Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 May 1963, p. 8

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MUSICAL BROTHERS Talented accordionists are George, 11, and Leslie, 10, 'Cser (pronounced Share), sons of Mr. and Mrs. Konrad Cser of Whitby, formerly of Osh- awa. The boys, seen in native Hungarian costume, both started to play at six years of age and are now taking ad- vanced studies. in Toronto. They will be part of a quintet performing in Oshawa Folk Festival tomorrow evening at St. Gregory's auditorium. Frank Del Gobbo PERSONALS Takes Bride In May Wedding Married recently in St. Greg- ory's Roman Catholic Church were Miss Santina Cappuccitti, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Cappuccitti, and Mr. Frank Del Gobbo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Assunte Del Gobbo, all of Oshawa. The Reverend Paul M. Dwyer officiated. *Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a full length gown of nylon chiffon over taffeta. It was styled with a boat neckline of scalloped lace and studded with sequins, lily- point sleeves and a full gath- ered skirt with inserts of lace. A pearl and crystal crown held her short veil and she carried a cascade of white roses and ste- phanotis accented by leaves and fern. The maid of honor, Miss Rita Mastroianni, was gowned in blue and carried a cascade of pink and blue carnations and pink roses. The bridesmaids, the Misses Rasty Cappuccitti, Syl- vanna Cappuccitti, Marina Cap- puccitti and Maria Mattacchione were gowned in pink and car- Tied cascades of pink and blue carnations and pink roses. Their sleeveless gowns were of silk organza over taffeta with full gathered skirts and they wore lace boleros buttoned at the back with three quarter sleeves and scoop necklines and tiara headdresses. Miss Anna Maria Cappuccitti, flower girl, wore a white frock with a full skirt, and carried a nosegay of white carnations. The best man was Mr. Do. nato Mastroianni with Mr. John Mastroianni, Mr. Gabriel Mat- tacchione, Mr. Michael Ziccar- di and Mr. Armando Del Gobbo as ushers. Master Rocco Am- bra was ring-bearer, After the reception held in the church auditorium the bridal couple left on a honeymoon trip to Ottawa, with the bride dress- ed in a beige ensemble, pink ac- cessories and a corsage of two- tone pink roses. 'Mr. and Mrs. Del Gobbo are making their home at 246 Ridge- way avenue, Oshawa. The Reverend Fred Ongley, rector of St. George's Memorial Church, Oshawa, and the Rev- erend E, W. Fuller, of the Port Perry - Brooklin parish of the Anglican Church attended the Institute of Christian Education at Renison College, Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. George _ Loft- cmon Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, Moy 11, 1963 New Executive The annual meeting of the Queen Elizabeth Home and School Association was held re- cently. The president, Mrs. Carson Heard welcomed the members and guests. Mrs. Keith Taggart, nominat- ing chairman, gave her report. The room attendance prize was won by the opportunity Miss Donna Dodge's room. The yearly room prize was won by Mrs. G. Knapp's room, Grades 5 and 6. Mrs. Taggart read the slate of officers for 1963-64 as follows: president, Mrs. J. L, Haigh; vice - president, Mrs, Nelson Wright; vice - president, Mrs. John Hoskin; recording secre- tary, Mrs. Keith Taggart; cor- responding secretary, Mrs, Clif- ford Brown; treasurer, Mrs. Eric Brock; executive chair- men, Mrs. James Randall, Mrs. Glen McGee, Mrs. Maurice Col- lis; Mrs. Ronald Melnychuck and Mrs. Kenneth McMinn. Mrs. Heard introduced Mrs. the Oshawa and District Home ed the new officers. Home and School Association, presented Mrs. Carson Heard with a past president's pin. Mrs. Heard in turn presented Mrs. J. L. Haigh with the home and school pin that has been handed down from president to presi- dent. _Mrs. Haigh took the chair for the new business. The represen- tative to the Home and School Conference, Mrs. Haigh, gave her report, - Conveners for the school field day to be held the first week of June were announced. Pop and suckers, Mrs. John Hoskin; chips and popcorn, Mrs. Nelson Wright; ice cream, Mrs. Carson Heard. Mrs, Colin Parks introduced The theme was "The coming|the guest speaker Miss Donna shape of the Church's life and|Dodge, teacher of the opportun- worship as it will unfold in the|!ty class in Queen Elizabeth new curriculum being produced|School. Miss Dodge outlined the by the Anglican Church in 1965."|merits of an opportunity class:/and Mrs. Frederick Hayward all mental, social and moral, They house, Kendalwood road, had a short visit from the Reverend and Mrs, Gordon Rojotte of Finch, Ontario, who were en route to Toronto where Mrs. Rojotte received her graduation diploma in theology in Convoca- tion Hall last evening. When a student minister, Mr. Rojotte was active in the work of Westminster United Church. The 6th C Guide Company of Christ Memorial Church honored their former lieutenant, Mrs. Donald H. Weir, the former Judith Elaine Evans, prior to her recent marriage. She was presented with two cups and saucers in the Brownie and Guide colors and a paper show- er was held. The gifts were drawn from a wishing well and the table centre piece was a cake suitably decorated by the Captain, Mrs. W. J. Goodswan. The hostesses for the evening were Guides Gail Sudgen, Allie Vursules, Jane McCullough, Pa- tricia Moore, Eleanore Rice, and Evalyn Dowton. These girls were earning their hostess badges. Gifford will officiate at the opening of the exhibition of arts, treasures and handicrafts spon- sored by the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association being held in the McLaughlin' Library next week. Out of town guests at the Adams - Tode wedding were Miss Dagmar Tode, Vancouver, British Columbia; Mr. Timothy Clarry, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Frederickson, Sudbury; Miss Ferne Shuer, Mrs. Frederick Aveller, Miss Kay Livingstone, Toronto; and Miss Barbara Wagenaar, Pickering. His Worship Mayor Lyman). CONDUCTING Director of the Canterbury Singers of Oshawa, Margaret Drynan, Mus. Bac., will con- duct the group of mixed voices singing English Folk Songs and Madrigals at the Oshawa Folk Festival tomor- row night. Carl Creamer, vice-president of and School Council, who install- Mrs. Douglas Branton, past president of Queen Elizabeth Queen Elizabeth H-S Appoints For 1963-64 have the same studies as a reg- ular class with emphasis on reading, spelling and language. The senior classes are segre- gated with more time spent on the child's career, There are two senior girls and three senior boys classes in Oshawa. The boys are shown woodworking and electrical work and many are placed in firms as an ap- prentice. The girls go into hair-| dressing salons. A question and answer period followed. Miss Dodge was thanked by Mrs, William Blight, Mrs, Creamer announced a workshop to be held June 1, for members of home and school to learn more of the new struc- ture of home and school prore- dure, The annual meeting of the Home and School Council will be in the form of a ret luck supper at 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 28. The speaker will be the Reverend F,. G. Ongley, MA rector of St..George's Memorial (Anglican) Church. Registration for kindergarten Pupils will be held Wednesday and Thursday, May 8 and 9 from 1.15 p.m. on. Refreshments were served by| the mothers of the kindergarten class. The next regular meeting will be in September. SOCIAL NOTICES MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. George Rum- ford, Toronto, announce the marriage of their daughter, Mary Helen Garrett, to Mr. John Gary Bennett of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs, James Gordon Bennett, Toronto, for- merly of Oshawa. The ceremony took. place on Saturday, April 20, 1963, at St. John's United Church, Toronto, with the Rev- erend J. E. Julian officiating. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Dalby announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Mar- lene Gladys, to Mr. Roger Fred- erick Hayward, only son of Mr. of Oshawa. The wedding is to take place on Saturday, ne-15, at 3:00 p.m. in St. Stephen's United Church. ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Manuel, Oshawa, announce the engage- ment of their elder daughter, Beverley Anne, to Mr. Eric Ran. kil, Scarborough, son of Mr. H. The marriage was perform- ed recently of Miss Geraldine Priscilla Burrows, Stellarton, Nova Scotia, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Burrows, and Mr, Bruce MARRIED RECENTLY Lawrence Wright, son of Mrs. Orloe Wright, and the late Mr. Wright. The ceremony was performed in the home of the bridegroom's mother, Hortop street, Oshawa. ANN LANDERS Dear Ann: Our big prom is coming up soon. Everything was all set. Ihave already bought my gown and shoes, The trouble is my boy friend found out just yesterday that he has to bowl that night. He said he would be glad to let a substitute take his place on the team but on that night they bowl for the trophy. He must be there because he's the best bowler on the team and they are depending on him. He offered to take me to the Prom after bowling but it would be 10:30 at the earliest. My par- ents say this is too late to go any place, My boy friend said we could meet at the prom if it was o.k. with me, but I think I'd feel out of place until he arrived since the prom is for couples Why Waste The Music While He Bowls? only. Please help me solve this one, It's bigger than both of us. All Dressed Up With No Place To Go Dear Dressed: It would be a shame to miss the prom. Why not ask your closest girl friend if she and her date will pick you up? You could then wait for your boy friend there. Since almost everyone would know the circumstances you need not feel uncomfortable. It's not an ideal situation but it beats staying at home. Dear Ann Landers: You hear a lot about extravagant wives and stingy husbands. In our marriage the situation is re- versed, I am a firm believer in budgeting, living within one's means and saving for the fu- ture. Since we married six years CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY Ritson H and S Assoc, Cedar Dale H and S Assoc. Harmony H and § Assoc. South Simcoe H and S Assoc. Vincent Massey H and S. Sunset Heights H and § Air Cadets' Auxiliary Lyceum Club os South Courtice H and § Pleasant Mon. Aft. Club Rundle Park Auxiliary Woodview Park Aux. 23rd Scout Auxiliary TUESDAY Eastview Park Aux. St. Matthew's WA King Street H and § Assoc. Woodcrest H and S Assoc, West Courtice H and § Assoc. St. Peter's WA Christ Church Eve. WA King Street UCW Canadian Legion Aux. Evelyn Goodwin Unit Court Oshawa, IOOF Albert Street UCW Calvary Baptist YWMC Beta Sigma Phi Pythian Sisters Kate McLaurin Aux. St. Geonge's WA Nellie Dearborn Grp. WEDNESDAY Queen Mary Lodge Ist Scout Auxiliary 7th Scout Auxiliary. King Street UCW 16th Group Committee Dr. Robert Thorton H and S 1st Parent Committee Patriarch Militant Aux. Albert Street UCW a a ia ae aaa einen ROSEMARIE IS TWO Celebrating her second birthday today is Rosemarie, daughter of Mrs. John Ser- geant, Patricia avenue, and the late Mr. Sergeant. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fowler, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ser- geant, Clarendon and great- granddaughter of Mrs. Joseph Waite, Oshawa. --Photo by Hornsby Canadian Corps Assoc, Aux. THURSDAY Pilot Club St. George's Eve. WA Happy Doubles' Club Albert Street UCW 3 Calvary Baptist WMS Christ Church Eve. Guild St. George's WA St. Andrew's UCW Harvey Hunt Auxiliary Sunbeam Chapter, OES 17th Scout Auxiliary St. Mark's WA Jaycettes FRIDAY Silver Cross Women to "spend spend spend as he does." In most marriages one partner is usually more practi- cal about money than the other. It looks to me as if you're it, Toots. Dear Ann Landers: Is it nec- essary to send a written thank- you note for gifts received at a bridal shower? My daughter says yes. I don't agree. Belle is a business girl. By the time she gets home from work and has dinner it's 7:30 p.m, She is so busy addressing invitations, making the church arrangements and having ago it's been a constant battle. My husband spends money freely, buys whatever he takes a fancy to, with no thought of price, need or anything else. He says he's going to enjoy life and he urges me to do the same. If I had as little respect for money a he did we'd be broke in no time. Am I a fool for living this lop-sided existence? Should I spend spend spend as he does? Perhaps if I did he'd wake up. I'll take your advice. -- Pinch Penny Dear Pinch: I can't be of how much your husband makes how much it costs you to live, or how much he spends. be final. I hope it is no. Thank you.--Exhausted Too If he is totally irresponsible} it would be disastrous for you much help because I don't know| B clothes fitted that the girl is LADIES No baby sitter, no cor fore Mr. Bernard Experienced Hair Stylist Of Leading Toronto Salons FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS 6854 MAPLE CLEANERS 504 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA Cash & Carry -- 4 Hr, Service & Hour Service Free Pick-Up ond Delivery "Your Family's Friend" PHONE 725-0643 exhausted trying to keep up. I say_it is not essential to write a note for every shower gift. Belle said your word will Dear Too: Relax, because the word is No. A verbal "thank you" when the gift is un- wrapped is sufficient. Going This Summer @ Europe @ Caribbean @ Howali @ South pitas or anywhere See us without optigation, Four Seasons Travel 24-Hour Service -- 728-6201 Ronald W. Bilsky, DC. CHIROPRACTOR @ HEADACHES © SLIPPED DISCS 100 King E. 728-5156 ET ANY 282 King W 728-9381 BROADLOOM TILE P, Rankil, Copenhagen, Den- mark, and the late Mrs. Rankil. The wedding is to take place on Saturday, June 8, at 3.30 p.m. in Faith Baptist Church, Whitby. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George H. Lane, announce the engagement of their daughter, Gladys Jean, to Mr. George Wilfred Mahaffy, all of Port Perry. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, June 1, 1963, at 3.00 p.m. in Port Perry United Church. ist iss] axapasacasceoesases Electrolysis Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair. Over 15 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshewe ot the Genoshe Hotel, Mey 13, 14, 15 PHONE 723-4641 for eppointment on these dotes braemor ; ga rdens 'HOUSE HUNTING? VISIT US IN raemor | gardens OSHAWA'S MOST CONVENIENT COMMUNITY braemor 'gardens Stevenson Rd. N, just South of R. $. McLaughlin High School SHOP SAVE! LECOFF'S SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH TILL 10. || OPEN EVERY NIGHT 00 P.M. i | oe BIRKS = 27.25 STERLING is a matter of sound invest- ment as well as pride and pleasure. Birks' 20 exclusive patterns are designed and fashioned in our own Silver Craftshops by accomplished artisans; weight-for- weight and dollar-for-dollar, Birks Sterling represents Canada's finest value. BIRKS SEW ee Oshewe Shopping Centre ABEBEBABEBABSBULUBE: RABABEBABEBABABEABABABIBABABABEBABABABABABABABABABABEBABABABABACABABABABABABABABABABABABABABASEAB ABABABIBIBIBIEBIBABABABABaBaBABABaBABsBIBsaBaBsaBaBaBaBaBABABaBBEBEBEbABaABaBaBaBasaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBE B pemeeen: fs HADASSAH AL'S 36 Simcoe Street N. ARJAY PRINTERS LT 182 Simcoe Street Sou' BIG "K" DRIVE-IN King Street West BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS 32 King Street West BOND CLOTHES Oshawa Shopping Ploze BLACK'S MEN'S WEAR 74 Simcoe Street NM. BARCHAMP CLOTHES Ajex Shopping Plaze CEDARDALE SCRAP & IRON 100 Annis Street CANADIAN ALUMINUM BI-RITE STORE BAZAAR Proceeds of this bozaar and' tearoom will be used for charitable purposes, In- cluding Red Feather, Cancer Fund, Mental Health, Hospital Fund and many 1 FEATURING: SATIN SHOES 9.99 DYED FREE TO MATCH any color, All sizes TAMMY Fashion Shoes 79 SIMCOE N. 728-2491 Tuesday, May 14 2 P.M. VACUUM _ CLEANERS AND POLISHERS REPAIRED-----REBUILT Vacuum Hose for Sale! WARNER WILLIAMS SERVICE CENTRE 17-B BOND E.--125-3531 44 King E. When you need "HOME-NURSING" Call a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 "Home-Nursing Care for EVERYONE" * TEAROOM * CANDY -- CAKE * WHITE ELEPHANT * MANUFACTURERS * SEWING * NEARLY 282 King W. 728-9581 RUG CLEANING NEW * HOME COOKING * GROCERIES SECRETARIAL TRAINING THE CANADIAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS "UNEQUALLED" 728-7081 others. Your support of this bazaar and tearoom will be appreciated and every nickle, dime and penny you spend will go to the support of those in less fortunate circumstances. e TO BE OFFICIALLY OPENED BY MRS. G, D. CONANT ai Sponsored by The Following Businesses 1, COLLIS 54 King Street West DUNN'S TAILORS 34 King Street E. and Oshawa Shopping Ploze D-X OIL COMPANY No. 2 Highwey, Whitby GENOSHA HOTEL 70 King Street East GLAZIER'S DEPART. 498 Simcoe S$ M, GREENBERG 308 Bloor Street Eost GOLDELL HOMES 167 Park Oshawa Shopping Ploze LTD. INDUSTRI HORWICH JEWELLERS AL DISPOSAL LTD. jormony & SONS " 48 MENT STORE t S$. & SONS LTD. PEOPL SHARPE LTD. N. 2939 Eg Road and 20 Simcoe St. 8. SPRING BROT! 10 wiLs 20 Church Street LORDS OF OSHAWA Simcoe Street $. MORRISON FURS AND SPORTSWEAR LTD. Simcoe Street N. NEBITT'S LADIES WEAR 33 King Street E, OSHAWA HARDWARE 8 Church Street E's CLOTHING LTD. Simcoe Street N. TRANSISTOR RADIO linton Ave. E., Scarbore HERS FURNITURE LTD. jond Street W. 'S FURNITURE @ WEDDING PORTRAITS @ WEDDING ALBUMS : S Droland. Studio 21 ATHOL ST. WEST

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