Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 May 1963, p. 10

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OO a cai ried a nosegay of rust and gold H. Chumbley, Mrs. R. Holdaway day, May 21, B 13th ° d A d B * Takes Petra Tode chrysanthemums, AUXILI ARIES Mrs, D. Mountjoy, Mrs. Eric y ul es n rownles As His Bri de Pe Bs aged al Keith Jacklin, Mr. Gerald Gray. rederickson w: r. Donald 'There will be a regular meet- The annual mother and daugh-' presented the Guide plaque to K. Adams and Mr. Fred Gav-| ,. gg ll the|ing on Tuesday, May 14, at 7.30 ter banquet of the 13th.Guides|the Patrol Leader, Shawne| The marriage ceremony wasjeller as ushers. bazaar which was held in the(P-m. Buses will leave the bus and Brownies Company was|Murphy of the Bluebird Patrol.|performed in Grace Lutheran) 'The reception was held in the Legion Hall, on Tuesday even.|'eTminal on Wednesday, May held at St. Stephen's United/The following Guide badges|Church recently when Missicorvair Room of 'the Hotelling 'under the convenership of|> at 6 p.m. sharp for the Zone Church, were presented to: Lynn Bran-|Petra Tode, omg 4 -- Genosha, The bridegroom's mo-|Mrs, Alyn Elliott and tre Rally to be held in Ajax Com: The chairman, Mrs. Thomas|ton, Linda Kelemen, Mary Mr. and Mrs. Eugen Tode,|ther received in an aqua wooll James Anderson '|munity Centre, Daley, captain' of the 13th\Lynn Cook, Shawne Murphy,|Oldenburg, West Germany, be-houcle sheath dress and white|' 'The jucky draw winners Guide' Company, introduced the|Heather Strank, Sandra Cook,|came the bride of: Mr, Gordon) accessories, grat Mir; Moconain Me head table guest, Mrs, Doug-|Cathy Kelemen, Locksley Adams, son of Mr.) when the bridal couple left on| =e las Nesbitt, divisional cam p| Mrs, Daley stated they hoped|and Mrs. Gordon L, Adams,| , porevmoon trip to Ottawa, the advisor; Mrs. B, D. Hitchens,|the company would earn enough| Ajax. __|bride 'was wearing a brown HOUSEHOLD HINT Brown Owl, 13th Brownie Pack;|money in the coming year for a| The Reverend Philip L. Fiess| checked wool suit, white acces-|..0, Piece, of heavy black tape Mrs, J, E. Rupert, Tawny Owl;|camping trip in the summer of|officiated with Miss Mara Gau-| sores and a corsage or whe sewed just inside the lower edge Mrs, J. Strank, White Owl; red d yh ei 4 for} mers as organist. roses, sag of men's trousers will prevent Mrs. Louis Kelemen, Jr, Guide|12 of the older girls; and a one-| 'The bride was given in mar-| wp and Mrs, Adams are mak-\ tt aye THE Lieutenant, 13th Company;|day tip to the Thousand Islands) riage by Mr. Carl Beynon. She if ii ing their home in Oshawa, _ M APLE CLEANERS CANADIAN SCHOOL © WEDDING PORTRA' Li Fae whys wi Mothers Entertained At Banquet] Gordon 1. Adams saints saw na'and car] UNET'S, GROUPS |o. warding, D. Lucek, Ms, Aneld in the Logon Hall on Tyep Mrs. G. W. Pentland, president|for the rest of the company. wore a street-length dress of @ WEDDING ALBUMS of the 13th group committee;| Two films were shown, 'Sur-| white embroidered peau de soie Mrs. Alex Yonson, representa-| vival in the Bush" and "Wood-|with a jewel neckline, three-| HOUSEHOLD HINT 504 SIMCOE ST. S, OSHAWA OF BUSINESS --by-- tive from the local association,|!0t,"' a film on nature. quarter sleeves and a bell shap-| To keep brown sugar from|| Cosh & Corry -- 4 Hr. Service : y and badge secretary. ed skirt. A coronet of stephanot-|setting hard, first see that the] prey met 304 "Seuvery "UNEQUALLED" Groland Studio Carol Hopkins proposed a BAKED MUSHROOMS is held her shoulder-length veil|sugar is. soft when you buy it. "Your Family's Friend" 728 7081 21 ATHOL ST. WEST toast to the Queen. The toast to| Mushrooms Parmesan are ¢|and she carried a nosegay of lil-| Then take it from the package] PHONE 725-0643 " 723- the Guide movement was pro-| gourmet accompaniment to beef|ies of the valley and stephan- and store it in a covered jar, posed by Janice Wilton, Guide|dishes. To make them, wash,| otis, She also wore a 'gold cross Cathy Kelemen led in the sing-|drain and stem 1% pounds of|sent to her from her mother in '|ing of the Foxlease grace, | |mushrooms. Place caps in a{Germany. | | A vote of thanks to the moth-|baking dish and sprinkle with) The attendant, Miss Dagmar , \ ers was expressed by Patsy|Olive oil or salad oil, using/Tode, sister of the bride, wore a T s '|Brown, and Mrs, G. W. Pent-|about % cup of oil. Then sea-|street-length sheath dress of] 7 UES his ais iii eilbhienisnenlinane land replied. Mrs. Nesbitt con-)son with salt and pepper and|------_- em | gratulate the leaders of 13th\top with a mixture of % cup Guide and Brownies for their|fine dried bread crumbs and LADIES efforts with the girls, and|five tablespoons grated Parme- No boby sitter, mo cor fare thanked Mrs. Daley for her help|sa cheese. Dut each mush- Mr. Bernard in the camping department.|room cap with margarine and Experienced Hair Stylist . 13th Company has been one of|bake about 20 minutes in a FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS ; FOR THE FIRST TIME in OSHAWA i 7 854 the most active groups in Osh-/300 deg. F. oven, Makes four 25-6 ~~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOHNNY! |irourn tins' Buby? Sra. servings = | }many other companies have! John Kenneth, son of Mr. Mr, and Mrs. J, K, Lang, \enjoyed weekend camps at | pm niga' John i nae Oshawa, and Mr, and Mrs, |Camp Ademac. 4 | FR IT G z DAT RE Simcoe street north, Ce * Robert Horne, Ajax. Mrs. Nesbitt explained that ed his first birthday Sun- ' Ireland Studio | Mrs. Daley had not confined her day. His grandparents are efforts to camping alone, but! had been a great help to her Commissioner and to all of Ross-| ANN L ANDERS lyn district, She announced that) AND Mrs. Daley has been appointed) District Guilder for Rosslyn ' District and on behalf of Now She S Ashamed ' District Commissioner, Mrs. i ae |J. L. Bird, presented Mrs. Daley -- wth her District Guider's pin. sy ee AT Of Tell-Tale Tattoos Smal o e2ittsters, Brow | eee 4 3 bay to the Sixer of the WvVY) ow : 4 . "Sprites" Heather White. i= N . i Dear Ann Landers: My,not about to suggest that par-|Brownie badges were ath: | at the price of youngest brother is being mar-lents of teenagers provide aled by: Heather White, Janice ried this fall to a girl who|setup as cozy as this. |Pentiand, Helen Dean, and) 5 comes from a in cjyd We I'm sure you are good kids|Dale Rusnell, | hive never met her 'or her/and have no intention of doing| i in. | people, They live several thou-janything wrong, But I was in| Mrs, Daley, Guide captain, | sand miles away. deed young once, and I know Last week I received a let-ithat night and day exposure is "$e : | Electrolysi Ce eee mete be her eee oer etl Electrolysis SUPERMARKET conditions chemistry might matron of 'honor. I would like/prove to be a more powerful | : : to accept but something is|force than jalieinats P Removes warts, moles and | 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH 2 ; holding me back. And for your information,|| superfluous hair. | | in gaa... During -- higret ey Buddy Boy, maybe your par- Over 15 Years' Experience ; ran around with . ms rai gients have some notions about OPEN EVERY NIGHT ih the PX wut out oe 'night spending two weeks in separate] MARIE MURDUFF | | Famed Frigidaire: Dependability plus: aad hed-our areas tatoosd. 146-0 noe will be In Oshowe et the | 5 r ca meomenensrarg pecially admired Skinny Wain- 1S OLD RITE Genosha Hotel, Mey 13, 14, 15 TILL 10 00 Pp M | i © No defrosting ever in Refrigerator e e e " A | : Toot 7 i J Section! FAMILY-SIZE, BUDGET-WISE! wright at the time so his name| Anthropologists believe the is tatooed on my left arm. Onjtying of shoes to a bridal car PHONE 723-4641 my right arm is an eagle carry- is a ; hangover from primitive for appointment on these dates ing a streamer which says,|marriage rites. Buy War Bonds. " : All these ars I've been : wearing long re pleeved yon - PL ° Sart 73 pounds of frozen foods in because I am ashamed of the . B gle ig, zero zone Freezer. tatoos. A matron of honor has } 7 ad % ' : : << © Twin Porcelain Enamel Hydrators to wear the gown selected by ' h. 1 I, q ' a A keep 34 bushel of fruits and veges e Full-width, full-depth shelves; no space-wasting rounded corners! the bride, and ah ot = es. usually sleeveless, 4 q ' | --. _ i her I can't accept and give no 4 co | ck = | f lind tables dewy-fresh! reason?--SPINNING HEAD, oe : re aati } ' : Dear Head: A tatoo can be Vea . i : 3 i. Leeks i ' ihe) 3 @ Room for more in storage door, removed. See it dermatologist : : a | ------a .T Re LTT 7 Eggs, butter--even 1 gallon milk about details. you are un- sere, : y ' r BL ih 1 able or unwilling ag hd " . ; B87, tl i bottles! time and expense, ask your fut- ' . j af ow . : = | = | PE , Uh; SPRING SALE SPECIAL ure sister-in-law 'for the priv- ilege of selecting your own . 3 es Hy 3 : he SN 'i "¢ Al ' | gown--inviting her suggestions '= -- Mak IN COLOUR about color and fabric, of course, Then select a dress) ' = es ' I . ei = i j " % 3 % ? - * > jdddive cua Sa Tal | , | » = OR WHITE ity low . wren ff i! gloves. j ' : NT RRRRATT TTT aT TESAORMERNTTT OEE egy ane mi dddiddaae Dear Ann Landers: Why, do} : ] i ae people think that just because| ey r j ' nov a AS LOW we have eight children we| fe 7 ai ' mee ' : OTHER MODELS AS e need their worn out, faded, dis-} carded clothing? I've made fioor rags out of better let ; < . --< - PU LL 'N C H So aed wks on plane js : ¥ : on CLEAN OVEN Deluxe Electric Rang have brought over here for my children to wear. j : . z We aren't wealthy people, ' si ; , ' aie : fe ? Model RDG-309C-63... ' Ann, but my husband has a : ee 4 Pull 'N Clean Oven! Pulls out like a d Tr steady job and we can afford to: . Bs j . S : . : ; : rawef= dress our children fairly well. . 7" j Jpese , : oo ; cleans like a dream! This beautiful Deluxe Bivvy tine I see sfoeg. -ytnd on : ' a ' . SS ' model is equipped with exclusive Frigidaire a friend ocming on to the porc h ace % y a - H i: with a box under her arm Ii Or : + | Biers features to make your cooking more creative. want to scrents, | a , ' yD x S *e Big 23-inch Even Heat Oven... Cook-Master My temper has just about! F we ie ic | PE ge eo cooks dinner automatically--even while all : = E = > you're away... full width storage drawer... run its string and I'm afraid that the next 'time I get al unlimited heat settings on all 4 Surface Units "contribution" I'm going to tell) Ty i ue < ; ; mt somebody off. ii ' u y : - » + Filigree Styled: Glass Window on Door... Can you suggest how to put| \ , Bes. x choice of four Decorator Colours or Snowcrest 8 ot ws, locating prac-| es White in Frigidaire's famous Porcelain Enamel Dear Not: These people, ¥ ' % " ws \ ' ' ) . eas i aren't consciously insulting you. » . s 4 | ' They don't know any better, | . Se | 3 4 S RING SALE SPECIAL and it's time you told them. | Pe \ . S : Simply let them know you ap-| ~" b : IN COLOUR 1 9 preciate their kindness but you| [% | : . He me OTHER MODELS AS LOW AS e don't need any clothing for your! ~ - : Ss ' RN children. Suggest that they call) BAAe pl lace amano SAVING PAYING BILLS. || BORROWING Dear Ann Landers: Last| . ; ae : night my parents were discus-| Your plans for your children's fu- You write all your cheques against Another way to avoid "eating into" sing our summer plans. We ture education and otherlong-range this special Persor i - ings i have a cottage up north and for : 8 8 pec ersonal Chequing Ac your savings is to finance your new the last five years my folks goals are big reasons for systematic count. Cheques cost less: only 10¢ washer, car or TV, or take care of have Jet me invite a boy friend saving. And y aye ' up for acouple of weeks in . oe Royal Bank's ee each, And you also get a statement, other large expenses, by using a July. This year I told them) | ACCOUNT PLAN helps, by providing complete with cancelled cheques, Royal Bank termDlan lean. You I'd like to invite a girl and i : ' : ; they almost bit my head of. a Savings Account to use sirictly every three months. It's a simple, pay reasonable interest -- often less | ' ---- By the way, I ought to tell 'you for saving, a separate accoung far businesslike way. to keep finances / than elsewhere -- and you know | rigidaire Pull 'N Clean Oven Frigidaire Cook-Master starts, ~ pay toe ae ' paying bills, It works this way... straight and guard your savings too. what you are paying. No "extras"! slides out foreasycleaning, -- stops automatically. Just set it our cottage with twin beds in| glides back for carefree cooking! and forget it! Lets you cook and each room. The girl could sleep) | ect down on your knees; --s shop at the same time! with my mother and my dad 2 | * no heavy door to lift off! would bunk with me, .--These and other Royal Bank services are designed to help you e are well - behaved kids} ;: ' : and wouldn't think of doing! manage your personal finances in a businesslike way at lowest cost Dividend Certificates with every purchase -- Redeemable as cash on any future purchase. anythin wrong. Besides, Ann, my folks would be with us! | : every minute. I'm pretty dis-| & appointed to think my folks| don't trust me. How can kids OYAL BAN K behave their best when their | parents. expect the worst? | Please help \me swing this, Annie. You were young once.-- : Oshawa Branch S. F. DONELLY, M P pear Be Sorcy ood you! Oshawa, King & Wilson Branch J. M. WADDELL, toler 725-6335 90 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA 2 725-5332 rat ie W. cage. am

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