Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 15, 1963 GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN AUDITORIUM PARADE SET FOR MAY 25 The stage is being set for Oshawa's next big parade, h is just around the corner, bia a be held Saturday, May 25, in behalf of the up- coming fund-raising drive the Gai Civic Auditorium art Monday, May 27. a " The big walk is scheduled to leave Alexandra Park at 10:30 a.m, and proceed down Simcoe street to Me- morial Park where a@ spec- jal ceremony will take place, including the presen- tation of a gift to Alex Oak- ley. Chairman William "Bill" Kurelo of the Parade com- mittee was busy today spreading word about the happy event which, he pre- dicts, will be as big as last Saturday's Tracks Removal Celebration parade. Mr. Kurelo already has 28 local sporting organizations lined up as_ participants, community - minded groups like the Junior Hawkeyes of football fame, the Oshawa Tennis Club, the Oshawa Minor Hockey League, Branch 43, the Royal Cana- dian Legion Track and Field Club, Oshawa's Public, Separate and High Schools, the Dog Obedience Club. Mr. Kurelo says the purpose of presenting these groups -- in addition' to stimulating interest in the forthcoming fund-raising campaign -- is to show the public some of the widely-divergent groups that will use the auditorium facili- ties inside and out Mr. Kurelo is hopeful that some of the top celebrity- flames in Canada will participate -- he will make an an- nouncement on this later this week. aia. BILL KURELO TOM GREEN TO ATTEND GABOR COLLEGE Tom Green, former chairman of the Duplate Bargaining committee, has received a high honor he has been se- : * lected for enrollment in a & t six-week course at the new ed at McGill § this Summer, starting June '3 and continuing through until July 19. He was the '-only Oshawa and district ' trade unionist so honored. The new college is co-spon- sored by McGill University and the Canadian Labor Con- gress, with individual unions contributing to the support. . Oshawa's latest rate- payers group will be known as the Glen Stewart Rate- payers Association. It will represent ratepayers in the Stevenson's road King street area, William Tredwell of 627 Perry crescent is president -- more than 60 attended last Sunday's meeting. University TOM GREEN TRACKS TO GO THIS SUMMER When will the King street tracks be removed now that the big celebration is over? City Engineer Fred Crome says that it will be sometime this Summer. The actual tracks removal represents only a small part of the over-all job of renovating King street, he says, which includes a new road, overhead wires, lights and installation of new underground utilities; sidewalks are also a possi- bility. The Consumers' Gas Co. will likely be the first utility unit to get the go-ahead sign for underground King street work this week -- the company will install a new eight- inch underground main between Church and Mary to replace the present job installed in 1928. New watermains and storm 'sewers will be installed to replace the ones put there in 1904; if. sidewalks are put in, Consumers' Gas will also install new underground feeders to the stores. The PUC has already done much. exploratory work underground on King street and found utility units fo be in pretty fair shape. ALEX OAKLEY TO BE HONORED BY CITY Few Oshawa citizens have done as much as Alex Oakley to publicize the fair name of our City around the world. His recent victory at the Pan-American games in Sao Paulo, Brazil, when he won a Gold Medal was typical of the sort of public service he has been rendering for years. The City will recognize this latest achievement with a special presentation to Mr. Oakley at the Mclaughlin Bandshell in Memorial Park May 25th -- this will also be the day of the big parade on behalf of the Oshawa Civic 'Auditorium Fund Drive, in which Mr. Oakley has been invited to attend. ee The presentation will be made by Alderman Albert Y. Walker, chairman of the Property committee, who also had the honor to present Mr. Oakley with a gift on behalf of the City when the latter left to represent Canada at the Olym- pic Games in 1956. Track and Field sports generally will be a much-needed lift locally if plans of Branch 43, the Royal Canadian Le- gion materialize. Branch 43 is giving the project financial and moral support. CITIZENSHIP CEREMONY FRIDAY EVE. What ceremony is more impressive than the presentation of Citizenship papers to New Canadians ? This year's presentation will be held Friday, Citizenship Day, in Magistrate's courtroom with Judge W. Cory presiding; there will also be an address by Carl Olsen, the Oshawa realtor, who knows first-hand what it means to be a New Canadian. This will be followed by a reception at the Royal Cana- dian Legion Hall with civic and community dignitaries present -- the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Em- pire will serve refreshments, as is their traditional role in such social receptions. Miss Irene Harvey's dancers will perform, accompanied by Miss Tina Kozub; Miss Mimi Wiatrzyk and Mr. Edward Kolodzievczak will present a piano and violin duet. _\elosely - guarded secret known) 26th Parliament Expected Plans 1, A new department of Indus- OTTAWA (CP)--Proposals for ¢ : ie try to promote production. a national contributory pension omot \ plan, incentives fo stimulate in-| 2. Legislation enabling ap- dustry and a massive program|pointment of an associate min- of university scholarships arelister of agriculture to concen- expected to feature the govern- nt on eastern farm prob- ment's outline of legislation for| lems, the first session of the 26th Par-| 3. Declaration of a 12-mile i \fishing zone to bar foreign a rye \fleets from the rich offshore The Pearson government's)' . by legislative program will be un-|gegeried and protect Canadian veiled shortly after 3 p.m, EDT| i al Thursday when Chief Justice| 4: Nationa' study ' ; jalism and bilingualism, Robert Taschereau reads the} S Creation Of a manicipél 46- apecch pint the throne to the elopment fund to lend money ealibbenist enol ., |at low interest rates for munic- Contents of the speech, writ-| inal works projects. ten by the cabinet as a poe 6. A national development cast of the measures it will pre-\fund to provide capital for in- sent to Parliament, still. are al dustrial expansion. 7. An economic advisory coun- only to the 26 cabinet members oj} made up of labor, Gina and a handful of high civil serv-|ment and government to study ants. pe methods = * wen But much of it can be guessed|Europe to combat unemploy- a' on the basis of the promises! ment. stressed by Prime Minister Pearson and his chief lieuten- oy made in Colombo Plan aid ants during the campaign for)as part of the previous govern- the April 8 federal election. ment's austerity drive. 9. A federal-provincial con- HAVE PRIORITY In addition to contributory|ference to work out a program ; r : isheries development. measures, industrial incentives of fisheries developm | | 8. Restoration of the $8,500,000) Complex In Tariff By JOSEPH MacSWEEN complex concepts is involved in the GATT conference at Geneva May 16-21. GATT -- the General Agree- ment on Tariffs and Trade--is itself a puzzler. Merely a mul- nition, it is really a world or ganization with a growing per- manent staff, With only 24 signatories at its fitst meeting in 1947, GATT saw countries attend its last con- ference with another 40, many of t newly-independent, tak- ing some part in the sessions. New Toronto Hospital Needs Nurses TORONTO (CP) -- Métropoli- tan Toronto has a new $6,000,000 hospital ready to receive 808 patients but can't open its doors 'COLLAPSIBLE HELICOPTER | | ; 10. A special study of railway and scholarships, these meas- oa ures also had priority in the Lib- branch-line abandonments to Bein s Sena! tional policy on abandonments. B | Cl . d WANTS PENSION PLAN | an aime 15 at Barrie, Ont., Mr. Pearson) lcalled the contributory pension) Liberal government. I T C Mr. Pearson indicated that rust 0. would have to take second place TORONTO (CP)--The assist- to the task of: stimulating the Royal Bank of Canada said| Dational i labaes Tuesday it is an open secret, One thing which was not each own 49 per cent of a trust! Status of a Liberal pledge to ex-| jcompany. tend family allowance payments . i sa) The Liberal stand on a schol- Bank told a panel discussion al ership fund to help able stu-| ithe annual credit congress Here jthat the Bank of Nova Sestia is!down clearly by Mr. Pearson in| believed to own 49 per cent of|a speech at Brandon, Man., \Cé. and the Toronto-Dominion|arships a year, valued at $1,000 |Bank holds a similar amount of|each, for needy students. ronto General Trust Co. policy, particularly the Liberal) Mr. Coleman had noted that|proposal to accept nuclear war- eral election platform: form the basis for a new na- In a campaign speech March} Part Owners |plan a top-priority item for a} other social welfare measures ant general. manager of the economy to create jobs and new that two other Canadian banks|made clear, however, was the J. H. Coleman of the Royal for students past age 16. | dents reach university was laid 4he Rank af AI the stock of Chartered Trust}when he proposed 10,000 schol- jstock in Canada Permanent To-| 4 strong reference to defence |during the last 15 years, Cana-|heads, is almost certain to ap-| 'Idian chartered banks -- with/pear in the throne speech. It! ithe possible exception of two| probably will be tied to Mr.| banks--have begun to make in-|Pearson's plan to set up a de-| stallment loans whose effective|fence policy committee in the |rates vary from nine per. cent Commons. |to as much as 13 per cent. The prime minister also made} | "Strictly speaking, it may be repeated references to a system| said we are breaking the Bank|of national farm marketing |Act," he said. 'We are not al-/boards where farmers want lowed to charge more than six|them. There would be prompt |per cent, but we are doing thatiaction ta obtain provincial co- jtoday."" : |operation in this regard. WEATHER FORECAST into an automobile - drawn trailer, The trailer unfolds to ing pad in Immenstadt, Ger- be the takeoff and landing many, on its inauguration place for the helicopter. It flight. The oneman craft fits took less than five minutes A foldable jetpowered heli- copter hovers over its launch- No Opposition Seen For Trade Policies OTTAWA (CP)--The new Lib- itiative to achieve international eral government's policies on ariff cuts of 50 per cent. trade and foreign investmen:| A similar blessing of this goal aren't likely to run into any se-|had ei bestowed by the 7 ri si ttack in the mer Conservative government. doug Purkainent, With the last election, the cen- In fact, the government might|(re of balance in Conservative even find itself being prodded|membership shifted even more from some sectors) Strongly to the Prairies, the for not moving faster toward its|traditional home of free-trade declared goals of freer. trade|sentiment in Canada, The and greater domestic control of|Prairies returned 41 Conserva- the nation's economy. tives, compared with 27 from Thursday's opening of the new Ontario. Parliament coincides. with ie CRITICIZE METHODS opening of international trade Thus any oriticiant of govert: talks at Geneva. Trade Minis: | ent trad. pilley iy te effi: ter Mitchell Sharp, attending) «i3) gpposition is more likel there, has declared Canada's ne paste rai support of the United States in- Worker Found Burned To Death TAMWORTH, Ont. (CP) -- A 43-year-old construction worker was found burned to death here Tuesday. Police said his clothes cance i ti ray opposition ods chosen basic policy. In the other two opposition parties, there are even more jradical positions. During the election campaign Social Credit Leader Thompson said the eventual goal should be free rather than from the arrival of the trailer until the craft was in the air on its inauguration flight last week, (AP Wirephoto)| trade with Britain and the) United States, while NDP} |Leader Douglas advocated an Atlantic trading area on the jlines of President Kennedy's |Program., | The Conservative opposition for lack of a. qualified nursing staff, Metro Chairman William Allen said Tuesday. "Metro government has been unable to recruit a nursing staff" to open the - just-com- pleted municipal Riverdale Hos- pital for convalescent and chronically ill patients, Mr. Al- len told a Metro executive com- mittee meeting. Métro Welfare Commissioner Robert J. Smith and Personnel director Géorge Noble are in England trying to hire. 135 em- ployees, including nursing su- pervisors, head nurses, general- duty nurses, nursing assistants and orgerlies. But Mr, Allen said that even if 135 are found, only 200 of the 808 beds would be available to patients. Metro had been unable to recruit anywhere near the re- quired staff to open even 25 per isn't likely to oppose a program to reduce the impact of foreign control in the economy, in view \of their "Canada first" election' campaign slogans and their own efforts while in office to reduce the inflow of foreign cap- ital. NDP Leader Douglas cam- paigned for a massive effort to regain control of the economy be directed towards the meth-/by developing more Canadian the investment. He also called for jgreater government con- trol over the major decisions made 'by private capital--both |Canadian and foreign--and had |some harsh things to say about activities of foreign owners, és- pecially in the auto industry. cent of the hospital. A nursing staff of 300 is. re. quired to operate the hospital at full capacity. Rocking Chair Dates To 1840 MIDDLEVILLE, Oft. (CP)-- An official of the external af: fairs department walked into antique dealer Blake McKen. dry's shop in this Ottawa Valley community last week and pur- chased an old rocking chair. "He said it was being pre. sented to a very prominent pér- Pen Mr. McKendry said Tues- jay. tilateral contract by legal defi- Concepts Talks | Trade experts gave this AB-C GENEVA (CP)--An array of Picture of GATT and related matters: ' _ GATT is a sort of United Na- \tions of trade biit so: far one Communist country--Czec oslovakia--is a m . It has tong sought tariff reduction on a world basis, rather than re- sionally, through the "mostfa- vored-nation" device, EXPECT T DO SAME Under this te ue, if Can- ada chopped ta on grease- Suns from Britain, for instance, it would also be expected to do the same for other countries. Some progress was m but negotiations were item-by-iter and. country-by-country, a tedi- ous process, GATT now enters its most ambitious phase as a result of the United States Trade Expan- sion Act of 1962, which gives President Kennedy ge dented scope for negotiat tariff cuts on a linear basis. The Geneva meeting also as- sumes new importance bécause 'it tackles two big problems pre- viously neglected. The first~ PP ie gg of interest to Can- ada--is agricultural pro' ion |Which either cathodes tare te |ductions for farm products out- \right, or makes them am iflu- sion by side measures, The second is the special sit- uation of developing countries | who--through a forthcoming UN |mecting--can be expected -to jtaise a political storm if their |problem of primary J and tropical commodities is left junsolved. Deformed Baby Program Urged TORONTO (CP)--Rehabilita- ton of thalidomide - deformed children should be provided for within a broad federal program designed for all handicapped children, rather than under a segregated program, an editot- jial in the current issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal says, Currently, children born de- formed because of thalidomide administered their mothers in pregnancy are placed in a spe- cial group by the federal legisia- tion, the editorial states, "This policy entails a mimiber of undesirable features, not-the least of which are the psychdlo- gical effects it may have upon parent and child alike." OSHAWA'S | ORIGINAL had apparently caught fire and his body was almost totally | burned. Disabled People -- dent Kennedy by Prime Minis.| ter Pearson during their week-| The chair was given to Presi-| rs CARPET CENTRE Synopsis: A lange high-pres- sure system is moving east- |ward across the lower lakes to- jday bringing clearing weather A disturbance moving out of inorthern Texas will probably bring increasing cloudiness 'southern Ontario Thursday and a chance of showers in the |southwest. Lake St, Clair, Lake Huron regions, Lake Erie, Windsor, Clear Tonight, Cloudy Thursday 'Sault Ste. Marie .. 35 Mount Forest .... 40 Observed Temperatures Low overnight, High Tuesday Dawson .. A) TVICUOTIO . sesscesces 60 60 to| Edmonton ........ Regina ... Winnipeg . Lakehead .. |White River .. |S.S, Marie .. London: Clear tonight. Mainly|Kapuskasing . jcloudy Thursday with chance of North Bay ... showers, jtemperature. Winds jlight tonight and Thursday. Niagara, Lake Ontario, Geor- gian Bay, Haliburton regions, not much change in|Sudbury ..? becoming|Musokka ... Windsor ... London .. \Toronto .. |Hamilton, Toronto: Clear to-|Ottawa .... night, increasing cloudiness) Montreal |Thursday ,not much change in| Quebec jtemperature. Winds becoming)Halifax ..... | | "The body of Harry Tucker S e vas found near a storage shed, hg ets Donald McGrath. | ervices The flames did not touch the! building, owned by Fred Rich-| OTTAWA (CP)--The National mond. Advisory Council on the Reha- Police said they did not know bilitation of Disabled Persons how the fire started, Coroner|was told Tuesday that about would be held. ified as disabled. Tamworth is about 30 miles northwest of Kingston. 2 of the council, said that of this --------jnumber more than 300,000 are jof working age--between 16 and | Weston Invests --_|85--and many of them could be : jrehabilitated to a useful life, He |In South Africa 'said many more might have | been able to lead more satisfy- | LONDON (Reuters)--A Brit-|ing lives if they could have re- ish company today announced|Ceived rehabilitation. services what it described as the largest|early enough. lnon-government investment in| Labor Minister Allan J. Mac- lsouth Africa since that country|Hachen said enabling Canada's became a republic in 1961. disabled : to become gainfully E. R. Ellicott said no inquest/1,245,000 Canadians are classi-| James L. Melville, chairman Sought émployed through vocational re- habilitation is good not only in terms of humanitarian. values end talks in Hyannis Port. The rocker, which dates back to 1840, had been owned by Mrs. Donald Somerville of Mid- dleville, She said it was nearly thrown out at one time -"'be- but also from an economic point of view. Ian Campbell, the labor de- partment's national co-ordina- tor of civilian rehabilitation, said that since the signing of the agreements staff employed 'in the provinces had increased to 140 from 70. However, hé said this number is not nearly enough to ensure that all handi- |capped persons will be reached. HAS BIG THIRST A camel can drink 25 galions of water in half an hour. Associated British Foods, aj-- |bakery and supermarket group! \headed by Canadian-born Gar- \field Weston, said it would buy a 5l-per-cent interest in South Africa's Premier Milling Com- pany at a cost of about £50,00,- 000 ($15,000,000). light tonight and Thursday. | Timagami, Algoma, Coch-| rane, White River regions, Sault} Ste. Marie, North Bay, Sud- jbury: Cloudiness Thursday, a little warmer, winds light. Forecast Temperatures Low Tonight, High Thursd tWiNGSOr.icsccsces St. Thomas ....... }LONGON ...+06 |Kitehener .. |Wingham .. ay 65 CU 65 60 60 40 ese 40 22 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 40 | GATES | MEAT MARKET 723-3732 60 60 60 65 65 | Hamilton Soasesooe St. Catharines .... Toronto «.. sesso |Peterborough .... White River . Moosonee ... seeee SHORT RIB BLADE LOCAL KILLED MEATS RYLAND FARMS "QUALITY BEEF" * ROASTS ° STANDING RIB | 69° To Protect or Recover 3 LICENSE We Are Now Authorized To Give You || Srmediate. INSURANCE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY CERTIFICATES TROUBLE | WITH YOUR DRIVER'S i ? Required | cause it needed new runners." emesene ene NEED AN. OIL FURNACE? CALL PERRY DAY OR NIGHT 723-3443 |} ot Nu-Way, carpet and brood- |B loom has been @ specialty for | 18 years . . . With thousands of yards on display to sélect from, PHONE 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. | | THANK YOU The Oshawa Downtown Business Men's who made the track possible. Kinsmen, Club. for their time and mate Your Driver's License Also available for IMMEDIATE COVERAGE 65° 59° HOME CURED COMING EVENTS Now On Classified Page In order to facilitate easier reading for all the vital statistics, The Coming Events will be moved over to the same page as the births, deaths, in memoriams, and obituaries. As o general rule, they will be print- ed on the third classified page. IS THE TIME To have that carpet or chest- erfield cleaned professionally in Oshawa"s Original Carpet Cleaning Centre . where | BREAKFAST Smoked Picnic Hams » | SMOKED HAMS. UNDER-AGE DRIVERS Notice to Car Dealers Finance Companies and Salesmén! We insure the Car IMMEDIATELY . « « for Liability, Collision and Comprehensive. 39° vu. 59° BACON «59° Call Us For | fully guaranteed satisfaction is assured, Phone 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. EXTRA SPECIAL -- CUT AND WRAPPED 174 MARY ST. | Fronts ». 41° TOP COMMERCIAL BEEF FOR YOUR FREEZER 360 KING WEST @ Don Ellisor 725-6687 a © Paved Porking Hinds u 59° || MONTHLY PAYMENTS AVAILABLE YOU ARE SAFER WITH SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED AFTER HOURS CALL: . Ralph Senotield Fast Service PHONE 723-2265 Hambly's Coca Cola Foote's Towing Service Metropolitan Store Muzak Sound Comp Don Down Shell Stat Genosha Hotel Don Davenport Oshawa Hardware Cooper Smith Flintoff Hardware Gerry Osborne 725-7294 726-9376 For 150 Cars @ ! Association would like to thank all those Particular thanks to the Jayceés, C. of C., C.N.R., City Officials, Labour Council, Police and Fire Departments, Park's Department, P.U.C., The Times and C.K.L.B.. Radio Stn. and the Oshawa We are particularly indebted to the following William Caldwell, Industrial Design Hertz Truck Rentals White Rose Oil Company Demmer Construction / removal Celebration tial donated, and Fanta any ion Dean J. Kelly President -