Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Apr 1963, p. 8

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. PRESIDENT Charles Bolton 420 Wing RCAFA and Mrs. Bolton, centre, chat with RCAFA Spring guests of honor at a gathering at Wing headquarters prior to the dance. Seen left are Group Captain R. A. B. Ellis, CD, Commanding Officer, RCAF Station Downsview, and Mrs. Ellis and on the extreme right are Flight Lieutenant R. D. Thomas, CD, Downsview, liai- son officer, and Mrs. Thomas. --Oshawa Times Photo Ball Acclaimed Good Show' By Members Guests 'RCAF Cadets of the Chadburn Squadron formed a guard of honor and lent an authentic note te the annual Spring Ball ar- ranged by RCAFA 420 Wing and held in the Kinsmen Community Centre on Friday evening. The guards presented arms with alacrity as the guests of honor entered and the visit- ing officers returned the salute. Cadets escorted the head table guests who were introduced as follows: Group Captain R. A. B. Ellis, Commanding Officer, RCAF Station, Downsview, and Mrs. Ellis; Flight Lieutenant R. W. D. Thomas, Liaison Officer, Downsview, and Mrs. Thomas; Mr. Michael Starr, MP, and Mrs, Starr; Mr. T. D. Thomas, MLA, and Mrs. Thomas; Mr. Charles Bolton, 420 Wing presi- dent and Mrs. Bolton; Mr. and Mrs, H. J. Hewett, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Kinsey, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Whiley, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Valiquet and Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Aldwinckle. Bernard Tierney and his or- chestra introduced several spot dances and the lucky winners of the handsome door prizes were PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs. Garfield Turn- ér and Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Mac- Inley, all of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Holyoakes of Whitby spent their Easter holi- day in Ottawa and Hull, Que- bec, the of their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Laval Arguin, for- merly of Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs. Murdie Mac- Leod and son Garry, Rossland road west, have returned after spending a few days with rela- tives in Ottawa. Mr. E. W. Hart, BA, of To- Tonto, spent the Easter week- end with his mother, Mrs. J. H. Hart, and his brother, Mr. Cecil Hart, Oshawa boulevard north. Miss Ruth Kell, Maxwell Vil- lage, RR 2, Oshawa, and Miss Marilyn Black, Mohawk street,| Kinlin are staying at Waterloo House, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Aldwinckle and Mr. Fred Fernley and Miss Anne-Blasko. Close to midnight, guests were invited to partake of a hot and cold buffet supper and were pleasantly confronted by a chef carving a succulent hind quar- ter of hot roast beef. Whole salmon salads and other deli- cacies 'presented a tempting array and floral arrangements in red, white and blue decor- ated the candle-lit tables. Prior to the dance the execu- tive committee entertained the guests of honor at a_ cocktail party at 420 Wing headquarters at which the ladies were pre- " sented with corsages. Among those seen dancing were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Flintoff, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Usher, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mack- ness, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Mc- Cormack, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Channing, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Smith, Bay Ridges; Mr. and Mrs. William Weild, Bay Ridges; Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mc. Intyre. re Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Evans, Mr. and Mrs, Philip Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. B. Blackball, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hepburn, Mr. Fred) Fernley, Mr. and Mrs. N. K. Johnston, -Miss Anne Blasko, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Muir, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rose, Mr. and} Mrs. C. D. Reardon. Mr. and Mrs. William Bagnell, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. H. Magill, Mr. and Mrs. W. Brit- ton, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mc-| Intyre, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald McLaren, Mr, and Mrs. E. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pat- erson, Mr. and Mrs. A. T.| Elliott. | Mr. ad Mrs. A. Muir, Mr.| and Mrs. J. W. Smith, Mr. and) Mrs. K. Fralick, Mr. and Mrs. D, W. McKay, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bennet, Mr. and Mrs. John Dwyer. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ram-| . and Mrs. Bernard . and Mrs. Garth Gil- and Mrs. G. E. Jones, Mr. Hamilton, Bermuda, where they Ray Hall, Mr. and Mr. V. J. McAdam, Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mullen, Miss Joan Paget, Mr. and Mrs. M. Rumpel, Mr. and Mrs, K. Walker, Bay Ridges. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Laing, Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. L. Rudkin, Mr. and Mrs. R. Kent, Mr. and Mrs. G. H, Bell, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.| McLean, Mr. and Mrs. K. W.) Forbes. | Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bind, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Short, Mr. Mrs. Hayward Murdoch, Mrs. Donald Brown, Mrs. Bruce Caverly, Mrs. Richard Poole, Mrs,. William Vince, Mrs, Albert Walker, Mrs. Donald Howe many others. $ Avoid Disappointment : Fully recognized by all airlines, IS EXPERT POTTER MONTREAL (CP) -- Bailey Leslie of Toronto started work- ing with clay so she could teach nursery school children. Today she is a professional potter and creator of the winning porcelain entry in the fifth biennial Cana- dian Ceramics Exhibit at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. FARM TINY PLOTS Hong Kong -- which means fragrant harbor--gets much of its vegetables from local farm- ers who cultivate lawn - sized fields, book your P SUMMER HOLIDAY soonest > Four Seasons Travel 728-6201. steamships, etc. ANNUAL MEETING . Children's Aid Society COUNTY OF ONTARIO, CITY OF OSHAWA on THURSDAY, APRIL 25th 8 P.M. at St. Gregory's Auditorium 190 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA Speaker H. H. DYMOND Executive secretary Ontario Association of Children Aid Societies. @ EVERYONE REFRESHMENTS WELCOME ®@ WILL BE SERVED are vacationing for two weeks. Miss Marilyn Salmon, Hortop Street, spent the Easter holi- days visiting relatives in South Norwalk, Connecticut and New York City. Mr. R. J: Laidlaw, executive director of the Ontario Separate chool Trustees' Association, est speaker at the PTA meet- ing of St. Christopher's School this week, will take as his sub- ject "The Bishop's Brief." Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Amey and family, Elizabeth street, arrived home Sunday, after spending the Easter holidays at Daytona Beach, Florida. » Mrs, Ernest Jull of Norwich Ontario, is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. A. H. English and -Mr. Eng- lish, Mary street. Mrs. Charles Selleck, Florell drive, was honored on the occa- Sion of her 80th birthday, by a surprise party held by her son, Mr. Robert Selleck and Mrs. Selleck. ARE YOU BEING | | OF . VALUABLE BASEMENT SPACE? -- Is The Beauty of your home marred by an unsightly Oil tank hanging on your wall? NOW! Rid yourself of these inconveniences | | | | ANN LANDERS Man's Daffy Doings Reveal Sick Mind Dear Ann Landers: What is wrong with my husband? He's a middle-aged, self-made man. But he hates rules and regula- tions and breaks them when- ever he can. If there's a sign that says, "No Smoking,"' he lights up at once. "Keep Off The Grass" is an invitation. I've seen him step right over a sign and stomp on the newly seeded lawn just for the devil of it. When a_ sign "Rub, Don's Blot," he it saying 'Don't remove this label." He got a scissors and cut it off. All this im saddening, but when he breaks traffic regula- tions I go out of my mind, He's been stopped for speeding four times this year. He makes a game out of lying to the officer and tries to talk his way out of a ticket. Please tell me why he is like this and what I can do about it. --MARRIED TO A NUT Dear Married: 'The Nut" has emotional problems which go back many years. People who delight in breaking rules just to see if they can get away with it are still trying to put one over on ma and pa. The poor guy is a case of arrested de- velopment. He needs profes- sional help. Dear Ann Landers: I need) advice and fast. This is a sec- ond marriage for both my hus- band and me. I'm raising my husband's two children by his first wife. I have two children by my first husband. His youngsters were very young when, we married and mine were, too. We saw no rea- son to tell them they were step brothers and sisters. Everything was fine until a few weeks ago when our next door neighbor's son told our children they are step brothers and sisters. Now my husband's children gang up against my two and the four are forever quarreling and fight- ing. Why can't neighbors mind their own business? That little brat's loose lip is wreck- ing our family. Can you help?---MOTHER AND STEP- MOTHER. Dear Mother: It would be very nice indeed if neighbors kept their noses out of other people's business. But this isn't the way the world works, Anyone who counts on the closed mouths of neighbors or ---- is leaning on a slender reed. Please don't heap all the kid. The truth told @- rectly and early) by you and your husband could have pre- vented this mess. At this point I can suggest only patience, fairness and af- fection to each child in turn. Dear Ann Landers: I'm a boy ll years of age. I am writing about a family problem. I hope you will print it in the paper because a lot of kids I know have the same trouble. Every night there are fights at our house because of TV. Mom wants to watch some gooey love story and pa wants to see wrestling or a gun fight, There are four of us kids and we don't get to say a word Plenty of nights it is nothing nty n it. is not but junk. Don't you think in a free country the majority should rule? Thank you very much-- NOTHING TO SAY Dear Nothing To Say: Four kids in the family and you think the majority should rule? Well, remember Sydney Hook's fam- ous words: "Majority rule is not reasonable in a prison, an institution for the feeble- minded, or in a family of small children." And instead of hanging around blame on the' mouthy little Lel's Have a Party} Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, Silver Candelabra. Silver Tea Service. Punch Bowls. COFFEE URNS 25, 30, 44, 55, 75 Cup Sizes. Sargeant's Rentals Phone 725-3338 Ansus-Gre CARPET COMPANY 282 King W. 728-9581 the Doob-tube every mgnt, I'd like to recommend an old-fash- ioned pastime, It's called read-) ing. REDUCES VALUES Do not use baking soda in the cooking water of any fruits or vegetables, say Home Econ- omists at Macdonald Institute, Guelph. It causes an increased loss of important vitamins and breaks down the cellulose of the foods making them very soft, HOUSEHOLD HINT Household sponges will stay fresh if you soak them in cold salt water occasionally. VACUUM CLEANERS AND POLISHERS - REPAIRED--REBUILT Vacuum Hose for Sale! WARNER WILLIAMS SERVICE CENTRE 17-B BOND E.--125-3531 GLECOFF' SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10.00 P.M. {; NICKEL IN WORLD MARKETS...JOBS FOR CANADIANS * COOK PORK WELL Pork should always be cooked | to the well-done stage, advise! : nutritionists at Macdonald Insti-| tute, Guelph, as a precaution) against parasites which will be| destroyed by proper cooking. BABYLAND BARGAINS Just in Time for Spring to your present duct system, a beau- tiful, clean, quiet and economical /GAS FURNACE Q5 00 FOR ONLY IF YOU INSTALL A RENTAL WATER HEATER le ee ae it is strong, durable, corrosion resistant. Nickel is used in the Hovercraft's transmission system and hydraulic and fuel pipes; CONSUMERS' GAS, Authorized Dealer ie ST. JOHN | HEATING and APPLIANCE Division PHONE 668-2387 How Canadian Nickel helped England's Hovercraft get off the ground Hovercraft went into service last year in England, where they were invented and built. These strange craft actually ride on a cushion of air and, after take-off, are completely free of contact with the ground or water. Making the Hovercraft a reality New 1963 LLOYD STROLLERS with canopy called for great skill and the use of the finest materials. And, in this latter regard, Canadian nickel helped. Why nickel? Because CRIBS BABY CARRIAGES. oe 19.88 PLAY PENS......+-... 0108 nickel-containing steels are used in the general structure, and heat-resisting nickel alloys are used extensively in the engines. phony pia ees The growth of nickel markets at home and abroad helps strengthen Canada's economy and helps provide jobs for Canadians, THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED 85 YONGE STREET, TORONTO Spring Filled CRIB MATTRESSES Lowest Prices In Town WILSON'S FURNITURE 20 CHURCH STREET

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