WHITBY and DISTRICT Manager: Rae Hopkins Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. 668-3703 McLAUGHLIN ATHLETES CLAIM COSSA DISTRICT MEET HONORS 1 |\She A man sentenced in Whitby Police Court was described as 'a scapegoat in. the present Pickering Township political mess', Tuesday, Charles Salathiel Morton, 49, of Warf : street, Frenchman's Bay appeared before Magis- trate C. W, Guest for sentence on a charge of making an in. decent telephone call, The charge was heard May 7, Morton made the call to Pick- ering Township Welfare Admin. istrator Albert Cane, Tuesday also saw the hearing of an as- sault charge made against Cane by Morton and a' counter suit of assault brought by Cane, The first witness in the as- sault charge was Mrs, Doris Harvey, assistant to Mr. Cane, 'told Morton's counsel Barry Swadron, that she helped Morton fill out an application form at the township offices in Brougham April 5. Mrs, Harvey sald that she knew Morton by repute at the time but had never met him, She said that Mr, Cane came into the office and began to talk to Morton about telephone calls which he had received and told him to stop. The witness said that she left the room to get Morton's wel- fare cheque and saw no assault, | Mrs, Harvey said that the police | were called after Morton left the | building. Morton said that he had known Cane for some time and had dealings with him when a niece applied far welfare, The court heard Morton say that he had complained to township council about Cane. Call Man Scapegoat In Pickering Twp. Mess Morton stated, "and I fear him very much," He testified that he went to the township office during Cane's lunch hour to avoid a meeting, Morton said that Cane entered the office when he was talking to Mrs, Harvey and after a few moments during which 'Cane made grimacing faces and then lurched at me and struck me", "Tl kill you, I'll kill you", Morton quoted Cane as saying, Morton testified that Cane then grabbed him by the lapels and a struggle ensued, He said that Mrs Harvey repeatedly said that she was having noth. ing to do with the affair, The witness said that he was struck on the back of the neck many times and had a headache for five days. He told the court that he struggled free and called the police. Constable William Potter of the Whitby OPP Detachment said he was despatched to the township offices but did not lay any charges after talking to the two men, Cane said when he went back to his office he found Morton there. He stated that Morton suddenly caught him by the front part of his jacket and thrust his head against the wit- ness' shoulder, Cane said that Morton tried to |thrust him into. the corridor while shouting "call the police', He said that he disliked Mor. ton because of things which had been said in public by Morton, "Personally, I dislike him,"' he added, "but all welfare recip. ients must be treated the same "He dislikes me intensely," ROTARIANS TOLD Second Rad Ontario County may soon he; served by a second radio sta) way," County May Soon Have io Station Network radio programs, Mr. | St. George said, are to a great | THE OSHAWA, TIMES, Wednesday, May 15, 1963 § Morton as "suffering from a itn pnd rok y re are more than 7, 5 caer aed war oe vil lterent kinds of ants' found ; . throughout the world, pended sentence and probtion for six months, Morton was told to keep away from the Welfare] Family Monuments Officer unless. strictly on business, Magistrate Guest said that he did not believe there was an as- sault on Morton, 'Morton is a stranger to the truth," His Wor- ship continued, "'and I dismiss the charge against Cane," Before sentence was passed on the indecent telephone call charge Defence Counsel Swar. don described his client as the scapegoat, Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck said that Mr. Cane would drop the counter charge of assault. His Worship who described| SOUTHERN Created To individuel FRIED CHICKEN nid irements HOME DELIVERY |i STAFFORD BROS. 668-9056 LTD. MONUMENTS Terrace Restaurant 318 DUNDAS EAST 120 Brock St. N., Whitby 668-3552 HIGH ano DRY on SIDEWALK SLABS| Brooklin Concrete Prods Li Immediate Delivery PHONE OLIVER J-dull 115 BROCK STREET WHITBY JUST NORTH OF THE 4 CORNERS ARNOLD'S OPEN THURS, TILL 8 P.M. -- FRI, TILL 9 PM, -- WED. TILL 6 P.M, SAVE ON GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS OF GUARANTEED QUALITY FRESH CUT ae am READY COOKED FRESH CUT BONELESS HAMS u 79° WING OR SIRLOIN STEAKS PRIME RIB ROAST BEEF ROAST BEEF LARGE EGGS CHUCK OR SHOULDER ROAST BEEF FRESH HAMBURG STEAK FRESH WIENERS tion, operating out of Whitby, extent becoming a thing of the L. Bruce St, George, opera-|past. TV is the new entertain- tions director of CKNX radio|ment medium, but radio can and television, Wingham, tol dioffer the listner friendly com- members of the Rotary Club of/panionship, lightning news and Whitby Tuesday noon he has,jinformation that television can- with others, made application! not provide, to the Board of Broadcast Gov-| The CBC network will always) ernors for a licence to operate|be useful to carry programs of | a radio station here, |special immediacy, news bul-! Board of Broadcast Gover-|letins, music -- but there is| nors public applications hear-|really no regson for a private) jings open in Ottawa June 4,\radio network across the coun. Mr, St, George added, t According to the 20-year broadcast media veteran, an examination of broadcasting in ada is beginning, Because increasing confusion about |the intent of the Broadcasting |Act, last changed: in 1058, the government through Secretary jot State J. W. Pickersgill has indicated a thorough study will be made, After this study is complete, LB. 79: is, 59° LB. 75° vor, 45° u. 45* 3 POUNDS SKINLESS LEAN READY COOKED SMOKED HAMS Whole or Shank Half u 93° ry, Today, the speaker suggest- ed, radio's role is mainly one of local service and concern, Local Stations must serve their re-| spective communities properly, | become deeply involved in local! activities. | Anything, he added, that in-| terests the residents of a serv: | ice area should be of interest to the station. A local _ station should provide encouragement and a forum for local talent and certainly not the least of these services is that of an excellent jadvertising medium for local businesses, Mr, St, George said, ~ PHOTOS DEPICT COSSA MEET ACTION Track Meet Sees Ten Records Set Drivi ner J, Dearborn, who won the Can of race with a time of 11 minutes, |3.5 seconds, This was a very rapid time . ' jconsidering the runners had to ee pee gh wore raltace strong winds from the west 4 etree I eat Bon |which at times gusted to 35 mph, ash, 2.19.5; L, Clifton, Bow-lother long distance races were rains before noon|McLaughlin boys and girls|manville, broad jump record of| also hampered because of the! hour and chill winds all after-\claimed 134 points during the 18 feet, 444 inches; E. Rosalow- wind factor |Mr, St, George said, in all prob- noon, failed Tuesday, to slowjday to surpass their nearest/ski, Pickering, shot put record!" winners of the Lake Shore/ability the Broadcasting Act Oshawa's McLaughlin Collegi-|rival, Whitby's Henry High with'of 42 feet, 10% inches; G./nictriet of COSSA will parti-|Will be rewritten, ate athletes in their first bid to|a 99-point tally, Nekkers, Anderson, Javelin reC-| cinate in the Central Ontario} According to the speaker, the take a COSSA trophy back to) Schools from Dunbarton, onj9Pd of 164 feet, 614 inches; | : He t 3 i {meet to be held next Saturday|Act is vague enough in form to the city's newest high school. [the west, to Bowmanville, on/gitls -- S. McConkey, Donevan, at Trenton. This meet will see|leave both the Board of Broad- McLaughlin athletes 13:0: J: é te peced|the east, were represented at)Sirls' 100-vyard dash, athletes from all eastern On-\cast Governors and the Cana- the field at Henry High wit | tered two previous records, win- ning 440 yard dash in 55.3 sec- onds and the 220-yard dash in 25 seconds, Other athletes setting 'rec- SMOKED PICNIC HAMS u 39° FREE || Have your furnace cleaned free and gueranteed trouble-free all winter, if you purchase "White Rose" unified fuel oll from Western Oil Co, DIAL 725-1212 ~scuaoa CLEANERS & Shirt Launderers FREE Pick-up & Delivery Daily PHONE 668-4341 SLICED COOKED HAM yesterday's meet. More than|Bryant, Henry, Discus junior Of|tarig areas, dian Broadcasting Corporation day to claim the Branch 43,|250 high school athletes were in|74 feet, sd inches; M. baa opposed on many matters, | Royal Canadian Legion trophy|the field . enry, Viscus senior, eet, | This opposition, he pointed (a beautiful. new prize donated) The Legion trophy is awanded| 10% inches; B. 'March, Mc-| WHITBY jout, is because of differing in- only two weeks ago) awardedjon a combined boy-girl-total-/Laughlin, shot put, 28 feet, 5) PERSONALS terpretations of parliament's . Deepest symapthy ,oes out to run./Mr, and Mrs, Dan W, Bather- to winners of the Lake Ontario|point basis. inches directive, District COSSA track and field) During the meet, 10 new rec-} Another event of the after- Referring to radio, the speak- competed for the Legion award,.'McLaughlin's J, Lawrence shat-iwas won by McLaughlin run-| coy and family of Centre street/arrival of television and the i SISTEMA ERE TUR TTS a jnorth on the death of Mrs,j/CBC would not have to add too! |non was instantly killed in alwork to gain complete coverage jear accident at Taylor, Michi-/of the nation without private! was with her and taken to Wayne County Hospital, Eliose, care, Also in the same car was their brother, Fred MacDonnell, Quebec. Mr. Gough is still in Wayne County Hospital and get- non's son for luncheon when the accident occurred, | Hurry! While They Last Discount Prices ? On Hands Fireworks BOXES AND BAGS KODAK FILMS... 127-620 Black - White SPECIAL... ..2 FOR 89c 10% OFF ALL PHOTO FINISHING PLAYERS FINE CUT Ya-LB, TINS ONLY 1.49 One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Custom Draperies @ Broadioom and Rugs @ Wallpaper and Murals @ C.ILL, Points and Varnishes © Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Phone 668-5862 Moths, heat, humidity or thieves cannot reach your precious furs or cloth garments in our cool vaults! Full insurance en your valuation Phone us now 668-2345 Whitby Cleaners Ltd. 150 Colborne E, Whitby meet. ords were set, These included|noon calling for a maximum er said the role of radio \% In all, 10 district high schools/six field and four track records.j}endurance, the two-mile changed a piney deal since the |Batherson's sister, Mrs. Ralph|many high powered stations to |, Lennon (Barbara), Mrs, Len-lits new consolidated radio net- gan near Detroit, At-the time|affiliates. of the accident.Mrs. Batherson|- ---- Mich., for shock, bruises and cuts and is now under doctor's Verdun, Quebec, and a brother. jin-law, Henry Gough, Verdun, ting along fine, The four were on their way to visit Mrs, Len-| Dan W. Batherson and Miss Marlene Batherson, 319 Centre| street north, Mr, and Mrs. Larry Batherson, 930 Centre} street north and Mrs. Roger! |Haughton (Pat), Oakville, at-| tended the funeral of their sis-|* |ter-in-law and aunt, Mrs, Bar- |bara Lennon, Detroit, Michigan. | | Mrs. Dan W. _ Batherson,; Centre street north, returned |home from Detroit accompanied by her two sisters and brother in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Henry Le- mieux and Mrs. Henry Gough, all from Verdun, Quebec, when they also attended the - funeral of the late Mrs, Lennon in De- troit. Mr, and Mrs, Sam Mc- Donnell, parents of Mrs, Bather- son, Stayed in Detroit with their) son-in-law, Ralph Joseph Len- non, intending to return to Ver-' dun, Quebec the first of June. KODACHROME I! MOVIE FILM 3.99 PROCESSING INCLUDED TOWN OF WHITBY Holiday Garbage Collection NO SMOKING MEANS NOTHING TO BUSY FIREMEN | Whitby firemen ignored the standard "No Smoking" sign at Price Yards Ltd., Tuesday night. At 9 p.m. the Whitby Fire Company sped to the Pine street yard when a wood- en construction storage build- ing went up in flames, The unused yards. -were almost razed by fire one year and a week ago. Hundreds of chil- dren and adults gathered to watch the fire which wafted Sparks and flaming embers over an extensive area, --Oshawa Times Photo HEADS FCC BROCK Evening Shows Start 6:55 and 8:20 WHITBY LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 8:20 THE GUTSIEST PICTURE EVER MADE! There will be no garbage collection on Monday, May 20. Garbage normally col- lected on this day will be picked up on Tuesday, May 21, CLEAN-UP WEEK (May 21-May 24) Extra trucks will pick up clean up material same - SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE 121 BROCK ST. N, WHITBY Diane, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, D, M, Newell is celebrat- ing her sixth birthday today.) Her friends wish her many! happy returns of the day. Christian Reformed Church Ladies Society Mary and| Martha and Work and Pray REQUIEM ATH "A VERY PRIVATE AFFAIR" Starring--Brigitte Bardot--Adult Entertainment | WASHINGTON (AP) -- A new chairman of the Federal Com. munications Commission, Pres- ent Commissioner FE. William Henry, was named Tuesday by President Kennedy in accepting the resignation of Néwton N. Minow as FCC head. groups are attending a 'League Day" in Cobourg today. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seko and daughter Peggy spent Moth- er's Day weekend in Toronto} | Visiting Mr, Seko's parents, Mr 'and Mrs, K. Seko | day as regular garbage, Disposal Area Victoria Street East (Rear of Work's: Department) will be open, Saturday, May 18 and Saturday, May 25, @ OPEN ALL DAY MONDAY @