17--Male Help Wanted in writing, tions, So, mance Sion sata te Bex Om: Oshawa Times. pec code agg Wig ee - Cigar registered nurses, P.m. to 11 p.m. shift in beautiful 82-bed REAL ESTATE 17--Mele Help Wanted 25--Apartments pe for custom Telephone | AGENT to handle all facets of operation Only an aggressive experien- ced person need apply. For on interview write-- BOX 503 OSHAWA TIMES Stating Full Particulars Fiberglass Laminator must be thoroughly exper- ienced in all phases of Fib- erglass work, including mold making. pt, CDA, 840 Lafleur Poo Montreal 32, Route will pay up to $5.00 per hour. EXPERIENCED and reliable woman school child and do . Five days weekly. FULL-TIME GIRL, also part-time help. Experience not necessary. A\ in Person. Envoy Restaurant, 522 Ritson Road South. HOUSE-KEEPER. Age 30-55. Fond of GIRL WANTED for night - lunch shift for counter. Apply 345 Ritson Road HOUSEKEEPER to care for home and children mother works. Tele- phone 75.9081" after 6 EXPENSE PAID VACATION Earn expenses without ne- glecting your family, rep- resenting Avon Cosmetics Write P.O. BOX 512 OSHAWA Also Boat Builder or Cabinet Maker Required Experienced with own tools. 1710 CHARLES ST. WHITBY 668-8511 A TEXAS OIL COMPANY WANTS A MAN OVER 30 FOR OSHAWA AREA We need a good man at once and we are willing to pay top earnings. We prefer someone between 30 and 50 . . Who can make auto trips for about a week at a time . . . and can call on small town industrial and rural property owners. WORTH $12,000 Our top men in other parts of country draw exceptional SALESLADY EXPERIENCED ONLY Apply BERG'S LADIES' WEAR 8 KING ST. WEST earnings up to $12,000 in a year. This opening in the Oshawa' orea is worth just as much to the right man. We take care of all deli- veries and collections. Pay earnings in advance. Write a confidential letter to R. D. Swallow, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum Co., Box 789, EXPERIENCED man to operate farm|GEDARDALE -- ness and 5, 3566, bath. Suit busi- ONE-BEDROOM apartment, stove, re- Can be seen between, 9 | tim [27--Real Estate For Sale of Pickering, doe, fon," pain gna aa etal naalles taxes. pervert SALE -- Reasonable 5% per cent NHA th Picberiag' 1, Adults Preferred. end Apart- ment i, 13 Joh Street, 723 PATRICIA AVENUE--two-room, | quiet home; unfurnished, Suit business T 728-1246. Sewing Machine Coot: 728- THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnieh- ex- time, Doc's King East 728-7781 - R, b for faabie mah Seo have cg ig ences. Apply Hotel SALESMEN WANTED -- for advancement in sales field. Trans- portation supplied, salary and commis-| jauits, sion, vacations with pay, r~ insur. ance, Persons --. . ge only. pany, 14-16 'Ontario byt RETIRED MAN « CARETAKER For Building Supply yard. Hours 1 p.m. until 10 p.m. Apply in writing. BOX 745 OSHAWA TIMES ELGIN 8T. Two room furnished apart- Jarge kitchen with > Cup. May ist. oi CELINA -- Three-room on main floor. Storage ment, parking. Available FOUR-ROOM apartment, =n lights, separate 'atin-facliies and. entrance, 723-7088, Children welcome. apartment, ig Pllc TOWN PLANNING ASSISTANT CITY OF OSHAWA Graduate of recognized Uni- versity possessing a degree in Town Planning or related field. Should have ot least 2 years' practical planning experience, Preparation of _ statistical information and reports on urban and regional planning; re-development projects; sub- division design; analyzing so- cial, economic, land use and other data; developing physi- cal plans related to imple- 'mentation of official plans, Excellent opportunity to pro- gress, Good working conditions and excellent employee fringe benefits. Applications will be received unti| April 30th, 1963. Apply in writing outlining complete personal data, qual- ifications, salary expected to: Personnel Officer City Hall, Oshawa, Ontario f |e BEDROOM RITSON AND BRUCE iis egy dg - Close to bus, parking, 'Telephone 728-3418 after five. ATHOL STREET EAST, 330 -- Modern » two large unfurnished first floor, private entrance, televiston outlet, parking space, suit- able business person or couple, WHITBY -- pe newly decorated two-belroom ment, Large living room, pir ll serena, paved oe ing. Child welcome. $85, monthly. apartment in apart- ent building. Available May 1. After Hi Pam, ne 668-3092 or 101 Craydon roa 4 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, 499 -- Three furnished rooms, near hospital, suitable for two or oe working girls. $22.50 week. 728-5615. COURT STREET, 20 Two furnished rooms, bedroom and kitchen, suitable working gentleman, parking space. $8 week, 728-9680. DIVISION STREET -- Three-room furnished apartment, private Bath, range and refrigerator supplied, month, Business lady preferred. rie SPECIAL heenigge: lg tegiese ment building. count Retrig. parking, erator and stove, TV outlet, $70 monthly. Telephone 723- 723-4245, MYERS STREET -- Furnished bache- lor apartment, Suit one or two seshacas ,|Quiet home, Telephone 728-0423. 'arte Bact sod unfurnished, aise main floor, me! duty wiring, oonaval. aod May $50. 'Tele- phone 725-5168. 20--Room and Board CADILLAC NORTH -- Three room apartment, furnished | or un- PONTIAC INN, Thornton's Road Sou at Bloor Street West, Telephone 725-0076. ith y peda gel LOCATED -- F furnished. Telephone 725-2254, parva sink, boards, also bed sitting room. Available] Large office building, bunga- low design. (Near new). Ideal for Doctors Clinic, Nursing home. Restaurant. 2,700 square feet floor space. 2 wash rooms, built-in vault. F.A. Oil heating, tile floors, good well, hot water heater. Large road frontage. On busy highway. Terms. PICKERING VILLAGE 5V2 room modem brick bung- alow. 4 pc. bath. Gas heat- ing. Built-in book shelves. El- ectric stove. Curtain track. Venetian blinds. Nicely land- scaped. Concrete patio, gar- den, fenced yard. Terms. BOWMAN and GIBSON REAL ESTATE 145 BROCK ST. SOUTH Phone anytime 668-5823 Evenings Call Ted Coates, 655-4737 JUST OUTSIDE CITY Large three bedroom bunga- low. with built-in gorage. Lerge family size kitchen with Hanover cupboards, L- shaped dining area off liv- ing room, all mahogany trim, ceramic tile floors in bath- room. This beautiful 1200 sq. ft. home is custom built and only one year old, Owner an- xious to sell, Terms to suit purchaser. CALL MR. MARTIN JOSEPH BOSCO, Realt fl : | iB te He : I Hf et 5 & E H ! # 7 i ee23 iy! FS Telephone 728-7377 i i i ef it £ 8 OPEN HOUSE 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. GLENRUSH STREET Ranch style home with at- tached garage, fireplace, stone front, only $16,990. Directions; Rossland Road west to Gibbons, north on Gibbons and follow the signs. S. D. HYMAN Real Estate Limited 728-6286 GUIDE REALTY -2 LIMITED CHOICE HOME -- CHOICE LOCATION -- We have a large 2¥2 storey, 4 kept family home. ft, living room with fireplace, separ- ate dining room and family room, 2-4 bathrooms and 1-2 pc. as well os three bedrooms are features in this excellent listing. The price hos Bans reduced on this fine hom $12,900 FULL PRICE for this 5 room brick bungalow in lovely condition, only 5 yrs. old. All good sized rooms, near 401 Highway, close to all schools. PRICED AT $5,500 ond good buy too, Spotlessly clean, large kitchen, living room and bedroom. A good basement oil heated, and $16 FOR SEVEN days; For two or_ three Single beds. 728-3396, ROOM and board for four gentlemen. Home privileges, Close to South Gen- eral Motors. Telephone 725-6441. $4 for five, to share, Parking, TV outlet. 'Apply It 180 Bruce Street after 5 p.m. COLBORNE EAST -- three-room apart- ment, newly decorated, Separate en- trance. bed cron and heat supplied. $77 ROOM and board for gentleman. Park- ing space. Apply 410 King Street East. 217 CHURCH -- large front room for and board, room -- or 723-4477, THREE co unfurnished rooms, third floor, oe pg duty wiring, TV out- let, $50. monthly. Adults only, Apply 143 ONE bg Sega willing to share, Single bed, parking, lunches 6 for seven days, $14 he five, 728-4763, . $l Telephone 22--Storage Space and Garages GARAGE for rent, locks up, very cen- tral. Suitable for car or boat. No work shop. Telephone 723-9396. Private driveway. Forth Worth 1, Texas. CLERK TYPIST Familiar with general office routine, accurate with figures, Grade XII educetion or equi- valent. Apply in writing, stat- " qualifications, BOX 545 OSHAWA TIMES 17--Male Help beck FULL- : Soe eee pastry og Meg LEARN MEAT CUTTING 20 men needed for com. in Oshawa and surroundi trict day or ae time formed offering _ practical training in the highly paid field of meat cutting, mer- chandising and self-serve, Act now. PRACTICAL MEAT CUTTING AND RETAIL SCHOOL Please write 1425 DANFORTH AVE. TORONTO, ONTARIO. HOward 1-7545 ( Canada's Largest Glass and Paint Company Urgently Requires Glass Salesman for local Oshawa and area territory Glass Sales Trainees If necessary, we will train you in all phases of the glass business over a six to eight months period. Building supply, draught- ing or hardware exper- 23--Wanted To Rent TWO bedroom bungalow, vicinity of Whitby. Two adults. Reasonable rent. Apply hed Box 714, Oshawa Times, OSHAWA or Willy area, Smail two- or t house, June 1, Telephone before 6 p.m, 663-2933, FURNISHED two- or three-bedroom apartment required by three adults. middle of May, hospital area preferred. 723-4790 after 5. 24--Houses For Rent CUBERT STREET -- six-room, » with ized, ample cupboards, good 'basement. On J line, $75, Telephone 723-7307 or 723- 25--Apartments THREE-ROOM basement apartment, bathroom, unfurnished. Private en- oan parking. Apply, 516 Wilson Road ut! Governor Mansions Luxury Apartments Adult Building Electric Heat Moffat Fiesta Ranges Frigidaires--12 cu. ft. Pressurized Hallwoys Storage Locker in Suites Laundry room on each floor Vanity in bathrooms A Few Choice Locations Available Immediate Possession TELEPHONE: 9 A.M, to 9 P.M. Schofield-Aker Limited 723-2265 THREE-ROOM apartment for rent in Private home. All conveniences. Suit couple, Abstainers. Telephone 728-1778, ience helpful but not es- sential. Guaranteed salary while in training and sal- ary and commission once you are assigned to a sales territory. Apply Canadian Pittsburgh Industries 273 Simcoe Street South Oshawa, Ontario EXECUTIVE TY PE SALESMAN Largest Canadian company in its field has a per- manent position with good future and complete welfare benefits for salesman in Oshawa area. Age 25-45 married. Experience preferred but not essen- tial. Substantial salary an id bonus paid to man who qualifies. Kindly reply briefly, in confidence, giving background and in¢ome expected to Box No. 604 Oshawa Daily Times, All interview arranged. replies acknowledged and WHITBY CLASSIFIED 19538 FORD coach, blue, $85. Four good 668-5054 tires. T FOR RENT in triplex. Two berger THREE room apartment. Ground floor. Convenient, place, stove, tor, parking, wsher, dryer, 305 St. John Street West, 668-4728. Al - lect after 8 p.m. Toronto, LEnnox 2-4931. i RENT: bag light ee room, private entrance, or apply 542 Mary Street ne KINGS COURT APARTMENTS AJAX No Lease Required. Approximately 10 miles from Oshawa Opposite large Shopping Centre near schools, churches, etc. Large One Bedroom $73 Two Bedrooms $79 TELEPHONE AJAX WH 2-2001 109 Craydon Rd. Whitby $95 and $85 One and Two Bedroom Apartments In small good apartment build- ing. Excellent condition and electrically equipped. Laundry facilities, storage, parking and TV outlet. To inspect see Mrs. Fleming, Apt. 2 109 Craydon Rd., Whitby Chartered Trust Co. 20 St. Clair Ave. West Toronto. WA 2-6135 BROCK STREET NORTH, 22% --Bed- foom, TWO bedroom partment. = Refrigerato asher, Apply at 585 Mary Street East, Apt. 5 or phone 668-5170 after 5 p.m. DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes, Fitting) a specialty. Mrs, Toms, 668-2372. TWO room self-contained apartment, 2nd floor. Own entrance. Heavy wiring. Telephone 668-2756. SEPTIC tanks cleaned, Prompt service] ang on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby APARTMENTS for rent. One bedroom. 105 Craydon Road. Apply Apartment 5. WANTED 1 rént: Call sized apart- ment or mae reasonably priced, for long term, in quiet area. Business couple, references. 668-5849 days, TWO room ee ca, rent, Heat and hydro supplied. month, Apply Church Street, Pickering. AVON Cosmetics offers excellent earn-| thing GOOLD'S Sécond Hand Furniture every- for cottages, floor coverings, » refrigerators, Will all day, 215 Dun- 'elephone 668-5481. . WE CAN DELIVER TO YOU... Crushed gravel (mulch), pit tun gravel, stone, sand and top soil. All sold by weight. CALL 668-3524 Sawdons' (Whitby) Limited 244 Brock St. S, Fuels and Builders' Supplies aon, buy sell or trade das east, Whitby, Whitby, Ontario Mr. Melvin, evenings 924-7889 THE DIPLOMAT DELUXE APARTMENT WHITBY ELECTRIC HEATING SWIMMING POOL ELEVATOR Furnished lobby, Hi Fi music, broadloomed corridors, wall- to-wall drapes, automatic built-in range. Complete laun- dry room. One, two, three bedroom units. REEDAIRE COURT AT DUNLOP ST. TELEPHONE 668-5601 AFTER 5 P.M, 668-8560 26--Rooms For Rent proce MR alata eee hn ROO ATHOL bay aed EAST -- Large fur- nished room in private home, suit young gentleman, $6. weekly. 725-6135. ue ROAD SOUTH -- clean, Ts ed room in private home. Lady prefer- red, Telephone 728-5606 piel og for lady, "gloea home to share with office woman. %4-mile from Oshawa and bus. Own conveniences. Cheerful pensioner con- sidered, $30 monthly, no work, Refer- ences, telephone 723-1719. OSHAWA MOTEL, King Street Hast. Weekly rates, rooms, heated, bg LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER HILLCROFT AND RITSON DUPLEX $10,500. FULL PRICE Choice location neor Hills- dale Public School. Huge family kitchen down plus bath. Full bath up. New forc- ed air oil furnace, pr reap $2700. down. Don't de this one. Call Ed Grae to inspect. At 725-9345 or 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario. --- OPEN EVENINGS -- extra large lot. For comfort- able, inexpensive ae this one connot be GROCERY STORE--$60,000 turnover. Modern equipment, excellent location. Attrac- tive corner 10 yrs. old, con- taining also 6 room apart- ment in excellent condition on second floor, Good terms. Vendor will carry a mortgage. 5 ROOM BRICK BUNGA- LOW -- in nice residential area, Good sizbed lot ond garden. Garage. 4 pc, bath and 3 bedrooms. Priced at $13,500 and carries for $85. per month, RESTAURANT -- no oppos- ition, year round money maker, Completely equipped, seats 70. Located in busy shopping plaza in thriving OPEN HOUSE 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. TWO-STOREY Located in KINGSMERE GARDENS Three bedrooms, stone fire- place, attached garage, stone front, two baths, Other models. Directions: proceed on King Street Eost to Msi College, turn right and fol- low the signs. S. D. HYMAN Real Estate Limited 728-6286 community. RITSON ROAD SOUTH -- 2 separate apartments -- 7 room brick, F.H.A. Oil heat- Ade priced at only $11,- $800, CASH for 234 ft, by 200 ft. lot on No. 12 High- way north of Brooklin. git ting LOT ---- with room home on Wilson Rd. Hes near King St. East. Good location for any busin- ess. Priced right at only $14,500. 45 ACRES--on the 4th Con- cession north of Ajax, 7 room home built with beauti- ful Credit Valley stone, 2 notural fireplaces. Complete- ly enclosed sunroom with air conditioning unit, 2 barns with underground hydro and water. 25 apple trees, 3 pears and plum. For full particulars call 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 16 Simcoe St. S. Realtors, =" $15, and $17.50, T COLBOENE EAST, 136 -- three single, furnished rooms for rent with cooking posibilities, Gentlemen preferred. Must be steadily Wen: Near north Gen- eral Motors. 728-3258. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. NORTH 27--Real Estate for Sale HOUSE = a P garage, 24x 36, Epsom, red road, close to school, ¥4- acre ale 'hedro and three-piece bath, in SNAP! Summer and winter home on WANTED ALL CASH BUYER COUNTRY Large bungalow with attached garage and large landscaped lot. Two or miles from Oshawa, LLOYD REALTY 101 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OSHAWA, 1 will in Phone Bill Horner at 728-2236. nh at if i : a a 7 5 7917, i i $8 E j | ( i EEE Hg if i B : i £ & i i i tr i SMALL HOME hg iyi Water, sewer, heavy wiring. Fuii Price $5,000. As tow as $500 down, DIAL BOWMANVILLE 623.5990 Bal 548) TEE SUMMER COTTAGE Situated at "BB" Beach on Rice Lake, Cedar log con- struction on 75' x 200' lake- front lot -- shallow beach -- (eees oe for ekg $4500, with CALL REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. East, Oshawa LLOYD METCALF 1961 PONTIAC PARISIENNE TWO DOOR HARDTOP Light blue finish, one owner, low mileage car with power errs Power brakes, auto- ic » V-~8 engine, RENAULT- PEUGEOT AUSTIN Parts and Service STATHAM OPEN THIS WEEKEND BY ROTH CONSTRUCTION Situated 2 blocks north off Rossland West, one block east of Glencairn. Excitingly different model homes open this week-end on Labrador Street in Kings- mere Gardens, across from Seventh-day Adventist Church on King Street Eost. REALTOR PHONE 728-7377 MODEL HOMES JOSEPH BOSCO B.A. SERVICE RITSON ROAD AND KING 723-4733 and 723-7712 $2995 1960 OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC 88 FOUR DOOR SEDAN Blue ond white, power steer- ing, power brakes, transmission, V-8 'engine, tow mileage, one owner car. YOUR VOLVO DEALER JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIRS and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa 728-0921 $1895 | 1958 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR SEDAN Gleaming black finish. Only $895 The Home Of Good Used Cars. "Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" New Telephone Numbe: pret and 668- 5872 BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY, Where prices and quality. meet, i Terms to suit your budget Coffey And Bartley . Motors Ltd, Ford's Family of Fine Products 1960 Buick LeSabre White with black top and red APPLE HILL $11,550 N.H.A. 6% 3 bedroom, solid brick, close to schools, bus and shopping. Decorated, storms, screens. Down payment to suit, POSSESSION JUNE Ist Telephone evenings for appointment, 728 - 9394 interior, automatic . transmis- sion, power steering, power brakes, Wildcat Motor, warn- ing buzzer, trip mileage in- dicator, seat belts, A-1 con- dition. Private Owner Call Ajax 942-0994 Your Mercury Dealer in Stouffville Main Street Stouffville, Ontario Telephone Stouffville 640-2600 (Continued on Page 16) ' = OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS RESIDENCE three bedrooms, within 5 t this week end, (OSHAWA) LTD. ONTARIO room wall-to-wall; fully furnished, or unfur- Toad open year round. Write Box 546, Oshawa Times. DUPLEX With two, three-room apart- ments,' Colborne East. N.H A. mortgage 4% per cent, Prviate Sale. 723-4477 OPEN HOUSE 2 p.m. until 5 p.m, POPLAR STREET Featuring 1963 layout, all new large spacious bunga- lows ond split-levels, visit with us at this showing, Directions. south on Wilson to Taylor, east.on Poplar then south to model. S. D. HYMAN Real Estate Limited 538 HARMONY RD.SOUTH OPEN THIS WEEK-END HOURS 4:00 TO 6:00 ONLY Qwner purchasing new home, anxious to move, try an offer on this nice clean 3 bedroom brick bunga- low, natural stone fireplace, wall-to-wall broadloom on living and dining room floors, finished recreation room with bar; excellent school area. If you wish an earlier inspection, call Earle Allen 725-7782. HOWE & PETERS HOUSE 728-6286 NORTHWEST Five room bungalow, beautiful large kitchen and bathroom. Decorated, sodded, carport and many other features. PRICE $ DOWN $2,275.00 JAMES O'MALLEY CONST. LTD. -7122 723 15,875.00 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $14,900. GOOD INVESTMENT 3 APARTMENTS AND VARIETY STORE Close to uptown, zoned C-1, 5 garages all rented, good income. Investigate this one now. For more information call Bill Horner at 728-5123 or 728-2236, HANDYMAN'S SPECIALS Rrick 5 rooms, $8,900. Frame 5 rooms, $8,500. Brick 5 rooms, new $8,200. Terms available, Call Bill Horner for more information at 728- 5123 or 728-2236, COMMUTER'S SPECIAL 30 MILES aglow only $8200. full price. Low down payment plus very low taxes. Call Bill Johnston now to see this home on the Hera 728-1066 or 728- 5123. $2,000. DOWN INCOME HOME Two storey home on Grenfell Street, upper floor income is $90.00 per month. Call Bill tar now at 728-5123 or 1066. NEAR ST, CHRISTOPHER'S|SPting and Summer -- $10,900 FULL PRICE 3 bedroom brick home with garage, oil heat, and separate large dining room. Carries for $75.00. per month on one open mortgage. Don't delay seeing this tonight. Call Ed Drumm 728-5123 or 725- 9345. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontarid -- OPEN EVENINGS -- Yes, a 4 year old brick bun- PRINTED PATTERN 'The pullover tops the news for tops a costume with casual dash by Alan Phillips of Stephan, Ltd. Beneath the pullover is a smart blouse and slim skirt. NOTE those impeccable shirt cuffs -- a most important now - and - fu- ture fashion detail. Note also the bias contrast on the blouse that's designed to be the same fabric as the skirt. Choose wrinkle - free crepe, shantung, linen, or a combination of tex- tures and-or colors for a cos- tume that will travel/the city- country . vacation circuit in smart style, PULLOVER TOPS IT OFF Stephan Ltd. AG50 -- SIZES 10-18. Printed Pattern A650 is avail able in Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14 16, and 18, Size 16 pullover, skin and trim on blouse require 3% yards 39-inch; blouse 1% yards. Send ONE DOLLAR for Print- ed Pattern A650 to The Oshawa Times, Pattern Department, Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario. resi- dents add 3c sales tax. Please print plainly YOUR NAME, AD- DRESS with ZONE, STYLE NUMBER and SIZE, NEXT WEEK -- Watch for a Gothic Prominent Designer Pattern: A Original,