Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 May 1963, p. 19

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17--Male Help Wanted PENSIONER required gardener, Taatabeneuse mon, live to, Like Buck: 1 So lon Bt T1297 23--Wanted To Rent 7uREE-BEDROOM house in Oshawa, ree nd near schools, P . 1, Call 723-2233 ex! sion 5' preferred Sad June TESPONRIBLE op couple le with ~. child your iacome with Sets, 'They sail, rest quickly, 'Writer, KITCHEN CABINET ASSEMBLERS Aavly 1-5 bes «| Ltd, 942-3790 THOUS fotey for 8 helpful Ad/CO' 25--Apartments CHURCH STREE-, 108 fo ten-|Child welcome. Win, water, 726-6015, ONE-BEDROOM apartment, $85 month- se in ilities, June |Ochawe. or vielnity, Telephone 728-7020, .| OLIVE Avenue, 175: Three room ment, private 725-2391, igh STREET EAST, 285 -- Ui private se gp ort parking * rooms and bath- Ne floor, four 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate fer Sale 27---Real Estate for Sale 29----Automobiles For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, POR Ag es a gy Se STG TT al Oe iD, Mondey, Mey 13, 1963 19 14 = Twobed- $70, monthly ineludes W, McAuley, Heaiog as P 723-2512 or Whitby 668- 'Street North, Apart: PRIVATE SALE, eh Elizabeth Street, brick entrance, Te! infurnish- kitchenette, Ce rree| is, Apply 232 Kaiser apartment, two rooms, . possession, immediate §) Centre rite Box 638, Oshawa Times. 26--Rooms For Rent COURTICE ROAD NORTH, -- Four|pitle rooms and bath. For rent or sale. Tele- phone 728-8010, FIVE-ROOM brick ha hg fall re room, 41' x Asking sis00" 7a3-2180 atter 4 pam. $12,000 IS NOT TOO MUCH FOR THE MAN WE WANT Bin oars paring nt gp mc toe ight short euto tri +» an ca rips . Hl on amoll town rural ond industrial r . | hope to ownel on you right away, | would sites For Rent \ AJAX six-room newly decorated = galow, near schools, all facilities, year lease, $105 cr month, Cail 'To. ronto, Baldwin ae iN AD SOUTH, 688 -- Five- Mungeiow, oll heated, Avallasie june 1, Please write to ab above address, address, GENTLEMAN Will share home rent je to Fsipom gh My a for care of Si00 7 MONTHLY ie seven-room house mult two 'families. One modern ga Po and bathroom, oll heating. Large lot Six miles north of Osbaws. Immediate Possession. Two-year lease. 725-2911. 50 MONTHLY, 97 Nassau Gtreet, six- room house, mo furnace, vacant. ARGE furnished Suit King NEAR MOSPORT -- _ bag 4 for rent, convenient to Bowmanvile and ng roads, 128-40, OSHAWA MOTEL, King Breet Ha Weekly rates, an $15, and 3750. T WONDERLAND PARK Motor Court, Ki Sontonene, including showers and hea Weekly r rates starting at $12, 723-7424. leman, Parking. 'Apply 19 194 jet West, ay iggee oe $6 weekly, prone lg cuses ange five-room bunga low in same district. Write Box 706, Oshawa Times. ved) MODESN, neoiget ygeoeed ggg bunga- are spacious finish- ed re crestion 'room, close to all utili- 1500 down. Apply 1106 fee and bus, 8 Nae,| Cloverdale, 78-6902. heated, tele- 'elephone 723- Road East, -cabins, All con NORTH AJAX, four-room house, one , full basement, eS best: , garage, ex: tras, $8500 full price. $) "1500. down, Ajax 942-4495, JARVIS Street, 1% storey brick, bedroom house, near GM North Bhs lephone 725-2026, ¢,| 91-500 down, Te! OWNER-BUILT, clay-brick-veneer five. z) Street low, 500-3054. *| $205, oes, Flaten "| rage. "5.000" down. *| ft, zoned comm: brick] Dreferred, 1234 Dundas East, 668-2892. WHITBY -- $2,000 down, One 6 per cent NHA . Five-room brick bun- newly decorted, Whitby ORONO -- Two dpa yee house with sun po ig meh er |, Centrally Procated. Ni oi) furnace, m ag lla HOME -- three apartments, one Pr lot, ga- 728-7680, pags alg LOTS, on ag ogy ercial, all veniences available, hggrer each. Eve- ments or telephone calls Whitby, FrROn if, 34 acres, Partly wooded. stream, | $4,600, Private sale, Telephone 723-1791 or 723-3608. FOR SALE or lease, income home. Large. lot, 86 x 132, north-west area of For particulars, telephone ed beep bungalow, on one acre of land, Near Mosport, Reasonable price. Call Orono 4R6. oz |hu Tote Ya xi LOT. 62' x 528', near Taunton village. Telephone 725-6733. Howard 'Orone brick | Stree! RT 1961 "Speed Master", twin jestbend motors, $175 or best offer, land Daytime' rat evenings 723-4992, 1--Automobile Repair 1959 BUICK, 'two door hard top; also Pad pan sedan. Apply 23 Albany #6 for cash, No agents. IN WHITBY Beautiful COLONIAL STYLE HOME with modern field stone, $895 NOW five room brick bungalows loaded with extras $12,895 "only four left" Grandview Gardens four bedrooms, fully decor- ated, fireplace floor to ceil- ing, Built-in oven and stove, Bay windows living and din- ing rooms. Balanced lighting Reughed in 2 piece wosh room in basement. Roughed in fireplace in basement. At- tached garage. Built by Armstrong ond Sons, For further information, PRICE $18,500 CALL PICKERING g00d condition and location. asonable down Payment.| radio 1957 Pontiac, radio, 1959 CHYVROLET, % ton pick-up, one HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE -- SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL ?EPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 1958 FIAT 600 prenas low Cg cg or best offer. Telephone thy, 666-2806. 1956 CHEVROLET ee, V8, auto- matic, radio, power and brakes, Beautiful turquoise and white. Like new, 726-51 1957 GMC inde ,fump truck, te electric welder; %" electric drill. phone 728-8817. 1957 PONTIAC, automatic transmission, Paige! Good clean condition inside a: be financed. accept trade, Can finance, 723-7970, i085 MONARCH, light blue, matching LITTLE CHIEF TEXACO 83 RITSON RD. S. 728-2871 LICENSED MECHANIC General Repair to all makes. Carburetor Specialists Tune up ae Pick pic | Work Guaranteed interior, automatic transmission, radio, bi 1960 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, 27,000 miles, cu: radio, many extras. Make offer, terms, 725-7566, ane ro Sale Pate gg fonts iibre paseet, 'a wi iso 'raller. . $330. Telephone 725-9866. GURNEY range, four burner, heavy dut; ae size, |32--Articles For Sale a aerate | 725-5948, jaa) DODGE Regent sedan, immaculate) throughout. New motor, radio. Many aur AND SELL, = Fyne Ai extras. 723-4550 after 5 appliances. only, Sat ere Pretty', Furniture, "44 Simcoe Street Lota MORRIS Lo gh ay Mog i body| South, 723-327: $400, or best offer. Apply b reenwood cent, | VACUUM aaa repairs, ail makes. sry iu Whitby." = = Free estimates. Parts, attachments,/ 1, i963 VOLVO Canadian, --demonsirator,|thinne 'Reseais, Walltee Vacuums Serv. ; in, demonstrator, . Rentals. ce Vacuum Serv- heater, ge ate: 4 refinished, like new, low mileage car, Still' ws aie taoees 'ag aut 'anytine, 726-0901, $595. Call 728-5 ee--crmennnnennneeneenee | Warranty, Jake and Bill's Garage. sm , 5 UPRIGHT PIANO -- Fischer complete- 1956 OLDS) Shine Live pace two door Ritson South, 728-0921. y and tanede #100" Tele. phone 725-2971, $750. UNE iia FT. MOULDED piywood boat, 35 room bungalow. One block St. Hedw! School, garage, beautifully Y aeseam corner lot, 728-1259. CEDAR Street, 1118: Five acres, with 728-1778 or like to soon All Patro- res, om Co, Box 509, Fort Worth 1, 'Texos, 18--Male or Female Help Wanted FORACCO PLANTERS, ~ experienced preferred |, one man, and two women needed. A, first tobacco farm on Taunton Road. A. Verbrugghe. MEN a worien, ex perience not ne- cases as presenting Ontario's most complete Food Pian. Pleasant work, excel- Jent remuneration. For. ops an. hogy 668-5875. Telephone and door-to-door canvassers| 799 Sey, ener Foods Lid,, 513 Brock | tn a Re Seon have you stort with us and stay for a ane ste , replies confidential, R. J, ATHOL STRFET, 230 -- clean, quiet, newly orl Be pak sitting room, cen- trally loc located, 7125-1998, Rg a aioe and Adelaide, nicely| ¢, Mahe room. egy to share with person, Parking tor _amall l_car. 725: avi FURNISHFD two rooms, private trance, free parking, central "4 Centre Street or telephone 725-0053. ly|ROOM, suitable for two, "cats beds, 9 Cae to al ayy General Motors and Available 728-3405, 725-0332 after 6 6 pom, 723-9210, | 8 is MAY To SEPTEMBER #0 -- house, four-piece bath, gas Konoes and range, 3% acres, three miles west of Brooklin. 655-4829, THREE room summer cottage, Oshawa, $96 monthly. 723-7460, BUNGALOW -- Five rooms aa bad bath, oll furnace, on Drew month. Apply 28 SOUTH of General Motors, | decorated five-room brick hou: TV aerial, '| CALL HOWARD McCABE 728-6286 S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER RETIRING? $7500 Six room brick home In the WH 2-2401 29-----Automobiles For Sale 1955 PONTIAC deluxe, two door, radio,| -- apply after 5 ee WHITBY -- Three-bedroom brick bun- | galow, close to schools and churches, Large jot and new large garage. & per cent interest. Telephone 668-4530. = SCHOFIELD-AKER | OPEN HOUSE near lully iow excellent condition, one owner, 2879. io6i SUNBEAM Rapier, hardtop, A-l, rude motor, and a Gator Jake and Bills' Garage, 449 Ritson H. states, Apply 79 Colborne street west. Road South. 728-0921. fos EDSEL, Citation, four-door hard- paige ad hot water furnace, with il burner, complete with 7 radiators Apply Gibbon out basement, June 1, 728-7464 MODERN new six room bungalow, with garage, Apply 1259 Simcoe Street | SIX room brick oy tongm Ad tog drive, '108 monthly. 1955 METEOR, four-door sedan, V6, moneere Se, nee radio. Telephone Whitby, SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. 35| 728-3506, 21" MOTOROLA rn owivel bess, Apply 39 Glovers Road. SET four is Poy ri it gas eri $25. Telephone 2 ot ae wee ri ville 623-5632, REFRIGERATOR, Crosley, 9 cuble KING St Tea Bast, furnished room, eel quiet home, ideal for two Lge Telephone after 6, 728-4412. Ace pers bedroom, hot water year ound 6 hae top, radio, power brakes and steer- ing, $700. Ajax 942-3563. and pipes, 203 street, af- ter 5 p.m, indi VOLKSWAGEN, cosslionloaads° 'ond. soa eg sell and exchange used furni- you have. The City Street tion, turquoise, radio. rear seat speak- er and fan, Mad only, $1275. After § anything Trading Post Slores, 446 Si South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. evenings 728. 1962 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, turquome,| tre like new. One owner car, Jake and Ritson South, BLOOR West, 208, furnished Fonda refrigerator, separate hoc eee Garage, 449 Sales Manager Required by well estoblished local branch of a reputable Canedion firm, now expond- ing their soles ond. service program in Oshawa ond Dis- trict, A cor will be on asset. GROUP LIFE AND HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE TOP COMMISSIONS Positions also open for ad- ditional salesmen ond soles- women, Telephone today for a per- sonal interview, int - 728-9403 or opply in person 3 P.M, UNTIL 6 P.M. 11 Ontario Street, Room 9 20--Room and Board at door, Near South General Motor 728-9040, |SIMCOE STREET NORTH -- Two-bed- oo Heong aie jon; also bachtlor apartment, Role. phone 72573652, ' FOUR-ROOM apartment, two bed rooms, living room and kitchen, newly decorated, refrigerator and stove, park- ing. For information, phone after 5) o'clock, 725-0053, se SIMCOE NORTH, near A. and P. Store -- Four-room. apartment, up- stairs, in new duplex, garage included, Bab: by welcome, Telephone after 4,30, 4948. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Coll between 5 ond 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. NORTH ET -- Two-room apart ment with gas stove, share bath, un- 27--Real Estate For Sale furnished, second floor, Telephone 725- 1042. |'THREE - room furnished apartment, child welcome, utilities paid Abeainer | Telephone 728-4386 or 723-9180 after 6. COMPLETELY furnished, three rooms ped bath, heavy duty stove, sink, built- \n cupboards, TV, air - conditioner, adults. 209 Grenfell Street 725-3667, VICINITY Oshawa Genera! Hospital| lern, two - bedroom, unfurnished apartment, main floor, avaliable June 1 Suitable -- couple. ite Box 108 ine WE WEST, 13 -- One-bed- ment, refrigerator and stove, available now, No children, $70 was Boath General Motors, room and| 5, two gentlemen, willing om share. 'Single beds, pai » lunches packed, Telephone 728-4763. WANTED -- motherless pre-school boy, to Bag +3 room and care fn as one of For information, call Yae-7a4s, NORTH OSHAWA -- two-bedroom mod- ern apartment, in apartment building, stove, refrigerator, Free washing fa- GRANDVIEW VILLAGE For your new "'KASSINGER" HOME in this choice East End location. Give us a call. Your present home accepted asa trode. CARL OLSEN REALTOR 299 King St. W. 723-1133 cilities, lockers and paved parking. One child welcome. Telephone 728-3377 CENTRALLY Tooated, three single fur- nished rooms, in modern home with BOARD od gentleman, in single room iy week. and board for piornictes day . Near North Geneal | IB Street, 332, room and board gentlemen, beds, lunche: packed, good meais, r 728-2 . - | FOUR-ROOM upper fiat, '| water, private entrance, Want quiet ten- \ DOWNTOWN APARTMENT -- light facilities, if de- sired. Phone 725-5704. heated, hot ants, $40 monthly. Apply 1184 Cedar Street. | Four rooms and bath, modern kitchen, stove and refrigerator, i Apply 5% William Street West, 728-6323. STREET EAST, 20 -- Room and beard for Good meals. LeGy oF EB be share reer apartment near South Motors Absteloer $18, week- Doard W Geaired, te stores and = shoppi: Clean, Pg home. Private. 'Telephone 728. sreemeem & Board Wanted [AN # room and board ia waiter or Oshawa. Central location Telephone 668-4625 after 5 p.m. Lan loga space, 22--Offices, Stores, Storage | ---- New Offices In Medical Center 211 Simcoe Street S. gentlemen, close to dowm/ hydro North GM, "ROOM: entrance, TV aerial. a onthly, heat, and water included. Telephone 725-4918, KING Street, Oshawa, tagged --_ 1. Four-room lower ed, hts, heat, water magued. 100. Dial Hampton 263-2413. LYNDON APARTMENTS 941 SIMCOE NORTH One bedroom self-contained basement apartment. $70 monthly. Available June Ist. CALL 728-3506 Governor Mansions Luxury Available July 1963 Con be finished to suit Early Tenants. PHONE 725-5132 SUITE OF MODERN AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES AVAILABLE Approximately 1000 sq, ft. SERVICED BY ELEVATOR Ask for MR. T, L. WILSON TELEPHONE 723 - 3474 | A Few Choice | | Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidoires----12 cu. ft. Pressurized Hallways Storage Locker in Suites Laundry room on each floor Vanity in bathrooms BELLA VISTA GARDENS METCALF Real Estate Limited AO King St. E. Dial 728-4678 4 models under construction ready to be occupied by May 31st with down pay- ments os low os $1,000.00, 10 ACRE LOTS Just east of Oshawa for only $4500.00 with $1,000.00 down, Also many other lots in Oshawa to choose from, NEW HOMES -- $595.00 DOWN Your new home awaits you in Greenwood Heights. Build or move into your own 3 bedroom brick home. Prices stort os low os $11,595.00 one N.H.A. mortgage for balance, Call today for full porticulars, Models open for your inspection. PORT PERRY $40,000.00 - $13,500.00 down for this valuable in- come, Property consisting of 6 opartments plus a store 20' x 62' OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Dick Barriage Ken Hann Jock Osborne Joe Maga Lloyd Metcalf John Kemp Locations Available Immediate Possession TELEPHONE: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Schofield-Aker Limited 723-2265 WHITBY C LASSIFIED New, modern, four' lophons 668-2788 RENT -- Ree ogg Pos meg iPad two-bedroom apartment, 855. -| Chen ve. aowannen: Telephone 688-4560. chen heavy duty wiring Available July jehen, . ave FOR RENT -- apartment living and kit. SEPTIC tanks FOR RENT: Large 3 room apartment, heavy duty wiring, fireplace, Available 1, Adults preferred. Whitby, cleaned, prompt service) on calls, Walter weak, Sh Cate 'Street West, Whitby 668-2963. DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, covers, dra) Fitting a i G4 Toms rkiery lg mors FOR [RENT: "One bedroom "ROTARY MOWER TUNE -UP Clean and adjust points, rk pharm carborator, throt- , sharpen blade. 2 pny 4.50 plus ports, 4 cycle $5. 5 plus ports. OUTBOARD, MOTORS WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1418 bane" self-con- apartment, main floor, $35. 'poly 28 Brock Street South, telephone GOOLD'S 'Second Hand 1 Furaiture, everything for cottages, floor coverings, ee aggre televisions, ters. Will buy, sell or trade. Open all day. 215 Dundas east, Whitby, Telephone 663-3481 SCHOFIELD-AKER 7 ROOM SPLIT-LEVEL with attached gorage in an area of fine homes, having an 18' living room, three large bed- rooms, and a well planned kitchen, family size dining room, 4 pc. bath on the up- per. level plus a 2 . bath off the Il' x 14° family room. For full particulars, after 9 P.M. call Les Hall 728-5513. LISTINGS TO-NIGHT At Grandview Gardens (SOUTH ON GRANDVIEW AND FOLLOW THE SIGNS) Prices From $13,400 Down Payment $930 And Up 723-2265 360 King St. W. S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 KING STREET WEST 728-6286 $800 This is the full down pay- ment on a mew home to be built in Grandview Gordens, call Bob Stevenson. $10,500 Five room brick home with en attached sun porch, $1,000 down with one mort- gage for balance, cali Lorne Hartford, $500 DOWN Full price only $7,900 for this home situated near G.M. South plant, owner anxious to sell, call Doug Gower. NEW HOMES Down payments starting as low as $900 for new bung- alows and split-levels, N.H.A, mortgages, call Howard Mc- Cabe. $1273 Is the full down payment on this bungalow in Kingsmere Gardens, one mortgage for i bolance, call Doug Bul- ied, NATURAL FIREPLACE Six rooms, located on King Street East, attached garage, excellent condition, asking $15,200 with terms, call Glen MacKinnon. ELECTRIC HEAT Two models to choose from, one bungalow ond one two- storey, both on serviced lots with N.H. A. mortgages, trades considered. Call Har- old Segal. TRADE! We are now taking in older homes as down payments on mew ones to be built, call today for more information. JOHN A. J, BOLAHOOD Realtors Lt. Insurance 167 SIMCOE ST. S, Office Hrs, (9 a.m, to 9 p.m.) MORTGAGES Arranged, Bought & Sold SIX PLEX WE HAVE BUYERS we REQUIRE BUNGALO' AND TWO STOREY MOMES WE URGENTLY NEED MORE LISTINGS. THINKING OF SELLING? CALL US NOW. MARY ST. -- One ond one half storey brick home in ex- cellent condition, Large com- bination living room and din- 725-0243, NONE BETTER -- If you ore interested in a reaily lorge 2 storey brick home in an area of fine homes, give us o call -- would be proud to show you this fine 9 room brick none with 2- car in WE CAN DELIVER TO YOU Crushed gravel (mulch), at run gravel, stone, sand and top soil. All sold by weight. CALL 668-3524 Sawdons' (Whitby) Limited 244 Brock St. $ Fuels ond Builders' les Whitby, ig oo every "detail, Pe "9 PM, coll Steve Macka 728-5868. 723-2265 -- Open 9 to 9 - Sot. 9 te 5, STEVE MACKO . 728-5868 HENRY STINSON 725-0243 LES HALL .... 7208513 KEN MORRIS .. 623-5406 (Bowmanville) BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 REG. AKER ..: 725-0201 Tops In location and value, Solid brick, 3 yeors old, seporote meters, 4 pe. tiled beths, completely decorated, poved drive. All apartments leased to excellent tenants. Only $10,000 down and good terms for balance. Ask for Mr. Yeo at 725-6544. HOUSE LOT N.H.A, amore, 50 x 113, commer Wecker and Scugog. Asking only $2,100 with $1,000 down. Cali now, Mr. ig at Sas. 6544 or $8,900.00 Douglas Street. 5 room bung- alow, clean as a pin, mod- em kitchen, oil heot, finish- ed recreation room, paved drive, fenced yard, steps to school. Excellent terms. Just listed, Ask for Mr. Yeo ot 725-6544. RESALE You want that new house to be decorated with the lord scaping done, ond still buy with a lew down payment ond easy carrying charges. We've got it mow and it's . A modeen bungeléw o years old but just like 360 King St, W, Free Perking Phone Bill Rotcliffe at J25-65a4 . |For full porticulers call 723-1121 Town of Cannington, 3 bed- rooms, bathroom, Large lot with garden, Forced air oil heating. Town water. Just $2,000.00 down payment required and owner will hold one open mortgage. Call Irwin Cruikshanks ot 728- 5205 or 718-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED TRIPLEX -- Three five room apartments give $240. in- come per month. Never va- cant during. the last five years. Ideal location for rent- al property. Hot water oil heating. Very good Suttons for 6¥2%. Don't delay. WHITBY NORTH WEST AREA --- 3 bedroom tri-- level with carport. Offers very large kitchen, separate dining area, extra large liv- ing room, L-shaped 18 x 23. Hg for quick sale at $14,- 1a saad COUNTRY RAN- HER, --- with attached gar- -- 3 bedrooms, large lot. $2,500. down. mort- gage for balance. This home is in excellent condition. GRIERSON STREET -- Home and income -- 4 bedrooms and 24 ft, living room, kit- chen and bathroom for owner, Separate entrance to base- ment apartment with 3-pe. bathroom, kitchen, __livi room and bedroom presen renting form $60. per mon Double garage and oil heat- ing. A good home in a choice location, NEAR KING ST. WEST -- 2% storey rug brick home with double garage and paved drive. 4 bedrooms and 3-pce. bath. This is an estate sale and located on a quiet resi- dential street.. HUNTING CAMP -- 186 acres of woods and bush with 25,000 Christmas trees plant- ed 4-7 yrs. old. 6 room home with hydro, good basement, barn and garage; on Hwy 500 in the Highlands of Hall- burton, Priced at $6,900, with good terms. IMMACULATE 2 BEDROOM bungalow with attached gor- age, T.V. antenna. New al- uminum storms and screena New forced air oil furnace. br $171. Priced at $9,- KING ST, EAST -- Valuable Property, a corner lot of ap- Prox. one acre with frontage of 249 ft, on King St. with a two-storey building presently used as a workshop, BUY V.L.A. -- Just off King iit ag! East on Harmony Rd. 1¥ storey home on VY acre with garage ond summer cabin. Give us a call to in- spect. OVERLOOKING CITY OF OSHAWA -- Exceptional 6- roomed home with 26 ft. pan- elled living room with natural fireplace. Paved drive with garage. ae landscaped lot, 75 x 135 ft. Owner leaving the city. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY-- 40 x 115 in good business crea. Inspect this location now and put in your offer, Full price $9,900. Vacant Land on Dean Ave. 188 f frontage, Full price $5,500. PRESTIGE AREA -- Brick Cape Cod with Centre hall plan. The modern kit- chen with dining area has a built in stove and oven, 23- ft. living room with mantle, full size dining room, 3 bed- rooms with master bedroom 17 x 18. 4 pe. and 2 pe, bathrooms, Attached garage. Worth seeing, call today. Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m _GUIDE REALTY LIMITED DODD M SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 KELLY DISNEY USED CARS 409 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY---668-4291 Cars bought and sold Liens paic off Trade up or down ___Alway Top Quality TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR ond AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa 728-0921 1962 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE Four door, Silver Grey, red interior, automatic transmis- sion, windshield washers, 23,- 000 miles, excellent condi- tion. One-owner. $2195 TELEPHONE 728-3379 The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" New Telephone Numbers 668-5871 and 668-5872 BI-L WHITTICK OTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS J. BURROWS GARAGE BROUGHAM, ONT. 1957 International $180 16 ft. flat body. Ideal for hauling sod. $1,295. 1960 International B100 Pick up Service Truck, 14,000 miles. $1,325. IN EXCELLENT CONDITION BROUGHAM, ONT. TELEPHONE PICKERING 942-5097 No. 7 Highway, Bills' 0931. rd CHEVROLET convertible, like TEEN SIZE J. blue Sarana suit. Fully lined, ae condition, Telephone pore. 'Trade accepted. Can 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, agri blue finish, white wall tires, A-1 $950. I. Telephone, 728-008 1968 VAUXHALL Victor, four door, spotless condition, $595, After 8 p.m. telephone Whitby 668-2783, HONEST Cal's ances, counts anywhere. We\ carry Restonic| wife ~~ Beverly eg furniture our Fu Name bra ture and Appii- at biggest dis- 1962 PONTIAC Sirato-Chief, four door, fully equipped, 11,000 les, $2,400. Apply 524 Marion Street. Honest Cal's Hyg road, NEW! Versatile should be range, 4 burner. Both in good Jy would suit cottage. felophous THIS' mre Se ee ae brown, in excellent phone d FING. or welling furniture or pon rane. Elmer, Hampton, e Telephone B ances. C: without marvel. lines.| Telephone tye or pod The Cay jmic Co., BU: /ROMBER Jewel Soul i Wang pa i ne . Te 725-2339. ded seats and 1958 VAUXHALL Velox (6 thee Excellent condition, $600, Apply $10) 6 Adelaide West. 725-1508, 1960 MORRIS 850, needs ag , body work, $400 or best offer. page car top carrier with box size raincoat, black duster coat, both short,| size Telephone 7: x 42". Large crib, lady's navy blue} red, 14. Red and beige shoes, size 5. 125-8464, 3 and 5 p.m. at 911 Greenwood Cres. cent, ity. 1961 AUSTIN 850 station like new, 45 miles to the gallon. De Digtime telephone 728-6279; evenings 723-4992. BEATTY ironer, $25. T 668-3017, OLD GUNS Wanted Telephone Oshawa 725-8163 HESTERFIELD and chair, . suitable for recreation or comane Reasonable. 7283000. iT) ye PACES! wood boat, srindshield, Pore ta, $220; 1897 end 6 ig ios, wa 1958 PONTIAC, two-door, Sie neater, two-tone, go T after 5 p.m. 725-8787. M HEAVY duty A frame boat bao herve] Plete for only $115 cash, Apply lary Street, Oshawa. 190 FORD coupe, cigsavembled, some) 23 new parts, Telephone 725-7730. beam. 6 ft, head room, flying bridge, FT, Penn Yan outboard cruiser, 8 ft. 1955 VOLKSWAGEN, first ae condi- tion. After 6 telephone 723-3751. neal Scott motor, Telephone 723-3553. t, galley, full "sane 60 1962 CHEVROLET Biscayne, pi 8,000, One radio, window washers, mileage . Will finance, $2295 1953 CHEVROLET deluxe two two door, 43 thousand original miles, custom radio. Good condition $275 or nearst offer. 728-0558, jos] PLYMOUTH sports or- a E dry tubs, sump pumps, ..|Park South, ROTO-TILLERS, lawn mowers, $35; ece baths, $65; sinks, cabinets, laun- systems, Hillside a Pumps, pressure H. Chinn, host he motor, been 5% Whitby | Boy's motor with shaft, also "taxa ti trailer, etc, $50, com> plete. 3 ae ee a chine, '4 model, like condition, Cost selling $175, Call Port Perry, 985-7341, 3 RE BIGes ATOR. General horse power, | froze section, good used, Cruise-a-Day tank, diets, ne. »ehip marks, $75, Call 175. After 4 call 725-0702. LMOST new set of Ameripens Ency- al 35,000 miles, power steering, Power brakes, radio, nearly new. white Pick 'up the payments, Telephone 723-3911. book case, gt cyclo agara =m ge lephone 725-1789, hine, also" one unit, $100 each. Te! 4 wall tires, V8, automatic, can finance, 728-6094. TRI-FI tape siggy a Pen eauaus condi- tion, T 1962 PONTIAO eight, hardtop, four door, radio, automatic, fully powered. white, excellent bamueen $2,800. 728- 5916, after 6 p.m 109 FORD half-ton pick up with box. Good tires, fairly good condition. $125. Telephone 728-6879. 1960 MORRIS, 1000, A-1 condition, ree lags 35,000 After 5 p.m. Telephone iF PONTIAC Parisienne, two door, hardtop, gleaming black, maroon in. terior, V8, automatic, power, radio, af: ter 6 evenings 723-1702, GENERAL REPAIRS BOAT, 15° Lakefield Fibregias, 1962, 75 Boot miston' Seed 5 horsepowe: for water skiing. 728-9901 FILTER QUEEN New and used machines. FILTREX POLISHERS Free delivery Oshawa Area, Filter Queen Sales (Oshawa) ROSS OF ORILLIA BOAT 14 ft. Cedarstripped, fibe 25 h.p. Johnson Electric Tee-Nee Trailer $475 TELEPHONE 728-5301 323 King Street West TELEPHONE 725-7552 ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars | STATHAM B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Road and King 723-4733 and 723-7712 BUYING OR SELLING Phone Port Perry 985-2218 TRACTOR nternational Farmall Cub Mode! Plow, Cultivator, Scuffler id condition, Used Very Little. $500 MILLER Trailer Accessories . Everything for trailers, Tag Along Troilers Pics be a AJ. AX 9: 942-3491 TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 30--Automobiles Wanted 2 VAULTS UNION CEMETERY MAUSOLEUM_ - BEST OFFER OVER $400 What's. My Line? Buying and selling used fur" niture and appliances. For your needs phone, Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W. CALL 728-8406 LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars| for wrecking. Highest aces paid. 220) Wentworth East. 725-1181 100 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Deoler and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 $ ALL CASH $ For Clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. SPECIAL FOLDING DOORS New Airlume Vinyl Sun Laminated to full length steel panel core, plus nylon lides, steel track, size 34 x 0 inch, readily shortened, if necessary. Beige ONLY $7.99 RELIABLE SPECIAL 1963 SCOTT ALUMINUM TBOAT 12 ft. cor model. 7% h.p. Fishing Scott Motors COMPLETE $499, OSHAWA MARINE AND SERVICE Open we : oe Satu: 1487 Pa North J28-0031 Furniture Interiors 96 KING STREET EAST DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 723-7928 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-8001 Sing along with the happy folks who have discovered what a Want Ad can do. 14 miles from Oshowe. 29--Automobiles For Sale 16 Simece St, South, Oshowe WANT TO GET BEHIND A NEW WHEEL? GET YOUR CAR NOW WITH A LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED THE BANK OF NOVA.SCOTIA BOATS, MOTORS ON DISPLAY Grew Cruisers, Traveler, Ma- son, O.M.C. and Larson Boats. ECvindrude, Volvo-Pento ond O.M.C. 88 Motors. Open Until 8 P.M. MARINE MUST CLEAR ALL CLAIRTONE and RCA VICTOR STEREO HI FI'S Prices Start at $199, Store an be closed Saturdays durii June, July, Auge PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 Simeoe N. 723-3043 Storage & Supply Ltd. Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 Dry Goods Store 74 Celina Street, Oshawa Custom-Made DRAPERY Hundreds of homes in Oshawa and District have added charm and distinction to their interiors with drapery in the latest designs in a variety of fabrics, styled by -- M. And C. Drapery and For your decorating needs Call us today. 723-7827 You Will. Find it Profitable TO USE TIMES WANT ADS 723-3492 (Continued on Page 20)

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