eS Ea NE Ee ES, BROTHER, SISTER TAKE MATES IN DOUBLE WEDDING =" nao vy mel The marriages were per- mony took place in St. Paul's formed recently of Mr. and Presbyterian Church, Osh- Mrs. David Henesey, left, awa. Mrs, Russell Koopman, and LAC and Mrs. Russell the . former Carol Maureen Koopman. The double cere- Henesey, is the daughter, and ay Mr. David Henesey is the son of Mr. and Mrs, David Arnold Henesey of Oshawa. Mrs, David Henesey, the for- mer Diane Christine Mills, is . ' | -S ASSOC. Marie Davis Wed | fms poneham Boneham was installed as president of West- To Paul D. Leddy moont Home and School Asso- At H 1 Cr ss ciation at the annual meeting (9) '0 held recently. Mrs. Nicholas Y zy |Lakas, vice - president of Osh- The marriage was solemniz-|awa and District Home and ed in Holy Cross Roman Ca-\School Council, installed the tholic a yearend weg ng officers as follows: Ann, r r, and Mrs. ass ; : ' i Frank A. Davis of Oshawa, and abet he + a Err Mr, and iy : , . Paul D. see sy 7 ddy of Tecording secretary, Mrs, oe oS ick) Leddy O!/Henry DeMille; treasurer, Mrs. : * eases Arthur Holdsworth; correspond- Pos ry grea | ra. ing secretary, Mrs. C. G. Step; Gary Booth played the wedding chairmen, Mrs. William Lang- music and sang. " : The bride was given in mar-\bec City, the bride _ trav- riage by her father. She was elled in a double knit wool suit gowned in white silk peau de|im aqua, designed by Charles soie with three-quarter length Carroll, with a white flowered sleeves and an apron style hat and white accessories skirt that dipped into a chapel) Mr. and Mrs. Leddy are mak- train. The scoop neckline was|ing their home in Oshawa, trimmed with rose applique} Guests were present from| FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS lace which was repeated on the|Belleville, Hamilton and Toron-| 725-6854 iltbox headdress that secured|to. | er tiered, bouffant veil. She) ------------ esiicdeaoesac lton, Mrs, Charles Heath, Mrs. Irwin Estabrooks, Mrs, Harold Braund, Reports were heard from the delegates who attended the Home and School Convention. The association will plan to start a Family Life study group of Mrs, C. G, Step. purchased for the use of pupils taking part in the annual school games. Plans were made to have a refreshment booth at the school field day. Mrs .Stanley Gomme will convene the event. A film was shown of a tour through Upper Canada Village. in the fall under the leadership Fifty pairs of shorts will be| : -- aye gry --_ Cees oe VO ey ee TON ne 6 OPO SS SS ES OS Guide Carol Gardner Receives Gold Cord From 6C Company In a room: decorated with golden roses, a candlelight ceremony representing all stages of guiding was perform- ed by the Guides of 6th C Com- pany of Christ Memorial Church, to honor Carol Gard- ner, who was to receive her gold cord, The captain, Mr . W. J, Good- swan, introduced the guests, Mrs, D, E, Fox, Division Com- missioner; Mrs, F, M, Jamie- son, district commissioner, Mrs, W .E. Gardner, Carol's mother; Miss Joan Gardner, Carol's sister; Miss Marilyn Weldon, District Guider; Mrs, George Webster, Carol's former Brown Owl; Mrs, Allen Scam- mell, Lieutenant of 4th Com- pany; Mrs, Walter Johnson, badge secretary; Mrs. M. L. McCune, president of the 6th C Parent Committee, Mrs, F, M. Jamieson spoke . " 4 of Carol Gardner's work and CAROL GARDNER the Challenge, She presented)" ~ the cords to Mrs, Gardner who START THEM YOUNG placed them on her daughter's) MONTREAL (CP)--Kathieen Gifts were oresented from|Jensen, librarian for the Mont- tee and others, you want your children to be The guides played Kim's/readers, "read to them almost game, all articles were gol 'jas soon as they are born,"' She Mic MeCullongh, Mes W »Y| says children like. the sounds of eh Pot ' oe *'|words even if they can't under. MacDonald and Miss Rosemary! ot and them, the guides, the parent commit-|real Children's Library, says if | ; 2 When you need the daughter of F-L and Mrs, |@%t committee, was cut and Malcolm Edward Mills of ot. (served by the honored guide. "HOME-NURSING" : nseriped | Campfire concluded the even- C Tl v 0 N N rs tawa, and LAC Russell Koop- |ing under the supervision of all a V.U.N. Nurse Se eee ar hires kone: eae Sere, Amn Greet Lud | Yapaal man of Toronto tenant of 6th C and the closing "Home-Nursing Care for ' prayer and Taps taken by Mrs. EVERYONE" --Aldsworth Photography 'Fex when comfort matters... e alADIES "Mr. Bernard Experienced Hair Stylist Of Leading Toronto Salons Casuals let you forget your feet carried a cascade of Sonnet roses and stephanotis. Miss Jo-Anne Bulkowski was maid of honor and the brides- maids were Miss Ann Leddy and Miss Noreen Davis. They were dressed alike in aqua silk chiffon styled with cap sleeves and. full skirts, waisted with cummerbunds. Matching crowns and veils formed their headdresses and they carried white and aqua carnations in cascades. Mr. Robert Tuerk was best|{ vera! tength 40 Ft.! Width 26 man and Mr. George William- Instellction in just seven days, in mest 21 75 00 e ' cases, and of Laetgy Bia pools (steel Ar tion followed in the reinforced concrete) a Sandalwood restaurant, where] FULLY GUARANTEED... by Dior 'blue silk with matchings]! ROTH CONSTRUCTION groom's mother wore aqua silk} OSHAWA 10 YEARS | chiffon with white accessories. @ SEE OUR Pools Sterts with @ swimming pool ef your own, In your own beckyerd! Can't afford it? BUT NOW YOU AN, Thanks to noth improved a imming pools cre within reach of every- one, Not just @ small one... N OSHAWA 725-9991 IN OPERATION! «© What light flexible shoes! Foam rubber soles are welded to uppers, can't come loose. Soft rubber outsoles won't slip or slide. And when your Foamtread Casuals get soiled, pop 'em in your washer. Choice of wedge- heeled styles in a varietyof colours. Priced at $4.98. CRAFTED BY KAUFMAN Makers of Funtreads, Packard Shoes and Slippers, For their wedding trip to Que- At One Low Price Tired of being handicopped because you lost, broke, misploced end most inexpensive way. Get thet EXTRA PAIR NOW. Let REPAIRS Broken tenses duplicated. placed while you wait. Lowest prices, US. Trode Mark R Opticia Over 3 fied Customers 17 Bond St. : Eost 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily 2nd Fi Open Wed. 'Til 12 Noon n loor Phone: 728-1261 @ Branches in Many Principal Cities of Canada and U3. bother you when driving, golfing or just walking? Why not solve your problem in the easiest present lenses with a similar frame for only $11.95. No examination ni i , 3 9D. eeded or required. We simply toke the reading of your present glasses in o matter of a few minutes with the oid of high-powered, scientifically accurate lensometer. There is no loss of time or inconvenience to you. Now compore our 11.95 glasses with those for which you paid much more. Frames repaired; frames re- SCRIPTIONS AT SAME LOW PRICES Snowbelles, Kingtreads and Waterproof Footwear BUY YOUR FOAMTREAD CASUALS AT ANY OF THESE STORES Pere es ORT E TIS IS I thet a : Co ee ee Bia i: cards were read by the secre LODGES AND SOCIETIES -- 3-usters meters REBEKAH LODGE NO, 3 ella Smith in charge, The ne pe Hag prizes which were. The regular meeting of Osh-| meeting will be held on May 22,\donated were won by Sisters awa Rebekah Lodge No. 3ivhon the Rebekah saalanngginn Florence Green and Doris Me- 0! was held in the Odd Fellows Hall recently, Noble Grand be conferred on the candidates, | Worthy district deputy Sister a Pegg naa oe igy Ho EMPRESS OF INDIA, DOE | Annie Mitchell announced that . a ae ' The ne pen oe The regular meeting of The|the annual church parade ety | attendance of officers and mem- eg ey Eb cag ga Bago! Church. The cunday a saee 4 0 a" ge 26 was held in ene hog be E conegreoi a the Orange Temple recently, = be stated at the next meete aur oak menkaty cand Worthy president, Sister Edna|'"8: SE aia mambert contimed|Huband, presided with Sister, The next regular meeting will Meothe Neepital PNG" Sister| Mary Hurst, acting vice-presi- be held on Tuesday, May 21, aioe Ha ~ scaaked tc Ge dent, assisting, Sister Elva Ti) -------- and Fund po Da in we plants oa : ' aplain Sister Kay Large bg gg a ee guve the devotional period, The rea * sect tp cations aNd! report on sick was given by Sis: wen -- -- es ter Anne Foote, Sister Nan Kirk: Msg pene ag F i bride is stil in the hospital, J Jor . | of Cards" at Glenholme School, Pinal ti seste vei test The final report of the birthday party was given by PNG Sister Ann Holt and special thanks was given to Sister Nina Peever for making the birthday cake, The members were reminded) of the District Rally Church} Parade. on Sunday, May 26 at 7) A RAYUS p.m, to Brooklin United Church. | CARPET COMPANY lIt was decided to have a Town) 282 King W 728-958) 'and Country supper September} RUG : \) at PNG Sister. Ann Holt's) |home, Sister Vera Wirsching re- ported that her committee had CLEANING |visited Hillsdale Manor, | Refreshments were served in \the dining hall with Sister Lou- SPORTSWEAR LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE YOUR. HEADQUARTERS FOR SPORTSWEAR. WE CARRY BY FAR THE LARGEST STOCK. IN OSHAWA. EVERY LEADING MAKER TO CHOOSE FROM INCLUDING JANTZEN, ROSE MARIE REID AND COLE OF CALIFORNIA BATHING SUITS, OUR PRICES ARE THE SAME IF NOT LESS THAN ELSEWHERE, Yl, MODEL SHOE STORE 55 KING ST. E. 725-1521 DRESSES ISPLACED GLASSES nd OME DOES THE SUN BOTHER mol Get that EXTRA PAIR ROW Single Vision 15 Complete ith Frames enses and Case DANCEY'S SHOES 18 SIMCOE ST, S, 725-1833 COOL, CRISP PERKY From 8.98 DAVIDSON'S SHOES 3TSIMCOE ST. N. 725-3312 MAHER SHOE STORE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-6941 2 AND 3 PIECE SUMMER SUITS or mislaid your glasses? Sun us accurately duplicate your WE FILL ALL P.S.1., OCULISTS AND OPTOMETRISTS PRE- +) ont Serthe tor Laws then NATIONAL BRANDS BIFOCALS BATA SHOE STORES 15 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE NEW STYLES NEW COLORS NEW FABRICS From 19.98 BURNS SHOES We Refund or Exchange - A Deposit Will. Hold 1 KING ST. W. PHONE 725-4611 OUR SPRING SALE CONTINUES REDUCTIONS 10% TO 50% is Lenses and Case @ Founded 1904 AGNEW SURPASS SHOE STORES : OSHAWA WHITBY 25 Simcoe St. S. SHOPPING CENTRE 122 BROCK ST. S. 9@B OSHAWA & SHOPPING CENTRE