Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 May 1963, p. 5

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. Tribute for years of serv- {ee with the Whitby Branch of _ the Royal Canadian Legion was paid to charter members of the night. Shown above are the founder members who re- ceived a life. membership at a special meeting held in the -- street south hall. Front row, Andrew Muir and Don- ald MacLean; rear, left, Wal- ter MacCarl, James Wilde, Fred James and Harry James. Mr. James had been LEGION HONORS ITS CHARTER MEMBERS awarded life membership of the Legion in token of his services at Zone level. He was honored with other charter members at the ceremony. --Oshawa Times Photo In Crossing Fatality + recommended the oe te canine eee oticlally sunt i ag was unch-) 'ed in Ontario County South Sun- day April 28 when the Regional Council of the Catholic Women's! League held its annual meeting in St. John the Evangelist par- ish hall, Whitby. Ina ated by the Provincial Council of the ad ie " adop- tion campa' as been en- dorsed by Pam e Minister Hon. John Robarts, Hon, Louis P. Cecile, Minister of Public Wel- fare, and the Catholic Bishops of Ontario The Bishop's representative, Rt. Rev. P, M. Dwyer, DP, VF, in lending his wholehearted sup-|t port, said 'clean clothes and three meals are not enough! Children 'need love and affec- tion." etiring Of Colors Marked By Ceremony _ A serious and moving cere- mony took place at Whitby's Royal Canadian Legion Hall Wednesday when the colors of Branch 112 were retired. A capacity crowd filled the hall to see Comrade Rev. David Marshall receive the colors the pred party and put le the banners were pre- by Branch 112 anda Legion Ladies' . President Robert guests Al charter|men were also those who con. ceived of Legion as a memorial Andrew Muir, .Donald Mac. Lean, Walter MacCarl, James Wilde, and Fred James were those presented with the great- est honor the local 'Legion can bestow. In an address to the audi- ence before the life member- ship cards were given to the old soldiers, Maurice Searle out lined the aims and objectives of the Royal Canadian Legion. He said the goin Mel i "fs inspired the brothe originated during Comrade Searle said thesc ELECTION AFTERMATH Father Of Eleven Fined $150, Costs wa father of 11 was munedsy aed $100 and costs, or 10 days and $50 and costs, o1 an additional 10 days, when he appeared before Magistrate Crawford W. Guest on charges of impaired driving and failing to supply proof of insurance. Vincent Robert Russell, 167 Mill street, who told the court he had three drinks at an April 8 post election celebration was originally charged with drunk driving. His Worship reduced the charge to one of impaired driv- ing at the request of Defence Counsel Terence .V Kelly. Rus- sell pleaded not guilty to drunk driving and not guilty to the in- surance charge. OPP Constable Richard Mal- lory told the court he noticed a van being driven in an "erratic"' manner on Highway 401, near Oshawa, April 9. The officer said the van was being overtaken by a transport and was weaving, almost strik- ing the transport. He said he stopped the accused at Steven- son road, According to Constable Mal- lory, the accused gave him his driver's licence and ownership rmit, but could not find an urance certificate. He said the accused told him the follow- ing day the insurance had ex- Constable Mallory said when he asked Russell to walk back to the cruiser, parked behind his car, the accused walked into the centre of the eastbound driving on his feet and smelled strongly of alcohol, At the cruiser, Constable Mal- said, the accused resisted arrest, they grappled and went to the ground, where Russell was handcuffed, He said the ac- cused grabbed him by the chest and tore his clothing. At police headquarters, Con- stable Mallory said, Russell pleaded with him not to lock him up as he was "worried about his wife and 11 children". He said the accused cried, then became angry. Russell, a General Motors: of Canada Limited worker said he had worked all day in the fac- tory then at quitting time went to a polling sub-division where he served as a scrutineer. Later, he said, at a post elec- tion celebration in Whitby, he had three drinks before going home. He said he became sick in the police cruiser because of "Emotional upset and worry". His Worship agreed. with Mr. Kelly that Russell's condition could be one of emotional dis- turbance when he reduced the charge. However, he said, the accused has ho respect for his family or anyone else's chil- dren, or he would not go out drinking and make a fool of himself, The magistrate added if it had not been for Russell's children, he would "'certainly have sent him to jail, or have imposed a heavy monetary penalty". He to those who had fallen and as a continuation of comradeshi, i The speaker said the ideals which inspired the formation of the organization should also in. spire each member in his daily living, Comrade Searle said these ideals were evident In che actions of the charter mem- out-| bers, He outlined the precarious financial cofditions which existed during the first years of the branch's existence and how the problems were overcome by the founders. Comrade Searle said he was very proud of all that had been done by those ;|who had striven in the good work. In a reference to current con ditions he said that Canadians did not pay sufficient attention to the memory of those who had died for their country. He stated that a continuation of this attitude would hamper Can. ada and hinder the rise to her destiny. In conclusion Comrade Searle reminded his listeners that the strength of Legion lay in the in- dividual branches and its mem- bers. - AUXILIARIES Star Plans Fall Bazaar Whitby Chapter No. 248, Order of the Eastern Star, was held in the Masonic Hall with Worthy Matron Mrs. Louella Cook presiding in the East. Clarence Hallett, Worthy Patron, ,assisted. After singing the National Anthem, Mrs, Ruth Stonehouse, Marshall, placed the flag in its honored place in the East. After the Chapter was de- clared open the Worthy Matron welcomed Mrs. Gladys Draper, DDGM of District 10, Toronto, Mrs, Ruth Stenmiller, DDGM of District 19, Toronto, Mrs. Tena Roberts, PDDGM of Oshawa and honorary member of Whitby Chapter, presiding ma- trons and patrons, Mrs, Ann Ross, Aldworth Chapter, To- ronto, Mrs, Mary Carter, Can- ada Chapter, Toronto, Mrs. Blanche Stover, Royal Chapter, Toronto, Mrs, Dorothy Skippon, Rivercourt Chapter, Toronto, Mrs, Olive Avery, Fern Chap- ter, Toronto, Mrs. Ialeen Sil- vera, Eastdale Chapter, Toron- to, Miss Susan Munro, Rain- bow Chapter, Toronto, Mrs. Irene Williams, Friendship Chapter, Toronto, Mrs. Marie Latham, Queen Esther Chap- granted the accused two weeks lane. He said he was unsteady to pay his fines. _ porn eet sienyn it WHITBY fl pyr mca BROCK Evening Shows Start 6:55 and 9:15 Feature Starts 6:55 and 9:20 goceeeece ee @ = e SET YYY YY YI oe Lt + GLORM GRMMAME » SURLY JONES «GENE We.sn HEED «EDDE ALBERT «JAMES WHITMORE «B00 STEGER be erro SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 ter, Toronto, Mrs. Audrey Mar- tin, Durham Chapter, Bowman- ville, Mrs. Minnie Sale, West Hill "Chapter, West Hill, Mrs. Eleanor Appletoh, Mount Den- nis Chapter, Weston,' Mrs. Cora Lyons, Sunbeam Chapter, Osh- awa. Presiding Patrons, W. Latham, Queen Esther Chapter, |Toronto, Frank Fletcher, Royal Chap te r, Toronto, Sylvester Taylor, Rainbow Chapter, To- ronto, Charles Greenham, Dur- ham Chapter, Bowmanville, Al- bert Sale, West Hill Chapter, West Hill. Past Matrons and Patrons of Whitby Chapter, Mrs. Anna Pat- terson, Mrs. Grace Blow, Mrs. Veronica Manning, Mrs. Elsie Goose, Mrs. Helen Breen, Mrs. Kay Browne, (Mrs, Julia Thom- as and Mrs. Mae Phair in of-| fice), Jeff Martin, in office and Ted Breen. Visitors from Toronto, Bow- manville, Port Perry and Osh- Ajax Driver \Jailed, Fined Mrs. K. Ireland, Regional So- cial Action convener, introduced Mrs. D, Donovan, Toronto Dio- Catholic Adoption Campaign Launched WHITBY PERSONALS On TwoCharges An Ajax apartment dweller was Tuesday fined $100 and costs, or 15 days, on a charge of driving while under suspen- sion and sentenced to 15 days, tive, on a d charge of the same thing, occurring two days later. William Lloyd Thornback, a resident of the Kingscourt Apartments, pleaded guilty to both charges before Magistrate Crawford W. Guest. Crown Attorney W. Bruce Affleck told the court the ac- cused was stopped on Bailey street, Ajax, April 16, after he had been seen driving a motor vehicle from the rear of the Wore building. le said the accused was again), stopped on Harwood avenue|!" April 18 and advised he would be charged with driving while under suspension. Defence Counsel! William Law- son said Thornback's licence was originally suspended in January of last year and he had not secured a re-issue as he had not filed proof of financial responsibility. He added the ac- cused has not been ina position to have financial responsibility. Mr. Lawson pointed out Thornback's wife, who is now eight months pregnant and un- able to drive her car, used to drive the accused to and from work. Mr. Affleck suggested the two convictions 'against the accused were in effect a third offence. bers are on their way to re- covery. Plans are being 'made for a Bazaar to be held in October. The meeting closed in regular form. Mrs. Kay Browne con- ducted a game of 'Crazy Bingo." Mrs. Cora Fallow and her committee served a delici- ous lunch bringing a very en- joyable evening to a close. ALMONDS EVENING GROUP The Evening Group of Almonds United Church Wom- en entertained the Afternoon Group of Almonds United Church Women, Tuesday eve- ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pascoe, RR 1, Whitby. Some 25 ladies gathered with Mrs. Gibson, president of the Evening Group, who chaired the business meeting. Mrs, P. Pascoe was in charge of the devotional period. Mrs. Pegg of Oshawa was a guest speaker and she spoke on the duties of United Church Women's Work, At the close of the meeting dainty refreshments were served by the Evening Grow and a social time was enjoyed. WHITE DOVE REBEKAH White Dove Rebekah Lodge, Ajax, under the leadership of Mrs, Slugg entertained resi- dents of Fairview Lodge at their monthly birthday party. Whitby Brass Band assisted in the entertainment. During the program old time} songs and dances were enjoyed. The oldest resident present, Mrs. Edith Profit, cut the nice- ly decorated birthday cake, All were presented with gifts. The following celebrated their birthdays during the month of April: Mrs. Mary Appleton. Mrs. Sophia Henderson; Mrs. James Anderson, Harry Bur- gess, Mrs, Edith Profit, Wil- liam Colbert, Francis Clarke, E. Shierholtz, Miss Susan Smith, |Mrs, Margaret Bates, Richard Luke, Henry Marchani, Arthur Williamson, Mr. Bertrand. At the close of a most en- joyable time the hostess, Mra. |awa were given a warm wel- reports. The members E. Killens, on behalf of the} in the celebration,| | pleased to learn that sick mem- |Refreshments were served. | Edith Dawson, William Causley,|- The following members of Whitby Salvation Army Women's Home League attend- ed the Salvation Army Rally held gt the Oshawa Citadel 'Tuesday. ~~ Captain Edward Reed, Mrs Kentner, Mrs. Newman, Mrs. C. Earle, Mrs. Helen Hewis, Mrs, A. Carr, Mrs. L. Brooks, Mrs. McMas- ter, Mrs. I. Jardine, Mrs. Jim Wilde, Mrs. E. Archer, Mrs. A. Bergstrom and Mrs. J. Kirk. Rickey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Percy, is _ celebrating his 4th day today. His companions of Hillcrest School and friends wish him many happy returns of the day. hail. In spite of bad weather this event was well attended. Receiving the guests were Mrs. R. Smith and Mrs, G. Lomax. Tea tables were decorated with pink and blue nosegays of for- getme-nots and tulips. In the middle of the room the large lace covered table was centered with a bow! of fragrant roses flanked by blue candelabras. Homebaking table and candy booth carried out the color scheme with gaily flowersd tablecloths, Mrs. E. Quilter was in charge at the door. Pouring tea were Mrs. Akey Sr., Mrs. D. Basher, Mrs. R. Cassells and Mrs. F. Cuddy. Kitchen convener Mrs. H. Mc- Gary assisted by Mrs. Leving- ston, Mrs. C. Sturgeon and Mrs. Halpenny. fi In charge of tea tables Mrs. C. Daly and Miss A. Rowe as- sisted by Mrs, E. Dilling, Mrs. G. Beaton, Mrs. E. Harlow, Mrs. E. Hoar and Mrs. L. Beckley. Homebaking tabie which was well ladden was in charge 'of Miss L. MelIntosh, Mrs. E, Wilkins and Mrs. Carter. The candy booth was al- so a popular spot with Mrs. L. Eastwood in charge assisted by Miss E. Barnes. Music through- out the afternoon was supplied by Hi-Fi from Mr. B. Catton. Paula, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Perry, is celebrating her second birthday today. For R.|sky, was won by Mrs, Mary cesan Social Action convener, who arranged the program. Mrs, Ward Markle, Provin- cial Social Action convener ex- lained the campaign as in- 'ormational rap gn ye woop signed to acquaint a es in the province with facts about adoption. - It is felt that more people could be encouraged to adopt if false fears and ideas could be dispelled. instructional recording was played and color slides were shown with Miss Jane Mc- Nally of Metro Catholic Chil- * Aid giving a commen- ary. A question and answer period followed and Father N. Gignac's summary concluded the program. Representing the Ontario County Children's Aid were B. Lewis, Director, Mrs. K. Clemence and Miss' J. Payne. Present also was Father J. B. Myers, Oshawa. Mrs. Gregory Carter, Region- al Chairman conducted the busi- ness meeting attended by 90 members, and thanked the executive and members for their co-operation during the, past year. Father L. J. Austin extended a warmwelcome from St. John the Evangelist CWL. An interesting feature of the meeting took place when each president in the region present- ed a report of the highlights of her council's activities for the past year. Those reporting were: Mrs, L. Amell, Immaculate Conception, Port Perry; Mrs. M. Coleman, St.. Mary of the People, Osh-|PO#! awa; Mrs. W. Egan, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Uxbridge; Mrs. D. Newman, St. John the Evan- gelist, Whitby; Mrs. J. Noonan, sa St. Gertrude's, Oshawa; Mrs, J. Francis de es ering; Mrs. W. St. Mary's, Rosebank; Mrs. z Scott, St. Gregory's, Oshawa and Mrs. V. Shannon, St. Berna- dette's, Ajax, Rev. G. B. Breen, Diocesan Spiritual Director, encouraged the CWL members to work for the success of the adoption cam- paign. Mrs. A, H. Cobham, Diocesan President congratulated Mrs. Carter and all councils in the region, particularly the past presidents, for their dedicated work during the past year. The new presidents were in- troduced as follows: Mrs. A. L. Cloutier, St, Bernadette's, Ajax; Miss Verda Packer, St. Francis de Sales, Pickering; Mrs. Wm. Boissoin, St. Gregory's, Osn- awa; Mrs. A. Murphy, St. Mary's, Rosebank. St. John the Evangelist Coun- cil were hostesses for the social hour, Winners in the Grand Draw were: Theresa Cole, Osh- awa (drawn by Father Breen); V. Clark, Oshawa (drawn by Mrs. Cobham); Bob Everson, Cherrywood (drawn by Mrs. Cobham). The attendance prize, a floral arrangement by Burtin- Cafik jceased had of impact causing these injuries from the left. The inquest = i into the death of Bern: Emanuel Valder, with whbm the deceased lived previous to @p-|the accident, told the Faonkgt By on the night 'in yet no beverages and that Berns' drank only occasionally, He ree said Bernstock had to the home of Sharon Kir: a few blocks away. dent, Anne Collins, told Coroner! Dr. 'F. A, Cuddy, she was a passenger in the car Sunday night and that Richard Rose- thal was the driver, She said they had met in To- ronto that same night and could not decide whether or not to go bowling. They decided to take a ride to Oshawa. When they ar- rived they were lost and had difficulty in determining the re- turn route since all were stran- gers to the area. Miss Collins remembered that they were travelling parallel to Highway 401 before the accident but she could not remember in what direction they were going. Locomotive. fireman, George Wilson, who was seated on the left side of the train before the accident, told the jury that he saw the car approach the cross- ing and that the train was travelling about 50 or 55 mph. He said he. heard the engineer blow the whistle and heard the brakes before the sound of the impact. Wesley Grey, engineer, told the jury that he started blowing the whistle at thé whistle post, a quarter of a mile from the cross- ing but the car didn't seem to be stopping. He then increased the number of blas{s on the whistle to catch the attention of the driver but it was to no avail, ront corner of the 82-car train struck the left rear corner of the car. Constable Eric Erikson, of the Whitby Police department testi- fied he arrived at the scene at 10.55 p.m. When he searched the car, he found Rosethal and Miss Collins in the front seat and found Sharon Kirsh in the back seat. Bernstock was thrown from the vehicle. He stated the radio, although not M0 etapa was on the "On" When asked by Crown Attorney Bruce Affieck whether or not he thought the intersec- was dangerous, he replied he did, He said, when a driver is ap- proaching in an easterly direc- tion you almost have to look over your shoulder to see if a train is bees dl There should be more signs, he said, and the grade levelled and advance signs because of seed obscuring of vision by hydro Poles. Richard Rosethal, a third vic-| tim in the crash, is still in hos- pital in a coma, nine and a half weeks after the accid who lived), A survivor of the fatal acci- , He testified. that the right|!ne 40 Days On A Toronto man was Tuesday somtenend to.4 olal 36:08 eek in the county jail jail and fined $100 and costs, or an a ae he Guest on charges of careless driving while unde: Pri a 30 day was concurrent sentence by Worship. O'Neill pleaded not guilty to both driving charges and guilty to the liquor count. OPP Constable James Mc- Donald said while on cruiser patrol on y 401 March 17, he noticed a car parked on the eastbound lane shoulder with its rear wheel on the pavement. The officer said he saw the accused get out of the vehicle, slam the trunk lid down twice then get back into the driver's side of the vehicle, When he had passed, Con- stable McDonald said, he no- Toronto Man Gets | wn Asked if Ferguson court, the aay, was disappea work 8 © days later and it py : Tuesday. morning he was in jail in Perth for a robbery. Recalled to the stand, stable a said he parked about 10 feet behind vehicle when he ie er ott and saw the accused the pavement. Before he left, Constable Me- Donald said, the vehicle been moved and Ferguson ° seated in the passenger's side, ticed the vehicle in his rear view mirror as it crossed the median and proceed west at a high rate of speed. According to the officer, after e turned the cruiser and be. gan giving chase, which lasted approximately three miles, he was accelerating to speeds of 100 miles an hour and the ve- hicle was losing him. At the Park road interchange, the officer test! » he saw the vehicle parked on the north shoulder and the accused stand. at the rear of it, He said he found a part case of beer and an unopened bottle of li- quor in the car, Driver Fined $79, Costs For Impaired John Everest Broderick, 60, of 8 Folcroft avenue, Scarbor- ough, was y fined $75 and costs, or 10 days, when he pleaded guilty before Mesie\ trate hae gyro Ww. Gust to charge of impaired dri son told the court the accused had driven his vehicle into the northeast abutment of the Har. wood avenue, Ajax; Highway 401 overpass, April 17. According to the officer, ap- proximately $350 damage was done in the mishap. He said the accused was in no condition to operate a motor vehicle, OPP Constable Ernest Coilin.| LAWN-BOY NOW HAS a FINGER-TIP START | ph Bagg lift a ne you cag starting effort eonradied. 2 an incredible 94 q Lightweight magnesium Fhsecnalnes abl Quiet Safety Discharge Chute pense For That New Spring SUIT Why Not Try... Rirves MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOP 129 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY Tailored to Measure by e@ WM. H LEISHMAN © HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN 2 TIP TOP TAILORS "ITS SISMAN SCAMPER WEEK" COLLINS SHOES "oom of Sle les ond s Collins Shoes 119 Breck St. S. ity Open Fri, fare 5 till 9 pm. Wilson' s Cycle & Sales Exclusive Whitby Lawn-Boy Dealer 106 COLBORNE E, WHITBY PHONE 668-3746 FREE Have your furnace cleaned free and winter, | purchase by i "unified ft fuel vi from Western DIAL 725-1212 the occasion Paula's aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs, Tony Rin- kus, of Tornoto, will be dinner guests, Raphael Ottenbrite of Wind- sor and his fiance Miss Nancy Schultz of Rochester, New York spent last weekend visiting Raphael's parents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ottenbrite Sr., Athol street.. Master Neil Atkinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Atkinson, RR 2, Whitby, celebrated his seventh birthday. For the oc- casion he entertained several of his young friends at a birth- day party when games were en- joyed. A large birthday cake along with other goodies were served all contributing to a joy- feous afternoon. The many friends of Mrs. John Newton' (Evelyn) are happy to learn that she has now returned to her home after a INCOME TAX RETURNS 708 Newman Cres. Whitby Rentals & Service Roto Tillers, Rollers Power Mowers, Loan of spreader with purchase of Grass Seed or Fertilizer Sportsman's Corner 103 Byron St. $, Whitby 668-4511 two-week stay at the Oshawa General Hospital under doc- tor's care. They wish her a speedy recovery. SKEET SHOOTERS | MEET | TORONTO (CP) -- About 150 shooters from Ontario, Quebec and New York state are ex- pected to compete in the annual Ontario open skeet champion- ships here May 4-5. Saturday, competitors will shoot the 50. target 410-gauge, the 50-target 28-gauge and the 100-target 20- /come. Sick conveners gave their| residents, thanked all those who| gauge and on Sunday, the On- were|'ook part tario open all-gauge champion- | "HUSH -- PUPPIES" The softest thing on two feet, All Colors. Men's, Women's, Boy's and Juniors ! Exciusive Bg "- 119 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3476 Open. Fri. Evening till 9 p.m, | ship will be held. For far thicker growth MLM-GRO-KOTED GRASS SEED FOR THICKER GROWTH) 54 CHURCH ST. Exclusive "Green Gro - Koted' process gives you a more luxuriant carpet of healthy, deep-rooted grasses. Available in four different lawn blends, each best for its purpose. BIRDS DO NOT EAT IT READILY. Available ONE-STOP GARDEN CENTRE MASTER FEEDS OSHAWA Free Customer Parking At Your... Dial 723-2229

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