Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Apr 1963, p. 23

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Le Soe tego eye | -|27---Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Apel 24 1963 \7---Male Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted eal Space 26--Rooms For Rent . as WORTH wen Osho aes ic 200, Fourtoom | 7 - NEAR "bedroom brick bd ry sores of land, mechanic wanted for ee I YOU AR ARE E LOOKING SUITE dna, raged, fom, Omg, aa, Coking. ponte sane. arg tia Sees toe 29--Automobiles For Sale of ae ues oe HERE It as and 55 Se ea ere. alae 72-7044, Joseph Bosco, | 9500. Reliable man jeen ' vate Bo » Apply idl town limits --_ : th anted im- Prince Sire, 723-2512 or residence, from race" sci°Kangr Pez | QF MODERN ---- |Sseee Set ny ear ducts in Durham County and AP' yo cenias aan 7 pe bs FARM, 200 acres, %& workable, near RETIRED MAN No experience nor capital swanee floor, Also furnished pi lage Wesson Lindsay, Will sell or woe house| Roth. Employed roperty Osha' CARETAKER yD I ona Ce Nyro we AIR-CONDITIONED Osnawa MOTEL, Kaa piel Fart ee pe ee Garon 799-5128. is F Buildin Suppty yord = $65 to $125 or more per OSHAWA "Mor LK 'treet East, NER Cane Senae, VLA comaved, le bck , 2 wen eekly , s Hours 1 p.m. until 10 p.m, |. This is @ solendid cpportunitysts | OFFICES AVAILABLE |ise suf and sire telephone aire, Petron, ea FOURROOM inulin toa Furi] GIBBONS STREET Apply "in writing. @ good pearttonte business. Write |school and church. $15,000 C3 m: = a Low Gonnenr eee. é ° . 1 X74 Flere YAWLEIGH CO. LIMITED, | Approximately 1000 sq. ft. |27--Real Estate ve Galg (Set rom Boe Be Cees Yee oR 'ave Avenue Recently built bungalow -------- . | -310-1A, with OSHAWA TIMES 4005 Det, ig eter SERVICED BY ELEVATOR 37-ACRE form in Brooklin area, good, Laneraons Low Btone Street, WANTED oS ae | 3 CHOICE a 'catiage, #238. euch. Finished Recreation Room 728-282, Retired Bank Manager hau sad atri ie LOCATIONS --emur-acaaecs ' JONES Avenue, 2 bedroom brick bun- $2,000 Down buys this or Accountant BODY REPAIR Whitby $1,000: DOWN cog en cg age Boron ge py Custom Built Hoine TELEPHONE : 700, : Part-time for large Building MAN Private Sale Pears. 2 fireplaces, Hollywood kitchen . ind 3 good size bedrooms Supply Co. Reply: ' West of Shopping Centre |fibgn. FUME Fitoe' trent" am bs Ideal for Summer Cottage 50 " BOX 613 $2.25 per hour 723 7 3474 Residential Area 18 ft. Hollywood Kitchen attached Call Bill Millor'. x 100 ft. Caesarea. OSHAWA TIMES Starting wage other extras, Ouwihar alecated' 3 "Beareon: 3 or 4 bedrooms a od : Telephone 725-1186 $500 RCU 23--Wented Totent Clon 'syle, spli-ieve, 3 tor, TAeTITT Wet! Lamson Real Estate Ltd. | Phone Whitby 668-5296 LEARN MERCU RY IN OSHAWA -- five- or si-room bones, years old. Rec-room. Land- Call Dave Smart Pent ad Ken Peed " MEAT CUTTING AUTO BODY 1019. scoped, sidewalk. Castle Homes - Oshow 'anol allies balitina Ash St., Whitby, Ont. FWO-BEDROOM home. Preferably ip} $500 down or best offer Simcoe and. Athol Streets CARL OLSEN low design. (Near new). Ideal 20 man needed for class, in i Oshawa, Required by Mey sie. . Telephone 725-1186 DON'T DREAM for Doctor's Clinic, Nursing Oshawa and surrounding Dis: |." Male or Female prcetaolle tae $100 monthly P. |. T. REALTOR -- 723-1133 es home. Restaurant. 2,700 trict day or Gyening. Being | Help Wanted 24-- For Rent ALSO YOU CAN OWN square feet floor space. 2 ee Srey cinppioey |-- in lteter sane ened anew -- Telephone KING ST. WEST AT PARK wash rooms, built-in vault. training in the highly paid | LARGE si-room house, al i teachin V es 4 f gently rollin F.A. Oil heating, tile fl i wy back yard, Telephone Whitby, a ACRE LOTS ROAD -- Commercial proper: 100 acres of gently 9, eating, tile floors, avition ggg ar el | MOSPORT PARK Aeon} ater 7 7 PR Se Whitby 668-5328 oe The Ci ty, seven room brick home productive land, all workable, good well, hot water heater. Act now. FIVE-ROOM farm house for rent, three T CH 9-2179 n e City with store at front, new close to Oshawa. Immaculate Large road frontage. On busy | Crescent. 728-3290. OPENING et Sr vceiny Call Nell votmsten. nia sald ls GOOD TERMS workshop 30' x 40', 60' x home, set on hedged lawns. highway. Terms. four door, PRACTICAL | RE Bereta $00-3008. (collect) 211" lot. For further details i sray, six cylinder, 17,000 miles, one | Brooklin 655-3004. ke lee Can Of 7 rooms, bath, oil heated, PICKERING VILLAGE owner, conventional shift. $950. Tele MEAT CUTTING | ask for Carl Olsen. . phone' 728-0404. ee: COUNTER HELP ae Acanmeatt | Large L-shaped barn, sheds 5¥2 room modern brick bun- iar RUC Ge ae CaaS Ba. AND RETAIL SCHOOL part-time THREE- eam apartment with b ath, N THWEST GRANDVIEW VILLAGE -- all ete condition, _-- ig ee 'e0% to athena St ee be a : pent i : New 3 and 4 bedroom homes ing complete ealth forc- ing. Built-in es. El- S Gown, Mkonie basabos. APPLY agit OS cece anes price 'oath, OR being built by H. Kassinger es sale, will take home with ectric stove. Curtain track, pe sel 728.8008. ; -- 1425 DANFORTH AVE. | K : in this beautiful location. no mortgage or reasonable Venetian blinds. Nicely land- | toss CHEVROLET Biscayne, two door, TORONTO, ONTARIO. MOSPORT PARK |xine east = _tureeroom apartment.) Five room bungalow, beautiful large kitchen and Prices from $13,400 with | down payment. Possession | scoped. Concrete patio, got Standard gear shift, 'radio, front and | parking. Adults. 'Ab ated, sodded, carport and man .H.A. financing. Your pre- days. Balance easy terms. len, fenced yar erm: HOward 1-7545 PHONE ORONO 296 band Pats 4 mae yi 9 Ans P Y sent home accepted as a This is going at once. pate sien eta rower and GIBSON - RITSON AND BRUCE STREETS -- trade. 6; sctés clots te Ghawe i956 CHEVROLET BelAir V8, auto- Three-rcom _apartm. ; , ESTATE ae YOU NG MAN | WALLY LEGER Gaose to Dus and omctors mn Telephone PRICE $15,875.00 GRIERSON ST. -- bist | rouns, | ag _ 145 paced ST. SOUTH ctr ig te condition. Telephone | 728-3418 after bedroom two storey home room house. 3 pc. 1 9 ; sedan, mhite- THEATRE CONFECTIONS |cuanias sraiet, 24 -- args. bed DOWN $2,275.00 «| Gi atleched: eeregs," lx | tem, shade Quranes ely Phone anytime 668-5823 |Win, Plikioy i ge Tin | 21 years of oge or over ee mite --_ sng. a ee egp dine liga wot ; ing room with fireplace, sep- $9,500 terms Act on this. Evenings Call Ted Coates. good condition, 91,580. Telephone Brook- -- so NO 17 above Threero JAMES O MALLEY CONST. LTO, pba itt Ah gy 09 50 acres at Tyrone, 6 room, 655-4737 1961 CHEVROLET BeiAir, Lend door, Pharmacist's Assistant COURT STREET f-- 1 beth. Dow: $13,900 with $2,000 down. 1¥% storey, 3 bedroom house ape Site or nak. ante: rete. DARLINGTON __ |i dessrateds oc water," mutants "two 723-7122 with, 3 pe, both. Aluminum |29--Automobiles For Sale |S. $200 or beet offer. rdo-m. or three. 725-1239. Shon MARY ST. -- Close to ne storms and screens. Large Baas nea cue vate. 000 Ga, Tele Must be a good typist REQUIRES Had copy? or coo = School, three bedroom, 1% barn with water. Open to phone 728-6094, Knowldege of Foreign Language A nie CLASS : a i . R le, DIVISION STREET, OSHAWA storey brick home. L-shaped offer. SPOT CASH 1966 FORD "sedan Gelivery. with side * helpful ve 1. living and dining room with nom tae: oe and licence, ce apply % Centre Street. This week only -- The best offer will toke this 2/4 storey fireplace and" broadloom, Call Fronk Hunter, 1275 PAID FOR pi Ia ilar god Sn: Teter rear oo PROTESTANT ELGIN STREET -- Tworoom furnish-| income home brick construction, oil heating, 2 kitchens, newly modern kitchen, two bed- King St. E. Phone 725-2974. chain sing Has new licence, $150. Telephone 723-2281," For appointment ed apartment, eee ie oe = decorated, an existing mortgage of $7240.00 is repayable $75.00 rooms and bath downstairs, 2 on down "ere yt Pp inte MILLMAN MINE, 3100 miles, TEACHER : ee ie 1. 728-9028. monthly, interest and principal, low taxes, aluminum storms and one on second. floor with pope' M iors Be gates m sreen, ; Phone 728-6277 SIvGTON STREET = Tinsereom ew] Screens. For further information call our office. room for two more. Recre- JOHN F. De WITH B14 By tp RD. SOUTH i MATRON cae ae ae ee hool furnished apartment, private bath, EVENINGS CALL ation room, two car garage. 723-9421 Good condition, $150. Telephone For a Grade 8 school |rinze and refrigeraiar supplied, | $65. : Listed at $15,900 with ex- REALTOR 23 725-4578. Sales Career Commencing Sept. 1963 oath. Buswees revi cdroome,| Margaret Hall . 723-1358 Audrey Moore .. 668-4088 cellent terms. BUYING OR SELLING 1963 PONTIAC P arisienne, convertible, 6 cylinder, 4,000 miles, red with white i i i rd floor, he: dee wiring, TV out Phyllis McRobbie Bowmanville 623-7159 NEWCASTLE 3341 top, black trim, automatic, power Apply stating experience if tht to monthly. Ada only. Apply 143 uw NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE TED CAMPIN Please write Permanent position ertificate, last inspect New two family home whltewalle, seat belie, windshield wash: Well. established Oshawa any, © ' = 5 oy Ree Te | ine js Maen <email' = OLIVE HOWE, Real Estate with attached garage. Only MOTORS |sat eo ational Firm desires to con- Mrs. J. McLaughlin : ated / deaeabh ee SRE @) 1957 PONTIAC two door hard Sey tact a local man 25 to 45 RR 2 Burketen Ont joom eid welcome, 965° monthly. 7a-| 218 DUNDAS ST., E. _ WHITBY 668-5853 bd yg "otal = --_ LL YD REALT Y 607 KING ST.-- OSHAWA | goo shape, $900, 'Telephone 728-5846. ears old for sales position. Ne Sy * | 9633. _- on ree Or ee : (ust East of Wilson Road) 1955 METEOR, four-door sedan, les experience desirable THREE-ROOM apariment, $3,500 with low down pay- LIST WITH LLOYD tanaenieibea, but not necessary. Excellent in private home, all conveniences, Suit ment. THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 stating solary with opportun- COU RTICE elderly couple, $55. monthly. Telephone WANTED : DOWN as KELLY DISNEY ca ireland weal oh che SInOoR STREET NORTH -- Three Wecks te ae pagies wrt ye its e USED CARS it uding hospitalize- my feet. . $10,5 0.0 _ Life insurance ond Pen- HIGH SCHOOL bank cae toe rive gran ALL CASH BUYER up to 10,000. square feet $2200.00 DOWN 409 BROCK ST. S. heat, hydro, Telephone After 6:00 p.m. Call i WHITBY--668-4291 Requires for THOREDROOM apactiiedt, avaliable Pp 4 bedroom home with large } ; Cars bought and sold 1985 FORD, very good condition, good All Inquiries in strictest May 1, hydro and heat lied. Tel Charles Naylor 728-2857 kitchen, new complete oil Li id off io, q confidence. Reply to Box 411 SEPTEMBER 1963 phone 725-068 oo. sion é COUNTRY RESIDENCE de up 0.6 vrart a radio, interior new Wesley Elliott 728-0581 en ae isn ee Trade up or down tires, $350, Telephone 723-7877 after 3. i : sd Li i951 LINCOLN, cheap, good condition. Oshawa Times, giving quall- a teacher of MODERN three-room apartment, un- rumm a Always Top Quality fications. see eet oe esis | Large bungalow with attached garage and large 299 KING ST. WEST 9345. Apply 310 Park Road South. TYPING THREE-ROOM apartment for rent-in| landscaped lot. Two or three bedrooms, within 5 723-1133 7 YEARS OLD The Home Of 1062 CHEVROLET | Biscayne," station & SHORTHAND Private home. All conveniences | miles from Oshawa, | will inspect this. week end, $13,000.00 ei IMPERIAL NEAR Hospital. Upstairs, four room Phone Bill Horner at 728-2236. Lovely brick bungalow with Good Used Cars This could be handled by two pete wa tan Tete ra Pri- extra large kitchen and din- TOBACCO persons, part-time ecch; | | aoa fir 5 LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD. GUIDE REALTY | to. tom. ves it even hos "Before You Buy 730 SIMCOE SOUTH -- two larg recreation room and office qualified teachers; or mature |anturmished apartment. "private beth, person with considerable ex- '|gas range, newly decorated, baby wel: 101 SIMCOE STREET NORTH LIMITED peace iy ep ep rie perience for whom. we can New Telephone Numbers 1962 CREVROLET Impala, four door and $80 per month. Call COMPANY obtain a letter of permission. rm oe > poser OSHAWA, ONTARIO GENERAL STORE AND GAS- Bill Johnston 8-5123 or 5- 668-5871 and 668-5872 terior, V8 engine, sion, a rigera- sion, tor," and two OLINE STATION -- Between 1066. : é GUELPH STARTING SALARY Sc, ag sn gi Riow ond. Whitby, goed veey BILL WHITTICK ed dash, : per onnum rt J A SHERIFF ae Ms cd MN Situated beside Henry Street MOTORS LTD. i baa egy md poy er] requires See = Fourroom_ modern ° . tps High School. 3 bedroom bun- K ST. N.. WHITBY Washers, new tires. $1,495, 328-1108, | Send written fa oo to four: R $8,500. FULL PRICE -- Hed galow with hab -- 146 BROCK ST. N., 1962 CHEVROLET Belair, 13,000 miles, MR, J. E. SPEERS, and §, Monday through Friday. | this 6 room, 2 storey bric' ation room. Payments only ELECTRICIANS aaah HIGH SCHOOL 56. @a tor hehe, good condition with $98 including taxes with CARS : | egg Weapon sf ae onan NO. 3 ried gat i A pee nh ee lights, COUNTRY LIVING new furnace, low down pay- iran down payment. 725-2835. Post Bis Fone be su) Parking laundey, ment. 'all Bill Johnston now at 1956 PONTIAC deluxe, four door, hard Due to further expansion, Telephone School 728-5146 Teanhene as" "telies, snd. entrance 3 bedroom bungalow just outside Oshawa City Limits West. 8-5123 or 8-1066. For automatic. Telephone 725-2621. ists PLYMOUTH sation wagon, motor UTH station wagon, motor, Give Bill A Try" tines good, $150. 438 Madison "Avenue: Telephone 728-6873, top, V8, we require electricions, ex- | Home Whitby 668-5920 ATHOL STREET EAST, 390 -- Modera| "Orde landscaped lot, good garden. Close to Public and See BROOKLIN -- N.H.A. Re- ; 1956 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe in A-1 con- j i int : $187 | 12, i sale -- 6 room ranch. bunga- FULL PRICE ation, with full radio, re cake uation, ahd |20--Room and Board [Feome, rst ifoer, Weise eatrtae. ie oe ee ee ee pee sig rior eg Baap bcc $12,400.00 Quality auge. Apply Zoltan and Nick's Gace, Y trol, A knowled: - oul parking space, suit- A nterest, Principa ; . Taal eus's'et (PRBUGAT Or ius eee VLA PROPERTY -- $10,500 eiy 863.60 per month" |S yr ld ah roe bik Buyers is gnergourr, an ged ar sential \$i6 FOR SEVEN days; $14 for five. 4 room bungalow, forced air oil heating, 28 ft. recreation GLIDDEN AVE. 2% storey 7 plus dining room, Aluminum -|Apply 1, Church Street. : For two or three willing to share.| KINGS COURT room with bar, garage. Situated in East Whitby Twp. on %4 room fomily home, reeks storms and screens. Lend- COFFEY 1955 BUICK automatic with radio, good You would be working for Single beds, 728-3396. acre good garden land. Taxes only $136. Approved for V.L.A. $174. This home represents scaped and fenced lot. Just condition. Telephone 668-5782. peek pon einacagl gual 21--Room & Board Wanted | APARTMENTS or con be: sold privately. real value, well maintained, $1,600 down payment a and 1 BUICK. Black. and white. Rune e 1 le . yea the mon moder gore | SAUDE AND SOMERS NIAX CHOICE BUILDING LOTS Pevood ore Tieushet, | ad. Huy act, Ca plant in the world. Sa Sentero Prats bath entrance ra * rere salu Oshawa, close to schools, shopping and chased en convenient terms. 5205. BARTLEY a ph ee ad <4 let home, es, + Park- is lines, D : ner will carry the mort- . and cash. 668-5071, Rates up to jing. 708 Carnegie Avenue, No Lease Required. 60 x 100' -- Kegan Street in Grandview Gardens, Top gage. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 1961 PONTIAC SPECIAL -- 199 Chevrolet, 4.000 | Approximately 10 miles residential zoning. $3,900 with terms if required. 101 Simcoe Street North, miles. Must be seen to be $2.79 per hour weal Space Gow ohain DUKE. OF | EDINBURGH Suan, ote ns PARISIENNE ' ited. 'Original condition, $179, S808. an jarages 4 BEDROOMS -- REDUCED SCHOOL AREA ---- Just one ; {e} R HARDTO! Pleosé reply in own hond- (GARAGE for rent, locks up, very cen-| Opposite large Shopping Centre Beautiful brick and stone bungalow, large family size kitch@, block from this school a five OPEN EVENINGS Light blue finish, one owner, TILDEN ; fe : tral. Suitable for car or boat. No work j low mileage car with power writing stating age, educat- | thon. Private driveway. Telephone| "CO" schools, churches, etc. close to Oshawa Shopping Centre. Must be seen. Reduced to room brick bungalow, reduc- i : | | i i steering, power brakes, auto- fon and experience to: 723-9396. Large Gre bedroom: $73 the steal price of $13,900. ed in price to $12,200. omen CAR AND TRUCK Large fenced yord, home ' 5 ONTARIO STREET PHONE 728.1673 j engine. Personne! Dept. | Sing along with the happy Two Bedrooms $79 se 6 er ae ae METCALF $2995 i RENTALS Imperial Tobacco Co. | folks who have discovered TELEPHONE room in basement. Real Estate Limited 1958 CHEVROLET Cur ena . 1.G.A. SUPERMARKET -- AO. King St. E. 14 Albert St. Guelph what a Want Ad can do. AJAX WH 2-2001 S h f | k ries ot why Re. Fully E af wah abs Giese Gack eae RENAULT- C O ie d . FN maf eauipmen t, good lease oe simran coma Only $895 PEUGEOT-AUSTIN ' real money maker, 'arts and Service WHITBY CLASSIFIED. Governor : Over A Quarter Century Of Reliable Service 133 ACRE FARM -- $19,- Beoutiful architecturally de- COFFEY STATHAM . te hit i room h in Osh- Mansions CENTRAL -- 6 room two storey brick home on Pda sedi dod hie pang 1 jcatien, aon d B.A. SERVICE fot tie Second Hand Furathure evety-|FOR BAUM ~~ Generel Hhoctrte| freaser, L Oshawa Blvd. close to King St. E. Well decorated. farming district of Lindsay. built 7 years ago for the an RITSON ROAD AND KING a for | cottages, ee ngs, Phe oct. Seneearae, new UXUry 3 goed size bedrooms and both up, good size liv- 100 acres of slightly rolling owner and you will agree BARTLEY 723-4733 and 723-7712 . -- ing room, dining room, and kitchen on main floor, i that nothing has been missed. buy, sell or trade open all day. 215 Dun- medium clay loam, 33 acres 9 YOUR VOLVO DEALE! day east, Whitby, Telephone 668-5481. jee pONnAS aioe EAST -- 'Three. Apa rtments Divided basement -- oil heating -- large garage, of bush and pasture, 8 room Large modern kitchen with M Ltd R VOLVO LER BROCK STREET NORTH, 225 -- Bea.|Large garden. enilren welcome Ap-| Priced to sell ----- Reasonable down payment. Call brick home with modern extra breakfast nook, built- otors Ltd. JAKE & BILL'S sitting room, kitchenette. Young gentle. | Py ply Apt, 1. Mrs, E. Robinson, 668-8505, | Adult Building Henry Stinson 725-0243 after 9 P.M. conveniences, 2 barns, 2 in stove and oven, 27° liv- Ford's Fornlly of Fine Products GARAGE alg ay Ed aarel aaey Moron none rer ge | reine Fett 7. YEAR OLD -- 5.room brick bungalow located | Wells with pressure system, | ing room, with patuval mae. i GENERAL REPAIRS and FWO-ROOM, self-contained apartment, |ETeY red leather interior. F se aad | ing in Apple Hill. Good size living room -- large Din © "ie a oo) | oe Ut french bee etd Stouffvile Mercury Dealer AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE second floor. Own entrance, heavy wir Se. Whibewale, Uw meses Private. Con- Pr gigeires--- 'ek ft. kitchen with separate eating creo -- 3 bright bed- ¢ ied i * ° Excellent Ns tilde te walle ond. se Main Street 449 ing. rent. T 668 pressurized Hallways reoris ---- deeo div. bosamemt -- oll' heated ae do ge -- roperty clear fh Be pas ond 1 | 449 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa . FOR RENT -- Bachelor apafiment, torage Locker in Suites home is in immaculate condition -- List price | ond, the Vendor will give | cluded rear yord. Beautiful | Stouffville 640-2600 728-0921 THREE room apartment, Ground floor. | oyhes rapes, Stoted Manecte Cees. *- Leundry room on edch $11,900, Call Les Hall 728-5513 ofter 9 P.M ot will also cansid- - ieapod in _ panel- bebop - - floor er mgs er trade on grocery store. ing plus dn attathed garage Sola Gwe be Ok fata, thrust Wesls|Gpectuant Al' covedaosst' GO oo Vatity in bathrooms SPLIT-LEVEL, 6 room design with gorage. Lorge BUSY BODY SHOP complete the ground floor 668-4728. leet atte after ; LEnnox i living room and dining room, wii: sloping ceiling. 'Y SHOP -- Going layout. The second floor BROCK STREET NORTH, 228 --Bed. | 2-491. A Few Choice Large Youngstown kitchen. Three lovely sized bed- palace Sg must be sold, build- consists of 4 large bedrooms sitting room, kitchenette, employed | WHITBY -- Threeroom, ssunurnished Locations Available rooms, colored 4 pc. modem bathroom, all clothes ui sed thon 1 yeor old with -- two 18! long, plus bath- ao ca wane Gen ee eed ice eae Immediate Possessi closets with sliding doors. This home is tastefully modern 5 room apt. All the rcom and washroom -- an cophene, 845.1100 ession latest equipment in dryi i GRRGEEAMING: 'Gaile, conta," actasen| ASX. decorated, beautifully landscaped and fenced lot, pie L Ui A ideal family home complete Alterations, slip covers, drapes, Fitting| FOR RENT: Dundas West across trom TELEPHONE: walk-out potio, rockeries, flower beds, and rose | ut praying. Located near | in every way, decorated beau- a specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. City Hall, $80 mi 4 ie 9 AM. to9 P.M bushes. All this, and many other extras, for only tor plenty of room tifully,, broadloom in living SEPTIC tanks cleaned. promot service hie oN. $13,800, Cal! Steve Macko 728-5868 after 9 P.M, Pannen, room, dining room and hall, on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut * LOTS an e an excellent family home, pected ee eases jfoom. Dial 725-3445. eayare -- Schofield-Aker he St. oh a tae nae just listed and awaiting your philly Telephone 668-2786. ion FOR RENT: Tares soon og Limited GRAN DVIEW VILLAGE Hickory St. 50 x 100'. Open inspection. 'els Street, heated, to offers. TWO "two-bedroom apartments. "Each $e. monthly. "Adults only 4 : RITSON RD. NORTH op eet, ister batt | eee 723-2265 By Kassinger 6% OPEN MORTGAGE --- | New semi-detached 2 storey - | 6 room brick bungolow in only $759 down --'6 rooms fom Cp Coapie with ROTARY MOWER poste oo For Rent -- New Dream Homes au residential area. Paved -- including storms and i imished rooms, second . peurise le i sma a bese eee ies joa ott Serr -- fore ygecige sige pysnenie May Now Under Construction witout thule. S eee ded lawn, 'ae ee WANT TO GET BEHIND A NEW WHEEL? WE CAN spark plugs, comorator, thret iid Git Sees ee 3 and 4 Bedroom Styles ee aa aid al ane Flee eee GET YOUR CAR NOW WITH A LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED tle controls, sharpen blade. Ioeali located. Close to be i DELIVER TO YOU ,..| 2 cycle $4.50 plus parts, 4 _|dowmtown. Private one ee NEAR PARK RD, SOUTH -- | Just ae (ty tein Ae only Orr rite oa) eee Crushed grove (mulch), pit cycle $5.50 plus parts. ATTRACTIVELY Down Payments From $930.00 oe aren aie Ki $4,500 with $1000 down. a . Re x § ony ee Fal ae Pg run gravel, stone, sand an c Also many other lots in x x fep soll All soid by weight. | OUTBOARD MOTOPS caueuen er TRADES ACCEPTED, cupboards. 3 good sized bed- | Oshawa' to" choose. from. LOAN Sawdon's (Whitby) WI LDE RENTAL Available in private home. ae em "bose rents sagen eee | insted Call between 5 and 7 p.m. | BILL MeFEETERS 725-1726 REG. AKER. 725-0201 | inde S huceicdd THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA SERVICE & SALES 728-5513 TEVE MA Is gy jars call 723- da 244 Brock St. S. 82 PARK RD US HALL ENRY STINSON 725-¢ oe a Open Daily 9 a.m. to 9 p Dick. Berrioge Joe Moga fssls eed Bulldore' Sucolien 1415 Dundas E, Whitby 2. HENRY STINSON 725-0243 GUIDE ae LIMITED" Ken Hann _--_Lloyd Metcalf le forlo 668-3226 NORTH 360 King St. W. Free Parking Realtors, 16 Simcoe St: S. Jack Osborne John Kemp (Continued on Page 24)

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