Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Apr 1963, p. 5

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WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Rae Hopkins Tel. 668-3703 DENTAL ASSISTANTS RECEIVE CERTIFICATION AT ACADEMY OF DENTISTR past seven months, the recent graduates have been travel- ling to Toronto evenings to at- tend the course, which is ictr in its third year of Five Oshawa, Whitby area dental office workers are now fully qualified and certified, dental assistants. The five uni- formed women shown above have graduated the Certificate Dental Assistant course spon- sored by the extension branch of the Academy of Dentistry, University of Toronto. For the They are, left to right, Carol Campbell, Dorothy Lunney, Shirley Ross, Barbara Price and Barbara Beckman Y and was a welcome visitor as, {¢W Weeks visiting at the home | Brooklin Cancer s THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, April 27,1963 5 'Canvass Monday |_--WHITBY PERSONALS All Saints' Anglican Churehjof | Mr. and Mrs. Bemard| Afternoon Guild is holding its|O'Brien, 610 Maria street. Thirty - four volunteer work-| ers, all members of the Brooklin Men have an average income of less| than 1, EARN LITTLE in Brazil's- northeast WHITBY TENNIS CLUB $100 annually. Branch of the Canadian Cancer Apel Tea" io the Sunday) Harold R. Hare left Friday Schoo! ! esday, April 30} ' . : with a 'Miss L Me.| morning for East Pakistan to Intosh and Mrs, E. Wilkins,|Comduct an agricultural survey Candy booth, Mrs, L, Eastwood; |for the Murray Jones Company. tea tables, Mrs. C. Daly and| Wt. Hare wil be sbeent trom 5 scraropg nya | Whitby until the end of June,. | lin Branch workers have canvas-| MiSs 4. Rowe: kitchen conven ; Mrs. H. McGary, Mrs, Liv- | sed throughout both Whitby and|°"S: , f 'V-| Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Otten-| East Whitby Townships, collect. |ingston, Mrs, C. Sturgeon, Mrs. brite Sr., spent a couple of days| ing funds to aid in meeting the|M. Halpenny. i decorations) in Brandford visiting Mrs. objective. jare in charge of Mrs. A. Conrad.!Ottenbrite's brother and sister-| Brooklin residents are re-| « : : in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George! quested to leave their potch| Ps yg ll Ry ris Sn ieee Magle. | lights on and welcome the Can- iti aepy Wnbaoe ; celebrating his 12th birthday. ssi egg Mir gpa When "ne His companions of Dundas wishes are offered to Bruce Society, will be visiting village residents Monday night, in search of funds to meet its $2,000 Cancer Blitz objective. During the past month, Brook- Family Monuments STAFFORD BROS, | Election of Officers ond Plan for Coming Season Time: Tuesday 8:30 p.m. Place: 340 Fairview Dr. FOR INFORMATION CALL 668-3519 or 668-4956 | MEETING S Created To Individual Requirements LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST Next Week lass 668-3552 pnglbigsncaere: |"SISMAN |Whitby Minor Lacrosse Associa- and relatives in Troquois, Mano- | tion held at the home of George|tic, South Mountain, Prescott, |Gouldburn it was decided to|Brockville and Kingston. |Street East School and friends|Paddick who celebrated _his| | wish him many happy returns ninth birthday, Friday, April 26. Mission Work jhold a banquet, Thursday, May|---- has valde Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Hess Told To Group | At a general meeting of the spent last week visiting friends |2, at 6.30 p.m. at Whitby Arena.| BUILD MILK PLANT Hot dogs and soft drinks will) New Zealand, Bvritish and By MRS. E. LAVIOLETTE |e served by members of the West. Indies interests are co-| COLUMBUS -- East Unit of executive and their wives. This operating in establishing a milk| the United Church Women met| Will be followed by an evening processing plant in Barbados. | lat the home of Mrs. G. Scott,|0f entertainment for the -Mid- iThere were 12 members wel-/Sets supervised by the Lacrosse | /comed by the leader. |players. Fathers are most wel- | sion M. Torsion and Mrs. |°Ome- INCOME TAX RETURNS W. Spry to6k the worship. The! Nancy Beatrice Kirk is cele- |program consisted of slides of prating her 13th birthday today. missionary work in Ecuador, Best wishes are offered to Phone -8252 708 Newman Cres. Whitby South America, shown by Mrs.|Nancy from her companions of Tremble who with her busband Hillcrest School and friends. visited there for six weeks with friends that are missionaries. Mr, and Mrs. John O'Brien, of Mr. Tremble is a mechanic "teenfield, Ont., are spending a jhe repaired many of their ve- jhicles and machinery. HI-C'S MEET The Hi-C group went to To- jronto recently and enjoyed the For That New Spring AP RIL TEA SUIT AND BAKE SALE SCAMPER" WEEK At Collins Shoes e@ Tan Suede @ Green Suede @ Brown Smooth leather @ Foam Soles @ Rubber Soles oe N-M & Wide Widths Juniors' Boys' Men's Get Yours Now At... Collins Shoes 119 Brock St. S. Whitby 668-3476 Open 'Fri. Evening till 9 p.m. jafternoon and evening Sports- }man Show. They chartered a ALSO CANDY BOOTH Wednesday, May 22 at 7.30 p.m. when District President Mrs. S Cawker of Port Perry will visit UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES CLUB CALENDAR TUESDAY, APRIL 30 bus and 38 people attended. vs --- 2:30 TO 5 P.M. At. ose the Whitby Branch. ST. MARK'S UNIT NO, 2 St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No, 2 held its April meeting Thursday in the church parlor with Mrs. J. Bracken- ridge presiding. Immediately after the opening prayer the business was trans- acted and arrangements were} ST. MARK'S UNIT NO. 4 {tend should be at the Citadel in St. Mark's United Church|Whiby at 1.45 p.m. for trans Women Unit No. 4_ held its) portation. monthly meeting Tuesday, April) There will be an afternoon 23 in the church hall. The group|session followed by supper at met at 12.30 for a pot luck) the Genosha Hotel and at 8 p.m luncheon, Mrs. H. T. Fallaise| the evening session. This is an said grace. open meeting and all are wel- Following the luncheon a busi- come. ; ness meeting was presided over The gen sore with by Leader Mrs. R. H. MacCarljPrayer and refreshments were ph was in charge of the de-/Served by Mrs. E. MacDonald/and roll call Mrs. J. Hare dis- votional taking as her theme/@"d her group. : cussed that portion "On Asia's "The Parable of the Sower." here will be no meeting of|Rim'" pertaining to Korea, a the Home League this coming very interesting section of Asia Mrs,. Cora Sturgess gave 8) Thursday, due to the Rally. The ; sick most interesting talk on her re- Misr Pee This peninsula has experi- cent trip to Florida and Nassau. She gave impressions Of /he in charge of Mrs. J. Kentner suffer ingly, thei '| her stay in Miami and also of/ ang her ou ite theme "'Edu-\need ork Cn nee her visit in Washington. Hand-|cational Week". A film will be' A short devotional period was craft articles brought back from} sjown. vaken by the Leader who read her trip were on display for first Corintheans, chapter three| members to view. GIRL GUIDE ASSOCIATION reminding the group that "We| ok aces he ie nat | Girl Guides of Canada Whitby|are Laborers together _ with| : District Association held its|God". | teresting talk, Posie the wane! April meeting at St. Mark's| The meeting closed with the! pe por pean od tern OM call United Church Hall. joffering followed by the Lord's| re Sreroved. | Commissioner Mrs, F. Wea-| prayer. sed gan the meeting with the| Tea hostesses for the after- i , followed by re-|noon were: Mrs. C. Harvey and poem or Bible verse. rohan ad : sdec|Mi i : Wah hele Wbenhers wale wej.| Potts read by the various Guides| Miss E. Davis. comed into the Unit: Mrs.|*".0" Wesver spe matives: | SINCLAIR H AND § Jessie Gartshore and Mrs. teresting report on the Gold Thursday, April 25 Sinclair Beatty. \Cord Ceremony which was held|#0™e and School Association| The meeting closed with thelat the University of Toronto [held its monthly meeting, a very United Church Women's Bene-| Apri] 18 = J ~~ attendance was present. diction. The May meeting will b| : ..... Mrs. Woodward welcomed) diction. The May meeting Willoaiitae Wee Gute, -- everyone. Mrs. Parrinder read! be held at the home of Mrs. R.|among the 200 Guides who re.|{{@ minutes of the last meeting. | H. MacCarl, Wellington street. ceived their Gold Cord Certifi.| tS: Greer gave the financial] x cates that evening i "|report. Mrs. Bryant chairman} ST. MARK'S UNIT NO. 1 Cookie 'D: . _, (Of the nominating committee St. Mark's United Church) Je Day a money raisin, Following the secretary's report! was answered by 18 members| and two visitors with a favorite| ; 8| gav Women Unit No. 1 held its|Project for the Girl Guides pip Rash gape Guides and Brownies will be de-| that ionai : Leader, Archibala|iVering cookie orders. ee ee woe be seat opened the meeting with the) taining any information regard-| Mrs. Jordan the schoo! nurse 16 members answered the roll be forwarded to Mrs. Avent at!visits to the school and what Mrs. W. D. Leathers was in Leathers Sr., gave the scrip- uesday, May 28 Audiogram and the care of ears The 'S were f WHITBY -- Women's 'Insti-/journed with grade five moth are still available. |home of Mrs. G. Curl, Brooklin| ' Uxbridge Couple in charge of the study book! The meeting closed with the|so submitted their reports. By EVELYN HOUCK Leaghers were tea hostesses. President, Mrs, E. Ward, tirst| Foote attended the wedding of SA HOME LEAGUE ; | president, | son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Foote Thursday at the Citadel with) press correspondent. The meeting opened with a)/W. Pellow, Mrs. F. Roberts; Mother, Mrs. Mary Ingram. He ness meeting reports were read! Following the meeting a social) bec Reed reminded the members of|ments assisted by Mrs. R. A, her sister, Mrs, Harold Hodgson p.m. at the Oshawa Citadel. {at the home of Mrs, R. A.|Mrs. Joseph Jones who cele- {/have been life-long residents of | side with their.son Jim and Mrs. ™ Jones. "ILLUMINATING EXPERIE --(Time neh . jresiding with his daughter, Mrs This was the final game as they put out Lindsay and Little a crest for Tri-County Girls' | Hockey League champions 1962. Uxbridge, and now living in Barrie, visited with Mrs. Ethe] is| "There being such a small at- monthly meeting at the church The local Association of| wanted to continue Home and United Church Women prayer ing the first formation of|was then introduced and gave call. Nine visits were made to! 668-5063 her visits involves. She also WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The room count went to Mrs of Wednesday, May 1 luncheon, |tute held its 64th annual meet-|ers supplying lunch. Mrs. R. W. McQuay, Mrs. E.| with president Mrs. E. Ward in Annual reports were giv , "Asia's Rim" dealing with the|secretary iiss. R. A. Smith Con | Marks 60th Benediction. Mrs. Bruce Shier,, Mrs, F. Roberts a past pre- UXBRIDGE -- Mr. and Mrs. The next meeting will be) follows: vice - president, Mrs. R. Saun.| 0b Foote and Linda Robertson Salvation Army Women Home|Mrs. W. Pellow. se ' a secretary (rea of Parry Sound and grandson of Mrs. E. MacDonald and her) Committee convencrs Mrs. R. Uxbridge. devotional the theme being|/Mrs. F. Curl, Mrs. R. Seaborn| a5 been stationed in Mississippi, approved |hour was enjoyed with the hos-| Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Keyes the Home League Rally to be/Smith and Mrs. E. Ward, |and family, All members interested to ta-\Smith, 909 Bayview avenue,|brated their diamond wedding Evening Shows Start 7 & 9:10 | Glen Major. Mr. Jones was born| Ed. Evans celebrated his 88th Magara) | Jack Johnson at Pine Grove. ») y 1 | The Uxbridge Legionnaires \3 Ks vs " | (girls' hockey) team defeated. ») ) 1 Ab \the Cannington girls 2-0 recent- a | Britain. 1963 by Wayne Kelly Slack recently, and enjoyed a taking place Saturday, April 27. tendance it was put.to a motion parlor. Mrs. A. Guides is still interested in ob- School, this was carried. and welcomed everyone present, Guiding in Whitby, these could a most interesting talk on her} sicks and shut-ins. charge of the devotional, Mrs.) nee next meeting will be held|gave a demonstration on the re readin; ' ture reading. ces Meek's room, The meeting ad it was memtioned that tickets! ing Wednesday, April 24 at the -- Bowman and Mrs. H. Hare were| charge conditions in Taiwan. veners of various committees al-| Anniversary Mrs. R. Richardson, Mrs. W. D.|sident and life member - con- | ducted the election of officers 8S Bruce Foote, Mr. and Mrs. Herb held Tuesday, May 28. ders, second vice jin Chathgm recently. Bob is the League held its weekly meeting|surer, Mrs. R. A. Smi | mith 'als0/vir and Mrs. Herb. Foote of group in charge. Saunders, Mrs. E, Ward, Mrs, UAC Gary Ingram visited his "God is Love". During the busi-|and Mrs. P. Pascoe. and will report to northern Que. Mrs. Captain Edward Reeditess Mrs. Curl serving refresh-|0f Toronto visited recently with held Tuesday, April 30 at 2.30/ The May meeting will be held) Congratulations to Mr. and anniversary on April 8. They BROCK | dere they now re. Whitty SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 |/°%, {he,farm where they now re |birthday on April 9. He is now ly at Cannington. The girls were each presented Mrs. Thompson, formerly of tour of the town. SULVARA MAMBRBO - ARTHOR KEWWEDY - KATY JURADO - HARRY ANDREWS WiTome GASSMAR JACK PALANGE - ERNEST BORGNINE -- jnext regular meeting will be/enced many invasions by vari- St jheld Thursday, May 9 and will/ous countries in the past.and has THURSDAY, May 2 Claude Jodoin said Wednesday | NMENT | Church Cub Might. | | | i | i} out asking the parents if they|}- MONDAY, April 29 St. Andrew's Church Explorers Whitby Baptist Church plorers lst Whitby Scouts TUESDAY, April 30 Whitby Baptist Church CGIT made for the May luncheon.|Faith Baptist Church Sr. Young|Brooks, People Red Cross workroom WEDNESDAY, May 1 Red Cross Sr. Citizens' Club ; Andrew's Children of the Church Benevolent Rebekah Lodge, 13 Co-Op Guild Almonds United Church Women Four Leaf Clover H and S Asso-|to ask the government of Prime} ciation Knights of Columbus Ajax Lionettes Hillcrest H and S Association Whitby Baptist Packs Faith Baptist Church WMS All Saints' Anglican Chure St. Margaret Guild St, John the Evangelist CWL Presbyterian) high scores of the games played) Ex.|Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club. | Social Presbyterian {DUPLICATE BRIDGE SCORES Following are the results and) ALL SAINTS ithis week by members of the! The business of the late TOWN OF WHITBY DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME In accordance with By-Law No. 2437 of the Town of Whitby daylight saving time shall be in effect in the Town of Whitby from 12:01 a.m. Sunday, April. 28, 1963 to 12:01 a.m. Sunday, October 27, 1963. Citizens are advised to change their clocks and watches before retiring Saturday night. WwW. S. MARTIN JOHN R. FROST Mayor Clerk =| | | J. M. Hicks will carry on VE"S || MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOP || : MAN sala 'the Pariah' Guild Branch House' oF. MOBBERLIN {win 117%; Mrs. Hunter, Mrs.| a |MacGillivary 107%; Tied for) Benevolent Rebekah Lodge Frost - 99. Mrs. Baker, 93. East and West. as usual, 104%; Mrs. Chubb, Mrs. Maud-| 11, 10314; Mr. and Mrs, Peake ' | 10144, ae | Jewelery repairs & watch SAT., MAY 4th | mee 9:30 A.M.--1P.M. | | aires | 2 WILL ASK FOR COUNCIL repairing done by our cer- STRATFORD (CP)--The Ca-| nadian Labor Congress intends) Why Not Try... USS SUNDAY SCHOOL 129 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY || Cor. Dundes W. & Centre St. W. Tailored to Measure by | North and South. ADMISSION 35c | @ TIP TOP TAILORS | Mrs. Shortreed, Mrs. Good-|Keue | third Miss Forsyth, Mrs.| Miss Lawler, Mrs./ HOME BAKING & | j i t06lg. Mr and Mrs. Winter RUMMAGE SALE AT THE 1.0.0.F. HALL tified watch maker. | Minister Pearson to establish a | social-economic advisory coun- cil composed of organization | representation, rather than per-} |sonal appointees, CLC President} FRONT-END »| Rentals & Service Roto Tillers, Rollers | 95 'ALL CARS FREE Have your furnace cleaned free and guaranteed trouble-free all winter, if you purchase 'White Rose" unified fuel oil from Western Oil Co. DIAL 725-1212 Power Mowers, Loan of spreader with purchase of Grass Seed or Fertilizer Sportsman's Corner 103 Byron St. $, Whitby 668-4511 JOHN BEAN "'Visualiner"' PHONE 728-6221 for eppointment Applications will be received lation 13,600) for the positi TOWN ENGINEER SPECIAL INVITATION ... This is your invitation to sample the finest in home- cooking away from home. Visit us at the TRAVELLERS STEAK HOUSE 1% MILES NORTH OF WHITBY ON HWY. 12 Try Josies delicious homemade pastry Opening Special This Sunday! French onion soup, Canadian Pot Roast of beef, with jardinier burgundy sauce and pastry. REG. 1.85. WITH THIS AD ONLY 1.25 BRING THIS AD AND GET 50c OFF ANY FULL COURSE MEAL FRED and JOSIE GLEISER Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service by the Town of Whitby, (popu- should state experience, age, would be available. All applic Salary commensurate with e p.m. on Friday, May 3rd, 1 Applications, in applicants own handwriting and addressed to the undersigned, should e 63 of Town Eng . Ap marital status, and when services ations will be strictly confidential. xperience. Usual fringe benefits. eu GENERAL TIRE OF OSHAWA 728-6221 received not later than 5:00 534 RITSON RD. S. JOHN R, FROST, Clerk-Treasurer, 405 Dundas Street, West, Whitby, Ontario. | Whitby Churches) Thank You EMMANUEL REFORMED REV. GERRIT REZELMAN THIRD CONCESSION WEST OF HIGHWAY 12 10:30 ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL .M DUTCH SERVICE 7 P.M. ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOME FAITH BAPTIST " 419 Brock St. N., Whitby 11:00 A.M. & 7:00 P.M, Speaker: Pastor Johnston Special Music in evening by THE TUNE WEAVERS Special Fireside following Evening Services ALL WELCOME 'ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. M. Smith, B.A., 8.D. Rev. A. M Butler, BA Mrs. J, Beaton, A.R.C.T, 11:00 A.M "STATUS SYMBOL" SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 AM Juniors, Intermediates, Seniors 11:00 AM Nursery Kindergarten, Primary Junior Congregation | To The Voters of Whitby | On behalf of the Vote "Yes" Committee | wish to take this opportunity to thank all the Citizens of 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. Mr. Reg MacDonald speaking || 7:00 Evangelistic Service Choir singing at both services WHITBY PENTECOSTAL 307 BROCK ST. N Maxwell Case, Pastor Whitby who came out to cast their vote on Mon- day, April 22nd. The result was indeed gratifying with 66.5% Voting 'Yes' for dining room license, Rev and 62.7% for Cocktail Lounge license. The result of this vote is also a good indication ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron & 3t. John Rev. W. J. 5. McClure, B.A., Minister Mra. P. N. Spratt, Organist that the people of Whitby wish to do business local- ly instead of taking their trade to other Municipal- ities. Nursery (infont Care) Beginners' Classes Junior Congregation. Again Our Sincere "Thanks" To all who gave their co-operation to this project. The Whitby Vote "YES" Committee 11_A.M "THE GIDEONS" WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West ot Centre) Minister: REV. JOHN McLEOD Organist Mrs. W. E. Summers, A.T.C.M, 11:00 A.M: TAKE IT EASY 7:00 P.M SOWING AND REAPING Bible School meey ot 9:45 am with classes for all ages Boptists Young Peoples Union meeting at 8:15 p.m All Young People are cordially invited to attend. Robert C. Taylor Campaign Manager Registration of Beginners Registration of Kindergarten and Grade 1 Whitby Public Schools for September, 196 held as follows: put in , will be King Street School Brock Street School Pal A je School R. A. Hutchison School Kathleen Rowe School Dundas Street School Tuesday May 7 1:30-3:30 Hilcrest School Wednesday Mey 8 1:30-3:30 Nurse in Attendance: King Street School, Miss Walters; Brock Street School, Mrs. Lango; Palmerston Avenue School, Mrs. Mole; R. A. Hutchison School, Mrs. Lango; Kathleen Rowe School, Miss Waltres; Dundas Street School, Mrs. Mole; Hill- crest School, Mrs. Mole; The Hillcrest area consists of thet erea north of Dundas Street and west of Brock Street. The King Street area consists of thet erea south of Dundes Street and west of Brock Street, with the exception of a block bounded on the north by Burns Street, on the west by Henry Street and on the south by Highway 401. The Dundas Street area consists of that area east of Brock Street and north of Dundas Street. It also includes the area south of Dundas Street and east of the C. N, R. spur with the exception of the R. A. Hutchison area. The Palmerston Avenue area consists of that area north of the C. P. R. and west of Brock Street . The Kothleen Rowe orea consists of thot orea east of Brock Street as for os the C. N. R. spur and south of Dundes Street. It includes also the block west of Brock Street bounded on' the north by Burns Street, on. the west by Henry Street and on the south by Highway 401. The R. A. Hutchison area consists of that area south of Dundas Street Eost which lies east of Pringle's Creek. The Brock Street area consists of that area south of Highway 401. Mondey April 29 Tuesday April 30 Wednesday Mey 1 Thursday May 2 Friday May 3 1:30-3:30 3:30-4:00 1:30-3:30 1:30-3:30 1:30-3:30 It may be ncessory to make some minor changes in the above boundaries in September. Beginners must be five years of age on or before December 31, 1963 to register in kindergarten, and six years of age on or before December 31, 1963 to register in Grade |. A birth certificate, a baptismal 'certificate or a hospital registration card must be presented at registration, or before the child can be admitted in September. A pupil who has been registered and attended kindergarten need not re-register to enter Grade 1. It is important that all beginners register at this time in order to make proper adjustments for next September, All porents or guardians must be Public School supporters and reside in the Town of Whitby. E, A. FAIRMAN, Supervising Principal, Whitby Public Schools.

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