean style, 2 bedrooms up- stairs (sleeps six) dishes, stove, 'refrigerator, space heater and all furniture. An excellent buy. $11,900 -- 5 room brick bungalow with Twindow in living room, modern kitchen, bed: ns. Full ba: with plenty of room for rec- reation area, Landscaped lot with birch trees in front yard. Close to bus and schools. Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 723-1133 For full particulars call 723-1121 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. ONLY $1700 DOWN FULL PRICE $12,700 Take over one 6% Mortgage will accept best down pay- ment with small mortgage. EASY PAYMENTS Six room split level brick, 4 years old, excellent condi- tion, OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1 P.M, UNTIL 9 P.M. Phone Whitby 668-4871 SCHOFIELD-AKER OPEN HOUSE SCHOFIELD-AKER $895 NOW five room brick bungalows loaded with extras $12,895 "only four teft" Grandview Gardens | CALL HOWARD McCABE 728-6286 Ss. D. HYMAN REAR ESTATE LIMITED HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 728-1679 736 LAW STREET Five room brick bungalow, stone front, attached garage, large living room with nat- ural fireplace and dining re large well landscaped ot. ONTARIO STREET INCOME HOME, fourteen rooms, all furnished for light housekeeping, new wiring and furnace, annual income $4,400 plus a free four room apartment on first floor, sub- stontial down payment. For inspection call «Syd. Good- fellow, 723-7335, LOT ON ADELAIDE ST. _ $23,000 FULL PRICE $3,000 Down--Income $2,- 830. Four years old. Tenants Pay Your Mortgage. Dufferin Street, Whitby Telephone 725-3090 Builders will construct for you a new home with plenty of extras: built-in range, vanity in bathroom, clay brick, stone front.. All. this and more for $1,060 down. Phone 725-1186. W. T. Lamson Reo! Estate Ltd. screens, basement eee 6 fireplace. Close to schools. Good down payment required, For de- tails after 4 o'clock, 725-0702. SIX-ROOM two-storey brick, all con- veniences, near school, north end, Will for four- or fi bunga- low in same district. Write Box 706, Oshawa Times, FOUR-ROOM cottage and one acre of land, on Hancock Road North, Cour- tice, Telephone 728-4559. SIX-ROOM, two-storey home, Blvd, South, $1,500 down, $75. Oshawa monthly, We have a Client for 10 to 5 Acres, 5 or 6 room house in condition with con; veniences, small barn, la must be fairly level, within 15 mile rodius of Oshawa. for full particulars call Guide Realty Limited, Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. $., Oshawa, Ont, 725-1121, Telephone 725-7425, 29--Automobiles For Sale BROOKLIN = $12,900, six-room ranch low, tiled bath storms and screens, large lot. Only steps ') schools and shopping. Brooklin| 655-4859, | | | | | | | IN. WHITBY Beautiful COLONIAL STYLE HOME with modern field _ stone, four bedrooms, fully decor- ated, fireplace floor to ceil- ing, built-in oven and stove, Bow windows living and din- ing rooms. Valanced lighting Roughed in 2-piece wash room in basement. Roughed in fireplace in basement. At- tached garage, Built by Arm- strong and Sons. For further information, PRICE $18,500 CALL PICKERING WH 2-2401 TO-NIGHT |At Grandview Gardens | (SOUTH ON GRANDVIEW AND FOLLOW THE SIGNS) Prices From $13,400 Down Payment $930 And Up 723-2265 360 King St. W. LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER "THINKING OF RETIRING' $8,500 FULL PRICE Two bedroom bungalow, oil heated, very neat clean home with garage, low taxes. Coll Bill Johnston 728-5123 or 728-1066. $10,600 FULL PRICE $1,500 DOWN Three bedroom home close to North General Motors plant. ° Payments are only $70. per month. Coll Bill Johnston now at 728-5123 or 728- 1066. $11,500 FULL PRICE SPLIT LEVEL HOME Three bedrooms and finished recreation room, large lot , completely fenced. Payments including taxes only $103. per month. Call Bill Johnston now 728-5123 or 728-1066. $19,500 : EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME Situated on Somerville Street, large three bedroom, four- year old home. Yes, it has two baths and extra large living room. Close to all schools and churches. Call Bill Johnston now at. 728- 5123 or 728-1066. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMITED 101 Simeoe St. N: OSHAWA, ONT. | | LLOYD REALTY | | | GRANDVIEW VILLAGE For. your new "KASSINGER" HOME in this choice East End location. Give us a call. Your present home accepted as a trade. CARL OLSEN REALTOR 299 King St. W. 723-1133 S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE: LIMITED |S 323 KING STREET WEST |corner' lot. Telephone 728-1259, 728-6286 $599 Brand new three bedroom bungalows ot $11,995. Many extras including built-in stove and oven and hollywood kit- chen, Call Glen MacKinnon, $1273 Full down payment for a new brick bungalow in Kingsmere Gardens, hollywood kitchen, storms and screens. Many other extras, call Doug Bul- lied, N.H.A. RESALE ° Listed ot $13,300 with only $1,500 down, one mortgage for the balance, with pay- ments of only $97, Call Doug Gower. BASEMENT APARTMENT Locoted in North-West, this five room bungalow with basement apartment just list- ed, asking $12,900 with terms, coll Howard McCabe, $500 Full price only $7,900 with terms located near G.M, south plant, situated on large lot, coll Lorne. Hortford, $1000 Six room bungalow 'in excel- lent shape, asking price only $9,500 with one open mort- goge, call Bob Stevenson, TRADE! Call us today for more infor- mation on our trode-in-policy, you will be under no obliga- tion, WHITBY -- Only three years old and in immaculate condi- tion. The purchaser will not have to spend a dime to move in. Six rooms, bigger than average, close to school one of the choicest areas. This is a real buy at $17,200 Call to-day, to-morrow may be late, After 9 p.m. call Henry Stinson 725-0243, tal LISTINGS - LISTINGS | WE ARE RUNNING LOW ON LISTINGS AND URGENTLY NEED: YOUR HOME NOW. ARE YOU THINKING OF SELLING? WE HAVE WAIT- ING CASH AND TERM BUYERS, CALL US TO-DAY, SPLIT-LEVEL 6 ROOM de- sign with garage. Large liv. ing room and dining room, with sloping ceiling. Large Youngstown kitchen. Three lovely sized bedrooms, color- © ed 4 pc. modern bathroom, all clothes closets with slid- ing doors. This home is tastefully decorated, beauti- fully landscaped and fenced lot, walk-out patio, rockeries, flower. beds, and rose bush- es. All this, and mony other extras, for only $13,800, After 9-p.m. call Steve Macko 728-5868. CLOSE TO DONEVAN HIGH SCH -- Are you looking for a 5 room brick bungolow in one. of Oshawo's finest developments? See this im- maculate 3 bedroom, living room, and kitchen with a large eoting area. Home is only 7 years old and well landscaped. Don't miss this one with monthly payments of $78.00 including Taxes. Call to-day. After 9 pm. coll Les Hall 728-5513, Open 9 to 9 -- Sat. 9 to 5 KEN MORRIS 623-5406 Bowmanville STEVE MACKO LES HALL BILL McFEETERS REG. AKER 360 King St Free Parking IMMACULATE five-room bungalow, with garage, in Bast end, close to} schools and bus, low down ment, Mr. Koornneef, 723-2859, Joseph Bosco. Realto', 728-7377. ~ SIX-ROOM 'house, 8% acres, Good garden soil. Anderson Street, Whitby. Telephone 668-5955, Mr. H. Kuenen, |FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow, full re- jcreation room, 41' x 13'. Asking price $13,800. Telephone 723-2159 after 4 p.m. |RAVINE LOT, Wilson Road North, 65' x 680', Large trees and creek, |W serviced, $3,200. Telephone 7 vater 28-1077, | FOUR-BEDROOM brick house, oil heat- jing, sun-porch, large lot.. Near shop- |ping, schools and church. Telephone 725-8909 after 4.p.m. _|SAC FICE SALE! Three - apartment house, garage, two blocks from down- town, decorated throughout, ineludes three refrigerators and stoves; two | apartments furnished. 6 per cent mort- | age. $12,600. Telephone 728-9634, |OWNER-BUILT, clay-brick-veneer five: room bungalow, One block St. Hedwig's School, garage, beautifully landscaped, H. DICK Pontiac, Buick Limited GOODWILL USED CARS © 1962 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE Two door, automatic, radio, brand new white wall 549 95 1006 Brock Street South Whitby 668.4911 NEW NHA BUNGALOWS -- model showing now,' lovely brick three-bed- | room, 5% rooms, 1,075 sq. ft. of living | Space, many extra features, located on | Beaupre Avenue, Priced to sell at only | $12,800, with $1,021, down, carries for |$78.86 monthly, interest and principal. Let me show you this outstanding jvalue now. Call Jack Appleby at 725- eg or 723-3398. John A. J, Bolahood Ad | LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER FOR RENT JOYLAND BEACH 1% hours from Oshawa, safe sondy* beach, 4 bedrooms, boat, perfect for children, furnished, TV. Coll Bill Hor- ner at 728-5123 or 728- 2236. INCOME HOME NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE 2-3 room apartments, pro- viding good income, oil heat- ing, good garage, some fruit trees, for inspection call Bill Horner at 728-5123, "\'M PROUD TO SHOW" You this 4 room stucco bung- USED VOLKSWAGENS 1960 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE COACH A very cleon one owner car in excellent condition, fully guaranteed. : $1 095 1958 VOLKSWAGEN COACH Another clean car, priced to sell, guaranteed. $795 Many others to from, Before you buy that second car, come in and see our ex- cellent range of used Valks- .wagens. OPEN EVENINGS SABYAN Motor Sales Ltd. Authorized 334 Ritson Road South 723-3461 alow, located in East Oshawa, on DEAD-END street. Per- fect condition, Call Bill Hor- ner at 728-5123, DUPLEX $10,500 FULL PRICE Neer Hillsdale School, 2 meters, 2 bathrooms, situated ©n a large lot. Hurry for this one, call Ed Drumm at 725- 9345 or 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshowa) Limited | 101 Simcoe Street N. | Oshowa, Ontario. ~~ Open Evenings -- -JOHN F. De WITH | REALTOR | ' BOWMANVILLE 14 Frank St. 623.3950 250 Acres with excellent buildings. Brick home with modern conveniences, Asking $35,000. Terms 30 Acres with trout stream, Asking $4,000. Terms, 43 Acres near Courtice, Price $10,000 with $2500 down, t 6% Acres with house and barn, Paved road. Asking $9,500. Terms, 35 Acres west Bowmanville, Price $200 per acre. 100 Acres with barn, drive shed and brick home, Onl $15,000 with $5,000 down, 19414 Acres north Port Perry with excellent build- ings. Large stream, Paved road. Price and terms ar- ranged. 50 Acres with good brick home. Modern conveniences. Asking $17,000. Terms. 250 Acres with good build- ings. Barns, Brick home, mo- dern conveniences. Price $20,000. Terms. 100 Acre Highway Form with stone home. All modem +.conveniences, Large bam. Price $21,000, Terms. 100 Acre farm, located 5 miles from Oshawa. Good brick home with modem con- veniences, 2 Streams. | | | 88 Acre farm, west of Bow- manville, Good barn; 7 room home, oil furnace. Price and terms arranged, 100 Acres with bam; home. Only $2500 down. ORCHARD HEIGHTS, New- castle. Homes built to your specifications. Financing ar- ranged 8 room $9,500 with After Hours call: Frank Hunter 725-2974 John M, Sandy 725-8010 Don Mountjoy 623-3614 Idso Wiersma, Orono 1649 BUYING A CAR? TRY \WELLMAN'S "Where Quality and Price Go Together' "No Down Payment" 1962 RAMBLER CUSTOM -- One owner, new car condi+ tion. Only........ $2189, 1959 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON -- One owner, 32, 000 original miles, radio, 2+ tone, "sharp. Only $1469. 1960 PONTIAC LAURENT- IAN, "like new". Just traded . in, "60 Day Warranty". eee $1567, 1959 METEOR CUSTOM V-8 Automatic, radio, "Best Buy In Town", Only.... $989. 1958 METEOR NIAGARA -- One owner, Automatic, radio. In spotiess condition, coees $895, 1957 CHEV. BEL AIR HARD- TOP, "Sunshine Special". 1957 PONTIAC LAURENT- 'IAN -- Finished in gleaming black, V-8 Automatic, radio, "Sharp". Only...... $945. MANY MORE MODELS IN STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM "DEMONSTRATOR SALE $ $SAVE NOW $ $ UP TO $500.00 ON 1963 RAMBLERS WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. AUTHORIZED DEALER RAMBLER - HILLMAN 100 Nonquon Rd. 728-7351 { Newcastle Phone 3341 {Continued on Page 24)

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