Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 May 1963, p. 3

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friends with, jeft, Stephen, 8, Susan, 9, and 3, (in front), who at 40 Huddes Vale , Bristol, where Dr. John- i recently: with his shown from the brother, Douglas R. Johnson, shown on the right, who is from Hamilton. The children are shown with the Toronto Maple Leafs' sweaters they received from the Canadian visitors. What did they think about the sweaters? "They just loved them," said Dr. Johnson, "and. everybody knew exactly what they were too. (BristdL Evening Post Photo) "i i i : : Be i 5 i [ i, LY i i i i} ) £ ] il if z Fy rej i [ ~ | ible if [ | i Fock oo Be i HT i / ] F i li «5 J i rf ; | ~ i ft [ip i ty) ~ ? fir ae ns el] gf iii a i " Mg it f b fF CITY AND DISTRICT WRONG ADDRESS A story on page three of Tuesday's issue stated that Ty- rone Kenneth Saunders was re- manded on a charge of doing an indecent act. The accused re- sides at 353 Verdun road and not ba address given in Tuesday's issue. PASS OAC EXAMS Four Oshawa and district stu- dents at the Ontario College of Agriculture in Guelph were suc- cessful in earning their first or second year diplomas, it was announced today. They are: tirst year -- A. Marks, Ajax; E. Evertsen, Whitby; second year -- T. D. Spiers, Oshawa; C. J. Sutter, Oshawa. SING IN FESTIVAL The Four-in-Accord quartet of Oshawa took part in the bar- bers singing festival held by po 4 Belleville Chapter last week- GETS SECOND TERM Judge J. C. Anderson, of Belleville, a former mayor of Oshawa, has been named to his second term as president of the 'County and District Judges' As- sociation of Ontario. Seventy- eight county and district judges comprise the membership of the association. members Kiwanis Club left Oshawa this afternoon for Buffalo, The local) men will mage § an Fla gh meeting with the ith falo Kiwanis Club this evening and later return home. THREE AMBULANCE CALLS The Oshawa Fire Department reported a quiet day Tuesday. There were three routine am- bulance calls and no fires or false alarms. PLEASURE BOAT VISITS . Although the freighter sea- son is not due to open at Osh- awa Harbor until later this Kin Sponsor Steam Train Cobourg Trip The Kinsmen Club of Oshawa has completed its plans for the trip to Cobourg and return over the Canadian National Railways line on Saturday, May 11, behind a steam locomotive. The train will be drawn by No. 6167, one of the few remaining passenger locomotives in Can- ada. The trip will start at the Oshawa CNR depot at 12 noon and the round trip will take about three hours which means passengers will be able to 'ake part in the track removal cere- mony on King street later in the afternoon. Passengers will be able to watch the Cobourg Fire Depart- ment rewater the giant engine as well as see it turned about on the Cobourg. turntable. Stops will be made enroute to permit pas- sengers to take photographs. A Tun-past has been arranged to permit movie 'fans to record the event. Comfortable coaches and a cafeteria car where lunches may be purchased will be other features of the trip. Tickets for the trip may be secured from any member of the Kinsmen Club. The trip promises to be one of the unforgettable moments of history in the local area for children as well as adults. During the day in Galas a series of special events will be held featuring past, present and future transportation models; a parade with colorful floats and pot track removal ceremony it- self, GET THEIR MAIL Mail arriving at the Whits| House includes many letters for | Mrs. Kennedy and Caroline ana jeven their pets. week, the e boat opened Tuesday night with the! arrival for an over-night stop of a large Chris-Craft from Tol-/ edo, Ohio.-The boat was to-sail| for Oswego, N.Y., today to con- tinue its journey 'down the New) York Barge Canal to New York. | @ Commercial and Industrie! Sites @ Leaseback 4 @ Development Paul Ristow | REALTOR 52% Simeoe N. 728-9474 | | 33 HOURS PAGE 15 'ltrate R, B. Baxter fined three emcourt here Tuesday on charges \drive, Oshawa; |Mann, and G, to the charges. -|@ little lake in Manvers Town- were. ignored ,by trespassers. feel the onus in these cases Magistrate MARKET PRICES Urges Change In Game Act BOWMANVILLE Magis- men $15 and costs each in of unlawful trespassing. Found guilty were: H, A. Lawrence, 752 Bessborou gh Dr. G, Edwin A. Vinish, both of Bowmanville. The three men pleaded guilty The Court was told that the charges were laid last Fall and the evidence heard in Court on TORONTO (CP) -- Churning cream and butter print prices were reported unchanged today. The egg market was steady A medium and A small with of- ferings of A medium and A small slightly in excess of a light demand. Country dealers are quoted by the federal department of agri- culture on Canada grade eggs, delivered Toronto, in fibre cases: A large 38-39; A medium 36; A small 33; B and C grades no market. Butter prices: Canada first grade: Ontario tenderable 51-52; non - tenderable 49%, in light trading: Western 51 - 52 (nomi- nal). March 5. At that time, Dr. G. M. Long- field of Brampton testified he purcltased property surrounding He said he intended it be In passing sentence Tuesday, Magistrate Baxter stated "I NOTHING NEW ABOUT CANDY The sweet tooth has been catered to for at least 3,500 years. Egyptian Hierogly- phics -show that confections of honey, flour, almonds and figs were sold in the market places in 1566 BC. Sweeten your budget by using Oshawa Times Class- ifid Ads to quickly bring in extra cash. Sell the worth- while articles you no longer use or enjoy. It's easy and inxpnsive. Dial 723-3492. to- day for a courteous ad writer who helps you write your buyer-reaching ad. Two Killed In Crash At Sudbury SUDBURY -- A mother and her four-year-old son were kill- ed in a two-car head-on crash on No. 544 Highway inside the city limits Tuesday following a day-long snowstorm. Dead are Mrs. Florence Collins, 37, of Chelmsford, and her son, Richard. Mrs. Collins, whose husband, A. C. Collins, is a miner, was driving east on her way home to Chelmsford from. a shopping trip, when her car collided with one driven by George Earl Burns, 35, of RR 1, Hanmer: Burns' wife, Simone, and his sister-in-law, Lucy Burton of Oshawa, were passengers in the car. All three suffered minor injuries. The Collins car stopped 150 feet from the point of impact after flipping over in the air and dropping down a rock cut. Mrs. Collins and her son were dead on arrival at St. Joseph's Hospital. The accident occurred on a hill on a straight stretch of snow-covered highway. Five persons have died in the city in three fatal accidents in the past two weeks, all involv- ing the same type of small car. Driver Fined $150, Costs In Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE -- A Hou- daille Industries employee with 14 years seniority was fined $150 and costs and given a stern warning im Magistrate's Court here Tuesday, + William John Bruce Ander- son of RR 3, Bowmanville was found guilty of a charge of driv- ing while his licence was under suspension. The charge was laid follow- ing an accident on Highway 2 at the Town Line, Constable M. Joynt of the Bowmanville OPP testified. . "There is no use in the De- partment of Transport suspend- ing a ffn's licence if he goes right on driving," Crown Attor- ney H. R. Deyman stated. "This man knew the score. I on A large and barely steady on|g, and cinemas used to live was to be torn down," said Dr. Johnsen, REACTIONS SOUGHT He said when they arrived the BBC and the newspapers were waiting for them. "They wanted to know what the feel- ings and the reactions were of those who emigrated to Canada, especially about these old homes being knocked down," said the doctor. "I told them I thought it was the only thing they could do," he added. Dr. Johnson was born in Can- ada and never saw the house, 40- Huddes Vale road. But he quickly became friends with the present occupants, Susan, 9, with Toronto Maple Leaf sweat- ers. Dr. Johnson said the thing he was most impressed with is the number of very modern stores they have in England. He said he never expected modern fac- tories, apartment buildings, of- fice buildings and stores as he saw in Bristol. FLORAL DECORATIONS shops and streets. with flow- ers," he said, "is something you would never see here in Osh- awa," he said. Dr. Johnson felt many peo- ple in Canala have the idea everything in Britain is old, de- crepit and miserable. "I was so impressed I could not feel sorry for England," he said. The three Canadians were treated royally, They were re- ceived in the Lord Mayor's of- Lord M. Pontiac, "'to Ret them know we are on the map," said the doc- tor. "lof a unique undertaking in the "Tine way they dress up their fice, where they presented the The Ozarks, winners of the Oshawa Men's Major five-pin bowling title, are shown above, as they watch their captain, Ozzie Keeler, centre, accept the Molson Brewery Trophy from "Bud" Hender- son, Molson's district super- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wedenies 1, May 1 visor. Mr. Henderson present- ed his company's trophy at the league banquet Saturday night. Team members from MAJOR LEAGUE FIVE-PIN BOWLING TROPHY PRESENTED the left are Steve Doug Harding, Louis Hy x Fred Harding and D Reynolds. Fine Service FORT ERIE ENTRIES Recognized. Oshawa Little Theatre by the Oshawa - Ontario Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Associ- ation Monday was the climax community, Three community organiza- tions worked closely together to make possible 15 performances of the play "Fresh Variable|Biue Winds." They are the Oshawa Little Theatre, which played it, the Home and School Council, which sponsored it and the CMHA, which started it. Following is an article tell- 'ing. something about this un- usual project, by one ot the OLT members, Mrs. Jean Crook happy to respond when ap- proached by the Oshawa- Ontario branch of the CMHA with a request for a play to help the. branch's campaign to inform the public of the many facets of a healthy mind. "from a series of plays on the subject of mental health written by Nora Stirling we chose "Fresh Variable Winds as best suited to the variety of stages on which we were to per- Lee It was a rewarding chal- ee Rresh 'Variable Winds' ts a simple title to a deceptively simple play. As many able dis- cussion groups were to discover' there was greater depth to it than appeared at first glance. CANCER BLITZ FINE SUCCESS Walter C. Famme, chair- man of the Ontario County Cancer Society campaign committee, announced this morning that $10,724.10 has been collected in wa. This is $400 higher than last year. An additional $6,000 has been contributed by other On- tario County. municipalities. Taking . part in Monday night's blitz in Oshawa were the members of the two Ki- wanis Clubs, the Canadian Order of Foresters and the Ontario - Quebec Seventh- day Adventist Church Con- ference wro looked after the easterly section of the city. Mr, Famme said dona- tions from special names and industries are still com- ing in and that additional donations from the county areas are expected to boost 'the total considerably. "Performing chiefly before parent teacher association audiences, with Dr. Charles afterwards we discovered, as I am sure the audience did, that mental health can be as basic Pretty The presentation of a plaque Lt for distinguished service to the Maidens. wap QUINELLA BETTING | SEVENTH RACE. -- Claiming. ome $3,500. For three-year-olds. rome Rags emgge Turcotte X106 » Dalton 111 EIGHTH RACE grt ery For "For fourzear-clds 4nd Up and = |Yola 2nd, No Boy 117 Eight Bars, Turcotte X18 Plin, Gubbins 116 Yon Rich, No Boy 111 |Who Goes, Dittfach 117 Stan Gray, No Boy 116 County, Fitzsimmons 116 Sideville, Turcotte X106 |e aad Soo ae 2 p.m. Clout and fat Se Si * 7 'Son Be Fleet, No Boy (A)118 Cool Jazz, ay he Aunt Eucral No Boy 11 » No Boy ine mo. > Ber tis Pay Parade, A--F, A, Sherman and Mrs. entry 7: THIRD RACE claiming. Puree EYE EXAMINATIONS i» hv tenga F. R, "BLACK, O.D. 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH THAN Real Estete Ltd. \ 'TRADES ACCEPTED 728-6286 323 King Se. W, -- $2500, 1900 four-year-olds, 1 mile and 70 Flying Countess, X106 Foundryman, McComb 120 Cyranto, Simpson X104 Run Bill Run, Simpson X18 Mitchlore, Boy : Tur "Oshawa Little Theatre was| 20, M. Jackson leading the talks|S¢ @s physical health. "Perhaps one of the difficul- ties in getting funds search and education is that the public shrinks from the darker shadows of schizo- phrenia and retardation as they do from cancer and tuber- culosis. "For every-day health we clean our teeth, wash our hands and watch our diet, As our play revealed mental health can also depend on every-day things, our lationship to each other, but chiefly those between! Wparents and their children. | SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, reliable Ges ler in your area. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol) 728-9441 suggest he go to jail', Mr. Dey- man added. Magistrate Baxter asked the accused why he was driving and pointed out that he was convict- ed in Oshawa in December for the-same offence. "Your suspension was as a result of a civil action for $1700. NEED AN... OIL FURNACE? CALL PERRY DAY OR NIGHT 723-3443 -- GOOD FOOD BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner 2- Hotel Lancaster INOW IS THE TIME To have that cdrpet or chest- erfield cleaned professionally in Oshawa's Original Carpet Cleaning Centre . . . where fully guaranteed satisfaction is assured. Phone 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. I EVERY USE @ Evergreen @ Golfgreen @ Bonemeal @ Sheep Manure @ Milorganite -- C. - Fertilizers alse for So-Green --. CLL. 10-6-4 @ Turf Special -- C.LL. (0-10-10 White Grubs, Brood Leaf Weeds IL, 4-12-10. killing Crabgrass, 16 CELINA ST. Cooper Im, "Garden Supplies Since 1909" il Ca PHON pool 2312 IN TROUBLE WITH YOUR We Are Now Authorized To Give You Gmmediate. INSURANCE And File FINANCIAL RE Required SPONSIBILITY CERTIFICATES To Protect or Recover Your Driver's License. IMMEDIATE ~ COVERAGE Also available for UNDER-AGE DRIVERS Notice to Car Dealers Finance Compgnies and Salesmen! We insure the Car IMMEDIATELY - for Liability, Collision and Comprehensive. Coll Us For 360 KING WEST ER AFT' @ Don Ellisor 725-6687 @ Ralph Schofi @ Paved Parking MONTHLY PAYMENTS AVAILABLE Fast Service YOU ARE SAFER WITH SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED PHONE 723-2265 HOURS CALL: e@ Gerry Osborne 725-7294 field 728-3376 For 150 Cers @ a seeER SS Tender EAT'N ie TRUE- ° TRIM BEE F ( 12 KING E.--723-3633 PAY pn ZESTin oa FOR THE.. EAT THIS WEEKEND !!° LEAN, SLICED BREAKFAST BACON LEAN, MEATY SPARERIBS RIB STEAKS BLADE STEAKS STEAKS PEAMEALED COTTAGE ROLLS PEAMEALED BACK BACON +... SLICED PORK LIVER _ SKINLESS lbs. 99: : ins. Qc b. 69: 79: 49: 65° u Zor 'ox 1.95 WING T-BONE END CUTS By The Piece LB. SEE WHAT 1.00 WILL BUY Pork Hocks 5 lbs. SHOULDER Pork Chops 2 ™ ¢ SLICED Side Pork 2 lbs. Veal Patties 3 lbs. SMOKED Bacon Squares 4 lbs. ANY OF THE ABOVE LEAN SLICED COOKED HAM Tt FRESH MADE COUNTRY SAUSAGE ws, 99° 2 sas, 49° SAUSAGE MEAT Buy 4 lbs. for 1.00 and Get 4 lbs. FREE 7 o>

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