i lc ar ce Se igi Se es ..-HARINESS RACING -- The elieu Raceway, ranked as standar dbreds charge around Canada's fastest half - mile the turn at Montreal's Rich- track. Montreal is the centre of October and promoters hope wagering will rise to $750,000 from $200,000 last year. "Tf things are looking good we may go until about the middle of November," says track sec- retary Ingham Palmer, NEW RATING SYSTEM. As in other parts of the coun- of harness racing in the coun- try, bettors at the city's two tracks accounting for more than half the $133,000,000 wagered on standardbreds in 1962. (CP Photo) Harness Racing Sport Zooms In Popularity, Everybody Enthusiastic By THE CANADIAN PRESS |jumped by more than $10,000,--| Judging by the amount. of 000 to a total of $26,230,828 last| money being shovelled through|year and seems cegtain to rise pari-mutu'l. windows, harness|Sharply again this year. racing is giving the thorough-| One new track, Mohawk'Race- breds a good run in the popular-|way at Campbellville 40 miles ity stakes in Canada, west of Toronto ,has already With promoters scheduling|oPened, and another is tentativ- more raci2s for bigger purses|ely set to begin operations Sept. in 1963 {ind talking excitediy|2 at Windsor with 98 days of about big4yzer and swankier har- racing. Still another major track ness racing tracks, it won't be|is-due to open at St. Catharines eurprising' if standard - breds|next year. take the lead within a few] Introduction of night racing a years. couple of years ago is the se- Figures -for 1962 show that/cret of the growth in Ontario more than {'133,000,000 was wag-|which this year will give bettors ered at harriess racing tracks inja jot more chances to get as Canada's fastest half-mile track because it holds two rec- ords, opened May 5. And not only has Montreal the bettors, it has the horses as well. Tie Silk, a $40,000 pur- chase that has earned more than $350,000 in purses for Mi- ron Brothers of Montreal, was named Canadian harness horse of the year in 1962. Country Don, top two-year-old pacer, Uncle Duck, best among three - year - old pacers, and Flemingdon's Song, best two- year-old trotter, are also prop- erty of Quebec owners. mine provirrces, all but New-|even. foundland...This compares with) For, with major meets at) $143,529,942 bet on the thorough-|London's Queens Park starting) breds. And it should put to rest|May 27, Toronto's Greenwood) once and for all the lingering)Raceway (formerly Old Wood-| view of hariess racing as a poor|/bine) open since March 25 and) country cousin. Ottawa's year-old Rideau Carle-| Wagering on both kinds of|ton Raceway open since May 1,| racing is rising each year. Butiplus those at Campbellville and| one reason for thinking the standard-breds will in time overtake thi: thoroughbreds is | that harness racing facilities} But if Ontario is coming up are expandiz1g more quickly. |fast on the outside, the lead) A CrossCzinada Survey byjis still securely held by Quebec The Canadizim Press finds op- of racing will be added to last/ year's 270. | Just how far Montreal has come in the last 10 years is evident from the wagering. In 1952 a total of $4,500,000 was bet in 42 days. Last year $76,-/ 210,923 passed through the win- dows in 206 days. "Our growth here has been phenomenal,"" says Pau |Dan- Windsor, more than 100 nights|¢Teau, president of both Mont-| real tracks. And the operators aren't standing still. PLAN FOR 1967 Looking forward to 1967 when Montreal will be the site of the naught Park near Hull where 100 racing days saw 200,000 spectators bet $8,115,253. In the Maritimes, where there was an over-all decline in at- tendance last year attributed to jexcessively rainy weather, largely on the assumption that the weather will be better. The Moncton Speedway, which came under new management in February and has been re- named Brunswick Downs, leads the expansion with plans to run 58 racing days compared with 32 last year. The season is tentatively set to run from May 20 to the end try, a factor in the optimistic outlook is the new system of grading harness horses which re piaces the old alphabetical list- ing that was practically, unde- jpherable for the averdge bet- . With grading basedjon such things as sex, gait, performance and age and with the introduc- tion of claiming races, the spec- tators will have more to go on in making up their minds about which horse to bet. While rain hurt attendance at such Maritimes tracks as Saint John, Fredericton, Summerside, Charlottetown and Sydney, it made little difference at,Monc- from $2,313,252"and Nova Scotia up to $3,743,508 from $3,635,368. Sackville Downs, near Hali- fax, the biggest sulky centre in the Maritimes, accounted for $2,221,502 of the betting total and, says general manager Jack Cruikshanks, had its "most suc- cessful season since opening in 1055." The Cape Breton Sports Cen- tre in Sydney, where wagering fe by $120,000 last year, hopes to hecoup with plans for a 300- seaf clubhouse and better wag- ering and canteen facilities. ADD NEW ROOF Charlottetown, where a 55-day sefson opens June 1, has four invitational races worth $2,500 eadh on the books for the sum- mer\ It rained practically every race Right last year but a new roof ofthe grandstand should add to spectator comfort this year . Manifoba, with 14 days of racing egain this year, is one region ere harness tacing remains mo: a codntry-fair sport. The July -T eet at the Manitoba Provincial Fair in Brandon is one of the few with pari-mutuel betting, accounting for the fact. only $11,552 was wagered in the province in 1962. Carman, which now has a one-day meet, is considering night racing and officials think it could attract spectators from Winnipeg, 50 miles away, and perhaps lead to a revival of in- hopes for this year are based) SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, relichle Ges Dealer in your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 OLA JR. A LACROSSE | e TO-NIGHT e Long Branch Castrolites Oshawa Green Gaels e@MONDAY e | | | terest in the provincial capital where the thoroughbreds are still king. Saskatchewan, where betting fell to $250,879 from $393,517 last year, is moving ahead cau- tiously. Regina, where opera- tors lost $2,800 last season, is planning six racing days com- pared with five in 1962. PROMOTER HAS PLAN This is the third year for top- flight harness racing in Alberta and the sport is making im- pressive strides. be 40 days of racing at Edmon- ton and Calgary as against 42 in 1962, purses will be bigger on the average. The season begins July 25 in Edmonton. Bill Connelly of Edmonton, president and general manager of Western Harness Raceways which controls the two Alberta tracks, has big plans. Through Delta Raceways he also con- trols the operation at Ladner, B.C., and he's negotiating for a 13-day meet at Yakima, Wash. If successful it will mean own- ers won't have to go to Eastern Canada or California to find races during gaps in the west- ern season. Paterson Park at Ladner, which handled ail of British Co- lumbia's $525,053 in wagers last year, up from $337,056 in 1962, is adding six days this year, for a total of 20, There will be racing four nights a week from June 1 to July 20 and the track is taking a gamble by schedul- ing races on six Mondays, in direct conflict with thorough- bred racing at Vancouver's Ex. hibition Park 20 miles north. WANT NEW JAIL VICTORIA (CP) -- The pro-| vincial government is negotiat- ing for a camp-style jail site 17 miles north of Kamloops. It could house up to 150 prisoners. THE OSHAWA TIMES Raph IT Eee on erehiiiy iy , Seturdey, Moy 11, 1963 11 COMPLETE SPORTS BRIEFS after the 1963 season. The sug- gestion: was given as an alter- native to a UBC request for a GOLF EQUIPMENT . New & Used--Trade-ins Accepted _ DOWLER HAS GRIEF BOULDER, Colo. (AP)--Boyd Dowler, 26, flanker back on the Green Bay Packers football Visit WHITBY GOLF and COUNTRY CLUB 655-4952 shortened seqson in football and basketball because of the finan- cial burden of playing a double round - robin season in thes2 sports. Betting last year was $3,244,940, up from $2,943,342, And while there will team, pleaded not guilty in mu. nicipal court Friday after his arrest on a charge of disturb- ance outside a girts' dormitory at the University of Colorado. Campus police arrested Dowler in his car outside the dormi- tory, Hallett Hall, after three girls complained a man had en- tered the dormitory. MAY WITHDRAW WINNIPE G(CP)--The Uni- versity of British Columbia Fri-. day served notice to the West- ern Canada Intercollegiate Ath- letic Union that it may with. draw from the organization wood FENCING You name it... we have it! Beautiful practical designs in wood fencing . . . designs that will help enhance the charm of your home. ' | Sw as Do DD | ye | Per 8 ft. Section complete with one post. | Te 10 Beautiful Wood Fence Designs | fe a Now on Display | : © BUDGET TERMS | © 6 to 60 MONTHS TO PAY MILLWORK & BUILDIN SUPPLIES LIMITED OPEN DAILY 7 A.M. TO 6 P.M, -- FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. There Are Special Benefits For All BUSINESS EXECUTIVES and SALESMEN For personal use or for @ PONTIAC Company use there are @ BUICK ee. & Other M On you lease ao mew... Request No insuronce costs . , . No meintenance costs', . . One rate covers Phone everything on one or two yeor lease terms... or come in for full details, i MILLS AUTO LEASE PHONE 723-4634 LTD. 266 KING ST. WEST J 1279 SIMCOE N, 728-6291 Rug (Oshawa) Ltd, CARPET SALES PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING ond FURNITURE 174 MARY ST. N. PHONE 728-4681 SEE US FOR SIDEWALK AND PATIO SLABS Also Our New HIGHLAND STONE Copings, flagstone etc. Imitation fireplaces from $48.50 No down payment on approved credit. MARBO STONE ONTARIO, LTD. 1437 King St. E.--R.R. 4 Oshewe VY, Mile East of City Limits Ph: 725-3189 MOSIER SHEET METAL WORK INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL ACADIAN | SUDDARD'S CLE ANERS BICYCLE SHOP C.C.M. and RALEIGH PRESSERS-- SHIRT LAUNDERERS = STORAGE Sales--Service--Parts Keys Made 299 BLOOR ST. W. sedate 497 Simcoe St. S. 728-5141 _ PHONE 725-3979 ELECTRIC MOTORS Motor Repoir Overhauling--Rewinding to all types of Electric Motors New and Used Motors 395 Oshawa Blvd. S. PHONE 723-4362 Fg ZA Keep abreast with the Sports g News, -- Read . +» The Oshawa Times Regularly It's Later Than You Think...come to the Cadillac ENJOY OUR MODERN DINING ROOM FACILITIES--({BOWLING BANQUETS) ALL MODERN ROOMS -- SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES 394 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Not Weeks HOTEL LIMITED Phone 725-3743 for Reservations You Score Every. Time When you use TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS ® which accounted for more than/worq's Fair. the lanning| , they are planning $96,000,000 --- or almost three'itor facilities that will handle %,-| quarters--of the money wagered 'q99 people at each park. The] on harness racing in this Coun-/¢s 999 999 cost will include the| try in 1962. price of giassed-in, all-weather! 292 KING ST. W. PHONE 725-2734 BROWN'S timism among promoters in Tel. 723-3492 British Coluriabia, Alberta ,On- tario, Quebec and the Mari- times, Manitixba and Saskatche- wan, where tlie sport is still on a Guelph Mohawks Sport Events small scale, this general /ieeling. TWO NEW T BACKS are exceptions to MONTREAL IS CENTRE The two Montreal tracks me Blue Bonnets and Richelieu--| handled $76,210,923 which was goo mar | Quebec has two other ma-| jor tracks--Quebec City which| opened May 4 and where $12,-/ vs Oshawa Green Gaels considerably more than half the Expansion is most spectacu- : national total. Richelieu, billed | lar in Ontario where wagering OSHAWA ARENA 8.30 p.m. 300,000 was wagered during 100] racing days in 1962, and Con-| . .. if your boat caused damage or injury for which you were held liable? ..- if your boat sank? ... if it was stolen or damaged? You haye a big investment in your pleasure boat, You could lose: your investment' and a lot more if you had to pay for dan iage or injury to someone else or if your boat sank. CIA could help you pay the costs of damage done TO or BY your boat! Just call a CIA representative for a boat quote now! HOWARD FOLEY R.R. No. 3, B'owmanville MA 3-3277 MES, ETHEL NOTTINGHAM My: tle 655-4832 MRS. OLIVE SMITH Farm Rood, Whitby 668-2547 MRS, AUDREY. SULLIVAN Apt. 410, 110 Park Rd. N. 725-9533 C | A Co-operators Insurance Association 286 King Street West, Oshawa 723-1185 For far thicker growth MLM-GRO-KOTED GRASS SEED Exclusive 'Green Gro - Koted" process gives you a more luxuriant carpet of healthy, deep-rodted grasses. Available in four different lawn Wénds, each best for its purpose. : LOOK FOR THE GREEN SEED BIRDS DO NOT EAT IT READILY Available At Your... ONE-STOP GARDEN CENTRE OSHAWA Free Customer Parking MAST 54 CHURCH ST. Dial 723-2229 Lumber & Supplies LTD. "DO-IT-YOURSELF HEADQUARTERS" NEW HOMES & HOME IMPROVEMENTS FULL LINE OF BUILDING MATERIALS 725-4704 436 RITSON N. (Where Pavement Ends) W. BORROWDALE Fuel Oil and Heating Sales. A complete line of quality Heating Equipment. "SUPERTEST" HOT BLAST FUEL OIL. Oil and Gas Furnaces. Oil Conversions. Water Heoters installed. 156 TAUNTON RD. W. PH. 723-4878 HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE ' Specialists in Tune-ups and brake work. 67 KING ST. W. PHONE 723-7822 BOB HOY CONSTRUCTION We Specialize In Residential Driveways Written Guarantee Phone 728-8101 1154 Nelson St. Guaranteed Used Cars ROY wW. NICHOLS Courtice and Bowmanville Chevrolet, Corvair, Oldsmobile Sales and Service PHONE 728-6206 40 Years Serving You TONIGHT LACROSSE:--First Home Game of Season--Ontario Lacrosse Association Junior League:--Long Branch vs Oshawa Green Gaels, at Oshawa Children's Arena, at 8:30 p.m. SUNDAY BASEBALL:--Leaside Junior League:--Oshawa Canadian Tire Legionnaires vs Aurora, at Aufora, 2:00 p.m. MONDAY LACROSSE:--OLA Junior League:--Guelph vs Oshawa Green Gaels, at Oshawa Children's Arena, 8:30 p.m. and SOFTBALL:--Civil Service League--Foley's vs City Hall, at Cowan's Park and Oshawa Dairy vs Reynolds, at Thornton's Corners: both games at 6:45 p.m. ene at Kinsmen Stadium, first game at :00 p.m. You Like .. ft Likes You Distributor: Ross Shortt 156 GIBB STREET PHONE 723-3042 Grew-Traveler, O.M.C.-17 Evinrude, Volvo, Penta Motors MARINE STORAGE AND SUPPLY Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 OPEN EVENINGS & WEEKENDS STEPHENSON'S GARAGE Specialists In WHEEL ALIGNMENT Straightening General Repairs {5 CHURCH ST. Phone 725-0522 Lee Bishop RADIATOR REPAIRS Cleaning and Recoring . New and Used Radiators 42 Bond St. W. 725-1633 HOTEL GENOSHA Excellent Banquet and Convention Facilities AIR CONDITIONED COFFEE SHOP Open 24-Hrs. A Day TUESDAY FLOOR HOCKEY:--Simcoe Hall Forest League Playoffs:-- Poplars vs Cedars, at 7:00 p.m.; Willows vs Pines, at 7:30 ynigee | Maples vs Oaks, at 8:00 p.m.; All games at Sim- coe Hall, WEDNESDAY FLOOR HOCKEY:--Simcoe Hall Solar League Playoffs:--Plan- ets vs Comets, at 7:00 p.m.; Satellites vs Meteorites, at 7:30 p.m.; Top two teams in playoff game, et 8:00 p.m. SOFTBALL:----Civil Service League:--tfaton's vs Firemen at Lakeview Park and Oshawa Times vs Post Office, at Lake- view Park (East diamond) Both games at 6:45 p.m. THURSDAY SOCCER:--Oshawa and District League:--Hungaria vs Bath- urst, at Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stadium, 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY : LACROSSE:--OLA Junior League:--Oshawa Green Goels at Guelph, 8:30 p.m. Fuel and Lumber OSHAWA r.V. We will install or Repair All T.V. Aerials, Rotors, Apartment Systems 361 GIBBONS ST. Phone: 728-8180 Everything In Builders' supplies, lumber, coal, fuels. We specialize in Summer Cottage needs. Free delivery in Lake Scugog district. PORT PERRY PHONE 985-7951