PLANNING JUNE WEDDING The engagemem is an- nounced today of Miss Maureen Robinson and Mr. Leslie Smith, whose marriage is to take place in Cedardale United Church on Saturday, June 15. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D, Robinson and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. F, Smith, all of Oshawa. UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES ALBERT STREET UC W The May meeting of the Albert Street UCW was held in the Friendship room, The president, Mrs. James Scott, opened the meeting with a poem. 1 Mrs. Crayton Lee gave the rol call and minutes. Mrs. Percy Boville gave the treasurer's re- port; Mrs. Samuel Gibbs re- ported for the catering commit- tee; Mrs. Harry Longbottom, flowers and kitchen committee; Mrs. Gordon Shemilt gave a re- port in the forthcoming bazaar; 42 visits had been made to the sick and shut ins. June 20 is the date set for the trip to Niagara Falls. A straw- berry tea will be held with the date to be announced later. Unit 3 was in charge of the worship service. Mrs. Walter Tippett read a poem, "Every- where the Sign of Thee". The scripture lesson was read by Mrs, William Yourkevitch. Mrs. Tippett's theme was "To serve or Be Served. Mrs, Genie Yourkevitch sang a solo, "Lord Let Me. Live Today", accom- panied at the piano by Mr. Harold Ellis. The speaker, Mrs. Brian Curry, born in Southern Rho- desia, spoke on the life and tradition of the African people. Mrs. Tippett thanked Mrs. Curry for her address. Unit 3 will have the hospital visits; Unit 1, Hillsdale; Units 4 j|and 5, shut ins. The June meeting will be the last meeting before summer va- cation and will take the form of McNeil of Simcoe Hall will be the guest speaker and will show films of the boys' activities. oe iano) a pot luck supper. Mr. Harold) (Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 8, 1963 Prior to a honeymoon to Antigua, British West Indies, Miss Susan Diane Barrell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy A, S, Barrell, Brooklin, became the bride of Mr. William War- ren Bailie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailie, Oshawa. The ceremony was performed in Northminster United Church with the Reverend H. A. Mellow officiating. The wedding music was play- ed by Mr. J. R, Robertson with Mrs. Clifford Rundle as soloist. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a full length gown of chantilly lace over taffeta with a scalloped neckline and lily-point 'sleeves. The flowing tiered skirt was styled with taffeta side pane!s and a lace chapel train. A crys- tal tiara held her bouffant veil and she carried'a bouquet of velvet red roses. The maid of honor was Miss Ann Firth with Miss Elaine Bailie, Miss Christine Watkins, Miss Barbara Roe, Mrs. Alvo SOCIAL NOTICES Antigua Honeymoon Follows Bailie-Barrell Marriage Rites Durante, Mrs, Charles Willshire as senior attendants, and Miss Lynne Calvert as junior prides. maid, They wore short red vel- vet dresses with full skirts, petal shaped necklines and three- quarter sleeves, white fur head- dresses and carried muffs each topped by a red rose. Miss Jo- anne Southwood, flower girl, wore a white velvet dress, red hat and a muff topped with a rose. Mr. Robert Arnold was the best man with Mr. Barry Val- leau, Mr. Gerald Lohnes, Mr. Ronald Connell, Mr. Charles é Gayle Sharon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cooper, Osh- awa, became the bride of David Allen Sharp, son of Mr. Earl Sharp, Oshawa, and the late Mrs; Sharp, in Christ Memorial Church on Saturday afternoon. Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon performed the ceremony and Mrs, R. H. Scott ATCM played the wedding music. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of pure silk organza over taf- feta with scoop neckline, lily- point sleeves, the bodice and front enhanced with re-embroi- dered appliques of Alencon lace. A peacock chapel train, accent- ed by a self rose at the back waist, flowed over the controlled skirt, Her tiered, illusion veil was secured by a crown of cry- stal and pearls and her flowers were pink sweetheart roses and carnations surrounded by pink and green leaves., The maid of honor, Miss Pat- ricia Brewster and the brides- maids, Miss Carol Milne and Miss Maureen Comerford, wore Gayle Sharon Cooper Becomes Bride of David Allen Sharp full-skirted dresses of pink or- ganza with lace bodices and three-quarter sleeves; flowered crowns and shoulder veils. They carried cascades of white carna- tions with ivy trails. Stewart Sharp acted as best man and ushering were Larry Cooper and Donald Smallwood. A reception followed at the Grandvie-y Golf and Country Club. Receiving, tiie bride's mo- ther wore deep rose peau de soie with white accessories and a corsage of white sweetheart roses, The couple left for New York and will tour in Virginia, Ken- tucky, Quebec and Ottawa be- fore they return to make their home in Oshawa. The bride travelled in a white suit with a three-quarter top- coat, with pink accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds. FLY IN STEAK Housewives in Hong Kong and Singapore can get fresh steak flown in from New Zea- land; the meat arriving the same day it is despatched . Willshire and Mr. Alvo Durante as ushers. Master Ian Cullen was the page boy. The reception was held in the Kinsmen Community Centre. The bride's mother received in a champagne beige figured bro. cade sheath dress, matching hat formed of roses and a matching corsage of roses. The bridegroom's mother chose a sheath dress of dusty rose crepe, flowered hat and a rose corsage. The bride was wearing a bright green silk shantung two- ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Frank Teddy of West Hill announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Frances Rachel, to John Douglas Mc- Kellar, son, of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. McKellar of London, On- tario. The marriage will take place on Saturday, May 25, at 1.00 p.m. in St. Andrew's Unit- |ed Church, Oshawa. | ENGAGEMENT | The engagement is announced Mary .Carolyn Penfound, daughter of Mr. Joseph Allin 'Penfound, Oshawa, and the late |Mrs. Penfound, to Mr. Carl |Joseph McTaggart, son of Mrs. \Frederick McTaggart, Oshawa, land the late Mr. McTaggart. |The wedding ts to take place on piece suit, matching hat and ac- cessories and an orchid corsage when the bridal couple left on their honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs, Bailie are mak- ing their home in Whitby. Out of town guests were from Toronto, Ajax and Milton. | BLOUSES From ruffles to casual classics all mother's favorite's are at the EVELYN SHOP Figured blousés in a wide variety of colors. Lovely white embroid- Euchre Party Held | By Altar Society | The euchre theme was) attractively carried out in the) decorations of St. Philip's Hall, | for the euchre party which St. Philip's Altar Society held re-| cently. Mrs. Leo Kryhul and) |Mrs, Jack Maher were conven-| jers of the decorations which) ered by "'LA-DEAR" sizes 12 to 42. from 5.95 te 9.95 Upto HANDBAGS Topestry-Straws-Leathers. The ultimate in style, quality and value to go with any outfit, come in and let one ot our salesiadies help you with your MARGARET HAMILTON GRP. The May meeting of the Mar- garet Hamilton Group of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church was held at the home of Mrs. Alex MacDonald, with fourteen mem- bers present. Mrs. Charles Cornelius open- ed the meeting with prayer, fol- BAILEY FOODS LTD. Oshawa Ajax Oshawa Power Stores THE FOOD SHOP OSHAWA AND WHITBY PLAZA lowed by Bible study. The min- utes and correspondence were read by Mrs, Donald MacDon- Specials: Thursday, Friday and Saturday ald with Mrs. Fred Malloy giv- ing the treasurer's report. Busi- ness was discussed with a rum- mage sale planned for May 28 at the Canadian Recreation Association, Refreshments were served by FRESH RASPBERRY PIE MOTHER'S DAY LAYER CAKE EACH 796 nec. s7e OIE Mrs, John Gulenchyn, assisted by the hostess. The next meet- ing to be a pot luck lunch at home of .Mrs. H. W. Sher- ian, FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR Shop at the Bakery with the large variety. DaW * FROZEN FOODS SAVE 5¢ -- SUNKIST LEMO SUPREME NADE 6-0Z, TINS 4053. 2-LB, ECONOMY BAG FRENCH FRIES 49: CASH SAVER! You Save 6¢ -- Paramount Fancy Quality 1's Tins SALMON RED conoE 43¢ CASH SAVER! You Save 17c! 15-Oz. Tins PEAS AVLMER FANCY Gms] You Save 10c! -- Seven Cent Bread Coupon in |Saturday, June 8, at 3.00 p.m jin Northminster United Church. ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Robinson announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Mau- reen Margaret, to Mr. Leslie Samuel Smit, son of Mr. and Mrs. W H. F. Smith, all of A iage is to cog lr stb og ee 15,| In charge of admission were A Mrs, ,Alan Cherry and Mrs. a gg Cedardale United | Wayne Chidley. Refreshments were served by ENGAGEMENT the social convener, Mrs. Ray Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown,|Haber assisted by Mrs. Harry Oshawa, wish to announce the|Gowanlock, Mrs. Joseph Mc-| engagement of their eldest|Cullough, Mrs. John Maguire. | daughter, Marilyn Evelyn Mrs, Wilfred McKenzie and 'lwere enlarged playing cards, 'leffectively arranged around the hall, and on the stage. D The guests were welcomed 'l\by the president, Mrs. Martyn Darlaston, and the procedure for the games was explained by |the co-conveners, Mrs. Leonard Fluery and Mrs. Benjamin Young. selection. om 3.95 ,, 18.95 MOTHER'S DAY HEADQUARTERS Lo COFFEE wwe wus: 69 CASH SAVERI You Sove 5éc! 37¢ Off Pack PKG. KING SIZE SURF 99: CASH SAVER! You Save 4c! -- Fancy Quality -- Libby's 48-Oz. Tin TOMATO JUICE 29: Choice Plump Grade "A" Value Check'd | THE | P| "A BUNDLE OF JOY This bright-eyed little girl is Donna Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David R. Mitchell, King street west. and Mrs. William Mitchell, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Davis, Welland. Donna was six months old time of this picture. } |Oshawa. The marriage at the | Lightle, son of Mrs. John Blair, Brooklin, and the late date will be announced later. Dianne, to Mr. Edgar Norman|Mrs. J. Lukow, Mr.|euchre and door prizes were) Arthur Lightle. The wedding|drawn by Reverend M. A. The winning names for the 9 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Beriault. SHOP 725-1221 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wina-| cott wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Joanne Mabel, to Mr. Harold} Henry Charles Rout, son of Mr.| and Mrs. Victor Rout, Sr., all of is to take place on Saturday, June 8 at 3.00 p.m. in St, Peter's Angli- can Church, Oshawa, | Ronald W. Bilsky, DC CHIROPRACTOR @ HEADACHES © SLIPPED DISCS 1100 King E. 728-5156 | --Aldsworth Photography Her grandparents are Mr. { " smart steps to summer Lovely Imported from Italy | | | | | i | | | Sa SSSA s SS SSS GIMITETTITTE POO VAULT MELE a Dueen for BULOVA'S newest for her ee rai jj - quisite example of the high-fashion **Sun- burs s. «at a low price! 17 jewels. $49.95 (qn. A \\ = Exquisite new beautiful sandal fash- ions imported direct from Italy. Flattering foot fashions that bring you cool comfort during those hot, sunny days ahead. Made from gen- uine leather with foot-comforting cushioned soles. Make your select- ion to-day ! ! a beautiful selection fo choose from 996.99 ASHTON SHOKS 79 SIMCOE ST. N. 728-2491 | ise design' Slim, | faceted, expansion bracelet. 17 jewels. SUNBURST J An exquisite watch with fashionable -- oval case combines classic simplicity with the splendor of golden multi-colors. Gracefully te. adjustable bracelet. 17 Hs. $69.95 32 KING W. multi-coloured AAMAS SOPSLLLELESTELTTEE: Re Watches alive with the iridescent shimmer, the subtle glimmer of golden multi-colours ... ach abloom with the haunting tones of exotic flower petals ique oval case, one by an elegant sculpturing of graceful wings. Adjustable matching mesh bracelet, 17 jewels. $79.95 CREDIT JEWE From only $4 OS AS LITTLE AS 1.00 DOWN 1.00 WEEKLY LLERS LTD. PHONE 723-7022 "IDEAL FOR STEAK ON A BUN" MILD SEASONED -- TASTY -- SKINLESS "FOR QUICK MEALS OR SNACK" TREND Ib. 3 B< ALL BEEF STEAKETTES TREND WIENERS 1's 211:.89c SPO EE HAM FLEX PACK pkg. as. (For Frying or Barbecuing) FEATURE! SAVE 4c!--APPLE, ORANGE, PINEAPPLE ORANGE, ORANGE APRICOT ALLEN'S Fruit Drinks 31¢ FEATURE! SAVE 4c-- NEW SPIN BLEND HELLMAN'S 39 Salad Dressing FEATURE! SAVE 2c!--BONELESS COPPER KETTLE CHICKEN 48-0Z, TIN 16-0Z, JAR 7-0Z. TIN 47° FEATURE! SAVE 11c---FANCY QUALITY DEL MONTE FRUIT Fruit Cocktail a Aine 59¢ FEATURE! SAVE 9c!--FANCY QUALITY LIBBY'S Tomato Juice 1,00 FEATURE! SAVE 17c!--FANCY QUALITY DEL MONTE 6 1.00 20-02. TINS 15-0Z. Cream Corn -- Mothers Day Values! GOLDEN HOUR ASSORTED 1-LB. BOX CHOCOLATES 89 SUNSPUN Ya-GALLON ICE CREAM 89¢ BAKED FRESH! WESTON OR SUNBEAM Chelsea Buns *°3i",35 39¢ SLICED AUNT MARY'S 24-02. 9 Bg Bread AF Le SUPREME CHOCOLATE TREAT Biscuits 28 piscurrs 29° RED & WHITE Jelly Powders 3 pxcs, 29° DELICIOUS FAMOUS CALIFORNIA ICEBERG NO. 1 Lettuce NEW GREEN FLORIDA Cabbage "° ' LUSCIOUS VINE RIPENED Cantalopes LARGE taps 29° s, 9° GOOD 9c 2 Chiquita BANANAS 2: 29° SUNPARLOR BEST Cucumbers "°' 2 PLUMP GREEN SWEET Peppers SWEET TENDER Corn LARGE size 27° 2 ron 23° 4 asst 33¢ SIZE SAVE 4c PINT 4Qc TIN FEATURE! AEROWAX Liquid Wax Feature! -- Save 16c! Aerowax LIQUID WAX Quart Tin 79° SPROULE'S CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL MAPLE GROVE MARKET MAPLE GROVE, ONTARIO DUFFY'S MARKET 948 SIMCOE STREET NORTH BROWN'S MARKETERIA BROOKLIN, ONTARIO