Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 May 1963, p. 4

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sil Ye 9, 1969 ting the most expensive man A : : il months, they have been busily and Rickie, Sharron and Ken- @ THE OSHA ureday, Mey ; you don't always get the best Téa Pupi S setting up the program. Two Peterborough |*™ of Whitby visited Cheats PHONE man. This salary is not a high "Since we are teaching chil- Kilpatrick Sunday afternoon. e salary." : Mt dren in this area, says Mr. Families Visit r. and Mrs. Roy Poloz 'inal as Industrial Promoter a aaa W. J. Greening con- Taught First -- "out ssciaon wal Maple Grove Poot . gales ga bj gy "I am quite concerned about . . ; | Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cummings r) oA e high taxes in this township," he| JR] actics lic School children, particuiarly | By G. KILPATRICK _2nd family on Sunday. H ed 3 By Pick ering get industrial assessment Grades 6 and 7 students." | CEDAR OREEK -- Mr. and 1r get industrial assessment as) Oshawa firefighter and first) He mentioned the importance Mrs. Atwood M oR "SF orn Soon as we can. It will allevi-| aid instructor of the Oshawa i ; : bel acRae of Osh- y Ve) ate to some extent the vast in-\Branch of the St. John Ambu- of this method of first aid to.awa and Mr, and Mrs. Harry, atl By DRIVE OUT ae ; ; > sai prevent drowning during the|Moon of Peterborough were salees ¥ BROUGHAM -- Deputy Recve| going to end if we keep hiring|questioned whether there is|creases which are upon us, @spe-|jance Association, Greg Brady, a nian hel ave whan chitdren| Sunday visitors with Mr. and vs x TONIGHT cPhe ees and still get no re-| eno work, even in the two cially in the education field. |has been teaching Bowmanville) ©: : : ' . ee gree roeel yr pena = . gee warrant spending $8000. "I don't know whether it is a) district Public School. students i bs Bd angen their favor. | Mrs. Frank Harris. ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON a recent council motion| 'We voted $100,000. to buy in-| per year. matter of whether we can af-|how to administer artificial "© S¥!™mins spots. | Mr, and Mrs. Allen Keetch| " erty i is He thi |ford him, or whether we can-| respiration. a tes --e PGES Ya * : , that Harry Bilingion be en-jdustrial | land," the Deputy) don't think we need him fort tora 'to do, without this) yn - The First 3-Act Motion Picture Ever Presented! | TONIGHT & FRI. ONLY! . 2 rien wiaadeaatiiolae gaged by the Township of Pick-|Reeve continued. "What has it)as much as we did two years | "0 ' | Mr. Brady has _ instructed | , ering as Planning Director and| meant to us? Nothing. We have ago," he said. "I think there) tyPe of employee. t pupils of Bethesda, Long Sauit Box Office Open at 8:00 -- "GORGO" Starts 8:50 Industrial. Co-ordinator, at a|water and sewers... still noth-| should be a great deal of con-; Councillors Ross Deakin and)/and Salem Public Schools. 01 starting salary of $8,000. per|ing. I would like to see results| sideration before we hire. a/Milton Mowbray both spoke for|'Thursday afternoon he. visited LEVIN 4 at t 2 GREAT ACTION FEAT ES! annum, |before we spend more tax dol-! man for these particular jobs." | the motion, Mr. Mowbray ob-|Tyrone Public School. JEFF "T think we have a lot of/lars." | Speaking for the motion, Coun-| serving that there was a need' 74. methods employed by the CHANDCEER IN . 4 ADMITTANCE | employees we have hired in a) Mrs, McPherson contended cilior Hubert Wank said: for closer supervision of plan-/¢,.¢ aiq instructor are the canis / 0) Quem | . aon TONIO hurry," she said. "I certainly|that industry would come wher| | don't think it fair that our/ning than Planning Consultants) yoj¢or-Neilson and mouth to would like to know a great deal/it was ready, and no amount of Reeve devote so many extra could give. _ : _..| mouth. | more about him." |high pressure salesmanship|hours to this work. Many re-| "I don't think our Official Tha instruction. idea ola Mrs. McPherson said that she| would get it any sooner. She|sponsibilities fall on his shoul-| Plan is going to end the need) t hed pied dye Brady: volunc| was in favor of hiring a Plan-|said that offering real estate ders," - |for a Planning Director because} at " i ele ell bbe of | ning Director until the tax bills|salesmen 10 per cent commis- "{ do not see how we can, you need planning assistance in eos oly spine ath oh the , were issued this year, and then| sion had not helped. | promote industrial development! order to do over-all planning,' aM ona A OH Lea Church women oe changed her mind. Wil a new employee be) unless we have, someone to fol- he said, Lana Baby Bottle Warmer ; 5 F ' st May | ' * " i ble to draw industry any fast-| hings slosely. And| "You are going to get a rush/ 8roup, last May. | : ! I would like to see some able t y low things more closely n He discussed the possibility of| : , Sevica and Frac OSHAWA * results from money we have|er?" she asked, __|the dual functions fit in quite of applications for deviations 4 Ajo sees . é F ; spent," she said, "Where are| Councillor Harvey Spang said) wei." from planning. Planning is teaching artificial respiration to] Milk For the Babyf DRIVE-IN THEATRE * } fairly school children with Mrs. Lloya * 723-4972 ing to stop? There are|that he did not question the, "I agree we have a respon-|something that is i x i en ae" ie" Fi me | re Boing to ao tax) ability of the applicant -- one! ibiitysin trying. to Keep oui fluid, and coming up all the Harmer, former president of the] VEFTORIO DeSICA FEDERICO FELLINI LUCHINO VISOONTT | : dollars we can take. Where is it among many -- but that he| costs down, and agree by get- time. ichurch group. For the past shake | directs the Academy Award Winner directs directs : 'yp : 2g -- SOPHIALOREN --"ANITABKBERG }=©-- ROMY SCHNEIDER Lu ADULT } ALL-COLOR WEEK-END PROGRAM |; ; An Embassy: | Piclures Release m EASTMAN COLOR , lf FEATURE DAILY AT: as FOR PEOPLE FRESH 1:30--4:05--6:45--9:25 ~~ OF ALL AGES! WONDERFUL : ~ ~~ Wonderful UNFORGETTABLE |. i KINSMEN New World CLIFF Of Entertainment RICHARD BRING THIS JOHN WAYNE ee SPECIAL 2 PRICE PASS see "WONDERFUL TO To the Fri "HATARI" BE YOUNG" -- TOMORROW! KINSMEN SUPER CAR IN COLOR i al E T / "BOURBON STREET SHADOWS" from BINGO * s AT THE Plus--"FOUR FOR THE MORGUE" : eae VAN BELLE GARDENS PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE Over *8,000 in Prizes including | DIRECT FROM NASHVILLE, TENN. Rhy e EVERGREENS i ie da a Sah a en RN 4 aM ; e SHADE TREES 1963 CAR OR $2,000 CASH. $1,000 Hi-Lo Game. COUNTRY SOUP @ FLOWERING SHRUBS Og Ma Rares ioc OME pr a a ' e INDOOR PLANTS -- soa tegen ag BEE DOOR Puizes ALFRED ' ROSEBUSHES : ion't forget to buy ae pack for value and HITCHCOCKS For life long, lovely evidence of your admiration ond KINSMEN +s e Pt} appreciation ALL STOCK GUARANTEED. --------_---- eC irds TECHNICOLOR' "JOHNNY & JACK" ea ; i "Tt could be th ee Ps ne ce. (ADULT ENT a . ENTERTAINMENT) most terrifying KITTY WELLS. eS 4 ) ter sntliaaive | 5 EDGAR ALIAN POES ann motion picture .<? ILF CARTER ; ; sn ROD TAYLOR -JESSICA TANDY WT MONTANA SLIM" BUT BEST OF ALL | Leck || ee. THE RAVEN SUZANNE PLESHETTE 4 Give "Mom" a whole and Introducing J OHNN Y "WRIGHT new gerden, complete- : " - 'S ~ A : aks is Wetiatnatl ha PATHECOLOR « U JOHNNY AND JACK" DUO ly landscoped. Free AS QL} rem PRICE verea LORRE-sonsKARLOFF TIPPI'HEDREN "Br, 'LIPS i d plone. Sy BILL PHILLIPS estimates and plans < < ADDED THRILLER 'erergny by EVAN HUNTER- Dinca by ALFRED HITCHCOCK GENERAL ADMISSION AT DOOR AND ALSO ON SALE AT "DISC SHOP'--SHOPPING CENTRE--$1.75--CHILDREN a ™ sive sth aseaicon , *, Wete peppy. | aie Maumee ECOMMENDS THAT YO S ¥ ¥ ba 7) R U weoeowy nwt isn 700 ses ! VAN BELLE GARDENS | § mt se a aes A TIMES: 1.10 -- 3.10 -- 5.15 -- 7.20 -- 9.25 ° * RED -- = Just a few minutes East on Highway No. 2 The gardening number 623-5757 ay > ; f Last Day: "A KIND OF LOVING" -- Restricted SAY MOTEER aa? TECHNICOLOR® reom WARNER BROS. PP, ENTERTAINMENT MY KINSMEN § --With the Sincere Compliments of -- THURS.-FRI.-SAT. esd - "| | Reon SAT: | ras | A & W DRIVE-IN OF THE NEW Little MEXICANA "Tadssgoremmerntiren || coy. ofS Or Selle To Her AND CANADIAN ee | oH Agee 4g, MOTHER'S DAY SUPERTEST - . Lad Service Station i " de oe While You're at the A & W Corner of Thickson Rd. & No. 2 Highway "0't.%.c277,'s.anckines2,z0,con ley the femeu Monicne, "Done ond ae iy FREE ROSES divs Mother & Lovely Supertest, now available at the site pictured above. Drop in this week! Come, join in the festivities et our grand porches, ou receive free gifts with every | Mexicana ot this new site. You'll enjoy (One to Each Mother) Who Visits the A&W the truly grand food served here .. . x» FREE « Everyone Welcome Little Mexicana Will Be Given to the First 500 Mothers Expansion plans called for a second @ RAIN BONNETS @ PENNY BANKS @ HELICOPTERS @ BOTTLE OPENERS @ KEY CHAINS * @ SUCKERS Let us keep your cer in top-notch trim for our specialty. FROM © BUBBLE GUM -- WITH EVERY PURCHASE summer helidey travel with all Canadien sup- | @Mexi Burgs & @Mexi Dogs On Mother's Day cs Sunday, May 12th Oshawa Garden Centre and the best cup of coffee in town RENE THIBAULD a Fa OFFER! Try Us... You'll See! ROSES SUPPLIED BY OSHAWA GARDEN CENTRE 1259 SIMCOE ST. N. SEAMLESS MESH NYLONS | Your All Canadian Give Mother a Treat and a Gift... Bring Her to the... ony B5* rar S U Pp E R T E S T SERVICE | ne od su | A & W DRIVE-IN CORNER OF THICKSON RD. & NO, 2 HIGHWAY 1327 Simcoe St. North "Family Treat Centre" a rr rer me rn a nee

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