'---Real Estate for Sale PRIVATE SALE, 371 Blizabeth street, five-room brick bungalow, $1700 down. Centre; es '725-1632. rage, T 723-3058 Loe = ai ta distr alteble 'tor rocco brie Fo full _base-| FARM near Madoc, 250 actes, eu ely jenty of water. Terms af-| beautiful scenic: view, 728-3770. bored 1 down. No see- ranged. For information call 728-2100 Co he os soe | mornings. WHITBY -- , One cont or Whitt mn $800 DOWN for & new brick bungal alow | NBA ) ce hi ee from town ie = Size vin fees in Grandview Gardens. Priced at $12, nee, Seely Reem ¥| $0,900, After 5 p.m., Whitby 668. : 650, Call Bob Stevenson, S at $i | Sosa, a Lid, 728-6286, ry -- W.. Three! am, »| WHIT Burns Street bedroom brick bananiow, divided base- 27----Real Estete for Scale SLOVERDALE STREET -- Giezeom po bge elt five years old. Close to school coe Street, Low down- 'Telephone 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Mey 8, 1963 23 27--Real Estate For Sale _|29--Automobiles For Sale SIX-ROOM, Fi epg sc. Bpeneg all oo: esl aeae cakes tas ee hardtop, auto |eeebanee for four or | ce rere Sana tates: Soe eee ie ae, in Write bes 400 "|1004 FORD > new Oshawa Times. La ; LOT, 82° x 528', near Taunton village. Telephone 725-8733. ag FULL Lagan pry Mew new Futur- » close Mi va re sepa eee 13,400. | interior, ment, split-level entrance, {Sally ae ae ite ith 'with: Gest Realtor 728-7377. ele a frame/Landecaped and fenced lot. 6 per cent Lor, 'ee by 150" On Frances "Sirect.|seen at corner of pengees. are Asking PS13.500. Whitby, 668-2294 anytime. | 728-6761. 4 Poa ea and 9950. Tel 2 OR toot, ag after 4. p.m, 788-4087, 27--Keal Estate For Sale NORTH-WEST AREA -- Two-bedroom modern fi brick One block to Sh ttached ga- a -~Apedeente powsnert ARTMENT -- Four - rooms O68 ee modern ay crag thy sa wen neon. |17--Male Help Wanted OUT OF WORK If you are out of work or on shorter hours see us im~ mediately. Opportunity to sell consumers, Rawleigh Products. full or part-time. No experi- ence necessary. Good District now available in Durham County ond Oshawa, Write Rawleigh's, Dept. E-310-29, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 18--Male or Female Help Wanted $89 PER WEEK can be yours if you work three evenings a week, have a Mar and are willing to work. Write Box 796 Oshawa Times, 20--Room and Board ARTHUR Street, 332, room and board) for gentlemen, single lunches | packed, good meals. 'Telephone 'TR-2A33, FLGIN STREET EAST, 29 -- Room afd board for gentlemen, close to down town and North GM, Good meals. 728-3643. 16----Female Help bt on lh, rca Help Wanted MAN oad, FOR GENERAL 2 BL ANDSCAPING WORK APPLY IN PERSON 1259 Simcoe St. N. CARPENTER © Experienced in Finishing JAMES O'MALLEY CONST. LTD. 723-7122 OFFSET PRESSMAN URGENT EXPERIENCED On larger offset equipment. Excellent future for right per- son. State experience, age, salary. References. Apply HAINES FRONTIER PRINTING LIMITED SARNIA, ONTARIO le JOHN STREET WEST, 18 -- Onedbed. welvees move, available now. No children, $70 monthly. THREE clean, unfurnished roo ms, third floor, heavy duty wiring, TV out: let, $50. monthly, Adults only. Apply 143 Agnes Street. Lone HOME -- three TT EE income monthly, one acre Saba SY aaeiet 3 nt, oor ete Fad dt enpige bungalow, on one ype Bd rage. $5,000 down. Ti seeone hydto and water {ncluded. Telephone} Call Orono 4R6. Hated a VLA -- THREE large bedrooms, storey and a half house, oil heated, e: extra lot. ear schools and bus. Full price $12,500, 'erms, Telephone 725-3042. so CEDAR Street, 1118: Five acres, with is five-room house, Complete. 728-1778 or|/ JONES Avenue, apply after 5 p.m. ee on $11,000. lown pay EAST FND -- Sager ee Five-room| Less for cash. No agents. 728-7245. yd 1963 SPRING model homes by William for work ip seeieced eer werk eepeen faa pm, Arm WANTED EXPERIENCED COOK APPLY S. S. KRESGE DEPARTMENT STORE a £3- 728-7680. = bad re 4 house with su ind garnet at- tached. Centrally gn cely land- Seaped, new oil furnace, modern con- garoen. T Orono a Private home, ail conveniences. Suit. elderly couple, $55. monthly. Tele- phone 728-1716. WILLIAM STREET EAST, 156 -- five- room apartment, private entrance and bath, electric stove, refrigerator, $70 monthly, 725-2173. NORTH OSHAWA -- two-bedroom mod- ern apartment, in apartment building, stove, refrigerator. Free washing fa- cilities, lockers and paved parking, child welcome. Telephone 728-3377, $800 CLEVERLY modernized ferme, Br Weinberge '2m ie, hate easy terms, § r, 723- two-bedroom brick) Joseph Bosco, Realtor, and ti 728-7377, Bosco, Reaitor, ATTRACTIVE ranch ok ; Hee Seene eammiet PEOPLE who know building will agree this one-year-old Logs gry with ie is a prime a jarage is a epee te 9 paved drive, garage with finished room Roth. Open for inspection daily, 1.30). F< ghreehedroom brick bulgitees wed Geen. fa _ 'are close to schools and churches.|Mr, Martin, bh iy Joseph Boseo, ST, attached, Patio, fenced yard. room basement apartment, with three-|UNtl 8 p.m. pocegge 2 blocks no: north) 7 fay < : . West, turn one block west. Joseph Bosco lot and new large garage. 5 per/Realtor. 726-7! car interest. Telephone 668-4530. ) ROOMS AND sTORE = ie bath, $15,000 with $4,500. down. Call after 6 p.m., 728-1 '728-1049.| Real Estate, 728-1377. aay BRICK BUNGALOW GR ANDVIEW tome wi" tnrge' sore and walk VILLAGE th RECREATION ROOM freezer, Corner For your new "KASSINGER" -|MARY STREET -- T t+ ment with gas stove, og "path, un. ~-- GAIA. four room howe, fire FIREPLACES $2,000 down buys this prac- HOME in this choice East End location: Give us a call. furnished, second floor. Telephone 725-| Ines picture window, Ravage, mat many @x- ies. |tras, $8500 full price. $1500 down, Ajax (942-4495, tically new-home, built by one of Oshawa's Leading Your present home accepted as a trade. : | $1,500 DOWN builders. Why not have a CARL OLSEN BUSINESS lady or girl to share room| ed gle sire two rooms, ATTACHED GARAGE look, Near Annapolis. Cail REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SEE OUR NEW HOMES BEING BUILT ON CARTIER AVE. CALL DAVE SMART $12,000 IS NOT TOO MUCH FOR THE MAN WE WANT Because we pay our top men in Suinbow Avenue, 346, three-room un- furnished rr egret egg entrance, two-piece bath, utilities paid. TV outlet, Suit gentlemen, Private bath, heavy One wees, 725-4573, Quiet home. Privileges, laundry, park- ing, 708 Carnegie Avenue. ROOM, board if desired, Dane close to stores and shoppi adult home. Private, Telephone 728- 350. and board in apartment hear South rivate ae faciiities, 3 BEDROOM BRICK. BILL MILLAR General Motors. Abstainer. $16. week-| Suit i adults, Tapply 232 Kaiser CONSTRUCTION 725-1186 ly, 725-971 ~~ |@EMCOB and ROSSLAND area. Built-in range. OFF GRANDVIEW W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. ace, | 5) 6IX-ROOM i apartment, , central, private entrance and » $100 monthly, gar- age, heat and arth included, For de- tails telephone. 728-5797. KING Street, Oshawa, Available June RENAULT- PEUGEOT-AUSTIN Parts and Service RK, experienced, full yment. Apply to Ajax Hard- 'Comfort- be room, good meals, linches packed. |f entrance, Shopping Centre, Ajax, On- CALL NEAR SOUTH GENERAL MOTORS -- Single room for gentleman. SALES CLERK For building supply yord. Experience preferred. References. required, Reply in writing. McCULLOUGH LUMBER COMPANY 1270 Simcoe St. North, Oshowa Att. Clare McCullough 728-4688 LEARN : MEAT CUTTING 20 men needed for class; in Oshawa and ptiorsyt Dis- don ad or evening. Being offering practical ei In the highly paid field of meat cutting, mer- caning and - self-serve. Act now. PRACTICAL MEAT CUTTING AND RETAIL SCHOOL Please write 1425 DANFORTH AVE. other cities from $8,000 to $15,- pF dag 000 in @ year, this opening in the | Saree Apply 147 Mill Street. . Four-toom lower duplex, redecorat- supplied, $80. heat, water 283-2413. lights, Oshawo Times area is worth just as much to the ate man. If you ore over 30... can make short-auto trips . . . can call on small town rural and industrial property owners . . . 1 hope to hear from you right away. | would like to have you start with us soon and stay for a long time. All replies confidential. R. Swallow, Pres., Southwestern Petro- leum Co., Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas. pee. oe YOUNG MAN Aged 17 to 18. who wishes to make a career Of selling Profit Sharing Plan Hospitalization j Paid Vacation. | Best working conditions. Apply | |22---Storage Space and Berens: STORE in good location, could be used as lunch counter, tobacco or barber 164 William shop, Low rent. Apply Street Hast. 725-2173. 2000 FEET, good dry storage et suitable for furniture, Good high ceil- jing, Central. Garrard Road North, $35. monthly. Phone 725-3445. GOOD LOCALITY FOR BARBER AMPLE PARKING | Will décorate to suit. | $75 monthly. For detoils _ CALL 728-5797 New Offices Agnew - Surpass | In Medical Center SHOE STORE | 211 Simcoe Street S. Simcoe Street South, | Available July~1963 a Can be finished to suit Early Tenants. " PHONE 725-5132 SUITE Oshawa Firm Requires a Capable DUCTWORK light housekeeping 5 facilities, if sired. Phone 725-5794. MITCHELL AVENUE, 291 -- Three- room apartment, in newer home, close to school and bus, heavy duty wiring, heat, hydro. included, laundry facilities. ee CENTRALLY located, three single fur-| nished rooms, in modern home with| de-| 26--Rooms For Rent convenient to Lindsay, Bowmanville and Oshawa. toads, $6 weekly. 728-0490, close to North General Motors downtown. Telephone 728-3405. red, vicinity of laide avenue. Telephone 725-9324, Kingston Road Bast, cabins. DIVISION STREET, 29 houseke: Ing rooms, pleasantly furn CLEAN, Privileges in ge home. man. Telephone 723-9225. TWO furnished "housekeeping r side door, 313 French Street. NEAR MOSPORT -- Rooms for reni, Peterborough, All paved Telephone Oshawa ROOM, euitable for two, single beds, and Two f ROOMS, furnished, gitls ~ prefer: Mary street and Ade- WONDERLAND PARK Motor Court. All con- veniences, including showers and heat Weekly rates starting at $12. 723-7424, Light} eping ed, suitable for two. Telephone 725-8702. ish: furnished room with 'kitchen | Suit geutle- rooms, | bedroom, kitchen containing refrigera- tor, range and cupboards. Adults only. | Apply BILL MILLAR 725-1186 WW, T, _LAMSON REA REAL ESTATE TAUNTON AREA 6 acres with 5 room house, barn, shed,hen house, with creek, see this and moke us an: offer, OAK RIDGES 2 bedroom house overlooking the bay, closed breezeway, stone fireplace, large kitchen living room done in knotty pine. Only $1,500 down. BLACKSTOCK AREA 100 acres, 8 room brick house. Large barn and sheds only $15,000, $5,000 down. Call F. Hunter, 1275 King St. E 725-2974 John F..De With REALTOR NEWCASTLE 3341 FURNISHED two rooms, central, 725-0953. Parking facilities, Extra TV also single} room, private entrance, free parking, 9% Centre Street or telephone aerial METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED THE KEY AWAITS YOU Just vacated by transferred owner this sparkling clap» board bungalow North of the Shopping Centre offers excel- lent room sizes at an econ- omy price. Not loaded with costly frills but designed for comfort it deserves considera- tion at $11,900, ROOM ROOM ROOM And lots of it. near Camp Samac yet just steps from shopping and bus service. Three average bedrooms an@ one dormitory type bed- playroom in addition to kit- chen, dining and living room. We defy you to replace it in red clay brick at $11,500, JUDGE FOR YOURSELF Inspect this six room brick home with attached garage and tell us if it doesn't cap- tivate you. Lawns like a putting green, shrubs and flower beds artistically or- ranged and a view of Lake Ontario shoreline. The inter- ior is equally attractive and reflects all the care the proud owners have given it. Asking 299 King St. W. 723-1133 MUST BE SOLD Modern brick ranch bunga- low in the choice North West Area, Interior features 14 x 17 living room with corner windows, modern kitchen de- signed to offer working con- venience for the housewife. 3 large bedrooms, 4 pe. til- ed bath; gleaming hardwood floors. Full bosement is div- ided and has a tiled and panelled 25 x 18 family room. Forced air oi! furnace end water ysoftener. Full landscaped lot 56 x 139. Owner has purchased another home and is offering this property for only $14,900. GUIDE REALTY LTD 723- 1 121 IN WHITBY Beautiful COLONIAL CASTLE HOMES 725-1186 HOME, 2 ACRE $1500 DOWN" 2 bedroom brick with age, trees, etc. Close to awa and Whitby. Full price $8750. Low taxes, 993 SOMMERVILLE AVE. Oshawa, with large lot, gar- age, paved drive, 3 bed- rooms, large living room with broadioom. Full price $15,- 500. 4 bedrooms in this family home with garage, large lot, new furnace, not fancy, but solid and clean. Comfortable living with low taxes in Whit- by. Gordon Osborne Insurance and Real Estate Dial 668.5431 STATHAM B.A. SERVICE RITSON ROAD AND KING 723-4733 and 723-7712 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. es up or down, Liens off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 KELLY DISNEY USED CARS 409 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY--668-4291 Cars bought and sold waa paic is Hina wey fen ae Quality |28--Real Estate Wanted BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 STYLE HOME with modern field stone, four bedrooms, fully decor- ated, fireplace floor to ceil- ing, Built-in oven and stove, Bay windows living and din- ing rooms. Balanced lighting Roughed in 2 piece wash room in basement. Roughed in fireplace in basement, At- tached garage. Built by $14,500 PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 728-9474 or 725-8152 evenings 52% SIMCOE ST. N. THREE bedroom bungalow, in good lo- cation, up to, $3,500 down payment. Telephone 723-3971. INCOME home wanted. Coronation School district preferred. Teiephone 725-9280. 29--Automobiles For Sale 1952 PONTIAC, custom radio, be trond and signal a. in good 'condition Telephone 723-7043. 1954 DODGE Regent sedan, thi ut, New motor, radio, Télephone 725-2052. TWO BEDROOMS, in bungalow, iiving| ing wutable for to share, free park- le for couple with Taeinel ante ple one child. 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 728-4678 6. | MAPLE GROVE THREE-ROON FLA FLAT, furnished, jheds "ign Asking only $13,000.00 for wekeeping, central, di: . supplied. Suit three girls. An cael this lovely 3 bedroom brick veneer ranch style bungalow Telephone 723-4162, ig COURTICE--2%-rooms, furnish.| . ~~ N.H.A. resale on a scenic or unfurnish wooded lot. Can include suf- stove, refrigerator, ficient frontage for a V.L.A. FURNISHED rooms in private Set | | PRE-HOLIDAY SPECIALS 1962 BUICK Le _-- TORONTO, ONTARIO. HOward 1-7545 INTERNATIONAL COMPANY INSTALLER Permanent position with a long established company. Yeor round employment. TOP WAGES FULL. BENEFITS Must be experienced at meo- | | OF MODERN | AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES AVAILABLE Approximately 1000 sq. ft. SERVICED. BY ELEVATOR Picts entrance, bath, Wt ad couple Ask for MR. T, L. WILSON preferred. Telephone 725-4: Many Will train young neat appearing MEN 21 TO 35 YEARS For positions here and | abroad, United States, England, France, Ger- many, Iran, Hawaii, Japan. To agai the largest producers Educational Aids in the hy (College students welcome). Salary and commission. Tronsporta- tion furnished. Apply in per- s0n, suring and installing duct- work in older homes. Please write giving full porticulars, | age, background of exper- | lence etc. to | BOX 529. OSHAWA TIMES ' MECHANIC FIRST CLASS LICENSED TELEPHONE 723 - 3474 |23--Wanted To Rent lian SCHOOL teacher desires three- {bedroom home in Oshawa or vicinity, jon or before July 1, Telephone 723-399. ao Richieste Aer = ns THREE-BEDROOM house in Oshawa. North end preferred near schools. Pos- | session by June 1, Call 723-2233 exten- sion. | APARTMENT or small house for four | gentlemen. References available, Write Box 528, Oshawa Times. scan atten! couple with one child | two 0. house in Oshawa or vicinity, T je ba $15, and OSHAWA MOTEL, he iin -- Eas t.| Weekly "gee heated, teie-| 375 30. Telephone 723- | 50 fail housekeeping rooms,| bedroom. 'Refi, tor range, cupboards, sink. Also paacons oe only, Apply 313 French ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROQMS Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD. NORTH Good opportunity for man with ability to take complete charge of MECHANICAL SHOP |24--Howees For Rent | LARGE six-room house. Central, Whit- bee Big back yard. Telephone Whitby 668-5645 after 8 p.m. 3100 MONTHLY large seven-room house guit two families. One modern kitchen Suite No. 5 52 Simcoe St. North | Oshawa 11 A.M, to 5 P.M. Wed., Thurs. & Friday SEE MR. LANGTON Apply: Manchester Garage Highway 7 and 12 |and bathroom, oil heating. Large lot. |Six miles north of awa. Immediate | Possession. Two-year lease. 725-2911. $50 MONTHLY, 97 Nassau Street, six- room house, no furnace, vacant. 725-0332 after 6 p.m. 723-9210. FROM MAY TO SEPTEMBER 80 -- Five-room house, four-piece bath, gas "127--Real Estate for Sale PRIVATE SALE ONE MORTGAGE ONLY $1700 DOWN $12,700 FULL PRICE Three bedroom brick level. Newly decorated, ex- tra large landscaped lot. Take over one -- 6% mort- split- Manchester Call Port Perry TELEPHONE 985-7341 furnace and range, 3% acres, three miles west of Brooklin, 655-4829. |25---Apartments | pecan ¢ Oshawa General | Hospital, | |modern, two - m, unfurnished | |apartment, main floor, available June 1./ WHITBY CLASSIFIED Suitable business couple. Write Box 805) Oshawa Times. ASH STREET, 14 -- Three-room un- furnished apartment with three-piece bath, stove and refrigerator, central. FOR RENT -- in triplex, apartment, at t Centre and Trent Street, all conveniences. ginal after 8 | rates. After 5, call 728-1139. KING STREET EAST, 258 -- Four- room apartment. Private bath, en- trance. One small child and one school child. . Telephone 7 725-0286. BANTING AVENUE, 1 WANTED -- a ride for two to down- town Toronto. Leaving around 6:45 a.m. Telephone 668-8742 or 668-3107 evenings. FOR YOUR garden work, roto-tilling and ploughing call 668-4680. Reasonable 163 -- two-room with built-in WHITBY, 116, Brock Street South, /on downtown, three-room apartment, heat- ed, hot water, ideal for couple. aoe Whitby (668-3706 evenings | apartment, unfurnished, cupboards and sink, Suit couple, monthly, Apply above address. ~---_ |ARTHUR Street -- two-room _ unfur- FOR SALE -- McClary electric range,|nished main. floor apartment. Private double bed, spring and mattress, child's entrance, cupboards, sink, heat, hyaro 'ood 6457. SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service $40. calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby 668-2563. fron (FOR RENT: Excellent location) of main street uptown re . Feagonable. (reverse charges) 447-8189 Toronto, ¢ Owner will mest in- terested parties by Np cor megan Suits, coats, dresses.|toom, refrigerator and. laundry 'cl |FOR RENT: One bedroom "| tained -| Apply 209 Brock Street South, telephone ELGIN STREET, 128 -- nice flat, fur- (668-4977. | mis t THREE room uni room unfurnished ground floor | tor, reasonable. Whitby 668-5757. ONE 3 aad housek: sie alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a specialty, Mrs. Toms 668-2372. {en 723-7000, 63 Greta Street ARTMENTS for rent,. 68 + Wayne self-con- ese, 855. | Street, Telephone 725-3938. apartment, main suitable for one or two gentle- » heavy duty stove and refrigera- + conveniently located, heavy} Leo Ml taka : | wiring. Adults only. $50 monthly. Tele- FIVE ROOMS, private, heat, hot phone 668-3727. |water, gas range. Garage, month- 7B- : ATTENTION FISHERMEN and CAMPERS Reservations now being ac- cepted, a small deposit will reserve your boating or camp- ing equipment. WE RENT Canoes, cartops, motors, boots, trailers, cabin trailers, tents, tent trailers, etc, Gar- den and lawn equipment. Power tools and box trailers. FOR SALE Used tents, new and used boot trailers, outboard mot- ors and boats. 20th Cent- ury cabin trailers. ' WANTED Boots, motors, trailers to be sold on consignment. WILDE RENTAL Service and Sales |GOOLD'S Second Hand Furniture, ly. everything for cottages, floor coverings, | FOUB-ROOM upper flat, heated, hot ranges, televisions, refrigerators. Wil)| water, private entrance oe Fria Seri buy, sell or trade. Open all day. 215|ants, $40 monthly. Apply 1 ar Dundas east, Whitby. Telephone 663-5481. Street WE CAN | DELIVER TO YOU... Crushed gravel (mulch), pit run gravel, stone, sond and top soil. All sold by weight. CALL 668-3524 Sawdons' (Whitby) Limited 244 Brock St. S. Fuels and Builders' Supplies Whitby, Ontario ROTARY MOWER TUNE -UP Clean and adjust points, | spark plugs, carborator, throt- ° tle controls, sharpen 'blade. 2 cycle $4.50 plus parts, 4 cycle $5.50 plus parts. OUTBOARD MOTOPS Repeirs and Service WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES" 1415 Dundes E. Whitby Governor Mansions Luxury Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidaires--12 cu. ft. Pressurized Hallways Storage Locker in Suites Laundry room on each floor Vanity in, bathrooms A Few Choice Locations Available Immediate Possession TELEPHONE: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Schofield-Aker Limited gage. Must move. TELEPHONE _ WHITBY IBY 668-4 4871 purchaser for $250. extra, Enquire today ---- See and buy quality home. KENNETH AVENUE 1% storey -- brick veneer home has 7 large rooms in- cluding 4 bedrooms, oil heat and many. extras. Asking $13,000. with, substantial 'down payment. This is a real family home. See it now. TAKE YOUR PICK Only $10,500. buys either half of this large brick semi- detached dwelling --- only 2Y%2 years old, both sides have large floor areas. BUILDERS MODEL One only -- nearing comple- tion on Melrose Street -- Special price of $13,600. -- with only $1,000. down. See it! Buy it! This one won't last ! OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Ken Hann Jack Osborne John.Kemp Lloyd Metcalf Dick Barriage _Joe _Maga NORTHWEST Five room bungalow, bea other features, Rec Room, Complete Bar with office for further information. AUDREY MOORE 668-4088 OLIVE HOWE -| 218 DUNDAS STREET E., WHITB ne Landscaped with Patio, Close to, monthly, this payment Principal, utiful large kitchen and bathroom. Decorated, sodded, ssloakes and many PRICE $15,875.00 DOWN $2,275.00 JAMES O'MALLEY CONST. LTD. 723-7122 DELIGHTFUL 3 Bedroom Brick extra Large Living Room, Beautifully finished Fridge; HI-FI System, Nicely all schools. Carries for $89.00 Interest and Taxes, Call the INCOME PROPERTY 5, plex apartment dwelling, all apartments rented, Good Returns, OWNER HAS MOVED OUT OF TOWN SACRIFICING AT $36,- 000.00 Terms arranged. For appointment to inspect this pro- perty call Audrey Moore 668-4088 or 668-5853. EVENINGS CALL MARGARET HALL 723-1358 PHYLLIS McROBBIE, Bowmanville MA 3-7159 REAL ESTATE 668-5853 FRIDAY 2 P.M. DIRECTIONS: North on Po 668-3226 723-2265 \ 1415 Dundas St. E. | Whitby 668-3226 REALTORS OPEN HOUSE GUIDE REALTY LIMITED are proud to present For Your Inspection ARBOR COURT - 361 and 376 UNTIL 9 P.M. SATURDAY, 2 P.M. UNTIL 9 P.M. rk Road to Arbor Court GUIDE REALTY LIMITED TELEPHONE 723-1121 | | For full particulars call. 723-1121 GUIDE REALTY Limited A HOME WITHIN YOUR BUDGET -- 3 bedroom brick bungalow with finished bed- room and recreation room in basement. Close to St. Hed- wigs school. Asking only $12,000. Many extras in- cluded. Call taday. MASSON STREET -- $12,- 900. Ideally situated for a family is this 2 storey brick home. There's a separate din- ing room and good sized kitchen, and all three bed- rooms are large. F.H.A. Oil heating. One of the newer homes in this well established district. ONLY $1,200. DOWN -- Almost new -- 3 bedroom brick bungalow with carport. Taxes only $278. Paved street and sidewalk, close to all schools. Early possession. WASAGA BEACH -- 5 modern two bedroom house- keeping. cabins, all conveni- ences, fully furnished: 128 foot beach by 600 ft. depth, Safe swimming for children, good fishing. For full particu- lars call today. SEVEN APARTMENTS--with 4 car garage on large lot 82 x 199 on King Street East. Central. Property clear. Sub- stantial down payment re- quired. $12,506. FULL PRICE -- 3 bedroom. split level. Large picture window, finished rec- reation room, walk-out base- ment to patio. This home is only 4 years old and can be bought with a low down pay- ment. NORTH WEST AREA--Three bedroom family home on court away 'from traffic. De- signed: for efficiency and comfort. Large living room with lots of wall area for ease of furniture arrangement. Recreation area partially fin- ished in basement. Forced air oi! heating. Close to schools, shopping and bus. Garage. INCOME PROPERTY -- Du- plex. ---- Two 5-room apart- ments with 4-pc. tiled baths and all large rooms. Separ- ate meters, private entrances, large yard. Private-side drive. Good buy ai $16,500. MOHAWK STREET -- Don't buy until you see this split level home. Large living room, family size dining room, spa- cious bright -kitchen with lots of natural finished cupboards, stainless steel sinks, ample breakfast area. Large master bedroom with 3 pe. bath, 3 other good sized bedrooms, large closets, tiled 4 piece bath with vanity. Beautifully finished recreation room with built in bookshelves and desk 2 pc. washroom. Valuable extras include aluminum storms and screens and doors, T.V. aericl, 2 car attached garage. By appointment at your convenience. Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Guide Realty. Limited Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. Armstrong and Sons, For further information. PRICE $18,500' CALL PICKERING WH 2-2401 . per JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD Realtors Ltd. Insurance 167 SIMCOE ST. S. Office Hrs. (9'a.m. to 9 p.m.) MORTGAGES Arranged, Bought and Sold WHITBY Henry Street, 5 room split level, 3 cong finished recreation room, pe. and 2 pc. bath. "oh on de- corated, close to schools. an excellent buy ot $12,000 with easy terms. Ask for Mr. Yeo at 725-6544, Lot at Columbus, on Main Road, minutes to Oshawa. Has frontage of 77' x 147', on ot $1,500. Contact . Yeo at 725-6544, | peelings and COMFORT $7,600. Full price for this neat 5 roomed bungalow on Olive Ave. Full basement, oil heat, good garden. Terms. Contact Mr. Rargeige ot 725- 6544, LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER RANCH BUNGALOW $12,400 Six room brick home, nicely decorated, large modern kit- 'chen, forced air oil heating. Fenced lot, close to schools and buses. Monthly payments just $95. Including taxes. One 6 per cent mortgage. Call Irwin Cruikshanks now et 728-5205. DUPLEX $10,500 FULL PRICE Situated close to Hillédole school.. Two meters and two bathrooms. Carries for $85 month, or one open mortgage. Better hurry for. 728-5123 or 725-9345. 5 BEDROOMS $13,900 FULL PRICE | One block from Simcoe. St. Very solid brick construction, aluminum storms an screens. Double garage. Load- ed with extras including two bothrooms. Lot size 56' x 166'. Delay could mean dis- appointment here. Call Ed. Drumm right now for inspec- tion tonight. 728-5123 or 725-9345, 6 $11,500 FULL PRICE $1,900.00 DOWN 3 bedroom, split level, rec- reation room, potio, lorge fenced lot. Call Bill Johns- ton 8-1066 or 8-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street North, Ontario. OPEN EVENINGS extras. 723-4559 after 5. VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and _ AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa 728-0921 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. 1962 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE Four door, Silver Grey, red interior, automatic. transmis- sion, windshield washers, 23,- 000 miles, excellent condi- tion, One-owner. $2195 TELEPHONE 728-3379 PRIVATE 1962 PONTIAC Convertible, one owner, radio automatic, full power. Trade or terms, 939 After 5 p.m. 728-4983 The Home Of Good Used Cars "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" New Telephone Numbers 668-5871 and 668-5872 "BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST..N., WHITBY | | | | | | | | this one.' Gall Ed Drumm ot) | | INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS J. BURROWS GARAGE BROUGHAM, ONT. 1957 International $180 16 ft. flat body. Ideal for hauling sod. $1,295, 1960 International B100 Pick up Service Truck, 14,000 miles. $1,325. IN EXCELLENT CONDITION BROUGHAM, ONT. TELEPHONE PICKERING 942-5097 No..7 Highway, 14 miles: fron, Oshawa, i white walls, wheel discs, tints ed glass. One owner, local Doctor's car, Full Price $3295 N 1960 CORVAIR COUPE Stick shift, radio like new. One owner car, $1495 1959 MONARCH FOUR DOOR HARDTOP Full power, radio, white wall wall tires. $1595 1959 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN Two door white wall tires. One owner cor. 1958 CHEVROLET IMPALA Two door hardtop, top con- dition, new, automatic trans- mission, V-8, radio,. white wall tires, block with red in- terior. 1958 PONTIAC FOUR DOOR SEDAN Six cylinder automatic trans- mission, radio, all new white wall tires. $1295 1957 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR V8, stick shift. $895 1957 PONTIAC DELUXE Four door sedan with radio. $995 1956 G.M.C. HALF-TON PICKUP $695 1947 JEEP Four wheel drive. 17,000 original miles. Make an offer 701 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY 668-4161 (Continued on Page 24)