panes , * = 1 a ae y oe att a3 ort ae aes liad dite Seuss vee ee Oe 7 oe ty' Paget ones a mt setertan ee it Pith set oY LG Se sl act A i Bi Pas Pai BO Oh Dl ag CONTROLLERS CONFERENCE Canadian publisher Roy H. Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph, Thomson (left) and Major Ce G. Dunn, publisher of the chat at the annual spring con- ference of the National Insti- OTTAWA (CP)--The Liberal| government has underlined its determination to let the Caa- / |\dian wheat board carry the ball on grain export sales. 4| But the next sale to Red China under the expiring 24% - year agreement may require direct government intervention. There are signs that Red Chi- nese bargaining terms, stiffen- ing when the current deal was negotiated, will be tougher than ever, The current contract--the seventh--should be cleared up by June 30 and negotiations for the eighth should begin any time now, It is learned on good author- ity here that the former Pro- NET EARNINGS Red China May Stiffen Terms gressive ConserVative cabinet had actually approved the ad- mittance of about $3,500,000 worth of mainland China goods including textiles in an effort to reduce the huge trade imbal- ance between the two countries. This approval became void after the April 8 election victory by the Liberals. sao While the textile imports would have raised opposition from the Canadian industry, sources concede, special meas- ures were. approved to pacify Japan, which has accepted vol- untary quotas on many textiles sold to this country, Since Japan is a substantial wheat purchaser itself, the for- have sanctioned an increase in the Japanese textile quotas to mer cabinet is understood to) Stock Market Action Light TORONTO (CP)--All sections on the stock market showed marginal changes during mod- erately light action Tuesday. Banks set the trend on the main list with Canadian Impe- rial Bank of Commerce losing %, Royal %, Toronto-Dominion % and Montreal %,. Additional losers included General Motors, off three points to 75%, Investors Syndicate down 2%, and Simpsons, Indus- trial Acceptance, Interprovin- cial Pipe Line and Canadian Tire A, all down in a %-to-%| range, : Among gainers, Calgary, Power, Canadian Celanese, and B.C, Power all advanced %, B.C, Power, selling a 121, was the session's most active indus- trial, The stock's volume in- cluded two special-sized trans- actions of 5,000 shares each and one of 19,000 shares, all at $20.62 a share, On index, industrials declined 48 to 644.21, Golds advanced .07 to 88.24, base metals .60 to 217.03 and western oils .16 to a % WENT IN WHEELCHAIR new 1963 top of 125.75, Final vol- ume was 3,664,000 shares com:| EDMONTON (CP) -- Despite, pared with 4,369,000 Monday. having to use a wheelchair, Base metals tallied a slight|John Mockler, 20, completed a gain with Craigmont rising %,|1,350-mile hitch-hiking trip from Noranda gaining % and Denison|here to Coeur d' spas Idaho, jumping %. and back, Weekend Specials 3,DAYS ONLY . THURSDAY -- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY. PRINTED BARK CLOTH «.. vis " SATIN SHOES '. Jae DYED FREE TO MATCH any color, All sizes TAMMY Fashion Shoes equal the amount of Red Chi- 79 SIMCOE N 728-2491 nese textiles admitted, CARPET ANY 262 King W. 728-9581 BROADLOOM Png eh 19 FORTISANS ANTIQUE SATINS PLEATER TAPE PLEATER HOOKS HOUSE Of FABRICS LTD. 75 SIMCOE ST. N PHONE 728-7751 Reg. 1.98 ro 2.49 'ol 19 45" wide l 49 ? Reg. 2,98 Reg. 2 pte Be By THE CANADIAN PRESS Consolidated Mosher Mines Ltd,, year ended Dec, 31: 1962, $119, 388 (first year of produc- tion), Consolidated West Petroleum Ltd,, year ended Dec, 31: 1962, net loss $28,151; 1961, net loss $33,108, MacLeod Cockshutt Gold Mines Ltd., year ended Dec. $1: 1962, $225,359; 1961, $488,. 349. tute of Newspaper Controll- ers, The Chronicle-Telegraph is a _ phomson- owned daily, (CP Wirephoto) BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Oil Well Service Company Stabler Cane@ian subsidiary in 1951, Its|-- EDMONTON (CP)--Canada's Yargest oll well servicing com- pany has acquired a cushion for dry years in the oll indus- try through purchase of a ma- jor construction firm by its American parent, The purchase saw Halliburton) Co, of Dallas, Tex, take owner. ship of 95 per cent of the stock Riown and Root Ine. of Hous- ton, Tex, Also involved are the two firm's Canadian subsidiar- ies, Halliburton Oil Well Cem- enting Co, Ltd, and Brown and Root Lid. C, B. (Mickey) Holding, Halli- burton's Canadian division man ager, says acquisition of the construction company will cush- ion any drops in oil development and will add stability for Halli-) burton shareholders. Halliburton Co. and Brown/d Root Inc, are both international organizations with subsidiaries in most of the free world. Their respective revenues hovered around $200,000,000 in 1002 with Brown slightly ahead of Halliburton. and' Root/ rected first major construction project was the $75,000,000 Canadian Chemical plant at- Edmonton. Halliburton Oil Well Cement- ing has 321 employees and maintains a fleet of 220 vehicles with a listed value of $2,500,000. Brown and Root has 120 per- manent employees in Canada but at construction peaks has carried over 3,000 on the ~~ roll. Halliburton's operations in-/ clude cementing oil wells, chem- ical treatments and well stimu- lation for oil extraction, test ing to determine well productiv- ity, blending cementing mater- als and stocking of special tools for ' 'down-hole"' projects . It has a research laboratory, lin Edmonton, with projects toa) fficult to be handled here be-| ing sent to a research centre in| Duncan, Okla | Brown and Root has its Canta dian head office in Edmonton. | Its eastern operations are di-| from Montreal, from where the f{irm's consulting en- | In Canada, Halliburton oper-/gineers start their nation- wide] atés in the west and Northwest, Work. Territories, maintaining 35 oper. ating bases from a general of- fice in Calgary and an opera- tions office in Edmonton, It started Canadian operations in the early 1930s, OPENED IN 1931 Brown and Root opened its| Ronald W. Bilsky, DC CHIROPRACTOR @ HEADACHES @ SLIPPED DISCS 100 King E. 728-5156 Reich hold Chemicals (Can- SEAT OF: PROBLEM Jada Ltd,, 3 mos, ended March SHAFTESBURY, England 31: 1963, $41,134; 1962, $24,185, (CP)--Members of this Dorset town's band are always careful to face the front--because the| seats of their 35-year-old uni- form plants are showing -signs| of wear. The council is calling| a special meeting to discuss nd threadbare problem ; Going This Summer @ Europe @ Caribbeon @ Howall @ South Pacific of anywhere else ?? See us without optigation, Four Seasons Travel 24-Hour Service -- 728-6201 It's Here Again! ! DUNN'S Fabulous Semi-Annual DOLLAR SALE SUITS FOR THE PRICE OF (PLUS 1.00) Open A Charge Account You'll Save More At DUNN'S Men's & Boys' Wear 36 KING E, DOWNTOWN OSHAWA end OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE eee SLIDAY CONTEST rnd \ ENTER NOW! ~~~_©) and each winner receives this fabulous line-up of prizes A CANADIAN PICK & PACK HOLIDA CASH BONUS $250.00 pocket money and a $100.00 wa 1 22 rdrobe allowance! Special S.S. Homeric Crulse--embarking August Srd for first class cruise 7 gala days from Montreal to Charlottetown. Return to deluxe Queen Elizabeth Hotel for 7 days, y WITH ALL EXPENSES PAID FOR 2 LUXURIOUS <a CARSON 'RIVIERA' LUGGAGE~a matched 5-piece set? 20 CONSOLATION PRIZES-..,<. matched sets of Carson "Riviera" Luggagel you pick from this list of exciting CANADIAN VACATIONS 6 Muskoka Sands--a thrilling combination of rustie beachcombing, golf, fishing and gracious lodge living in Ontario's magical northwoods, Rocks Inn--the Laurentian pl 7 rendezvous for golfing, riding and water sports, ontreal's + and by CN. Ween en motor nen ig tours are d for you. 3 nets Inn--an Island wonderland in Muskoka's beautiful Lake of Bays. Golf, water sports, tennis -Week apie is Gaspe (a Maritimes Tour--a . the finest Seane' and all trains ferry boat excursions and city <r Deluxe cabins nestied in the trees along the shores of incomparable Lac Ouimet, 8 St. Andrews By-The-Sea--excluslve golf resort craggy a line. Enjoy fine | Asner Phos in sheltered Katy's Cove HOLIDAY ANYTIME '63 Your White Swan Holiday will be arranged pleasure and convenience by Picard and Stafford Travel All accommodation First Class; air travel, where desirable, via Trans Canada Air Lines. nged for your and riding are just a few of the activities you can enjoy--or ignore, if you prefer relaxing in luxurious surroundings. 4 crane City--discover the unique culture of old trench Canada in Quebec's charming -- enjoy "castle comfort" at the uF Seven rt 5 Killarney Mountain luxurious wilder. ness resort on Georgian Bay where galety and informality reign. Superb French cuisine, indoor fun, water sports and unsurpassed fishing. and exciting night life at the Casino, gt nap any ed nay Cruise=déluxe cruise of 7scenic bey Montreal to Lake St. John and return plus-- tT Montreal's beautiful Queen Elizal rae 1 2-Week Motor T 1963 automobile from Tilden rent-a-car fs at your disposal to carry u to your heart's desire. Spend we weeks on anada's h al paid, plus $50 ar a day for meals, lodging and funt Winners of the vacation may choose the alternative of $1,000 Cash Prize plus the luggage bonus? Your holiday host... WHITE SWA PAPER PRODUCTS. Made in Canada by CONTEST CLOSES MAY 3ist, 1963 The E. B. Eddy Company Entry forms are available now, at your grocer's White Swan Gisplay. To qualify, be sure you include:two. wrappers from any of these White Swan products with your entry, Try the ale behind this label-- GET GREAT ALE TASTE! Snappa Cappa Red Cap THE CARLING, BREWERIES LIMITED White Suen Bathroom Tissue--soft and ++ in pure white pb pr 4 lovely teis; pink, yellow, aqua and mauve. as White Swan Pa Towels --with Pog a a encahyg: that acts like a sponge, tm white and attractive colours--pink, yellow and aqua.