(eevee tie Rae ee Mee: Re eee ee a AE ae ase ea _ Whitby Bureau Office: 111 a St. West ITBY and DISTRICT thes 668-3703 WORKMEN ADD FINISHING TOUCHES TO OHW NURSES' 'RESIDENCE 'erkmen, on a sus- of the new nurses' resilence ie sep at Ontario Hospital, Whitby. The building is expected to be ready for the influx of nurses picture above, scrub the ex- terior of the building with stiff wire brushes and water soon. The two workmen in the to remove any excess lime | | Udney North and Udney South. and cement that remains on the brickwork. San is gi in ict MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT | "SROOKLIN -- The Ontario County 44H Girls' Homemaking -- . el Agriculture, oun Toronto, is 'Searing completion. . and assistant leaders, who at-|1964 tended the local Leaders' Train- ing Schools early in the year. Mrs, Albert Cooper and Mrs. Harry McCool attended the course as leader, and assistant leader, respectively. They were sponsored by the Brooklin Women's Institute, and later formed a group of 26 girls, who met each Saturday at 9.30 a.m. to 12 noon, in the basement of the Township Hall. Achievement Day for South Ontario County will be held on Saturday, May 11, commenc- ing at 9 a.m. in the Port Perry High School, Port Perry. The following districts will be represented: Altona, Bethesda, Reach,' Brooklin, Claremont, Greenwood, Mount Zion, Prince Albert, Quaker Hill, Sandford, Scugog and Uxbridge. Achievement Day for North Hard at work, K, Bach and the foundation oa new tome. ane S pene « the founda: a new e. one y's YP. Bellivesu, employees. Of me house now under orchards, In the photo above, Acthur W. Minto, a Whitby states io Gn evvenih bon. Mr. Belliveau supplies mortar OLD ORCHARD GIVES WAY TO HOUSING DEVELOPMENT is of and cement blocks for the casement while Mr, Bach lays |Ontario County will be held on/files musi be in to the Ontario|said it was indicated at aj , |Saturday, June 1 in the Angli-|Department of Agriculture for/meeting of the two boards in lcan Parish Hall, Beaverton,|South Ontario at Uxbridge by|Toronto last Friday that if the No Matter commencing at 9 a.m. io al May 3, the group was|tobacco board doesn't agree to w it' The following districts will be! ee Ontario should be in.at/72_.7ree, terms, it might be hether It's lrepresented:. Atherly, Beaver- orth Ontario shou! n atinecessary to appoint trustees to i lton, Gamebridge, Sunderland, Beaveivon by Friday, May 24. /operate the multimillion eal Furniture, HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY _!0bacco business. Appliances, HI-Fl, | Mrs. C. B. Schneller, Acting) The Brooklin Horticultural So-) Stanley Smith, District 3 di.| Home Economist for York and|ciety. met on Monday eve-|rector, aia =) thecce, beard! TV, Radios, etc. --Oshawa Times Photo |Ontario Counties, will supervise) Ning, April 29 at 8 p.m. at thejtaces its worst mess in six i these special meetings. Neale Christian Education Hall.jyears, adding that the "powers # You Don't Buy lt At Bad Boy's tration will commence at 9|5Pting Flower Show consisted of that be don't want to get it! re! PAY ve MU ICH IT a.m. followed by judging, actiy-|Ciass i. Bowi of Spring Fiow-/stretshtened out." YOu DA fete] ity (menu building) and discus-| ¢TS. Class 2. Early Tulips, 3 sion of classes. [Siena ony celers "Cet FREE FURNITURE The afternoon session will] q ixed). Class 4. commtiece at 100 p.m, Each women. gies' CHM Fi ewe ven Kenece dened fee APPLIANCES the blocks in place. --Oshawa Times Photo Bottle," '"'The Milk Bar," 'Milk + jon the Invalid's Tray," or 'Milk club attending is expected to set up a club exhibit-on one of the following: "The Magic Milk Made Desserts" with a three- minute comment on exhibit by member appointed. Clubs which do not partici- sent a demonstration or skit on Tariff Cuts Proposed By Herter WASHINGTON (CP) -- Chris: tian Herter, President Ken- nedy's chief tariff negotiator, proposed Monday that each Western country agree to "'re. duce all its tariff rates by a percentage to be agreed upon." "Of course, each country will have exceptions--items which |they feel they must reserve | from the uniform tariff reduc- tion," Herter said in disclosing the details of U.S. tariff pro- posals under Kennedy's Trade Canadian Press Director Named be i i ad of She ' " 4 sruisseaux, r- be|has been sightseeing in Niagata/hrooke La Tribune, was named iy thela- director of The Canadian leave f0T| Press at Monday's semi-annual meting of the country - wide -- Paul iP. B. Keffer to William Thom- Chicago Thursday friends after which she will fly| news co-operative. He fills @ va- . jcancy on the 19-man board cre- ated by resignation by Gerard Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Parting. Filion of Montreal Le Devoir. ee erin neu cocely vised vom of phesieei te i Mr. and Mrs. F.|those representing individual Ai Picton Al-/newspapers in the &. mmber- cattle Temmne from Parl Hogue eet Seite Mr. Desruisseaux; Montreal wish him a com-|Le Devoir from Mr. Filion w Claude Ryan; Regina Leader- Post (morning edition) from son; Saskatoon Star - Phoenix (evening edition) from Clifford Sifton to Michael C. Sifton. The board paid tribute by res-| ceptions should be kept to a minimum." Chamber of Commerce annual conference following weekend jtalks at Ottawa. Expansion Act. "We contend that these ex- Herter spoke before the U.S. Milky Way," sponsored by the is The seven lessons composing spent in pro; pate in above exhibit, will pre- Achievement Day Set For County fe ean, OC = te y le a r . AY! R, Ont. (CP. it} ; ae Maing tow alah at cory | Rayner was commenting 0 the unit were given by leaders ga Zz nits for Spring, will be "'Working with Wool." CERTIFICATES, AWARDS A record of Raped ong sitwecnrily for each, member who chmpletes the pole. A certificate of achievement is awarded upon the conipleti- tion of every two clubs. A County Honor certifica and pin is awarded on the satis- factory completion of-six clubs. A Provincial Honog_ certifi- cate and pin is awarded on the clubs. A sterling silver teaspoon ir the Ontario 4-H Homemaking Club design is presented to each girl and club leader who satis- factorily completes the project and attends Achievement Day. All record books and receipt At the conclusion of business meeting, a plant auction was Part of the afternoon will be|inform the provincial govern-|Red Wings had withdrawn their! Power Mowers, - ment that they approve of a 40- gram Planning orlpercent reduction of the 1963|UPP0% from Flyers. If Loan of spreader with wos crop acreage, et oppo Bey ty said if wart de-|f of Grass Seed or Fertilizer hosen acre exemption ai er 0/cide to continue a ar- eas Project, ¢ 10 at ol" (transfer marketing quotas from zangement which gives visiting Corner THE OSHAWA TIMRS, Tussdey, Apel 30, 9963 5 UAED to ae ee ea ne 250 Growers Approve Tobacco Cut of Edmonton Flyers, Senaay his Western League club still has the finan- league." cial support .of Detroit d of the National 4 unanimously Monday night to|Saturday night report here that} one farm to another. clubs a share of the gates away] 103 Byron St. $. Whitby 668-4591 The growers, members of from home 'We'll stay in. the satisfactory completion of 12 . District 5 of the Ontario Flue. Cured Tobacco Growers' Mar- keting Board, thus endorsed the board's stand in its dispute with Ontario Farm Products Market- ing Board over the 1963 crop. The board, in order to obtain ernment - guaranteéd bank Joi necessary to remove un- sold 1962 crop tobacco from tions, agreed to the 40-per- ent reduction, thus restricting this year's planting to 90,000 acres. However, it doesn't approve of the exemption -or transfer} rights. Board Director R. E. Strobbe! » PRICES! purchase fuel oll from Western Open Nightly (Except Saturday) 'Til 9:30 | aad | held with Heber Down as auc- DIAL 725-1212 KING ST. E. AT TOWNLINE 728-4658 tioneer. sae oma ERE olution to the late Walton A. Cole, general manager of Reut- ers, who died Jan. 25. For That New Spring | SUIT INCOME TAX RETURNS Phone 668-8252 708 Newman Cres. Whitby Why Not Try... | | USS | Rrsves MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOP 129 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY Tailored Ad Measure by WM. H ISHMAN 4 HOUSE or HOBBERLIN @ TIP TOP TAILORS Hf : ct z Y 2 é . ee i 2 Fis : z i 3 5 tt iy j faye i le Fetal peas i i He ja press conference Cleveland's Paul Brown has reaffirmed his| interest in buying the Eagles| but has not yet made a _ offer. BR Evening Shows Start At 7 & 9 p.m. ROCK Feature Starts At 7 and 9:20 The fastest two hours the screen has ever seen! Entertainment by . ALSO -- Featurette -- "WONDERS OF DALLAS" csiuiiabiaineimmaaiieaaua Branch 112 WHITBY 'Honors Its'Charter Members THE GENERAL MEETING LEGION HALL -- WHITBY -- BYRON ST. S. WED., MAY Ist 7:30 P.M. Provincial Command Guest Officiating at Retiring of Old Colors To Place of Honor BOWMANVILLE BRANCH GLEE CLUB - | All Members Are Urged To Attend! | make Seats as comfortable as a reclining lounge make a car that gives top performance and make ft really easy to get in and out? ramen Anything.else you've ever wanted in a car? Look over the beau- tiful new Ramblers, Have a talk with your Rambler Dealer. He'll be happy to answer any other questions you have about cars. Wellman Motors Limited 100 NONQUON: ROAD NORTH ¥ why don't make ey... that fight rust a lot longer? ravaier DOES (the exclusive Deep-Dip process with 7 times more galvanized steel on critical areas makes Rambler the world's most completely rust-proofed car.) make brakes that won't fail even with a broken. hydraulic line? pamper ooes (Double-Satety brakes have front and rear systems that operate independently. If one set ig damaged the othercon- ° tinues to operate. Self-adjusting, too.) make mufflers that won't corrode or rust out? RAMBLER DOES (the exclusive Ceramic-Armoured mule endtalpe ar guaranteed was elong es the original buyer owns his Rambler.) make the lowest priced Canadian-built car? RAMBLER DOES (t's the American... and $ economical American comeswitha high performance Sixcylinder engine, too.) make doors that close solid, straight. and true? fe jn ne yeh nner nd nati sad Of Single-Unit construction, replaces scores of small parts with a single plece stamped out of a sheet of steel. Gives you greater strength, more perfect door fit.) chair? a ee sprung, Sarccptonn naeantesicomhatel' weilght-to-horsepower ratios in the industry you get a makes possible the widest salcscudereeines teommteeiaate Rambler soon at your nearest Dealer's.) PRODUCT OF AMERICAN MOTORS (CANADA) LIMITED Abner's Esso Service 'WHITBY 7 Stampeders will 'continue in the