THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, May 11, 1963 ere i 29--Automobiles For Sale |32--Articles For Sale 1959 Customiine ford, fordor, fadio,| 1910 FORD coups, disassembled, some| TWO front te toh Chevrolet. ie. penask neearemon, Eniy, Gane oot 725-7730. or GM try Pont © nas A grile, 3 tires, motor, very good. wf than! 955 VOLKSWAGEN, first class condi- tion, After 6 telephone 723-3751. Telepaone whiiby ' 29--Automobiles For Sala |GO-KART 181 mt epeed Master", twin Westbend motors, $175 or best' offer. 723-4992, 27--Real Estate for Sale =- te oe eo mom sage v4 Sun pore! garage at- tached, *Gonteally located, Nicely land- Scaped, new oil fragt moter. con- ga 17110, 27---Real Estate for Sale FARM near Madoc, a ee good buildings, plenty of water, Terms ar-' ranged, For information call 728-2100) mornings. '26--Rooms For Rent NEAR SIMCOE and Adelaide, nicely un-| fui room. Kitchen to share with one person. All conveniences. Parking for small car, 725-2251. [Ader gg a two rooms, private en- trance, free Pelkey central. 96 Centre Street or telephone 725-0953. ROOM, suitable for two, single beds, close to North General pet and downtown. Telephone 728-3405. 27--Real Estate For: Sele 7 pr 4 Cnc pe pas at, down. Pag Chg eee Realtoe, 28 Prince Street. 723-2512 or 668-5765. 'A SALE, 371 Elizabeth Street La. eer $1700 footy 25--Apartments MARY STREET -- Two-room apart- ment with gas stove, share bath, un furnished, second floor. Telephone 725- 1042. CHURCH STREET, 164 -- Two-bed- room apartment, partly -furnished. Child $70. monthly includes hydro, water. 728-6015. SIMCOE NORTH, near A. and P, tore -- Four-room apartment, up- stairs, in new duplex, garage B peer: Telephone after 4.30. 21--Room & Board Wanted GENTLEMAN wishes room and board ién-|in Whitby or Oshawa. Central location. Telephone 668-4625 after 5 p.m. -122---Offices, Stores, Storage GOOD LOCALITY FOR BARBER AMPLE PARKING Will decorate to suit, $75 monthly, For details CALL 728-5797 New Offices In 'Medical Center 211 Simcoe Street S. Available July 1963 Can be finished to suit Early Tenants. THREE-ROOM separate signe Ltd, : PHONE 725-5] 32 entrance, TV' aerial. $65. » heat, 1 hydro ou water included, Telephone OF pepe xING 3 Street, news. Available ag ed, lights," Tabet walar spied. $00 4 AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES AVAILABLE Dial Hampton 263-2413, GENTRALLY located, three single fur- Approximately 1000 sq. ft. SERVICED BY ELEVATOR cement JONES Avenue, most cars of this year. °'63 licence. Py two-bedroom bungalow, good condition and loeation.| Snap! . Call eae kad $11,000. 4 | 1950 BUICE, go dope 1956 newly decorted. Whitby|J Re RS acre oot a hard and galow, 668-5234. 1000, A-1 condition, 35, Mer S Po 728-9922. hard top; also 1960 MORRIS, sedan. Apply 23 Albany a $600. lown Less for cash, No agents, 728-7245. LOT. 82' x 528', near Taunton village. x 725-8733. bun-| INCOME HOME -- $205. income monthly oe rage. $5,000 down. Telephone BRICK house in Bl soft water, Four piece bath. $9,500. Terms. Earl Dorrell, sian ee ' BUILDIN ING LOTS, on Highway Whitby, two adjoining lets, a's zt it .» zoned commercial, all modern con-| | veniences available. Bary: each, pate ning Besterese: 1234 snag East, Whitby, | a oe CH sta wagon, fully taulope in In good yee clean, new) Plates, trailer hiteh, A ble offer, parts, et Norihs Whitey. CHFVROLET, % ton piek-up, =, 1957 Pontiac, one owner, very low mileage, A-1 condition. selling, leaving country. ae Howied Street, 725-6121. ieee pm, Canyposer 1961 MORRIS Minor, 1000 series wie owner win ir fineness, ten a aoe trade/39._-- Automobiles Wanted w faswrecgng, fiche pice yaa Eh Sto: 1963 CORVAIR Monts high Wapato wrecking. Highest at prices paid. ance engine, four-speed tra sms8on Wrontworth ast Fae | Oe aia "100 CARS WANTED [mene black leather ee offer for aT NK, com Buying a New Car? table for quick sale, 723-2655. WAT Ions; Tapein, $15.; saw Sell your used car to "Ted" saw, Telephone 728-7680, 1961 SPRITE, low geno --_ feat belts, new paint job, washers. Talk "Cash" to the New itFOOT plywood boat "ahd Tea Ned: Cor Dealer and "SAVE" | SelMr. Veex, Sood condition. | After 8 7 - 9 evenings, 728-8508. 1968 FIAT 600 ae low orgs $275, . Telephone 725-3: nese OY TED CAMPIN MOTORS. lisoos-m inabonany 723-4494 Res. 725-5574° |pellent condition. Inboard $ ALL CASH $ ville 623-7283, B, F, by pein yore Bas. For Clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. teries, vision. Tarifty Budget Plan 255. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-8001 WHITBY -- Three-bedroom brick PRESSMAN URGENT PERIENCED offset equipment. future for right per- tote experience, age, References. Apply NT Natlona NIA, ONTARIO eainbur CHEN CABINET "SQUA ASSEMBLERS Steady empl H-G ickering. army amy { 942-3790 te DIREAL ESTATE SALESMAN soldie just be experienced and ag- fessive, able to handle all Cheécets of operation. For in- humerview apply eae 4¢ puaranty Trust Co, of Canada ene 32 KING ST. EAST sku ASK FOR MR. VESSEY RETAIL SALESMAN WANTED To sell popular line of Automobiles. Reply in confidence, giving details of previous selling ex- perience. DIVISION AND ADELAIE -- Avail-| A able June 1, three large rooms and) bath, on third floor, separate outside|w. xe utilities and heat included, Stove and refrigerator if desired, $53. Telephone 723-4495. cent interest. OWNER-BUILT, clay-brick-veneer five- room bungalow. One block St. Hedwig's ie Peta, bor big 4 landscaped, Biscayne, 8,000, radio, One ONE-BEDROOM apartment, $85 month-|Telebhone 725-1632, SIX-ROOM house, 8% acres. Good . Laundry facilities, 'Available June 1, pply 498 Simeoe Street North, Apart-|-arden soil. Anderson Street, Whitby. ment 19. T 668-5955, Mr, H. Kuenen, BANTING AVENUE, 163 -- ATTRACTIVE ranch apartment, unfurnished, with built-in stone oa "and sink. Sult couple, $40, ore inoninls, Apply above address. KING STREET EAST, 235 -- Unfurnish- ed apartment, two rooms, kitchenette, private bathroom, parking fac:iities. Suit reliable adults, Apply 232 Kaiser Crescent. of more t tend to to im . of juvenil, one of thi corner CEDAR Street, 1118: Five acres, with wooded.| tive. house 728-177 rs pm. sale. apply a 'tees gadas ee a in Grandview lens. al ment building. Custom built with many extras, Fully rented. No agents. For aw Call Ee tevenson, 8. D, Hymsn appointment, telephone 723-1424. : cd EULALIE Avenue, five room briek bun- GU l DE RE ALTY galow, only $9.800 with $1,500 down, W. LIMITED McAuley Realtor, 28 Prince Street. 723-2512 or residence, 668-5765, FOR SALE or lease, income home. Large at x 132, hate Bae 3 s s ' EXECUTIVE HOME -- Toke time to inspect this ranch bungalow in choice orea, In- terior features 18 x 12 living room with natural fireplace. Large modern kitchen, with combination dining room, forge bedrooms, all with double closets, 4 pc. tiled bathroom with vanity. Very large and beautifully finish- ed rec room, Attached gor- age. Owner transferred and must sell, 5 ROOM BRICK BUNGA- LOW on a quiet street. F, A, Oil heating. Gleaming hard- wood and tile floors. Good garage with cement floor and room for garden in back yard. Carries for $85 per month, ATTRACTIVE Red Brick ranch bungalow in good res- idential area. 3 good sized bedrooms, 4 pc. tiled bath. Large lot with white picket fence. L-shaped living and dining room, Carries for $90. per month, Interest, Principal LGR Pretest eo TYRONE, 3% acres, partly Little stream. $4,800. Private t 723-1791 or 723-3608, PRIVATE SALE -- new six-plex apart- Road North, 725-9434. n-|COURTICE ROAD NORTH -- Four tooms and pais For rent or sale. Teie- phone 728-8010. pikes aged brie bungalow, Ta Te- 1' x 13'. Asking price $13,800. Teephone 723-2159 attae 4 p.m. SIX-ROOM two-storey brick, all con- veniences, near school, north end. Will for four- or five-room bunga- low in same district. Write Box 706, Oshawa Times. "|MODERN, three-bedroom brick oe low, five years old, spacious lot, fi ed recreation room, close to all nati ties and bus, $1500 down. Apply 1106) Cloverdale. 728-6302. | |Terms, T 1 NORTH AJAX, four-room house, fire-| proof siding, ery basement, gas heat- ik Mas dene. tine aomnas| ME, LEASK REAL ESTATE BROKER BOWMANVILLE 942-4495, JARVIS Street, 1% storey brick, two LUXURIOUS NEW 18 SUITE LIBERTY MANOR | bedroom house, near GM North plart. 2026. 2 bedrooms, private bal- $1,500 down, Telephone 725- conies, ranges, refrigerators, broadloom. Filled to capa- city with waiting list. Approximately 11% on your investment, BOWMANVILLE 623-5919 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD URAL eee apartment, AN. will be) ing" _ 1996 CHEVROLET convertible V8, auto- matic, radio, power and brakes, Beautiful turquoise and white. Like new. 728-5179. 1957 GMC tandem dump truck, $3,500° electric welder; "4" electric drill, Tele- phone 728-8817. 1957 PONTIAC, automatic transmission,| radio, Good clean condition inside and out. Can be financed. 723-9376 evenings. 1960 PONTIAC, two-door hardtop, auto- matic, radio. One owner, Like new. Wil! accept trade. Can finance, 723-7970. 1955 MONARCH, light blue, matching interior, automatic transm: ym, cus. tom radio, four barrel carburetor, dual exhaust. Good condition, $550. Can be seen at corner of Bond and Division 728-6781. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, miles, custom radio, Make offer, terms, 725-7566. 1954 DODGE Regent sedan, "Teaiactiate throughout. New motor, radio, Many extras, 723-4559 after 5. 1960 MORRIS 850, needs some body work. $400 or best offer. Apply between 3 oe 5 at 911 Greenwood Crescent, Oshawa. 725-5010. FOUR-ROOM bungalow, on one acre of land, Near Mosport. Reasonable price. Call Orono 4R6. VLA -- THREE large bedrooms, storey and a half house, oil heated, extra lot. Near schools and bus ay price $12,500. 394 particulars, 19 x 7' Beam cruiser, convertible fully equipped, Plus two 12-gallon hp_ full electric nished rooms, in modern home with light housekeeping facilities, if de- sired. Phone 725-5794, FOUR-ROOM upper flat, heated, hot water, private entrance. Want quiet ten- ants, $40 monthly. Apply 1184 Cedar Street. DOWNTOWN APARTMENT -- Four rooms and bath, modern kitchen, stove and refrigerator, $75. Apply 54% William Street West, 728-8323. TYPEWRITERS, olen Plicators, chequewriters, com| meterny oo ree hundred new and ears Ay eas? rent, service. Hamilto ed 137 Brock South, Whitby, 1962 GREN-ELL Golden Hawk boat, 16 ft. long, 72" beam, 75 hp Johnson elec tric; also heavy duty Tee-Nee trailer. Al extras included, Can be seen. Tele- Phone between 5-7 p.m., AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt TTS, free estimates. Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, M WE buy, sell and exchange ia 3 furni- ture or you have, Trading Post Stores, 446 eben South and 3: 31 Bond Street Bast, 7; fh en STUDENTS A super value, approxk mately 630 sheets of letter size Ask for MR. T, L. WILSON TELEPHONE =| 123 id 3474 22--Offices, Stores, | Storage OFFICE SPACE LOCATED AT THE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE MODERN BUSINESS AND PRO- FESSIONAL SUITES AVAILABLE. WANTED 1955, 1956 1957 or 1958 VOLKSWAGEN Apply Mr. C. Hall Oshawa Beauty Supply 15 King St. East 723-7011 GRANDVIEW VILLAGE For your new "KASSINGER" HOME in this choice East End location, Give us a: call, Your present home accepted as a trade. CARL OLSEN REALTOR 27,000 "a extras. vse "VOLVO Cc He mileage car. Still under factory 111 Dundas. Street W. KELVINATOR refrigerator, 11 cubie soet; pppall Drea "Ho. Telephone working condition. 728-3506. warranty, Jake and Bill's Garage. 449 Ritson South, 728-0021. 1961 SUNBEAM Rapier, bars A Jake and Bills' Garage, 449 Road South. 728-0921. tson/31--Automobile Repair Write Box 632 OSHAWA TIMES FOR COMPLETE D FREE PARKING. ETAILS CONTACT 299 King St. W. 723-1133 Beaut IN WHITBY iful THEN CALL YOUR MOVER RETIRING? $7500 Six room brick home in the and Taxes, FULL PRICE $2,900. for fully furnished cottage at Coesorea, including electric stove and fridge. Beoutiful 1958 EDSEL, Citation, four-door hard- top, radio, power brakes and steer- ing, $700. Ajax 942-3563. 1963 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent condi- tion, turquoise, radio, rear seat speak- er and fan. Cash only. $1275. After § HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE LOCO-MOTIVE wringer washer, motor just re-wound, Ideal for summer cot- ' tage. $25. Telephone 725-8646, 21" MOTOROLA television, swivel base, walnut finish, Good working order. $50. Apply 39 Glover's Road. MRS. M. M. MARTIN ADMINISTRATOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE TELEPHONE 728-6231 25--Apartments VICINITY Oshawa General Hospital,| modern, two - bedroom, unfurnished apartment, main floor, available June 1, Suitable business couple. Write Box 805 Oshawa Times. GLIDDON Avenue, 346, three-room un- furnished apartment, private entrance, two-piece bath, utilities paid. TV outlet, heavy duty wiring. One child welcome. 725-4573, JOHN STREET WEST, 13 -- One- ae room apartment, refrigerator and stove, available now. No children, $70 monthly. NORTH OSHAWA -- two-bedroom mod- ern apartment, in apartment building, stove, refrigerator. Free washing fa- cilities, lockers and™,paved parking, One child welcome. Telephone 728-3377. MOTOR _TUNE-UP AND GENERAL ?EPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 LITTLE CHIEF TEXACO 83 RITSON RD. §. 728-2871 LICENSED MECHANIC General Repair to all makes. Carburetor Specialists Tune up Brake Jobs Free Pick up and Delivery All Work Guaranteed 32--Articles for Sale NEW 12 ft. outboard boat, marine gtade plywood, joints ilbre glassed, also trailer. $330. Telephone 725-9366, GURNEY range, four burner, heavy duty, size. BUY AND SELL, good used furniture! and appliances. One location only. Pretty's Furniture, 444 Simcoe Street South, 723-3271, VACUUM clearer repairs, ail makes. Free Parts, att brushes, hoses, guaranteed rebuilt ma- chines. Rentals. Wallace Vacuum Serv- all 28-0591, fot, ! D EAL LOCATION FOR BUSINESS -- on Wilson ~~ Soutii with 5 room Priced ot only $14, too" 7 ROOM INCOME HOME-- 2 kitchen, 2 bathrooms, fire- place, very well kept clean home, close to school and transportation. Vendor will take back one open mort- gage with very good terms, NORTH WEST AREA -- Building lot in excellent loc- ation, 55 » 150. Full price $2,400. FAREWELL AVENUE -- 6 room brick bungalow, 3 years old with Hollywood kitchen, 4 pc. tiled bathroom and big living-dining area. Pierson windows, Basement has 2 lorge rooms, Large fenced back yard. Priced et $12,900. 133 ACRE FARM--40 miles from Oshawa, all convenien- ces in 7 room brick home. Creek on farm and two wells with pressure system. Prop- erty clear and the vendor will give good terms, will con- sider also trade on grocery store, BUSINESS LOCATION--This sound brick building on King Street West. in the business section which hos been oper- ated as a Shoe Store for many years, must be sold. This loca- tion is suitable for almost any type of store. Excellent mo- dernized 5 room apartment on second floor, OPEN DAILY 9 A.M, TO 9 P.M. For full particulars call 723-1121 After 9 p.m, call Leon Manitius .. 725-8068 Tony Siblock .,.. 725-4362 Roy Flintoff ... 725-3454 Steve Zurba .... 728-0569 Irene Brown .... 725-3867 Jean Peacock ... 725-4330 Lloyd Corson .... 723-2537 Dick Young .... 723-7183 Lucas Peacock .. 725-4330 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe St, South, Oshawa evenings 728-7484 1962 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, turquoise, like new. One owner car. Jake and ae Garage, 449 Ritson South, 728- Town of Cannington, 3 bed- rooms, bathroom, Large lot with garden. Forced air oil heating. Town water. Just $2,000.00 down payment required and owner will hold one open mortgage. Call Irwin Cruikshanks at 728- 5205 or 718-5123, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, ° Ontorio. OPEN HOUSE 2 pm. until 5 p.m. POPLAR STREET featuring 1963 layout, all new large spacious bunga- lows and split-levels, prices os low os $13,300 with $900 down. Directions: . south on Wilson to Taylor, east on. Taylor to models, > HYMAN Real Estate Limited 728-6286 USED four burner gas stove, $25; also , $25. Telephone restaurant gas 725-9911. COLONIAL STYLE HOME with modern field stone, four bedrooms, fully decor- ated, fireplace floor to ceil- ing, Built-in oven and stove, Bay windows living and din- ing rooms. Balanced lighting Roughed in 2 piece wash room in basement. Roughed in fireplace in basement, At- tached gorage. Built by Armstrong and Sons. For further information, PRICE $18,500 CALL PICKERING WH 2-2401 GRANDVIEW GARDENS Four models nearing comple- tion, Three and four bedroom SALES CLERK For building supply yard. Experience preferred. References. required, Reply in writing. McCULLOUGH LUMBER COMPANY 1270 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa ee Wanted To Rent Att, Clare McCullough | tiee.sepRooM house in Oshawa. North end preferred near schools. Pos- 728-4688 SALESMEN'S DREAM RE SPONSIBLE couple with one child requires two or three-bedroom house in BIG MONEY FOR LITTLE EFFORT Oshawa or vicinity. _Telephone 728-7020, Whatever you have sold This is twice as easy HIGH SCHOOL teacher desires three- bedroom home in Oshawa or vicinity, OUR SALESMEN ARE NOW MAKING $250. WEEKLY COUPLE wishes to rent two or three- bedroom home, on a two-year lease. SUMMERHILL HEATING COMPANY, LIMITED Should be available August 1. Located FOR INTERVIEW 728-1352 PARTS for 1952 Chevrolet. Perfect motor; va for 1953 Fords. Bowmat ville 623-563: i CHEVY (2) convertible, low mile- age; 1959 Buick, two door, hardtop, low mileage; 1962 Ford, half-ton, long box, custom cab, 3,000 miles; 1954 Chevro- let, two door hardtop. Many more to choose from, Howard Motors, 612 Kent Street, Whitby. REFRIGERATOR, Crosley, 9 cuble fe: range, 4 burner. Both in good condition, Pape would suit cottage. THISTLE baby cartlage brown, in excellent pg IF Phone 728-2577. MILLER Trailer Accessories Everything for trailers, Tag Along Trailers Rental and Sales 9 TUDOR STREET AJAX 942-3491 What's My Line? Buying and selling used fur- niture and appliances, For your needs phone, \ Valley Creek Furniture: 728-4401 or call ot the store. 16Y Bond W. Moffat Gas Range -- four burner, one automatic, time clock regulator for time cooking, automatic oven control, excellent condition, Used 3 years in class room, $100 or Make Offer | Can be seen 4 HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL Whitby * MUST CLEAR 4 ALL CLAIRTONE and RCA VICTOR STEREO Hi FS Prices Start at $199. Store will be closed at 12 noon on Saturdays during June, July, August. PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 Simcoe N. 723-3043 1957 CHEVROLET convertible, like new, new top; 1955 Chevrolet Belair, clean inside and out, standard; 1955 Ford, cub sedan, radio, whitewalls, Doc's White Rose. Trade accepted, be financed. 728-7781, 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, dark blue finish, white wall tires. A-1 clean condition, $950. 0. Telephone 728-9095. 1958 V VAUXHALL Victor, spotless condition, $595. telephone Whitby 668-2783. 1962 PONTIAC Strato-Chief, four door, fully equipped, 11,000 miles, $2,400. Apply 524 Marion Street, 1958 VAUXHALL Velox (6 cylinder). Excellent condition, $600, ly 510 Adelaide West. 725-1508. 1953 FORD sedan, fair condition, new licence, good Sage orc one 1955 Ford coach, good body, tires and motor, new seat covers, Telephne 723-2281, 1955 FORD sedan delivery, with side windows, new tires and licence, $295 Trade accepted. 723-2281, 1955 METEOR, four-door sedan, V8, standard transmission, custom radio. Telephone Whitby, 668-5631, 1960 MORRIS 850, needs pome body work, $400 or best offer. Apply between 3 and 5 p.m. at 911 Greenwood Cres- cent, Whitby, 1961 AUSTIN 850 station wagon, like new, 45 miles to the gallon. Daytime telephone 728-6279; evenings 723-4992, 1958 PONTIAC, two-door, radio, aeater, two-tone, good condition. Telephone after 5 p.m, 725-8787. GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Road and King 723-4733 and 723-7712 BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd: S. Oshawa 728-0921 1962 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE Four door, Silver Grey, red interior, automatic transmis- sion, windshield washers, 23,- 000 miles, excellent condi- tion. One-owner. $2195 TELEPHONE 728-3379 The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" New Telephone Numbers 668-5871 and 668-5872 BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST, HITBY SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR. SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 KELLY DISNEY USED CARS 409 BROCK ST. 5. WHITBY--668-4291 Cars bought and sold Liens paic off . Trade up or down Alway Top Quality Can four door, After 8 p.m. in Whitby. Best re Write | Box. 633, Oshawa Times. | OSHAWA OR WHITBY -- two- or three- {bedroom house, or main floor apart- ment. June 1, Whitby 666-2933 before 6 A QUIET responsible couple with two school- _ children requires a small jour) rtment in Osh- pal Near Shopping Centre pre- . Write Box 636, Oshawa Times. » Governor Mansions Luxury Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidaires--12 cu. ft. Pressurized Hallways Storage Locker in Suites Laundry room on each floor Vanity in bathrooms A Few Choice Locations: Available Immediate Possession TELEPHONE: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Schofield-Aker Limited 723-2265 awa. ferred. 24---Houses For Rent RITSON ROAD SOUTH, 588 -- Five- room bungalow, oil heated. Available June 1. Please w write to ab to above address, Drive south on Grandview and follow signs. Salesmen on property this weekend from 2 to 6 p.m. SCHOFIELD-AKER OPEN 9 to 9 723-2265 SATURDAY 9 to 5 STEVE MACKO . 728-5868 HENRY STINSON 725-0243 LES HALL...) 728-8513 KEN MORRIS .. 623-5406 Bowmanville BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 REG. AKER .... 725-0201 360 King St. West Free Parking NORTHWEST Five room bungalow, beautiful large kitchen and bathroom, Decorated, sodded, carport and many other features. PRICE $15,875.00 DOWN $2,275.00 JAMES O'MALLEY CONST. LTD. 723-7122 lee. Ci y ' BOATS, MOTORS ON DISPLAY ob Cruisers, Traveler, Ma- O.M.C. and Larson Soe Evindrude, Volvo-Pento and O.M.C. 88 Motors. Open Until 8 P.M. MARINE Storage & Supply Ltd. Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 WHEEL CHAIRS Repairs, Sales, Rentals, Also Hospital beds, walkers, bed- side commodes, crutches, canes, slenderizing machines and roll-away beds, 725-1644 Custom-Made DRAPERY Hundreds of homes in Oshawa ond District have added charm and distinction to their interiors with drapery in the latest designs in a variety of - fabrics, styled by -- M. And C. Drapery and Dry Goods Store For your bycagietlt needs Call us today, 723- 7827 74 Celina Street, Oshawa GENTLEMAN will share home rent | free to middle-aged couple for care of home. Telephone _135+ 0515. THREE-BEDROOM, ranch style bunga- low, attached garage, suburban, $110 monthly, 725-9895 or 725-8983. | $100 MONTHLY large seven-room house |suit two families. One modern Som and bathroom, oil heating. Large lot. Help Wanted Six miles north of Oshawa, Immediate TOBACCO PLANTERS, experienced possession. Two-year lease. 725-2911. preferred, one man, and two womens) MONTHLY, 97 Nassau Street, needed. Apply first tobacco farm OD/r55m house, no furnace, Taunton Road. A. Verbrugghe. 725-0332 after 6 p.m, 723-9210, $80 PER WEEK can be yours if you From MAY TO SEPTEMBER 30 -- ean work three evenings a week, have Fiveroom house, four-piece bath, gas a car and are willing to work. Write furnace and range, 3% acres, three Box 726 Oshawa Times, |miles west of Brooklin. 655-4829. "AUTO SERVICE" in the° Classified! |THREE room summer cotta section is the place for you to adver. Oshawa, $35 monthly. 723-7460. tise if you fix cars, | BU: NGALOW -- Five "Too! oil furnace, on Drew Street. 18--Male or Female 20- Room and Board |SOUTH of General Motors. Nicely - 1 boy,| decorated five-room brick house, walk- egret ona gel gerd 44 out basement, TV aerial. Available} the family. For information, call June 1, 728-7464. 128-7245. | MODERN new six room bungalow, with| M AND BOARD for gentieman, in B00! (AND BOARD for gentleman, garage, Apply 1239 Simcoe Street) 109 Craydon Rd. ix Drcge (ely lat gg My A corners.|§1X room brick bungalow, immaculate Whitby $95 and $85 | condition. Private drive, $105 monthly. ROOM and board for gentleman, fs -6350 sfciiad 6. One and Two Bedroom Apartments @ift preferred. Near North Geneal) '25--Apartments In small good apartment buil- Motors. Telephone 725-0312. EAR DUPLATE and bus. Cizan, quiet SnD eNO hy good meals, lunches packed, SIMCOE STREET NORTH -- agent laundry if Geatlemen pre-|room apartment with caretaker $15 to $17 week. Telephone |tion; also bachtlor apartment, Tele. lphone 725-3652. ding. Excellent condition and electrically equipped. Laundry facilities, storage, parking and TV outlet. To inspect Berea" 723-1248. ca Street, board FOUR-ROOM apartment, two - ge i, ogy, aad board rooms, living room and kitchen, newly packed, good meals, Telephone 728-2433, |decorated, refrigerator and stove, park- see: Mrs. Fleming, Apartment 2 109 Craydon Road, Whitby FLGIN STREET EAST, 29 -- Roo) my DB. For information, phone after 5 20 St. Clair Ave. West 'and board for gentlemen, close to pic jo'clock, 725-0053. ows M. CHARTERED TRUST COMPANY orth 1s.| THREE furnished or unfurnished rooms _ a |on second floor. Suitable for couple or ~ two girls, Telephone 728-1244, Apply 296/ Toronto WA 2-6135 Evenings, Mr. Melvin 2 NGS 942-7889 BUSINESS lady or girl to share room| and board in apartment near South] V°'dU" Road. UND floor, 26--Rooms For Rent LARGE furnished housekeeping room. Gene: Abstainer, $18: weck- ( ly. oem ty » immediate possession, " or 723-2925. ROOM, board if desired, parking space, Per aprapeerd aot, oaee ? and aucun" wre 'Avenue, , 175: Three room apart edult Suit Pianeta Parking. Apply 14 King Street West. NEAR MOSPORT -- Rooms for re rent, convenient to Lindsay, Peterborough, 29--Automobiles For Sale 1959 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, red leather upholstery, radio, Good condition. 437 Ritson Road North. 1955 PONTIAC deluxe, two door, radio, heater, completely refinished, like new. $595. Call 728-5179. 1956 OL SPECIAL FOLDING DOORS New Airlume Vinyl Sun Laminated to full length steel panel core, plus a glides, steel track, size u x 80 inch, readily' shortgned, if necessary. Beige ONLY $7.99 RELIABLE Furniture Interiors 96 KING STREET EAST DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 723-7928 E, Holiday, two door, it $750. SAFE WORRY-FREE COMFORT TO BRING UP YOUR FAMILY. 60 by 210 foot lots with municipal water just North of Highway 401, N:WCASTLE 10 minutes to Bowmanville 20 minutes to Oshawa, convenient to school, shopping and bus. $20 PER FRONT FOOT -- CASH OR TERMS Our HOMEBUILDER'S SERVICE offer YOU experienced help with planning, financing and building YOUR HOME and places you under NO OBLIGATION, CAN WE HELP YOU? -R. VICKERY REALTOR 728-9571 OSHAWA 46 KING ST. W. OPEN EVENINGS. TO 9 P.M. OSHAWA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL HOMES OPEN THIS WEEKEND Roth Construction: North Oshawa, Rossland Road to Glencairn Street. Rossmount then 1 block west. excellent condition, one owner, 725-2879. TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS J. BURROWS GARAGE BROUGHAM, ONT. 1957 International $180 16 ft. flat body. Ideal for hauling sod. : $1,295. 1960 International B100 Pick up Service Truck, 4,000 miles. $1,325. IN EXCELLENT CONDITION BROUGHAM, ONT, TELEPHONE PICKERING - 942-5097 No. 7 Highway, 14 miles from Oshawa, , four rooms and bath-| central.) } private entrance. Telephone home. Sar Private. Telephone 728-| ment, 3350. 1725-2391. WHITBY CLASSIFIED LAD' froning at home. Rea-; FOR RENT or sale. New, modern, four re eee Napaens 600-8127 any! bedroom house. Telephone 668-2786, Continued on Page 16) By R J. SCO SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK gue Women EAMOPIA WAVE ONE STYLE oF CONFFURE: CLOSELY PLAITED |FOR RENT: Large 3 room apaitment, \heavy duty wiring, fireplace. Available FOR RET ates inreeroom aPartijune. 1. Adults preferred. Whitby, 668-4864. nt, ment, self Groinds, 00 668-2900. time. water supplied. Large monthly. Vacant now. |SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service -- Two-bedroom lon calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestaut a ge Private Dathroom and (Street West, Whitby 668-2563, kitchen. Available now. Telephone 668- DRE SSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, #670. alterations, slip covers, drapes, Fitting |a_specialty, Mrs. Toms 668-2372. Bowmanville and Oshawa. All roads, ss weekly. Telephone 728-0490. TWO ROOMS, furnished, girls prefer- red, vicinity of Mary street and Ade- avenue. Telephone 725-9324, |OSHAWA MOTEL, King Street "Bas st. Weekly rates, rooms, heated, tele- vision, $15, and $17.50. Telephone 723- 61. Paved 'Omawa he Seehene'* tars. Wy ieseiier, FOR RENT: One bedroom self-con- 068-495" 7 tained apartment, main floor, $55. = Apply 209 Brock Street South, telephone ROTO.illing done. Apply Jack Mulli 68-4977, i ea oneowa gan, Brooklin. 655-4996. |GOOLD'S Second Hand Furniture, | everything for cottages, floor coverings, FOR SALE: goog, ig ranges, televisions, refrigerators. Will Central. Telephone buy, sell or trade, Open all day. 215 WHITBY, 116, ------ Street South, | Dundas east, Whitby. Telephone 663-5481 tere ideal, for. souple. $55 | » id oy lor couple. | Telephone Whitby 666-3766 evenings WE CAN Seer. DELIVER TO YOU Crushed gravel (mulch), pit run gravel, stone, sand ond top soil. All sold by weight. CALL 668-3524 Sawdons' (Whitby) Travel West on Turn North to WIDOW lady, Protestant, will share my home with a lady, abstaner, non- smoker, Ajax, 942-0337. WONDERLAND PARK } Kingston Road East, cabins. yeniences, including showers and heat. Weekly rates bac dd at $12. 723- 7424. a "clean, 'quiet, sitting room, cen- * jtrally to located. 'Telephone 725-1938. Hees,| Motor out. Sox, ARE AMONG A con- "y 4 4KE 1,400 BEST PAIRS 1M THE U.S. Hogenboom Construction: East Oshawa, Homes of Distinction: Located on Labrador Street across from the Adventist College on King Street East. STORE FOR RENT: Excellent location in the heart of main street uptown re- tail business section, Whitby. Available mow, on basis of lease or month to month. Levee ong for almost any ciass of retail CA tengo gen office de appar an easy ac Tear proces hed main street location. Sivek pen poe Bony! for 5 cars on property. On five year lease owner will make alterations, etc., Sig suit tenant. Rent reasonable. (reverse charges) 47-8189 Toronto, Owne: ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Limited Call between 5 and 7 p.m. | 244 Brock St. §. 82 PARK RD. | woes" Builders' Su ce. NORTH | WHAT MA) Rusnor Construction: $800 full down payment. AN EXCELLEW Wer? Park Road South to Philip Murray turn East two blocks to Tremblay Street then one block South. JOSEPH BOSCO, REALTOR J GRapn DRIED BAMANAS GROUND Wie gue MK MIXED BREAD. $Me TAN. oF Tie FAT tn SHEEP emis 1A, PRODUCES ATAT THAT 1 ase m MAKING PASTA t } Haus Arte Rephone, fon, Pmt, Pheakd Owner will meet in-