The sound of dancing marion- ettes and music by the school choir filled the auditorium of the Gertrude Colpus School re- cently for their annual and clos- ing Home and School meeting of the year. The president, Mrs. G. A. Wandless opened the meeting and welcomed the members and guests. Mrs. Robert Beharrell re: 7 \the slate of officers for the in- 'lcoming year, as follows: prin- -\cipal, Mr. Lawrence Millson; president, Mrs. G. A. Wand- less; 1st vice-president, Mr. Earl Brown; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Robert Beharrell; record- ing secretary, Mrs. Edward Beavis Jr.; corresponding sec- retary, Mrs. Harold McCabe; treasurer, Mrs. Mervyn Ander- son; program chairman, Mrs. Stanley Russell; © children's reading chairman, Mrs. Leon Davey; health and safety chair- man, Mrs. John Crew; member- ship chairman, Mrs. H. W. Mc- Clelland; publications chairman, Mrs, Charles Hazzard, read and Mrs, Donald Wilkinson; hos- *|pitality chairmen, Mrs. Earl »|Brown and Mrs. roe. Pupils from Mrs. Kenneth } |Smith's Grade 6 class presented} *\a "Happy Minstrel Show" with) | marionettes that were made and lclothed by the class. The back- |ground music for the show was supplied by the school choir, junder the direction of Mr. Larry |Marshall, The musical numbers \for the dancing marionettes) were "Swing Low, Sweet Char- ee. ad EXCHANGE VOWS Miss Marie Elizabeth of Mr, Wilhelm Bauer, Ger- Backer, Oshawa, daughter of ™any, and the late Mrs. Sf Mrs. G. A. Wandless Appointed President For Third Term ss ck aie dine liad Bi a he pL wal ys 2 HN v LEIS AS ' : d NT a a ene ei dl nee al bl als Dear Ann Landers: Several months ago my husband and I entertained a couple in our home. When they left, the woman said: "We had a lovely time. And now you must come to see us sometime." My husband has been nagging mie ever since to go visit these # people. I keep telling him we'll go when we get an invitation. He insists we have been invited and repeats the 'Come and see us sometime" line. I have told him repeatedly I hope someone will see it and I get only four or five hodiral viesdion tat agp Be pen call it to her attention. This is\sleep at night and when I'm\...) the problem--she doesn't see aapake I'm on the go every min.|Smmned and too formal, darned thing but she's too vainiute, :I believe my husband is| If 1 am wrong about this I to wear glasses. lreally trying to find work be would tell me, If my The woman is in her late 40's,|things are tough in this town usband is wrong, please tell A , ; him so he will get off my back. very good-looking, and couldjand he hasn't had any luck. | easily pass for 35, it she didn't| Thank you.--NOT SURE ANN LANDERS ; Too Vain For Glasses, Can't See Squintlines Dear Ann Landers: I am writ-|owe on a car, appliances, fur- ing to you in hope a close friend|niture, clothing and he was up of mine will see my letter, Tojto his neck in debt before we) put it realistically, I should say| married.: | MRS, G. A. WANDLESS sociallelect of Oshawa and District/these foolish people to get the) your advice.---HANDS FULL. chairmen, Mrs. Austin Wiltshire}Home and School Council, in-|help they need. Thank you.--| stalled the new executive. Mrs. Wandless presented Mrs. Donald Mun-|Moss with a gift on behalf of| the association and thanked the outgoing executive and the member for their co-operation my during the past year. The following announcements were made: council workshop, June 1 at E. A. Lovell School; pot luck supper, May 28, 6.30 p.m., at E. A. Lovell School. Room prize was won by Mrs. Smith's Grade 6 class and re- freshments served by the moth- I'm not complaining about his, have deep furrows in her fore-\unemployment, but. rather that) Dear Not: "Come and see us 'head and crow's feet around her|he refuses to do anything sometime ' is a polite phrase eyes, which, of course, are the|around the apartment to help equivalent to "How are you." result of years of squinting. |me. He won't shop for grocer-|About 95 per cent of the people ies or straighten up the place who ask "how are you?" dont' She also has a reputation as) ; bays . nis la snob which is undeserved. The|°r even start supper. rg ig ggg, goes |woman passes up people on the When I get home exhausted, : y: "Come ai ;} " |street right and left because she|! have to cook, clean and do Se US Sometime," doesn't see them. lthe washing and ironing. If I'm) A meaningful invitation in- Please, Ann, a few lines in\expecting too much from him cludes a specific day and time. your column may encourage|Pplease let me know. I will take | TO 'BE SENTENCED Dear Full: Eighteen years) MONTREAL (CP)--Mrs, Kas MRS. 20-20 WITH GLASSES (old, married two months and off|mir Karpowich, 28, is to be sen- | Dear 20-20: Here is the letter.|to alousy start. You could have|tenced May 31 for a hatchet at- I hope someone reads it to your| Waited a while for this deal. | tack on her husband last De- \friend. Glasses these days are) That husband of yours should cember Which left him unable jso smart, many a girl has faked be helping straighten the apart. .° "pe7k or write. An assize yopia, ment, he should be doing the Juty deliberated for less than | Well-designed: specs often add|marketing, the cooking and any- finding Our Wednesday before to a person's appearance, And/thing else which might make | mad sap hat sereain mother incidentally, some aging mat-lyour life easier. Any woman tuninied ate ny guilty of at- rons look years younger in|who has proven her willingness Faldoldeaih LOPE OOOO THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Mey 16,1963 9 ° a UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES |Brother Leo Keeler in his pros- LTB NO. 55 The regular meeting of LTB, No. 55. was held in the Orange Temple with Worshipful Master pective chair. Lodge was opened with pray- er by the chaplain, Sister Alice Shortt. Final arrangements were made to present the Scarlet De- gree May 21 for Toronto and Campbellford Lodges, All mem- bers are requested to wear long white dresses and white gloves, please. Brother and Sister Amos Toms are still on the sick list. the hymn, 'Sweet Hour. ; of Prayer". Mrs. George Béard, read the scripture lesson, Mfs. Robert Clarke, a poem on prayer and Mrs, Ernest Sar- geant sang a solo, 'Remember Me". Mrs, W. McCa e the story of the 'Praying Hands" as told in the book "Christ and the Fine Apts'. Mrs, Major F, Lewis closed the meeting in prayer. Refreshments were served by the Fellowship Group. s Next week the Self Denial Altar service will be held, ar- ranged by the Missionary Group. . The draws were won by Sis- ter Elsie Arkle, Sister Annie Fowler, Sister Mary Thompson and Sister Elda Howard. S.A. HOME LEAGUE Mrs, Major Fred Lewis open- ed the Salvation Army Home League meeting recently. Mrs. Christian Osbourn prayed. Mrs. William Saunders gave a short reading, Mrs. William James continued with the meet- ing, making the announcement that on May 25 the members of ' HOLD CONFERENCE | OTTAWA (CP)--The National Association of Housing and Re- development will hold its spring conference here May 23-24,. it was announced Wednesday. About 100 delegates from New York state and Ontario will at- tend. The association has a membership. of 6,000, many of them directly involved in man- agement of 788,000 units of low rent housing. the Mount Dennis Home League will present a program in the! Citadel. Mrs. William McCarthey) leader of the Fellowship Group, | took for her topic, "Praying No baby sitter, no cer fere Mr. Bernard Experienced Hair Styiist Of Leading Toronto Salons FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS Hands"'. Mrs. C. Osbourn opened with) glasses because the frames hide|to go the extra mile, as you the pouches under the eyes. Andjhave, deserves all the help she for those who have a aversion|can get. to glasses, there are contact aus Mr. and Mrs. Frank Backer, Bhuer, were married recent- Toronto, and Mr, Erwin Jo- ly\ in St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church. . --Mary's Studic ers of Grade 6, lenses. ' ----- Dear Ann Landers: I am 18 ya years old and I have been mar- WAS ACTRESS ried for two months. My hus- liot", 'Dinah Won't You Blow', "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands", "Shine on Harvest Ronald W. Bilsky, DC CHIROPRACTOR TRAVEL hannes Bauer, Oshawa, son | - : - - 'Moon', and "Camp Town Races". Mr. Earl Brown, on, The Kennedy Ladies-in-Waiting ib. thea ies "Snit, : Mr. Marshall an e pupils. , To Summer on Secluded Island Also entertaining were Mar- garet and Debbie Michael, who played a piano duet, "Heart and WASHINGTON (AP) -- Cape,Joseph P. Kennedy, former am-|Soul", followed by Margaret Cod will be a secluded resting/hassador to Britain, has a big/Michael playing a solo, "A place this summer' for three] seaside home, surrounded by|Rhumba" Kennedy wives--expecting ba-/cottages usualy occupied by his Mr. Millson thanked the exec- bies in June, August and Sep-'sons and daughters. utive and members who assist- tember. Robert Kennedy will continue oq with the school library. He Their stork - watching hus-jto use his white cottage in the Y bands--President Kennedy, At-|compound, close. to sand, surf torney-General Robert F. Ken-)and sailboats. nedy, and Senator Edward M.| Favre . (Ted) ge of Massachu- Pere Teparture of the KehiieNy the school Field Day May 23. setts--will be- weeke com- I y ti aie ' mutes wives and children from Waal) Coenen M wd promilen ; ington to the Cape is expected Boston and Washington have t9 begin sometime early in June this latest child in Washington, been chosen as the birthplaces. after schools let out, The) but. just where remains a secret But, as everyone knows, with! three mothers-to-be, Ethel (Mrs.| Joan Bennett Kennedy, the babies it's hard to be sure Of Robert Kennedy), Jacqueline, | senator's wife, has switched the anything. ; the president's wife, and Joan| time schedule a little and now The Kennedy family tradition- (Mrs, Ted Kennedy), already|Says her baby is due in Septem- ally has gathered at Hyannis have a total of 11 children, who| to the school and the pupils would benefit by it for years to come. Mr. Millson announced Nell Gwynne, the actress with whom King Charles fell in love, was a favorite of diarist Samuel Pepys who called her "pretty, witty Nell." Going This Summer | @ Europe @ Caribbean @ Howsii | @ South Pacific or anywhere else ?? See us without optigation: il Four Seasons Travel 24-Hour Service -- 728-6201 | band lost his job the same week @ HEADACHES we were married. I took on a © SLIPPED DISCS night job in addition to my 100 King E. 728-5156 eight-hour day shift because we " : . Jayn-Modde. MRBDECCEC whew ew FINAL CLEARANCE LIGH felt it was of important interest | -- A Series: No. 13 Patie's Painters Say: When _ shopping for brushes, look for those which hove bristles with "flag ends" ber, not August as previously|The split and roughened flag ends Port, Mass., a New England form a ready-made play BTOUP, |S obser' Now 26, Joan, to0,/carry more paint, decrease dripping will observe a birthday of her own--Sept. 2--before her new child is born. } With two youngsters already 1 seacoast resort town, for the| enjoying the carefree life by the summer with its constantly in |sea. creasing brood of children that) Some Secret Service men, soon wil reach a total of 23 looking forward to an unusual This summer, though, it will)period of stay-putness with the --Kara, 3, and Ted Jr., be a hideaway from the lime-/first family, are arranging for;months--Joan says she's ready light all three expectant moth-/summer cottages on..the Cape,|for "as many as come along," ers must face when they are. in/too. proclaiming as have Jacqueline Washington. In the Kennedy stork race,|4nd Ethel: "I love children." WELL GUARDED Ethel Skakel Kennedy, wife of|, Hach of the expectant fathers) and are easier to draw. The result tan be a more satisfactory paint job, and naturally, a large selec- tion of paint brushes with 'flag 9 ends" can be seen at PATTE'S Paint and Wallpaper 93 Yeors at 85 Simcoe North Free Parking at Rear of Store PHONE 725-3529 OF COATS - DRESSES AND IMPORTED KNITS 30% to 50% OFF We still hove on excellent variety of truly exciting fashions for you in this group, Jayn-Modde- DRESSES 725-4561 OPPOSITE THE GENOSHA HOTEL 77 KING ST. E. ps ' has had trouble keeping up with) The president and his senator-|'h, attorney - general, comes i Weather have summer sones ni first. She is the oldest of the|the stork in the past and this Squaw Island. an area of! about|tTi9: having just turned 36, and/time it's likely to be even more| Six summer estates acce cibie|the, child she expects in June difficult with their busy official) from the mainland only by a\W!l! be her eighth. Se ee ee narrow causeway, guarded by, Jacqueline Kennedy's third likely rHegyene HOw, RAEN tN) y} pata a : gress will adjourn ' town police. |baby is due late in August. BY| pefor APP ithe A Every resident on Squaw 1s.\them, she'll have passed her 34th| "&fore mid-September. _ jland has a private telephone|itthday, which is July 28. 'connected to the guardhouse all\ JACKIE CAU Is ithe causeway entrance and no os caller gets in without MAPLE CLEANERS | 504 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA Cosh & Corry -- 4 Hr. Service || & Hour Service Free Pick-Up and Delivery "Your Family's Friend" PHONE 725-0643 bain Of the trio, Jacqueline Bou- ' ©lng vier Kennedy has had the most .checked first. ; \trouble in childbearing and she About a half-mile away 13; the;appears to be taking the most famous Kennedy compound,|precautions in limiting her ac- where the president's father, |tivities, She has decided to have'} PATTE'S 95 GAL. 1.95 per QUART nOW ONLY... INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR WHITE, OR COLORED TO FIT YOUR REQUIREMENTS ¢ Free Parking © Free Delivery 'Over 92 Years at 85 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 725-3529 | | GOOD YEAR TIRES AT WHOLESALE PRICES For safe summer driving, drive-in to-dey, at any of the two stations below, and savingest" deal on brand new Good Year Tires. Fast, efficient i Hh Credit Cards Atcepted. 6.70.x 15 MARATHON, List Price 13.95 6.70 x 15 ALL-WEATHER NYLON, List Price 16.95 List Price 23.95 .... 7.50 x 14 TUBELESS CUSTOM NYLON, List Price 31.10 2... 7.50 x 14 GOOD YEAR'S List Price 59.40 ALL SIZES AND TYPES TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS. TROPICAL dress slacks for Summer! tailored by "Riviera" . . cuffs. This fabric seldom it. will not crumple, bag its shape, or brown... sizes 30" to SAVE UP TO 7c PER GALLON ON BP SUPER GAS AT 35.9° Canada by C-I-L. TILL 9 Look cool, | supreme co TRAVEL 9 ook neat, enjoy the mfort of white TACOMA Summer dress shirts made by Forsyth. The quali ty Summer shirt--for men who know the difference! It's light- weight (only 5 ozs.) and breeze-cool, ls a wash and wear blend of 65% polyester, 35% cotton. A wonderful fabric which shrugs off wrinkles, and stays fresh, crisp and pure white all Summer long. Tacoma shirts by Forsyth seldom need ironing. Note the neat "Pick" collar --it's soft, a short pointed, has perma- nent stays for smartness. Half sleeves, two pockets. Sizes 14% to 17%. 5.95 Vat talented "TERYLENE" is blended with WOOL for lightweight, wrinkle-resistant SLACKS. This best-selling fabric is unbeatable for quality This 55% "Terylene*" with 45% wool is beautitully - features single reverse pleats, belt loops, four pockets, optional needs pressing -- at the knees, or lose Choose light or dark grey, olive green 40". 14.95 "Registered trademark. "Terylene" is made in OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT *TERYLENE' Pobpecter get the All Canadi ion -- SPECIAL! For this week only save up to 25% SPORT COATS, BEAUTIFUL ALL-WOOL WORSTEDS, FINELY LOOMED IN POPULAR MUTED GLEN CHECKS. REG. $29.95, $32.50 AND $35.00 VALUES .....+.. SLACKS, VERY WELL TAILORED ALL-WOOL WORSTEDS NORMALLY MUCH HIGHER PRICED! .... POUL CL Le ho Li $25.99 .. 18.16 . ALR 22.39 PREMIUM TIRE "DOUBLE EAGLE", 33 %6 Fa dae iar acer war ara ee s MIDWAY NO, 2 HIGHWAY AT THICKSON ROAD CENTRE (Ge) Corner King St. and Gibbon St. Opposite The Oshowa Shopping Centre BP % \ Gok Fi OSHAWA SHOPPING CEN UU RUC Th ctores TRE mage a) | A a A GODLY LGPL AGP OY =