ACCOUNTANCY STUDENTS RECEIVE RIA iene WFDNESDAY, GREENWOOD ENTRIES MAY 8, 1963 FIRST RACE "Lanark" Claiming Foaled in Canada. $1900, Three-year-olds. 1 miles 1-Standing Ovation, Dalton 115 2Doborough, Bakos 119 3-Devon's Pet, whee 117 4 $2500 Purse 6Bren Blue, Turcotte X107 7-Don Srome, Hale 115 &Whizzinby, Rogers 119 9-Red Pail, Rogers 115 SECOND RACE -- "Hubbard" Maid- ens. Foaled in Canada. Purse $2100 for Two-year-olds, 4% Fur. 1-Northern Flight, Robinson 118 2-Prestidigitation, Shields (A) 118 3-Breule, Armstrong 118 4-Under the El, Shields (A) 118 5-Judo"King, Turcotte X113 6-Hey Wizard, No Boy 118 7-Popeye, No Boy 118 = |8-No Vacation, Fitzsimmons 118. A-Golden West Farms entry ACE -- "Dinsmore" $2500 $1800. Four-year-olds up. . 1-Vale of Avaca, Gubbins 109 2-Canadian Flyer, Rogers 111 3-Sweet Dish, No Boy 106 4-Rocky River, No Boy 106 5-Room Service, Terry 116 6-Dutch Larry, Rogers 111 7-Vineyard, Noboy 116 8-Shall Succeed, Bolin 109 9-European Flight, Dittfach 117 FOURTH RACE -- "Englehart" $2,500 Claiming. Purse $1,600. Four- year-olds and up. 7 Furs. 1-Willies Warrior, Bolin 111 2-Binewood, No Boy 117 3-Bomar, Noboy 111 - 4Tedette, No Boy 111 A. C, G. DeLANGE Oshawa Area Men Honored HAMILTON -- Five accoun- tancy students from. the Oshawa) © district received their RIA|Sauy' pad' Roget 2 (Registered Industrial Accoun-|7Jaded Jewel, No Boy 106 - tant) certificates Saturday at/5¢rcue Pilot, Turcotte X106 the annual convocation of the FIFTH RACE "Fonthill" $2500. - $1800. Four-year-olds Fur. : Potts 112 2-Bellefair, Terry 111 3-Bourbon Blue, Lanoway 116 4-Discovery Bay, Brown 119 5-Dark Jet, No Boy 116 6-Nearali, Simpson X112 7-Valquestin, Hale 111 8Sea Trap, Dalton 117 9I'll Swear, Rogers 118 SIXTH RACE -- "Green Bay" Allow- ance, foaled in Canada, Purse $2600. Three-year-olds, 1 Mile. 1-Blue Shutter, Turcotte X108 2-Kingsey, McComb 123 3-Royal Maple, Armstrong 120 4-Espalaris, Turcotte X113 5-Bonspiel, Hale 120 6-Laf n' Bid, No Boy 120 7Page Copy, Dittfach 123 8Enlyn Lad, Fitzsimmons 120 QUINELLA BETTING SEVFNTH RACE -- "Kincaid" $2500 Claiming, Purse $1900, Four-year-olds and up. 1 Mile. 1-Sidville, Turcotte X106 2-Fort Strome, Hale 111 3-Von Rich, Fitzsimmons 111 4Stan Gray, Rogers 116 5-Falsun, inson 115 6-Kingwood, Shields 120 7-Lady Gangster, Simpson X101 8-Hammer'n Tongs, No Boy 116 9-Plin, McComb 116 EIGHTH RACE -- "Mossbank" $2500 Claiming. Purse $1900. Four-year-olds and up. 1 mile. i-Musical Hit, Turcotte X108 2-Yola 2nd, Leblanc 115 3-Whitville, Despirito 111 4-Eight Bars, Dittfach 115 5-Chorus Queen, No Boy 106 6-Welsh Monk, Turcotte X116 7-New Door, No B 8-Finibud, McComb 120 9-Court of Appeal, Dittfach 120 Post Time 2 p.m. Clear and Fast. Society of Industrial and Cost Accountants of Ontario, held in Hamilton in conjunction with its 22nd annual meeting: | They are Glen K. Branton, 79| Elgin street west, Oshawa; Don A. Clark, 109 Craydon road, apartment 9, Whitby; Antoine L. DeLange, RR 4, Bowman- Council Ratifies Parking Changes | 'THE OSHAWA TIM ES, Wednesday, Mey 8, 1963 3 OSHAWA Y'S MEN'S CLUB ELECTS EXECUTIVE At a recent meeting the members of the Oshawa Y's | Men's Club elected Gil Gra- | ham as their president for the 1963-64 year. Mr. Graham has been a member of the club for three years and has served as secretary and vice-presi- dent. Members of the execu- tive, from left, are Mr, Gra- ham, Tom Wolframe, trea- surer; Glen. Hewitt, imme- diate past president and Jim Good, charter president. Oth- "er members of the executive include: John Francom, first vice-president; Bob Goddard, second vice-president; Arnold Cummer, secretary; Ron Heard, youth chairman; Al. Attersley, members hip chairman; John McReelis, project chairman; Charles Bo- vair, program chairman; R. Alexander, world outlook chairman; Bob Brant,' social chairman and Bernard Mu- zeen, public relations chair man, --Oshawa Times Photo Alertness Needed Perfect Relay vide the first live telecast to Europe of an American astro- naut's lift-off. Otherwise, Telstar II will re- sat EReqITE PER t Claimed Sent By Telstar II NEW YORK (AP)--The Tel- star II communcation; satellite whizzed through the heavens to- day after working perfectly in relaying television pictures be- tween the United States ard Eu- rope. The pictures that bounced back to the sending station at Andover, Mr., Tuesday night were described as "Magnificent very, very clear." ' Tonight, a color television transmission is planned between the continents. : The switchboard-in-'he-sky is to be used next Tuesday to try lay a tape recording of the blastoff at the first opportune time. That was done last Octo- ber on astroaut Walter M. Schirra's flight. Next year, if all goes well, some televised shots of the 1964 Olympics will be sent from Ja- pan to the United States via Telstar. Tuesday night's test of the satellite, launched into perfect orbit earlier 'in the day from Cape Canaveral, was pro. nounced a huge success after it relayed a taped teievision test program to Europe. The transmission was re- ported improved 'over that of the predecessor satellite, Tel- star I, silenced hy radiation after a few months in space. ville; Leonard W. Witterick, Harmony road north, RR 2, Oshawa, all employees of Gen- eral Motors of Canada Limited and Edmund D. Crowley, 207 |Crawforth street, Whitby, an| employee of Dupont of Canada| Limited, Ajax. | Mr. Branton and Mr. Crowley| were directors of the Oshawa District Chapter of the SICA during 1962-63. Mr. Witterick will be a director during the Three big changes in parking meter and parking lot operation were ratified by Oshawa City Council Monday night: --All parking in the city will be at the rate of 10 cents per hour (except for flat-rate night charge at one lot). Half-hour parking is now at this rate. --Time limit for parking on six city-owned, metered down- town lots will be cut from five |hours to two hours. The lots are located at 1) Simcoe north at Richmond; 2) Church at Wil- liam; 3; Centre at Athol; 4; King East; 5) Bond at Church; 6) Bond east. --All meters, whether in half- hour, hour or two hour zones, will be changed to accept nick- els or dimes. Perinies are out. the report. If the city could add 125 spaces per year, then in 10 years an estimated,net revenue of $97,000 could be used for the development of off-street park- ing. This amount would develop about 75 spaces which, notes the report, is not keeping pace with the suggested goal of 125 spaces per year. The report carries a table showing revenues attainable by doubling parking rates, This table foresees development of 1530 lots over the next 10 years if: 1; rates are doubled; 2) costs of developing a space (about $1300) remain constant; 3; if revenues and the cost of main- tenance and salaries increase proportionately to the number of meters and parking spaces. Lecturer Says cannot have an imperfect like- ness, therefore a satisfied God cannot have a discontented or unsatisfied likeness. The man of God's creating can never be separated from God's love and protection, she Stated. "The healing presence of the Christ," she said, "is available today to all who are receptive to its power. It awakens in us, in you and me, the ability to behold man's true Spiritual identity as fetterless and free, and enables us to heal Spiritual alertness is needed to meet the perplexing problems of mankind, Hazel R. Harrison of Santa Monica, California, said in a public lecture here Tues- day evening. "In the face of national and international turmoil," Miss Harrison declared, "we cannot afford to fold our hands and let greed, atheism, and tyrannical ambition run rampant. It is our responsibility, our Christian duty, to alert ourselves to the crying. needs of today's world situation." Public - spirited citizens can help a great deal, she said, by L, W. WITTERICK Will Publicize Route To Mosport i: i i vhether|; Among the guests present at MANVILLE (Staff) --,mittee will determine whether J ; hee creas! banners. as|the project can be done by the|the dinner : re aot pag tg well as signs indicating the|/Board of Works and the expect- soe A pt ry rl a route to Mosport wil be erected/ed cost: to the School Board, |Copps, Frotessor W1 vill in this year |Callion of McMaster University gh its ph hoard of WANT TWO LIGHTS and representatives of the Char- unci Works motion at | The Arena Committee asked|tered Accountants. Professor orks E. CROWLEY : A a Monday! council to consider placing two|Walter A: Thompson of the Uni- night meeting. Approval followed a letter to the Board of Works from the advertising firm of Collyer Ad- vertising Limited. The two-cross street banners} will be 30 feet long and four feet | deep. They will state ""Bowman- | ville Gateway to Mosport." | They will be placed across|to hold a fireworks display at t few|the Bowmanville High School on| yards north of the Flying Dutch-/Monday, May 20 at 8.30 p.m. Liberty street south, a man Motel and as close to High- way 2 at the intersection of Lib- erty street. The banners and signs will be posted in Bow. manville from May 6 to Oct B. SEEK DRIVEWAY A request from the Public School Board to complete the driveway into Lord Elgin Schooi was referred to the Roads and treets committee by the Board Works recently. The school board said it as- sumed that the 'work would in- volve the purchase and instala- tion of a pipe, the building up and grading of a road bed, the) construction of a ditch on the) west side of the drive and black- topping." | The School Board said it| hoped that the surface would be cold mix presently uséd on the town roads. The Roads and Streets Com- Whitby Wi High School Golf Match | Team golf has been added to the list of Metropolitan Toronto high | school athletic petitions. In the first Nassau medal play com-} a plus 7 score. Cedar Brae plus 5%, Malvern plus 414, Hill plus 444, Winston Churchill plus 3% and McLaughlin of Oshawa plus 1, Malvern hockey coach Stu Passmore and Whitby Golf and Country Club professional Wil- son Paterson put their heads to- gether and launched the school golf program with these six teams as starters. The four-man teams will play a match at the Whitby Club each Tuesday until May 28 when a Nassau point aggregate win- fer will be declared champion. Passmore had an eager re-| sponse at Malvern, as 40 players strove to qualify for the team. Passmore selected eight play- ers, and wish Barry Law as cap- tain, they will take turns: in competition. With high schools throughou' the Metro area having many golfing students, Passmore sees the modest beginning of the league likely to expand greatly in the near future. event played Tuesday, Whitby that every led the list of six schools with g&de +6 complete the bridge START NAVAL EXERCISE | CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) -- Six Canadian warships and 19 Charleston-based U.S. -- vessels will begin a nine-day exercise off the Florida coast today. EYE EXAMINATIONS PHONE 723-4191 by appointment F. R, BLACK, O.D. 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ™ deck, sidewalks, railing, and all est! other items associated with the! 'gard should be left until all of Completion For Bridge Is Extended BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Town Council Monday night agreed to extend the completion date for construction of the Soper Creek bridge by two weeks. | Council was urged to grant the date extension (April 30 to May 15) by the town's engineering firm of Proctor and Refern. | ; | in com-| | 'End Levy On | Eaton Store STRESS ENFORCEMENT The report noted strict en- forcement of the time limit of parkers, especially at on-street meters, would "encourage the use of off-street lots'. "Enforcement . . . should be practised, as the main function of parking meters is to provide a turn-over ... make more spaces available. "The practice of 'feeding' the meter continually for many ~~ should be discontinued by ans of strict enforcement." In recommending charging for night parking, the report noted "considerable parking does take place downtown during the evenings and it would seem reasonable that a charge be made for all parking, both on 'and off-street, at least up until mi | OFFICIAL ORDER ON SPUR LINE OTTAWA (Special) -- An official order of the Board of Transport Commissioners giving authority to the Cana- dian National Railways to abandon its spur line on King street in Oshawa, was made public today. The order, dated April 22, reads: "It is hereby ordered as follows -- the applicant company is authorized to abandon operation of its King street spur, in the city of Oshawa, Province of On- tario, shown dotted black between Station 0.00 and Station 21.82 the said plan on file with the board under File No, 45354." The order is signed by Rod. Kerr, chief commis- sioner of the board and J. D. Beaton, acting secretary. work by April 30th as originally contemplated, with the excep- pely. | | In late February, Supreme} |Court Justice R. I. Ferguson the circumstances are consid-\tuled that Oshawa Shopping ered at the time-that the bridge|Centre tenants are not liable} is opened to traffic. For in-|for business assessments 61! stance, consideration will have|Parking lot lands. | to be given to concrete com-| Mr. Justice Ferguson, in a 31-| pression tests. page judgment, reversed the| "You may be assured that/fuling of Ontario County Court every effort will be made to|Judge Alex C. Hall. Judge Hall, have the bridge substantially|in October, 1962, had dismissed re- street lights at the west end of versity of Western Ontario gave} The Board of Works referred) afternoon. | The attendant-operated lot at the request to the Public Prop-| Over 3,000 _ student members| Athol and Mary streets will still ertis Committ for study. jare enrolled in the Ontario So-|be open from 8.30 to 6.30 p.m. |provincial societies which con|night rate provided by the auto- The Board of Works granted/quct the R.I.A. courses in co-|matic coin exi : a Eoquest from: thn 'Hotary 'Club jmatic coin exit gate remains the | versities, | The Athol street west lot, also jattendant - operated, will not CITY AND change its hours of operation T Saturdays, DISTRIC | The big fight in committee jcame over whether or not to The Oshawa Fire Department} A city engineering depart- had two minor calls Tuesday, | ment survey on meters and lots a garbage fire and a flooded oil | Suggested all on-street and off- po£rted in éither case. The city|4-m. to 9 p.m. ambulance was called out on! Hike was defeated eight routine calls. jmittee on an 8 to 3 count; three SOFTBALL REGISTRATION |the time slightly, were also de-| The registration for softball of|feated. So the hours remain 9 lall boys and girls, between the|8-m. to 6 p.m, the Eastview Park area, will be| Mayor 1 ' : held at the park clubhouse Mapasoined" "where oe iba 5.30 p.m. Thursday and Friday going to get the money for ex. In, a letter to Council, the|% this week. "You will be using public engineering firm stated the date monies some day to build park- extension "will not in any way jing lots," warned the mayor. but rather delay the date on vote." which the $50 per day penalty "Don't 'fine' people because will be imposed." |they are coming downtown at "The contract stipulated that jected Ald. Norman Down. the work is to be completed by | ; : ie "! The Ontario Municipal Board} Ald. Hayward Murdoch ob- April 30, with the following eX! truck out a $126,000 assessment|jected to starting to charge at and Asphalt. These are to be! =r inid ha at ight ji 3 at |pany by the City of Oshawa in|down the street at eight in the completed by May 15 with the} |morning and not hit anything," coming into effect if these are| The board's decision wasjhe said. ee ee f olde ppt 4 an mg" lawyer|fic report estimated future May 15 will apply to all of the/for the merchandising firm. |parking demands and recom- ome and no reall die will be). The assessment had been|mended the city develop 2500 made, which was the case origi- ; y. : lot at the shopping centre iN next 20 years, an average of "The contractor has assured Which the company's Oshawal195 spaces a year. (Multi-level effort will be|Store is located. A Supreme) parking on some city lots was ment was improperly made. City Solicitor E. G. McNeely,OFF STREET SPACES explained today that Eaton's; The. city engineering depart- tion that the formwork will not|the Ontario Municipal Board|developing about 32 off-street be stropped until about two Pefore the case went to-the On- spaces per year. weeks later. tario Supreme Court. The report points out that| will be used, which will permit Just gives effect to the Supreme| quired to develop 125 spaces"'| traffic to use the bridge if it be-/COurt ruling," said Mr. Mc-|i. ahout $199,000, comes necessary to do so. Neel "This is about 2% times the| " BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH Breaktast, re Dinner M. the parking lot on Queen street./the Convocation address in the/ MARY STREET LOT PLAN FIREWORKS DISPLAY ciety one of the 10 affiliated|Monday to Saturday. The 25 cent operation with 24 Canadian Uni-| same, 8.30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mondays to TWO MINOR ALARMS __ |charge for night parking. furnace, but/no damage was re-|Street meters operated from 8 other amendments, all changing} ages of eight and 17 years in| WAYOR DISAPPOINTED of this we -ke pansion? (more parking spaces) affect the construction progress "all you are afraid of is the The letter also stated: | ight to spend their money,"' ob. jected ceptions: Painting, Linseed Oil Tuesday against T, Eaton Com-|8 a.m. "You can shoot a cannon same liquidated damage clause|!961 for business tax. made with the consent of Osh-| The Damas and Smith trat- "The new completion. date o! made for a portion of a parking)«short term" spaces over the nal Court referee ruled the assess-| sy ocested). appeal was originally made to|ment report says the city is now "High early strength concretet" This action (by the OMB)\«the total annual revenue re:| "A final decision in this present TOTAL .revenue," says 'Hotel Lancaster US EPLANES Aerial fertilization is being experimented with on some 1,250 acres of forest in Norway's Kongsberg district. SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, reliable Gas Dealer in your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 completed by the time originai-/an appeal by Eaton's. Also ap- ly contemplated in the contract,|Pealing at that time were Lob- and we trust that the action|laws, Kresges and Fairweather taken concerning the delay of| - meres " 7 two weeks for imposing the | STUDEBAKER | Nagy Motors penalty clause in the contract is World's Only Opposite the Shopping Centre agreeable with you." HEAT WITH OIL | Convertible 728-5178 KING ST. W. SEE US FOR INSURANCE DIXON'S OIL. STATION SERVING OSHAWA OVER | 50 YEARS | 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 360 KING WEST e DON ELLISON e@ GERRY 725-6687 725- OSBORNE 7294 e Cabin Trailers tors We Will SAVE You Money!! SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 @RALPH SCHOFIELD 728-3376 LIMITED keeping informed of current news, by voting at election time, and by demonstrating that di- vine wisdom gained through righteous prayer, Miss Harrison, a member of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship, spoke at the invi- tation of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Oshawa in McLaugh- lin Library Theatre on the sub- ject "Christian Science: How It Satisfies Human Longings". She was introduced by William H. Dell. Christ Jesus in His Sermon on the Mount promised '"'that if we seek first the kingdom of God and strive to follow the Christ example in expressing good, all . | | material and temporal ourselves and others." She called upon her audience to "acknowledge one omnipotent Mind as the governor of all; to acknowledge one omnipresent Love as reflected in an enrich- ed understanding between na- tions and peoples; and to serve God as His miuutemen, ever alert to His will, ever on guard to. defend our nation with prayer, and to guard our herit- age of freedom as Science re- veals it." MARKET PRICES TORONTO (CP) --Churning legitimate human desires would be fulfilled," the lecturer de-| clared. | Lasting peace, happiness, se- |curity, or satisfaction is not to be found in materialism, Miss Harrison maintained. | "When we seek first, not the things that give no lasting satisfaction, but the gloriously rewarding things of Spirit, we find and ex- perience that which truly satis- fies,"' she declared. Basic to healing through pray- er is spiritual understanding of the perfect relationship of God and man, she stated. "Perféct God, Mind, is the| original, the one cause and creator; the real man, His im-} age or reflection, is Godlike," | she said. "'A perfect original) NEED AN... OIL FURNACE? PERRY DAY OR NIGHT 723-3443 cream and butter print prices were reported unchanged today. The egg market was steady on A large and unsteady on other grades with offerings adequate for a light demand. Country dealers are quoted by to beam to Europe television pictures of astronaut Gordon Cooper's scheduled 34-hour orbi- tal flight from Cape Canaveral, la. , If the 175-pound ball of instru- ments is in proper position over the North Atlantic, it could pro- [NEW HOME SPECIALISTS IMA Real Estete Ltd. TRADES ACCEPTED 728-6286 323 King St. W. OSHAWA'S ORIGINAL at Nu-Way, carpet and broad- loom. has been a specialty for 18 years . . . with thousands of yards on display to select from. PHONE 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST, the federal department of agri- culture on Canada grade eggs, delivered Toronto, in fibre cases: A large 39; A medium 35; A small 32; B and C grades no market. Butter prices: Canada first grade: Ontario tenderable 51-52; non - tenderable 49%, in light trading: Western 51 - 52 (nomi- "KINDNESS BEYOND PRICE, YET WITHIN REACH OF ALL" GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 King W. 728-6226 CORRECTION For the Benefit of those w copy of the Oshawa Wood on Tuesday, May 6th with a price missing, we make this correction:-- Ys" UNFINISHED LAUAN MAHOGANY 4' x 8' SHEETS "SILVER DOLLAR JAMBOREE SPECIAL" SHEET The Oshawa Times regrets the inconvenience the price omission may have incurred. ho may have received a Products advertisement PLYWOOD 3.68 | e HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS SWEET PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLLS LEAN, MEATY BLADE SHORT CUT (Ist 4) PRIME RIB ECONOMY--6 & 7 PRIME RIB BONELESS SHOULDER POT ROAST BONELESS ROLLED BRISKET 39 79 39 39 39 FRESH PORK FRESH PORK FRESH PORK WIENER Shoulder LOIN END MAPLE LEAF SKINLESS * Toma CHRISTIES ' Cake EX 1-LB, Ib § Cello 49 FIRST GRADE CREAMERY BUTTER | BREAD 24-0Z. LOAF DUNCAN HINES DELUXE FRESH KILLED CHICKENS OVEN-READY 2% -3 LB, AV. TROUD FOOD MARKET, 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH $ EXTRA FEATURE FIRM RIPE foes PKG. 23: Ju: 39: Mix 99 TRA FEATURE t] BROOKSIDE : 2 Ww REG.